B.Sc (PEHESS) Semester I Paper I FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Max. Marks =75 Time allowed: 3hrs UNIT-I Meaning, Definitions, need, importance, objectives & principles of physical education, exercise science and sport. Foundations of Physical: Biological, Sociological, Psychological & Scientific basis of Physical Education UNIT-II Introduction of philosophies – naturalism, pragmatism, realism, idealism Importance and need of philosophies in modern physical education programmes UNIT-III Meaning, need, importance of fitness and wellness movement in the contemporary perspectives. Sports for all and its role in the maintenance and promotion of fitness. UNIT-IV Historical perspectives of Greece, Rome, India, and Modern perspectives: USA, UK, China and INDIA. Olympic movement and its impact on modern society UNIT-V Physical education and sports: - YMCA, LNUPE, IGIPESS, SAI, NSNIS, Programmes – NSO, NCC, NSS. Career Avenues, National awards and Honours Note: Examiner is required to set 5 questions for Part-A consisting of 5 marks each taking one from, each unit out of which student is required to attempt any 3 and 5 questions for Part-B consisting of 20 marks each taking one from, each unit out of which student is required to attempt any 3. References Chauhan, S, Kumar, (2005), Sharirik Shhiksha Ka Vistrit Gyan, Delhi Friends Publication Jain, P, (2006), Shreerik Shiksha Ka Ithas, Delhi Khel Sahitya Kamlesh, M.L, (2005), Physical Education And Exercise Sciences: An Objective Approach., Delhi Friends Publication Kamlesh, M.L, (2005), Understanding Physical Education And Sports, Delhi Friends Publication, Sharma, N.P, (2005), Sharirik Shiksha Kai Sidhant Aur Itihas, Delhi, Khel Sahitya Kendra Singh, M.K. (2007), Shareerik Shiksha Main Sangtan, Avum Parvakshan, N.D. Friends Pub. 1





B.Sc (PEHESS) Semester I Paper I

FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATIONMax. Marks =75 Time allowed: 3hrs

UNIT-IMeaning, Definitions, need, importance, objectives & principles of physical education, exercise science and sport.Foundations of Physical: Biological, Sociological, Psychological & Scientific basis of Physical Education

UNIT-IIIntroduction of philosophies – naturalism, pragmatism, realism, idealism Importance and need of philosophies in modern physical education programmes

UNIT-IIIMeaning, need, importance of fitness and wellness movement in the contemporary perspectives.Sports for all and its role in the maintenance and promotion of fitness.

UNIT-IVHistorical perspectives of Greece, Rome, India, and Modern perspectives: USA, UK, China and INDIA. Olympic movement and its impact on modern society

UNIT-VPhysical education and sports: - YMCA, LNUPE, IGIPESS, SAI, NSNIS, Programmes – NSO, NCC, NSS.Career Avenues, National awards and Honours

Note: Examiner is required to set 5 questions for Part-A consisting of 5 marks each taking one from, each unit out of which student is required to attempt any 3 and 5 questions for Part-B consisting of 20 marks each taking one from, each unit out of which student is required to attempt any 3.

References Chauhan, S, Kumar, (2005), Sharirik Shhiksha Ka Vistrit Gyan, Delhi Friends Publication Jain, P, (2006), Shreerik Shiksha Ka Ithas, Delhi Khel Sahitya Kamlesh, M.L, (2005), Physical Education And Exercise Sciences: An Objective Approach., Delhi Friends

Publication Kamlesh, M.L, (2005), Understanding Physical Education And Sports, Delhi Friends Publication, Sharma, N.P, (2005), Sharirik Shiksha Kai Sidhant Aur Itihas, Delhi, Khel Sahitya Kendra Singh, M.K. (2007), Shareerik Shiksha Main Sangtan, Avum Parvakshan, N.D. Friends Pub. Uppal A.K,& G.P, Gautam., (2008), Health and Physical Education, Friends Publication, Wuest, D.A. and Bucher, C.A., (2003), Foundations of Physical Education, Exercise Science, and Sports.

McGraw Hill Companies, Inc., New York, USA,. Zeigler, E.F., (2007), History and Status of Physical Education and Educational Sports, New Delhi, Sports




B.Sc (PEHESS) Semester IPaper II

ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGYMax. Marks =50 Time allowed: 3hrs

Unit-IDefinition of anatomy & physiology, Cell-microscopic structure of cells, functions of its organelle, Tissue-classification & functions, Organ, Systems of therapy, Bone & joints- structure and classification

Unit-IIMuscular System-classification, structure, functions, properties of muscle, types of muscular contractions, Name of various muscular acting on various joints, Cardiovascular system Structure of heart, cardiac cycle, blood pressure, cardiac output, structure & function of blood, athlete’s heart.

Unit-IIIRespiratory system-structure and function, second wind, oxygen debt, Digestive system-structure & function, balanced diet, metabolism & maintenance of body temperature.

Unit-IVNervous system-structure of brain, spinal cord, Autonomies nervous system, reflex action, Endocrine system- role of various endocrine glands, Structure & function of human eye & ear

Unit-VExcretory system-structure & function, including structure & function of skin, Reproductive system- structure & function of male & female Reproductive system

Note: Examiner is required to set 5 questions for Part-A consisting of 5 marks each taking one from each unit, out of which student is required to attempt any 4 and 5 questions for Part-B consisting of 10 marks each taking one from each unit, out of which student is required to attempt any 3.

Practicals:-1. Counting of pulse rate2. Measurement of blood pressure3. Study of various bones of human body4. Study of different body system with the help of models5. Study of various movements of the joints.

References: William, C.S. (2000) Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology, Benjamin Jain, A.K., (2002) Anatomy & Physiology for Nurses, Delhi: Arya Pub. Tortora, (2003) Principles of Anatomy & Physiology, New York: John Willy & Sons, Seeley & Others, (2008) Anatomy & Physiology, Boston, McGraw Hill Moried, E.N., (2007) Essential of Human Anatomy & Physiology, Ed. 8th , India, Dorling Kindersley Wilson, K.J.W., Ross & Wilson: (1988) Anatomy & Physiology in Health & Illness, Churchill, Elbs. Wilson and Waugh, (1996) Anatomy & Physiology in Health & Illness, Churchill Livingstone Prives, M and Others, (2004) Human anatomy, Vol I & II, Delhi, Paragon



B.Sc (PEHESS) Semester I Paper III

Max. Marks =50 Time allowed: 3hrsGAME OF SPECIALIZATION – ATHLETICS

UNIT-I History of athletics – ancient and modern Olympics & other important national and international competitionsStructure and function of IAF (International Athletics Federation) & AFI (Athletics Federation of India), IOA (Indian Olympic Association)Modern trends in athletics in terms of playfields, equipments etc.General rules of athletics

UNIT-II Required motor abilities Technical preparation Marking, construction and maintenance of Track & Field Physical, physiological, psychological and sociological characteristics of athletes

UNIT-III General training for children, Training for beginners, Training for intermediate players (advanced sportspersons), Training for seniors (high performance sportspersons)

UNIT-IVSafety measures and prevention of injuries, Management of injuries,Causes and remedies of injuries,Physiotherapy, rehabilitation and massage

UNIT-VMeaning, definition, classification and components of nutrition, Energy requirements of athletes in specified events, Nutritional requirements of athletes : pre, during and post competition phases, Electrolytes – sports drinks, minerals and supplements : pre, during and post competition

Note: Examiner is required to set 5 questions for Part-A consisting of 5 marks each taking one from, each unit, out of which student is required to attempt any 4 and 5 questions for Part-B consisting of 10 marks each taking one from each unit, out of which student is required to attempt any 3.

PRACTICALS1. Different techniques of specified events :

sprints (start, finish etc.), throws (shot-put & discus), jumps (long jump, triple jump)2. Warming-up and cooling down3. Supplementary exercises for specified events4. Visit to a stadium where the track and field facilities exist

REFERENCES Chauhan, B.S., (1999). Khel Jagat Mein Athletics, Jalandhar : A.P. Pub. Evans, D.A., (1984), Teaching Athletics, London : Hodder Fox, E.L., (1989), Physiological Basis of Physical Education and Athletics, Brown Pub. Frost, R.B. and others, (1992) Administration of Physical Education and Athletics, Delhi : Universal Book Gothi, Ekta, (1997) Teaching & Coaching Athletics, ND : Sport Pub., Knight, T. and Troop, N., (1988) Sackville Illustrated Dictionary of Athletics, Jackvillie, Knigt, T., (1988) Athletics, Backville Book Renwick, G.R., (2001) Play Better Athletics, Delhi: Sports Pub. Shri Vastav, Abhay Kumar, (1997) Athletics, S & S Parkashan,. Singh, Granth, (1998) Track and Field Athletics, Delhi: Ashoka,. Thani, Lokesh., (1995) Skills and Tactics Track Athletics, Delhi : Sports Pub. Thani, Y. ed., (1991) Encyclopedia of Athletics, Delhi, Gian Pub. Turbbull, S., (1989) Sports Views Guide Athletics, London : David & Charles. Warden, P., (1990) Take Up Athletics, Springfield Books Ltd. Weaver, T., (1988) Personal Best : Athletics, London : Willionm Colliv.



B.Sc (PEHESS) Semester I Paper III

Max. Marks =50 Time allowed: 3hrsGAME OF SPECIALIZATION- BADMINTON

UNIT-I Origin, historical perspectives and modern trends & development of Badminton, Structure and function of badminton association of India (BAI), International Badminton Federation (IBF) and other associations, Orientation of the fundamental skills, Techniques and tactics, Individual and game strategies

UNIT-II Training of motor components, Technical preparation – reflexes, perceptual sense, neuro-muscular coordination, Construction and maintenance of badminton court, equipments etc., Physical and physiological preparationPsychological preparation

UNIT-III Systematizing training process for badminton players – general warming-up, specific warming-up and cooling down, Supplementary exercises, basic skills, weight-training and circuit-training,Training for beginners, Training for intermediate players - advanced sportspersons, Training for seniors - high performance sportspersons

UNIT-IV Prevention of injuries, Safety measures, Specific injuries in Badminton and their causes, Management of injuries, Rehabilitation of injured players

UNIT-V Meaning, definition, classification and components of nutrition, Energy requirements of badminton playersNutritional requirements of badminton players : pre, during and post competition phases, Minerals, Sports drinks : pre, during and post competition

Note: Examiner is required to set 5 questions for Part-A consisting of 5 marks each taking one from each unit, out of which student is required to attempt any 4 and 5 questions for Part-B consisting of 10 marks each taking one from each unit, out of which student is required to attempt any 3.

PRACTICALS1. Demonstration of skills2. Warming-up (general and specific), cooling down, and supplementary exercises 3. Training for foot work4. Shadow practice and pressure training 5. Visit to a place where the facilities of Badminton exist

REFERENCES Ashok Kumar, (2003) Badminton, New Delhi Discovery. Ballou, Palph B., (1982) Teaching Badminton, India. Bloss, M.V & Hales, R.S., (1994) Badminton, WC Brown Davis, Pat, (1988) Badminton, S.A. David & Charles Inc.,. Downey, J., (1990) How to Coach Badminton, London: Collins Pub. Jain, Deepak, (2001) Teaching and Coaching –Badminton, Delhi: Khel S.K. Kumar, Ashok, (1999) Badminton, Delhi: Discovery Pub. Narang, P., (2005) Play and Learn Badminton, Khel Sahitaya Kendra Singh, M.K., (2006) A to Z Badminton, New Delhi, Friends Pub. Singh, M.K., (2007) Comprehensive Badminton, N.D. Friends Pub. Talbot, Derlk, (1989) Top Coach Badminton, Britain: Q.A. Press



B.Sc (PEHESS) Semester I Paper III

Max. Marks =50 Time allowed: 3hrsGAME OF SPECIALIZATION – BASKETBALL

UNIT-IHistorical development of basketball at international and national level, Modern trends and developments in basketball, Organization of IBF, The congress, the board of administration, executive committee, the international commissions, the permanent secretariat, the continental confederations, the internal auditors, Organization and constitution of BFI and state bodies

UNIT-IILatest Rules, and their Interpretations

UNIT-IIIPrerequisites of preparation and training, Theory of basketball training process, General & specific warming–up, cooling down (specific exercises for basketball), Principles of warming up and cooling down and their effectsBasic skills and techniques, Chest pass, Underhand pass, Dribbling, Shooting- long shooting, lay up shots, Preparation, pre-contact movement, contact Teaching progression, Coaching points, Tactical applicationDrills for skill development (any five), Defense patterns and drills (zone and man - man drill), Lead up games for beginners in basketball , Teaching of basketball skill - preparing a lesson plan

UNIT-IVDevelopment of motor components with specific reference to basketball, Development of basketball specific fitness components, Specific training methods for different positions

UNIT-V Fitness tests- AAHPER Youth Fitness Test, AAHPER Health related Fitness Test, Fleishman Physical fitness test, National Physical Efficiency Test, Indiana Motar Fitness Test, Skill Tests – AAHPERD, Johnson Basketball Test Battery, SAI Test Battery, Knox Test, Evaluation of team performance – observation techniques, statistical techniques, scouting charts

Note: Examiner is required to set 5 questions for Part-A consisting of 5 marks each taking one from each unit, out of which student is required to attempt any 4 and 5 questions for Part-B consisting of 10 marks each taking one from each unit, out of which student is required to attempt any 3.

PRACTICAL1. General and specific warm up2. Teaching fundamental skills3. Drills to develop fundamental skills4. Drills for defense and offense system5. Preparing and taking lesson plans for above6. One on one measurement, development and evaluation of motor components7. Preparing training load and schedule for basketball players8. Executing : Fitness test, Knowledge test, Specific skill test

REFERENCES Ambler, V., (1984) How to Play Basket Ball, Delhi: Paper Balls Jain, Naveen (2003) Play and Learn Basket Ball, Khel Sahitya Kendra, New Delhi Nat B. B (1997) Conditioning Coaches Association, NBA Power Conditioning, Human Kinetics Pruitt, Jim, (1983) Play Better Basket Ball, Great Britain: Matchplan Books Prutti, Jim, (1984) Play Better Basket Ball, Matchplay Books Sharma O.P. (2003) Basket Ball Skills and Rules, Khel Sahitya Kendra Delhi Thani, Lokesh, (1995) Skills & Tactics of Basket Ball, ND: Sport Pub Thani, Yograj, (2002) Coaching Successfully Basket Ball, Sports Publisher, Delhi



B.Sc (PEHESS) Semester IPaper III

Max. Marks =50 Time allowed: 3hrsGAME OF SPECIALIZATION – CRICKET

UNIT-IHistorical development of cricket at international and national level, Modern trends and developments in cricket, Organization of cricket at international and national level, BCCI, ICC, DDCA, MCG, NCA etc., Organizational setup and constitution of cricket and state bodies

UNIT-IILatest rules and their interpretations

UNIT-IIIPrerequisites of preparation and training , Theory of cricket training process, General and specific warming up and cooling down (specific exercises for cricketers), Principles of warming up and cooling down and their effects , Basic skills and techniques, Batting - forward defense, backward defense, all types of drives, glance, cut, pull, and sweep, Bowling - medium pace, leg spin, off spin and their improvisation, Fielding - catching, ground fielding, close and deep fielding, Wicket keeping, Drills for skills development (any five), Lead-up games for beginners in cricket, Teaching of cricket skill - preparing a lesson plan

UNIT- IVDevelopment of motor components with specific reference to cricket, Development of cricket specific fitness components, Specific training methods for different positions (slip catching, close fielding, fast bowling)

UNIT-VFitness tests - Fitness tests- AAHPER Youth Fitness Test, Fleishman Physical fitness test, Indiana Motar Fitness Test, Skill tests – beep test, running between the wickets, different kinds of catches and throw, Evaluation of team performance – observation techniques, statistical techniques, scouting charts

Note: Examiner is required to set 5 questions for Part-A consisting of 5 marks each taking one from each unit, out of which student is required to attempt any 4 and 5 questions for Part-B consisting of 10 marks each taking one from each unit, out of which student is required to attempt any 3.

PRACTICALS1. General & specific warming-up 2. Training means for development of different components of physical & motor fitness

Speed, Strength, Endurance, Flexibility, Coordination, Core stability, Agility3. Game officiating

REFERENCES Aibara, E.B., (1993) Cricket, Delhi: National Museum Amarnath, Mohinder (1996), Learn to Play Good Cricket, ND: Ubspd Andrew, K., (1989) Handbook of Cricket, England: Perlham Book Brown, (1988) The Pictorial History of Cricket, Hong Kong Chugh, G.D., (1993) Laws of Cricket, N.D. D.V.S.Pub. Dellor, R., (1990) How to Coach Cricket, London: Mandola Jain, R., (2003) Play and Learn Cricket, New Delhi: K.S.K Kutty, S. K., (2003) Fielding Drills in Cricket, New Delhi: K.S.K Morrison, I., (1993) How to Play Cricket, Competition R. Pri. Ltd. Rachna, (2002) Coaching Successfully: Cricket, Delhi: Sports Rachna, Jain, (2005) Play & Learn Cricket, Khel Sahitaya Kendra Rice P., (1988) How to Play Cricket, London: Guinness Sharangpani, R.C., (1992) Fitness Training in Cricket, Bombay: Marine Sports Sharma, Prahlad, (2003) Cricket, Jaipur: Shyam Prakashan Swpnronobe, E.W., (1986).Barclayas World of Cricket, London, Willow Book Thani, Vivek, (1998) Coaching Cricket, ND: Khel Sahitya Thasi, Y. [ed.], (1991) The Encyclopedia of Cricket, New Delhi Vic Marks, (1987) The Test Country Cricket Board Guide to Better Cricket, London Willis, (1987) Cricket, India



B.Sc (PEHESS) Semester I

Paper IIIMax. Marks =50 Time allowed: 3hrs

GAME OF SPECIALIZATION – FOOTBALL UNIT-I Historical development of football at international and national level, Modern trends and developments in football, Organization of FIFA and the confederations, The congress, the board of administration, executive committee, the international commissions, the permanent secretariat, the continental confederations, the internal auditors, Organization and constitution of AFFI and state bodies

UNIT-IILatest rules and their interpretations

UNIT-IIIPrerequisites of preparation and training, Theory of football training process, General and specific warming - up and cooling down (specific exercises for football), Principles of warming up and cooling down and their effects Basic skills and techniques, Kicking, Receiving , Heading, Dribbling, Pyramid system – swiss bolt, three back system, 4-2-4 formation, Goal–keeping, Preparation, pre-contact movement, contact, Teaching progression, Coaching points, Tactical application, Drills for skill - development (any five), The field defense – general characteristics, teaching progression and coaching tips, position specific and other defense drills, Lead - up games for beginners in football, Teaching of football skill - preparing a lesson plan

UNIT-IVDevelopment of motor components with specific reference to football, Development of football specific fitness components, Specific training methods for different positions

UNIT-VFitness tests - AAHPER Youth Fitness Test, Fleishman Physical fitness test, Indiana Motar Fitness Test, Skill tests – Mcdonald test, Mitchell - Mcdonald test., Evaluation of team performance – observation techniques, statistical techniques, scouting charts

Note: Examiner is required to set 5 questions for Part-A consisting of 5 marks each taking one from each unit, out of which student is required to attempt any 4 and 5 questions for Part-B consisting of 10 marks each taking one from each unit, out of which student is required to attempt any 3.


Advanced movements with the ball1. Kicking – basic action, requirement, classification and types of kicking2. Receiving – with the feet, legs, inside the foot, outside and sole, thigh, stomach, abdomen and chest3. Heading – types of heading, surface of impact, proper movements4. Dribbling and shooting– types of skills5. Goal keeping – receiving the ball on floor and in the air, diving skills, punching the ball


Lau, S.K., (1995) Encyclopedia of Football, Delhi : Sport Pub. N. Kumar, (2003) Play and Learn Football, New Delhi : K.S.K Reilly, T., (1988) Science and Football, London: E.N. Sport Ltd. Sharma, O.P., (2001) Teaching and Coaching –Football, Delhi : Khel S.K. Shellito, K., (1988) Personal Best Football, London: William Collins & Sons Thani, Yograj, (2002) Coaching Successfully Football, New Delhi: K.S.K Williams, J., (1988) The Roots of Football, London,. Wirhed, R., (1992) Training to Win Football, Europ : Wolfe Pub.



B.Sc (PEHESS) Semester I Paper III

Max. Marks =50 Time allowed: 3hrsGAME OF SPECIALIZATION – GYMNASTICS

UNIT-I Origin and development of gymnastics in India and Asia, Structure and function of FIG, GFI, AGU, AIU

UNIT-IIGymnastics coach- Qualifications, qualities and abilities, Personality profiles of a gymnastics coachGymnast- Kinanthropometrical demands (physique, body composition, somatotypes of men and women gymnasts), Conditional and coordinative abilities, Psycho-social abilities Knowing gymnastics terminology- Definition and principles of terminology, Methods of naming various gymnastics terms, Names and definition of some basic positions and movements, Principles of teaching, coaching and training of gymnastics movements on apparatus

UNIT-IIIRole of various motor abilities in gymnastics, Means and methods of developing general motor abilities and their evaluation, Means and methods of developing specific motor abilities and their evaluation

UNIT-IVSupporting techniques and their methods, Security – means and methods, Self security methods, Causes, prevention and remedies of injuries in gymnastics

UNIT-VRhythmic gymnastics : (i) basic exercises (throw, catch, jumps, turns, waves & balance); and (ii) combinationPhysical fitness in gymnastics : (i) through free hand exercises; (ii) through apparatus i.e., medicine ball, skipping rope, wall bars, gymnastics bench, free weights, dumbles, multi gym, rope climbing, modern fitness equipment (treadmill, elliptical upright and recumbent bikes etc.)Trampoline gymnastics : (i) jumps, (ii) somersaults (forward), (iii) twists/turns on small trampoline

Note: Examiner is required to set 5 questions for Part-A consisting of 5 marks each taking one from each unit, out of which student is required to attempt any 4 and 5 questions for Part-B consisting of 10 marks each taking one from each unit out of which student is required to attempt any 3.

PRACTICALS 1. Rhythmic gymnastics : (i) basic exercises (throw, catch, jumps, turns, waves & balance); and (ii) combination2. Physical fitness in gymnastics : (i) Free hand exercises; (ii) Use of apparatus - Medicine ball, skipping rope, wall

bars, gymnastics bench, free weights, dumbles, multi gym, rope climbing, modern fitness equipment (treadmill, elliptical upright and recumbent bikes etc.)

3. Trampoline gymnastics : (i) jumps, (ii) somersaults (forward), (iii) twists/turns on small trampoline4. Visit to the gymnastics centre


Chakraborty, S. and Sharma, Lalit, (1995) Fundamental of Gymnastics, New Delhi: D.V.S. Pub. Chakraborty, S., (1995) Fundamental of Gymnastics, New Delhi: DVS Pub Chakraborty, S., (1998) Women's Gymnastics, Delhi : Friends Pub. Code of Points Trampoline Gymnastics, (2005) Federation Int. De Gymnasics Derry, G., (1988) Personal Best Gymnastics, London : Willionm Colliv Federation Internationale Gymnastics, (2006) Federation Int. De Gymnasics Harvey, F.J., (1998) Physical Exercises & Gymnastics, New Delhi: Khel Sahitya Jain, R., (2005) Play and Learn Gymnastics, Khel Sahitaya Kendra Jain, R., (2003) Play and Learn Gymnastics, New Delhi: Khel Sahitaya Kendra Pearson, D., (1991) Play The Game Gymnastics, Britain : Ward Lock Smither, Graham, (1980) Behing The Scence of Gymnastics, London Turoff, Fred, (1991) Artistic Gymnastics, U.S.A : C. Brown



B.Sc (PEHESS) Semester I Paper III

Max. Marks =50 Time allowed: 3hrsGAME OF SPECIALIZATION – HANDBALL

UNIT-IHistorical development of handball at international and national level , Modern trends and developments in handball, Organization of AHFI , The congress, the board of administration, executive committee, the international commissions, the permanent secretariat, the continental confederations, the internal Auditors, Organization and & constitutions of HFI and state bodies

UNIT-IILatest rules and their Interpretations

UNIT-IIIPrerequisites of preparation and training- Theory of handball training process, General and specific warming up and cooling down (specific exercises for handball)Principles of warming up and cooling down and their effectsBasic Skills And Techniques- Catching – chest level, head and reaching height, side, below waist, one hand, in air, Passing – straight shoot pass (with and without blocking), underhand, wrist, push and bounce, Shooting (throw on goal ) - straight shot with variation, jump shot with variation, jump shot long (near shot zone), Jump shot (long shot zone), penalty shot (7 m.), jump fall shot, side straight shot, back flick, lob, Dribbling – high and low, Feints – system of feints, play round and off, offensive and defensiveGoal keeper- Preparation, pre-contact movement, contact, Teaching progression, Coaching points, Tactical application, Drills for skill development (Any Five)The Court Defense – general characteristics, teaching progression and coaching tips, position specific and other defense drills, Lead - up games for beginners in handball , Teaching of handball skill - preparing a lesson plan

UNIT-IVDevelopment of motor components with specific reference to handball, Development of handball specific fitness components, Specific training methods for different positions

UNIT-VFitness tests - AAHPER Youth Fitness Test, Fleishman Physical fitness test, Indiana Motar Fitness Test, Skill tests – Cornish Handball Test, Evaluation of team performance – observation techniques, statistical techniques, scouting charts

Note: Examiner is required to set 5 questions for Part-A consisting of 5 marks each taking one from each unit, out of which student is required to attempt any 4 and 5 questions for Part-B consisting of 10 marks each taking one from each unit out of which student is required to attempt any 3.


1. Movements with the ball2. Receiving3. Dribbling 4. Shooting5. Goal keeping

REFERENCES Jain, D., (2003) Play & Learn Handball, New Delhi, Khel Sahitya Kendra Kumar Ashok, (1999) Handball, New Delhi, Discovery Publishing House Lohar, A.R., (1998) Handball Basic Technology Bombay, The Marine Sports Publishing Division Schmottlach, N., Mcmanama, J., (1997) Physical Education Handbook. 9th Edition, London, Allyn &






B.Sc (PEHESS) Semester I

Paper IIIMax. Marks =50 Time allowed: 3hrs

GAMES OF SPECIALIZATION – HOCKEYUNIT-IHistorical development of hockey at international and national level, Modern trends and developments in hockey, Organizational setup of IHF , The congress, the board of administration, executive committee, the international commissions, the permanent secretariat, the continental confederations, the internal auditors, Organizational setup and constitution of HFI and state bodies

UNIT-IILatest rules, and their interpretations

UNIT-IIIPrerequisites of preparation and training, Theory of training process in hockey, General and specific warming up and cooling down (specific exercises for hockey), Principles of warming-up and cooling down and their effects, Basic skills and techniques- Hitting, Passing, Dribbling, Scoop, Bully, Grip, Flicking, Goalkeeping , Preparation, pre-contact movement, contact, Teaching progression, Coaching Points, Tactical application, Drills for skill development (any five)The Field Defense – general characteristics, teaching progression and coaching tips, position specific and other defense drills, Lead - up games for beginners , Teaching of hockey skill - preparing a lesson plan

UNIT-IVDevelopment of motor components with specific reference to hockey, Development of hockey specific fitness components, Specific training methods for different positions

UNIT-VFitness tests - AAHPER Youth Fitness Test, Fleishman Physical fitness test, Indiana Motar Fitness Test, Skill Tests – Schmithal’s French Field Test, Freidel Field Test., Evaluation of team performance – observation techniques, statistical techniques, scouting charts

Note: Examiner is required to set 5 questions for Part-A consisting of 5 marks each taking one from each unit, out of which student is required to attempt any 4 and 5 questions for Part-B consisting of 10 marks each taking one from each unit out of which student is required to attempt any 3.

PRACTICALS1. Hitting – basic action, requirement, classification 2. Receiving3. Dribbling and shooting– types of skills4. Goal keeping – receiving the ball on floor and air, diving skills, punching the ball5. Grip6. Beating an opponent or dodging7. Ball passing and tackling

REFERENCES Dubey, H.C. (1999) Hockey, New Delhi, Discovery Publishing House International Hockey Federation, (2003) Rules of the Game of Hockey with Guidance for Players and

Umpires. India, International Hockey Federation Jain, D., (2003) Hockey Skills & Rules New Delhi, khel Sahitya Kendra Narang, P., (2003) Play & Learn Hockey, Khel Sahitya Kendra, New Delhi Thani Yograj., (2002) Coaching Successfully Hockey, Delhi, Sports Publication



B.Sc (PEHESS) Semester I Paper III

Max. Marks =50 Time allowed: 3hrsGAME OF SPECIALIZATION – JUDO

UNIT-I Origin, historical perspectives, development in India and World, modern trends, Structure and function of Judo Federation of India (JFI), International Judo Federation (IJF), Fundamentals , Technique classification and tactics

UNIT-II Required motor abilities, Technical preparation and grading system , Competition area, equipments etc., Physical, physiological and psychological preparation

UNIT-IIISystematizing training process for players – warming-up, cooling-down, supplementary exercises, basic skills, weight-training, circuit-training, Training for beginners, Training for intermediate players , Training for high performers

UNIT-IV Prevention of injuries and safety measures, Causes and remedies of injuries in judo, First-aid, treatment and management of injured athletes, Physiotherapy, rehabilitation, massage and fitness management

UNIT-V Meaning, definition, classification and components of nutrition, Energy requirements of Judokas, Nutritional guidelines for Judokas : pre, during and post competition phases, Nutritional supplements, special diet and ergogenic aids : pre, during and post competition phases

Note: Examiner is required to set 5 questions for Part-A consisting of 5 marks each taking one from each unit, out of which student is required to attempt any 4 and 5 questions for Part-B consisting of 10 marks each taking one from each unit out of which student is required to attempt any 3.

PRACTICAL1. Warming-up (general and specific), cooling down, supplementary and stretching exercises 2. Demonstration of judo techniques3. Variations and combination of judo techniques4. Training of fundamentals of judo5. Visit to a Judo Centre

REFERENCES Caffary, B., (1992) Skilful Judo, London: A & C Black Dando, J., (1994) Play The Game Judo, Great Britain: Blandford Harrison, E.J., (2002) Coaching Successfully Judo, Delhi: Sports Harrison, J., (1998) Teaching & Coaching Judo, New Delhi: Sport Pub. Holme, P., (1995) Get to Gripe With Judo, London: Blandford, Holme, Peter, (1996) Competition Judo, London: Ward Lock Jain, D., (2003) Play and Learn Judo, New Delhi: Khel Sahitaya Kendra Kumar, Mukesh, (1994) Action Judo, Delhi: Sport Publication Marwood, D., (1995) Critical Judo, New Delhi: A.I.T.B.S. Pub.



B.Sc (PEHESS) Semester I Paper III

Max. Marks =50 Time allowed: 3hrsGAMES OF SPECIALIZATION - KABADDI

UNIT-IHistorical development of Kabaddi at Asian and national level, Modern trends and developments in KabaddiOrganization of KFI and affiliated units, The congress, the board of administration, executive committee, the Asian commissions, the permanent secretariat, the internal auditors

UNIT-IILatest rules and their Interpretations

UNIT-IIIPrerequisites of preparation and training, Theory of Kabaddi training processGeneral and specific warming up and cooling down (specific exercises for Kabaddi)Principles of warming up and cooling down and their effects Basic skills and techniques-Raid – mule kick, corner chain break, shoulder jumping, Catching – ankle hold, waist hold, chain formations, Bonus, Preparation, pre-contact movement, contact, Teaching progression, Coaching points,Tactical application, Drills for skill development (any five)The court defense – general characteristics, teaching progression and coaching tips, position specific and other defense drills, Lead-up games for beginners in Kabaddi , Teaching of Kabaddi skill - preparing a lesson plan

UNIT-IVDevelopment of motor components with specific reference to Kabaddi , Development of Kabaddi specific fitness components, Specific training methods for different positions

UNIT-VFitness tests - AAHPER Youth Fitness Test, Fleishman Physical fitness test, Indiana Motar Fitness Test, Skill tests - Evaluation of team performance – observation techniques, statistical techniques, scouting charts

Note: Examiner is required to set 5 questions for Part-A consisting of 5 marks each taking one from each unit, out of which student is required to attempt any 4 and 5 questions for Part-B consisting of 10 marks each taking one from each unit out of which student is required to attempt any 3.

PRACTICALS1. General & specific warming-up 2. Training means for development of different components of physical & motor fitness

Speed, Strength, Endurance, Flexibility, Coordination, Core stability, Agility3. Game officiating

REFERENCES Rao, C. V., (1982) Kabaddi, New Delhi: Oxford Press Rao, E.P., (1994) Modern Coaching in Kabaddi, D.V.S.Pub Rao, C.V., (1983) Kabaddi; Native Indian Sports, Patiala Nis Publisher



B.Sc (PEHESS) Semester I Paper III

Max. Marks =50 Time allowed: 3hrsGAME OF SPECIALIZATION - KHO-KHO

UNIT-IHistorical development of Kho-kho at national level , Modern trends and developments in Kho-kho, Organization of KKFI and the confederations The congress, the board of administration, executive committee, the permanent secretariat, the internal auditors, Organization and constitution of KKFI and Affiliated Units

UNIT-IILatest Rules, and their Interpretations

UNIT-IIIPrerequisites of preparation and training-Theory of Kho-kho training process, General & specific warming up and cooling down (specific exercises for Kho-kho)Principles of warming up and cooling down and their effects Basic skills and techniques-Running – chain game - single chain, double chain 3-3-2, Feint, Dosing, Oval, Chasing – pole dive – sitting, running, fake and pole dive, Sitting and block, Dive – air dive, sitting dive, flat divePreparation, pre-contact movement, contact, Teaching progression, Coaching points, Tactical application, Drills for skill development (any five), The court defense – general characteristics, teaching progression and coaching tips, position specific and other defense drills, Lead - up games for beginners in Kho-kho,Teaching of Kho-kho skill - preparing a lesson plan

UNIT-IVDevelopment of motor components with specific reference to Kho-kho, Development of Kho-kho specific fitness components, Specific training methods for different positions

UNIT-VFitness tests - AAHPER Youth Fitness Test, Barrow General Motor Ability Test. , Skill tests - Evaluation of team performance – observation techniques, statistical techniques, scouting charts

Note: Examiner is required to set 5 questions for Part-A consisting of 5 marks each taking one from each unit, out of which student is required to attempt any 4 and 5 questions for Part-B consisting of 10 marks each taking one from each unit out of which student is required to attempt any 3.

PRACTICALS1. General & specific warming-up 2. Training means for development of different components of physical & motor fitness

Speed, Strength, Endurance, Flexibility, Coordination, Core stability, Agility3. Game officiating

REFERENCES Chakrabarty, G., (2002) Kho - Kho Aveloken, Delhi, Khel Sahitya Kendra Panday, L., (1982) Kho - Kho Sarvaswa, New Delhi Metropolitan



B.Sc (PEHESS) Semester I Paper III

Max. Marks =50 Time allowed: 3hrsGAME OF SPECIALIZATION – VOLLEYBALL

UNIT-IHistorical development of Volleyball at international and national level , Modern trends and developments in volleyball, Organization of FIVB and the confederation, The congress, the board of administration, executive committee, the international commissions, the Permanent Secretariat, the continental confederations, the internal auditors, Organization and constitution of VFI and state bodies

UNIT-IILatest rules, and their interpretations

UNIT-IIIPrerequisites of preparation and training-Theory of volleyball training process, General and specific warming up and cooling down (specific exercises for volleyball), Principles of warming up and cooling down and their effects Basic skills and techniques-The serve – underhand, tennis, jump and serve, overhead float, Forearm passing, Overhead passing, Spiking / attack, Blocking, Preparation, pre-contact movement, contact, Teaching progression, Coaching points, Tactical application, Drills for skill development (any five)The court defense – general characteristics, teaching progression and coaching tips, position specific and other defense drills, Lead - up games for beginners in volleyball , Teaching of volleyball skill - preparing a lesson plan

UNIT-IVDevelopment of motor components with specific reference to volleyball, Development of volleyball specific fitness components, Specific training methods for different positions

UNIT-VFitness tests - AAHPER Youth Fitness Test, Indiana Motar Fitness Test, Philips JCR Test, Skill Tests – AAHPER, Russell-Lange, Brady’s Volleyball Test, Evaluation of team performance – observation techniques, statistical techniques, scouting charts

Note: Examiner is required to set 5 questions for Part-A consisting of 5 marks each taking one from each unit, out of which student is required to attempt any 4 and 5 questions for Part-B consisting of 10 marks each taking one from each unit out of which student is required to attempt any 3.

PRACTICALS1. General & specific warming-up 2. Training means for development of different components of physical & motor fitness

Speed, Strength, Endurance, Flexibility, Coordination, Core stability, Agility3. Game officiating

REFERENCES American…. Program, (1996) Coaching Youth Volley Ball, Campaigon, H.K. FIVB, (1996) Backcourt Spiking in Modern Volley Ball, Chennai : FIVB Saggar, S.K., (1994) Cosco Skills Stactics - Volley Ball, Delhi : Sport Publication Scates, A.E., (1993) Winning Volley Ball, WC Brown



B.Sc (PEHESS) Semester I Paper III

Max. Marks =50 Time allowed: 3hrsGAME OF SPECIALIZATION – YOGA

UNIT-I Meaning, definition and scope of yoga, limitations and misconceptions, importance of yoga in education and other fields

UNIT-II Pre-vedic and Vedic period; upnishada, sutra period, patanjali yoga sutra; hatha yoga tantra

UNIT-III Asanas : padmasana, vajrasana, sidhasana, paschimottanasa, halasana, sarvangasana, shalabhasana, ardh-matsyendrasana, bhujangasana, tadasana, vrikshasana, matsyasana, gomukhasana, ushtrasana, shavasana, makarasana, vrishchikasana, dhanurasana, purna matsyendrasana, chakrasana, vatyayanasana, ek pad sikandasana, bakasana, mayurasana, shirshasanaPranayam : anulom-vilom, bhastrika, naddi shodhan, sheetali, sheetkari, bhramari, ujjayiShatkarma : neti, dhauti, nauli, basti, kunjal, kapal bhati, shankh prakshalanaBandhas : jalandhar, uddyana, mool bandha

UNIT-IV Environment, Costume and dress, Systematic preparation for competition, sequence, Causes and remedies of injuries, physiotherapy, rehabilitation and massage

UNIT-V Meaning, definition, classification and components of nutrition, nutrients, Yogic diet, Role of fluids - sports drinks & minerals etc. : pre, during and post competition

Note: Examiner is required to set 5 questions for Part-A consisting of 5 marks each taking one from each unit, out of which student is required to attempt any 4 and 5 questions for Part-B consisting of 10 marks each taking one from each unit out of which student is required to attempt any 3.

PRACTICALS1. Prayer 2. Asanas, pranayama, shatkarma, bandha (as mentioned in theory)3. Yoga-nidra/relaxation techniques4. Visit to yoga centre

REFERENCES Anand, Omprarkash. (2001) Yog Dawra Kaya Kalp, Kanpur, Sewasth Sahitya Perkashan Sarin, N., (2003) Yoga Dawara Ragoon Ka Upchhar, Khel Sahitya Kendra Sri, Swami Rama, (2001) Breathing, Rishikesh, Sadhana Mandir Trust. Swami, Ram., (2000) Yoga & Married Life, Rishikesh Sadhana Mandir Trust Swami, Veda Bharti., (2000) Yoga, Polity, Economy and Family, Rishikesh Sadhana Mandir Trust



B.Sc (PEHESS) Semester I Paper IV (a)

Max. Marks =75 Time allowed: 3hrs


Syllabus from B.A. Programme of Delhi University

Note: Examiner is required to set 5 questions for Part-A consisting of 5 marks each taking one from each unit, out of which student is required to attempt any 3 and 5 questions for Part-B consisting of 20 marks each taking one from, each unit out of which student is required to attempt any 3.



B.Sc (PEHESS) Semester I Paper IV (b)


Max. Marks =25 Time allowed: 2hrs

Unit-IIntroduction to basic concepts in nutrition-Nutrients of physiological significance &their functions, sources of food and requirements in normal health conditions, Requirements for sports and exercising person

Unit-IIEnergy metabolism-MBR, RMR, energy expended on physical activity and TEF,Energy requirements of specific sports groups, Energy cost of activities, Energy substrate for activities of different intensity and duration; aerobic and anaerobic, Concept of energy balance in maintaining weight

Unit-IIIPlanning balanced meal, Basic food groups, Concept of balanced diet, General and specific dietary guidelines in planning meals for children, adolescents, adult men and women, elderly, Nutritional considerations for sports/exercising person (endurance and strength sports/exercise training) as compared to normal active person-meals during training, pre event meal, during event and post event meal

Unit-IVFluid balance in sports and exercise, Importance, Symptoms and prevention of dehydration,Sports deinks –Hypo, Iso-and hypertonic drink for hydration, energy and recovery drink

Unit-VChronic dieting and eating disorders, Female athletic triad, Sports anemia, Nutrients as ergogenic aids for sports and exercise, Diet prescription for various sports group

Note: Examiner is required to set 8 questions for Part-A consisting of 2 marks each taking atleast one from each unit, out of which student is required to attempt any 5 and 5 questions for Part-B consisting of 5 marks each taking one from each unit, out of which student is required to attempt any 3.

Practical1. Determination of energy expenditure in sports and exercise using various methods2. Calculating total day’s energy intake and energy expenditure and evaluating state of energy balance3. Meal planning for regular training-endurance and strength sport activities4. Planning a carbohydrate rich snack/meal5. Planning a protein rich snack/meal6. Planning Pre-event meal and liquid meal7. Planning Post-event meal, high energy meal8. Planning diet for weight gain and weight loss

References:1. Seth, Veenu; Singh Kalyani (1995) , Diet Planning through the life cycle in Health & Disease, Wheela

Publishing 2. Gopalan, C. and Others (1996), Nutritive Value of Indian Food National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad,

India3. Brown, Judith. E. (2002), Nutrition Now, Canada Pub., Peter Marshal4. Caliendo, Mang Alica (1981) Nutrition and Preventive Health Care Mcemillin Publication Co.



B.Sc (PEHESS) Semester I Paper IV (b)


Max. Marks =25 Time allowed: 2hrs

UNIT-IIntroduction to computers, Components of computer- CPU, Input, output and storage devices.

computer software – Operating System, Window-95, 98, 2000, XP, Vista, DOS

UNIT-IIData and information concepts – bits, bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB.MS-Office, MS-Word Spreadsheets and Power Point presentations, Internet Access

UNIT-IIIComputer networks: Need and scope, classification: LAN, WAN, MAN, Client server technology.Local Area Networks (LAN) – Components of LAN, Advantages of LAN, advantages of WAN.

UNIT-IVInternet and Other Technology: Internet and www, internet, applications of internet, internet protocols.Mobile commerce, Bluetooth and wifi, E-mail, Vidio confuencing.

UNIT-VComputers and physical education: Need and scope of computer applications in physical education.preparations of lessons regarding physical education using computer.

Note: Examiner is required to set 8 questions for Part-A consisting of 2 marks each taking atleast one from, each unit out of which student is required to attempt any 5 and 5 questions for Part-B consisting of 5 marks each taking one from, each unit out of which student is required to attempt any 3.

Practicals:To prepare test/lesson/data sheets using1. MS Office2. Spread Sheets 3. MS World4. MS Excel5. Power point

References: Irtegov, D. (2004). Operating System Fundamentals. Firewall Media. Milke, M (2007). Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Computer Basics, Pearson Education Asia. NIIT (2004). Basics of Networking Prentice – Hall, India Pvt. Ltd.



B.Sc (PEHESS) Semester I Paper IV (b)

b) Paper Group-IAEROBICS

Max. Marks =25 Time allowed: 2hrs

UNIT-1Introduction to concept of fitness, aerobics, types of aerobicsMusic and cuing

UNIT IIIntroduction of human anatomy and physiology (skeletal system, muscular system, neurological system, cardio-pulmonary system) Concepts o f kinesiology land biomechanics

UNIT IIIScientific principles of exercise Aerobic exercise program design

UNIT IVTheory and principles of body conditioningFlexibility, agility and coordinative abilities

UNIT VInjuries specific during aerobics/ special populationNutrition / supplements

Note: Examiner is required to set 8 questions for Part-A consisting of 2 marks each taking atleast one from, each unit out of which student is required to attempt any 5 and 5 questions for Part-B consisting of 5 marks each taking one from, each unit out of which student is required to attempt any 3.

Practicals1. Music understanding & cuing (step aerobics, floor aerobics)2. Workouts – low intensity, medium intensity and high intensity3. Designing of aerobics/session4. Specific conditioning exercise5. Warm up & cool down exercise

References American college of sports Medicine., Acsm's (2005) Health-Related Physical Fitness Assessment Manual.,

Londan, Lippincott Bishop, J.G., (2004) Fitness Through Aerobics, Benjamin Cummings, USA Cooper, K. and W. Proctor, (1999) Controlling Cholesterol the Natural Way, Banton Doublay Dell, USA Cooper, K., (2001) Aerobics Program for Total Well Being, Banton Doublay Dell Publishers, USA Corbin Charles B. & Ruth Lindsey (1994 ) “Concepts of physical fitness” Fahey Thomas D. (1994) “Fit and Well”. Gosselior, C., (1995) The Ultimate Guide to Fitness, London: Vermilion Hoeger, W. W.K. and S.A. (2007) Fitness and Wellness U.S.A Thomson Wad swath Johnson Rofer “Muscle Aerobics” Published by the body press, a division of h.p books, Inc. Kennedy, Carol, A. & Yoke, M.M., 2008 Methods of Group Exercise Instruction N.Y. Human Kinetics Kinder, T. Aua (1992) Aerobics, Eddie Bowers Publishing Co. USA Kumari , Sheela (2009) Fitness, Aerobics & Gym Operations, New Delhi, Khel Sahitya Kendra Parizkova, J. and Hills, A.P. (1998) (ED), Physical Fitness And Nutrition During Growth., London, Karger,. Portal, R., Aerobics, (2002)The Invisible Advantage, Author House Publishers, USA Schott, L., (1987).Spiritual Aerobics, Christian Communications, USA Tomkinson, G.R. & Olds, T.S. (2007) (ED.), Pediatric Fitness, London Karger



B.Sc (PEHESS) Semester I Paper IV (b)

b) Paper Group-ISPORTS FOR ALL

Max. Marks =25 Time allowed: 2hrs

UNIT-IINTRODUCTION: Meaning and definition of Sports, Play, Games, Recreation, Pleasure, Happiness, Comforts; Personality :- aims, goals, objectives, Test, Measurement, Evaluation. Four Domains – Cognitive, psycho-motor, affective and Fitness. Sports Search for all individuals, Motivation towards Sports; Introduction to Sports for fitness, fun, competitions, Health, rehabilitation, Figure and personality development.

UNIT-IISPORTS FOR FITNESS: Meaning and definition; Components of health related Physical Fitness. Measurement of Health Related Physical Fitness (HRPF); Development and Maintenance of Health Related Fitness with Sports participation.

UNIT-III SPORTS FOR FUN: Meaning & Definition of fun, Games Festival; Organization and guidelines for Games Festival; Games Festival Facility; Sports Clubs.SPORTS FOR COMPITITIONS: Meaning & Definition of Competition; Sports Selections; Sports participation and sports competitions.

UNIT-IV SPORTS FOR HEALTH: Meaning and Definition of Health; Diagnosis of ill-health, Preventive health measures and sports; Treatment of ill health and Sports.SPORTS FOR PHYSIOTHERAPY : Meaning and Definition of Physiotherapy & Handicap. Exercise and Sports participation for physiotherapic use. Testing of physiotherapic progress.

UNIT-VSPORTS FOR CHALLENGED POPULATIONS : Introduction, Meaning and definitions of different challenged populations : Visually Challenged, Auditory Challenged, Physical Challenged. Modified Sports for above categories of challenged populations.SPORTS FOR FIGURE & PERSONALITY: Meaning, concept and definition of Figure, general appearance, Personality measures; overweight and its disfigure effects; weight control, exercise and Sports.

Note: Examiner is required to set 8 questions for Part-A consisting of 2 marks each taking atleast one from, each unit out of which student is required to attempt any 5 and 5 questions for Part-B consisting of 5 marks each taking one from, each unit out of which student is required to attempt any 3.


1. Demonstration of warming up, exercise main activity and cool down periods with one experimental work each for outdoor and indoor Sports Activities.

2. Measurement of Body Weight and Height. Equipment needed, procedure and calculation of Body Mass Index (BMI) as well as recommended norms and interpretation of BMI for different Sports Persons.

3. Measurement of waist circumference and Hip Circumference enlisting equipment, procedure, calculation of waist-hip Index with explanation to Pear form and Apple form of Waist-Hip appearance.

4. Measurement of Flexibility: Sit & Reach Test, Hip Bend & Toe Touch.5. Measurement of Strength: Leg Raise Test, Sit-up ability Test, Grip Strength.6. Measurement of Muscular Endurance: Bench Jumps, Sit-ups, Knee Bends, Push ups, Pull ups.7. Measurement of Cardio-Vascular Endurance: One Mile Run-Walk Test; H.S.T.8. Demonstration of a Games Festival Organization.9. Demonstration of differences of body types in different Sports.10. Diagnosis of Ill Health Components: B.P., Obesity, Blood Haemoglobin11. Physiotherapic Exercise Prescription for Knee, shoulder joints and faulty gait.12. To prepare and demonstrate exercise programme for loss of 2 kg. of body weight in four weeks.



References: Bhatnagar, D.P., S.K. Verma and R. Mokha (1999). Human Growth. Exercise Science Publications

Society, Department of Sports Sciences, Punjabi University, Patiala-147 002, Punjab. Corbin (2006). Fitness & Wellness-Concepts. Gopalan, G., B.V.R. Sastri and S.C. Balasubramanian (2004). Nutritive Value of Indian Foods. National

Institute of Nutrition (ICMR). Hyderabad-500 007. Harrison, G.A., J.S. Weiner, J.M. Tanner and N.A. Barnicot (1984). Human Biology. Oxford University

Press, Oxford, U.K. ICMR (1989). Growth and Physical Development of Indian infants and Children. Indian Council of

Medical Research, New Delhi. Jelliffe, D.B. and E.F.P. Jelliffee (1990). Growth Monitoring and Promotion in Young Children. Oxford

University Press, Oxford, U.K. Kansal, D.K. (2008). Text book of Applied Measurement, Evaluation & Sports Selection, Sports &

Spiritual Science Publications, New Delhi. Singh, S.P.S. and P. Malhotra (2003). Anthropometry. Human Biology Department, Punjabi University,

Patiala-147 002 (India). Tanner, J.M. (1989). Growth at Adolescence. Blackwell Publishers, London, U.K. Uppal and Gautam, (2008) Health & Physical Education, Friends Publication,



B.Sc (PEHESS) Semester IPaper IV (b)


Max. Marks =25 Time allowed: 2hrs


Introduction, history in relation to ‘sports goods industry’ in India, Industrial relations in India, Peculiar characteristic, i.e. Hand Made Goods, Involving skilled workers-piece rated wages, Policy- five year plans for production, export strategy and potential


Sports Industry in Europe-USA, Canada and ASIA & other parts of the world, Major sports-World wide-Europe, ASIA & India including some local games, development of sports


Future need for mechanization to improve quality, Evaluation of management thought, planning-nature, objective, promises, strategies & tactical plan


Organizations-Principles, structure, management, levels, quality control, Personnel management- recruitment selection, training, performance


Direction/controlling- production control, material control, quality control, sales distribution-government departments, whole salers & retailers

Note: Examiner is required to set 8 questions for Part-A consisting of 2 marks each taking atleast one from each unit, out of which student is required to attempt any 5 and 5 questions for Part-B consisting of 5 marks each taking one from, each unit out of which student is required to attempt any 3.


1. Knowledge regarding, major sports, mechanization, export strategy and potentied2. Wages system3. Industrial relations 4. Knowledge regarding quality control, production control, material control5. Sale distribution procedures


1. Hert, Renis. (1961) New Patterns of Management, McGrow Hill2. Allen, L.A. (1958) Management & Organisaton, Tokyo: Kogakusha Co.3. Shrivastava, V. L. Contauses of Management, Classical Pub. Co.4. Sivia, G.S. (1988) Sports Managemnt in Universiies, New Delhi: A.I.U., Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Marg, 5. Mathae, B.C. and Diesh, K. (1968) Management in Government, New Delhi: Wiley Eastern Ltd.