GCSE Edexcel Design and Technology (9-1) Student Book ... · GCSE Edexcel Design and Technology...

  GCSE Edexcel Design and Technology (9-1) Student Book answers Topic 1 Page 4: Exam-style question Explain one reason why unemployment in the UK may rise as new and emerging technologies develop. (2 marks) Suggested answer: Either of the following answers: 1 Robots and computers reduce the need for human input, making lower-skilled jobs redundant. 2 Businesses may relocate to other parts of the world where costs are lower. Page 4: Exam-style question Explain one benefit of crowd funding that can help to promote new and emerging technologies. (2 marks) Suggested answer: Crowd funding makes it possible to raise money for new and emerging technologies that conventional investors such as banks may consider too risky. Page 5: Exam-style question Explain two ways in which a shampoo manufacturer could change the packaging of its products to reduce its transportation costs. (4 marks) Suggested answer: 3 Redesign the shape of the bottle so that less space is wasted inside the package, allowing a smaller package/box and a greater number of products to fit inside one case/carton. 4 Redesign the bottle so that thinner walls are possible, requiring less material and reducing the overall weight of the product. Page 6: Exam-style question Explain one advantage of a company employing migrant workers. (2 marks) Suggested answer: Migrant workers can fill temporary skill gaps. For example, many NHS doctors and nurses are migrants, working in posts that may not otherwise be filled. Page 8: Exam-style question Explain two ways in which a company that produces televisions could reduce packaging waste. (4 marks) Suggested answer: Any two of the following: 1 Use only packaging that can be recycled: for example, ensuring all packaging is made from various forms of cardboard. 2 Reduce the amount of packing by improving the design so that less materials are required. 3 Rearrange the placement of the components (stand, control, cables, etc.) in the packaging so that the overall packaging size is reduced.

Transcript of GCSE Edexcel Design and Technology (9-1) Student Book ... · GCSE Edexcel Design and Technology...

GCSE Edexcel Design and Technology (9-1)

Student Book answers

Topic 1

Page 4: Exam-style question

Explain one reason why unemployment in the UK may rise as new and emerging technologies develop. (2 marks)

Suggested answer: Either of the following answers:

1 Robots and computers reduce the need for human input, making lower-skilled jobs redundant.

2 Businesses may relocate to other parts of the world where costs are lower.

Page 4: Exam-style question

Explain one benefit of crowd funding that can help to promote new and emerging technologies. (2 marks)

Suggested answer: Crowd funding makes it possible to raise money for new and emerging technologies that conventional investors such as banks may consider too risky.

Page 5: Exam-style question

Explain two ways in which a shampoo manufacturer could change the packaging of its products to reduce its transportation costs. (4 marks)

Suggested answer:

3 Redesign the shape of the bottle so that less space is wasted inside the package, allowing a smaller package/box and a greater number of products to fit inside one case/carton.

4 Redesign the bottle so that thinner walls are possible, requiring less material and reducing the overall weight of the product.

Page 6: Exam-style question

Explain one advantage of a company employing migrant workers. (2 marks)

Suggested answer: Migrant workers can fill temporary skill gaps. For example, many NHS doctors and nurses are migrants, working in posts that may not otherwise be filled.

Page 8: Exam-style question

Explain two ways in which a company that produces televisions could reduce packaging waste. (4 marks)

Suggested answer: Any two of the following:

1 Use only packaging that can be recycled: for example, ensuring all packaging is made from various forms of cardboard.

2 Reduce the amount of packing by improving the design so that less materials are required.

3 Rearrange the placement of the components (stand, control, cables, etc.) in the packaging so that the overall packaging size is reduced.

Page 12: Exam-style question

Evaluate the considerations for using new and emerging technologies in the development of a new bicycle for competitive cyclists. (9 marks)

Suggested answer: Answers expanded from the following list:

There are many considerations to take into account when developing new products. For a bicycle used by competitive cyclists, you could discuss the following areas.

How long will it take to produce?

What are the budget constraints?

How much are customers prepared to pay?

What materials can be used?

What innovative technologies could influence the bicycle’s manufacture and construction?

Will any components be bought in, e.g. wheels?

What are existing products’ strengths and weaknesses?

What rules/legislation are there that affect the design of a new bicycle?

What conditions will the bicycle be used under (track, road, off road, etc.)?

Page 13: Exam-style question

Explain two methods that a company could use to relocate its manufacturing operation to a developing country. (6 marks)

Suggested answer:

1 Look at the ethical factors of moving production on the developing country- would it be a good thing for everybody involved?

2 Examine their production techniques, not only for environmental factors, but to make sure they are sustainable in the new environment.

Page 14: Exam-style question

Explain the steps involved in carrying out an LCA. (4 marks)

Suggested answer: Life-cycle analysis is used by a designer to minimize the product’s impact on the environment from the very start to the very end of its life. At each stage of a product’s life, the designer may consider the following.

3 Investigate the environmental impact of raw material extraction, processing and the energy input required.

4 Investigate the environmental impact of the manufacture and assembly of the product.

5 Investigate the environmental impact of the transport used to get the product to the customer.

6 Investigate the environmental impact of using the product.

7 Investigate the environmental impact of disposal and/or recycling.

Page 15: Exam-style question

Explain two reasons why coal is classed as a non-renewable energy source. (4 marks)

Suggested answer:

1 Coal is classed as non-renewable because it cannot be replenished in a short period of time.

2 Coal is a fossil fuel; all fossil fuels are classed as non-renewable because they take many thousands of years to form.

Page 17: Exam-style question

Evaluate the use of using a wind system for generating electricity in remote countryside. (9 marks)

Suggested answer: Some advantages are that it is a proven technology that works reliably (when there’s wind); it is a comparatively cheap method of generating electricity; it is quick to install; land can still be farmed, and leaves no impact once removed.

Disadvantages are that it is not 100% green (there are emissions associated with their manufacture and installation); noise pollution, especially for those living nearby; visual impact: they are considered an eye sore by some, ruining areas of natural beauty, and are usually built on hill tops so they are visible for miles around; intermittent production of electricity; requires large areas of land due to the ‘spread-out’ nature of the turbines, and there have been cases of bird and bat fatalities.

Page 17: Exam-style question

Explain one reason why solar cells are more environmentally friendly than rechargeable cells. (2 marks)

Suggested answer: Either of the following:

1 Unlike rechargeable batteries, solar cells do not need to be eventually replaced. This reduces the need for batteries and the environmental impact (for example, by reducing the transport of new batteries).

2 Solar cells do not need recharging, reducing the demand for electricity and therefore the environmental impact of energy production.

Page 18: Exam-style question

Explain two factors that determine the most appropriate energy source for powering a bedroom desk lamp. (4 marks)

Suggested answer:

1 The safety of the user may affect the choice of energy source. A battery-operated desk lamp will always prevent a child from the risks associated with mains electricity.

2 The required brightness of the desk lamp may affect the choice of energy source. A mains-powered lamp is likely to be able to provide better illumination than a battery-powered lamp.

Page 20: Exam-style question

Explain one advantage of conductive inks. (2 marks)

Suggested answer: Any one of the following:

1 Using conductive inks makes it quick and easy and quick to produce a simple circuit board; no need for computers and etching of PCB boards.

2 Conductive ink will write on a variety of thinner, lighter, readily available materials such as polyester and paper, which is more economical than traditional PCB photo-etch boards.

3 Using conductive inks is less polluting than the traditional chemical-etching manufacturing method of PCBs. There is also less waste.

4 Using conductive inks allows circuits to be drawn on flexible or foldable materials, such as polyester and paper, and will still work during and after flexing or folding, for example if used on a garment.

Page 22: Exam-style question

Give three properties of plywood sheeting. (3 marks)

Suggested answer: Any three of the following:

1 Plywood has a high strength-to-weight ratio and is strong in all directions.

2 Plywood has high impact resistance and is not easily damaged.

3 Plywood has excellent stability, resisting warping and twisting.

4 Plywood has excellent load-bearing proprieties.

5 Plywood can be treated to make it fire-resistant.

6 Plywood can be treated to make it suitable for exterior use.

Page 24: Exam-style question

Explain one benefit of using environmentally friendly textiles to make a pair of school trousers. (2 marks)

Suggested answer: Either of the following:

1 Farms producing organic cotton are free from poisonous chemical fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides, therefore keeping soil and water pure and protecting local communities, wildlife and ecosystems.

2 Environmentally friendly textiles are usually sweat absorbent and allow one’s skin to breathe. They do not contain harmful chemicals/treatments which can be absorbed into the skin.

Page 25: Exam-style question

State the type of movement of a car travelling along a motorway. (1 mark)

Linear motion

Page 27: Exam-style question

Explain how you can create a larger output movement from the reverse motion linkage shown to the left. (2 mark)

Suggested answer: To increase the output movement, you can move the position of the fixed pivot nearer to the moving pivot on the input side of the reverse motion linkage.

Page 28: Exam-style question

Explain the movement of a follower while the cam is at the dwell stage of its rotation. (2 marks)

Suggested answer: The follower will neither rise nor fall when the cam is at the dwell stage; the follower will remain motionless.

Page 30: Exam-style question

Calculate the length of the crank arm used in a crank and slider mechanism if the slider has a maximum movement of 30 mm. (3 marks)

Suggested answer: To obtain a slider movement of 30 mm the connecting rod would be fixed to the crank at a radius of 15 mm (2 x 15 mm = 30 mm) Formula: distance moved by slider = 2 x radius of crank.

Page 31: Exam-style question

A designer needs to have an input speed of 800 rpm and output speed of 3200 rpm in a simple gear system. If the driven gear has 20 teeth, how many teeth does the driver gear need to have? (3 marks)

Suggested answer:

Input = 800 rpm. Output = 3200 rpm require velocity ratio of 1: 4 (3200 ÷ 800)

VR = number teeth on driven gear ÷ number teeth on driver gear

Driven = 20 so 20 ÷ X = 4

X = 20 x 4 = 80

The driver gear needs 80 teeth.

Page 32: Exam-style question

A compound gear train in Figure 1.5.9 earlier in this topic has two pairs of meshed spur gears. The driver gear is rotating at 3000 rpm.

What is the output speed of gear D? (1 mark)

Suggested answer: The output speed of gear D = input speed x velocity ratio

3000 x 8 =24000

Gear D will rotate at 24000 rpm.

Page 38: Exam-style question

Explain two reasons why stainless steel would be chosen over mild steel for the bolts on a bicycle. (4 marks)

Suggested answer:

1 Stainless steel could be used for bicycle fixings due to its increased resistance to corrosion caused by water and salt used to keep roads ice-free in the winter.

2 Stainless steel bicycle fixings require less maintenance and are more visually appealing.

Page 38: Exam-style question

Explain two reasons why aluminium would be used for drinks cans in preference to mild steel. (4 marks)

Suggested answer: Any two of the following:

1 Aluminium is preferred over mild steel because it is a more ductile material and can be formed more easily.

2 Aluminium is lightweight compared to mild steel, therefore reducing shipping costs.

3 Aluminium provides an excellent printing surface and reacts less with liquids than with mild steel, but both require an internal coating to prevent altering the flavour of the drink.

4 Aluminium cans can be recycled repeatedly.

5 Less energy is required to form aluminium cans compared to mild steel.

Page 42: Exam-style questions

The box in the image is used to package CDs to send to supermarkets.

a. Explain one reason why this material is suitable for the box. (2 marks)

b. Explain one disadvantage of this material. (2 marks)

Suggested answer a: Any one of the following reasons: It is suitable because it is:

1 impact-resistant

2 inexpensive

3 recyclable.

Suggested answer b: It may not be strong enough to hold a heavy weight. It could be improved by using overlapping or double layers on the corners and/or sides and by bracing the structure using triangular pieces of card (ribs).

Page 45: Exam-style questions

a. Explain the difference in structure of thermoforming and thermosetting polymers. (2 marks)

b. Explain one reason why some children’s toys are made from high-impact polystyrene (HIPS). (2 marks)

Suggested answer a: Thermoforming polymers are chains of molecules that become tangled when heated and shaped. Heating the polymer again allows the chains to slide past each other and untangle so that the material can be reshaped.

Thermosetting polymers are different to thermoforming polymers because, once shaped, they cannot be softened by heating because the polymer chains are different: its chains are

joined by cross-links that fix the chains together so that they cannot slide past each other easily and become untangled.

Suggested answer b: Either of the following:

1 Children’s toys are sometimes made of HIPS because the material is impact-resistant, making it suitable for toys that may be thrown about or dropped.

2 Children’s toys are sometimes made of HIPS because the material is malleable and therefore easily formed using a variety of techniques, including vacuum forming.

Page 49: Exam-style questions

1 Explain one benefit of using wool felt for constructing the hat shown in the image below. (2 marks)

2 Explain one disadvantage of using wool felt in a hat. (2 marks)

Suggested answer 1: Either of the following:

1 It is suitable for a hat because it does not unravel or fray.

2 It can be compressed and released without deforming so the hat will retain its shape.

Suggested answer 2: Either of the following:

1 It would not be good for regular use it wet conditions as it may deform when wet and lose its shape.

2 It is relatively expensive.

Page 56: Exam-style question

Give one property of stainless steel that makes it an appropriate material for cutlery. (1 mark)

Suggested answer: Either of the following:

1 It is corrosion-resistant and requires little maintenance.

2 It has no taste so will not alter the flavour of food.

Page 60: Exam-style question

Explain two ways that human capability would be considered when designing a kitchen radio. (4 marks)

Suggested answer: Any two of the following ways: When designing a radio, the designer needs to consider:

1 the needs of the user in a kitchen

2 the controls should be easy to operate as the user may have wet (or food covered) hands

3 the power supply options would need to be considered due to possibility of coming into contact with water

4 the materials with regards to ease of cleaning, as items on kitchen surfaces near cooking areas can build-up with grease.

Page 64: Exam-style question

Explain two reasons why mass-produced products can be made more cheaply than one-off products. (4 marks)

Suggested answer:

1 One reason products can be made more cheaply by mass production is based on quantities of scale. For example, customers that purchase very large quantities of steel will be able to negotiate a price very much cheaper than a customer who wants to buy only a few sheets of steel.

2 Labour costs are relatively high in one-off production. The resulting product will take much longer to make when compared to the highly automated processes that can manufacture a product in a fraction of the time.

Page 68: Exam-style question

Discuss which design strategies a design company might use when designing a pair of headphones. (6 marks)

Suggested answer: A design company may choose to use a mixture of user-centred design and systems thinking strategies. The advantage of systems thinking is that it helps the designer to think about the headphones in a logical manner. A user-centred design strategy looks at how a product will be used at every stage of development.

With a systems thinking strategy, the designer may start with a flow chart, starting with the end result. Firstly, the designer needs to be clear about what is required (the output, i.e. the packaged headphones); how that will be achieved (the process, i.e. consideration of the various parts of the headphones); and what is required to make it happen (inputs, i.e. the needs of the user or market).

With this strategy, the designer would need to break down the design of the headphones into various areas, including the anthropometric data for size, fit and comfort, the materials and manufacturing processes, and the selection and performance of components such as speakers. Ergonomic factors such as the position and size of the headphones’ controls would also be considered, as well as user-group feedback. Other factors will include packaging, storage and transportation, and life cycle analysis.

Page 76: Exam-style questions

a. Explain one reason why annotations are important when a designer passes their concepts to a manufacturer. (2 marks)

b. Explain one benefit and one drawback of freehand sketching versus CAD modelling. (4 marks)

Suggested answer a: Annotation is important because it helps anyone looking at the designs to understand them without the need to speak to the designer directly.

Suggested answer b: Any one of the following benefits:

1 It can be done anywhere.

2 It can be done quickly so ideas are not forgotten.

3 There are hardly any costs involved compared to CAD.

Any one of the following drawbacks:

1 It is difficult to sketch complex designs.

2 Editing or changing the drawing is less easy.

3 It is difficult to share (with other designers in other places).

Topic 2

Page 88: Exam-style question

Explain two reasons why tin would be a suitable metal for lining the inside of food cans. (6 marks)

Suggested answer:

1 Tin has high corrosion-resistance, allowing food to be stored safely for long periods of time.

2 Tin will not alter the food stored inside the can.

Page 92: Exam-style question

Explain two ways a designer might be influenced when selecting materials for a metal spice rack to be sold in a craft fair. (4 marks)

Suggested answer: Any two of the following ways:

1 A spice rack to be sold in a craft fair will be made by batch production so the designer will be influenced by the availability and cost of the stock sizes of metal- to reduce costs and time spent manufacturing.

2 Metals would be selected that are relatively easy to shape and join.

3 Metals would be selected that are corrosion-resistant or easily coated to prevent corrosion, increasing the racks visual appeal and making the rack easier to clean.

Page 94: Exam-style question

Explain one reason why an ‘I’ beam might be used in preference to a ‘T’ beam. (2 marks)

Suggested answer: ‘I’ beams might be used because they have two flanges, making them stronger than ‘T’ beams, which have a single flange.

Page 96: Exam-style question

Explain two reasons why a company might prefer to use stock forms of metal when manufacturing a washing machine. (4 marks)

Suggested answer:

1 Using stock forms of metal will reduce costs because the material is readily available and does not need to be specially manufactured.

2 Using stock forms reduces the chance of the material supply becoming interrupted, leading to delays in manufacture.

Page 97: Exam-style question

Calculate the cross-sectional area of the three metal forms in Figure 2.5.4. (5 marks)

Suggested answer a: (Considering form ‘a’ as two rectangles) 40 mm x 30 mm = 1200 mm² and 40 mm x 15 mm = 600 mm². 600mm²+ 1200mm² = 1800mm².

Total area = 1800 mm²

Suggested answer b: A=πr² = 3.141 x 15² mm (radius) = 3.141 x 225 = 706.86 mm²

Suggested answer c: Area = area of outer cylinder – area of inner cylinder

A=πr² = 3.141 x 15² mm (radius) = 3.141 x 225 = 706.86 mm²

A=πr² = 3.141 x 12² mm (radius) = 3.141 x 144 = 452.3 mm²

706.86 – 452.3 = 254.56 mm²

Page 101: Exam-style question

Use notes and/or sketches to show the process of sand casting. (4 marks)

Suggested answer:

Answer could be a flow diagram or a sketch/sketches with notes. It needs to show understanding of the process, including the use of a pattern, casting box (cope & drag), sand, molten metal and air vent holes.

Page 104: Exam-style question

Give one method of production that is most suitable for manufacturing a large quantity of metal furniture at low cost. (1 mark)

Suggested answer: The most suitable method is batch production.

Page 112: Exam-style question

Use notes and/or sketches to show the process of turning the aluminium drawer handle shown in the diagram below on a centre lathe. (4 marks)

Suggested answer:

Answer should include: notes or sketches with notes to show facing, parallel turning, taper turning, drilling (with or without centre drilling) and parting. No need for scale.)

Page 117: Exam-style question

Use notes and/or sketches to show the process of riveting two sheets of 3 mm sheet metal. (4 marks)

Suggested answer:

Answer should include: notes or sketches with notes to show correct sequences for snap riveting, including drilling, snap, ball-pein hammer, rolling top edge of rivet and finishing the rivet’s head.

Page 120: Exam-style question

Give one mechanical fitting that could prevent a nut from working loose on a bicycle wheel. (1 mark)

Suggested answer: Using a locking nut with a nylon insert (nyloc) instead of a conventional nut will prevent the nut from working loose.

Topic 3

Page 131: Exam-style question

Study the picture of the milk container.

a. Give one method of making the milk container stronger. (1 mark)

b. Explain two reasons why the materials used to make up the milk container are suitable for storing milk. (4 marks)

Suggested answer a: Paperboard is used because it provides stiffness, shape and has a smooth surface, suitable for high-quality printing.

Suggested answer b:

1 Polyethylene is used because it provides protection against movement of moisture in or out of the container. Polyethylene helps to bond paperboard and aluminium foil.

2 Aluminium foil is used to protect the contents of the container against the effects of oxygen and light.

Page 138: Exam-style question

Look at the image of the disposable coffee cup.

a. Name the type of materials used for the body of the coffee cup. (2 marks)

b. Explain one reason why the properties of these materials make them suitable for this product. (2 marks)

c. Explain two benefits of using papers and boards to manufacture disposable coffee cups, rather than polymers. (4 marks)

Suggested answer a: The body of the cup could be made from paper coated with wax or plastic on the inside. A paper cup with a plant-based PLA compostable lining is available from a company called Vegware.

Suggested answer b: Either of the following:

1 The properties of the materials will not flavour the coffee.

2 The properties make the material strong and light weight.

Suggested answer c: Papers and boards are renewable resources, so they are more environmentally friendly and less energy is used in their manufacture. They also provide an excellent printing surface for any logos required by the coffee company.

Page 140: Exam-style question

Name the type of force that relates to twisting a material. (1 mark)

Suggested answer: The twisting force is called torsion.

Page 144: Exam-style question

A student wants to create a cylindrical box with a base diameter of 50 mm. Calculate the length of a strip of card required. (3 marks)

Suggested answer: Use πd (π x diameter) or 2πr (2 x π x radius)

πd = 3.141 x 50 mm = 157.05 mm

2πr = (2 x 3.141) = 6.282 x 25 mm = 157.05

The strip of card required is 157 mm long, plus the length of the joining seam.

Page 144: Exam-style question

If the strip is 50 mm high, calculate the area of the rectangle. (3 marks)

Suggested answer: Area of a rectangle = length x width. 160 mm x 50 mm = 8,000 mm²

Page 155: Exam-style question

A student wants to make the box below in thin card in school.

a Name the tools required to make the box. (2 marks)

b Use notes and sketches to give a step-by-step guide to making the box, from printed net to finished box. (4 marks)

Suggested answer a: Tools required include: A computer, CAD software, printer, cutting mat, safety rule and craft knife, scalpel, or laser cutter.

Suggested answer b:

Answer should include: notes to explain cutting, scoring, folding, gluing/assembly of box and the correct and safe use of tools.

Topic 4

Page 167: Exam-style question

Explain one reason why oil refineries are often found near the sea. (2 marks)

Suggested answer: Either of the following:

1 Oil refineries are near to the coast because oil tankers can dock near to the refinery and pump oil ashore or be filled from the refinery.

2 Oil rigs in the sea may directly pump the oil ashore through pipes. If the refinery is near to the coast, less pipe is required, reducing costs.

Page 168: Exam-style question

Explain two reasons why polymers are an appropriate material for the manufacture of products that need to float. (6 marks)

Suggested answer: Answers should include the following points:

1 Polymers that float require a density of less than 1g/cm³.

2 Most polymers are waterproof.

3 Polymers can be moulded to meet a user’s needs, e.g. grips for hands.

4 Polymers can be brightly coloured so floating products can be seen easily.

5 Polymers are available with good impact-resistance, useful where floating objects hit hard surfaces such as rocks.

Page 170: Exam-style question

Evaluate the ecological footprint of a plastic disposable cup. (9 marks)

Suggested answer: Answer should include the following points:

Oil exploration and extraction: impact on the environment, both sea and land

Transportation and storage: land use, leakage and pollution, impact on environment, e.g. loss of habitats

Processing: use of fossil fuels

Manufacturing: land use, use of fossil fuels for manufacturing processes

Wastage: recycling, landfill, impact on the environment

Transportation: roads, traffic, packaging

Use: littering

Disposal: consumer waste, recycling methods, symbols (polypropylene 5, polystyrene 6), landfill/incineration.

Page 174: Exam-style question

Explain two ways in which the aesthetic properties of polymers are affected by user requirements. (4 marks)

Suggested answer: Any two of the following:

Aesthetics relates to how a product looks or feels. The shape or form of a polymer-based product depends on the forming technique used, for example vacuum forming, injection moulding, or blow moulding.

Polymers are available in a wide range of colours and finishes to suit user requirements, which include transparent, frosted, pearlescent and sparkle finishes. It is also possible to use phosphorescent and thermochromic pigments for applications where the product may need to glow in the dark or change colour with temperature.

The texture of polymers can be changed to suit the users’ needs. For example, extra grip can be added to a hand-held object such as a toothbrush handle, or a smooth finish can be achieved on a cooking utensil to make cleaning easier.

Page 175: Exam-style question

Explain one advantage and one disadvantage of using Biopol® instead of oil-based polymers. (4 marks)

Suggested answer: An advantage of Biopol® is that it is environmentally friendly because it is made from plant and vegetable extracts, making it ideal for short-life disposable items as it breaks down naturally in soil, producing no toxins.

A disadvantage of Biopol® is that it is more expensive than polymers made from crude oil. It also has limited impact-resistance and is unsuitable for holding chemicals.

Page 184: Exam-style question

Use notes and/or sketches to show the process of manufacturing the body of a plastic fizzy drinks bottle. (4 marks)

Suggested answer:

Answer should include: notes or a sketch with notes to name and describe the blow moulding process. Notes should include: details of the extruded parison, a 2-part mould with bottle profile and the injection of compressed air.

Page 188: Exam-style question

Name two methods that could be used to mass produce chocolate egg boxes. For each method, explain one advantage to the manufacturer. (6 marks)

Suggested answer:

1 Injection moulding. Advantage: (any one of the following) high quality finish, intricate shapes, long life of tooling

2 Vacuum forming. Advantage: (any one of the following) low cost of moulds, process is more flexible/adaptable than injection moulding, new designs are easily accommodated

Topic 5

Page 208: Exam-style question

Use notes and/or sketches to produce a circuit diagram that would allow you to change the direction of the motor. (4 marks)

Suggested answer:

A sketches should show: motor symbol, correct DPDT switch symbol, correct connections and power supply. Answer should explain/show that the switch changes the polarity of the voltage to the motor, thus reversing its direction.

Page 213: Exam-style question

Explain two reasons why built-in obsolescence of products could be damaging to the environment. (4 marks)

Suggested answer:

1 Electronic products contain heavy metals that are toxic and hazardous to both humans and wildlife. The toxins can leach into the soil and water courses if buried in landfill. Because electronic products are often replaced with newer, more updated versions, the older version become obsolete and can end up in landfills.

2 Increased demand of built-in obsolescence causes extra demand on finite resources. Extraction of materials may involve destruction of habitat for animals and increased transport further uses finite resources and adds to air pollution.

Page 221: Exam-style questions

1 You have a 9 V battery and you connect it to a 1000 Ω resistor. Calculate the current that will flow through the resistor. (3 marks)

2 Mains electricity is 230 V and a lightbulb has 0.5 A flowing through it. Calculate the resistance of the lightbulb. (3 marks)


1 9 mA

2 460 Ω

Calculations: Use Ohm's law. V = volts, I = current in Amps, R = resistance in Ohms.

1 I = V/R = 9v/1000 Ω =9/1000 = 0.009 Amps or 9 mA

2 R = V/I = 230 volts / 0.5 Amps = 230 / 0.5 = 460 Ω

Page 225: Exam-style question

Explain one reason why using jigs and templates makes it cheaper to batch produce products. (2 marks)

Suggested answer: Any one of the following:

1 Jigs and templates save time, e.g. there is no need for marking out.

2 Jigs and templates reduce waste by ensuring more components are accurately made.

3 Jigs and templates reduce the demand for a skilled workforce.

Topic 6

Page 243: Exam-style question

Cycling shorts may contain 80 per cent polyamide and 20 per cent elastane. Explain one working property of polyamide that makes it suitable for use in cycling shorts. (3 marks)

Suggested answer: Either of the following:

1 Polyamide is durable, making it suitable for cycling shorts that are exposed to friction when they come into contact with the bicycle saddle.

2 The elastic nature of polyamide allows cycling shorts to move as the cyclist’s muscles contract and relax during cycling, while still maintaining a close and comfortable fit.

Page 246: Exam-style question

Explain two reasons why nylon is used for parachute canopies. (6 marks)

Suggested answer: Any two of the following:

1 Nylon has excellent durability, making it suitable for parachute canopies that need to be used many times.

2 Nylon has good tensile strength, making it able to resist the forces applied to the canopy when it opens.

3 Nylon has excellent resilience, making it suitable for parachute canopies as it does not crease or become deformed when it is stored in the backpack and will quickly regain its canopy shape when opened.

Page 248: Exam-style question

Explain three ways that a company can improve its social footprint. (6 marks)

Suggested answer: Answer should explain clearly three from:

1 By reducing its packaging materials, thus reducing weight and making transportation costs more economical, and making it more environmentally friendly.

2 By reducing its use of chemical finishes used in surface and aftercare treatments

3 By increasing the recyclability of the materials it uses

4 By making use of green energy supplies

5 By providing incentives for its employees to use greener forms of transport, such as cycling to work.

Page 252: Exam-style question

Explain two reasons why built-in product obsolescence can contribute to social and environmental problems. (4 marks)

Suggested answer:

1 When clothes are no longer fashionable they are replaced with the latest trend which can be very difficult to keep up with. Not everyone can afford to do this and may stand out as not being to keep up with or afford the latest fashion garments.

2 Consumer society may lead to a demand for clothes to be produced quickly and cheaply, leading to poor conditions and low pay in factories in developing countries.

Page 253: Exam-style question

Explain one reason why boning might be added to a corset. (2 marks)

Suggested answer: Boning will improve the fit of the corset and prevent it from sagging. It will keep the corset in contact with the body and prevent the garment from riding up or slipping down.

Page 257: Exam-style question

Give one textile item likely to be made by one-off production. (1 mark)

Suggested answer: Any one of the following:

1 Wedding dresses

2 Theatre costumes

3 Haute couture garments

4 Made-to-measure clothing such as handmade, bespoke suits

5 Garments for unusual conditions such as space suits

Page 261: Exam-style question

Explain one reason why pleats would be used in the manufacture of trousers. (2 marks)

Suggested answer: Any one of the following:

1 Pleats are used to gather a wider fabric at the hips to a narrower circumference at the waist.

2 Pleats create the desired shape around the waist of the trousers to improve the fit and appearance of the clothing.

3 Pleats are used to provide freedom of movement to the wearer, for example, they expand when the wearer is sitting.

Page 262: Exam-style question

Use notes and/or sketches to show the process of making a French seam. (4 marks)

Suggested answer:

Answer should include: notes or sketches with notes to show materials sewn together with the outer face on the inside (the wrong way) and the trim seam if necessary. They should then show that the fabric is turned to face the right way with a second row of stiches to complete the French seam.

Topic 7

Page 279: Exam-style question

Give one type of timber you would use to make a table top for a children’s nursery. (1 mark)

Suggested answer: Either of the following:

1 Beech would be suitable timber for a table top.

2 Plywood would be a suitable manufactured timber.

Page 284: Exam-style question

Explain one benefit for the environment of using upcylced material to make a bookend. (2 marks)

Suggested answer: Using upcycled materials reduces the demand for new resources, reducing the impact on the environment caused by habitat destruction. There is also the reduction in transport and associated air and noise pollution.

Page 294: Exam-style question

A company has been batch producing coffee tables. A large retailer has just ordered 3000 of its tables. Explain two reasons why the directors should change to mass production. (4 marks)

Suggested answer:

1 Mass production will reduce costs due to increased purchasing power by buying larger quantities of materials, attracting a greater discount.

2 Mass production will permit faster manufacture of the tables, reducing the delivery and waiting times for the retailer or customer.