Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-07-20 [p...

n 21 f I I VOL XXVI NO 140 GAINESVILLE FLORIDA TUESDAY JULY 20 1109 TEN LENTS A WEEK i ZU pI j t i I I R 1 Ufl PRESIDENT TAFT WILL LIKELY WIN THE FIGHTR- aw Material Will ref Considerable Reduction If Not Put on the Free List WASHINGTON July 111 President Tutt will win his fight fur tree ur reduced rutus of duty on raw ma- terials Nearly every member Ji tau conference on the tariff bill conceited this Saturday The Indications are that when the new tariff bill becomes a law the rates on the articles which the President desired to commie In tree will be as follows iron ore tree prostmt rate 40 cents per ton 011 free mow protected by counter- vailing duty Hides 7Vj Per cent ad valorem present rite 15 per cunt Coal 45 cents per ton present rate C7 cents Lumber probably S12i on rough with Senate rates on IlnUhed ThU would be a material reduction through- out the lumber schedule When the transferred to the Presidents shoulders the responsi- bility of putting the foregoing raw materials on the free list it was not believed he would meet with success in bringing about a changed sfiitinKnl in relation to these articles In ef conferees < ¬ the President was told by the that if iron ore oil hides lumber and coal were put on the i in e list or the rates reduced below the figures adopted in the Senate he would have to get the votes It was recognized that It would be impossi- ble to put hides lumber and coal on the free list if the conference report was to be adopted by the Senate Neither was it believed rates on these articles could be reduced That- a change of sentiment had taken place in the Senate In the matter of free iron and free oil was a mutter of common gossip about the capital It was stated Just as confidently that the 15 per cent ad valorem rate on hides would have to be cut in half Coal at 4i cents a ton it was de- clared would prove satisfactory to every section except Wyoming which fears that the industry in that State right be ruined by cheap Canadian coal The railroads are now building from Northwestern States to Canada which will tap the Canadian coal- fields I President Taft will win another dc lied I ¬ ¬ Brother Accidentally Kills Favorite Sister HRUNSW1CK Ga July 1 Within ai half hour after he reached home Miter an absence of a year at Lhn ogle Ga and while being welcomed the numbers of the tamily J Smith aged 20 shot nnd almost instantly killed his 14yearold blstir- Kene who was Handing at his idt- as he showed his father an automatic- I tot he had brought The ball the girls forehead The father mother sisters and brothers were standing together Rune was young Smiths favorite sis- ter and was nearest him The young man had examined the pistol and be- lieved it empty The father W J Smith had made special preparations to welcome time young man at hit mind it was planned that the family would ttt once down to u reunion feast Tor several years Edgar Smith lead ItMMi employed at Undnl rear Rrr where he U cashier for a large CUlt tern Ills duties CHUM tutu to carry and forth large sans and to pro theta he has bevn in the habit if carrying a revolver in his satchel ituniay when the iirt ntH and dill knew that lit wa routing for Uit rtp rutkn w r i tile fur a real ThNMkiHCtvluK dlH Tin U tae N i r s Pimt nve- f wa really for kin coming I fHuiriti wag inMlrtiit- luMi luit l after ln itu H K tiLiii 111 hi it ir i KI I lit lack tt amid titer Junat I t I S Ed- gar t en- tered home comiug net a dusks I ¬ ¬ < + + + little sister and others pleasure un his valise Pictures and trin- kets had been taken out and admired then several snapshot views Finally taking out the revolver Edgar took out the magazine to eee that there were no bullets In it and then snap the weapon once or twice The father was in the act of warn- ing him not to play with the when there came a deafening report Rene with her head but n few inches away Inclined forward uttered one word Mother and then fell to the floor The blood spattered over her face and In a moment the brains oozed out Physicians were hastily summoned by neighbors who first reached the house after the alarm but the young girl died In an hour The family of Mr and Mrs W J Smith Includes Rene three brothers Herbert Edgar and linckett a mar- ried sister Mrs Clarence McDonald milk n little sister and Mr Smith hUll been n ocl itt l fur stone torte with Senator I U Akin and with son llttckftt U in char of the local automobile guniMe The boys hart always bees caution wl alKMtt of rr NirHit lH- Kdgar l av kllltnl ht Ut r- Hwrrtiwlv iw M i M O- IHU klMMM froMi N alHHKHM HIr1 K- U ttnill A uuii NaN HHtHK- UiHrlu HHk ktll l U U- Mtli ihi IH lacked lied brother his tt tk mil tINt Fix I wea- pon who f year Ii ¬ ¬ < < > > + Jefferson Davis last Child Dies in Colorado oolokI Wi IIJU IIr- J 1 tw- ftthr u oI Ih t I tdlHI td Iw- tIs Mr J J1dlaa MM 1 gerwmr Ihim is l uI 1- MtUIlllfalnlel 4iI la1 Iillpht I r kt1Nlr aN iIINs e it NwMIk- l1f Ilai I m4t4 t1 aria 4 + ttfunilMMH ill ta UMV U t I 1 1 4 t Ibr Alru44 IklMh 4 lultb- Itht III rIMti- rrNiNmhi Mild Malaml IMmll M- t11th se ir4 mtugi 11 11tM 1st lb- aa r t4 hni 4IIIM M4M MM yMt1 i s- ti al ev I NN 4 t1 1Ma I N cided victory in time Philippine fret UntIl provision lime which has been considering link sec- tion has decided to perum the free admission of 150ooo00ti cigars nu- nually as requested by the Presi- dent insujul of TOoooooO as would be admitted under a Senate amend tiifiit It expected the Philippine sec- tion as approved by the Mibcummit tee will be adopted It provides fur the free admission of oOOOOO pounds- of wrapper tobacco and l5oouou Is sub counuittee pounds of tiller tobacco and ooii- iuib ot sugat With the exception of rice and the limitation placed ui on toiiuciu aim ugar all articles tilt growth or luanufacture of tlc Philippine iblatuio will be admitted free The inclusion of the words or mauulac ture is the subject of in many quarters Many think this malts it possible to ship raw ii uo aitu the Phlllppinu Islands for uuuuluc tune with cheap labor and thou bring them into the United States free ot duty Uy action the tariff conferees set- tled the question of giving the secre taiy ot the treasury autnuriiy 10 i ue fifty year bonds at a rate of in- lervfl nut exceeding u per cent to cuter the entln of purchasing the site and the Pana- ma canal An umeiidiiient to time tariff till giving the authority wat prepared by Secretary lauVcagh und adopted by time tontcrce cfluct of time bund provision is to repeal the limit ot the authori- zation contained in the Sjiooner act ulthougu not intericriiig with pel cent bonds issued under that author- ity to the amount of i4il9i U The estimated cost of the canal is 37T- VI01000 Theme is no longer any question that the corporation tax amendment will be accepted It will tux the net earnings of corporations organized- for profit at the rule of 1 per cent Practically thu only subject con- sidered in the forenoon session of tin confctence was time uooleii tschvuiiU- iliroe reductions tide maue on wo- mvua und childrens dived goods and yarns During till afternoon session an ef- fort was made to dki ObU or time cot ton schedule and many of time Sen- ates specific rates were adopted Work on this schedule was not con- cluded however as there were numer- ous other questions on which the desired disposition before ad- journing until Monday The metal schedule with the ex- ception of Iron ore and u few of its products practically has been agreed SOUl of the paragraphs may- be reopened when the iron ore ques- tion has been settled On wire nails the tate of those of one Inch or more In length was tired at fourtenths of tine per cent und on time binallur of a cunt This U an lucnmtie on the smaller sizes HIM a tltKrvHiie on the Itirgur atoms from till Diugley rubs Meeting Seh l Beard Au atfJiMtrtMMl HMirttto o ihw county MIMMI hoard lll wW t J y at for ONKH Uf tbf MtMrtHIMlwt t lM Tky wilt tak IV- r iMUr h 4i lni lnrMi add will nUu Hub MMitf uf the niH WO fur tM CM oU- H MM I artt U bat I hi MIMtlM- lNVAlTtf Imply In tan If ft4vtf- K N 4f f JWN fc Wanl v Hima unit cut I be upon 1 f- aa t NKe f Bfue- tth r tHWtlk might waravaa 4- U N 0 pro- duct t CLam v can tmuctlug cps con- ferees sizes thett fourths a br this city en M brby gtiiM that tin arks trtrrrluhmrr limas baiiw t- r N 111 ha bnra duliMl ttaiwkt I Bray at asir b410 1140 Iv sillrl IN whu la aaml- kmusly Immltklug hie II yi it hats that j 4t4 aa lbhm- la il fall M km wp Ymw1 aye ila ibe- N1lmtixlat4 ai1e311IWt 1ulllallt- If y Aare fr Pir1 aar111aIi eve II ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > + + > + + + SUNDAY MERRYMAKERS MEET WATERY GRAVE Sudden Squall Capsizes Sloop Near New York and Sixteen Persons Lose Their Lives i NEW YORK July 18 bixlotnI- tTSUIlf five of tilt ill 0inell Illlt- leath liy ilrx rums in the waters either surrounding or in the vicinity- of Now York Sunday Ten of the victims perished the capsizing of the excursion slcvtp Roxnna carrying ivi iuvtwo puabuuKurtt winch was rtuck by a Hiiduen squall In lower ew York bay midway between v uiiuy iffiainl Point auu MUUHUII IB- UIIU line cUiiiu uiiuriiooil Of the survivors one woman Mrs C Knudnon of Brooklyn Is in such a cries niitltiuii mat site probably will die tier two daughters were drowned The other drowulngH with but one exception were swimming accidents Stephen Ernst i8 years old of Brook was drowned while trying to U am to swim Charles Hcndrlckacn 12 years old of Urooklyn taut death in the saute vicinity by the upsetting- of a rowboat William Ycager n boy of New York clipped on sonic rocks and fell Into the Hurl MMI to big death Off Uellraorc L I Charles Conn 32 ears old got beyond his depth and nnk Giano Hizzo a laborer 21 years old perished while swimming In the Harlem river Lastly Edward Wall 35 years old of East Orange N J was seized with cramps and drowned- in the Morris canal near Newark The list of the dead in the Roxann accident as ascertained last night follow Seellna Sarccason New York Ella Olsen Flathush I I after Ill 1G year old > > > UNION Miss July 19 One old cow which would not have brought fifty dollars on the market caused a bloody pistol battle In the streets of this little town Saturday It resulted- it the killing of two men the fatal injuring of two more and the serious wounding of another The dead- K J McDonald cattle mOil Peter McDonald his brother Fatally Injured Cornelius Chlsolm cattle man Jotiuph Miller Irlund of CliUolm- Serlnuwly Injurud Murphy MnDonald son of E J light wad the MoDon aid on tae Mild Millar and i 1m min tb mitts two factions huh b qujrrtM MANY The oW row Mad l kr H fttltt M milk iMudtMM Uwl 8altr- 4tiv iirtrrtHMHt rklftolm wail Me nt P v but Hn for rear tIt her uwuerrkip r t r e Ma- l The Pimps 1 sa tier Ih aahl rluiNa I Mill I I mm 1 Olga and Selma Knuduou sisters 14 and 11 years old respectively Brook- lyn John Clulbtetifecu Abraham Hun semi Jamison Alice pon Peter Splclscn and John Thomp- son all of Urooklyn The captain of the Roxann and the twelve survivors were picked up with great difficulty In a rough and choppy sea by the tug Lxtnont The Roxana with her skipper CaL SamueUon was chartered at Ulruer- Ueach yesterday afternoon- by a aitj cf Svc i from Brooklyn for a across the bay to Midland each Staten Island and back The first leg of the voyage was made with out mishap tied all hands piled ashore- to make merry leer was served and some of the survivors could give but a hazy account rf the accident All afternoon there was a stiff ITCCZO from the southwest which left a natty cross sea Toward 4 oclock the Roxana reeling home- ward across the bay under all the sail good judgment would permit to lu carried slipped Into a squall She lay over until tho copper plates glist- ened In the sun aa tto angle of the deck steepened to the angry water In her lee the women screamed and scrambled for the upper rail The captain straggled to slack away his sheet but there was no time for such mcasvrea of relief In one moment the Roxana was bottom u and the foam was black with bot Continued on Pse Two Abr Engel t t n ttI Y ham 1t el1 sail r ¬ ¬ ¬ > Two People Are Killed in Dispute Over An Old Cow the row In front of the Union Banta Revolvers were drawn and the shoot ing commenced Chlsolm and E J McDonald came up about this time and Joined In Peter McDonald- fell first and Miller was the next E J McDonald and Chisolm for a- while shot desperately until both fell McDonald dead and Chlsolm mortally wounded Murphy McDoa aid who appears to have been a peace maker was seriously v r MrdrtV All the men in the bloody battle are prominent In this section of Mississip- pi and number many relatives In county Consequently It was be llevfcd at that further strife would r t ult but Indications are now deft with Peter and K J McDonald load and ChUolm and Miller dying- HO n will bo to answer to the law the irnKody It wan reported that an elf rt wowM- bo made to have n oomtmHy or State militia sent hurts trout Meratlan but authorities ItCHY this first left fur would be New- ton i ¬ > > > Tampa Saloon Keeper Dies At Hand of An Assassin nM Mfr uI M W4I- h I wit lII IMt la 4raNfiIM Nil TNINp- amb wm 5 asmamllllmtd as IlrifrI- M gm tlimkth i UIIIM Mist s h mkM IM gs t1 IsM e44 h aK- t who MiItM bii e- 4 u fir ir1lilr- r t t 1 hIw4 Mh + II V K- Um n U wW d t wti rW Dfii httN4 rH- W ntI- t PItU1 4 tMr ww uk4 IINI pullar tMNtut t of INa rNigr- M that IM 1k W4N wt- ls4i4 k1 alt 11 quo i 1 u e II Iree t4ttu4 11MP Ili IbttIMl ritwt1NU- M r 1I itlhlll W IMie IkIM

Transcript of Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-07-20 [p...


    i ZU






    I R





    aw Material Will ref Considerable Reduction IfNot Put on the Free List

    WASHINGTON July 111 PresidentTutt will win his fight fur tree urreduced rutus of duty on raw ma-terials Nearly every member Ji tauconference on the tariff bill conceitedthis Saturday The Indications arethat when the new tariff bill becomesa law the rates on the articles whichthe President desired to commie Intree will be as follows

    iron ore tree prostmt rate 40cents per ton

    011 free mow protected by counter-vailing duty

    Hides 7Vj Per cent ad valorempresent rite 15 per cunt

    Coal 45 cents per ton presentrate C7 cents

    Lumber probably S12i on roughwith Senate rates on IlnUhed ThUwould be a material reduction through-out the lumber schedule

    When the transferred tothe Presidents shoulders the responsi-bility of putting the foregoing rawmaterials on the free list it was notbelieved he would meet with successin bringing about a changed sfiitinKnlin relation to these articles In ef




    the President was told by thethat if iron ore oil hides

    lumber and coal were put on thei in e list or the rates reduced belowthe figures adopted in the Senate he

    would have to get the votes It wasrecognized that It would be impossi-ble to put hides lumber and coal onthe free list if the conference reportwas to be adopted by the SenateNeither was it believed rates onthese articles could be reduced That-a change of sentiment had takenplace in the Senate In the matter offree iron and free oil was a mutterof common gossip about the capitalIt was stated Just as confidently thatthe 15 per cent ad valorem rate onhides would have to be cut in half

    Coal at 4i cents a ton it was de-clared would prove satisfactory toevery section except Wyoming whichfears that the industry in that Stateright be ruined by cheap Canadiancoal The railroads are now buildingfrom Northwestern States to Canadawhich will tap the Canadian coal-fields

    I President Taft will win another dc




    Brother Accidentally

    Kills Favorite SisterHRUNSW1CK Ga July 1 Within

    ai half hour after he reached homeMiter an absence of a year at Lhnogle Ga and while being welcomed

    the numbers of the tamily JSmith aged 20 shot nnd almost

    instantly killed his 14yearold blstir-Kene who was Handing at his idt-as he showed his father an automatic-I tot he had brought The ball

    the girls foreheadThe father mother sisters and

    brothers were standing togetherRune was young Smiths favorite sis-ter and was nearest him The youngman had examined the pistol and be-lieved it empty

    The father W J Smith had madespecial preparations to welcome timeyoung man at hit mindit was planned that the family wouldttt once down to u reunion feast

    Tor several years Edgar Smith leadItMMi employed at Undnl rear Rrrwhere he U cashier for a large CUlttern Ills duties CHUM tutu to carry

    and forth large sans and to protheta he has bevn in the habit

    if carrying a revolver in his satchelituniay when the iirt ntH and dill

    knew that lit wa routing forUit rtp rutkn w r

    i tile fur a real ThNMkiHCtvluK dlHTin U tae N i r s Pimt nve-

    f wa really for kin comingI fHuiriti wag inMlrtiit-

    luMi luit l after ln ituH K tiLiii 111 hi it ir i KI






    I t I






    home comiug


    a dusks








    little sister and others pleasure unhis valise Pictures and trin-

    kets had been taken out and admiredthen several snapshot views Finallytaking out the revolver Edgar tookout the magazine to eee that therewere no bullets In it and then snap

    the weapon once or twiceThe father was in the act of warn-

    ing him not to play with thewhen there came a deafening

    report Rene with her head but nfew inches away Inclined forwarduttered one word Mother and thenfell to the floor The blood spatteredover her face and In a moment thebrains oozed out Physicians werehastily summoned by neighbors whofirst reached the house after thealarm but the young girl died In anhour

    The family of Mr and Mrs W JSmith Includes Rene three brothersHerbert Edgar and linckett a mar-ried sister Mrs Clarence McDonaldmilk n little sister and MrSmith hUll been n ocl itt l fur stonetorte with Senator I U Akin andwith son llttckftt U in charof the local automobile guniMe

    The boys hart always bees cautionwl alKMtt of rr NirHit lH-Kdgar l av kllltnl ht Ut r-Hwrrtiwlv iw M i M O-IHU klMMM froMi N alHHKHM HIr1 K-U ttnill A uuii NaN HHtHK-

    UiHrlu HHk ktll l U U-Mtli ihi IH




    his tt

    tk mil

    tINt Fix



    whof year









    Jefferson Davis lastChild Dies in Colorado

    oolokI WiIIJU IIr-


    1 tw-

    ftthr uoI Ih

    t I

    tdlHI td Iw-tIs Mr J J1dlaa MM1 gerwmr Ihim is l uI 1-MtUIlllfalnlel 4iI la1 Iillpht Irkt1Nlr aN iIINs e it NwMIk-

    l1f Ilai I m4t4 t1 aria


    + ttfunilMMH illta UMV U





    t Ibr Alru44 IklMh 4 lultb-Itht III rIMti-rrNiNmhi Mild

    Malaml IMmll M-t11th se ir4 mtugi 11 11tM 1st lb-aa r t4 hni 4IIIM M4M MM yMt1 i s-

    ti al ev I NN 4 t1 1Ma I N

    cided victory in time Philippine fretUntIl provision limewhich has been considering link sec-tion has decided to perum the freeadmission of 150ooo00ti cigars nu-nually as requested by the Presi-dent insujul of TOoooooO as wouldbe admitted under a Senate amendtiifiit

    It expected the Philippine sec-tion as approved by the Mibcummittee will be adopted It provides furthe free admission of oOOOOO pounds-of wrapper tobacco and l5oouou


    sub counuittee

    pounds of tiller tobacco and ooii-iuib ot sugat

    With the exception of rice and thelimitation placed ui on toiiuciu aimugar all articles tilt growth

    or luanufacture of tlc Philippineiblatuio will be admitted free Theinclusion of the words or mauulacture is the subject of inmany quarters

    Many think this malts itpossible to ship raw ii uo aituthe Phlllppinu Islands for uuuuluctune with cheap labor and thou bringthem into the United States freeot duty

    Uy action the tariff conferees set-tled the question of giving the secretaiy ot the treasury autnuriiy 10 iue fifty year bonds at a rate of in-

    lervfl nut exceeding u per cent tocuter the entln of purchasingthe site and the Pana-ma canal An umeiidiiient to timetariff till giving the authority watprepared by Secretary lauVcagh undadopted by time tontcrce

    cfluct of time bund provisionis to repeal the limit ot the authori-zation contained in the Sjiooner actulthougu not intericriiig with pelcent bonds issued under that author-ity to the amount of i4il9i U Theestimated cost of the canal is 37T-VI01000

    Theme is no longer any questionthat the corporation tax amendmentwill be accepted It will tux the netearnings of corporations organized-for profit at the rule of 1 per cent

    Practically thu only subject con-sidered in the forenoon session of tinconfctence was time uooleii tschvuiiU-iliroe reductions tide maue on wo-mvua und childrens dived goods

    and yarnsDuring till afternoon session an ef-

    fort was made to dki ObU or time cotton schedule and many of time Sen-ates specific rates were adoptedWork on this schedule was not con-cluded however as there were numer-ous other questions on which the

    desired disposition before ad-journing until Monday

    The metal schedule with the ex-ception of Iron ore and u few of itsproducts practically has been agreed

    SOUl of the paragraphs may-be reopened when the iron ore ques-tion has been settled On wire nailsthe tate of those of one Inch or moreIn length was tired at fourtenths oftine per cent und on time binallur

    of a cunt ThisU an lucnmtie on the smaller sizesHIM a tltKrvHiie on the Itirgur atomsfrom till Diugley rubs

    Meeting Seh l BeardAu atfJiMtrtMMl HMirttto o ihw county

    MIMMI hoard lll wW t J y atfor ONKH Uf tbf MtMrtHIMlwt t lM

    Tky wilt tak IV-r iMUr h 4i lni lnrMi add willnUu Hub MMitf uf the niH WOfur tM CM oU-

    H MM I artt U bat


    hi MIMtlM-lNVAlTtf

    Imply In tanIf ft4vtf-

    K N 4f f JWN fc Wanl v Hima



    I be






    NKe f Bfue-tth









    t CLam


    can tmuctlug




    sizes thett fourths

    a br

    this city

    enM brby gtiiM that tin

    arks trtrrrluhmrr limas baiiw t-r

    N 111 ha bnra duliMlttaiwkt


    Bray at asir b4101140 Iv sillrl IN whu la aaml-kmusly Immltklug hie II

    yi it hats that j 4t4 aa lbhm-la il fall M km wp Ymw1 aye ila ibe-

    N1lmtixlat4 ai1e311IWt 1ulllallt-

    If y Aare fr Pir1 aar111aIi eve II














    + +




    Sudden Squall Capsizes Sloop Near New York andSixteen Persons Lose Their Lives i

    NEW YORK July 18 bixlotnI-tTSUIlf five of tilt ill 0inell Illlt-leath liy ilrx rums in the waters

    either surrounding or in the vicinity-of Now York Sunday Ten of thevictims perished the capsizing ofthe excursion slcvtp Roxnna carryingivi iuvtwo puabuuKurtt winch wasrtuck by a Hiiduen squall In lowerew York bay midway between

    v uiiuy iffiainl Point auu MUUHUII IB-UIIU line cUiiiu uiiuriiooil Ofthe survivors one woman Mrs CKnudnon of Brooklyn Is in such acries niitltiuii mat site probably

    will die tier two daughters weredrowned

    The other drowulngH with but oneexception were swimming accidentsStephen Ernst i8 years old of Brook

    was drowned while trying toU am to swim Charles Hcndrlckacn12 years old of Urooklyn taut deathin the saute vicinity by the upsetting-of a rowboat William Ycager n

    boy of New York clippedon sonic rocks and fell Into the HurlMMI to big death

    Off Uellraorc L I Charles Conn 32ears old got beyond his depth andnnk Giano Hizzo a laborer 21 years

    old perished while swimming In theHarlem river Lastly Edward Wall35 years old of East Orange N Jwas seized with cramps and drowned-in the Morris canal near Newark

    The list of the dead in the Roxannaccident as ascertained last nightfollow Seellna Sarccason NewYork Ella Olsen Flathush I I



    1G year old


    > >

    UNION Miss July 19 One oldcow which would not have brought

    fifty dollars on the market caused abloody pistol battle In the streets ofthis little town Saturday It resulted-it the killing of two men the fatalinjuring of two more and the seriouswounding of another

    The dead-K J McDonald cattle mOilPeter McDonald his brotherFatally InjuredCornelius Chlsolm cattle manJotiuph Miller Irlund of CliUolm-Serlnuwly InjurudMurphy MnDonald son of E J

    light wad the MoDonaid on tae Mild Millar and

    i 1m min tb mitts two factionshuh b qujrrtM MANYThe oW row Mad l k r H

    fttltt M milk iMudtMM Uwl 8altr-4tiv iirtrrtHMHt rklftolm wail Me

    nt P v

    but Hn

    for reartIt

    her uwuerrkipr t r e





    s atier

    Ih aahl rluiNa IMill I I mm 1

    Olga and Selma Knuduou sisters 14and 11 years old respectively Brook-lyn John Clulbtetifecu Abraham Hunsemi Jamison Alicepon Peter Splclscn and John Thomp-son all of Urooklyn

    The captain of the Roxann and thetwelve survivors were picked up withgreat difficulty In a rough and choppysea by the tug Lxtnont

    The Roxana with her skipper CaLSamueUon was chartered at Ulruer-Ueach yesterday afternoon-by a aitj cf Svc i from Brooklynfor a across the bay to Midlandeach Staten Island and back Thefirst leg of the voyage was made without mishap tied all hands piled ashore-to make merry leer was served andsome of the survivors could give buta hazy account rf the accident

    All afternoon there was a stiffITCCZO from the southwest whichleft a natty cross sea Toward 4oclock the Roxana reeling home-ward across the bay under all thesail good judgment would permit tolu carried slipped Into a squall Shelay over until tho copper plates glist-ened In the sun aa tto angle of thedeck steepened to the angry water Inher lee the women screamed andscrambled for the upper rail

    The captain straggled to slackaway his sheet but there was no timefor such mcasvrea of relief In onemoment the Roxana was bottom uand the foam was black with bot

    Continued on Pse Two

    Abr Engel t






    1t el1







    Two People Are Killed in

    Dispute Over An Old Cowthe row In front of the Union BantaRevolvers were drawn and the shooting commenced Chlsolm and E JMcDonald came up about thistime and Joined In Peter McDonald-fell first and Miller was the nextE J McDonald and Chisolm for a-while shot desperately until bothfell McDonald dead and Chlsolmmortally wounded Murphy McDoaaid who appears to have been a

    peace maker was seriouslyv r MrdrtV

    All the men in the bloody battle areprominent In this section of Mississip-pi and number many relatives In

    county Consequently It was bellevfcd at that further strifewould r t ult but Indications are nowdeft with Peter and K J McDonaldload and ChUolm and Miller dying-HO n will bo to answer to thelaw the irnKody

    It wan reported that an elf rt wowM-bo made to have n oomtmHy or Statemilitia sent hurts trout Meratlan but

    authorities ItCHY this



    would be

    New-ton i



    > >

    Tampa Saloon Keeper Dies

    At Hand of An AssassinnM Mfr






    lII IMt la4raNfiIM Nil TNINp-amb wm 5 asmamllllmtd as IlrifrI-M gm tlimkth i UIIIM Mist s h

    mkM IM gs t1 IsM e44 h aK-t who MiItM bii e-

    4 u fir ir1lilr-r t t 1 hIw4 Mh


    II V K-

    Um n U wW d t wti rW DfiihttN4 rH-


    ntI-t PItU1

    4 tMr

    ww uk4IINI pullar tMNtut t of INa rNigr-

    M that IM 1k W4Nwt-

    ls4i4 k1 alt 11 quo i 1u e II Iree t4ttu4 11MP

    Ili IbttIMl ritwt1NU-M r 1I itlhlll W IMie IkIM