GCG MC No. 2015-05

rruruiltiltil[ltll O{(trr ot thr i]rcsrocrrt of tlrr Dlntrprrr.g GOVERNANCE COMMISSION t()R (;()Vt RNMtNI ()\\ \l[) ()li ( ()N i F.l)lll l) ( ()Rl()R{l l()\\ GCG MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 2015 - 05 2015 lNrenrrrr PERFoRMANcE-BASED BoNus (PBB) 15 Julv 2015 A CERT SUBJECT i DATE 1. BAcKGRouNp ANo PuRPosE - This Circular has been issued to establish the rules and regulations for the grant of the lnterim Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) for CY 2015 to qualified GOCC Officers and Employees pursuant to Executive Order No. 80, s. 2012 (E.O. No. 80),'pending the approval by the President of the CoMPENSATIoN AND PoslrloN CLASSIFICATIoN Svsreu (CPCS)' mandated by Republic Act (R.A.) No. 1 0149, "GOCC Governance Act of 201 1 " 2. PRopucflvrry ENHANCEMENT lNcENrlvE (PEl). - The PEl, as determined by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), shall be granted across-the- board to covered Officers and Employees'? of the GOCCs, and shall be distributed at the same time as National Government Agencies, as provided in the particular DBM Circular. 3. ELrGrBrLrry oF A GOCC ro GRANr rHE PBB. - The grant of PBB shall be based on the overall company performance, and then distributed to individual Officers and Employees based on their performance ranking. Pursuant to the "Performance Evaluation Sysfem for the GOCC Secfo/'[GCG MC No. 2013-02 (Re-lssued)l or any revised version thereof, a GOCC, in order to be eligible to grant PBB to its qualified Officers and Employees, must: 3.1. Achieve a weighted-average score of at least 90% in its 2015 Performance Scorecard; 3.2. Submit a Quality Management System (QMS) for at least one core process certified by any international certifying body approved by the IATF or submit an Operations Manual covering selected core processes or areas of operation; 3.3. Comply with the Good Governance Conditions provided in GCG MC No. 2013-02 and 2014-023. Conditions Common to National Government Agencies and GOCCs: (a) Transparency Seal; (b) PhiIGEPS Posting; (c) Cash Advance Liquidation, ' E.O. No. 80, entitled 'Direct rg the Adopton of a Peiornance-Based lncenlive System lot Govemment Emdoyees,'was issued to, among others, provide incentives that support and encourage performance{nven, productive and efficient 2 See Section 4.1. 3 Policies and Guidelines on the lntegrated Cotporcte Repofting System (ICRS) lot the GOCC Sector

Transcript of GCG MC No. 2015-05

Page 1: GCG MC No. 2015-05

rruruiltiltil[ltllO{(trr ot thr i]rcsrocrrt of tlrr Dlntrprrr.g

GOVERNANCE COMMISSIONt()R (;()Vt RNMtNI ()\\ \l[) ()li ( ()N i F.l)lll l) ( ()Rl()R{l l()\\


2015 lNrenrrrr PERFoRMANcE-BASED BoNus (PBB)

15 Julv 2015




1. BAcKGRouNp ANo PuRPosE - This Circular has been issued to establish therules and regulations for the grant of the lnterim Performance-Based Bonus(PBB) for CY 2015 to qualified GOCC Officers and Employees pursuant to

Executive Order No. 80, s. 2012 (E.O. No. 80),'pending the approval by thePresident of the CoMPENSATIoN AND PoslrloN CLASSIFICATIoN Svsreu (CPCS)'

mandated by Republic Act (R.A.) No. 1 0149, "GOCC Governance Act of 201 1 "

2. PRopucflvrry ENHANCEMENT lNcENrlvE (PEl). - The PEl, as determined by theDepartment of Budget and Management (DBM), shall be granted across-the-board to covered Officers and Employees'? of the GOCCs, and shall be

distributed at the same time as National Government Agencies, as provided inthe particular DBM Circular.

3. ELrGrBrLrry oF A GOCC ro GRANr rHE PBB. - The grant of PBB shall be based

on the overall company performance, and then distributed to individual Officersand Employees based on their performance ranking. Pursuant to the"Performance Evaluation Sysfem for the GOCC Secfo/'[GCG MC No. 2013-02(Re-lssued)l or any revised version thereof, a GOCC, in order to be eligible togrant PBB to its qualified Officers and Employees, must:

3.1. Achieve a weighted-average score of at least 90% in its 2015 PerformanceScorecard;

3.2. Submit a Quality Management System (QMS) for at least one coreprocess certified by any international certifying body approved by the IATFor submit an Operations Manual covering selected core processes orareas of operation;

3.3. Comply with the Good Governance Conditions provided in GCG MC No.2013-02 and 2014-023.

Conditions Common to National Government Agencies and GOCCs:

(a) Transparency Seal;

(b) PhiIGEPS Posting;

(c) Cash Advance Liquidation,

' E.O. No. 80, entitled 'Direct rg the Adopton of a Peiornance-Based lncenlive System lot Govemment Emdoyees,'wasissued to, among others, provide incentives that support and encourage performance{nven, productive and efficient

2 See Section 4.1.3 Policies and Guidelines on the lntegrated Cotporcte Repofting System (ICRS) lot the GOCC Sector

Page 2: GCG MC No. 2015-05

(d) Citizen's Charter or its equivalent;

(e) Government Quality Management System Standards (GOMSS)pursuant to E.O. No. 605, s. 2007; and

(f) Compliance with submission and review of SALN of officials andemployees.o

Conditions Specific to GOCCs Covered by R.A. No. 10149:

(a) The GOCC has satisfied all statutory liabilities, including thepayment of all taxes due to the Government as certified by the BlR,declaration and payment of all dividends to the State as of the endof the applicable calendar year, whenever applicable, and NGAdvances. as certified bv the Department of Finance (DOF).

Liabilities that are still under dispute and there has been no final andexecutory judgmenudecision as of the date of the release of thePBB by the GOCC shall be excluded for the purpose of thisprovision.

(b) Submission and execution of concrete and time bound action plansfor addressing Notices of Disallowances and Audit ObservationMemoranda from the Commission on Audit (COA), if any;

(c) Maintain/update and implement the GOCC's "Manual of CorporateGovernance" and "No Gift Policy" approved by the GCG anduploaded on the GOCC's website pursuant to the "Code ofCorporate Governance for GOCCs" (GCG MC No. 2012-07); and

(d) Compliance with posting on the GOCC's website the informationenumerated under Section 43 of GCG MC No. 2012-07.

3.4. Comply with all Good Governance Conditions and other reportorialrequirements as validated directly by the following oversighuvalidatingagencies:

PBB Requirement Validating Agency

Transparency Seal DBM-OCIO


Citizen's Charter UbU

Submission of SALN of employees Office of the President, Office of theOmbudsman and CSC.

Note. The SALN validating agenciesshall provide the list of SALN non-filers

Report on Ageing of Cash Advances coA

DBM financial reports including BFARs DBM

PES Accomplishments GCG

STO - accomplishment

. QMS Certification / OperationsManual

. STO identified by agency head (lf


DBM - BMB A, B, C, D, E and F: OP-

I See CivilService Commission Memorandum Circular No 3.s 2013

Page 3: GCG MC No. 2015-05

PBB Requirement Validating Agency

Applicable) OES;


GASS. Public Financial Management


o Submission of FinancialStatements, Ageing of CashAdvances Report



. Submission of APP




Priority Program Accomplishments

(lf Applicable)


OP Planning Tool Accomplishments

(lf Applicable)


EODB Accomplishmenis(lf Applicable)


Agency Rating and Ranking Report GCG

7// subm,sslons shall be made directly with the aforementioned oversighuvalidatingagencies.

3.5. CoMMUNrcAroN ANp lNFoRMATtoN. - The GOCC CEO shall confirm with theGCG and IATF the name, position and contact details (e-mail, landline,facsimile, cellular phone) of the senior officials designated as the PBB focalperson and the spokesperson, respectively.

The IATF oversighUvalidating agencies may be contacted through thefollowing communication channels:

(a) AO 25 Secretariat at [email protected]

(b) PBIS lnfo Board

(c) RPBPMS website www.dap.edu.ph/rbpms

(d) PCDSPO e-mail at [email protected]

(e) Text hotline (Smart: +63920.498.9121)

(f) Facebook (www.facebook. com/PBBsecretariat)

(g) Twitter: @pbbsecretariat

4. CoVERAGE.' - All Officers and Employees of eligible GOCCs who occupyregular, casual or contractual positions shall be entitled to full grant of the PBB

5 Adopted from DBM Circular No. 2011-04 entrtled 'Guidei;res on the Grcnt of Ptoductivttf Enhancement lncentMe (PEI) toGovemment Employees fot Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 (05 Decembet 2011)'.

Page 4: GCG MC No. 2015-05

from their employer at the time of the payout of the PBB; Provided, they haverendered an aggregate of at least nine (9) months of service in the public sectorfor the year ending 31 December 2015. Officers and Employees who do notmeet the g-month service requirement but have served at least 3 months ofservice shall be entitled to PBB on a pro-rata basis as provided in Section 4.1.7herein.

4.1 . Eligibility of lndividual Officers and Employees of GOCCs

4.1.1. Employees belonging to the First and Second Levels should receivea rating of at least "Satisfactory" based on the agency's CSC-approved Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS);

41.2. fhnd Level officials should receive a rating of at least "Very

Satisfactory" under the Career Executive Service PerformanceEvaluation System (CESPES). CESPES covers all incumbents ofCES positions in various agencies of the national governmentincluding GOCCs with original charters, for an uninterrupted period

of at least three (3) months. Payment of the PBB to Third Level

officials shall be contingent on the release of results of the CESPES;

4.1 .3. Other officials performing managerial and executive functions whoare not presidential appointees are covered by the agency's CSC-approved SPMS and should receive a rating of at least"Satisfactory".

4.1.4. Personnel on detail to another government agency for six (6) months

or more shall be included in the ranking of employees in the recipientagency that rated his/her performance. Payment of the PBB shall

come from the mother agency.

4.1.5. Personnel who transferred from one government agency to anotheragency shall be rated and ranked by the agency where he/sheserved the longest. lf equal months were served for each agency,

he/she will be included in the recipient agency.

4.1.6. An employee who has rendered a minimum of nine (9) months ofservice during the fiscal year and with at least "Satisfactory" rating

may be eligible to the full grant of the PBB.

4.1 .7 . An employee who rendered a minimum of three (3) months but lessthan nine (9) months of service and with at least "Satisfactory" ratingshall be eligible for the grant of PBB on a pro-rata basis. The PBB ofemployees shall be pro-rated corresponding to the actual length ofservice rendered, as follows:

Length of Service % of PBB

8 months but less than 9 months 90%

7 months but less than 8 months 80%

6 months but less than 7 months 70%

5 months but less than 6 months 60%

Page 5: GCG MC No. 2015-05

4 months but less than 5 months 50o/o

3 months but less than 4 months 40Yo

The following are the valid reasons for an employee who may notmeet the nine-month actual service requirement to be consideredfor PBB on a pro-rata basis:

(a) Being a newly hired employee;

(b) Retirement;

(c) Resignation;

(d) Rehabilitation Leave;

(e) Maternity Leave and/or Paternity Leave;

(f) Vacation or Sick Leave with or without pay;

(g) Scholarship/Study Leave; and

(h) Sabbatical Leave

An employee who is on vacation or sick leave, with or without pay,

for the entire year, is not eligible to the grant of the PBB.

Personnel found guilty of administrative and/or criminal cases filedagainst them and meted penalty in FY 2015 shall not be entitled tothe PBB. lf the penalty meted out is only a reprimand, such penalty

shall not cause the disqualification to the PBB.

4.1.10. Officials and employees who failed to submit the 20'14 SALN asprescribed in the rules provided under CSC Memorandum CircularNo. 3 (s.201 5), shall not be entitled to the FY 2015 PBB.

4.1.11. Ofticials and employees who failed to liquidate Cash Advancesreceived in 20't5 within the reglamentary period as stated in theprevailing COA Circular, shall not be entitled to the FY 2015 PBB.

4.1.12. Agency heads should ensure that officials and employees coveredby RA 6713 submitted their 2014 SALN to the respective SALNrepository agencies as prescribed in the rules provided under CSCMemorandum Circular No. 3 (s.2015) and also liquidated 2015Cash Advances, as this will be a basis for the release of FY 2015PBB to individuals.

4.2. Exclusions. - Excluded from the grant of the PBB are the following:

4.2.1. Those hired without employer-employee relationships and paid fromnon-Personal Services appropriationsibudgets as follows:

(a) Consultants and experts hired to perform specificactivities or services with expected outputs;

(b) Laborers hired through job contracts (pakyaw) and thosepaid on piecework basis;

(c) Student laborers and apprentices; and



Page 6: GCG MC No. 2015-05


(d) lndividuals and groups of people whose services areengaged through job orders, contracts of service, orothers similarly situated.

DrsrRrBUTroN SysrEM. - Distribution of PBB among qualified Officers andEmployees of a GOCC who have complied with the eligibility rules in Section 4above shall be in accordance with the following procedure:

5.1 . Grouping of PersonneL - ln determining the distribution of the PBBamong qualified GOCC Officers and Employees, all personnel shall beranked on a percentile basis within their respective levels as determined bythe GOCC Governing Board through Management in accordance with thefollowing guidelines:

(a) Senior Management: This refers to the executive officers of theGOCC, and includes all heads of functional units, which are primarilyinvolved in the development, evolution, and approval of long-termvision across a function or area of specialization. lt includes those wholead the development of function strategy, implement and maintainpolicies of the organization for area of responsibility. (e.9., DeputyAdministrator, Sr. Deputy Administrator, Assistant General Manager,Executive Vice President, Sr. Vice President, Vice President, etc.)

The PresidenUCEO, or whoever is the highest ranking executive officer,has the prerogative to avail of either the Performance-Based lncentive(PBl) under GCG MC No. 2015-06, or the PBB, but not both. ln theevent the CEO is included in the PBB application, he/she must meetthe eligibility requirements for the PBI and shall be ranked separatelyon his/her own and shall not be included in the forced ranking ofOfficers and Employees.

(b) Middle Management: This covers those whose work is primarilyachieved through others, with direct accountability for setting directionand deploying resources. Responsible for people management,including performance evaluation and pay reviews and typically hire/firedecisions. lncludes individual conkibutors who are recognized as

subject matter experts with in-depth technical knowledge, projectmanagement and significant influence skills in area of expertise (e.9.,

Head of Department or Service).

(c) Professional and Supervisory: This level comprises the personnelwhose work is primarily achieved by an individual or through projectteams. Requires the application of expertise in professional or technicalarea(s) to achieve results. Typically has a university degree orequivalent work experience that provides knowledge and exposure tofundamental theories, principles and concepts. lncludes supervisorsand junior management that may not have full management authority(e.9., Financial AnalysUSpecialists, Accountant, HR Officer, etc.)

(d) Clerical/General Staff: This category includes all clerical,administrative and secretarial staff with little or no supervisoryresponsibility but who conkibute independently to the organization. lt

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also covers basic computing/data processing staff such as operators,customer service assistants and skilled craftsmen/technicians (e.9.,

Secretary, Clerk, Finance Processor, Administrative Assistant,Chauffeur, Utility Worker, Messenger).

Distribution for Qualified Officers and Employees. - ln each levelprovided for in Section 5.1 above, the ratings of Ofiicers and Employeesunder the GOCC's SPMS or its equivalent shall be quantified to allow forranking on a percentile basis for the purpose of distribution as follows:

5.2.1 . For Profitable GOCCs. - The grant of the PBB shall be based onthe performance of the individual Officers and Employees with therate of incentive as a multiple of the individual's monthly basic salarybased on the table below, but not to exceed the ceilings computedby using the same multiple to twice the basic salary of thecomparable NG position as provided in Annex A. Thus, the PBB forProfitable GOCCs shall be distributed among its Officers and

Employees for CY 2015, as follows:

Percentile Multiple

Top: Maximum 10% 2.50

Next: Maximum 25% 150

Remaining: Minimum 65% 1.00

'The percentite of the "Top" and "Next" levels are maximum figures with

discretion on the paft of the Goveming Board/Management to decrease

figures and distribute them to the "Remaining" level.

Provided, that the total cost of the PBB shall not result in a net loss

for CY 2015 computed before subsidy and unrealized gains/losses,

and after taxes.

5.2.2. For Losing GOCCs. - The grant of PBB shall also be based on theperformance of individual Officers and Employees with the followingfixed rate of incentive; thus, Losing GOCCs shall distibute PBB

among its Officers and Employees for CY 2015, as follows:

Percentile Amou nt

Top: Maximum 10% 25,000

Next: Maximum 25% 15,000

Remaining: Minimum 65% 7,500

"The percentile of the "Top" and "Next" levels are maximum figures with thediscretion on the paft of the Governing Board/Management to decrease the ftguresand distribute them to the "Remaining" level.


Page 8: GCG MC No. 2015-05

DETERMTNATToN oF PRoFrrABrLrrY. -below, as may be applicable, shallprofitability, to wit:

Total Comprehensive lncome (TCl)

Plus:1. Unrealized Losses found in Other Comprehensive lncome62. Disbursements of Program Subsidies treated as expenses

Less;1. Subsidies treated as revenues2. Subsidies granted to settle tax obligations for prior years3. Unrealized Gains found in Other Comprehensive lncome4. All income or dividends received from Operating Subsidiaries,

regardless of accounting entry

However, GOCCs with negative Retained Earnings shall automatically be

classified as a "Losing" GOCC regardless of the resulting figure after application

of the above formula, and shall use the applicable fixed rates stated in Section

5.3.2. herein, unless the GOCC has been determined as profitable based on the

above formula for two (2) consecutive years, inclusive of the current year.

FLExrBrLrry. - The multiples and amounts herein are intended to provide a cap on

the PBB that may be distributed by a GOCC. However, nothing herein shall be

construed to limit the business judgment or authority of the Governing Board,

when giving due regard to the financial condition and existing policies of aparticuiar GOCC, to reduce (a) the actual amounts to be distributed, and/or (b)

the distribution rates under Section 5.

GRTEVANCE MEcHANtsM. - The Governing Board through Management shall set

up a Complaints Mechanism to respond to the PBB-related issues and

complaints raised by Officers and Employees.

FuNprNG FoR rHE 2015 PBB. - Pursuant to Section 5(b) of E.O. No. 80, the

funding to support the lnterim PBB System herein shall be charged by GOCCsfrom their respective corporate funds, subject to the approval of their respectiveGoverning Boards in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations.However, it shall be prohibited to source the payment of the PBB from thefollowing:

(a) Loans;

(b) Subsidy from the NG for the GOCC's operations, except forsubsidy income or subsidy given by DBM precisely for thepayment ofthe PBB; and

6 Other Comprehensive lncome (OCl) is defined as comprising "items of rncome and expense (rncluding reclassification

adjustments) that are not recognized in profit or loss as required or permtted by other lnternational Financial ReportingStandards '(See Arnex B)

The resulting amount following the tablebe the basis for determining a GOCC's





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(c) Sale of the GOCC's asset(s) for the sole purpose of paying thePBB and is otherwise not in the ordinary course of business.

't 0. CHEcKLrsr, TTMELTNE ANo EFFEcrs or SuaMtsstoH ANo NoN-SuBMtsstoN. -GOCCs applying to grant the PBB within their respective corporations shallsubmit the required documents enumerated in Annex I on or before the lastworking day of February 2016.

The schedule for the 2015 PBB submissions for the Good GovernanceConditions Common to National Government Agencies and GOCCs shall be asfollows:

EFFECT oF SuBMtssloN aito NoH-SuairtssloN oN THE PRESCRIBEo PERloo. -GOCCs that submitted all required documents on the given deadline may be

authorized to grant their PBB upon receipt of the authorization letter from theGovernance Commission. Failure to comply with the requirements shall renderthe GOCC ineligible to grant the PBI to its Appointive Directors for CY 2014.

AppEALs FoR DENTAL oF PBB - Any appeal for the denial of the grant of PBBbased on failure to comply with the Good Governance Conditions Common toNational Government Aoencies and GOCCS shall be made direcfly to therespective IATF oversighVvalidating agency, as indicated in Section 3 herein.All other issues shall be appealed with the Governance Commission.

PBI AppLrcATroN DEEMED AuroMATrcALLy FrLEp. - The Performance-Basedlncentive (PBl) for Appointive Directors is deemed to have been applied for byevery GOCC which applies for the PBB granl; Provided ,haf, the actualauthorization for the distribution of PBI shall be conditioned upon compliancewith the requirements of GCG MC No. 2015-06.



Activity Deadline

Pre-Assessment of Good Governance Conditions 01 October 2015

Posting of Agency system of ranking deliveryunits and individuals

On or before 30 October 2015

Submission of Report on Ageing of CashAdvance Liquidation (with 15 November 2015 ascut-off)

On or before 0'l December 2015

Submission of Certificate of Compliance withPh|IGEPS (with 15 November 2015 as cut-off)

On or before 01 December 2015

Submission of BFARs to COA and DBM 30 Days or one month after the end ofquarter

Submission of APCPI Self-Assessment On or before 29 December 2015

Submission of APP Within the first month of the year until 29April 2015

Validation of QMS Certification/OperationsManual Submission

On or before 15 January 2016

Validating of 2nd STo lndicator as identified byhead of agency

On or before 15 January 2016


Page 10: GCG MC No. 2015-05

14. EFFEcrvrry. - This Circular shall take effect immediately upon its publication inthe Commission's website al vww.gcg.gov.ph.



DOF Secretarv0 27i 3g




Page 11: GCG MC No. 2015-05

Annex A







Clerical/ GeneralStaff

1 45,000 27,000 18,000 0

2 48,375 29.025 19,350 0

3 52,005 31 ,203 20,802 0

4 55,905 33,543 22,362 0

5 60,095 36.057 24,038 0

6 64,605 38,763 25.842 0

7 69,450 41.670 27.780 0

8 74.655 44,793 29,862 0

I 80,255 48,153 32,102 0


Middle(sG 21-26)

10 86,275 51,765 34,51 0 0

11 92,745 55.647 37,098 0

99,700 59.820 39,880 0

IJ 107,180 64,308 42,872 0

14 115,220 69,132 46,088 0

15 124,435 7 4.661 49,774 0

16 134,390 80.634 53,756 0

17 145,140 87,084 58,056 0

18 156,755 94,053 62,702 0

19 169,295 101,577 67.718 0

20 182,835 109,701 73,134 0

21 197.465 118,479 78,986 0

213,260 127,956 85,304 0

23 230.320 138.192 92,128 0

248.750 149,250 99,500 0

)q 268,650 161 .190 107,460 0

lo 290,140 174,084 1 16,056 0

Senior Management

27 313,350 'r88,010 125.340 0

28 338,420 203.052 135.368 0

29 365,495 219,297 146, 1 98 0

30 394,730 236,838 157,892 0

Page 12: GCG MC No. 2015-05

Annex B




(a) Annual Scorecard/Monitoring Report using ,nterim PESForm 3

. Data/documents indicated inthe GOCC Annual Scorecard

Electronic and hardcopies

(b) Board Resolution authorizing the grant of PBB in

accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations(2015 PBB Form 1\

Hard copy

(c) Omnibus Certification signed by the Chairperson and theChief Executive Officer of the GOCC (2015 PBB Form 2)

Certification of Compliance(coc):- Ph|IGEPS Posting

- SALN Submission(together with list ofpersonnel who submitted)

Report on Ageing of CashAdvance Liquidation

Time bound action plan for,or Statement of Complianceto GQMSS

Time bound action plan foraddressing NDs and AOMsfrom COA

Certification issued by the ff .

aqencies for payment of

Hard copy

I Electronic copies shall be submitted to the Governance Commisslon through a qp

Page 13: GCG MC No. 2015-05



mandatory premiums:. GSIS- SSS- Pag-lBlG- PhilHealth- ECC

(d) Schedule and summary of the distribution of the PBB toqualified Officers and Employees who will receive the PBBand those who are in the "Below Satisfactory" category(2015 PBB Forms 3a and 3b)

Electronic and hardcopies

(e) Computation of Profitability following the formula found inItem 6 of the GCG

- Examples of items found under Other Comprehensivelncome (OCl) are the following:. Changes in revaluation surplus (lAS 16 and IAS 38)

. Actuarial gains and losses on defined benefit plans (lAS19.93A)

. Gains and losses from investments in equityinstruments measured at fair value through OCI (IFRS 9)

. For those liabilities designated at fair value throughprofit or loss, changes in fair value attributable tochanges in the liability's credit risk (IFRS 9)

. Foreign exchange gains and losses

Hard copy