GATEWAY… · 2018. 6. 22. · 2 GATEWAY leadership insight William O.Crews,Chancellor Leadership...


Transcript of GATEWAY… · 2018. 6. 22. · 2 GATEWAY leadership insight William O.Crews,Chancellor Leadership...

Page 1: GATEWAY… · 2018. 6. 22. · 2 GATEWAY leadership insight William O.Crews,Chancellor Leadership Insight n the afternoon of April 27 the trustees elected Golden Gate Seminary’s
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leadership insightWilliam O. Crews, Chancellor

Leadership Insight

n the afternoon of April 27 the trustees elected

Golden Gate Seminary’s seventh president.This

was a historic day and a decision that will have

a lasting impact on our Seminary. Dr. Jeff Iorg’s election

was the result of much prayer and of a search process

that sought only to find the man God had to lead

Golden Gate Seminary.

I have known Dr. Iorg for over fifteen years and have

watched him mature as a key kingdom leader of God's

work here in the West. I know for certain, and the selection

process has shown, that he posses the leadership qualities

that are necessary to lead this Seminary to a bright future.

Dr. Iorg’s knowledge of ministry needs in the West and his

leadership skills uniquely qualify him for this key leadership

role. His experience as director of the Northwest Baptist

Convention allows him to fully understand what churches

in the West are facing. I am confident he is God's man for

this strategic leadership position in the west.

As I look back on my tenure at Golden Gate I am deeply

grateful for the opportunity to serve the churches of the

Southern Baptist Convention and the churches of the West.

I am looking forward to working with Dr. Iorg over the next

two years as chancellor, not only in an orderly and smooth

transition, but as a partner as we continue to shape effec-

tive leaders for the churches of tomorrow. I congratulate

the Presidential Search Committee on a job well done and

I pledge my unqualified support to Dr. Iorg as he assumes

the leadership of this great Seminary.


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Introducing Jeff Iorg

4. Iorg ElectionResponse from Iorg’s election as Golden Gate’s Seventh President

6. Letter from Dr. Iorg

7. Leadership as “Influence Relationship”Iorg shares with chapel audience his desire to develop relationship by sharing his testimony

Also in this issue2. “Leadership Insight” from Chancellor Bill Crews

9. Kim Wing Dedication

10. Founder’s Day Celebration Marks 60 Years

11. Rocky Mountain Campus Receives Full Accreditation

12. Annual Mission Conference focuses on Islam

13. Alumni Updates

14. 2003 Sustaining Gifts

insideinside this issue

Spring 2004

CHANCELLORWilliam O. Crews


EDITORJeff Jones

COVER DESIGN & INTERIOR LAYOUTSuzanne Lee DesignSanta Clara, California

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Institutional AdvancementGGBTS -218201 Seminary DriveMill Valley, CA 94941

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Toll-free 888-442-8709

COPYRIGHTCopyright © 2004 by Golden GateBaptist Theological Seminary.All rights reserved.

Golden Gate Baptist TheologicalSeminary is a Cooperative ProgramMinistry of the Southern BaptistConvention.

Dear Golden Gate Alumni and Friends,

Thank you for the privilege to serve as the seventh president of Golden GaSeminary at this exciting time in our history. I am looking forward to the tof shaping leaders in the West and from the West for the world. God has given me a passion for getting the gospel to every person. As a pastor, church planter, and denominational leader in a mission setting, I havcommitted my life to making the gospel available to every person in every place. This passion – to fulfill the Great Commission in the spirit of the GreCommandment – runs deep! Expect that passion to influence all we do in thfuture at Golden Gate Seminary.

Leadership has been the issue and shaping leaders has been the priority at Golden Gate for more than a decade. Expect that focus to continue. We willstrive to join God in the process of shaping leaders into the image of Christ and increasing their effectiveness at accelerating the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

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Golden Gate Seminary Trustees elected Dr. Jeff Iorgwith a 30-3 vote as the Seminary’s seventh presidentduring their semi-annual meeting at the NorthernCalifornia campus.

Accepting the board’s election as president on April 26,Iorg stated, “Answering this call has been a profoundlymoving spiritual experience for me. Some people see aseminary presidency as a place in the spotlight. I did toountil a few years ago. But now I know better.While somesee a spotlight, I see a consuming column of fire. Godhas called me to walk into it and be consumed by it.

“We have boundless opportunity and seemingly insur-mountable obstacles before us.To me, that is the perfectsituation. God must be trusted, and trust Him we will.God is advancing this seminary into the future. I intendto get in step with Him.

“I offer you my remaining years of vocationalministry service. I offer you my prime years ofleadership competence and influence. As yourpresident, I commit my life to shaping leadersfor the West and shaping leaders in the West forthe world,” Iorg told the board.

Dr. Bill Crews, who has been served as president from1986-2003 and as chancellor since October 2003, stated,“The Presidential Search Committee has faithfullyfollowed a process that sought only to find the man Godhad to lead Golden Gate Seminary into its brightestfuture. I have known Jeff Iorg for over fifteen years andhave watched him mature as a key kingdom leader ofGod's work here in the west. I am confident he is theright leader for this time in Golden Gate’s history.”

Iorg will begin his term as president August 1.The inau-guration date has been set for October 11, 2004 andwill take place at 10 a.m. at the Northern Californiacampus.

“I am confident in the decision by the board and theprocess undertaken to discover God’s leader for thisSeminary,” stated Gary Black, chairman of the searchcommittee and board chair. “Dr. Iorg will be a greatleader not only for Golden Gate but as representativefor Southern Baptist throughout the West for decadesto come.”

Jimmy Draper, LifeWay Christian Resource president,praised the choice.

“Jeff Iorg brings a great wealth of experience of leader-ship there in the Northwest. He has been a veryeffective leader for the Northwest Baptist Conventionand I know will do equally as well when called to serveas president of Golden Gate Baptist TheologicalSeminary,” commented Draper. “He is conservative inhis theology and passionate about the ministry of God'sWord. He will bring gifted leadership to Golden GateSeminary at a time of great challenge and opportunity.”

Dr. Iorg has served as the Executive Director-Treasurerof the Northwest Baptist Convention since 1995. Hewas the founding pastor of Greater Gresham BaptistChurch in Gresham, Oregon and has also served aspastor of a church in Missouri and as a staff pastor inTexas. Since 1990, he has taught as an adjunct preaching,evangelism and leadership instructor at the Seminary’sPacific Northwest Campus.

Iorg election

Jeff Iorg speaking with Leticia Cho, a master of divinity student, duringthe April 26-27 Trustee Meetings.

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Roy Fish, distinguished professor of evangelism atSouthwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, was alsoimpressed with the Iorg election, “A finer choice couldnot be made in recommending Dr. Jeff Iorg as incomingpresident of Golden Gate Seminary.Along with being adevoted follower of the Lord, Dr. Iorg possesses excep-tional leadership qualities and administrative abilities.

“He inspires confidence and is an encouragerand an inspiration to those who work withhim. Golden Gate could not pursue a moreexceptional man. Dr. Jeff Iorg lives and worksfor the glory of God and the achievement ofHis purposes in the world,” said Fish.

Dwight Honeycutt, the Seminary’s William A. Carletonprofessor of church history and member of on theadvisory committee that helped select Dr. Iorg said,“JeffIorg is respected and appreciated by those of ourfaculty who know him. I can't begin to tell you howenthusiastic I am that we will have a servant-leader ofsuch amazing gifts and integrity as Dr. Iorg to lead us infulfilling the Golden Gate vision.”

Mark Edlund, the Executive Director of the ColoradoBaptist General Convention, has had professional con-tact with Dr. Iorg as a fellow western state executiveand agrees with the trustee election.“As a western stateExecutive Director, I celebrate the nomination of Dr. JeffIorg as the next president of Golden Gate Seminary.

“Golden Gate's vision of fully-accredited, contextualizedleadership training through a network of regional cam-puses is the key to the realization of total Gospel satu-ration throughout the West. Dr. Iorg, as one of theauthors of this vision, is the obvious man to carry it tothe next level,” Edlund stated. “As a successful churchplanter in the Northwest and as an experienced stateexecutive in the West, Dr. Iorg will step naturally intothe shoes of Dr. Crews and Golden Gate's mission. I canthink of no better man to take this key institution intothe new century.”

Dr. Iorg is a graduate of Hardin Simmons University(B.A.), Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary(M.Div.), and Southwestern Baptist TheologicalSeminary (D.Min.). He has written numerous articlesand curriculum materials. He is married to Ann and hasthree children – Casey, Melody, and Caleb.

Two of Iorg’s mentors, Jim Henry, Sr. Pastor at FirstBaptist Church, Orlando and Roy Fish, DistinguishedProfessor of Evangelism at Southwestern BaptistTheological Seminary, congratulated and affirmed Iorg.

“When I heard that my friend, Dr. Crews, was passingthe baton, the first name that came to my mind was JeffIorg,” stated Henry.“I met Dr. Iorg several years ago andwas deeply impressed with his heart, head, and leader-ship style.The years have done nothing but heighten thatappreciation.The Presidential Search Team has a winner.My prayers over the last few months are happilyanswered.”


October 11, 200410 a.m.Northern California Campusin Mill Valley, California

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Dear Golden Gate Alumni and Friends,

Thank you for the privilege to serve as the seventh president of Golden GateSeminary at this exciting time in our history. I am looking forward to the task of shaping leaders in the West and from the West for the world. God has given me a passion for getting the gospel to every person. As a pastor, church planter, and denominational leader in a mission setting, I have committed my life to making the gospel available to every person in every place. This passion – to fulfill the Great Commission in the spirit of the Great Commandment – runs deep! Expect that passion to influence all we do in the future at Golden Gate Seminary.

Leadership has been the issue and shaping leaders has been the priority at Golden Gate for more than a decade. Expect that focus to continue. We will strive to join God in the process of shaping leaders into the image of Christ and increasing their effectiveness at accelerating the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

The potential for Golden Gate is unlimited, but the challenges for us seem almost insurmountable. That is the perfect situation. Only by God’s grace and through His power will the Seminary thrive in the future. God must be trusted, and trust Him we will!


Jeff IorgPresident-Elect

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a seminary president except by the overwhelming,matchless, powerful grace of God,” Iorg told the audience.

Throughout these early, unstable and tumultuous yearsof life, Iorg found his stability in two areas. One was“committing my life to Jesus Christ as my Saviorand Lord,” Iorg stated.

“Nothing else, like what happened to me at the fair thatday, has impacted me more than that one singularchoice.That choice gave me a new identity and allowedme to be a ‘new creation’ in Jesus. He erased all thestigma of my old identity and gave me a new identity—His son, His child, His brother. Jesus Christ made me anew creation.

“The second area I found stability was by commit-ting my life to a Baptist church. It was at ElmcrestBaptist Church that men taught me how to be a man,taught me how to love a spouse and how to be a fatherto children and taught me how to relate in family. Forten years that church made a difference in my life.”

Also at the chapel service Iorg, shared four of hispassions that he felt would affect the Seminary.Iorg’s first passion is “getting the Gospel to everysingle person in the world.What drives me at the coreis not a political movement, is not a position of authority,

Dr. Jeff Iorg, speaking during his first chapel service aspresident-elect on April 28, relayed his desire todevelop a relationship with the students, faculty, staff,and trustees present. During the hour-long service, Iorgstated that leadership was an “influence relationship”and in order to “begin to establish a relationship withone another” he shared his testimony with the audience.

Iorg shared about his turbulent upbringing in analcoholic family. His life began with an alcoholic father,whom he and his mother fled when he was three yearsold. He was then raised by a stepfather, who alsostruggled with alcoholism.

At the age of 12, Iorg had a life-changing encounter withJesus Christ at a church booth set up at a regional fairin Texas. “Something inside of me said ‘this is it Jeff, thisis what you are missing in your life.’” From that pointon, Iorg felt God’s grace and hand in his life.

“Overarching my life is an umbrellaof God’s grace,” said Iorg. “There is no otherexplanation how a boy born in Georgia, to a father hehas never seen or known, have his name changed by amother who went into hiding, be reared in anotheralcoholic home, have no connection with God or thegospel except a Baptist church that went to the fair.There is no explanation to how that person can become

Jeff Iorg, speaking at his first chapel service since beingnamed president of Golden Gate Baptist TheologicalSeminary, told the audience God's grace is the onlyexplanation for a person with his childhood becomingthe leader of a godly institution.

Iorg sees leadership as“InfluenceRelationship”

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not a prestige that comes from the presidency, whatdrives me is people coming to Christ.

“I want the gospel to be for everyone, I want the Gospelto go the county fair, I want it to go to race tracks, Iwant it to go to bars, I want it to go to ranches inColorado, and reservations in Arizona, I want it to go tologgers in the Northwest, and I want it to go all aroundthe Pacific Rim and around the world. I want every littleboy like I was and every other person to hear theGospel.”

The second passionthat Iorg shared wasthat of his family. “Myfamily legacy is a check-ered past.When my wifeand I got married, one ofthe vows I asked her tomake to me was to joinme in staking our life onbuilding a new legacy ofthe Iorg name.

“So that our name would have the legacy of Christattached to it and that at two or three generations fromnow, our children would talk about their great-grand-father and great-great-grandfather and what he stoodfor in Christ and how that has rolled down through thegenerations.”

The third passion Iorg highlighted was the church.“There is no other institution or organization in theworld today that is the hope of the world like thechurch.We have to start them, restart them, build themand we have to learn to manage and lead them, but thechurch is the investment organization for the future forevery one of our lives.

“When the chips are down—and you will come to apoint in your life when the chips will be down—you willbe fortunate and blessed if you have a Baptist churchyou can turn to for help.”

The fourth area that Iorg shared was a compassionfor people that need to change. “The world we livein does not need our condemnation, it needs the com-passion of Christ demonstrated from Christians.

Iorg concluded the chapel service by repeating hisdesire to develop a relationship with those in atten-dance and by stating, “Hopefully, today I have beentransparent enough that you have seen a little bit intomy soul and you know a little bit more about theperson I am.”

A copy of the full chapel address given by Iorg isavailable at

Jeff Iorg spoke with Ryan Greenwood, a student at Golden Gate'sNorthern California campus.The new president of GGBTS said hewants to be as transparent as possible in order to develop meaningfulrelationships with those he leads.

Jeff and Ann Iorg

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Future Christian leaders will find a valuable resource tounderstand the real world of global missions and ministryin The David and Faith Kim School of Intercultural Studiesat Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary.The February10 dedication of the Kim Wing, where the Kim School ofIntercultural Studies is located, will mark its completionafter six months of construction.

The $500,000 project, consisting of eight offices, a class-room and a conference room, was funded by the Kims andother friends of Golden Gate Seminary.

The Kim School “has been brought intoour institution by the grace and blessingsof God, to assure appropriate culturalunderstanding in the development ofGod’s servants for global ministry at homeand abroad,” said Dr. Ray Tallman, the newly appoint-ed director of The David and Faith Kim School ofIntercultural Studies.

He said the program fits well into the Seminary’s missionstatement: “Under the Lordship of Christ, Golden GateBaptist Theological Seminary provides education and min-istry experiences to shape Christian leaders through pro-grams that emphasize spiritual growth, biblically-basedscholarship and ministry skills development – all within amulticultural setting.”

The dedication ceremonies honored David and Faith Kimof Southern California, who donated $5.25 million tofinance the school’s program in 1996. They came to theUnited States from Korea 35 years ago and have beenactive in California Southern Baptist work.

David Kim, a former Seminary trustee, is an orthopedicsurgeon. His wife, Faith Kim, holds a Doctor of Ministry

degree from Golden Gate and has taught at the Seminarysince 1991. She serves as associate professor of intercul-tural studies and Christian education and serves as associ-ate director of the Kim School.

“The world today desperately needs the message of JesusChrist presented across cultural boundaries around theworld,” said Tom Jones, vice president of InstitutionalAdvancement. “And the Kim School of Golden GateSeminary aims to meet that need.”

The ceremonies included a special Chapel service, lunch-eon and ribbon cutting of the remodeled wing of theSeminary to house the Kim School. The Kims daughters,Andrea, Daniella and Sandra, presented special music.

“Contemporary ministry demands cross-cultural ministryskills,” said Chancellor William O. Crews. “This schoolwas established to allow Golden GateSeminary to craft a thorough program ofintercultural studies and training to helpchurch leaders minister to people of allcultures, both in North America andabroad. The Kim School of Interculturalstudies will allow us to fulfill that goal.”

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Golden Gate Dedicates Intercultural Wing

Faith and David Kim (center) join in the ribbon cutting for the newhome of The David and Faith Kim School of Intercultural Studies atGolden Gate Seminary. At left is the school's director, Ray Tallman; right,GGBTS Chancellor William O. Crews. Photo by Harry Weaver

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With a grateful look to the past, proud survey of the pres-ent and optimism for the future, Golden Gate marked 60years of preparing ministers for churches in the West dur-ing its founder’s day celebrations March 31.

Chancellor William O. Crews said at a special Founder’sDay Chapel and banquet marking the 60th anniversary ofthe Seminary’s founding. The celebration also included abanquet honoring current and past staff and faculty.

Dr. Crews recounted how in 1944 founding President IsamHodges’ vision for a seminary in the West became reality,in Berkley, Oakland, Mill Valley and later throughout theWestern United States.

“When we see what God has done with this vision in thepast 60 years, who knows what He will do in the next 60years,” Crews commented.

Special guests included two of the Rev. Hodges’ children,Harlan Hodges and his wife Marcheta and Bea Hodges Hill,grandson Brad Hodges and Tammie Hill, wife of grandsonJoe Hill.

Other special guests included Frieda Graves, widow of for-mer President Dr. Harold K. Graves, and their daughterNancy McLaughlin.

Leading the banquet benediction was former PresidentDr. Frank Pollard, who said his tenure at Golden GateSeminary from 1983-86 was “the most rewarding time ofmy life.” He currently is a visiting professor at BaylorUniversity.

Golden Gate Marks 60 Years at Founder’sDay Celebration

“It is because there are men and women who did some-thing significant for God, who placed that dream in theirheart, that is why we are here today,” added Crews.

The chapel and banquet featuredhighlights of the early years inOakland and Berkeley during the1940s and ’50s, the move acrossSan Francisco Bay to Mill Valley in1959 and the expansion in the westincluding opening additional cam-puses in Southern California(1973), the Pacific Northwest

(1980),Arizona (1995) and Colorado (1996).

Dr. Crews also noted that the Seminary has establishedethnic leadership centers serving more than 600 studentsin California, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Utah,Colorado, New Mexico,Arizona and Arkansas.

Included were video excerpts from a 1992 interview byDr. Graves, who was president from 1952-77 and spear-headed the move to Mill Valley and construction of thefacility on a scenic hill overlooking San Francisco. Gravesrecalled that the Seminary paid $400,000 for the 129-acresite, which was once considered a potential location forthe United Nations headquarters.

“Golden Gate Seminary exists and thrives todaybecause of a compelling dream, articulated byvisionary leaders and pursued by literally hundredsof men and women who have given their lives to thepursuit of that dream, a dream that came true,”

Chancellor Bill Crews speaks to former Golden GatePresident Frank Pollard (1983-86)

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Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary recentlyreceived approval from its primary accrediting body tooffer full degrees at the Seminary’s Rocky MountainCampus in Centennial, Colo.This completes the process ofreceiving accreditation approval for all five of Golden GateSeminary’s campuses located throughout the West.

“This is very significant in the history of

Golden Gate Seminary. There is no other sem-

inary in the United States or Canada that

has this kind of approval in as many

places,” stated Dr. Bill Crews, chancellor of GoldenGate.“It is a testament to the way ministry must be donein the West—contextually educating students in theirenvironment.”

The Commission on Accrediting of the Association ofTheological Schools notified Golden Gate Seminary offi-cials of its decision Feb. 10. The Seminary plans to offer thefull Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in TheologicalStudies at the Rocky Mountain Campus.

“We have waited for this day since the early nineties whenthe vision was first cast to have a Southern Baptist semi-nary in Colorado to train pastors for Colorado,” saidSteve Veteto, director of the Rocky Mountain Campus.

“We feel that this is confirmation of God’s provision andplan for equipping leaders for the churches of Coloradoand the Rocky Mountain region.”

Instrumental to the Seminary’s growth and development inColorado, Seminary officials said, has been Mark Edlund,executive director of the Colorado Baptist GeneralConvention.

“God has given the CBGC a vision of being a part of achurch planting movement that will totally saturate ourstate with the gospel. A major key to the achievement ofthis vision is quality leadership development,” Edlund said.“This leadership training must be accomplished locally asthe majority of our present and future leaders are bi-voca-tional.

“These men and women will never have the opportunityto receive training at one of our six residential campuses,”he added.“Thus a local campus is a necessity.The presenceof the now fully accredited RMC in our state is perhapsGod’s greatest affirmation of the vision and direction Hehas given us.We are forever thankful that Golden Gate hasgiven us the opportunity to have our own quality seminaryright here in the Rocky Mountains.”

The Rocky Mountain Campus currently has three full-timeprofessors and 58 students enrolled in the spring term.

Golden Gate receives

full accreditationfor Rocky Mountain Campus

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A better understanding of Islam was the agenda at GoldenGate Baptist Theological Seminary’s annual mission confer-ence Feb. 13-15.The event, hosted by The David and FaithKim School of Intercultural Studies, drew approximately250 college students from across the West to theNorthern California campus.

“Within our culture today, there is a sense of fear aboutIslam,” said Tyler Watts, a student from California BaptistUniversity.“This conference has helped me understand thenature of the Islam faith and how, out of love, we can moreeffectively share the Gospel to Muslims.”

Bringing in experts from both academia and the missionfield, the conference offered practical help to reach thenearly 1.2 billion Muslims worldwide with the message ofJesus Christ.

“This has been a strategic opportunityfor Golden Gate to host this event and toconnect these potential missionaries withone of the most demanding and thrillingmission fields on earth,” stated Dr. Ray Tallman,the director of the Kim School of Intercultural Studies atGolden Gate. Dr.Tallman has worked with Muslim peoplein North Africa and the Middle East throughout his career.

One of the featured speakers was Imad Shehadeh, founderand president of Jordan Evangelical TheologicalSeminary—the only state recognized seminary in Jordan.“God’s power is one of the most untapped powers in theuniverse. As believers there is not a task that is insur-mountable.”

Brannan Duncan, a student at Golden Gate who hasrecently returned from the United Arab Emirates, felt theconference added to his depth of understanding concern-ing Islam.

“Islam has become such a focal point in the world todaysince 9/11; this conference has renewed my passion toreturn to the Muslim people and share with them my lovefor Christ in their context,” stated Duncan.

In addition to speakers and personal counseling opportu-nities, students were also provided seminar sessions.

Sessions included strategies for ministering to Muslims, thevarious avenues for mobilizing believers to meet world-wide mission needs, and the historical roots of religioustension in the Middle East.

“What this conference has done is bring a realistic per-spective to the Islamic faith. Since 9/11, everybody tells uswhat Islam is, but the important reality is that Muslims arepeople who need Christ,” said Keri Sheckler, director ofstudent mobilizations at California Baptist University.

Dr. Bill Wagner, the E. Hermond Westmoreland Professorof Evangelism at Golden Gate, presented his new book,How Islam Plans to Change the World, which he feels allowsbelievers to understand Islam and its theology.

“The events on 9/11 issued what many leading historiansfeel will be a clash of civilizations between Islam andChristianity. Therefore, it is imperative that Christiansspend time understanding the theology of Islam,” statedWagner.

“The call of God in a believer's life is always a call to stepinto something larger than oneself,” said Stacey Harris,program administrator for The David and Faith Kim Schoolof Intercultural Studies.“Through their participation in themissions conference, my prayer is that students were ableto release some of the fear that surrounds this topic andgain the information necessary to share the Gospel withthe ends of the earth.”

Mission conference

focuses on understanding Islam

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alumni updatesCharles Renno (’59) is serving as associate pastor atFaith Southern Baptist Church.

Bobby Evans (’61, ’72) and his wife, Dorthy, retired fromthe International Mission Board after 37 years of service inMalaysia, Singapore and Brunei. They have authored GreatThings He Has Done! A Century of Malaysian Baptist History,which can be purchased by emailing [email protected]

K. Milton Higgins (’62, ’73), president of the CaliforniaBaptist Foundation, received an honorary doctorate fromCalifornia Baptist University.

Louie (’69) and Jo Scales are planning on retiring in Julyfrom 34 years of missionary service in Kenya.

Charles W. Newman (’73) established and is pastoringThe Church at Belmor Park in Federal Way,Washington.

Chet Phillipe (’75) is ministering to the substanceaddicted and their familes in Visalia, California.

Michael Hollingshead (’86) is pastoring at Island UnitedChurch of Foster City in California.

Wanda (Dickey) Nelson (’86) is living in San Diego andis an elementary school teacher. She and her husband,Rick, have three children, and their email address [email protected].

Ron Shepard (’84, ’87) was appointed by the NorthAmerican Mission Board to serve as the associationalmissionary for the Puget Sound Baptist Association.

Donn Clarius (’89) is the director of music at AdventistCommunity Church in Santa Maria, California.

Victor Carbonell (’90) is working for the U.S. StateDepartment at the American Embassy in AntananarivoMadagascar.

Roy (’90) and Jenna (’91) McIntyre are serving as mis-sionaries in Bangladesh with the International MissionBoard and are on furlough in Kentucky until Spring 2005.Their email address is [email protected]


Larry Holcomb (’91) is the director of Urban Impact,which ministers to unreached immigrant groups in NewYork City.

David McConkey (’93) is serving as a Biblical Researcherwith the International Mission Board in Jerusalem.

Dana Chau (’00) is pastoring Marin Asian CommunityChurch in San Rafael, California.

Amy Rose (Boyer) Graham (’01) and her husband,Aaron, started Quincy Street Missional Church in Bostonand have a ministry connecting college students to theurban poor.

Timothy Swanson (’03) is serving as pastor of studentministries at First Baptist Church in Windsor, California.

Michael McCarthy (’03) was appointed by the NorthAmerican Mission Board to serve as a Nehemiah Projectchurch planter in the south Denver area.

In Memoriam

Homer Alexander (’47)

James Baker (’47)

Bennie Hargrave (’48)

Betty Cummins (’53)

Emmett Downs (’53)

Shirley Yelvington (’54)

Vernon Wickliffe (’56)

Richard M. Christian (’62)

Charles Fanshaw (’62)

James Morton (’59, ’62, ’68)

Portia Finley (’65)

Robert Finley (’66)

Gerald Spencer (’66)

Helen Lee (’83)

Garth Koecke (’85)

Bobby Ballard (’89)

James Davidson (’89)

Harry Spencer (’89)

Robert Norvell (’91)

Alumni Updates

Page 14: GATEWAY… · 2018. 6. 22. · 2 GATEWAY leadership insight William O.Crews,Chancellor Leadership Insight n the afternoon of April 27 the trustees elected Golden Gate Seminary’s

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2003 Sustaining LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT Arizona Southern Baptist ConventionCalifornia Baptist FoundationCalifornia Southern Baptist ConventionMr. Doyle CarltonChevronTexacoColorado Baptist General ConventionDr. & Mrs.William O. CrewsMr. & Mrs. Michael A. DixonMr. & Mrs.William C. DixonErnest Johnson Family TrustDr. & Mrs.William K. HallMrs. Naomi HardyMr.Vester T. Hughes, Jr.Immanuel Baptist Church-HighlandDrs. David & Faith KimLifeWay Christian Resources, SBCLilly Endowment Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Bill Long Mrs.Tobi NealNorth American Mission Board, SBCNorthwest Baptist ConventionMrs. Josephine A. OsborneMr. & Mrs.Wilmer K. PaineMs. Mary Glenelle ProckMr. & Mrs. O.Q. QuickMr. Jack RiceMrs. Rosemary SingletonMr. & Mrs. Conley P. SmithMs. Pat Yulich

DISTINGUISHED LEADERSHIP AWARDAvalanche Publishing, Inc.Mr. Bill Avery*Berendo Street Baptist Church-

Los Angeles*California Baptist FoundationCalifornia Plan of Church Finance Inc.*Canaan Development Corporation*Conley P. Smith Limited Liability Co.Colorado Baptist General ConventionDenver Assoc. of Southern BaptistsDixon Financial Services*First Chinese Baptist Church-PhoenixMr. & Mrs. Kevin J. LathropLifeWay Christian Resources of the SBCMicrosoftNorth American Mission Board, SBCDr. & Mrs. Daniel Moon*New Community Baptist Church-

Mountain View Mr. John & Dr. Naomi Paget*Odell C. Powell*Dr. J. Stephen PriceRiverside Baptist Church-Riverside*Mr. J. Richard Rock*Dr. & Mrs. Gregory D. Smith*Mr. & Mrs. H. Joe SowellMr. & Mrs. Chester F. StewartMr. & Mrs. Michael P. Stone*Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G.Terhune*Dr. & Mrs. Chris Turner*Virginia Baptist Mission BoardMr. & Mrs. John B.WilkinsonWoodrow Baptist Fellowship*

PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL Dr. & Mrs.Terry W.Arnold*Dr. & Mrs. Clinton M.AshleyMr. & Mrs. Clifford C. BascomDr. & Mrs. Charles D. Bass*Bayside Community Church-Foster City*Berkeley Baptist Church-Berkeley*Mr. & Mrs. J. Ed BiggsMr. & Mrs. Gary E. BlackDr. & Mrs. Edd L. Brown*Dr. Joe D. CaldwellCircle Drive Baptist Church-

Colorado Springs*Community of Grace-Aurora*Council of Korean Baptist Churhes of

Northern California*Mr. & Mrs. Jack CraemerChap. Don L. Crowley*Darrow FoundationDr. & Mrs. Francis M. DuBoseMrs. Dorothy Marie DunlopDr. & Mrs. Rodrick K. Durstj. kenneth eakinsMr. Edwin O. EdlundMr. & Mrs. Mark H. Edlund

Mr. & Mrs. L.Wayne Eye*Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. FargarsonMr. & Mrs. Louis E. Finlay*First Baptist Church-GarfieldFirst Baptist Church-Pagosa Springs*First Baptist Church-Sun CityFirst Baptist Church-Vero Beach*First Baptist Church-Walnut ValleyFirst Baptist Church of Irvine-Tustin*Friendship Baptist Church-PlainfieldDr. & Mrs. Benny H. Garner*Dr. & Mrs. J. David GeorgeMrs. Rosa Lena GeorgeMrs. Frieda GravesGreen Hills Baptist Church-La HabraMr. & Mrs. Gary A. Groat*Dr. & Mrs. Ernest P. GuyMrs. Shirley Ann HarropDr. & Mrs. James L. HiggsMs.Alice N. HyattDr. & Mrs. John E. JansheskiMr. & Mrs. Clarence R. JohnsonMr. & Mrs. Richard Jones*Dr. & Mrs.Thomas O. JonesMr. & Mrs. John R. Kinney*Lake Arlington Baptist Church-ArlingtonDr. & Mrs. Donald H. LedbetterMs. Helen Lin-Chiao Lee*Dr. & Mrs. Donald H. LedbetterLevi Strauss Foundation*Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan Fan-Shing LiuLiving Hope Baptist Church-WhittierMr. Richard A. LongLongs Peak Association of Southern

Baptist Churches*Dr. & Mrs. Jerrold K. LongerbeamMagnolia Avenue Baptist Church-RiversideRobert L. ManlyMr. & Mrs. Lester M. MaplesMaryland Baptist Church-PhoenixMr. & Mrs.Thomas McCauley*Dr. & Mrs. Gary W. McCoyMr. & Mrs. John W. McDonielMid-Cities Baptist Church-Orange CountyMr. & Mrs.Thomas E. Mims*Monument Hill Church, SBC-Monument*Mt. Zion Baptist Church-Redwood City*Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Chee NgMr. & Mrs. Gerald H. NostrandOrangewood Avenue Baptist Church-

Garden GroveMr. & Mrs. Joe W. PanterRev. & Mrs. Harold D. ParsleyMr. & Mrs. Brian R. Phelps*Pole Line Road Baptist Church-DavisMr. Stephen A. PriceMiss Mary Glenelle Prock*Reynoldsburg Baptist Church-ReynoldsburgMr. Jack RiceMr. & Mrs. F. Carl Rider*Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Y. Ro*Mr. & Mrs. Leo D. RollinsRose Drive Baptist Church-Yorba LindaDr. & Mrs. G.W. SchweerDr. & Mrs. Clifford G. SechristRev.Walter A. SheltonRev. John Courtland Shepard*Mr. & Mrs. Glenn P. ShoopDr. & Mrs. John W. ShouseMr. & Mrs. James S. SimmonsMr. David M. Smith*Southern Baptist ConventionRev. Edward & Mrs. Nella SternerThe Baptist Convention of New MexicoThe Baptist Foundation of Colorado*The Conference of Korean Baptist Churches

of Southern CaliforniaMr. & Mrs. Mark TichenorMr. & Mrs. Don W.Treece*Trinity Baptist Church-ModestoTucson Chinese Baptist Church-TucsonUnited Baptist Church-CarsonDr. & Mrs. Stephen VetetoMr. Cameron L.Wold

ASSOCIATES Mr. & Mrs. Lizardo R.AbaunzaRev. & Mrs. Michael A.AbdollahzadehMr. & Mrs. Kevin S.AbeggRev. & Mrs. E. Randall AdamsRev. & Mrs. Edward L.Adams

Mr. & Mrs. John AdamsDr. & Mrs. O. Samuel AjimatanrarejeMr.Yemi & Dr. Rose AjimatanrarejeDr. Marie Harris AldridgeMs.Alda AlexaDr. & Mrs. Bruce AllenAlsbury Baptist Church-BurlesonMrs. Cheryl B.AndersonMr. & Mrs. Robert G.AndersonDr. & Mrs. D. Scott AndrewsDr. & Mrs. Daniel P.AngoveRev. & Mrs. Juan ArambulaDr. & Mrs. Gary P.ArbinoArkansas Baptist Foundation Rev. & Mrs. John A.AshcraftMr.W.W.AstonAtherton Baptist Church-HawthorneAuburn Theological Seminary Rev. & Mrs. James D. BackMrs. Barbara K. BaconMr. & Mrs. Larry C. BakerMrs. Mary BakerMr. & Mrs. Robert A. BakerMs. Evelyn M. BalesRev. & Mrs. Clayton R. BarkerMrs. Loyce R. BarnesMr. & Mrs. Robert K. BarnesSgt. Major & Mrs. Jennings B. BarrMrs.Angela H. BarreraMr. & Mrs.Arther W. BarrettMr. & Mrs. Roy L. BarronMr. & Mrs.Thomas F. BeardMr. Cecil BeckBecker & Company Mr. & Mrs. Keith BeeneChap. & Mrs. Keith L. BelzRev. & Mrs.Wilton T. BennettMr. & Mrs. Everett M. BensMr. & Mrs. Eric BerquistChap. & Mrs. John F. BerryMr. & Mrs. Corey A. BestRev. & Mrs. Earl R. BigelowMr.Allen BiggsChap. & Mrs. Samuel E. BirkyMr. & Mrs.Arthur BittelMr. & Mrs. B. Greg BohannonLt. Lisa D. BohannonRev. & Mrs. Darrell H. BolichRev. & Mrs. Kenneth M. BolingerMs. Eleanor J. BoltonBonnyview Baptist Church-ReddingMr. & Mrs.Albert J. BoroMr. J. Lee BradleyMr. & Mrs. Burt M. BradshawMr. Jeffrey W. BrainDr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. BrantonBrea Center Baptist ChurchMr. & Mrs. Eldon L. BreshearsRev. Dr. & Mrs. Caroll BroadfootMr. & Mrs. Gerald R. BrockMr. & Mrs. Milton L. BrockMr. & Mrs. James C. BrownMr. & Mrs. Joe H. BrownDr. & Mrs. Stephen L. BrownMr. David L. BrunerMr. & Mrs. Keith D. BuckleyCapt. & Mrs. Norris E. BurkesMr. & Mrs. Howard W. BurkhartDr. & Mrs. John C. BurnhamDr. & Mrs. Kelly J. BurrisMr. & Mrs. Bruce K. BurroughsMr. & Mrs. Ralph L. BurroughsMr. & Mrs.Anthony BurtonMr. & Mrs. Robert M. BurtonRev. & Mrs. Carlton ButlerMrs. Lila V. ButlerMr. & Mrs. Leonard H. ButnerMr. David P. ByramJudge & Mrs. R. Jack CagleRev. & Mrs. Mark R. CaldwellCalvary Baptist Church-Little Rock Mr. & Mrs.Alan L.C. CampbellMs. Kelly DiAnn CampbellMr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. CampbellMr. Mark D. CancelMr. & Mrs. Robert J. CapurroMr. & Mrs. Kevin W. CarpenterMr. & Mrs.W. C. CarpenterCarson Baptist Church Rev. & Mrs. Sidney G. CarswellMr. Charles A. Carter

Mr. & Mrs.Wynne M. CasteelRev. & Mrs. Steven A. CavanaughMr. & Mrs. Samuel T. CavendarMs. Betty Jo CaywoodRev. & Mrs. Dong-Hwi ChaMs. Irene Wong ChanMr. & Mrs. Dukchun ChangRev. & Mrs. Paul B.H. ChangMr. & Mrs.Won-Ki ChangRev. John E. ChapmanDr. & Mrs.Tommy J. ChapmanMr. & Mrs. Dana K. ChauMs. Janey ChenChevys Inc.Mr. & Mrs. John ChiaMr. & Mrs. Sung-Eui ChoDr. & Mrs.Yong Kyu ChoMr. & Mrs. Michael J. ChoiMr. & Mrs. Moo Jin ChoiMr. & Mrs. Markus K.Y. ChongMs. Chia-Wei ChowMr. & Mrs. Johnny T. ChungRev. & Mrs. Kyung Suk ChungChurch of the Second Chance Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas P. CoeMr. & Mrs. John F. ColeMr. & Mrs. Sean D. ColeRev. Gerald A. ColemanRev. & Mrs. Dana CollinsMr. & Mrs. Bob CompereDr. & Mrs. Claude W. ConeRev. & Mrs. Jack W. ConnerMs. Betty CookMr. & Mrs. Gary A. CooperMr. Steven J. CottrellRev. & Mrs. John R. CoxMr. & Mrs. Robert F. CrimingerMr. & Mrs.Terry R. CrippsMr. Robert W. CrumMs.Audrey P. CubilloMs. D. Eloise CurtisDr. & Mrs. David L. DaffernMr. & Mrs.Andrew M. DaileyMs. Charlie M. DarringtonRev. Sharon K. DaughertyMs. Carolann DavisMr. & Mrs. Porter DavisMr. & Mrs.Victor L. DavoltMr. & Mrs. Freddie N. de la CruzMr. & Mrs. Gilbert De La RosaMiss Marjorie C. De PriestMs. Beverly J. De WittRev. & Mrs. B. Duffy DeardorffMr. & Mrs. Robert F. DeLongRev. & Mrs. Danny DicksonMs. Ellen DixonDr. & Mrs.A. David DonnellyRev. & Mrs. James L. DowneyMr. & Mrs. Herbert DrakeDunaway Realty Co., Inc.Mr. Z. C. DunawayMrs.Anna K. DunnMr. John C. EaganMr. & Mrs. Douglas G. EakinsDr. & Mrs.William E. EastDr. & Mrs. Richard C. EddsRev. & Mrs. Dick L. EdmondsDr. & Mrs. Bruce W. EdwardsMrs. Hazamerle EdwardsDr. & Mrs. O.Watson EfurdMs. Nico EichlsederRev. & Mrs. Larry W. EllisMs. Johnnye M. EllisonElm Avenue Baptist Church-Grand JunctionMr. & Mrs. Ryan R. EngellandMrs. Elizabeth A. EnnisEthne-LarkspurMr. & Mrs. Robert C. EvansLt. Col. & Mrs. Paul P. EverettMr. & Mrs. John D. EwtonMs. F. Nicole FainRev. & Mrs. Calvin C. FairclothMrs. Ewilda T. FancherMr. & Mrs. Fred E. FarrenRev. & Mrs. Pete W. FastMr. & Mrs. Paul FeliseMr. & Mrs. Gordon E. FerchoDr. & Mrs. J.Taylor FieldMr. & Mrs.Theodore P. FieldsMr. & Mrs. Robert N. FinleyMr. & Mrs. Oliver Firkins

2003 Sustaining GiftsGolden Gate Seminary is committed to training effective leaders for the churches of tomorrow and strives to produce gradu-ates who are as free of educational debt as possible. Through the sustaining investments of supporters around the globe, theSeminary is able to provide high quality theological education at an affordable price to those who have answered God’s call toleadership. Our deepest appreciation and gratitude are extended to the following friends who have so generously given toempower Kingdom growth:

Page 15: GATEWAY… · 2018. 6. 22. · 2 GATEWAY leadership insight William O.Crews,Chancellor Leadership Insight n the afternoon of April 27 the trustees elected Golden Gate Seminary’s

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First Baptist Church-Bayfield First Baptist Church-BurlingtonFirst Baptist Church-Del Cerro First Baptist Church-Hacienda HeightsFirst Baptist Church-Rialto First Baptist Church-San MateoFirst Baptist Church-Westminster First Southern Baptist Church-El DoradoFirst Southern Baptist Church-Westminster Mr. & Mrs.Wallis T. FlemingMs. Brenda S. FlowersMr. & Mrs. Quock Q. FongFoothill Baptist Church-Los Altos Mr. & Mrs.William FormonMr. & Mrs.Wendell J. FossMs.Anne L. FosterRev. & Mrs. N.Wayne FulferMr. & Mrs. John FunkMr. & Mrs. David J. GallesMr. & Mrs. Ray L. GarrettMr. & Mrs. Earl W. GarrisonGeorgia Baptist Foundation Dr. E. Don GiddensDr. & Mrs. David Y.H. GillRev. & Mrs. C. Kenneth GlennGod's Grace Baptist Church Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. GoodeMr. & Mrs. Jack L. GossettMr. Leister F. GraffisDr. & Mrs. Gonzalo H. GrauperaChap. & Mrs. Lowell B. GravesMr.Vernon J. GreenMr. & Mrs. M. C. GreenwoodDr. & Mrs. Joshua GrijalvaMr. & Mrs. Robert M. GrishamMr. & Mrs.W. Robert GriswoldMr. & Mrs. Ronald D. GrossMr. Sean S.P. GuoRev. & Mrs. Julius R. GurneyMrs. Ruth B. HalvarsonRev. & Mrs.Taekhui HanMr. & Mrs. C. Patrick HancockMr. & Mrs. Jackie D. HarmonMr. & Mrs. Roderick I. HarrisMr. & Mrs.W.T. HarrisonDr. & Mrs. Robert E. HaskinsMs. Daisy HattenRev. & Mrs. Daryl I. HeathMr. & Mrs. Henry HedermanMr. & Mrs.Timothy HedlundRev. & Mrs. Clarence G. HeldermanMr. & Mrs. Norman L. HelselMr. & Mrs. Carlos L. HerreraMr. & Mrs. Lawrence HertzogMr. & Mrs. Charles R. HigginsDr. & Mrs. K. Milton HigginsMr. & Mrs. Harlan R. HighsmithMs. Stephanie L. HillMr. & Mrs.Thomas A. HillHillview Baptist Church-Union CityMr. & Mrs. Omar HindiyehHispanic School of Theology-Las CrucesDr. & Mrs. Floyd M. HixsonMr. & Mrs. Joshua M. HoffordMs. Kristen HoggattRev. & Mrs. James G. HolmesDr. & Mrs. Dwight A. HoneycuttRev. & Mrs. James E. HooverDr. & Mrs. Ronald HorneckerRev. & Mrs.Andrew L. HortonMr. & Mrs. Jack L. HowardMr. & Mrs. Paul T. HowardMr. & Mrs.Albert D. HsuRev. & Mrs.Wilfred H.C. HsuMr. & Mrs. Stephen Shih HuangMr. & Mrs. Paul HudsonMr. & Mrs.Vance O. HunterDr. & Mrs. Radford R. HutchesonMr. & Mrs. Skip R. HutsellIBM International FoundationIglesia Bautista Central-PhoenixImmanuel Southern Baptist Church-Fort CollinsImproving Life for All Peoples Rev. & Mrs. Gary IrbyMr. & Mrs. Paul D. IrelandDr. & Mrs. Donald D. JacksonDr. & Mrs. George C. JacquesMr. & Mrs. Robert W. JensenJewett Properties Ms. Elizabeth M. JohnsDr. John E. JohnsonMr. & Mrs. Robert T. JohnsonMr. & Mrs. Darrell D. JonesMr. & Mrs. Douglas Al JonesMr. & Mrs. Douglas Andrew JonesMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. JonesMr. & Mrs. Joseph A. JonesRev. & Mrs.W.Todd JonesMr. & Mrs.William D. JoyceDr. & Mrs. David P. Kast

Rev. & Mrs. Samuel A. KayodeMr. E. Houston KeehnerMr. & Mrs. James E. KeehnerMr. & Mrs. Lyle N. KellRev. & Mrs. Max KellMr. & Mrs. Johnny D. KellarMr.Timothy A. KelleyDr. & Mrs. J. Calvin KellyKen Caryl Baptist Church-Littleton Pastor & Mrs. Fred D. KerrRev. & Mrs. Leslie J. KesslerDr. Paul & Rev. Rebekah KimMr. & Mrs.Tae Hoon KimDr.Youngsong Kim & Mrs. Haga ParkMrs. Sandra J. KingPastor & Mrs. Carl K. KinoshitaMs. Jean KlingamanMr. & Mrs. Kyle R. KlopferMr. & Mrs. David S.H. KoMr. Kwan Woong KoMr. & Mrs. Robert O. KochMs. Ella J. KockRev. Setsumi KojimaRev. & Mrs.Adam I. KravetsRev. & Mrs. Frank E. KrizMr. & Mrs. Ha Wan KuRev. & Mrs. Barrett M. LamppMr. & Mrs. Mark C. LaxtonDr. & Mrs.Vihn Ngoc LeMr. & Mrs. Pierre G. LeclercqMr. & Mrs. Steve R. LeddickMr. & Mrs. Donald W. LeeRev. & Mrs. Gerald W.T. LeeMr. & Mrs. Heung Do LeeMr. & Mrs. Hyuk Ki LeeDr. & Mrs. Kei An LeeRev. & Mrs. Raymond Y. LeeMr. & Mrs. K.M. Lev LeighMs. Nancy M. LeonardRev. & Mrs. David D. LewisMr. & Mrs. Chih-Lung LinDr. & Mrs. J. Richard LincolnMr. & Mrs. Samuel S.E. LingRev. & Mrs. H. Marlowe LinkMr. & Mrs. Robert K. LloydRev. & Mrs. Kenneth C. LongRev. & Mrs. Pedro LopezRev. Paul E. LothenoreMrs. Linda M. LovisonMr. & Mrs. Henry H. LuckelDr. & Mrs. John A. MacDonaldMr. & Mrs. G. Les MacDowellMr. & Mrs. Samuel E. MaddoxMr. & Mrs.Timothy F. MadeyRev. & Mrs. George Y. MaedaMr. & Mrs. Edgardo J. MaliksiRev. & Mrs. Gerald R. MannDr. & Mrs. Jack W. ManningMarin Chapter 4139Marin County Arborists Mr. Kenneth G. MarshallMrs. Pearleatha MartinRev. & Mrs. Steven L. MartinRev. & Mrs. Harvey W. MartindillMr. Gilbert G. MatthewsMr. & Mrs. Byron W. MauzyMr. & Mrs. Larry L. MaxwellMr. & Mrs. Rafael T. MazaMr. & Mrs. Robert H. McCainDr. & Mrs. E.W. McCall, Sr.Mr. & Mrs.Young Su McCannMr. & Mrs. Michael K. McCarthyMr. & Mrs. Ray McCollumDr. & Mrs. Donald B. McCoyMr. & Mrs. Robert E. McCulloughRev. & Mrs. Jack E. McDanielMr. & Mrs.Thomas E. McGahaMr. & Mrs. Jim McGownDr. & Mrs. Ronald F. McKenzieMr. & Mrs. Sam D. McKenzieDr. & Mrs. James T. McLaughlinMr. & Mrs. Randy P. McWhorterMr. & Mrs. Bart MehargRev. & Mrs. James B. MeltonMs.Anne L. MenaldoRev. & Mrs. Clifford A. MeroHon. Phyllis L. MetcalfeMr. & Mrs. Karl E. MethumRev. Randy MicekMs. Elizabeth MilamMs. S. Jean MillerMs. Gloria B. MitchellMr. & Mrs.Albert G. MohnMr. & Mrs. Robert J. MoormanRev. James M. MortonMountain View Baptist Church-CallahanDr. & Mrs. Michael F. MoweryMrs.Thelma MoxleyMr. Mourice K. MrabeRev. & Mrs. Henry H.S. Mu

Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Donald W. MulkeyMr. & Mrs. Scott K. MurcrayChap. & Mrs.Thomas W. MurphyMr. & Mrs.William P. MurrayMr. & Mrs.William T. MyersMr. & Mrs. Stanton NashRev. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. NashMr. Edward NasonDr. & Mrs.Winston E. NealDr. & Mrs. Stanley A. NelsonMr. & Mrs.Warren H. NgRev. Baohanh Thi NguyenMr. & Mrs. David R. NighRev. & Mrs. Harold NightingaleMs. Helen NixonDr. & Mrs. Jay Young NohRev. & Mrs. Larry C. NoiaMr. & Mrs. James L. NolletteMs. Sherri A. NophskerMajor & Mrs. Jefferson D. NormanRev. & Mrs. Elvin B. NorrisNorth Metro Church-EastlakeDr. & Mrs. Robert E. NorvellOakmont Community ChurchDr. & Mrs. Dexter C. OganCol. & Mrs. Bill D. OggRev. & Mrs. Miguel A. OlmedoMr. & Mrs. Philip OresteMr. & Mrs.A. Jennings OrrMr. & Mrs. S. M. OsteenRev. & Mrs. Donald G. OverstreetRev. & Mrs. R. Kendall OwensMrs. Joanne C. PageMr. & Mrs. N. Peter PaikPanama Baptist Church-Bakersfield Mr. & Mrs. Do Seo ParkMr. & Mrs. Jong Dea ParkMr. & Mrs. Peter ParkMr. & Mrs. Sungho E. ParkParker Baptist Church-ParkerMr. Lloyd F. ParkinsonMr. & Mrs.Anil K. PatelPauline Caskey Powell Estate Rev. & Mrs. Juan PawlukMr. & Mrs. G.Walton PayneDr. & Mrs. Cecil J. PearsonMr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. PearsonMr. & Mrs. Sean D. PeiferMr. & Mrs. Bill J. PembertonRev. & Mrs. Herivelto C. PereiraRevs. Charles & Gwendolyn PerryMr. & Mrs. Sid PetersonPastor & Mrs. Chamron PhalRev. & Mrs. Edward L. PhelpsRev. & Mrs. Doyle W. PhillipsChap.Walter L. PhillipsMr.Thomas T.Y. PihPikes Peak Association of Southern

Baptist ChurchesMr. & Mrs. Charley PitchfordRev. & Mrs. Richard R. PorterMr. & Mrs. Joe PottsDr. & Mrs. John W. RagsdaleRainbow Family Inc.Capt. & Mrs. Leonard M. RauschDr. & Mrs. J.T. ReedRev. & Mrs. M. Ray ReedCol. & Mrs. Frank A. RiceMr. & Mrs. Robert RippeeMr. Robert F. RischRev. & Mrs. James M. RoamerMs.Verla R. RobertsDr. & Mrs.Wade H. RobertsonMr. & Mrs. Kenneth RobisonChap. & Mrs. Michael S. RocksRev. & Mrs. David Y. RohRollingwood Baptist Church-San PabloMr. Jonathan Rolnick & Mrs. Lisa MaslowMr. & Mrs. Donald E. RootRev. & Mrs. Martin E. RoseRev. & Mrs.Timothy J. RoyalMr. & Mrs. Pavel S. RubanRev. & Mrs. Shelden H. RussellMs. Patricia R. Ryder-WilsonSan Juan Baptist Association-FarmingtonMr. & Mrs. Harvey L. SandahlMr. & Mrs. James P. SandersChap. & Mrs. John C. SargentMs. Pamela L. SaundersRev. & Mrs. Ray SavageMrs. Patsy R. SchlueterMr. & Mrs. Charlie D. ScottMr. & Mrs.Andrew D. SeagoRev. & Mrs. John T.S. ShinMr. & Mrs. Sam Y.H. ShinRev. & Mrs.T.S. Brainerd ShiuMr. & Mrs. Frank W. ShopeRev. & Mrs. Charles W. ShortMr. & Mrs. Scott P. SiddleSiloam Global, LA

Rev. & Mrs. Ralph SilvaMr. & Mrs. Eugene A. SimmonsMr.& Mrs. Daniel O. SkeenRev. J. Leslie SmithMr. & Mrs. James B. SmithMr. Robert W. SmithRev.William E. SmithMr. & Mrs.Alfred M. SmoakMr. & Mrs. James A. SnowMr. & Mrs. James B. SongerMr. & Mrs.Amos A. SpadyMr. Eric C. SpannRev. & Mrs. Franklin L. SparkmanRev. Harry O. SpencerMr. & Mrs.Art SpooDr. & Mrs. Dewey F. SquyresDr. & Mrs. Jerry G. St. JohnMs. Monique StephansenMs. Martha Jean StevensMr. & Mrs. George P. StifleRev. & Mrs. Mike StoryMr. & Mrs. John R. StoutMrs.Anne Marie StrauchDr. & Mrs. Jerry M. StubblefieldStudent Wives FellowshipSunset Ministry-San FranciscoRev. & Mrs. Peter L. SwannRev. & Mrs. Bob J. SwiftMr. & Mrs. Brian TaylorDr. & Mrs. Joe K.TaylorMr. & Mrs. Douglas R.TayntonTempe Christian Church-TempeRev. & Mrs. Kenneth L.TerrellMr. John S.TerryThe South Euclid Baptist Church-Ontario Rev. & Mrs.Abraham ThomasRev. & Mrs. J. Raymond ThompsonMs. Bertie A.ThompsonMr. Jack ThompsonDr. & Mrs. Michael D.ThompsonMs. Betty TorgersonRev. & Mrs. Lupe F.TorrezMr. & Mrs.Truyen Huu TranMr. Kenny TriguerosRev. & Mrs.Tandy W.TrowerDr. & Mrs. Simon H.L.TsoiMs. Grace B.TuckerMr. & Mrs.Allen T.TurcoMr. & Mrs. Loren C.TurnageMr. Emil TurnerMr. & Mrs. Robert C. UtterbackMr. & Mrs. Rene A.ValenciaValley Baptist Church-LancasterMs. Martha Van HoutenRev. & Mrs. James L.VaughnChap. & Mrs. John R.VaughnRev. & Mrs. J. Keith VawterMr. & Mrs. Edgar O.VetetoDr. Peter N.VourliotisDr. & Mrs. L. Earl WaggonerDr. & Mrs. Jeffrey E.WagnerDr. & Mrs. Larry WalkerMs. Rebecca R.WalkerMr. Robert A.WalkerDr. & Mrs. Leonard S.WallmarkWardrobe CleanersLt. Col. & Mrs.Allen T.WayneDr. & Mrs. R. Henry WebbMs. Ruby M.WeinbergWest End Baptist Church-AlicevilleMr. & Mrs. D. Eldon WhiteMr. & Mrs. Richard G.WhiteMr. & Mrs.Wallace W.WhittedDr. & Mrs.Thomas L.WileyMr. & Mrs. Robert N.WilkersonMr. & Mrs. J. Ben WilkinsMr. & Mrs. Dan S.WilliamsMr. & Mrs. I. Earl WilliamsMr. & Mrs. James A.WilliamsMr. & Mrs. L.Wayne WilpitzMr. & Mrs. Donald WilsonRev. & Mrs. Mark A.WilsonMr. & Mrs. Ric WilsonRev. & Mrs. James R.WinchesterMr. & Mrs. Kevin WongMr. & Mrs. Frank F.WoodburnRev. & Mrs. Michael K.WrenMr. & Mrs. James E.WrightMr.Wen Wei WuMr. & Mrs. J.S. John YeoMr. & Mrs. Glenn P.Young

*Indicates new Lifetime Achievement, DistinguishedLeadership Award or President’s Council Members.


Page 16: GATEWAY… · 2018. 6. 22. · 2 GATEWAY leadership insight William O.Crews,Chancellor Leadership Insight n the afternoon of April 27 the trustees elected Golden Gate Seminary’s

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