Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-02-15...

THE GAINESVILLE SUN FEBRUARY 1519 M 4 7f J 1 vw y N II a < rare AONeM efTrblr Powder 1080 s A1TrNfM7Ha- suasTrnJ7E ero rYA rphu- s + ITEMS Ipstoi tarp aid wfNI wH8 nUMi MHttv M I wkat Bissau MB M 9Uga viwC Matkta Oaaiaaay fill 9 ftatwaf far yatata ta Levy amra- Iff hat IM fas af fete L see jttilM Fkinf trit fa atteadlag t e- VHp r WsiIVy W Jar VVVvwwf wVwMyWnaWII 9 Mat lAM City haa rttaraed a- lw Hadiee a vMi ta his aaraats- Mf Mrs H f Ftekw Ken ABMBJ tfca aroailaeat vWters ta the aaalf yeeierday was Tarn Urt Mr save ttaaa fas this eeaatry sad has sjaaf frfoad hen wha are always glad alas Fawtr GalUaa Wears Longer George Glbwans ef Areber secretary f UM Mashes Oeaaty Deaseeratto Ex- tfttlva OeaiMltte was among the Isvtarita this city yesterday Jar CHwhaas reaarta cvarylhiag quiet la- Anker at thla Mr Md Mn NC Miller and Mrs B BJahaa ef Aascrteas Ga have arrived the city to ahead the Bible CaBfareace aid wilt nails hen for ftha aext Iwa or three weeks They are steapiag at th Brown Hoese a8ea ha received new typa far the job department amoag- whfth ia a series ef Tiffany eript which rake a handsome effect for la Ilea alllBg cards invitation etc Parties dMiriag this class of work will 4 well ta reneaber this Bike of Kewberry who has SM for the pat few days on a visit to relative IB Waeahoota U in the city Jtfr ftkee expects soon to go to Ala baeu where he hoe a respoa- iBle with V J man ufaetarer of lumber formerly of this city tad Bellamy W E Welb formerly a salesman in of Jacob Eadel in this city aid a very clever young man i in the city aid will spend the day greeting oM friends Mr Webb i mow mid sag at Clearwater Harbor aad is en route to Atlaata to see a specialist in to hit eyes CITY ft i I II t fC I- t1 I- IJ IIOOIAL r T II- Jlrt III t e- f I- ft Lisper k I- y J I 1Itn is TIM HeIer- lt I i laM it ret far 1M- F lie L f its if t t A Oale i I h r J o f J I 08 hard t riI L r m IN NffNSEI- i IN IV Simi IMlfliit Aetb- aM by i w et- jumsoIAL illllti Itllyttdttt yrh t Sdii Iw TiM srt Para rsFlta Hs IAurs l aed- f INN 111t1MMMy fetes tuM s isle W leis At t lrrrdatde peat ilf 1Yia Illy wkh his faitpy- c L Orshsst hsa ssssted a- M stir lt5 au d 1 a st osptille w I NN pNsrd ad called L ls ILK his eihsdp- xrssrd IratrMtts N tie Deng INw L1ie Br whvs pees s h s dpl yid u e- k 16Nsr Its cis b sbd wspes fa- st1srW Li 1 r t ra sad islulevgk iNk has bee w 1 greet w r tits The a acee ted ski employ > = + > Fewer Gallons Wears Longer B F Hampton ef Jacksonville is for a eouple of days looking af Interests Mr Hampton is a great frisad of Gainesville sad sot wlthstaadiBg that he ia BO longer a reddest he expiate to he gals and is doing all he can to advance the latereata ef the city Cokes Weeks of Jadnoa who has bees here fir the past few weeks Ia A R Harper of the Laddea A Bates fleas has se Mr Har- p r a pickle with that Ira la Jaek Mr Weeks la a yenag asaa fell alamMtiAa aid eaergy aid will aa dubs well ta hb MW home Fewer Oalloas Wean Loager Dr E B Overfeld aid wife ef- Elaia Iowa mired la the city oa- 8aaday ta spud the remalsder ef the wiater here They will aeeaay reoau at the hem al Mra Elizabeth Saslth the twe ladle betas farmer nudists efEatea Rapids Utah Overfeld are delighted with what they have sees ef Gaiaesville and feel sure they will Uke It here Fewer Wear Loager Rev Mr Waters af Uatoatewa Pa bees at Palaserea Lake Ka- aaaaha with a Uateatowa caaplag party fir the past few weeks was ia the yesterday was ea route to Tampa sad other palate where he will spud a yew weeks before return lag ta hi PeaasylvBBla home Mr Waters ia well pleased with this see tiea ef the eeaatry which he declares ta he the Italy af ArieL Attention is idled ta the advertise- ment ef the East Florida Telephoae- Oe shealax the varies towns which they reach It will he aotleed that whim their liaee are exteaded five mike from Casapville to Melrose it will reaeh from the Putnam covet line to the Bowaaaee river It also runs from Lake Oily Junction OB the North to within eleven miles of DUB aelloa on the South and also radi- ates out in a great mast other direc- tions from Gainesville and those we have seen who use these connection inform us that they have received handsome return It will pay you to connect with there READ THIS DOTIIAX ALA July 131609 Dr E W Hell St Louis Mo Deer Sir We here been veiling your Teias Wonder tall Great Discov- ery for two years and recommend it to anyone suffering with any kidney trouble as being the best remedy we ever sold Yours truly J Yorxo A TEXAS WONDER Oae small bottle of the Texas Woa der Halls Great Discovery cures all kidney and bladder troubles removes gravel cures diabetes seminal emia weak sad lame books rheuma- tism and all irregularities of the kid aeys tad bladder in both men and women regulate bladder troubles in children If not sold by your druggist will be by mail on receipt of 1 One small bottle i two months treat- ment and seldom fails to perfect a sure Dr Ernest W Hall sole manu- facturer P 0 box DMA St Louis Mo Send for testimonials Sold by J W McCollum Co tu of ell Mr Nn Gall H here his some- day the epley Mane eared throagh the efiuts of atilt aid wh his lay lose sent ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < From Daily SUIt Fewer Gallon Won Longer W P William merchant nf Clark made The Sun an agreeable call yester- day Chas W Stevens of Alachua was among the victors to city Born to Mr and Mrs H E Wil North Gainesville Monday Feb lath a daughter ERRS Egg For hatching 1 60 for 13 pun strain Rhode Reds W A Jones Micanopy Fla- B nJ min Rush was out yesterday- for the first time in eleven weeks He ha been suffering with fever W It Duke of Alachua WA among those who favored the county me- tropolis with a it yesterday- Mr and Mrs Thomas Kincaid are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine extend congratulations J R Zetrouer Jr one of Rochelles bright young men was a welcome vii itor to The office yesterday Fewer Gallons Wear Longer Hon J F Townsend of Rex the number of the Board of Coon to CommUsioner from that district was a visitor to this city yesterday George Morse merchant and mater at Earleton East in he city yesterday on business connect- ed with the county tax assessors of- fice Mr and R T Schafer went yes- terday to Waldo where last night they were received into the Rathbone Sis- ter the womans degree of the Knights of Pythias Taoauu Pope sad interesting little dangler Naaaie Treatoaar rived yesterday and will be geNt ef relatives W W P M aid B R Colsoa for the silt few H Smith sad T C HeMea two aroaalaeat eltiteas of Bawtaara were traaaetlBf business la this city yester- day Mr HoWe owas sad operates aa extensive natal store baalaeai while Mr Smith is proprietor of tile Hawthorn gianery EF Oorbett of Trtatos after a brief visit to relatives here returned home yesterday Mr Corblti was employed aasuptriatCBdeBft of MadisoB Giaalag Co Ia Pert Rico last seasoa aad expects w- rctara ia a few mouth Ha to here oa- ava atiaa CHEAPEST STONE ON EARTH Our First Shipment of arrived com- prising many new in DRESS FABRICS hftttS at the yawl Another line of the lar GINGHAMS at only lOc the yard The Line of yard wiuV will el this lot nt A Nice Line of Misses and Childrens SAILORS fr m the Kuctory Everything at RACKET Prices Phifer C raer UaineiTille UfdtltA lay liam of Nand SID End dI- n Ie lilt or the NEW YORK RACKET SPRING DRESS GOODS- Has 1IfI11IH f lill 8 C t2 c PERCALES- a IOc I Yards PHIFER BROS ria this yes- terday girl- Friends ef- ficient puss was Mrs S- hIll Ikea Light lilurrd ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Ba tli Ywwi CimitofoT- HK UNEQUALKD BCAUTIFIER Formerly lrrrtltc and M SatlnoU- HAOIttOLA wiau NADINOLA is guaranteed and money refunded if ft fill to remove fackks- pimpk sallowneso liveripoto collar djstclorattas blackhead disfiguring sup tiooi etc to twenty days Leave the skia clear soil healthy and restores the beauty of youth Endorsed by thousands Price 50 ants and 1X0 at ill leading drug stores or by mall Prepared by National Toilet Co Paris Tenn L C Smith the shoe dealer on the north tide of the square ha a change of in today Sun which will probably be of interest to thoe desiring footwear Mr and Mr W A MeGriff of Mica nopy have returned to their home after a visit to the of the Mr and Mrs Perry M Colson ia this city Mr MeQriff ha been a great dot recently with a vest seal illaeM and friends will be glad to tare that be l oat again M G McCarroll who has been em- ployed for the put few months by J J Williams IB Jacksonville but who has bees at hose for a week suffering severely with carbuncle i improv sag brat I till in bad condition Hi friends will regret to learn that he dot set improve more rapidly Mr and Mr Joseph Chapin of Masachaett who ere here OB a visit to the formers parent Dr and Mrs fl 8 Chapin are enjoying their stay Immensely Mr Chapia who re- sided la Galaesville IB hi early boy heed days ha aaaay friends who sri delighted to see bum again and to learn that he in prospering in hit Northers hove Dr J B 8 Holme of Atlanta Sher- iff L W Feaaell of this city John Feaaell and others ef have been OB a fox and deer host ia the vicinity of Graadia Putnam county for the past three or four days No iafonaatioa a to the aeces of the party been secured but the Gaiaet ville contingent i expected home to- day or tomorrow when there may be something of interest to print J T Ury of Mieaaopy among the visitors to this city yesterday Sir Ury been employed for a long- time ai sawyer at the mill of C E Melton Mieaaopy but has resigned that position to accept employment with the Gray Lumber Company of TiftonGa and was en route to that place He expects to keep his family ia Micaoopy for an indefinite period however u he may decide to velar to Florida if the new position does not suit him DAYS N adferll mo Mel has flu Ti Ls TAY r- eADINOLA old s1- r S y r r- alJ 1 Mel r h toy up to date parents lat- ter suffer- ing was ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + Fntin Thvrtday Fewer Gallon Wears Longer Arredondo wa trad gin the city yesterday G Waller Parker wf LftCri among thou who paid Gainesville viiil yesterday W D Holder of Mouteocha wi among those who came to tIlt city trading yesterday- H E Kennedy a progressive farmer of Bland was among the visitor to this city yesterday Fewer Gallon Wear Longer Mr J A William of Alachua U ia the city on a to her brother Cap- tain J Maiey Dell Medame W J Walton and J H Jeakint of Wasahoota were shopping liatheeity yesterday Carload nf mule and horse at E j- wardstable Call and fee tl cm you buy O P Morgan Fewer Gallons Wear Longer Henry Orave of Alachoa who was removed to the National Old Fellows i Hume in city for treatment of paralysis on Sunday i greatly J A Ward a merchant of Bell the city on buines y tt rday He reports business good at Bell arid ex- pect to make same money the coming season Mr Ward of Savannah arrived in the city and for the twit few day will be the guest of Mr A S Abbott East Seminary street The ladle were schoolmates Schell Maine the interesting young son of O W Maine of Monteocha arrived in the city and will be the guest of friends here for the next two or three day LABOR Contract just the thing for farmers and turpentine men Ws per do B 2 for 60 or per Cash ia hand with order Address THE SUN Gainesville Fla and weed cutters Riding Disc Cultivators com- bined corn and cotton planters and laborsaving machinery at The S J Co1 Gainesville Fla J U Manning expect to leave for Lakeland where he ha been suntanned on business Mr Manning expects to remain in that section for the next few weeks prospecting His family is with him NEWS ITEMS OX PAGE 5 TO THE TRUSTEES OF LaCrosse Methodist Church Alachua Methodist Church Gentlemen We want to donate some I A M Paint to your church whenever they palm The largest Methodist church in Georgia expected to use 100 gallons of the usual kind of paint they only used 32 gallon L tt M mixed with 24 gallons Linseed Oil It costs less to paint a house with L M than with other paint because painter mixes Linseed Oil fresh trots the barrel at 80 cents a gallon with L A M and doesnt 160 per gallon for Linseed Oil a done if readyforuse paint i used Also because the L M Zinc hardens the L M White Lead and makes the paint wear like iron L A M paint costs only 120 per gallon Sold by J C Bishop Alachua Fla Daily W C Seville of ill r t I i I thin I wu t- in j 3 11 t Thomu J r t t Sun M Tae a visit be- fore r i im- proved hag r n has stalk j to- day r i 4 z ¬ ¬ + + WILSONSO- UR SPECIAL SALE Will Continue Until Saturday Night Feb 17 LADIES SWEATERS AT COST 14 pieces Assorted Styles Veiling former prices 25 to 35c choice 15c Yd WILSON J 1 j MRS R i a y =

Transcript of Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-02-15...

Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-02-15 · THE GAINESVILLE SUN FEBRUARY 1519 M 4 7f J 1 vw y N II a < ...


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AONeM efTrblr Powder




suasTrnJ7Eero rYA rphu-




Ipstoi tarp aidwfNI wH8 nUMi MHttv

MI wkat BissauMB

M 9Uga viwC Matkta Oaaiaaayfill 9 ftatwaf far yatata ta Levy amra-

Iff hat IM fas af feteL


jttilM Fkinf trit fa atteadlag t e-

VHp r WsiIVy W Jar VVVvwwf wVwMyWnaWII 9Mat lAM City haa rttaraed a-

lw Hadiee a vMi ta his aaraats-Mf Mrs H f Ftekw Ken

ABMBJ tfca aroailaeat vWters ta theaaalf yeeierday was Tarn

Urt Mrsave ttaaa fas this eeaatry sad has

sjaaf frfoad hen wha are alwaysglad alas

Fawtr GalUaa Wears LongerGeorge Glbwans ef Areber secretary

f UM Mashes Oeaaty Deaseeratto Ex-

tfttlva OeaiMltte was among theIsvtarita this city yesterday Jar

CHwhaas reaarta cvarylhiag quiet la-

Anker at thlaMr Md Mn N C Miller and Mrs

B BJahaa ef Aascrteas Ga havearrived the city to ahead the BibleCaBfareace aid wilt nails hen forftha aext Iwa or three weeks Theyare steapiag at th Brown Hoese

a8ea ha received newtypa far the job department amoag-whfth ia a series ef Tiffany eriptwhich rake a handsome effect for laIlea alllBg cards invitation etcParties dMiriag this class of work will4 well ta reneaber this

Bike of Kewberry who hasSM for the pat few days on a visit to

relative IB Waeahoota U in the cityJtfr ftkee expects soon to go to Alabaeu where he hoe a respoa-

iBle with V J manufaetarer of lumber formerly of thiscity tad Bellamy

W E Welb formerly a salesman inof Jacob Eadel in this city

aid a very clever young man i in thecity aid will spend the day greetingoM friends Mr Webb i mow midsag at Clearwater Harbor aad is enroute to Atlaata to see a specialist in

to hit eyes




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Iw TiM srt Para rsFlta

Hs IAurs l aed-

f INN111t1MMMy fetes

tuM s isle W leis

At t lrrrdatde peatilf 1Yia Illy wkh his faitpy-

c L Orshsst hsa ssssted a-

M stirlt5 au

d 1 a st osptille wI NN pNsrd ad called

L ls ILK his eihsdp-

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DengINw L1ie Br whvs peess h s dpl yid u e-

k 16Nsr Its cis b sbd wspes fa-st1srW Li


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iNkhas bee


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Fewer Gallons Wears LongerB F Hampton ef Jacksonville is

for a eouple of days looking afInterests Mr Hampton is a

great frisad of Gainesville sad sotwlthstaadiBg that he ia BO longer areddest he expiate to he gals

and is doing all he can to advancethe latereata ef the city

Cokes Weeks of Jadnoa who hasbees here fir the past few weeks Ia

A R Harper of theLaddea A Bates fleas has se

Mr Har-p r a pickle with that Ira la Jaek

Mr Weeks la a yenag asaafell alamMtiAa aid eaergy aid willaa dubs well ta hb MW home

Fewer Oalloas Wean LoagerDr E B Overfeld aid wife ef-

Elaia Iowa mired la the city oa-

8aaday ta spud the remalsder ef thewiater here They will aeeaay reoauat the hem al Mra Elizabeth Saslththe twe ladle betas farmer nudistsefEatea Rapids UtahOverfeld are delighted with what theyhave sees ef Gaiaesville and feel surethey will Uke It here

Fewer Wear LoagerRev Mr Waters af Uatoatewa Pa

bees at Palaserea Lake Ka-

aaaaha with a Uateatowa caaplagparty fir the past few weeks was ia the

yesterday was ea route toTampa sad other palate where hewill spud a yew weeks before returnlag ta hi PeaasylvBBla home MrWaters ia well pleased with this seetiea ef the eeaatry which he declaresta he the Italy af ArieL

Attention is idled ta the advertise-ment ef the East Florida Telephoae-Oe shealax the varies towns whichthey reach It will he aotleed thatwhim their liaee are exteaded fivemike from Casapville to Melrose itwill reaeh from the Putnam covetline to the Bowaaaee river It alsoruns from Lake Oily Junction OB theNorth to within eleven miles of DUB

aelloa on the South and also radi-ates out in a great mast other direc-tions from Gainesville and those wehave seen who use these connectioninform us that they have receivedhandsome return It will pay you toconnect with there


Dr E W Hell St Louis MoDeer Sir We here been veiling yourTeias Wonder tall Great Discov-ery for two years and recommend itto anyone suffering with any kidneytrouble as being the best remedy weever sold Yours truly

J Yorxo


Oae small bottle of the Texas Woader Halls Great Discovery cures allkidney and bladder troubles removesgravel cures diabetes seminal emia

weak sad lame books rheuma-tism and all irregularities of the kidaeys tad bladder in both men andwomen regulate bladder troubles inchildren If not sold by your druggistwill be by mail on receipt of 1

One small bottle i two months treat-ment and seldom fails to perfect asure Dr Ernest W Hall sole manu-facturer P 0 box DMA St Louis MoSend for testimonials Sold by J WMcCollum Co




Mr Nn





the epleyMane

eared throagh the efiuts of



wh his












From Daily SUIt

Fewer Gallon Won LongerW P William merchant nf Clark

made The Sun an agreeable call yester-day

Chas W Stevens of Alachua wasamong the victors to city

Born to Mr and Mrs H E WilNorth Gainesville Monday

Feb lath a daughterERRS Egg For hatching 1 60 for

13 pun strain Rhode RedsW A Jones Micanopy Fla-

B nJ min Rush was out yesterday-for the first time in eleven weeks Heha been suffering with fever

W It Duke of Alachua WA amongthose who favored the county me-

tropolis with a it yesterday-Mr and Mrs Thomas Kincaid are

rejoicing over the arrival of a fineextend congratulations

J R Zetrouer Jr one of Rochellesbright young men was a welcome viiitor to The office yesterday

Fewer Gallons Wear LongerHon J F Townsend of Rex the

number of the Board of Coonto CommUsioner from that districtwas a visitor to this city yesterday

George Morse merchant andmater at Earleton East inhe city yesterday on business connect-ed with the county tax assessors of-


Mr and R T Schafer went yes-

terday to Waldo where last night theywere received into the Rathbone Sis-

ter the womans degree of theKnights of Pythias

Taoauu Pope sad interestinglittle dangler Naaaie Treatoaarrived yesterday and will begeNt ef relatives W W P M aidB R Colsoa for the silt few

H Smith sad T C HeMea twoaroaalaeat eltiteas of Bawtaara weretraaaetlBf business la this city yester-day Mr HoWe owas sad operatesaa extensive natal store baalaeaiwhile Mr Smith is proprietor of tileHawthorn gianery

E F Oorbett of Trtatos after abrief visit to relatives here returned

home yesterday Mr Corbltiwas employed aasuptriatCBdeBft of

MadisoB Giaalag Co IaPert Rico last seasoa aad expects w-rctara ia a few mouth Ha to here oa-

ava atiaa


Our FirstShipment of

arrived com-prising many new


hftttS at the yawl

Another line of thelar GINGHAMS atonly lOc the yard

The Line of

yard wiuV will el this lot nt

A Nice Line of

Misses and Childrens

SAILORSfr m the Kuctory

Everything at RACKETPrices

Phifer C raer UaineiTille

UfdtltA lay

liam of





Ie lilt

or the





1IfI11IH f lill 8C

t2 c


IOc I Yards


this yes-








Ikea Light lilurrd











Ba tli Ywwi CimitofoT-


Formerly lrrrtltc and M SatlnoU-


NADINOLA is guaranteed and moneyrefunded if ft fill to remove fackks-

pimpk sallowneso liveripoto collardjstclorattas blackhead disfiguring suptiooi etc to twenty days Leave the

skia clear soil healthy and restores thebeauty of youth Endorsed by thousands

Price 50 ants and 1X0 at ill leadingdrug stores or by mall Prepared by

National Toilet Co Paris Tenn

L C Smith the shoe dealer on thenorth tide of the square ha a changeof in today Sun whichwill probably be of interest to thoedesiring footwear

Mr and Mr W A MeGriff of Micanopy have returned to their homeafter a visit to the of the

Mr and Mrs Perry M Colson iathis city Mr MeQriff ha been

a great dot recently with a vestseal illaeM and friends will be glad totare that be l oat again

M G McCarroll who has been em-

ployed for the put few months by JJ Williams IB Jacksonville but whohas bees at hose for a week sufferingseverely with carbuncle i improvsag brat I till in bad condition Hifriends will regret to learn that hedot set improve more rapidly

Mr and Mr Joseph Chapin ofMasachaett who ere here OB avisit to the formers parent Dr andMrs fl 8 Chapin are enjoying theirstay Immensely Mr Chapia who re-

sided la Galaesville IB hi early boyheed days ha aaaay friends who sridelighted to see bum again and tolearn that he in prospering in hitNorthers hove

Dr J B 8 Holme of Atlanta Sher-iff L W Feaaell of this city JohnFeaaell and others ef havebeen OB a fox and deer host ia thevicinity of Graadia Putnam countyfor the past three or four days Noiafonaatioa a to the aeces of theparty been secured but the Gaiaetville contingent i expected home to-day or tomorrow when there may besomething of interest to print

J T Ury of Mieaaopy amongthe visitors to this city yesterday SirUry been employed for a long-time ai sawyer at the mill of C EMelton Mieaaopy but has resignedthat position to accept employmentwith the Gray Lumber Company ofTiftonGa and was en route to thatplace He expects to keep his familyia Micaoopy for an indefinite periodhowever u he may decide to velarto Florida if the new position does notsuit him



adferll mo




TiLs TAY r-


s1-r Sy


alJ 1 Mel



up to date

parents lat-











Fntin ThvrtdayFewer Gallon Wears Longer

Arredondo wa tradgin the city yesterday

G Waller Parker wf LftCriamong thou who paid Gainesvilleviiil yesterday

W D Holder of Mouteocha wiamong those who came to tIlt citytrading yesterday-

H E Kennedy a progressive farmerof Bland was among the visitor tothis city yesterday

Fewer Gallon Wear Longer

Mr J A William of Alachua U iathe city on a to her brother Cap-

tain J Maiey Dell

Medame W J Walton and J H

Jeakint of Wasahoota were shoppingliatheeity yesterday

Carload nf mule and horse at E j-

wardstable Call and fee tl cmyou buy O P Morgan

Fewer Gallons Wear LongerHenry Orave of Alachoa who was

removed to the National Old Fellowsi Hume in city for treatment ofparalysis on Sunday i greatly

J A Ward a merchant of Bellthe city on buines y tt rday He

reports business good at Bell arid ex-

pect to make same money the comingseason

Mr Ward of Savannah arrivedin the city and for the twit few daywill be the guest of Mr A S AbbottEast Seminary street The ladle wereschoolmates

Schell Maine the interesting youngson of O W Maine of Monteocha

arrived in the city and will be theguest of friends here for the next twoor three day

LABOR Contract just the thing forfarmers and turpentine men Ws perdo B 2 for 60 or per Cashia hand with order Address THESUN Gainesville Fla

and weed cutters RidingDisc Cultivators com-

bined corn and cotton planters andlaborsaving machinery at The S

J Co1 Gainesville FlaJ U Manning expect to leave

for Lakeland where he ha beensuntanned on business Mr Manningexpects to remain in that section forthe next few weeks prospecting Hisfamily is with him



LaCrosse Methodist Church AlachuaMethodist Church

GentlemenWe want to donate some I A M

Paint to your church whenever theypalm

The largest Methodist church inGeorgia expected to use 100 gallons ofthe usual kind of paint they onlyused 32 gallon L tt M mixed with 24gallons Linseed Oil

It costs less to paint a house with LM than with other paint because

painter mixes Linseed Oil fresh trotsthe barrel at 80 cents a gallon with LA M and doesnt 160 per gallonfor Linseed Oil a done if readyforusepaint i used Also because the LM Zinc hardens the L M WhiteLead and makes the paint wear likeiron

L A M paint costs only 120 pergallon

Sold by J C Bishop Alachua Fla


W C Seville of





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3 11 t







M Taea



fore r




hag r



stalk j












SPECIAL SALEWill Continue Until

Saturday Night Feb 17

LADIES SWEATERS AT COST14 pieces Assorted Styles Veiling

former prices 25 to 35c choice 15c Yd








