
The ABC’s of PASSING FOREIGN NURSING EXAMS…………...…As prepared by R.A. Gapuz PART IX REVIEW BULLETS MS SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ¾ Which symptom is related to loss of fluid due to profuse diarrhea? Flushed dry skin ¾ Common sign of cardiac valvular disease: Nocturnal dyspnea ¾ Common sign of hypoxia: Restlessness ¾ Early sign of thyroid crisis after a thyroidectomy: Tachycardia ¾ Most common complain of patients with Crohn’s disease: Crampy abdominal pain ¾ Manifestation of duodenal ulcer: Pain relieved after eating ¾ Common manifestation of BPH: Nocturia ¾ In liver cirrhosis, there is a deficiency of vitamin K, which symptom is related to this deficiency: Ecchymosis ¾ Typical symptom of pernicious anemia Copyright © 2005 by Ray A. Gapuz. Unauthorized reproduction (including photocopying) of any part of this book may result in criminal prosecution and/or civil liability. 383



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The ABC’s of PASSING FOREIGN NURSING EXAMS…………...…As prepared by R.A. Gapuz




Which symptom is related to loss of fluid due to profuse


Flushed dry skin Common sign of cardiac valvular disease:

Nocturnal dyspnea Common sign of hypoxia:

Restlessness Early sign of thyroid crisis after a thyroidectomy:


Most common complain of patients with Crohn’s


Crampy abdominal pain Manifestation of duodenal ulcer:

Pain relieved after eating Common manifestation of BPH:

Nocturia In liver cirrhosis, there is a deficiency of vitamin K, which

symptom is related to this deficiency:


Typical symptom of pernicious anemia

Copyright © 2005 by Ray A. Gapuz. Unauthorized reproduction (including photocopying) of any part of this book may result in criminal prosecution and/or civil liability. 383

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The ABC’s of PASSING FOREIGN NURSING EXAMS……………...As prepared by R.A. Gapuz

Beefy red tongue In patients with elevated serum ammonia, the nurse will


Flapping tremors In patients with chest trauma there is:

Mediastinal shift CVP that is continuously elevated, the nurse should

observe for :

Distended jugular vein Manifestation of mastitis:

Pain and fever Manifestation of meningitis:

Resistance to neck flexion (+) brudzinski’s sign Manifestation on Coarctation of aorta:

Lower blood pressure in the lower extremities and high blood pressure in the upper extremities

Manifestation of cholelithiasis:

Yellowish sclera Manifestation of laryngeal edema:

Inspiratory stridor Early sign of hepatic encephalopathy:

Personality changes Manifestation of shaken baby syndrome:

Retinal hemorrhage Manifestation of Iron deficiency anemia:

Pallor of the mucus membrane

Copyright © 2005 by Ray A. Gapuz. Unauthorized reproduction (including photocopying) of any part of this book may result in criminal prosecution and/or civil liability. 384

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The ABC’s of PASSING FOREIGN NURSING EXAMS…………...…As prepared by R.A. Gapuz

Manifestation of pyloric stenosis:

Projectile vomiting Sign of increased ICP:

Widening pulse pressure Manifestation of bleeding post tonsillectomy:

Frequent swallowing Manifestation of DKA:

Fruity breath odor Sign of hyperthyroidism:

Loss of weight Manifestation of meniere’s disease:

Vertigo- described as “the room is spinning” Sign of myasthenia gravis:

Ptosis Sign of dehydration in one month old, infant:

Sunken eyeballs Sign of cataract:

Blurring of vision Sign of cancer of the esophagus:

Dysphagia Sign of end stage renal disease:

Nausea and vomiting Sign of salmonella food poisoning:


Copyright © 2005 by Ray A. Gapuz. Unauthorized reproduction (including photocopying) of any part of this book may result in criminal prosecution and/or civil liability. 385

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The ABC’s of PASSING FOREIGN NURSING EXAMS……………...As prepared by R.A. Gapuz

THERAPEUTIC DIETS A patient is given instruction about his bland diet,

additional health teaching would be needed if the patient

tolerated which of the following foods:

Lettuce and tomato salad Which of the following is highest in protein content:

Baked custard Which of the following has the least sodium content:

Apple juice An adolescent on a regular diet refused to eat her

breakfast, she tells the nurse that she wants the pizza

brought by her parents last night, what should the nurse


Let her eat the pizza In a patient with cystic fibrosis, the appropriate diet is:

High sodium, high calorie, low fat Low sodium diet is indicated for a patient with congestive

heart failure. What should the nurse assess during


Diet history In cirrhosis of the liver, the appropriate diet is:

Low protein In patient with hyperthyroidism which diet is indicated:

High calorie

Copyright © 2005 by Ray A. Gapuz. Unauthorized reproduction (including photocopying) of any part of this book may result in criminal prosecution and/or civil liability. 386

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The ABC’s of PASSING FOREIGN NURSING EXAMS…………...…As prepared by R.A. Gapuz

In a patient receiving Lasix, the appropriate nursing

intervention is to serve food which are high in:


In a patient with peptic ulcer, which statement indicates

that he understood the instruction:

“I will have small frequent meals during the day.” Patient was diagnosed with diverticulitis, which

statement indicates needs for further assessment:

“I love vegetable salad as my dessert.” A patient with renal failure should not be given which of

the following:

Canned vegetables For a patient with hypertension which type of diet is


Low sodium, low cholesterol diet For a patient with Meniere’s disease which is the

appropriate diet

Low sodium In a manic patient which of the following can be given:

Meat sandwiches High fat low cholesterol dry is indicated for:

Dumping syndrome

Copyright © 2005 by Ray A. Gapuz. Unauthorized reproduction (including photocopying) of any part of this book may result in criminal prosecution and/or civil liability. 387

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The ABC’s of PASSING FOREIGN NURSING EXAMS……………...As prepared by R.A. Gapuz

POSITIONING Right side lying position:

Indicated for right pneumonectomy Post supratentorial craniotomy patient should be

positioned in:

Low fowler’s How should the patient with rales at the left lower lobe of

the lungs be positioned for chest drainage:

Right side with hips slightly higher than the head When inserting a central venous catheter, the patient

should be placed in which position:

Trendelenburg How should the nurse position a patient who is

suspected to be in hypovolemic shock:

Flat with legs slightly elevated Immediately after supratentorial craniotomy, in what

position should the patient be placed:

Semi-Fowler’s After surgery for hip dislocation, a patient is discharged

from the hospital, which statement made by the patient

would indicate a need for further instructions:

“I will make sure to separate my legs when I bend to tie my shoelaces.”

A patient should be positioned after cataract extraction,

on the unoperative side, in order to:

Copyright © 2005 by Ray A. Gapuz. Unauthorized reproduction (including photocopying) of any part of this book may result in criminal prosecution and/or civil liability. 388

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The ABC’s of PASSING FOREIGN NURSING EXAMS…………...…As prepared by R.A. Gapuz

minimize edema Trendelenburg is the position of choice for cardiac

catheterization in order to:

Prevent air embolism How should the nurse position a patient who is to

undergo thoracentesis:

Sitting with his arms resting on the overbed table Which position is contraindicated in a patient after

femoro-popliteal bypass:

Side-lying After liver biopsy was done, which of the following

should be included in the patients’ care plan:

Turn the patient on his abdomen with small pillow under the sub-coastal area


Accutane causes:

Birth defects A common adverse effect of allopurinol is:

Agranulocytosis The therapeutic level of Aminophylline is:

10 -20 mg/dl Amphogel is given to a patient with renal failure in order


Facilitate the excretion of phosphorus

Copyright © 2005 by Ray A. Gapuz. Unauthorized reproduction (including photocopying) of any part of this book may result in criminal prosecution and/or civil liability. 389

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The ABC’s of PASSING FOREIGN NURSING EXAMS……………...As prepared by R.A. Gapuz

Antabuse acts to cause an unpleasant reaction when

combined with:

Alcohol The desired effect of aspirin in a patient with rheumatic

fever is:

Anti-inflammatory Atrophine sulfate causes facial flushing because of:

Dilation of peripheral blood vessels Treatment with AZT begins when CD4 cell count is:

Below 300 In a preterm delivery Celestone, is administered how

many hours before delivery:

48 hours, to promote fetal lung maturity In a patient taking Coumadin, the nurse should monitor

the patient’s:

Prothrombin time A patient who is taking Dalmane (anti-anxiety) should:

Avoid alcohol and caffeine Diabinase acts to stimulate the pancreas to:

Secrete insulin The purpose of giving Diamox in a patient with glaucoma

is to:

Decrease IOP The antidote of Lanoxin is:


Copyright © 2005 by Ray A. Gapuz. Unauthorized reproduction (including photocopying) of any part of this book may result in criminal prosecution and/or civil liability. 390

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The ABC’s of PASSING FOREIGN NURSING EXAMS…………...…As prepared by R.A. Gapuz

A common side effect of Dilantin is:

Gingivitis Elavil causes:

Tachycardia Epogen is administered in a patient with renal failure in

order to:

Increase RBC production Ferrous sulfate is best taken with:

Orange juice Gentamicin causes:

Ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity and neurotoxicity Haldol decreases:

Hallucinations Heparin prolongs:

Partial thromboplastin time INH is given with vitamin B6 in order to prevent:

Peripheral neuritis Kwell is administered for how many times:

Not more than twice in a week Lasix causes:

Hypokalemia The therapeutic level of lithium is:

.5 – 1.5 mEq/L The antidote of magnesium sulfate is:

Calcium gluconate

Copyright © 2005 by Ray A. Gapuz. Unauthorized reproduction (including photocopying) of any part of this book may result in criminal prosecution and/or civil liability. 391

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The ABC’s of PASSING FOREIGN NURSING EXAMS……………...As prepared by R.A. Gapuz

Mannitol is given to a patient with cerebral edema in

order to:

Decrease IOP Mestinon is the drug of choice for:

Myasthenia gravis Morphine is not given to a patient with pancreatitis


It increases the spasms of the sphincter of Odi thereby aggravating pain

Nardil causes:

Hypertensive crisis Neomycin sulfate is administered before bowel surgery

in order to:

Decrease bacterial flora in the intestine Burning sensation under the tongue after sublingual

nitroglycerine indicates:

Potency of the drug Pancreatin is best given with:

Each meal Probenecid is given in gouty arthritis in order to

Promote excretion of uric acid PTU causes:

Agranulocytosis Rhogam is administered when a baby is :

Rh+ Coombs (-)

Copyright © 2005 by Ray A. Gapuz. Unauthorized reproduction (including photocopying) of any part of this book may result in criminal prosecution and/or civil liability. 392

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The ABC’s of PASSING FOREIGN NURSING EXAMS…………...…As prepared by R.A. Gapuz

Ritalin causes:

Growth suppression Robaxin is given post-spinal fusion in order to:

Decrease muscle spasm Streptomycin causes:

Ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity and neurotoxicity For how long should a patient take synthroid?

Lifetime Tagamet is best taken:

With meals Timolol maleate (Timoptic) is administered in the:

Lower conjunctival sac Tofranil causes:

Tachycardia / palpitation MMR is not given to a child who has an:

Allergy to eggs Valium should always be given separately because it is:

Incompatible with any drug Vancomycin is the drug of choice for:

MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus)

Yutopar is given to treat:

Preterm labor In a patient taking synthroid, which of the following

symptoms needs to be reported to the doctor?

Change in energy level.

Copyright © 2005 by Ray A. Gapuz. Unauthorized reproduction (including photocopying) of any part of this book may result in criminal prosecution and/or civil liability. 393

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The ABC’s of PASSING FOREIGN NURSING EXAMS……………...As prepared by R.A. Gapuz

A nursing diagnosis for a patient on a long term steroid


Risk for injury. The best site to administer vitamin K is the:

Vastus lateralis muscle. Eye ointment is applied at the:

Lower conjunctival sac. Analgesics should be given around the clock in patients


Cancer To prevent the loss of calcium in the bones of a patient

with hyperparathyroidism, the nurse will anticipate the

doctor will order:


Decreased tolerance to narcotics is usually common


The elderly. The appropriate nursing action when a doctor orders

enteric coated medication in a patient with gastrostomy

is to:

Request for a change in form. To facilitate the removal of potassium from the large

intestines, the nurse would anticipate the doctor to order:


When a patient with Parkinson’s disease who is taking

levodopa losses his appetite, the nurse should:

Copyright © 2005 by Ray A. Gapuz. Unauthorized reproduction (including photocopying) of any part of this book may result in criminal prosecution and/or civil liability. 394

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The ABC’s of PASSING FOREIGN NURSING EXAMS…………...…As prepared by R.A. Gapuz

Report the symptom to the doctor. Which statement of a parent is indicative of digoxin

toxicity in her child?

“My daughter does not seem to be hungry most of the time.”

In a burn patient the best way to administer the correct

dosage of narcotic is thru a:

Pump. Which of the following drugs is contraindicated in a

patient with shock:

Propanolol. A common sign of gonorrhea is:

Pain on voiding. Oxytocin infusion is terminated in a patient in labor if:

The patient’s contraction lasts 100 seconds or more. Pancrease is given to a patient with cystic fibrosis in

order to:

Increase absorption of nutrients.


Which indicates arterial occlusion in the lower


Lack of hair in the legs.

Copyright © 2005 by Ray A. Gapuz. Unauthorized reproduction (including photocopying) of any part of this book may result in criminal prosecution and/or civil liability. 395

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The ABC’s of PASSING FOREIGN NURSING EXAMS……………...As prepared by R.A. Gapuz

Which of the following findings needs re-evaluation in a

patient with water seal drainage system?

The third rod in the third bottle is immersed in 25 cm of water.

Itching experienced by a patient during intravenous

pyelogram indicates:

Anaphylaxis Which statement indicate an understanding of the

instruction when preparing a patient for thoracentesis?

I will sit on the side of the bed with my arm resting on an overbed table.

To check if the lungs of the patient with a three bottle

chest drainage system has re-expanded, the nurse will

anticipate that the doctor will order:

Chest x-ray. ECT is indicated in major depression to:

Decrease the symptoms of depression. When dislodge of the chest tube of a patient with a chest

drainage system occurs, the nurse should initially:

Cover the chest wound with a vaselinized gauze. When a patients’ nasogastric tube is suctioned, there is

a risk for:

Metabolic alkalosis. Oxygen therapy is effective:

O2 saturation is 96%.

Copyright © 2005 by Ray A. Gapuz. Unauthorized reproduction (including photocopying) of any part of this book may result in criminal prosecution and/or civil liability. 396

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The ABC’s of PASSING FOREIGN NURSING EXAMS…………...…As prepared by R.A. Gapuz

Which patient statement indicates understanding of the

procedure involved in the use if an incentive spirometer:

“I will take a slow deep breath into the mouthpiece of the spirometer then exhale.”

The best time to perform a postural drainage is:

Before meals. A male patient understands the procedures involved in

cystoscopy if he says:

A tube will be passed through the penis into the bladder to visualize the interior wall of the bladder.


A patient with diabetes mellitus should be referred to an:

Opthalmologist. The mother of a hospitalized two-year-old child tells the

nurse, that she will go home for a while. What should the

nurse ask the child?

“Did you tell the child that you are going home?” Which statement made by a patient child is diagnosed

with PKU, indicates an understanding of the disease:

“I’m glad that we live in a community having a program about mentally retarded children.”

To promote drying of a cast, the nurse should:

Turn the patient frequently.

Copyright © 2005 by Ray A. Gapuz. Unauthorized reproduction (including photocopying) of any part of this book may result in criminal prosecution and/or civil liability. 397

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The ABC’s of PASSING FOREIGN NURSING EXAMS……………...As prepared by R.A. Gapuz

To check if an adolescent has scoliosis, instruct the

nurse to:

Observe the patients back as she bends over. To increase the self esteem of a patient with anorexia,

the nurse should refer the patient for:

A one on one counseling. Which intervention is appropriate when a child is

suffering from lead poisoning:

“Assess the child’s development every month.” A depressed patient who is slow moving doesn’t want to

eat his meal. Which response is appropriate for the

nurse to say:

“It’s lunchtime, I’ll accompany you to the dining room.”

A depressed patient tells the nurse that she can’t walk

because her legs are too weak. What should the nurse

do initially?

Determine the cause of the patient’s complaint. A common sign of leukemia is:

Fever. To prevent suicide in a depressed patient, the nurse


Visit in addition to the scheduled activities of care. Herbal antidepressant, which is contraindicated in


St. John’s wort.

Copyright © 2005 by Ray A. Gapuz. Unauthorized reproduction (including photocopying) of any part of this book may result in criminal prosecution and/or civil liability. 398

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The ABC’s of PASSING FOREIGN NURSING EXAMS…………...…As prepared by R.A. Gapuz

When Asians nod, it means:

They understand instructions. A 14-year-old pregnant patient is prone to develop:

Iron deficiency anemia. Simean crease in a neonate could be indicative of:

Congenital heart defect. In a patient with manifestations of hypovolemic shock,

the best position is:

Supine with the legs elevated. Which statement of a staff nurse is indicative of a

positive outcome of conflict resolution?

“I am willing to hear feedback from my head nurse without taking it personally.”

Cushing’s syndrome can cause:

Metabolic alkalosis. Diabetes mellitus can cause:

Metabolic acidosis. Collection of fluids in the pleural space leads to:

Pleural effusion. The best room for a manic patient is:

A room with subdued lighting and neutral colon. When a depressed patient gave away her wedding ring

to another patient, the nurse should:

Report it to the doctor. Excessive facial hair is indicative of:

Cushing’s syndrome.

Copyright © 2005 by Ray A. Gapuz. Unauthorized reproduction (including photocopying) of any part of this book may result in criminal prosecution and/or civil liability. 399

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The ABC’s of PASSING FOREIGN NURSING EXAMS……………...As prepared by R.A. Gapuz

In a patient with multiple myeloma. The priority nursing

diagnosis is:

Risk for injury. Buck’s traction is applied to a patient with fracture in

order to:

Decrease muscle spasm. A late sign of lead poisoning is:

SEIZURE. Cancer of the larynx is usually associated with:

Alcoholism. Which statement of a patient with ulcerative colitis

reflects a need for further instruction?

“I’m not expecting for a possibility of future surgery.”

If the environmental temperature is 26 °C and an old

man wears a suit and a topcoat, this indicates:

Impaired judgment. When a patient attempts to give $100 to a nurse, the

best response of the nurse is:

“Thank you, but I can not accept it.” The appropriate diet for a patient with Hepatitis A is:

High protein, high calorie. Example of a high protein diet:

Fruit salad and yogurt. In a patient admitted for overdose of pills, which question

should the nurse ask the patient?

Copyright © 2005 by Ray A. Gapuz. Unauthorized reproduction (including photocopying) of any part of this book may result in criminal prosecution and/or civil liability. 400

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The ABC’s of PASSING FOREIGN NURSING EXAMS…………...…As prepared by R.A. Gapuz

What makes you feel that you want to take your life? A possible complication of thoracic surgery is:

Mediastinal shift. To prevent easy transfer of infection, the nurse should


Handwashing. In a patient with mitral valve disease. The appropriate

nursing diagnoses is:

Fluid volume excess. The development of peptic ulcer disease is related to:

Helicobacter pylori infection. Which statement made by a patient post cataract

extraction indicates an understanding of the surgical


“The surgery will allow light rays to enter my eyes.” Which statement made by a patient with cystitis

indicates correct understanding of the health teachings

for prevention of recurrence?

“I will take a bath in a shower rather than in a bath tub.”

Post open heart surgery, the priority for the patient is:

Oxygenation. Which question is appropriate to ask a patient who is

admitted with alcoholism.

“When was your last drink.”

Copyright © 2005 by Ray A. Gapuz. Unauthorized reproduction (including photocopying) of any part of this book may result in criminal prosecution and/or civil liability. 401

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The ABC’s of PASSING FOREIGN NURSING EXAMS……………...As prepared by R.A. Gapuz

After abdominal surgery, the patient passes out flatus,

which activity is appropriate for the nurse to implement?

Ambulate the patient. A statement of a patient with anxiety that indicates panic


“I feel like I’m losing control.” An elevated BP in a patient post liver transplant is

indicative of:

Transplant rejection. To prevent escalation of anxiety of an obsessive-

compulsive patient, the nurse should:

Allow the patient to perform the ritual. What is the purpose of the hot sitz bath in a patient with

herpes zoster?

To promote comfort. A systemic disorder affecting the connective tissues of

the joint is:

Rheumatoid arthritis. A common complication of endometriosis is:

Infertility. In a patient with anorectal fistula, the goal of care is to:

Maintain body weight. When admitting a patient with history of suicide, the

nurse should initially:

Make a safety contract.

Copyright © 2005 by Ray A. Gapuz. Unauthorized reproduction (including photocopying) of any part of this book may result in criminal prosecution and/or civil liability. 402

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The ABC’s of PASSING FOREIGN NURSING EXAMS…………...…As prepared by R.A. Gapuz

Therapeutic interventions for a patient with hiatal hernia

is effective, when the patient says:

“I don’t have heartburn anymore.” A common sign of esophageal varices is:

Hematemesis. A psychiatric patient says, “I don’t want to take pills, you

are poisoning me.” The most appropriate response of

the nurse is:

“It seems very frightening when you think someone is trying to hurt you?”

The treatment goal for a patient with conduct disorder is


Increase the patient’s internal locus of control. A common sign of alcohol withdrawal is:

Tachycardia and agitation. A common finding in the history of a patient with mitral

valve disease is:

Sore throat. When providing health teaching to a patient regarding

colostomy irrigation, the nurse should consider:

The patient’s previous elimination pattern. Which statement if made by a patient with diabetes

mellitus reflects a need for further instructions:

“I will increase my insulin before exercise.” Tardive dyskinesia is manifested by:

Lip grimacing and tongue protrusion.

Copyright © 2005 by Ray A. Gapuz. Unauthorized reproduction (including photocopying) of any part of this book may result in criminal prosecution and/or civil liability. 403

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The ABC’s of PASSING FOREIGN NURSING EXAMS……………...As prepared by R.A. Gapuz

A common sign of end stage renal disease is:

Vomiting. An appropriate solution to use when performing oral care


Hydrogen peroxide. Common cause of mortality in twins:

Prematurity. Which manifestation is abnormal in a 7-month-old child:

Head lag. Which statement of a pediatric patient indicates

understanding of instruction related to cast care?

“I will tell mother if my toes tingle.” The pain experienced by a patient with ectopic

pregnancy is:

Intermittent stabbing knife like abdominal pain. A three-month-old child with 45 cm. Head circumference

and bulging fontanel is suspected to be suffering from:

Increased intracranial pressure. An 18-month-old child who is still bottle fed is prone to


Iron deficiency anemia. Newborns from diabetic mothers will usually exhibit:

Tremors. In a 10-month-old child with head injury, the appropriate

position for the patient is:


Copyright © 2005 by Ray A. Gapuz. Unauthorized reproduction (including photocopying) of any part of this book may result in criminal prosecution and/or civil liability. 404

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The ABC’s of PASSING FOREIGN NURSING EXAMS…………...…As prepared by R.A. Gapuz

An 8-year-old with white specks on the shaft of her hair is a

suspected case of:

Pediculosis. During admission assessment a nurse finds that a child has

welts and bruises at the back and the shoulder’s. The nurse


Report the case to the child abuse authority. A child should use the child seatbelt at the back center seat

until there is:

Head control. To prevent the development of dental caries in children, the

nurse should instruct the mother to:

Avoid giving juices while the child is bottle fed at night. An appropriate play material for a 1-month-old child:

Large picture books. Dark spots near the buttocks of an African-American patient is


Normal. A common finding in an 8-month-old child is:

Ability to sit without support. An 8-month-old child was admitted due to projectile vomiting,

which other symptoms supports a diagnosis of pyloric


Possible gastric peristaltic waves. The mother of a child with PKU makes the following

statements, which one indicates a need for further instruction:

“My child loves to drink milkshake.”

Copyright © 2005 by Ray A. Gapuz. Unauthorized reproduction (including photocopying) of any part of this book may result in criminal prosecution and/or civil liability. 405