Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-08-18 [p...

irtff rj fs THE DAILY SUN ttAINESmi F FLORIDA AUGUST I 1909 1 l r r S MARSHAL ORDERED CANVASS CITY ASCERTAIN NUMBER OF BUSINESS AND OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE Report Will Have to Be Made by Saturday Evening of the Present Week The City in regular ad- journed session Monday evening with President Pro Tern Burnett Aldermen Goodwin Graves Palter and Pound the latter acting as clerk rime motion the bill of city auditor Geo U Evans fur 10t wits ordered paid out of the contingent fund The city marshal was Instructed to make a canvass of the city and certain by Saturday at the latest the number of occupational and bu l ness license that should be In force in Gainesville and to render his to the proper authorities at such time A letter from M It Saunders ad droxkcd to the council In reference to the bicycle ordinance which was imorferinu with the business inter- ests of the merchants was rend and ordered tiled for information The chairman of the light commit tee was Instructed to hate the are llpht acaln placed In Iront of th Methodift church on East Mum street north ton motion the council adjourned to blest again next Tuesday evening August 21th at s Mothers Meeting The regular meeting of the Moth- ers was held Monday afternoon at the home ol Mrs F Thomas Mrs E Haird presided and called the meet lug to order Resides the usual Scrip- ture reading Miss Mary Rnlrd em r th members with a piecing recitation Miss Ruth PulL next e l a iil musical number UellKbt fill cream and cake was then MTV M- by Mr Thomas and the meeting ad lourned Th Sun fore arknowlege- a treat from the ladles in the way of A lurks pitcher of delicious lie cream The want ads do more real estate business than all other brokers com- bined in fact they start most of th3 business that the brokers and THE LATEST LADIES HAT NOVELTIES- Select your patterns from New York Boston and Paris You cant af- ford to miss seeing- our showy window of these NEW STYLES Full stock others will ta trimmed to order And dont forget that when you fEt in need o Hurrtwifi p taw it GAINESVILLE HARDWARE CO TO l f f i f I oiL u IN earlyjust Council re- port cluck IMt led tgeutt nl w I ¬ dis- play I ¬ ¬ ¬ < > ¬ HIDDEN DANGERS- Nature Gives Timely Warning That No Gainesville Citizen Can Afford to Ignore DANGER CHXAL NO 1 come from the kidney secretions They will warn you wluti the kidneys are sick Well kidneys excrete a clear timber tluld Sick kidneys send out a thin pale and foamy or a thick red Ill urine full of anti irregular of i n sge DANGER SIGNAL NO comes from the hack Jack pains dull and heavy or scarp and acute tell you of sick kidneys and warn you of the ap- proach of dropsy diabetes and llrKht dlsoase DounV Kidney Pills ure ktdiu and curt thorn permanently Here Is proof in the tatnurnt of a nearby resident Elizabeth Moore Madison ate me Starke Flu says For sun e time 1 suffered front dull naming backaches nnd distressing pains mrntifli my loins 1 could not rest well sad arose in the morning feeling tlnil and worn out My kidneys were lU Klh and the secretions very uu natural I at ifiKth procured leans Kidney Tills mill they gave me the desired relict promptly I have since been free from backaches mill pains hrough my loins and my kidneys are normal 1 am feeling better general- ly and give Donns Kidney Tills the credit For sale by all dealers Trice SO cents Foster MI Ibnrn Co Buffalo NVw York sole agents for the United States Remember the name Donns and take no other SQUIRREL ASKS AN OFFICER FOR WATER WASHIXirWX Aug 17 Were it not for the furl that nature faking in and around the White House is MI posed to IniVi recelxed a death blow yejirh ago the experience Sunday of one of the blue coat guard taste uf the executlxe mansion might ite di beliexrd by the oxeriTedlllons One of the siiilrreli which long l e ore the preseHl ailntlnlitratlun began played about umong the big tre r mil oxer the line lawn In front of tin White House according to the afore- mentioned Killceinan kept running uj to him Sunday and then awe As he refused peanuts tin officer could not nuke out what h- xxanied Finally the officer says Ire notlcei that every time the squirrel ran away from him the little fellow would make for a water spigot In the grass mill Jiunp ut It a if trying to turn the handle This gave the officer hit rue He turned on the water which was exactly what the creature wanted NOTICE OF EXAMINATIONS- To Be Held September 7 8 and 10 1909 Examinations will be held in tin Cttx of beginning m- oclock a in September nth and cjiw tug on the alterniMin of Septumbe- ililh im All white applicants fm teacher c lt will pl ni e In- MI Ui ml HI 1MMn- Si htwl buHtllHC tltlurHtl ait lKNMi i WI UllHii 41 I HMM 11 H rvttHUVft tltftt Mil id Miii iltitlar in ui l r Mi r i Hit Ink I I KKUKV AIR DOME I kit III UI i H lM- id toI- II like I i H l MMlk Ifc 11- Hi liul In MMallw lfc- il i i i 4 hi IM tfcvtv u- l ux Ik MMMMWNI MM Iw- t a k Mt llW- fc t- M4 I II 4 1 fH- M I sick scampering 9 S tIt lIt lotto I QR WOE aNI- I Wt- I I N tat I I I I II II t 7- U I I I If q It IJcM vii 4lIng sediment Mrs seism Guiui- t tile the IhIHt Ilk rtr tHtkar certense Hell plot 1111deiat Tht iW fNrNh 4 tar salt kH r t up- I ul Ir4Ml rap Mttwr pr Kr e 4 trlllf 1 illi trrlaleul art sq D- p Ibee Nut 4t Fwlag tit PI ktk1 hell uN 41 Ik 1u t r t tad I er ur tuN rN Se t New IM- I t e t v tifietallt tawsl Milt l k K1uMle Ilan tka fey tibve Pill N Is Ntette- t k br oayw eti w ublk AeW a i Mh- I tsrW M rMttlAtVa a wa M ealM p I oleelt rbelle M ee11ee it fa O 111n1- fs4 piaS tiW Ill h41 I MteaeMt 4x1 b N td > > ¬ ¬ > > > > > < + + + + ORLANDO PLAYING GREAT LEAGUE BALL SHUT OUT OCALA IN MONDAYS GAME IN BRICK CITY The FastSet Will Be Here for Three Games Commencing Thursday Afternoon The Orlando baseball team will be here Thursday and commencing In the afternoon will start their series of three games with the Oak Halls of this city whet some real tine ball playing is promised fandom The Orlando team has only recent- ly cleaned up the Sanford follow They are now engaged In a contest with Ocala and managed to shut out the prick City buys on Monday oven ing which shows they are well ii- tu the National game Manager lais Leas obtained sonu new timber for the contest with thest people null the Very best games ol real baseball that will In seen until another season are the ones that vP be played between these two teams Should the Oak Halls prove suc- cessful in winning some or the chest games it Is more than probable that they will make n try v the Oi- Inndo team fur the sicr ji tha- is being fought for by n o if le prove successful in wintto am It now looks as if they will Let everyone talk the guider to b played and go out nnd root fur tit l o s in their old fashlotud Paris Doctors Falling Hair Are Caused b a Sabourand Proves It Ur Saltoitiand l the ol Ante To prow his theory that Kurm cause dandruff he infected n tailnei pig with these mierobes and in t hurt the hair from the animal t iMMly find Parisian Sage which can now he obtained In America has an Im- mense nUll Is highly recommend- ed by physicians in all ports of tin world- It Is just because It Is the only pre serious or hair tunic that is absolute- ly sure to kill the dandruff germ It Is guaranteed to cure dandruff stop fallltiK hair or itching scalp It two weeks or money kick In warm weather it keeps the clean and rout amid free from nlmox lotus slurs Parisian Sage Is n pleas- ant and dainty hair dressing that wil put a bewitching charm und lustrt into faded and lifeless hair in out week It Is distressing for any wo- man to have dull unattractive knit and women fo unfortunate should us Parisian Sage Parthian Sage costs cents a larg- iMttle at V M JnliiiHinV and U roll by leading druggists everywhere Tin girl with the auburn hair Is on even tattle Pay Car Arrives The HI etir over the A l I rail Max arrived ttnlH HI IMNW an- lUtHUlltMl h MHMt t HHIH1- W ki IU Ike tit THe Wt IN tv ex en ui iih 4 MMMMiitt- IIM lt M tl l IHK n l Mr M It MI I t HIM ELECTRIC THEATRE AIR DOME m Hvar el All Weak Murdock t I DiscoveryD- andruff MicrobeDr tilt scull the e I IIhII but I 1 alt t Mol 1 WltSOl1O- atGhy NYalaM V- MeIS ItW e ct art way h ailing derma- tologist disappeared rule 3o < out o wits I1I 1111Ititlj tig Halt H a Cid- r Is I > > > > < > + Worn WomenWo- men worn and tired from overwork need A tonic That feeling of weakness or helplessness will not leave of itself You Wine of Cardui that effectual for the ailments and weaknesses of women Thousands of women have tried Cardui and write enthusiastically of the benefit it has been to experiment use this reliable medicine TAKE The Womans Tonic airs Rena Hare of Pierce Fla tried Cardoi and afterward wrote I was a sufferer from all sorts of female trouble had pain in my side and legs could not had shortness of breath I suffered for until my husband insisted on my Cardui The first bottle and now I am Twill help you AT ALL DRUG STOKES G S Merchant Co Retailers ant JaaWa In Staple and Fancy Groceries Grain Garden See an Fertilizers OUTH CIDE SQUARE GAINESVILLE FLORIDA Highest market price paid fer Chickens Eggs and atha Product A Complete stock of Hay Con Oats Ftowr Braa haol Cettaft- B e4 Meal and Rye We feaaale oaly tie Very Net feetf at Lowest Prices aid guarantee aaUaCaetloa always Are YOU Being Hunted of todays want ads may be hunting yon nuuack ing the city for you It may have a uettagd for you of urgent personal importance on that when you get it and heed- it may change the immediate currents of your activities f your even place around and about yea Rose environments new associates may give you an entirely tew start in a business way Isnt it worth while to try to find eat whether this way not be true tod ly tomorrow er very soea TELEPHONE TALKS The Long Distance System f ofttried an Try CarduL 4 e j n- One interestsmay I CARD U J trying m t J One of the meat valuable features I our service to our luttcriaara and to the public generally Is our connect tion with the eitentlve long distance lines of American Telephone and Telegraph Company and the other at- ocUtcd Bell Telephone companies- We own thousands of miles of long distance in the seven states In which v e operate and In addition can connect any telephene in our system with lines tenamg to any other city In a Bell Telephone system It operated These long dlttaini MIH are of the madern and Improved construe lien and ire maintained at a high Ute af etnclenfty The B l systems the I which I lines I i meat a ratlnf In vala a actttn tf country are vnlferm In th lr aaria std In th 4r af ilinu Only ky rtaacn af this close traMs arrangement between the Ball Ta4 phone companies It It paHlbla tt to a well Telephone almost anywhere ask for long Distance and tot put I communication with sheet any paint In the country This vast network of wires ra U Ing throughout the nation la weN dally In commerce and for wclal PUA by the the farmer nf citizens In all walks of llf and ou plant la an Important link In this 0r t chain the Met I went epee ge Poe banker hen Southern Bell and Telegraph Crnnpunf T ele IIIMI j IU1JIIIRfTI mnjU4 THE nAIL iO I Wyk UIUNe1 AerwNN SON

Transcript of Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-08-18 [p...

Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-08-18 [p 3] arrived ttnlH HI IMNW an-lUtHUlltMl h MHMt t HHIH1-W ki IU

irtff rj fs


1 l







Report Will Have to Be Made by

Saturday Evening of the

Present Week

The City in regular ad-

journed session Monday evening with

President Pro Tern Burnett Aldermen

Goodwin Graves Palter and Pound

the latter acting as clerkrime motion the bill of city auditor

Geo U Evans fur 10t wits ordered

paid out of the contingent fund

The city marshal was Instructed

to make a canvass of the city and

certain by Saturday at the latestthe number of occupational and bu l

ness license that should be In force

in Gainesville and to render his

to the proper authorities at such

timeA letter from M It Saunders ad

droxkcd to the council In referenceto the bicycle ordinance which was

imorferinu with the business inter-

ests of the merchants was rend and

ordered tiled for informationThe chairman of the light commit

tee was Instructed to hate the arellpht acaln placed In Iront of thMethodift church on East Mum

street northton motion the council adjourned

to blest again next Tuesday evening

August 21th at s

Mothers Meeting

The regular meeting of the Moth-

ers was held Monday afternoon at

the home ol Mrs F Thomas Mrs

E Haird presided and called the meetlug to order Resides the usual Scrip-

ture reading Miss Mary Rnlrd em rth members with a piecing

recitation Miss Ruth PulL nexte l a iil musical number UellKbt

fill cream and cake was then MTV M-

by Mr Thomas and the meeting adlourned Th Sun fore arknowlege-a treat from the ladles in the way ofA lurks pitcher of delicious lie cream

The want ads do more real estatebusiness than all other brokers com-

bined in fact they start most of

th3 business that the brokers and




Select your patternsfrom New

York Boston andParis You cant af-

ford to miss seeing-

our showy windowof these


Full stock others willta trimmed to orderAnd dont forget thatwhen you fEt in needo Hurrtwifi p taw it










oiL u







IMt led

tgeutt nlwI












Nature Gives Timely Warning ThatNo Gainesville Citizen Can

Afford to Ignore

DANGER CHXAL NO 1 comefrom the kidney secretions They willwarn you wluti the kidneys are sickWell kidneys excrete a clear timbertluld Sick kidneys send out a thinpale and foamy or a thick red Ill

urine full of antiirregular of i n sge

DANGER SIGNAL NO comesfrom the hack Jack pains dull andheavy or scarp and acute tell you ofsick kidneys and warn you of the ap-

proach of dropsy diabetes andllrKht dlsoase DounV Kidney Pills

ure ktdiu and curt thornpermanently Here Is proof in thetatnurnt of a nearby resident

Elizabeth Moore Madison ateme Starke Flu says For sun etime 1 suffered front dull namingbackaches nnd distressing painsmrntifli my loins 1 could not restwell sad arose in the morning feelingtlnil and worn out My kidneys were

lU Klh and the secretions very uunatural I at ifiKth procured leansKidney Tills mill they gave me thedesired relict promptly I have sincebeen free from backaches mill painshrough my loins and my kidneys are

normal 1 am feeling better general-ly and give Donns Kidney Tills thecredit

For sale by all dealers Trice SO

cents Foster MI Ibnrn Co BuffaloNVw York sole agents for the UnitedStates

Remember the name Donns andtake no other



WASHIXirWX Aug 17 Were it

not for the furl that nature fakingin and around the White House is MI

posed to IniVi recelxed a death blowyejirh ago the experience

Sunday of one of the blue coat guardtaste uf the executlxe mansion mightite di beliexrd by the oxeriTedlllons

One of the siiilrreli which long l eore the preseHl ailntlnlitratlun began

played about umong the big tre rmil oxer the line lawn In front of tinWhite House according to the afore-mentioned Killceinan kept running ujto him Sunday and thenawe As he refused peanuts tinofficer could not nuke out what h-

xxaniedFinally the officer says Ire notlcei

that every time the squirrel ran awayfrom him the little fellow wouldmake for a water spigot In the grassmill Jiunp ut It a if trying to turnthe handle This gave the officer hitrue He turned on the water whichwas exactly what the creature wanted


To Be Held September 7 8

and 10 1909

Examinations will be held in tinCttx of beginning m-

oclock a in September nth and cjiwtug on the alterniMin of Septumbe-ililh im All white applicants fmteacher c lt will pl ni e In-

MI Ui ml HI 1MMn-Si htwl buHtllHC tltlurHtl ait lKNMi

i WI UllHii 41 I HMM

11 H rvttHUVft tltftt Mil

id Miii iltitlarin ui l r Mi r

i Hit Ink



I kit III UI i H lM-

id toI-

II like I i H l MMlk Ifc 11-Hi liul In MMallw lfc-

il i i i 4 hi IM tfcvtv u-

l ux Ik MMMMWNI MM Iw-

t a k Mt llW-

fc t-


4 1 fH-











aNI-I Wt-I

I N tat






II t 7-




q It


vii 4lIng sediment



Guiui-t tile

the IhIHt Ilk

rtr tHtkar certense Hell plot1111deiat Tht


fNrNh 4 tar

salt kH r t up-

I ul Ir4Ml rap Mttwr prKr e 4 trlllf 1

illi trrlaleul artsqD-

p Ibee Nut 4t Fwlag tit

PIktk1 hell uN 41 Ik 1u

t r t tad

I er ur

tuN rNSe

t New


I t e t v tifietallt tawsl Milt

l k K1uMle Ilan tka feytibve Pill N Is Ntette-

t k br oayw eti w


AeW a i Mh-

I tsrW M rMttlAtVa a waM ealM p I oleeltrbelle M ee11ee

it fa O 111n1-

fs4 piaS tiW Ill h41I MteaeMt 4x1 b N td









> <


+ +






The FastSet Will Be Here for Three

Games Commencing Thursday


The Orlando baseball team will behere Thursday and commencing Inthe afternoon will start their seriesof three games with the Oak Hallsof this city whet some real tine ballplaying is promised fandom

The Orlando team has only recent-ly cleaned up the Sanford followThey are now engaged In a contestwith Ocala and managed to shut outthe prick City buys on Monday ovening which shows they are well ii-

tu the National gameManager lais Leas obtained sonu

new timber for the contest with thestpeople null the Very best games olreal baseball that will In seen untilanother season are the ones that vPbe played between these two teams

Should the Oak Halls prove suc-

cessful in winning some or the chestgames it Is more than probable thatthey will make n try v the Oi-

Inndo team fur the sicr ji tha-

is being fought for by n o if leprove successful in wintto a mIt now looks as if they will

Let everyone talk the guider to bplayed and go out nnd root fur titl o s in their old fashlotud

Paris Doctors

Falling Hair Are Caused ba Sabourand

Proves It

Ur Saltoitiand l theol Ante

To prow his theory that Kurmcause dandruff he infected n tailneipig with these mierobes and in t

hurt the hair from the animal t


find Parisian Sage which can now

he obtained In America has an Im-

mense nUll Is highly recommend-ed by physicians in all ports of tinworld-

It Is just because It Is the only preserious or hair tunic that is absolute-ly sure to kill the dandruff germ

It Is guaranteed to cure dandruffstop fallltiK hair or itching scalp It

two weeks or money kickIn warm weather it keeps the

clean and rout amid free from nlmoxlotus slurs Parisian Sage Is n pleas-

ant and dainty hair dressing that wilput a bewitching charm und lustrtinto faded and lifeless hair in outweek It Is distressing for any wo-

man to have dull unattractive knitand women fo unfortunate should usParisian Sage

Parthian Sage costs cents a larg-

iMttle at V M JnliiiHinV and U rollby leading druggists everywhere Tingirl with the auburn hair Is on eventattle

Pay Car ArrivesThe HI etir over the A l I rail

Max arrived ttnlH HI IMNW an-

lUtHUlltMl h MHMt t HHIH1-

W ki IU Ike tit THe Wt

IN tv ex en ui iih 4 MMMMiitt-

IIM lt M tl l IHK n l Mr



AIR DOMEm Hvar el

All Weak


t I





the eI

IIhIIbut I


alt t Mol



atGhy NYalaM V-

MeIS ItW e




h ailing derma-tologist







I1I 1111Ititlj tig Halt

H a


r Is I








Worn WomenWo-

men worn and tired from overwork need Atonic That feeling of weakness or helplessness willnot leave of itself You Wine ofCardui that effectual for the ailments andweaknesses of women Thousands of women havetried Cardui and write enthusiastically of thebenefit it has been to experiment

use this reliable medicine


The Womans Tonicairs Rena Hare of Pierce Fla tried Cardoi and afterward

wrote I was a sufferer from all sorts of female trouble hadpain in my side and legs could not had shortness of breath

I suffered for until my husband insisted on myCardui The first bottle and now I am

Twill help you


G S Merchant CoRetailers ant JaaWa In

Staple and Fancy GroceriesGrain Garden See an Fertilizers


Highest market price paid fer Chickens Eggs and atha Product

A Complete stock of Hay Con Oats Ftowr Braa haol Cettaft-B e4 Meal and Rye We feaaale oaly tie Very Net feetf

at Lowest Prices aid guarantee aaUaCaetloa always

Are YOU Being Huntedof todays want ads may be hunting yon nuuack

ing the city for you It may have a uettagd for you of urgentpersonal importance on that when you get it and heed-

it may change the immediate currents of your activities fyour even place around and about yea Roseenvironments new associates may give you an entirely tewstart in a business way

Isnt it worth while to try to find eat whether this waynot be true tod ly tomorrow er very soea


The Long Distance System




Try CarduL












One of the meat valuable featuresI our service to our luttcriaara and

to the public generally Is our connecttion with the eitentlve long distancelines of American Telephone andTelegraph Company and the other at-

ocUtcd Bell Telephone companies-We own thousands of miles of long

distance in the seven states Inwhich v e operate and In addition canconnect any telephene in our systemwith lines tenamg to any other cityIn a Bell Telephone system Itoperated

These long dlttaini MIH are of themadern and Improved construe

lien and ire maintained at a highUte af etnclenfty The B l systems








a ratlnf In vala a actttn tfcountry are vnlferm In th lr aaria

std In th 4r afilinu

Only ky rtaacn af this close traMsarrangement between the Ball Ta4phone companies It It paHlbla tt toa well Telephone almost anywhereask for long Distance and tot put I

communication with sheet any paintIn the country

This vast network of wires ra UIng throughout the nation la weNdally In commerce and for wclal PUA

by the the farmer nfcitizens In all walks of llf and ouplant la an Important link In this0r t chain




went epee


Poe banker


Southern Bell

and Telegraph Crnnpunf
