Gemini Traits

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Transcript of Gemini Traits

  • 7/30/2019 Gemini Traits


    The Gemini nature is as mercurial as the planet with which it is associated. Hungry for experience and interested

    in everything, Gemini is quick and adaptable, and reluctant to be tied down. Their adaptability makes themexcellent actors and they are excellent mimics. With a facility for languages, Gemini can be the ultimate

    communicator. The symbol for Gemini is the twins, and there is usually a light side and a dark side to Gemini, and

    they can often switch between the two with a startling suddenness. This changeability is their strength as well as

    their downfall.

    Element and Quality of GeminiGemini is an Air sign, and is ruled by Mercury, the planet that governs allaspects ofcommunications. Since Air is the element of communication and the mental realms, Gemini is the sign

    most concerned with the processing of information. Gemini is a mutable signthe quality of adaptation andflexibility and while Gemini can adapt to just about every situation, they need nearly constant stimulation and do

    not respond well to restrictions and pressure to make commitments.

    Gemini in Love Gemini is curious about everything, and wants to try on lots of different personalities andlifestyles. Without a lot of earth and water in their chart, Gemini will be late to commit and even then may resist

    the idea of fidelity. Their flexibility extends to their moral compass, and they prefer to make judgments on a

    case-by-case basis than live by any firm moral code. Gemini loves to talk and they are usually good kissers! They

    are not sentimental by nature and are not likely to fulfill romantic fantasies. Their changing moods may pose aproblem, and despite their intellectual abilities they will usually have no idea what is going on within them. They

    will not enjoy long discussions over the purpose of the relationship, but they will be great companions andendlessly entertaining.

    Gemini at WorkThere is a bit of attention deficit in every Gemini. Because of the constant need for stimulationand change, they need a variety of tasks to perform throughout their day. By nature they are not well-suited toleadershippositions; for them the idea of a hierarchy of power is ludicrous. But because their minds are always

    racing, they can be tremendously creative especially in fields where communication is important. The Gemini

    employee needs a liberal vacation policy, since at a moment's whim they will need a change of place. The rare

    Gemini boss will welcome the opinion of everyone around them but may be hard to pin down when it comes timefor that raise.

    The Gemini Friend Your Gemini friend will be a fascinating conversationalist and adept with a joke. They maysometimes be a bit unreliable if something exciting comes up that they just have to try, but they'll always be glad

    for you to tag along to try something new. While she will enjoy staying in with you to discuss the latest gossip or

    political situation (to Gemini there isn't really a difference between them!) she is easily bored and may suddenlydecide she is ready to move on to the next event.

    What Inspires Gemini Gemini is excited about new experiences that expand the mind and inspire theimagination. They are inspired by new ideas and ways of thinking, and by sharing those ideas with others. Theydo not like looking back at the past but prefer to look forwards to the options that lie ahead. While they are hungry

    to learn about life's mysteries, they keep an open mind about what is true and what is not. All information has

    relevance, and for Gemini the experience of the divine comes through understanding and wisdom.

    The Body and Health of Gemini Gemini rules the arms, shoulders, the lungs including bronchi, thymus,upper ribs, and hands. The processes of the body over which Gemini presides are the circulation and oxygenationof blood, disruption of the nerves. Gemini is susceptible to bronchitis, nervous diseases, pneumonia, fractures of

  • 7/30/2019 Gemini Traits


    shoulders and arms, anemia, asthma and allergies, as well as a general sense of restlessness and nervous tension.

    Physical activity will help to ground Gemini and keep the nervous system more balanced.

    Metals, Colors and Gems of Gemini The colors of Gemini are yellow, to stimulate the mind, and pale bluethe color of the sky to calm the mind. Gemini looks forward to the future rather than the past, and yellow providesthe optimism and promise while the pale blue stabilizes the nervous system. Gemini's gems are agate, for

    integrating the emotions and protection from bad dreams, and topaz, for purification, empathy and understanding

    Occupations Ruled by Gemini Gemini are well-suited for any occupation that requires good language andcommunication skills, such as acting, writing, journalism, teaching, interpreting, sales. They are happiest in jobs

    where they have a great deal of flexibility in the tasks that they perform and the hours that they work. They are

    good entrepreneurs and adapt easily to a wide variety of situations.

    Lessons for Gemini to Learn and Teach Gemini can teach a great deal about flexibility and the need toadjust to a variety of circumstances. However, with their tendency to become a jack of all trades and master of

    none, they can learn a great deal from their polar opposite, Sagittarius, for whom life's adventure is a means to find

    the Truth that underlies all of life.Gemini would be a natural majoring in English literature and/or education. The sign of the twins could have two

    careers simultaneously, and these two particular courses of study go together like reading and writing. The travelindustry or any industry based in transportation would feed the Gemini need to keep moving, and a course track in

    travel and tourism management would be an asset. Working well under pressure, you make great technical

    support workers and customer service representatives.The third sign of the zodiac is concerned with: communication, articulation, speech, dexterity, nimbleness, grace,

    wit, instinct, persuasion, change, variety, movement, curiousity, exploration, short journeys, education, learning

    collecting facts, attention to details, adaptability, intellect, intuition, youth, freedom.

    Elemental QualityGemini is the mutable sign of the zodiac. It can be likened to the wind in that it is constantly on the move in all itsvariety. Air is a metaphor for the invisible thoughts and ideas that motivate Gemini, such as the intellect, the

    intuition, and the natural instincts. The quality known as mutable means adaptable, changeable, agreable. Gemini

    constantly adjusts ideas in an attempt to create harmony.

    The Geminian PersonalityThese are the general personality traits found in people who are typical of Gemini. An unhappy or frustratedGemini may display some of the not-so-attractive traits.

    Positive*Inquistive*Entertaining and charming


    * Liberal, broad minded*Youthful



    *Never prejudice

  • 7/30/2019 Gemini Traits



    *Restless*Quickly bored


    *Impatient and irritable

    *Capricious and fickle*Gossipy



    *Dual personality

    Secret GeminiInside anyone who has strong Gemini influences is a person who secretly longs to find his or her true soulmate,

    the mysterious twin who will make the Gemini feel complete. The more self-aware Geminis will realize in

    maturity that the wholeness they seek is to be found within, by gathering together their many parts, especially the

    earthy twin with the spiritual twin. Few people listening to a confident Gemini talk with that quicksilver, pucklikecharm would ever imagine that the inner Gemini is often feeling desperately alone and lost. Communication is a

    lifeline to Gemini. Contact through words, ideas, gossip, or philosophy makes Gemini a happy, inspiring, and

    devoted person.

    Opposite signSagittarius is the complementary opposite sign to Gemini. From Sagittarius, Geminis can learn to take a broader

    view of things and to give some structure to the mass of information they collect -- and so eventually find the



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    Gemini with Scorpio: Turbulent

    Gemini with Sagittarius: Difficult

    Gemini with Capricorn: Turbulent

    Gemini with Aquarius: Harmonious

    Gemini with Pisces: Difficult

    Gemini with Aries: Harmonious

    Gemini with Taurus: Harmonious