Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-08-18...

THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA AUGUST 1 1909 T r r Tt r h Wr 4 tt OLO x r p T1 r77Y a w m I = = > tented at I Pennine kt CaKcivUc Fin- BMMcC KY Editor and PubUihe- rF If FWCWITT Snot Compeela Bosses Office fa Hayaaus Block Ue ay tflhrrc fcjr trri frib aMr MSe Itcar tINt UaK4 Mate aixsietlMfr s- Twiee Vaek 8m la eJgkt pelt r as emtaiaa all f the sad tooal State svaeral a 4 will be sttedcata tart Ma sr Caaada for a year4a adraaex- AH atartMe ileitis tecs dee otter f r Eeastaaui f a4rertiee ct eMs Ute4i e tra t ka vatatu IN fee rek4 tofeyfar atartkia fa a- Ma Adds IRS DAILY Walt till we get airship messenger fcoya Alabama la evea trying to dry up the damn spots Its the big fakirs that put the lit tie Into the tariff Tile dominant political force In ttje recent Congress was Boston baked Deans All smugglers and looters look alike to Loeb More power to his good right arm Alfred Austin writes on The Adam aatiae Mind Right ot home Alf 4d boy arent you Sip now used in New York ho- tel Quests are requested not to Hoot la the halls and lobbies Now that he Is with tile approval of the lion Sick Longs worth President Taft feels reassured Attitude of various Statu leglsla tares toward the Income tax amend seem to be watt and con alder The Charleston sews and Courier wonders whether there are any mint Jttkpe la Hades Never mind youll The New German Chancellor being s4x feet three inches high will be aa cxhlbltten to see the Kaiser eal htm down The more we think of It the more thoroughly wo become convinced that Edward VII has the most attractive king job in Europe Ills teat In mountain climbing Is not the Oral demonstration Gharlo E Hughes has given of hi ability to gut to the Mhlh placua In record time Prosporlty barker should care not to ovunlo the What the country wants U n vigorous and stttblw growth not an unwiirrantwl It Outlook pto Mr Hi wv U 1 iK r fur i i HMM M a pits m Mentor pawiy w riflfe- U nurolj iWRkt t vt M Mv tattet- rwllHS taw H ahsnc with NVMw wiHMfn it OaiiiMatii DM will tt MM tifcKmwtai ef MM mew Ulftsmalau e mis JN 1 ItoHeum H w AW r a lair tnlkftw Iwr te K M 4 sjMftr Ian linn m IwsM MM atwutai Mil MM UtlM iM IBM I le JNrt lew tit see o All Qihe Hcoc4la on xafs Street e iaxT saw It Jell 1ri 1i M- AT W1MItIee tkfftlI felt the free is Uaked tell set sUN OAHrZlVlua jokers I anent out o slope take tKJolU The u t- iT twhr Uw- t h tit I 1 M 1t t pr- lll 111 J t Q1tL11II tl1l1l1- ln bdll tJrt I III- t I I I i gtun u matt matter INw TKietasr- ata pebNtbed enr7fe4Ii alI s pastel Ire fr a ibs- eltwlhe arata1rr Qe t ateslesa teeeid Mine Liatisrrarhadea1 Italy it milt kaws ae- pplieLIi e to atsr pspk peblWM every Idssday sad sews x sal w nay d the Jue ale Ica- M d proceeding k tied r role wprouktlive word t tit I Ill tttrnw albTI- Mit iptp its pIhslrtn rlarpry lie MW s Imes tl MS itmi lrM MM tltr solo 11w11i to w- Mi o tIMIN M SINN i I p 1111 1 11 rtibl ISNtllt N- b t ntb le- f 4sI d ipl1s < ¬ > < < > + + ONE HUNDRED YEARS FREEDOM The of the na tlcus to win Its freedom front SIam Ecuador which on August 10 cele- brated In fitting manner the centenary of Its Independence At Intervals dur- ing the next few years other Central and South American republics will also commemorate their hnndreu years of freedom Beginning their natural life a gen- eration or more after the United States became a nation they had in the shaping of their constitutions and Internal adwJnlstraltyH the success experience of this country to guide the That selfgovernment with them has not been the success it has with us has been largely due to racial differences and tke mixed character- of their to intermar- riage with the aatlve Indians with Its attendant Ignorance and intellectual deficiency Yet all have made some progress and several like Argentina Brazil Chile and Mexico have made rapid ad- vance and now enjoy a large measure of political stability which augurs well for future progress IB the working out of their destinies the United States will be a sympathet- ic spectator and will continue In even greater degree to exert that moral In- fluence and support that has been so potent in the past and will hope for closer social and commercial relations Miss Maggie Tebeati whose Day and Boarding School Is surrounded by the most beautiful private grounub in the State has discovered a method by to drive away the pestifer- ous mosquito These insects have been very annoying to her during the present summer until she Logan spraying her shrubbery with solutions of kerosene and naptholeum to ex- terminate the whitefly since which time the occupants of the premises have not been troubled with the mosquito The editor of this paper has observed for some years pat that whenever his good wife used kerosene In the home for wiping the stair railing etc that the mosquitoes abandoned the premises to the right- ful occupants The Montgomery Advertiser says The bill for compulsory education was KUtponed by the Senate and in the natural course will be heard ol no more No regrets need be express- ed The States educational machin- ery Is not yet in condition to make compulsory education a real thing was some opposition tpo on the ground of interference with pa- rental rights showing that public sentiment Is not yet educated up to as appreciation of compulsory educa- tion In short the Reynolds and all other bills on this subject can be classed as premature there being no actual popular demand or adequate preparation tor them TauMavo Free Press The Sun erred In stating that the halo of Sea Island cotton of thin years growth was received in Savanuuh on August th and grown in Su watiiuv county to Tin IrIs th cotton wit grown lit LaFayetu county by NUt r I IHI- y un t MIHMW ami wax glum at Now Troy U V wt orb A S nnicv The SHM K lH l Its InlormHiluM HUM u t K Kn iH IH unotk r IW M- Ttm K t o CuaiRniM rust 5M m M I Mi4k l t ml nMiU That U t HMtrk r to what eut tier MH4f of tW lM v whol- ly ra t wattt twuct will yaty to la ir rjM ry mnt r its irt U- KMM a tawr f vrv r MNi u RV- Hav IB i H lU nMi sir Xv n trai- Mitjr SMiwil la MMir f i r- l Iftrsiiaitaiit MvleKMM thv yuwu- lu v Mlfl el- MI iMa swiMrt itoai lie an MS a N let eM AIM ml 11 It fthd- MUthUl r MW firm was l owing first was A lCltlftlt I tiC 1Il1 itrtwnl turn Tiki wtislar Ihat taw lift the ftv N I lie a 1 IW HI h ItN4 11 I r pt Latln American m pei xiatlal which says Fred The Ibtla4eltskla wuyr tM kttr rs 3 s haa Ire span tic ad wlaa Mlrstlt dr Ihr rwaler 0r- Mt Irtrlasitiig UwSAs ai cry ii tl1Nf lit N t aIra N- uMl1 s- i tIlp t jsb ile burr iL owls tD s s sari a1 N- A Hurr Up Msd W- s e 0epr1 t4IW s h- Milt1wtiI iwtarliw 11 b o4- la gibes ii1INa Nltl t Im tigrll as d le1 1 i- k 111 IM I ttublII I kulw Nll1sd tl- l f pshl istllllha- e sMd IMa beiIs d ti- M M mslrle J Iwllnits- S s W1E r sll llaelr- lh I t11 M- IIA r Mil w bd J 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ > < + The man who Is no economical ot tine that he habitually crosses his neighbors tot in order to save a mo- ment Is Just z likely as not to h the man who will spend a whole afternoon watching a base ball same or jipenl the entire evening chasing around a pool table Dreadnaught signifies confidence absolute freedom from fear and u comfortable sense of security Hut It Is a curious fact that the building of Dreadnaugbt warships has caused more alarms war scares and panicky feeling than anything else In recent years When men seek to grasp the world they end by losing themselves Their greed destroys their sense of slblllty and consideration for others deadens their finer sensibilities and saps true manhood When such a point Is reached a man has lost him- self Some people are so deficient in In- dividuality that they habitually lean upon others They seldom take the initiative or do anything without the support of a stronger personality If that support is withdrawn they are left practically helpless Chicago s University has dropped from Its rolls 100 men who gave more attention to althlctlcs than to study Here is a golden opportunity for Western wheat districts to enlist able ladled men Lumber mills of the Southwest an Increased cut of 41 per cent over J908 Evidently this section of the country has been sawing wood and saying nothing Deafness Cannot lc Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to cure deafness and that IH by constitutional remedies Deafness Is caused by nn inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube When this tube is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing and when It Is entirely closed Deaf- ness Is the result and unless the can IMJ taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh which is nothing but an in- flamed condition of tho mucous sur- faces We will give One Hundred Dollars fo any caw of Deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for circu- lars free F J CHENEY CO Toledo 0 Sold by druggists The Take Halls Family Pills for constl l cuuu Living Over Catacombs Paris In many of Its districts I built user the catacombs says liar IHTS XViHkly These vast ubt r- nniHiti rlwuiluT and ptlUrh product tins Mfitlkir mvormius MIUIU which I heard In the luxi uilMiur M nt itrI- IUHS Viuiulrurd Montn MuntKourlt imrti rK curt pus rapidly slant tin conix lv- HictHlnl nmtlx Ilio are then llk m Mrr us drun ifntlnt futu ru- wrih s to tlu tn v over that tux 1HJIHHHHI Smv nf toil ffHtlirUH f- Iltriribm with Us HillliMi of kilfixn- dl Nd TlMl MNlHt llttU liotlllf I H- at the tt rtHr ut IH HiMikMirtl IU which MMIM u n AtutrKnu ririiHi whist r tr m btM otiulfiit ilixv- iirhiHly hn n irvnt titini1 i ulI- MC t th mttrtxiiiM fn in u ueu N A- hortm tltNll rtuMHl MUH jia j n t In- Ht awSJH INK 4lH itMll It H r If un toil la IH I ih4i- tkla a worry you ui- M HalUN HrH ln i 4n- f N f 1 i- TCASNQW real On Ii c und when tWit struts to twill I elf mask j Ill i I 4 4 put r Ih t al1 I 4 I i 14 I I i t w co 4I t II i I- I J I I 4 d IJ- I 1- 1tfoR N1 t I re- port in- flammation rut tn wt wf th- t tluararp- Disaflreeablo at Hsuwe lMs INa and weals ribso ana- 11rr1Nbbr sl1M trtir w its 1It tent Vus gtetlai lb butt lu bt tull I- irI hg 1U Afultd t wdl 1 bIt tVk r I c11s IM rt Cllr tl- AI Jllbllw- ppelas r4Ialec a lrie- I tNwr5 X15 11 e- tlt ta1rI41ntPt t ili I- N lti a 1 t m1 iuwu rN li Ia1MItNtu1N a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > > > > > < > > < <> > > > > > > < + + + + > + For Permanent Relief Take on the Liver It will cure W DYSPEPSIA MALARIA AND CHILLS It is free from all poisonous mineral substances and is com posed solely of It Is for weak and the weakened glands and organs It checks all derangement of the body Try a today Fifty dot a Bottle Avoid Afl SubtutwB- alUurd Snow Co- ST LOUIS MO U A old anti R eomme nacft t- oJOH3STSO3S1 TYPEWRITERS In Easy kntaNmcRts ILL KIWIS OF SUPPLIES The Faythalsa Visible Machines for Rent Write for Prices Terms Etc R C DAVIS Bay St JACKSONVILLE FleA W L DENIIAM Anl EFFECTIVE DEC 19 1908 Gainesville for Micanopy Fairfield and lo- cal points 1010 Returning arrive Gainesville 425 p in Leave Gainesville for Sampson City Palatka Lake City Valdosta and all points North 600 p m arrive Gainesville 930 pm A L Glass gill Supt L E Barker Traffic Mir NEW YORK CITY and RETURN Tickets on ealf front Jacksonville Mon- day nml Thursday luginning with Junta 17th up to Aug 3uth with Hun return limit Spt stopovers allowvil on thwo tickets at Rich- mond Wnshin ton and Phihuklpliia- Uoducetl rates to other suiumer resorts For infoimntinii rates iv ervatiuus tMc call on or write to A W FRITOT hivisioii Passen- ger gait s West Bay lnck onville Flu Air Line Railway AVANNAII COLLMHlV CAMDEN SOLTHBUN 1IVIW- IUUHK1II WAdUINUTUN HALTIMOHi- IHlUAUKUrHIA NKW VOU- KTnuu 1 hul- yKXPRKSS MAIL- NIY LINK Ihruuuh- Mr lull r irvUtni fill t i v acts t t S 1 M i a CO- W West Tampa Jacksonville Rail y f m M COAST unr RAilROAD pry nth 0 2 1 t CHMKHJ tHJiX1 0 n SEABOARD Mil E LHtHI MAN t t I tV t N A Ut- Sf e d f M Ttal auRw- NERIINE enUrel LIFE 1 Alltts P tlAUAIto w rM a ss s- s35OO 1IA- ATIAMTI t litltili ort Dit1 031 IIJ t D4 OLft it3 r IUND FNtl IIN tilt TlrL1l I 1MS AN tt EQu1PMEN- TrM 1 1 IIh rlltlla 1134tH Iut11urs 14 Ilwrlti 11k Ns 1 irtrsila lrltlMlte111A sr tl sIs IP Ijw fIllil ti sM l4ielwnv t M ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > > >

Transcript of Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-08-18...

Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-08-18 · Masr Caaada for a year4a adraaex-AH atartMe ileitis tecs dee


T r r Tt rh



OLO x r p T1 r77Ya w m

I= =>

tented at I Pennine kt CaKcivUc Fin-

BMMcC KY Editor and PubUihe-

rF If FWCWITT Snot Compeela Bosses

Office fa Hayaaus Block

Ue ay tflhrrc fcjr trri frib aMrMSe Itcar tINt UaK4 Mate

aixsietlMfr s-

Twiee Vaek 8m la eJgkt pelt

r as emtaiaa all f thesad tooal State svaeral a 4 will besttedcata tartMa sr Caaada for a year4a adraaex-

AH atartMe ileitis tecs dee otter frEeastaaui f a4rertiee cteMs Ute4i e tra t ka vatatu

IN fee rek4 tofeyfar atartkia fa a-


Walt till we get airship messengerfcoya

Alabama la evea trying to dry upthe damn spots

Its the big fakirs that put the littie Into the tariff

Tile dominant political force In ttjerecent Congress was Boston bakedDeans

All smugglers and looters lookalike to Loeb More power to hisgood right arm

Alfred Austin writes on The Adamaatiae Mind Right ot home Alf

4d boy arent you

Sip now used in New York ho-

tel Quests are requested not toHoot la the halls and lobbies

Now that he Is withtile approval of the lion Sick Longsworth President Taft feels reassured

Attitude of various Statu leglslatares toward the Income tax amend

seem to be watt and conalder

The Charleston sews and Courierwonders whether there are any mintJttkpe la Hades Never mind youll

The New German Chancellor beings4x feet three inches high will be

aa cxhlbltten to see the Kaisereal htm down

The more we think of It the morethoroughly wo become convinced thatEdward VII has the most attractiveking job in Europe

Ills teat In mountain climbing Isnot the Oral demonstration GharloE Hughes has given of hi abilityto gut to the Mhlh placua In recordtime

Prosporlty barker shouldcare not to ovunlo the Whatthe country wants U n vigorous andstttblw growth not an unwiirrantwl

It Outlook pto Mr Hi wv U1 iK r fur i i HMM M apits m Mentor pawiy w riflfe-

U nurolj iWRkt t vt M Mv tattet-

rwllHS taw H ahsnc with

NVMw wiHMfn it OaiiiMatii DMwill tt MM tifcKmwtai ef MM

mew Ulftsmalau e mis JN 1ItoHeum H w AW r a lairtnlkftw Iwr te K M 4 sjMftr Ian

linn m IwsM MM atwutai

Mil MM UtlM iM IBMI le JNrt lew tit


o All




xafs Street e

iaxT saw

It Jell1ri 1i





free is Uaked










The u





h tit

I1M 1t t


lll 111 J tQ1tL11II tl1l1l1-ln bdll tJrt I III-



i gtunu matt matter

INw TKietasr-ata pebNtbed enr7fe4Ii

alI spastel

Ire fr a ibs-eltwlhe arata1rr Qe

t ateslesa teeeid MineLiatisrrarhadea1

Italy it milt kaws ae-pplieLIi

e toatsr pspk peblWM every Idssday sadsews

x salw nay d the






k tied









albTI-Mit iptp its pIhslrtn rlarpry

lieMW s

Imes tlMS itmi

lrM MM tltr solo 11w11i to


Mi o tIMIN


1111 1 11 rtibl ISNtllt N-

bt ntb le-

f 4sI d ipl1s










The of the natlcus to win Its freedom front SIam

Ecuador which on August 10 cele-

brated In fitting manner the centenaryof Its Independence At Intervals dur-

ing the next few years other Centraland South American republics willalso commemorate their hnndreuyears of freedom

Beginning their natural life a gen-

eration or more after the UnitedStates became a nation they had inthe shaping of their constitutions andInternal adwJnlstraltyH the successexperience of this country to guidethe That selfgovernment withthem has not been the success it haswith us has been largely due to racialdifferences and tke mixed character-of their to intermar-riage with the aatlve Indians with Itsattendant Ignorance and intellectualdeficiency

Yet all have made some progressand several like Argentina BrazilChile and Mexico have made rapid ad-

vance and now enjoy a large measureof political stability which augurs wellfor future progress

IB the working out of their destiniesthe United States will be a sympathet-ic spectator and will continue In evengreater degree to exert that moral In-

fluence and support that has been sopotent in the past and will hope forcloser social and commercial relations

Miss Maggie Tebeati whose Dayand Boarding School Is surroundedby the most beautiful private grounubin the State has discovered a methodby to drive away the pestifer-ous mosquito These insects havebeen very annoying to her during thepresent summer until she Loganspraying her shrubbery with solutionsof kerosene and naptholeum to ex-

terminate the whitefly since whichtime the occupants of the premiseshave not been troubled with themosquito The editor of this paperhas observed for some years patthat whenever his good wife usedkerosene In the home for wiping thestair railing etc that the mosquitoesabandoned the premises to the right-ful occupants

The Montgomery Advertiser saysThe bill for compulsory education

was KUtponed by the Senate and inthe natural course will be heard olno more No regrets need be express-ed The States educational machin-ery Is not yet in condition to makecompulsory education a real thing

was some opposition tpo onthe ground of interference with pa-

rental rights showing that publicsentiment Is not yet educated up toas appreciation of compulsory educa-tion In short the Reynolds and allother bills on this subject can beclassed as premature there being noactual popular demand or adequatepreparation tor them

TauMavo Free Press The Sunerred In stating that the haloof Sea Island cotton of thin yearsgrowth was received in Savanuuh onAugust th and grown in Su

watiiuv county to TinIrIs th cotton wit grown lit

LaFayetu county by NUt r I IHI-

y un t MIHMW ami wax glum atNow Troy U V wt orb A S nnicvThe SHM K lH l Its InlormHiluM HUM

u t K Kn iH IH unotk r IW M-

Ttm K t o CuaiRniM rust 5M m M

I Mi4k l t ml nMiU That U tHMtrk r to what euttier MH4f of tW lM v whol-ly ra t wattt twuct willyaty to la ir rjM ry mnt r its irt U-

KMM a tawr f vrv r MNi u RV-

Hav IB i H lU nMi sir Xv n trai-Mitjr SMiwil la MMir f i r-

l Iftrsiiaitaiit MvleKMM thv yuwu-

lu v Mlfl el-

MI iMa swiMrt itoai lie

an MS a



AIM ml11 It fthd-

MUthUlr MW



l owing


wasA lCltlftlt I tiC


itrtwnl turnTiki wtislar Ihat

taw lift





lie a






r pt

Latln American


pei xiatlal




The Ibtla4eltsklawuyr tM kttr rs



Irespan tic


wlaa Mlrstlt dr Ihr rwaler 0r-Mt Irtrlasitiig UwSAs aicry ii tl1Nf lit N t aIra N-

uMl1 s-

i tIlp t jsb ile burr iL owls

tD s s sari a1 N-

A Hurr Up Msd W-s e

0epr1 t4IW s h-Milt1wtiI iwtarliw 11 b o4-la gibes ii1INa Nltl t

Imtigrll as d le1 1 i-

k 111 IM I ttublII I

kulw Nll1sd tl-

l f pshl istllllha-e sMd IMa

beiIs dti-

M M mslrle J Iwllnits-S s W1E r sll llaelr-

lh I t11 M-

IIA r Mil w bd J 1


















The man who Is no economical ottine that he habitually crosses hisneighbors tot in order to save a mo-

ment Is Just z likely as not to h theman who will spend a whole afternoonwatching a base ball same or jipenlthe entire evening chasing around apool table

Dreadnaught signifies confidenceabsolute freedom from fear and u

comfortable sense of security Hut It

Is a curious fact that the building ofDreadnaugbt warships has causedmore alarms war scares and panickyfeeling than anything else In recentyears

When men seek to grasp the worldthey end by losing themselves Theirgreed destroys their sense ofslblllty and consideration for othersdeadens their finer sensibilities andsaps true manhood When such apoint Is reached a man has lost him-


Some people are so deficient in In-

dividuality that they habitually leanupon others They seldom take theinitiative or do anything without thesupport of a stronger personality Ifthat support is withdrawn they areleft practically helpless

Chicago s University has droppedfrom Its rolls 100 men who gave moreattention to althlctlcs than to studyHere is a golden opportunity forWestern wheat districts to enlist ableladled men

Lumber mills of the Southwestan Increased cut of 41 per cent

over J908 Evidently this section ofthe country has been sawing wood andsaying nothing

Deafness Cannot lc Curedby local applications as they cannotreach the diseased portion of theear There is only one way to curedeafness and that IH by constitutionalremedies Deafness Is caused by nninflamed condition of the mucouslining of the Eustachian Tube Whenthis tube is Inflamed you have arumbling sound or imperfect hearingand when It Is entirely closed Deaf-

ness Is the result and unless thecan IMJ taken out and this

tube restored to Its normal conditionhearing will be destroyed forevernine cases out of ten are caused bycatarrh which is nothing but an in-

flamed condition of tho mucous sur-faces

We will give One Hundred Dollarsfo any caw of Deafness caused bycatarrh that cannot be cured byHalls Catarrh Cure Send for circu-

lars free F J CHENEY COToledo 0

Sold by druggists TheTake Halls Family Pills for constl

l cuuu

Living Over CatacombsParis In many of Its districts I

built user the catacombs says liarIHTS XViHkly These vast ubt r-

nniHiti rlwuiluT and ptlUrh producttins Mfitlkir mvormius MIUIU whichI heard In the luxi uilMiur M nt itrI-

IUHS Viuiulrurd MontnMuntKourlt imrti rK curtpus rapidly slant tin conix lv-

HictHlnl nmtlx Ilio are thenllk m Mrr us drun ifntlnt futu ru-

wrih s to tlu tn v over that tux1HJIHHHHI Smv nf toil ffHtlirUH f-

Iltriribm with Us HillliMi of kilfixn-dl Nd TlMl MNlHt llttU liotlllf I H-

at the tt rtHr ut IH HiMikMirtl IUwhich MMIM u n AtutrKnu ririiHi

whist r tr m btM otiulfiit ilixv-iirhiHly hn n irvnt titini1 i ulI-

MC t th mttrtxiiiM fn in u ueu N A-

hortm tltNll rtuMHl MUH jia j n t In-

Ht awSJH INK 4lH itMll ItH r If un toil la IH I ih4i-

tkla a worry you ui-M HalUN HrH ln i 4n-


Nf 1 i-


real On


c undwhen tWit






mask j





4 put rIh t al1 I


I i 14I I


tw co



i I-

I J I I4 d IJ-

I 1-

1tfoR N1 tI





tn wt wf th-t tluararp-

Disaflreeablo at Hsuwe

lMs INa and weals ribso ana-

11rr1Nbbr sl1M trtir wits

1It tent Vus gtetlai lb butt lu

bt tullI-

irI hg 1UAfultd t wdl 1 bIttVk r I c11s IM r t Cllr tl-AI Jllbllw-

ppelas r4Ialeca


I tNwr5 X15

11 e-

tlt ta1rI41ntPt t ili I-

N lti a 1 t m1 iuwu rN liIa1MItNtu1N a








> >








< >

> >

> >








> +

For Permanent Relief Take

on the Liver It will cureW DYSPEPSIA MALARIA AND CHILLS Itis free from all poisonous mineral substances and is composed solely of It Is for weak and

the weakened glands and organsIt checks all derangement of the body Try a todayFifty dot a Bottle Avoid Afl SubtutwB-

alUurd Snow Co-ST LOUIS MO U Aold anti R eomme nacft t-




The Faythalsa Visible

Machines for Rent

Write for Prices Terms Etc




Gainesville for Micanopy Fairfield and lo-

cal points 1010Returning arrive Gainesville 425 p inLeave Gainesville for Sampson City Palatka

Lake City Valdosta and all points North 600 p marrive Gainesville 930 pm

A L Glass gill Supt L E Barker Traffic Mir


Tickets on ealf front Jacksonville Mon-day nml Thursday luginning with Junta 17th up toAug 3uth with Hun return limit Spt

stopovers allowvil on thwo tickets at Rich-mond Wnshin ton and Phihuklpliia-

Uoducetl rates to other suiumer resortsFor infoimntinii rates iv ervatiuus tMc call

on or write to A W FRITOT hivisioii Passen-ger gait s West Bay lnck onville Flu



KTnuu 1 hul-yKXPRKSS


NIY LINK Ihruuuh-

Mr lull r irvUtni fill t





tS 1

M i

a CO-

W West

Tampa Jacksonville Rail y







1 t







I tVt NA Ut-








Alltts P tlAUAIto




ss s-s35OO




litltili ort

Dit1031 IIJ t D4 OLft it3



FNtl IIN tilt

TlrL1l I


1 1 IIh rlltlla 1134tH Iut11urs14 Ilwrlti 11k Ns 1 irtrsila

lrltlMlte111A sr tl sIs IPIjw fIllil ti sM l4ielwnv t







¬> > >