Gandhi by Inès Narwal Aleksandra Kawthar

Gandhi « Life is a mystery to be lived not a problem to solve » - M.K. Gandhi



Transcript of Gandhi by Inès Narwal Aleksandra Kawthar

Page 1: Gandhi by Inès Narwal Aleksandra Kawthar


« Life is a mystery to be lived not a

problem to solve »

- M.K. Gandhi

Page 2: Gandhi by Inès Narwal Aleksandra Kawthar

Biographical Presentation

• Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869 in Porbandar,


• He lived in a better of and hindu family. He get married when he was 14

years, with Katsurbai who will be his wife during all his life.

• He was interested by the Occidental life and the British system so in 1888

he decided to study law in London.

• After three years, Gandhi came back to his natal country with his degree.

He is a lawyer.

• He has been called to work in South Africa, in 1893. It’s from here that his

life changed.

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Gandhi, a comitted man

• It’s in South Africa, when he saw the racial discrimation, that Gandhi

started the fight of his life.

• He stayed in South Africa to defend the Hindu society of the country

against the colonisation. In 1914 he came back to India and he continued

his fight, without speeling a drop of blood.

• When they stardet to boycott all the foreign products, the europeans yield

and finally, in 1947 Gandhi attemps his goal which is the acceptation of

the Hindu society.

• Finally he died, killed by an extremist Hindu.

Gandhi in South Africa

Page 4: Gandhi by Inès Narwal Aleksandra Kawthar

What was heroic in his life ?

• Gandhi succed. He became the symbol of the Hindu nation, the symbol of

the liberty, peaceful liberty.

• It’s thanks to him that the India is an independent country now.

• He convices people.

• He was called: « Mahamta Gandhi » witch means « Master of Wisdom »

Salt March.

Gandhi made this march to stop

the tax about salt. Lots of

people followed him during this


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Personal explanation

• I think he’s considered as a hero because:

- he led a people to the liberty

- he meant all this fight without any violence, he always extoled


- the Indian people believed in him and finally trust him and his


- He proves that with wisdom and patience we can do everything

we want.

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In our opinion a hero is an ordinary person who made extraordinary things and

it’s evident that Gandhi is one of them.