Portfolio Samuel Lucas Fraser


done it in many ways

Transcript of GD

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Samuel Lucas Fraser

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The word whisky (or whiskey) is an anglicisation of the Gaelic word uisce uisge

meaning water. Distilled alcohol was known in Latin as aqua vitae = “water of

life”. This was translated to Gaelic as Irish: uisce beatha and Scottish Gaelic: uisge

beatha = “lively water” or “water of life”. Early forms of the word in English

included uske beaghe (1581), usquebaugh (1610), usquebath (1621), usquebae


Introduction - Whisky Glasses and Shaker

Collins Glass Cocktail Glass Mixing Glass

Old Fashioned GlassDrink Shaker

Recipe One :

Apple Manhattan

Ingredients :

- 2 oz Whisky

- 1 oz Apple Liqueur

Use a “Mixing glass” for Ap

ple Manhattan drink recipe

Stir the whisky and liqueur

in a mixing glass with ice and

strain into a chilled cocktail

glass. Garnish with a slice of

apple, and serve.

Garnish : Yes

Instructions :

Recipe Three :


Ingredients :

- 1/3 oz Whisky

- 1/3 oz Tequila

- 1/3 oz Mint Schnapps

- 3 oz Chilled Cola

Use a “Shaker” for Assassin

drink recipe

Pour whiskey, tequila and pep

permint schnapps into a cocktail

shaker half-filled with ice

cubes. Shake well. Strain into

a cocktail glass, fill with chilled

Coca-cola, and serve.

Garnish : Yes

Instructions :

Recipe Booklet(Whisky Cocktails)

This was my first graphics assignment. the brief was to make a recipe booklet using InDesign, it gave me an insight on how to setup pages and getting used to grids for page layouts.

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UWE Product Design Graphic Design UFMFU8 15 1 Lecturers: Luke Haslam Jones & Andy Gray 2012 13


Project 3 : Logo Design Hand in Date: 26 /11/2012

Context A logo is a sign, a mark of identity designed for easy recognition. Logos are used by every kind of organisation in every part of the world. Often a logo is pictorial, based around an abstracted or representational image, but equally it can be purely a combination of typographic elements. Logos are usually just one part of an overall graphic identity package, which in turn is one part of an overall brand identity, but they are the key element of that visual identity, the primary visual signi�er for the product, service or organisation in question. ‘Designing logos is generally seen as the quintessential graphic de signer’s art. It is the compression of meaning into just a few memorable marks, the distillation of something big and complex (the brand) in to something simple and unique.’ From: LOGO, Evamy, M. 2007 Laurence King Publishing Ltd

The Project From a list you will select an organisation to design a logo for. You will be given the organisation’s mission statement, brand values and the market sector or area they operate in. You will then design them a logo. Any number of techniques can be used in the develop ment phase but the �nal logo will be designed using Adobe Illustrator and submitted as a Vector PDF.

Guidance Start unplugged you will be using Adobe Illustrator to create your �nal design but make use of marker pens, quick sketches, paper cut outs, i nk and brush etc. especially I the early stages. From the information you have been given it would not be too di�cult to guess or �nd out for certain the original organization from which the mission statements were taken. However it will not necessaril y help you to do this and it could hinder you. What we are interested in is your interpretation of the brief – not an interpretation of a logo that already exists.

Logo Design(E.A.G)

My second project was to come up with a logo design for an organisation. We had a list of 4 or-ganisations to choose from, each uniquely different from the other, I chose an environmently friend-ly organisation. Using the knowledge i gained from the illustrator tutorial lectures I put together a logo I thought could best represent the organisation.

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Phone App Design(Festival App)

The phone application was a task I set myself before joining my University course. Having given some thought to what apps could be useful I thought back to a time that I really enjoyed and how It could of been better. The time I thought back to was at a music festival and I had lost some of my friends inside the arena, this gave me an idea to design an app that allowed a preson to find their friends on a map along with some other fairly nifty ideas to go with it.

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CD, Vinyl, Poster Design(Artist Sekou Abineri)

A project set on my previous course was to create three designs for an artist of my choice. I chose my friend and upcoming DJ, Sekou Abineri, using photoshop and illustrator I came up with three de-signs. My aim was to make them all connect and designed in a similar style.

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Logo Design(Wilderness.TV)

Another project set by a previous course was for a tutor who was starting up his own online company website where people could post videos of their outdoor activities. I was given a brief and told do come up with a suitable logo.

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