GC for Linear Algebra Exam (ATCM2010).pdf

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  • 7/25/2019 GC for Linear Algebra Exam (ATCM2010).pdf


    Linear Algebra Examination

    Victor TanDepartment of Mathematics

    National Universit of Sin a ore

    ATCM 2010 GC for Linear Algebra Examination

  • 7/25/2019 GC for Linear Algebra Exam (ATCM2010).pdf


    AbstractIn the teaching of a first undergraduate course in Linear Algebra, the


    students are solving linear algebra problems, it is very likely thatthey will need to perform tedious computation like matrix


    (GC) are capable of performing these computations. However, not

    all undergraduate students (in my university) are equipped with GC,

    scientific calculators for their examinations. During a recent

    semester, I allowed a special group of students to use GC and

    res r c e e res o e s u en s o use sc en c ca cu a ors ur ngthe same examination. I studied and compared the examination

    results of the two groups of students. In this talk, I will present my

    ATCM 2010 GC for Linear Algebra Examination

    n ngs.

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    Overview Usage of GC in Singapore Schools



    Course description

    Students rofile


    Students Feedback Survey Exam results

    ATCM 2010 GC for Linear Algebra Examination

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    Usage of GC in Singapore Schools


    Introduced to all JC students in the first year

    Most JCs use TI-84 Plus

    ATCM 2010 GC for Linear Algebra Examination

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    Usage of GC in Singapore Schools

    Not commonly used in math classes


    University lecturers are not familiar with GC

    Alternative software available

    ATCM 2010 GC for Linear Algebra Examination

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    Linear Algebra Course in NUS

    Offered in both semester 1 and 2


    Mainly for math major and science students

    Systems of linear equations. Matrices. Determinants.

    Euclidean n-space. Subspaces. Linear independence.

    Basis and dimension. Rank of a matrix. Orthogonalityand orthonormal bases. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

    Dia onalization. Linear transformations.

    ATCM 2010 GC for Linear Algebra Examination

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    Linear Algebra Course in NUSStudents profile (Semester 2)

    Undergraduate students Math Major

    Non-Math Science students

    Non-Science students

    H3 students

    Selected from JC students based on their

    math results

    ATCM 2010 GC for Linear Algebra Examination

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    Linear Algebra Course in NUSAssessment

    Any calculatorsMATLAB

    Practice Sessions Lab Sessions

    Mid-Term Exam

    Final Exam

    Only scientific calculators


    ATCM 2010 GC for Linear Algebra Examination

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    Linear Algebra Course in NUS

    Should students be allowed to use GC duringexam?

    Will students who use GC during exam have

    an advanta e over students who dont?

    Is it possible to set an exam that is fair to all

    students with or without using GC?

    ATCM 2010 GC for Linear Algebra Examination

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    Linear Algebra Course in NUSAssessment

    Any calculatorsMATLAB

    Practice Sessions Lab Sessions

    Mid-Term Exam

    Final Exam

    Only scientific calculators


    H3 students: graphing calculators are allowed

    ATCM 2010 GC for Linear Algebra Examination

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    Linear Algebra Course in NUSUsage of GC in Linear Algebra

    Reduced row echelon form Matrix multiplication


    Inverse matrix

    Elementary row operations

    ATCM 2010 GC for Linear Algebra Examination

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    Students FeedbackPost mid-term exam survey

    75 H3 students

    27 did not use the GC42 used the GC

    ATCM 2010 GC for Linear Algebra Examination

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    Students FeedbackPost mid-term exam survey

    Number of students using GC for this part: 21

    ATCM 2010 GC for Linear Algebra Examination

    help for this part: 22

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    Students FeedbackPost mid-term exam survey

    Number of students using GC for this part: 2

    ATCM 2010 GC for Linear Algebra Examination

    help for this part: 3

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    Students FeedbackPost mid-term exam survey

    Number of students using GC for this part: 6

    ATCM 2010 GC for Linear Algebra Examination

    help for this part: 9

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    Students FeedbackPost mid-term exam survey

    Number of students using GC for this part: 4

    ATCM 2010 GC for Linear Algebra Examination

    help for this part: 6

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    Students FeedbackPost mid-term exam survey

    Number of students using GC for this part: 6

    ATCM 2010 GC for Linear Algebra Examination

    help for this part: 14

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    Students FeedbackPost mid-term exam survey

    Number of students using GC for this part: 0

    ATCM 2010 GC for Linear Algebra Examination

    help for this part: 5

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    Students FeedbackPost mid-term exam survey

    Number of students using GC for this part: 2

    ATCM 2010 GC for Linear Algebra Examination

    help for this part: 9

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    Students FeedbackPost mid-term exam survey

    Number of students using GC for this part: 14

    ATCM 2010 GC for Linear Algebra Examination

    help for this part: 14

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    Students FeedbackPost mid-term exam survey

    GC has improved your performance in this exam.

    Agree 12

    Disagree 24

    Not sure 27

    NA 10

    ATCM 2010 GC for Linear Algebra Examination

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    Students FeedbackPost mid-term exam survey

    Without GC, you will perform equally well in this exam


    Agree 48

    Disagree 7

    Not sure 18

    ATCM 2010 GC for Linear Algebra Examination

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    Students FeedbackPost mid-term exam survey

    Do you think that GC is necessary for this exam?


    Yes 15

    No 44

    Not sure 14

    ATCM 2010 GC for Linear Algebra Examination

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    Students Feedback It takes a long time to key in matrices in GC

    an use or ques ons w un nowns

    manual calculation can be faster for small matrices

    still need to be shown

    GC may discourage us to practice the Gaussian

    SC is equally capable (as GC)

    Do not know how to use GC for matrix calculation

    No time to use Save time in performing Gaussian Elimination

    ATCM 2010 GC for Linear Algebra Examination

    s a goo oo or error c ec ng

  • 7/25/2019 GC for Linear Algebra Exam (ATCM2010).pdf


    Concluding RemarksQuestions

    Should students be allowed to use GC during


    They can be allowed to use GC

    Will students who use GC during exam havean a van age over s u en s w o on

    Not significant

    Is it possible to set an exam that is fair to allstudents with or without using GC?

    ATCM 2010 GC for Linear Algebra Examination


  • 7/25/2019 GC for Linear Algebra Exam (ATCM2010).pdf


    Concluding Remarks

    Post final exam survey

    ompar son etween an un ergra

    Comparing the performance of H3students with and without using GC

    Allowin under rad to use GC in exam

    Prepare the H3 students on the use of

    ATCM 2010 GC for Linear Algebra Examination