Gardening sheets fall color

Bigleaf maple Acer macrophyllum (AY-sir mack-row-FIE-lum [or mack-row-FILL-um]) Family: Sapindaceae [Aceraceae] (Maple Family) Native to: Western U.S. from S. CA to WA. Locally in Santa Monica and San Gabriel Mtns.; moist woods, forests, stream banks and canyons below 7,000 ft. in Yellow Pine Forest (local), Foothill Woodland, Chaparral, Valley Grassland, (many plant communities). Growth characteristics: woody tree mature height: 30-75+ ft. mature width:30-50 ft. Very large, woody tree with broad, rounded crown at maturity. Leaves large (5-10 inch) maple leaves with 5 lobes. Winter-deciduous; fall leaves are golden yellow. Lives several hundred years. Blooms/fruits: Blooms in spring (Mar-Apr. in S. CA), though flowers are insignificant. Separate male and female flowers are small, yellow-green, on same flowering stalk. Seed a winged samara. Uses in the garden: large size limits its use to very large gardens, parks, campuses, etc. Makes a stately shade tree in a lawn. Excellent habitat tree. Noted for fall foliage color. Native N. CA shrubs and ferns do well beneath its canopy. Looks and feels like a woodland or Eastern U.S. tree. This is a lovely tree in the right setting. Sensible substitute for: Non-native Maples. Attracts: Excellent all-round habitat tree. Provides nectar for bees, butterflies and other insect pollinators. Cover, nesting sites and food, particularly for insect-eating birds. Good bird tree. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Sun, part-sun to quite shady. Soil Most local soils; pH 4.0-8.0. Water Needs regular water in S. CA (Water Zone 3). Tolerates seasonal flooding. Fertilizer Yearly fertilizer. In wild, grows in richer, riparian soils. Other Mulch with organic mulch (or grass). Management: Plant only in large sites. Will re-seed. Roots can invade sewer lines. Propagation: from seed: may need cold treatment by cuttings: yes Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 3, 5, 6, 11-14, 54, 55, 63, 72 11/1/16 © Project SOUND

Transcript of Gardening sheets fall color

Page 1: Gardening sheets fall color

Bigleaf maple – Acer macrophyllum (AY-sir mack-row-FIE-lum [or mack-row-FILL-um])

Family: Sapindaceae [Aceraceae] (Maple Family) Native to: Western U.S. from S. CA to WA. Locally in Santa Monica and San Gabriel Mtns.; moist woods, forests, stream banks and canyons below 7,000 ft. in Yellow Pine Forest (local), Foothill Woodland, Chaparral, Valley Grassland, (many plant communities). Growth characteristics: woody tree mature height: 30-75+ ft. mature width:30-50 ft. Very large, woody tree with broad, rounded crown at maturity. Leaves large (5-10 inch) maple leaves with 5 lobes. Winter-deciduous; fall leaves are golden yellow. Lives several hundred years. Blooms/fruits: Blooms in spring (Mar-Apr. in S. CA), though flowers are insignificant. Separate male and female flowers are small, yellow-green, on same flowering stalk. Seed a winged samara. Uses in the garden: large size limits its use to very large gardens, parks, campuses, etc. Makes a stately shade tree in a lawn. Excellent habitat tree. Noted for fall foliage color. Native N. CA shrubs and ferns do well beneath its canopy. Looks and feels like a woodland or Eastern U.S. tree. This is a lovely tree in the right setting. Sensible substitute for: Non-native Maples. Attracts: Excellent all-round habitat tree. Provides nectar for bees, butterflies and other insect pollinators. Cover, nesting sites and food, particularly for insect-eating birds. Good bird tree. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Sun, part-sun to quite shady. Soil Most local soils; pH 4.0-8.0. Water Needs regular water in S. CA (Water Zone 3). Tolerates seasonal flooding. Fertilizer Yearly fertilizer. In wild, grows in richer, riparian soils. Other Mulch with organic mulch (or grass). Management: Plant only in large sites. Will re-seed. Roots can invade sewer lines. Propagation: from seed: may need cold treatment by cuttings: yes Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 3, 5, 6, 11-14, 54, 55, 63, 72 11/1/16

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Page 2: Gardening sheets fall color

* Vine Maple – Acer circinatum (AY-ser ser-sin-AY-tum)

Family: Aceraceae (Maple Family) Native to: Pacific NW from S. Alaska to N. CA; in pine forests and along shaded streambanks. Growth characteristics: woody shrub/vine mature height: 10-25+ ft. mature width: 20-40 ft. Winter-deciduous woody vine to small tree or large shrub (form depends on available light; vine-like with multiple trunks in low-light conditions). Leaves are palmate – typical for maples – and may become bright red to yellow in fall. Bark is smooth and light gray-green to tan. Unique looking. Blooms/fruits: Blooms in spring (Mar-May). Flowers small, green-red, inconspicuous. Fruit is a showy two-seeded winged fruit (samara) that starts green then becomes red-brown in summer/fall. Fruits very showy. Cultivars: ‘Monroe’ , ‘Sunglow’ – yellow spring leaves; ‘Pacific Fire’ – red bark. Uses in the garden: Most often used in shady areas of the garden under trees or N. side of buildings. Gives a real sense of woodlands. Good choice under firs and pines – likes the acidic soil created by pine needles. Often used on stream banks to hold soil. Can grow in containers – even bonsai. Nice addition to an Asian-themed garden. Accent plant for showy fruits, fall leaf color. Sensible substitute for: Non-native Maples. Attracts: Excellent habitat plant. Larval food for Western Tiger Swallowtail butterfly and Polyphemus & other moths. A good nectar source for bees. Provides cover/nest sites for birds and seeds for food (grosbeaks, vireos, woodpeckers, nuthatches, finches, squirrels and others). Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Part-shade to full shade; needs at least afternoon shade. Soil Well-drained soil with slightly acidic pH (5.5 - 6.5) Water Near-regular water best (Zone 2-3) in our area (it grows in rainy climates) Fertilizer Likes a rich soil – fertilize and use organic mulch. Other Can amend soil with organic amendments prior to planting. Management: Prune/tie to shape beginning when very young. Prune only as needed – tends to sucker when pruned. Never remove more than 20-25% of foliage. Propagation: from seed: fresh in fall; or 3 mo. cold-moist treat by cuttings: layering, soft-wood Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 6, 8, 13 11/29/10 * Native to CA but not to Western L.A. Co. © Project SOUND Western/Red-osier dogwood – Cornus sericea (KOR-nus ser-ee-KEE-uh )

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Family: Cornaceae (Dogwood Family) Native to: North & NW U.S, Canada, CA Floristic Province; riparian areas and other moist sites <9,200 feet (in CA). Locally in San Gabriel and possibly Santa Monica Mtns. Growth characteristics: woody shrub/small tree mature height:5-20 ft. mature width:5-20 ft. Winter deciduous multi-trunk shrub or small tree. Form erect to loosely spreading depending on sunlight. Shrubs often form dense thickets by stolons and prostrate, rooting stems and lower branches. Leaves simple, opposite. Bark of younger stems is bright red – showy in winter. Blooms/fruits: Blooms in late spring. Flowers small, creamy white in umbrella shaped clusters. Flowers in parts of 4 – typical for family. Very ornamental in bloom. Flowers attract wide array of pollinators. Showy white to blue-white fruits in fall. Uses in the garden: Used as shrub or pruned to small tree. Useful along streams, around ponds or in a rain garden or dry swale. Makes a naturalistic screen. Showy flowers and red bark. Used extensively in northern gardens. Bark and roots used extensively as medicinals. Plants also used as source of wood, fiber and dyes. Cultivar 'Kelseyi' is very short; ‘Peter’s choice’ more tree-like. Sensible substitute for: Non-native shrubs, including non-native dogwoods. Attracts: Excellent pollinator and bird habitat. Flowers attract wide range of pollinators including butterflies, bees. Larval food for Spring Azure butterfly. Birds eat the fruits. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Best in part-shade – fine under tall trees. Soil Not picky – fine with clays and any local pH. Water Tolerates seasonal flooding. Best with some summer water – Water Zone 2 to 3. Fertilizer Benefits from leaf mulch, compost mulch. Other Management: Remove suckers as need to keep from spreading. Beware of fungal diseases, to which it is susceptible. Best bark color if oldest 25% of stems removed each year. Propagation: from seed: cold moist treat 2-3 months by cuttings: hardwood tip cuttings, spring Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 6, 8, 11, 13, 20, 72 9/24/16

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Pink Honeysuckle – Lonicera hispidula var. vacillans

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(lon-ISS-er-a his-PID-yoo-la VAS-i-lans)

Family: Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle Family) Native to: Much of CA to OR, WA; in canyons, streamsides, woodlands below 3000', chaparral. Growth characteristics: woody perennial vine mature length: 5-18 ft. Spreading or climbing vine with small, oval fuzzy leaves. Foliage turns bronze/purple in winter. Blooms/fruits: Blooms Apr-Jul. Large pink-white flowers in whorls. Showy and fragrant. Hummingbird pollinated. Red edible (but tart) berries in fall are also showy. Uses in the garden: Excellent as ground cover, bank cover or climber in natural gardens. Good for covering fences (with support) and for shaded areas. Nice fragrance & good habitat plant. Pretty choice over an arbor or climbing up a trellis. Plant where you can enjoy sweet-scented flowers. Sensible substitute for: Non-native woody vines, including invasive non-native honeysuckles. Attracts: Excellent bird habitat: provides nectar for hummingbirds; cover and berries for food. Also good nectar source for bees and butterflies. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun to shade; probably best in part-shade Soil Any texture including clays; pH 5-7 best Water Moderate to no summer water once established. Can tolerate seasonal flooding. Fertilizer Low Other Best in well-drained soils Management: Can be invasive in wet sites. Prune to manage. Needs support to climb. Host for Phytophthora ramorum (Sudden Oak Death). Propagation: from seed: yes; may require soaking, cold treatment by cuttings: hard- or semi-softwood in summer/fall. Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 2, 5, 8, 11, 13, 14, 19, 20, 24, 27 2/21/11

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* Western Redbud – Cercis orbiculata/occidentalis (SER-sis or-bik-yoo-LAY-tuh)

Family: Fabaceae (Pea Family) Native to: Southwestern U.S. including northern & central coast ranges and Sierra foothills; canyons & dry slopes (usually next to a spring or seasonal creek) to 4500'. Chaparral, Douglas Fir Forest, Central Oak Woodland, Joshua Tree Woodland and Yellow (Ponderosa) Pine Forest. Growth characteristics: lg. woody shrub/sm. tree mature height:6-20 ft. mature width: 6-20 ft. Ornamental large flowering shrub or small tree with rounded crown of many spreading branches. Can be trained to a central leader. Unusual rounded heart-shaped leaves are apple green and maturing to bluish-green. Winter deciduous (occasionally evergreen in mild climates). Medium growth rate – fast when young. Blooms/fruits: Blooms Feb-June; usually Mar-May in our area. May not bloom well in after milder winters. Flowers magenta, pea-shaped, very showy. May flower before or with new leaves. Pollinated by large solitary bees. Fruit is a large, conspicuous pea-type pod. Uses in the garden: Makes a nice large shrub or small tree for small yard or patio. Excellent showy specimen plant. Good on dry slopes and great on stream banks (can take seasonal flooding). Fine in lawns or as street tree. Handsome branch structure in winter. Sensible substitute for: Non-native Redbuds (Eastern Redbud) Attracts: Excellent habitat plant. Attracts butterflies and other pollinators. Hummingbirds use the nectar; provides cover and seeds for seed-eating birds. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun to part-shade; can even take hot, reflected sun Soil Any texture except poorly draining clays; takes any local pH, but probably happiest

with slightly acidic (6.5) Water Zone 2 once established (about 3 yr), a bit more water in very hot gardens; can

take seasonal flooding. Don’t over water in summer as is subject to root-rot fungi. Fertilizer Light fertilizer or organic mulches fine. Other Management: Resents root disturbance; should be planted into permanent position as soon as possible. Prune when dormant to shape, remove dead branches. Can be coppiced to rejuvenate. Protect from rodents & deer with aviary-wire cages above and below ground. Propagation: from seed: hot water treat then soak 1 wk. semi-softwood cuttings/layering:summer Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 3, 5, 7-11, 13, 14, 16, 20, 21, 24, 26, 28 2/13/11 * Native to CA but not to Western L.A. Co. © Project SOUND

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*Monkeyflower savory – Clinopodium mimuloides (kly-no-PO-dee-um mim-yoo-LO-i-dees)

Family: Lamiaceae (Mint Family) Native to: Coastal CA from the San Francisco Bay to the San Gabriel Mtns.; moist places, stream banks, seeps, in chaparral and woodland habitats to 5500 ft. elevation. Growth characteristics: perennial/sub-shrub mature height: 1-3 ft. mature width: 2-4 ft. Herbaceous perennial becoming half-woody with time. Slender, hairy branches have a pleasant minty aroma. Evergreen with water; drought deciduous otherwise. Fast growing. Leaves simple with wavy or toothed margins. Slowly spreading via rhizomes. Blooms/fruits: Blooms summer-fall – may bloom off and on from June-Oct. Flowers are red or red-orange, showy and somewhat similar to Mimulus or the red Penstemons. Uses in the garden: Useful flowering perennial for part-shade – under trees, north-facing slopes and other shady areas. Good under oaks. Fragrant leaves are edible – make nice iced tea. Good choice in hummingbird garden. Does well in pots, planters, containers. Lovely with Heucheras; provides early bloom when grown with CA fuschia (Epilobium species). Sensible substitute for: Non-native perennials. Attracts: Excellent hummingbird habitat plant. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Best in part-shade (morning sun or dappled shade under trees); shady OK Soil Just about any local soil. Water Occasional to moderate summer water; Water Zones 1-2 to 2-3; taper off in Sept. Fertilizer Low needs; ½ strength fertilizer in spring for container plants. Other Thin organic mulch layer – leaf litter is great. Management: Prune back to 2-4 inches in late fall after blooming ceases. Pinch (if desired) during growth to encourage fuller growth. Propagation: from seed: fresh best by cuttings: try semi-hard in summer or fall. Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 3, 8, 46 10/29/14 * not native to western Los Angeles County, but a CA native © Project SOUND

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Coast Goldenbush – Isocoma menziesii (eye-so-KO-ma men-ZEE-see-eye)

Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family) Native to: CA Central Valley and coastal areas from central CA to Baja; found growing in sandy soils on dunes, around marshes, on sea bluffs and in bare areas in coastal sage scrub. Growth characteristics: woody sub-shrub mature height: 1-3 ft. mature width: 2-4 ft. Drought-deciduous sub-shrub with branches form a woody base. Local varieties (var. menziesii & var. vernioides) have fairly erect stems/branches; other vars. can be more sprawling. Leaves are bright to gray-green, ovate and clustered densely around the stems. Foliage distinctive, attractive. Blooms/fruits: Blooms primarily in late summer through fall in our area (Aug-Oct). Small yellow ‘sunflower’ flowerheads are clustered at the ends of branches. Very showy in bloom. Fruits is a light, wind-distributed seed with fluffy hairs. Uses in the garden: A staple in coastal strand/coastal shrub habitat gardens. Good for erosion control on banks and dunes. Great habitat plant. Welcome fall color at a time when many gardens look a little bland. One of the best plants for fall butterflies, other insects. Nice foliage color. Sensible substitute for: Non-native shrubby sunflowers, asters, chrysanthemums. Attracts: Excellent insect habitat in fall; attracts lots of butterflies. Birds will eat the seeds. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun along coast; light shade or afternoon sun ok, particularly in hot gardens Soil Tolerates any, though happiest in sandy, well-drained soils; alkali soils are fine Water Occasional summer water once established keeps it looking good (Zone 2) Fertilizer None needed Other Management: Easy to grow with little care. Cut back yearly in winter (after seed has set) to about 6-10 inches above the ground. Will re-sprout with winter rains. May reseed on bare ground. Propagation: from seed: pre-chill may increase germination by cuttings: probably ? late spring Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 3, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24 12/6/10

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Saw-tooth Goldenbush – Hazardia squarrosa var. grindelioides (has-ARR-dee-uh square-OH-suh)

Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family) Native to: Coastal areas and interior valleys of SW CA; ocean-influenced Chaparral or Coastal Scrub, Coastal scrub and strand. Growth characteristics: clumping sub-shrub mature height: 1-3 ft. mature width: 1-3 ft. Short-lived drought-deciduous sub-shrub with branches from a woody base. Var. grindelioides has fairly erect stems/branches. Leaves are bright to dark green, small, holly-like (prickly) and clustered densely around the stems. Foliage distinctive, attractive. Blooms/fruits: Blooms primarily in late summer through fall in our area (Aug-Oct). Small yellow ‘sunflower’ flowerheads are clustered at the ends of branches. Very showy in bloom. Fruits is a light, wind-distributed seed with fluffy hairs. Uses in the garden: A staple in coastal strand/coastal shrub habitat gardens. Good for erosion control on banks and dunes. Great habitat plant. Welcome fall color at a time when many gardens look a little bland. Good plant for fall butterflies, other insects. Will reseed. Sensible substitute for: Non-native shrubby sunflowers, asters, chrysanthemums. Attracts: Excellent insect habitat in fall; attracts lots of butterflies. Birds will eat the seeds. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun along coast; light shade or afternoon sun ok, particularly in hot gardens Soil Tolerates any, though happiest in sandy, well-drained soils; alkali soils are fine Water Occasional summer water once established keeps it looking good (Zone 2) Fertilizer None needed Other Management: Easy to grow with little care. Cut back yearly in winter (after seed has set) to about 6-10 inches above the ground. Will re-sprout with winter rains. Will reseed on bare ground. Propagation: from seed: pre-chill may increase germination by cuttings: probably ? late spring Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 2, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24 12/5/10

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*California matchweed – Gutierrezia californica (goo-tee-er-EE-zee-uh ka-li-FOR-ni-kuh)

Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family) Native to: California and Baja CA. Locally in foothills of San Gabriels & Liebre Mtns, Griffith Park, Westwood, ?Palos Verdes; dry hills and flats, stony slopes and outcrops in coastal sage scrub, chaparral, oak woodland and grasslands, to elevations of 3500'. Growth characteristics: mounded sub-shrub mature height: 1-2 ft. mature width: 1-3 ft. Short, mounded to open, drought-deciduous sub-shrub. Many branches from woody root. Leaves medium-green to gray-green, very narrow. Will re-leaf with summer rain or irrigation. Blooms/fruits: Blooms with rain or irrigation – May to November. Flowers in small, sunflower-type heads. Both ray and disk flowers a bright, sunny gold-yellow. Very pretty in bloom. Flowers attract wide range of pollinators and other beneficial insects. Seeds are small with fluffy tails. Uses in the garden: Most appropriate for water-wise gardens. Good as filler plant or along natural walkways. Does fine in large pots or on slopes. Excellent habitat plant. Good choice with native buckwheats. Native Californians use a warm poultice of foliage for muscle and joint pains. Sensible substitute for: Non-native Sunflower shrubs, daisies, marigolds. Attracts: Excellent bird and insect habitat: provides cover and seeds for bird food. Attracts many beneficial insects from pollinators bees & flies to butterflies. Good Fall habitat plant. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun to part-shade (at least 4 hours sun per day). Soil Best in sandy or rocky; can grow on slopes or berms in clay. Any local pH. Water Best with occasional summer water (Water Zone 2). Fertilizer Only needed if grown in containers. Other Inorganic or light organic mulch. Management: Prune back in late fall for best shape. My re-seed on bare ground. Propagation: from seed: fresh seed, in fall by cuttings: ?? Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 10, 13, 16, 47 11/1/16

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Page 10: Gardening sheets fall color

Giant Buckwheat/St. Catherine’s Lace – Eriogonum giganteum vars. formosum & giganteum (er-ee-OG-uh-num jy-GAN-tee-um)

Family: Polygonaceae (Buckwheat Family) Native to: San Clemente (var. formosum) and Catalina (var. giganteum) Islands; Dry slopes and ridges, rocky cliffs in chaparral, coastal sage scrub. Growth characteristics: perennial shrub mature height: 3-8 ft. mature width: 4-6+ ft. Large rounded shrub with spreading branches and silvery-green foliage. Semi-deciduous. Attractive gray-green foliage. Blooms/fruits: Blooms May-Aug. Tiny pink-cream flowers in dense flat heads held above the foliage. Flowering heads look like baroque lace (hence the name ‘St. Catherine’s Lace’. Showy. Flowers turn to bronze-red as they age. Uses in the garden: Tall informal hedge, on dry sunny slopes, erosion control, specimen plant. Dried flowers can be used in arrangements. Nice against walls or in the back of beds. In large pots, it can be pruned up to show its thick, rough trunk and branching structure. Showy and big, it requires adequate space to showcase its character. Sensible substitute for: Non-native open-branched shrubs. Attracts: Excellent nectar source of bees, butterflies and other insects. Larval food for Blue and Hairstreak butterflies. Also good bird and small animal habitat: provides cover and seeds for food. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full to partial sun Soil Best in rocky, well-drained soils; any local pH Water Little to no summer water (will be somewhat drought deciduous) Fertilizer None needed Other Management: Easy to grow. Cut back after blooming. Hybridizes with other native buckwheats, so don’t plant near native buckwheat stands. Propagation: from seed: yes, use fresh seed by cuttings: hard/semi-softwood in late summer/ fall Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1-3, 5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20, 24, 25, 28 11/29/10

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CA Buckwheat – Eriogonum fasciculatum vars. fasciculatum & foliolosum (air-ee-OG-oh-num fas-sick-yoo-LAY-tum)

Family: Polygonaceae (Buckwheat Family) Native to: Central coast of CA south to Baja; var. fasciculatum grows in coastal areas in coastal scrub, coastal sage scrub and on bluffs. Var. foliolosum on rocky/sandy flats and slopes in mixed grassland, chaparral communities, oak and conifer woodlands. Growth characteristics: clumping sub-shrub mature height: 2-5 ft. mature width: 4-5 ft. Evergreen, many-branched sub-shrub. May be upright or more reclining. Leaves are linear, dark green on top and white beneath, in bundles (fascicles – hence the name). Blooms/fruits: Blooms off and on throughout the year, but mostly from May to Nov. Flowers are small, pink-white, in dense clusters. Very showy in bloom! Seed heads are rust-brown, also quite showy. Plant looks nice most of the year. Uses in the garden: Plant is often used in habitat gardens. Is nice paired with other local native shrubs and perennials. Does well as a groundcover on hills and slopes. Cultivars 'Bruce Dickinson', ‘'Theodore Payne' and 'Warriner Lytle' are all low-lying forms (around 1 ft tall). Cultivar ‘Dana Point’ has brighter green leaf and mounded habit – grows to 5+ ft. wide. Sensible substitute for: Non-native summer-flowering shrubs. Attracts: Excellent butterfly habitat plant: larval food source for Morman Metalmark, Bramble Hairstreak, Common Hairstreak, Avalon Hairstreak. Birds love the seeds. Cover for birds, lizards. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun best; some shade OK, but will become leggy. Soil Any (sand to clay) but well-drained is best. Water Drought-tolerant but looks better with occasional summer water (Zone 1-2 to 2) Fertilizer None needed. Other Management: Fairly easy. Cut back to about 6-15” in late fall to keep it looking nice. Propagation: from seed: yes; may need cold treatment by cuttings: yes Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 3, 7, 8, 10, 12-14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23, 24, 46, 50 7/3/14

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