Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-03...

THE GAINESVILLE SUN MARCH 1190T y V t r Powder A CREAM OP TARTAR BAKING POWDER- It does not contain an atom of phos phide acid which ii the product of bones digested in salphuric acid or of alum which it onethird sulphuric acid sub stances for other baking powders because of their cheapness liLY k r- rt v Aevtdy 1 I ii D1 r N6 ¬ ¬ mmflsfVA ITat ami sWwaW Mail 9 wf t ami mwrnJ agA ftav ami AamV mm ftmmmmHmt MVsmmmm amm1iJmmmmfi fJPVVmT p SMBWJ aja- jepltBtaat viak M relI- T flMajajwt NM BAval area OB- to ass ymertay- ffniiCvcdaf HyM tha- of MniMiia 0 r rtek ltd X am jef J j ttoe M A Rexky- ajl W Paaaepaa farm 3 a trie f W 11 ef Park weN la tie eHy asj lea g9 g ekgt gaA V WPB Bensavi WaJtwrwf Oewtr Eey aa- perary paiHUa ta the drug ateref- tV i fS BriejjBM Jtsjaat ffewar WeeraLaagt Mra Nets T aa4 daa B- ter MlN Ellea have rataraesl to their Mme at KaMpftha deer a pleaMBt Mrs W T Cheaaat O Flemiag a eaergetie colored farmer af the Beaaiagtea aeetina who bee been a aabMriber ef The Bra for event years wee here yesterday and WT Waters a progressive platter a4 tracker of HUtkaua ia tab ally with hie wife Mrs Rosa Waters the cBeieat delivery clerk ia- ikepesteAee W I Pelk of Morriston was in the eity yesterday on basinrM eoanected with the United States laRd oflee H called at The 8aa oflce aad renewed his abaeriptlo- BLartLadya geM watch with black ribeea feb Meaegram M F ea sMak ef CMC Fob had geld xeetVU aU iMd with Myrtle ramveJJ a i TH there Will pay IHwrtl rtwshl te lain fer relara ef- aweperty L W Feaaell ii iit H I 11- 1n i 1- f IIIITIIWa- ot iJ m N ra- Teill 1 rIIt 0f t Ita w If Yew and tIIter 1 r II lsrtaerly ek lid W lIr Ie I hi H 1ll tr1r1 0s11- Jr IIr D1M ant A Oe Ask Gal CHIlI wllh Mr reewod petS a U M k Ss INM 1Ntl MMt I- st i 111Naa 1 sfsrt L Mr 1AN hHs MM Attar N- WmltfMt llf d ail taw i PiN N Alsebw spent Ibis laity ill en w- WI lee yesterday Wise 3 o Mp rc swr tifMr w aj sr a s ttsesett flay of tattle MI Mir tit 1 M- k1llltlMptbest1 bts1 EM At nit YMttapyt y t tidMMtM Wt1Mvt1erJ Via Aaevr bee nttuM 4 Ask Ytwr MIIk iw tlhlttTwtNGt eeWrtiLpsr MN n DlNtwa M Kirk the H- At I I e- t tom hvkR who vMlted w w red Redd ridge 4ep rasa had their arr pIes r Tk- x lien Is Me tasty sad bas ehptM r 0811 MOlka i to sad L 4 f e- r graved rare y A Iu tea teed greet y + ° i I Atk Yeur Minister a eat Fewer Galloas Wears Longer I H F Watts haa purchased the west af late Captala J F P Johaatea The tract I leeated a short dUtaee- aoqiheast of Gitnetvillc wad rmbraeec HtO acre ef as flne pasturage aa4 tlm B T laad ac caa be tend IB The fcalMia ef the First Kattoaal la awamiaff teat prepertloa aad abet eoaapletetl will be ere ef the fcaadsomect kaaklac bona IB the State large plate Rlaac have ban lattalled aad werkmea are wear la deeoratiag the late tier Ask Herbert hart Fewer Gal leas Weirs Loager Noah Hall met af Greet Hall ef Or aag Height mrac among the btlten- i to the aunty capital yesterday celled at The SUB eve aad rcaewed the aabaeripttoa te he fathers pasor i Mr Hull to what might be termed a- itar ukatrlbcr bavlag paid tar late 1907 A G Baacmaa ef Hip gpriagc was la the city fer a few keen yesterday aad white here rvaewed kit sabecrip I stet te The He te- JaatteatlHe Mr leocmaa formerly resiled kcte being a member ef tbe petite terse end ic well kaawa- jjhreatkeat able senses evVM- sejakeatFewer Gallaac Wean Loager- Mn Al P Mcrrew aad sea bare bar hero for several weeks on visit te Cel aad Mn A P Morrow 8r left yesterday for their home ia Philadelphia Tkeir aomeraas her regretted very trek to tee there leave hot kepe hey will tarot them with another vials real year Prof O A Hello of Lake City di mater ef athletic of the University of Florida Ic here for the parpose of ar- raagiag at aa early date for the pearaaceef the atkletic miaetrelc The proceeds from this en tertalanent will ge towards defraying expeate of equippiag the University kaceball tear ltd the boys will be greeted by a geod hose from the fu tare Daivenity City fer the people of Galaesville feel iaterest ia them READ THIS Lexlagtoa Teen June This is to certify that I have used the Texas Wonder Hulls Great Di for kidney trouble and have beer greatly benefited and I can cheerfully recommend it to the pub lie J O CORLTOX ExSheriff A TEXAS WONDER One smell bottle of the Texas Woa der HaW Great Discovery cures all kidney and bladder troubles removes gravel cores diabetes seminal emit stoas weak and lame backs rheuma- tism tad ill irregularities of the kid aeys tad bladder ia both men and names regulates bladder troubles ia children If rot sold by your druggist will be seat by mil oa receipt of 91- Oae small bottle Is two month treat treat tad seldom fails to ponies a care Dr Emit W Hull sole P O boa St Loch Me herd let te timoaials WOW by J W McOellam ft Co I Tit I Pink H roe Ask The p a 4 1901 cover hirer Ut P1 the the null ink wind e g ted U Ire warn ea a fries deplete area v J e n hot de rat > < ¬ = From Wednesdays Dolly Sun Dr Howell of Newberry wa a caller la the city yesterday Hon J A Roth irouah f Winds ir- wa in the city yrstvrday Mr S K Rtddirk went to Roddick- yrsterda 10 visit her daughter Wade Thomas one of Montcocha hnrnjhandrd of toil wa in the city yesterday Ak Your Barber about Fewer Gallon Wean Longer Thoroughbred Plymouth Rock chickens for stock pur uses at G 8 Merchant A Co Robert Wixtoa and wife returned on Tuesday from a visit with relative and at Ksaapaha The Tweattelh Center Club ic making arraafemeats for a public ea trrtaiemeat In tke Rear future Ask the Letter Carriers aboufFewer Gallons Wean Longer Justice L J Knight of LaCroese who is one of our successful naval stores men wa in the city yesterday Mis Minnie Shawl a fascinating young lady of Alachu wa In the city yesterday the guest of Callie- Easterlia Ask Your Grocer abjutFewer Galloas Wean Longer Joseph Everett the brakeman wa arralgaed before Justice Colman yes- terday morning and sentenced to 20 flue or three in jail for steal sag a laatera He took the months Ask Yeur Lawyer bout Fewer Gallons Wean Longer The Cadet Miastrel the student of the Uaivenity of Florida will ap- pear at the opera bore ia this Saturday March 17th oader the eta agemeat ef D A Holtoa director of physical tralaiag hoe W Fielding of Starke for States At la 8aa He prom heat member the Bradford eoaaty tar tad Is highly recommeBded by thaw abe kaew him Ask Yeur Oeeter aboat Fewer Galloas Wean Loager- AB alarm of Ire was turned IB from Bezel at UOi yesterday aHeraooa sal a small blue la root of a cot- tage ea Wet Mile street South was the sacs The departmeat respoad a few shingles igared ia the lees Judge E of Unioatowa- Pa after bluing speat several weeks dellgktfally with his eompaaieas camp at Palmer lets yesterday for Piaekartt N 0 where his wife and sister Miss Howell are aejoaraing- Jadge Beppen bus beea a wider vloi ter te the fer several yean gal has ajiaay frieads here who hope te tee blur early tact asses NEW YORK CHEAPEST STORE ON EARTH MILLINERY Is what the ladies are now intere3ted in We have receive i our first lot of new Head wear for the ladies and children A great many Wear Hats from 50c up Blick Gal Hosiery For Men Women and Children the that give satisfaction f com loc up to 85c them and you will wear no other kind PHIFER BROS Loner OaJaesville Fla sons White fri d months by mat fetal lady lie toe I RACKET SPRING i I Try < Airs to moon hie etadlduy M ptemftlylet sly H leppert tine l I Read ta y > ¬ ¬ + > I i I I Mtur ehret dearly case of con- sumption will recover Fresh air most important of all PectoralNou- rishi food comes next Tfcei a wedlciiie to control the wad Asa the loan Ask uy food doctor AUTTSUBUTOI BUrtSSJJ OM- US CV8SJ X 2SsisHsiMi Consumption I BOWCla- We err in a position to furaUh cl Iwiin coke and lettuce hamper mien cabbBK and eantaloape crate promptly at reacoaatile price tad guarantee prompt shipment on all con- tracts Ship either A 0 L or S A L railroad Willistoa Manufacturing Co Williiton Fla- Col and MM J B Lloyd of Indian led after speeding a few weeks here on their visit left for their yesterday Before lefoiBg Col Llo d renewed hU sub- scription to The SOB He regrets the rceMitf of so early a departure bat rayi he 10 coming early ltd tern late next leatoa The steams frieads of Col ltd Mn Lloyd will be I delighted to greet then gala Oar former rtfideat J Simoaioa wow of New York City writer for a copy of The Baas IB ait rial Hitioa Hit letter bore date February 23d aad- he heeds bit letter Washington Liberty I hope he will be remem- bered by the Aaiericaa people all ever the world for all time Himself Bad wife and Mr and Mn Waterman teat their regards to Gaiaesville friend tad be eoaeladed by raying miad ia woe la it la la Galaesville From Thursday Dotty Sun A C Williams of Roehelle wu la- the ratty yesterday 8 M rOOM tad B G Rector of Alaehua were la the eity yesterday- W J Scathes ef Judson owe of oar ragtime sabMriker called yester- day tad renewed H R Robiaaoa of Fairbaako celled at The SUB oftoe yesterday tad drop- ped a coin la the sabecriptloa slat Leatea terriers at Holy Trinity Church this week u follows Than m Fri day at 9 a m tad 7 JO p P flask the High Springs aer chant wu la the eats yesterday and purchased a flea driving horse from Crawford A Davis Mr Bush arts highly pleased with his bargtin Stains Attorney B P Calhoun aa- noonces his candidacy la todays 8ua for renomination from the Eighth Circuit has hosts of friends in each county who him and who will loyally support his candidacy W D Blake haa entered into part i ers I and I I i I t1Mrr lIan aye of 6 All for NItti 1M nature I I i I I I I poll home i p fie admire t l Give i ha aN arA M I aer M rNr Iran Mh- pe Nart R do du Aw thi it flre anal I M dry and Saturday tt i1s0 fa- R t ¬ ¬ ¬ + + Btrthip with O A Perrett in the tia Ring and plumbing buinrss and they have moved from the Old H West Union street when they wiN be pleaded to do all kinds of work hi their line at tear Henrj Fletcher on of thf thrifty farmers of Orange Height in j city on liuniurrs Wednesday and eall3 rd to renew utM criilion to The Sun Mr Fletclinr say work ea term keep him busy aud it i s jk farmers that are a benefit to Florida S W Litllefleld of Blackshear Oa formers of city was in Sprites on Tu tiay where he pur- chased Binetrfivtf bales of cotton fer the Bnatley Company of Blacktkter f The average prier waa 17 cents per posed and there is only about 20 blip I- remaiaiag at that point untold J F McKiastry Jr Mrs H H MeCreary Miss AIIU Garner aad H H MeCreary put yesterday at Spring Park Stock Farm as the gees of Manager Callisoo who ia poled Isfr hs ho pitality Toe day was an idea one and the hoot made the visit eac long to be etnemb red by hi guests Miss Garner who i from Ozark Ala charmed by the scenery and ex prersrd surprise that such an cilia ive hock farm exivtpd in Florid TO THE TRUSTEES OF St Johns Methodist Church I Gentlemen Dont allow your church to pay g crate per pound for wood If they buy 100 pounds of WhMc Lead IB kegs they get 88 pounds efr White Lead and 12 pounds of weed but when they buy L AM Paint get a fall gallon of point that wea1 wear oft for 10 or IS years bates L 1- A M Ziae herders L A M White Lcai ij end rake L AM Paint wear Hal 3 Iran 4 gallows L A M mixed with 3 gal Ions Linseed Oil will plant aa meder ate Ssed haase L A M tests ally 1 20 per gallea j 0 8 Aadrews ExMayor of Daabcry Coae writes 3 Feinted half 19 I A M Looks well today Sold by J0 Bishop Alackaa IlL 5- IN TkX I- MYTWADINOL JL TH UNEQIMCO BEAUTirir- Forinrrly admtlwd mud tell as uolAj II 4 price his hi art r J stn L to a teas toe the this HIS was they F 1 r with alU Uctllllr a iti wv4M l41 ttY a < < < + + NAWNOLA is and mW H k bill to remove frrckk- pmpuit tan saMowaeav lead KofenUook disfiguring cnT Seas ia treaty At Ua dear healthy aad restores the nary of youth Endorsed by thoutaaai Price 50 ash and tJ at all kadsaj drug or by mail Prepaid fcf National Toilet Co Paris Teas IfHIeed ref etc da ys ves soft hcads More Wl TIE STORE NECKWEAR T i t in by n a hi assortment of Wa h Stocks Turnover and LacsCollars at 25c 35 C0 60 and 75 each BELTS All new and desirable in La die Belts will b found here from to 1 00 WAISTINGS W piece new Madras Waliing in the latest weave designs at 15 MC to X yard SWISSES A bg line of Imported French Dot from 15j to per paid The Name WILSON jou have fun valuj for the money you spent Everything you weal At all times At the Right Price L SON St POPULAR nfW SP lnO OooDS A IVlnO DuET r fit that II tin Jon rich and up c R WILSON 4 Eat N i i r p tkaJe L FIRniHrA 25c I Mrs C vcl yyNiyf v rA- rA < > + + μ

Transcript of Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-03...

Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-03 … of The Baas IB aitrial Hitioa Hit letter bore date February 23d



V t




It does not contain an atom of phosphide acid which ii the product ofbonesdigested in salphuric acid or of alumwhich it onethird sulphuric acid sub

stances for other baking powdersbecause of their cheapness





v Aevtdy1


ii D1





mmflsfVA ITat amisWwaW

Mail 9 wf tami mwrnJ agA ftav ami

AamV mm ftmmmmHmt

MVsmmmm amm1iJmmmmfifJPVVmT p SMBWJ aja-

jepltBtaat viak M relI-

T flMajajwt NM BAval area OB-

to ass ymertay-

ffniiCvcdaf HyM tha-of MniMiia 0 r rtek ltd

X am jef J j ttoe M A Rexky-a j l W Paaaepaa farm 3 a trie f

W 11 efPark weN la tie eHy asj lea

g9 g ekgt gaAV WPB

Bensavi WaJtwrwf Oewtr Eey aa-

perary paiHUa ta the drug ateref-

tV i fS BriejjBM

Jtsjaat ffewar WeeraLaagtMra Nets T aa4 daa B-

ter MlN Ellea have rataraesl to theirMme at KaMpftha deer a pleaMBt

Mrs W T CheaaatO Flemiag a eaergetie colored

farmer af the Beaaiagtea aeetina whobee been a aabMriber ef The Bra forevent years wee here yesterday and

W T Waters a progressive plattera4 tracker of HUtkauaia tab ally with hie wife Mrs RosaWaters the cBeieat delivery clerk ia-ikepesteAee

W I Pelk of Morriston was in theeity yesterday on basinrM eoanectedwith the United States laRd oflee Hcalled at The 8aa oflce aad renewedhis abaeriptlo-

BLartLadya geM watch with blackribeea feb Meaegram M F

ea sMak ef CMC Fob had geldxeetVU aU iMd with MyrtleramveJJ a i TH there Will payIHwrtl rtwshl te lain fer relara ef-aweperty L W Feaaell

ii iitH







m N ra-



0f t Ita



and tIIter



II lsrtaerly eklid




H1ll tr1r1




A OeAsk


wllh Mr





k Ss

INM1Ntl MMt I-

st i 111Naa 1 sfsrtL

Mr 1AN hHs MM Attar N-WmltfMt llf dail tawi PiN N Alsebw spent

Ibis laityill en w-

WI lee yesterday

Wise3o Mprc

swr tifMr

waj sr a s ttsesett

flayof tattle

MI Mir tit 1 M-

k1llltlMptbest1 bts1 EM

At nit YMttapyty t tidMMtM Wt1Mvt1erJ

Via Aaevr bee nttuM4 Ask Ytwr MIIk iw

tlhlttTwtNGt eeWrtiLpsrMN n DlNtwa M Kirk


AtI I e-

t tom hvkR who vMltedw wred Redd ridge

4ep rasa had their arr pIes r Tk-x lien

Is Me tasty sad bas ehptM

r 0811 MOlkai

to sad





r gravedrare











Atk Yeur Ministera eat Fewer Galloas Wears Longer

I H F Watts haa purchased the westaf late Captala J F P Johaatea

The tract I leeated a short dUtaee-aoqiheast of Gitnetvillc wad rmbraeecHtO acre ef as flne pasturage aa4 tlmB T laad ac caa be tend IB

The fcalMia ef the First Kattoaalla awamiaff teat prepertloa aad

abet eoaapletetl will be ere ef thefcaadsomect kaaklac bona IB theState large plate Rlaachave ban lattalled aad werkmea arewear la deeoratiag the latetier

Ask Herberthart Fewer Gal leas Weirs Loager

Noah Hall met af Greet Hall ef Oraag Height mrac among the btlten-

i to the aunty capital yesterdaycelled at The SUB eve aad rcaewedthe aabaeripttoa te he fathers pasor

i Mr Hull to what might be termed a-

itar ukatrlbcr bavlag paid tar late1907

A G Baacmaa ef Hip gpriagc wasla the city fer a few keen yesterdayaad white here rvaewed kit sabecrip

I stet te The He te-

JaatteatlHe Mr leocmaa formerlyresiled kcte being a member ef tbepetite terse end ic well kaawa-jjhreatkeat able senses

evVM-sejakeatFewer Gallaac Wean Loager-

Mn Al P Mcrrew aad seabare bar hero for several weeks onvisit te Cel aad Mn A P Morrow8r left yesterday for their home iaPhiladelphia Tkeir aomeraasher regretted very trek to tee thereleave hot kepe hey will tarot themwith another vials real year

Prof O A Hello of Lake City dimater ef athletic of the University ofFlorida Ic here for the parpose of ar-

raagiag at aa early date for thepearaaceef the atkleticmiaetrelc The proceeds from this entertalanent will ge towards defrayingexpeate of equippiag the Universitykaceball tear ltd the boys will begreeted by a geod hose from the futare Daivenity City fer the people ofGalaesville feel iaterest ia them

READ THISLexlagtoa Teen June

This is to certify that I have usedthe Texas Wonder Hulls Great Di

for kidney trouble and havebeer greatly benefited and I cancheerfully recommend it to the publie J O CORLTOX ExSheriff

A TEXAS WONDEROne smell bottle of the Texas Woa

der HaW Great Discovery cures allkidney and bladder troubles removesgravel cores diabetes seminal emitstoas weak and lame backs rheuma-tism tad ill irregularities of the kidaeys tad bladder ia both men andnames regulates bladder troubles iachildren If rot sold by your druggistwill be seat by mil oa receipt of 91-

Oae small bottle Is two month treattreat tad seldom fails to ponies acare Dr Emit W Hull sole

P O boa St Loch Meherd let te timoaials WOW by J WMcOellam ft Co






Ask The



4 1901


hirer Ut



the null



e g ted


Ire warn ea





v J










From Wednesdays Dolly SunDr Howell of Newberry wa a caller

la the city yesterdayHon J A Roth irouah f Winds ir-

wa in the city yrstvrdayMr S K Rtddirk went to Roddick-

yrsterda 10 visit her daughterWade Thomas one of Montcocha

hnrnjhandrd of toil wa in thecity yesterday

Ak Your Barberabout Fewer Gallon Wean Longer

Thoroughbred PlymouthRock chickens for stock pur uses atG 8 Merchant A Co

Robert Wixtoa and wife returned onTuesday from a visit with relativeand at Ksaapaha

The Tweattelh Center Club icmaking arraafemeats for a public eatrrtaiemeat In tke Rear future

Ask the Letter CarriersaboufFewer Gallons Wean Longer

Justice L J Knight of LaCroesewho is one of our successful navalstores men wa in the city yesterday

Mis Minnie Shawl a fascinatingyoung lady of Alachu wa In the cityyesterday the guest of Callie-Easterlia

Ask Your GrocerabjutFewer Galloas Wean Longer

Joseph Everett the brakeman waarralgaed before Justice Colman yes-

terday morning and sentenced to 20flue or three in jail for stealsag a laatera He took the months

Ask Yeur Lawyerbout Fewer Gallons Wean Longer

The Cadet Miastrel the studentof the Uaivenity of Florida will ap-pear at the opera bore ia thisSaturday March 17th oader the etaagemeat ef D A Holtoa director ofphysical tralaiag

hoe W Fielding of Starkefor States At

la 8aa He promheat member the Bradford eoaatytar tad Is highly recommeBded bythaw abe kaew him

Ask Yeur Oeeteraboat Fewer Galloas Wean Loager-

AB alarm of Ire was turned IB fromBezel at UOi yesterday aHeraooasal a small blue la root of a cot-tage ea Wet Mile street South wasthe sacs The departmeat respoad

a few shinglesigared ia the lees

Judge E of Unioatowa-Pa after bluing speat several weeksdellgktfally with his eompaaieascamp at Palmer lets yesterday forPiaekartt N 0 where his wife andsister Miss Howell are aejoaraing-Jadge Beppen bus beea a wider vloiter te the fer several yeangal has ajiaay frieads here who hopete tee blur early tact asses



MILLINERYIs what the ladies are

now intere3ted inWe have receive i our

first lot of new Headwear

for the ladies and childrenA great manyWear Hats from 50c up

Blick Gal HosieryFor Men Women and

Children the thatgive satisfaction fcom locup to 85c them andyou will wear no other kind

PHIFER BROSLoner OaJaesville Fla



fri d




fetal lady lie










tomoon hie etadlduy

M ptemftlylet sly

H leppert




Read ta











Mtur ehretdearly case of con-

sumption will recover Freshair most important of all

PectoralNou-rishi food comes nextTfcei a wedlciiie to controlthe wad Asa the loanAsk uy food doctor




ConsumptionI BOWCla-

We err in a position to furaUhcl Iwiin coke and lettuce hampermien cabbBK and eantaloape cratepromptly at reacoaatile price tadguarantee prompt shipment on all con-

tracts Ship either A 0 L or S A L

railroad Willistoa ManufacturingCo Williiton Fla-

Col and MM J B Lloyd of Indianled after speeding a few

weeks here on their visit leftfor their yesterday BeforelefoiBg Col Llo d renewed hU sub-scription to The SOB He regrets therceMitf of so early a departure batrayi he 10 coming early ltd ternlate next leatoa The steamsfrieads of Col ltd Mn Lloyd will be

I delighted to greet then galaOar former rtfideat J Simoaioa

wow of New York City writer for acopy of The Baas IB ait rial HitioaHit letter bore date February 23d aad-he heeds bit letter WashingtonLiberty I hope he will be remem-bered by the Aaiericaa people all everthe world for all time Himself Badwife and Mr and Mn Waterman teattheir regards to Gaiaesville friendtad be eoaeladed by rayingmiad ia woe la it la laGalaesvilleFrom Thursday Dotty Sun

A C Williams of Roehelle wu la-

the ratty yesterday8 M rOOM tad B G Rector of

Alaehua were la the eity yesterday-W J Scathes ef Judson owe of oar

ragtime sabMriker called yester-day tad renewed

H R Robiaaoa of Fairbaako celledat The SUB oftoe yesterday tad drop-ped a coin la the sabecriptloa slat

Leatea terriers at Holy TrinityChurch this week u follows Than

m Friday at 9 a m tad 7 JO p

P flask the High Springs aerchant wu la the eats yesterday andpurchased a flea driving horse fromCrawford A Davis Mr Bush artshighly pleased with his bargtin

Stains Attorney B P Calhoun aa-noonces his candidacy la todays 8uafor renomination from the EighthCircuit has hosts of friends ineach county who him and whowill loyally support his candidacy

W D Blake haa entered into part


ersI and





t1Mrr lIanaye of

6All for

NItti 1Mnature















i ha aN arAM I aer M rNr Iran Mh-pe Nart R

do du

Aw thi it





dry and Saturday tt i1s0fa-








Btrthip with O A Perrett in the tiaRing and plumbing buinrss and theyhave moved from the OldH West Union street when they wiNbe pleaded to do all kinds of work hitheir line at tear

Henrj Fletcher on of thf thriftyfarmers of Orange Height in jcity on liuniurrs Wednesday and eall3rd to renew utM criilion to TheSun Mr Fletclinr say work ea

term keep him busy aud it i s jkfarmers that are a benefit to Florida

S W Litllefleld of Blackshear Oaformers of city was inSprites on Tu tiay where he pur-chased Binetrfivtf bales of cotton ferthe Bnatley Company of Blacktkter fThe average prier waa 17 cents perposed and there is only about 20 blip I-

remaiaiag at that point untoldJ F McKiastry Jr Mrs H

H MeCreary Miss AIIU Garner aadH H MeCreary put yesterday atSpring Park Stock Farm as the geesof Manager Callisoo who ia poled Isfrhs ho pitality Toe day was an ideaone and the hoot made the visit eaclong to be etnemb red by hi guestsMiss Garner who i from Ozark Ala

charmed by the scenery and exprersrd surprise that such an ciliaive hock farm exivtpd in Florid

TO THE TRUSTEES OFSt Johns Methodist Church I

GentlemenDont allow your church to pay g

crate per pound for woodIf they buy 100 pounds of WhMc

Lead IB kegs they get 88 pounds efrWhite Lead and 12 pounds of weedbut when they buy L A M Paintget a fall gallon of point that wea1wear oft for 10 or IS years bates L 1-

A M Ziae herders L A M White Lcai ij

end rake L A M Paint wear Hal 3

Iran4 gallows L A M mixed with 3 gal

Ions Linseed Oil will plant aa mederate Ssed haase

L A M tests ally 1 20 per gallea j0 8 Aadrews ExMayor of DaabcryCoae writes 3

Feinted half 19 IA M Looks well today

Sold by J 0 Bishop Alackaa IlL 5-

IN TkX I-MYTWADINOLJL TH UNEQIMCO BEAUTirir-Forinrrly admtlwd mud tell as uolAj







J stnL


teas toe


this HIS





alU Uctllllr a iti wv4M l41ttY







NAWNOLA is and mWH k bill to remove frrckk-

pmpuit tan saMowaeav leadKofenUook disfiguring cnTSeas ia treaty AtUa dear healthy aad restores thenary of youth Endorsed by thoutaaai

Price 50 ash and tJ at all kadsajdrug or by mail Prepaid fcf

National Toilet Co Paris Teas


etc da ys vessoft




NECKWEART i t in by n a hi assortmentof Wa h Stocks Turnover andLacsCollars at 25c 35 C0 60 and75 each

BELTSAll new and desirable in Ladie Belts will b found here fromto 1 00

WAISTINGSW piece new Madras Waliing inthe latest weave designs at 15

MC to X yard

SWISSESA bg line of Imported French Dot

from 15j to per paid

The Name


jou have fun valuj for themoney you spent

Everything you wealAt all timesAt the Right Price


nfW SP lnO OooDS A IVlnO DuET



II tin Jonrich





EatN i



p tkaJeL






vcl yyNiyf v rA-rA




