Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) (New York ... · i'No. LXXIII.j W EDNESDAY,...


Transcript of Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) (New York ... · i'No. LXXIII.j W EDNESDAY,...

Page 1: Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) (New York ... · i'No. LXXIII.j W EDNESDAY, December 23', 1729. THE TABLET. No. LXXIII. " 1hate a drinking companion, fays tht Creek

i'No. LXXIII.j W EDNESDAY, December 23', 1729.THE TABLET.

No. LXXIII." 1hate a drinking companion, fays tht Creek pro-verb, who neverforgets."

I KNOW not a more fallaciousopinionthatmenentertain, than that there is a greatdegree of friendlhip and generosity among per-sons, who mingle in parties of dilfipation and

intemperance; The warm profefilons of attach-ment andlgood will that flow so easily, in momentsof feftivity, are apt to leada by-ftander to imaginethere is some serious friend/hip, at heart. Manyan imprudent youthhas fallen a victim to the af-k-verations he heard at convivial mee:ings.There is perhaps no delcription ofmen who pro-claim their own generosity so loudly, and yetwho i ealize fewer substantialacts of it, from eachother, rhan those who enter circles, under thestile of bottie-coinpanions. It is hardly credibleto one,who has not ftri<tly noticed it, howslenderthe ties are, thatare created by such a connexion.

The idea conveyed in my motto may be takenin two different (enfes ; and the reader may makehis choice of them. It is true, that when per-sons are engaged in a drinkingmatch, they shouldwilh to forget their cares and misfortunes ; andit will heighten their hilarity, if they can so fardr*wn their reflection, as to forget the duty theyowe their character and family. And it is like-wise true, that such allociatcsdesire thatwhateverpasses at their scenes of conviviality fliould notbe repeated elsewhere. In either of these con-structions, that companion who does not lolehis recollection will be hated by the reft. Whatcan be more offenfivc, in the jollityof a debauch,than renionftrances ot reason, or lectures of mo-rality! What can be more disgusting, when thed«bauch is over, than a jultdescription of the ac-tions, and recital of the expreflions, with whichit was attended. If a vociferous person throwsoff all rellraint in the hours oi'liis merriment, hecertainly cannot wi(h to behold a portrait of him-felf, when he is sober. His ownconduct; his ownconversation are thelaft things in the world, thathe can hear or recolle«t with approbation andpleasure. I would advise all such clubs, that theiirft article of their aflbciaiion should be a solemnoath of secrecy. Otherwise they may often befhockedat a view of their own picture. But thegreatest advantage of forgetfulnefs consists infreeing onefrom the pain and inconvenience ofbeing reminded of prouiifes, thataremade, whenthe heart is opened by mirth and intemperance.When this kind of openefs and generosity disco-ver themfelvea, among Bacchanalians over thefeottle, it is not intended they fliould afford anyclaim upon the person, in whom they are exhi-bited.

I lately met with my old college acquaintance,Joculus. As he did not appearwith his formerdignity and fprightlinefs, I had the curiosity toenquireinto his circumstances and profpecfts. Ifound him deflitute of money and friends ; andthat he bad neither character to deserve the one,nor indultry to procure the other. He complain-ed of ill-health ; and his constitution was toomuch wrecked with intemperance to be reclaim-ed. It was difficult for him to aflume resolutionenough to relate his vices and misfortunes ; andhis appearancewas so mean andflovenly, that heWas not willing to be recognized, even when Icalled him by name. The terms of intimapy onwhich we had formerly aflociated made us bothcommunicative.

When I knew Joculus, foine years ago, hedreflcd handlbmefy, poflefled an easy flow of Spi-rits, and was generally esteemed for his amiablequalifications. His patrimonial estate was fuflicient, with care and attention, to have affordedhim a decent support. Ithappened unfortunate-ly that he loved pleasure uiofe than business ; andknew better how to Squander a fortune, than tokeep, or to gain one. Though he was born andeducated in the country, he early conceived anidea, that he could enjoy life in greater perfec-tion, by taking a relidencein some populoustown.He followed his inclination, and entered at onceinto scenes of dilfipation and extravagance. Soonafter he fixed himfelf in a city, he fell into com-pany with a set of profligateyoungfters, whocal-led themselves choicefpirits. This appellationac-corded so well with the feelings of Joculus,that he eagerly solicited an admiflion into theclub. As he appeared alight hearted, acconnno-ds»ingyoungman,liis comrades viewed him as anacqnifition. They foondifcovered the depth ofhis purse, and knew intimately his hopesand in-tentions. It was their firft attempt to persuadehim that he had too nobleafpirit to submit to thedrudgery of business, andthat when he liadfpenthis property, he could not be at a loi? for friends.

Thus he was beguiledinto a course ofidlenefs anddebauchery, which soon plunged him into debt,and alienatedhim from his old friends and con-nections.

The lioneft, unfufpedting temper of Joculus,though it gave his new comrades a controul overhis time and money, was still a source of muchaltercation. From his ignorance of human na-ture, hefuppofed that men never spoke but withsincerity ; neverpromised but with an intentionto fulfil. He would often repeat in the day,whathe had heard in therevels of thenight; andfome-tiiues calledin good earnestfor the afliftance thatwas so lavishly offered, when he stood in no needof it. 11l this way, he mortifiedthem by thereci-talof theirfolly and imprudence ; and vexed themby his demands on their justice to reimburse hisadvances ; and by his appeal to their gsnerofity toput him into better circumstances. But neithertheir justice, theirgenerosity, or theirpity afford-ed the lead relief to Jocuius, and he now re-mains as wretched as vice and poverty can renderhim. The choice spirits have totally discardedhim, and ridicule him as a low-bredfellowwhoremembers too well.



many of the evils which happen to agood citizen, he extracts a happiuefs as theypass. The patriotic creditor, who deposited his

property with the public, has the happiness ofreflecting that his lols contributed to the fafetyof millions, and laid the foundation of an em-pire, in whichwe hope science and virtuewill per-petuate freedom. There have been many delays,and many things done on the part of thepublic,which ought not to have been ; still you have noreason to defpairof national justice. Sometheremay be who would fpunge the whole, and oblivi-ate your claims?these men are of small number,and still less influence?they a«sl not from princi-ple, and falfely fuppoling the jneafure would bepopular, have baulked their own expectations ofperferment. As the cafe is eircumftanced, if therewere no sense of justice, a principle of policywould support your claim with every confederateman ; for to drive to despair two hundred thou-sand creditors and influential citizens, is an eventtoo great to be hazarded, aud might produceworse consequences than the most rigorous pay-ment. Convinced of these fa<fts, the creditorsought not to be too hasty in their expectationsfrom the present government. Let it be feenthatyour patience hath not beenthe eftedtof neceflity,but from a convi<flion of the deranged state ofthe National finances. The mindis apt to vibratein extremes, and from too greatdespondency rifeinto sanguine hopes, whichnevercan be realized.Something of this I have observed in the credi-tors of the nation. To arrange a fclieme of finance?to liquidate many unsettled claims?to searchfrom anew, the resources of this greatcountry,and to adjust the whole into a fyfiem beneficialto agriculture, commerce and manufactures, re-quires great ability and industry in the officialdepartments, and the most candid indulgence ofall parties concerned. The gentlemen whohavethese duties in trull, poflefs too much good fenp*to hazard their own responsibility in a saddenmanner, and before they can pollibly ascertainthe means which may be exerted. Returningorder in the treasury department, istliefirft thingnecellary?this you may fee, and for the reft,there must be time to adjust measures which willbe durable. If the legislature were to decidewithout previous informationfrom its executive,or the executive to endanger its exiftfince by re-commending without knowledge, it would betraya want of thepropercapacity, to relieve a nationfrom such confufion as we have experienced. Cer-tainly it will be for the public advantage to stopthe accumulation of interest 011 a great debt; spee-dily as can be ; you may therefore depend oneverything which is consistent with justice andhumanityto the people, and more thau this oughtnot to be granted. The resources of the Uni-ted States are increasing, and in a few years maydo what is at present impoflible. You have noright to expert, thatfunds can befuddenly ere<ft-ed and formalized, fufficient to answer the literalpromises of the public ; but ought for the presentto be fatisfied with what in this country hath been

\u25a0esteemed small interestfor property : On the otherhand, national honor and justicerequire, that thefunds provided shouldbe intheir natureincreasingones, that the dividendyou receive may increasewith thepublicability, until it arrives to the pointof equitable interest ; after which, all increasein

i- ~,/0rPublijhn\u25a0? on IVcdntfday and Salurdry.J

the national revenue, may become a finkino'fund,to (to away the general debt, if that be judgedbelt. By funds thus conftitutedand sacredly ap-propriated, a comproinife may be made be-tween the nation and its creditors, honorablefor one, and life for the other. In a country ofincreafing'comnierce andpopulation,and in whichevery year brings a million acres ofnew land in-to taxable improvement, there is the bed oppor-tunity for funds of the above description. TheState Creditors appear to me in the molt hazar-dous situation, and ought immediately to unitetheir influence, that they may be placed on thefame footing with the creditors of the UnitedStates?the meaftrre mult take placenowor never,?You have a reasonable demand?Your proper-ty was advancedfor the common defence, and ifan application is made in l'eafon, you must beheard. I can forefee but one objection to bemade to this measure, whichis,that it willincreafethe valueof State securities, and make them of e-qual goodness with the Continental: But he mustbe a churl indeed, who objects 011 this ground,when it is consideredhots much the State creditorshave loft in the principal of their debt, and thatthe appreciation will arise from the simple cir-cumstances of giving them a more extendedcir-culation, and placing them on the credit of aknown government, and not from laying anynew burdens on the people. The National andState securities ought to be considered as negocia-blebank stock, and one circumstanceon which itscredit and consequent value depends, is the ex-tenfivenefs of its circulation, and the credit ofthe government pledged for itsredemption. Forthesereasons, one hundred pounds placed in thefunds of the United StateS, will be of greater va-lue than the fame sum bearing the fame interest,in the funds of a single State. lam not an ad-vocate for encreafing the demandson the people?they have already been too great,and as a friendof the people I shall endeavor to shew still moreplainlythe impositions they have fuffered. Thepeople pay a certain sum annuallyfor interest 011the State debt, and it is of little consequence tpthem, whether this centers in the treasury of theUnited States, orofa particular State. If by theadoption of one generalfyftein, both people andcreditor* may be benefited, every friend of hiscountry will give an influence to complete it.

From a Hartford Paper.


A Gentleman from the Weft of England Went-£*- to London a few weeks ago, to receive ailegacy of jool. which he propol'ed to bring withhim into the country. His servant, apprised ofhis masters errand, imprudently talked of it atan inn upon the road. A perfonin the room, toappearancea tradesman, but inreality a highway-man, overheard the conversation, and determin-ed to pollefs hiinfelf of the booty. Pursuing thegentleman to London, he watched all his mo-tions, and 011 his return into the country wasready to follow him. On the otherfide of Houn-flow, near the turnpike on Smallberry Green,the robber came up with the chaise, and pafledit full gallop, but at the gate, not having a singlepenny to pay the toll, appearing confuted, he:took out his handkerchiefand begged the turn-pikeman to take it as a pledge. The gentlemanin the chaise having observed the tranfadtion, on.liis coming up inquired the caule ; and promi-sing to return the handkerchiefto the owner, paidthe penny for him. He presently overtook the

orderedhis chaise to stop. Pray,Sir, said he, is this your handkerchief ? If so, Ifear you are 111 great distress. lam indeed, Sir,replied the man, in the greatest that is pollible.Allow me, then, replied the gentleman,to relieveyour immediate wants ; and, drawing out hispurse, presented him with five guineas. Yourgenerosity, said thehighwayman, disarms me ; yourfive guineashavefavedyoufive hundred:?and, turn*ing his horse immediately rode off.



PERHAPS thereis nopart of Europe wheresuchan unrestrained tolerationis allowed toper-

lons of every religious denominationas in the fe-vcn UnitedProvinces: Amsterdammay be givenasan epitome of the whole. The eftabli/hed reli-gion is Calvinism, and the people of that per-iuadon make up one third ofthe inhabitants, theRoman Catholics another third, and the Luther-ans, Arminiang, Anabaptists, Quakers and Jews,conipofe the remainder. Each fedt has its parti-cular places ofworfhip, wliofe pallors may walkthe public llreets with those diftintflions of dresswhich immediately characterizes them. No ad-