
Claudia G. De Leon Mtz #9 Oct. 26, 2009 10A

Transcript of Gastronomy

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Claudia G. De Leon Mtz #9

Oct. 26, 2009 10A

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1er. Semestre Gastronomía Identificación de carnes Sanidad e higiene Ortografía y redacción Matemáticas Desarrollo humano I Identificación de productos Transformación de alimentos Bases culinarias I Inglés I Francés I

2º. Semestre Recorrido gastronómico Administración de empresas Contabilidad Panadería Computación I Desarrollo humano II Bases culinarias II Metodología de la investigación Inglés II Francés II

3er. Semestre Conservación de alimentos Costos de alimentos y

bebidas Computación II Desayunos y cafetería Administración de personal Desarrollo humano III Identificación de pescados,

mariscos, aves y animales de caza

Bases de repostería Ingles III Francés III

Study Plan:

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4º. Semestre Dependiente de comedor Nutrición I Charcutería Identificación de quesos Repostería Intermedia Estadística Desarrollo humano IV Cocina francesa Inglés IV Francés IV Seminario de calidad I

5º. Semestre Cocina italiana Mercadotecnia Coctelería Nutrición II Cocina vegetariana Patissêrie Manejo y control de adquisiciones Desarrollo humano V Inglés V Francés V

6º. Semestre Investigación de

mercados Administración de

proyectos Cocina española Derecho laboral Mukimono Confitería Bases de enología Desarrollo humano VI Inglés VI Francés VI

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7º Semestre Desarrollo y capacitación Economía Promoción y publicidad Garde manger Desarrollo humano VII Equipos e instalaciones Cocina mexicana I Enología II Repostería avanzada Escultura en hielo Proyectos I Seminario de calidad II Preparación DELF y TOEIC

8º. Semestre Cultura General Administración de ventas Planeación de menús Desarrollo humano VIII Investigación de operaciones Cocina oriental Cocina mexicana II Escultura en mantequilla Dependiente de comedor II Proyectos II Seminario de tesis I

9º. Semestre Psicología industrial Relaciones públicas Cocina alemana Cocina de humo Desarrollo humano IX Cocina experimental Proyectos III Banquetes Cocina árabe Seminario de tesis II Seminario de calidad III

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Duration: 4.5 years

Professional Practices: In your 1 º semester you will have fulfill your hours of practice inside your city of origin, Puebla or Monterrey. From 2 º semester, you will be able to choose any place inside the Mexican Republic only if you keep with the academic and administrative requirements that the Institute demands. In 6 º and 8 º semester you will be able to choose which of the 9 you sedate with that the Institute has agreements abroad, you want to continue your professional practices. Across your professional practices, you will be able to join to any of the following areas: ADMINISTRATIVE AREAS (Industry of food and drinks) CULINARY ARTS BAKERY AND CONFECTIONARY

Schedule: Free choice, it can be in the morning or in the afternoon.

Requirements: Love to cook, be responsible, and act fast

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Instituto Culinario de Mexico (ICUM) Ubication: Loma Redonda #1517 Col. Loma Larga

Monterrey, NL, México C.P. 64710 Philosophy: To be admitted by the companies that are in search of

the culinary excellence as the best academic forming institution of talent worldwide.

Scholarship: PATRONATO: you obtain It automatically on having deposited the ICUM and can support all your career if you fulfill the requirements of the Department of Financial Help. *Renovable INSTITUTIONAL: 10 % to 50 % of direct discount to tuition. If you have average of 8.5, you can apply for it from your second semester and can support all your career if you fulfill the requirements of the Secretariat of Public Education. The ICUM gives you the opportunity to combine this scholarship with the Scholarship Patronato, receiving a minimal discount of 43 % and maximum of 62 % applied directly to your tuition. *Renovable EXCELLENCE We Possess several programs of educational financing as a whole bank institutions. Find out in the Department of Attraction of Talent

Entrance Exam: $500 Facilities: Dining room, Two bedrooms, Complete Bathroom and

Court of service with water kettle

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Base Salary: $35,000 pesos monthly Work Options: Restaurants, bar pub, hotels Opportunities: Develop and create new foods and

beverages Institutions or companies that make you a job: Hotels,

Restaurants, almost anywhere you can be hired Frequent homeworks: Make beverages and food Work rhythm: Weekly work, annual vacation, tourism,

busy scheduled Job Research: Restaurateurs, managers, chefs,

hoteliers, food writers, sommeliers Requirements: Knowing about wines and food, and

have cuisine skills

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Related Interests: Food systems, wine, journalism, tourism, culture, and history.

Skills: English and French, some cooking techniques, build confidence in the kitchen and have a better knowledge of what to look for when shopping.

Values: Social and ethical, responsability Rewards or Benefits: healthy appetite

and an inquiring palate

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Operate on companies of service, food and drinks

Project new concepts of restaurants with foundations of cuisine and marketing

Develop the criteria to adapt a recipe considering variables and circumstances as: capacity of facilities and personal, as well as of new methods of preparation

Dominate English and French

It may be a tough and long career.

May dislike food a little bit