GEF Policy reforms Revision of focal area strategies Results based management (RBM) Streamlining of...

GEF Policy reforms • Revision of focal area strategies • Results based management (RBM) • Streamlining of the GEF project cycle • Level playing field among GEF agencies • Resource Allocation Framework (RAF)

Transcript of GEF Policy reforms Revision of focal area strategies Results based management (RBM) Streamlining of...

GEF Policy reforms

• Revision of focal area strategies

• Results based management (RBM)

• Streamlining of the GEF project cycle

• Level playing field among GEF agencies

• Resource Allocation Framework (RAF)

Revision of focal area strategies

• Focus on priority issues

• Programmatic approach

• Measurable results

• Integration across focal areas

• Consistency with the replenishment of GEF4

FA strategies – revision process

• Advisory groups (TAGs and SAG) with external experts, STAP, Conventions

• Drafts and process papers posted on the GEF website

• Comments received from GEF partners and also web-posted

• Revised focal area strategies presented to Council in June ’07

Revised focal area strategies

• Strategic objectives (long-term) with expected impacts

• Strategic programs for GEF-4 with expected outcomes

• Measurable indicators for impacts and outcomes

• Harmonized structure among focal areas

Results based management (RBM)

• Shift from ‘approval culture’ to RBM

• Emphasis on cost effectiveness

• Indicator framework following OECD terminology, to be further developed

• Project log frames will support the RBM

• Transition in reporting (PIR) to RBM, may include GEF-3 projects.

New GEF Project Cycle

• Concept notes (PIFs) and PPG release• Work Program inclusion based on PIFs• Approval of fully prepared projects

• Reduce project preparation to max 2 years• Streamline and simplify required project

documentation• Shift the effort to implementation

Resource Allocation Framework

• Introduced in GEF-4 for BD and CC focal areas

• To cover all focal areas from GEF-5

• Review in 2008

International Waters Focal Strategic Programs for GEF-4


Four Strategic Programs

Strategic Program 1:

Restoring and sustaining coastal and marine fish stocks and associated biological diversity

Examples:•Benguela Current •Danube Basin

Strategic Program 2

Reducing nutrient over-enrichment and oxygen depletion from land-based pollution of coastal waters in LMEs consistent with the GPA

Examples:• Danube Basin• Romania Agricultural Pollution

Control • Manila 3rd Sewerage Project

Strategic Program 3

Balancing overuse and conflicting uses of water resources in transboundary surface and groundwater basins

Examples:• Nile Basin Initiative

• Lake Victoria (LVEMP)

• Amazon Basin Management

Strategic Program 4

Reducing Persistent Toxic Substances and Adaptive Management of Waters with Melting Ice

Examples:• Melting Glaciers

– Himalaya/Ganges

• Pesticides in LMEs• Mercury in Goldmining

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