Gabriel Announces the Births of John and Jesus • Copy...

Gabriel Announces the Births of John and Jesus • Copy Master 1 • IV • New Testament • Set 1 • Week 1 • Lesson A 3

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Gabriel Announces the Births of John and Jesus • Copy Master 1 • IV • New Testament • Set 1 • Week 1 • Lesson A 3

4 Gabriel Announces the Births of John and Jesus • Copy Master 2 • IV • New Testament • Set 1 • Week 1 • Lesson A

Gabriel Announces the Births of John and Jesus • Copy Master 3 • IV • New Testament • Set 1 • Week 1 • Lesson A 5

1. Ask and it will be given to you; seekand you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

2. Surely I am with you always,to the very end of the age.

3. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved.

4. Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you.

5. He will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.

6. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.

6 Gabriel Announces the Births of John and Jesus • Copy Master 4 • IV • New Testament • Set 1 • Week 1 • Lesson A

Who said it? Find the correct name in the scroll held by the angel. Write the name on the line.

1. ___________________ “How can this be? I do nothave a husband.”

2. ___________________ “What an honor it is for methat the mother of my Lordhas come to visit me!”

3. ___________________ “I come to you directly fromGod. He sent me to tell youthis good news.”

4. ___________________ “How can I be sure of this?My wife and I are too old to have children.”

5. ___________________ “For nothing is impossible forGod.”

6. ___________________ “How good and kind theLord has been to me!”

Write the words from the Second Article that tell who Jesus is.

I believe in _______________ _______________ , his only _______________ , our _____________ .

What does this mean?

I believe that ______________ ______________ , true _______________ , begotten of the Father

from eternity, and also true _______________ , born of the virgin Mary, is my _______________ .

Now use some of the words you wrote on the lines above to complete the following sentences:

1. Jesus is God’s _______________ .

2. Jesus is both _______________ and _______________ .

3. Jesus is our God and _______________ .

Gabriel Announces the Births of John and Jesus • Copy Master 5 • IV • New Testament • Set 1 • Week 1 • Lesson A 7

Name _____________________________________

Announced by an Angel





Use one of the following names to answer the riddle: Elizabeth, Gabriel, Mary, or Zechariah.

I brought messages from God to two people.

I told a priest that he would not be able to speak until my words came true.

I told a young woman that she would be the mother of the Savior.

My name is ____________________________________________ .

Write three sentences about one of the remaining three names given in part one to make up yourown riddle. Write the answer to your riddle upside down at the bottom of the page. Then have aclassmate or your teacher try to solve your riddle.

8 Gabriel Announces the Births of John and Jesus • Copy Master 6 • IV • New Testament • Set 1 • Week 1 • Lesson A

Name ______________________________________

Write the Riddle

Answer: ____________________________

The Birth of John the Baptist • Copy Master 1 • IV • New Testament • Set 1 • Week 1 • Lesson B 3

Name _____________________________________

Cross out the word that makes the sentence false. Write the correct word on the line.

1. ___________________ Soon after Gabriel visited her, Elizabeth gave birth to a baby boy.

2. ___________________ The friends and relatives wanted to name the baby John.

3. ___________________ Elizabeth wrote on a writing tablet “His name is John.”

4. ___________________ Immediately Zechariah could walk again and began to praise God.

5. ___________________ All the relatives and friends were filled with anger.

6. ___________________ Zechariah told how Gabriel would prepare people’s hearts for Jesus.

7. ___________________ Zechariah said, “He has raised up a mighty Savior for us in the familyline of his servant Noah.”

8. ___________________ Zechariah said about John, “You, child, will be called a shepherd ofthe Most High.”

9. ___________________ As John grew up, he became strong in faith and love for Zechariah.

Use the words at the bottom of the page to finish the prayer below. Then use this prayer to ask Godfor help in proclaiming his Word.

Lord, help me be like _____________And tell of your great _____________

So others learn of Christ our _____________ ,Our _____________ from _____________ . Amen.

above Savior John Lord love

His Name Is John

We can obey God by beingkind to our friends.

We praise God when we sing joyfully to him in church.

We proclaim God’s Word when we tell a sad friend that Jesus loves him.

We obey God when we listen to our parents and teachers.

We praise God when we say prayers of thanks to him.

We proclaim God’s Word when we sing about God in a church choir.

We obey God by reading his Word.

We praise God by living theway he wants us to live.

We proclaim God’s Word when we tell our families what we learned in Sunday school.

We obey God when we forgive those who hurt us.

We obey God when we ignore people who need help.

We praise God when we won’t sing to him inchurch because we think singing is dumb.

We proclaim God’s Word when we are afraid to talk about Jesus because

someone might laugh at us.

We obey God when we pretend we don’t hear our parents calling us.

We praise God when we get a blessing fromhim and forget to say thank you.

We proclaim God’s Word when we are too shyto invite a friend to Sunday school.

We obey God when we daydream during sermons in church.

We proclaim God’s Word by using his name to curse and swear.

We praise God by refusing to share the thingshe has given us with other people.

We obey God when we hate people around us who are sinful.

4 The Birth of John the Baptist • Copy Master 2 • IV • New Testament • Set 1 • Week 1 • Lesson B

False SentencesTrue Sentences

The Birth of John the Baptist • Copy Master 3 • IV • New Testament • Set 1 • Week 1 • Lesson B 5

Name _____________________________________

Each day, for the next seven days, list something for which you are thanking and praising God. Youmay list a blessing that we sometimes take for granted—like sunshine or a good grade—or you maylist something that is very special or unusual. Find reasons to praise your God every day!

Day One: I am praising God for ✏ ___________________________________________________


Day Two: I am praising God for ✏ ____________________________________________________


Day Three: I am praising God for ✏ __________________________________________________


Day Four: I am praising God for ✏ ___________________________________________________


Day Five: I am praising God for ✏____________________________________________________


Day Six: I am praising God for ✏ _____________________________________________________


Day Seven: I am praising God for ✏__________________________________________________


Days of Praise

Long ago God had promised that he would senda great prophet to his people just before the Saviorhimself would come. The time had come when Godwould keep that promise. This is the way ithappened.

A certain priest named Zechariah lived at thetime when Herod was king of Judea. He and hiswife, Elizabeth, were a godly couple, true believersin the Savior, whom God had promised to send.

The one thing that made their lives sad was thatthey had no children. They had often prayed for achild, but since both of them were now quite old,they did not expect to have a child.

One day Zechariah was carrying out his duty asa priest in the temple. It was his turn to burnincense on the altar. Meanwhile, a large crowd ofworshipers was standing outside in the temple courtpraying. Suddenly an angel appeared and stood atthe right side of the altar! When Zechariah saw theangel, he was terrified!

But the angel said, “Don’t be afraid, Zechariah,for the Lord has heard your prayer. You andElizabeth will have a son. You are to name himJohn. He will be your pride and joy, and manyothers will also be glad that he was born.

“Your son will be a great man of God. He willbe filled with the Holy Spirit even before he is born.He will be a mighty prophet just like Elijah. And hewill prepare the people for the coming of theSavior.”

Zechariah asked the angel, “How can I be sureof this? My wife and I are too old to have children.”

The angel answered, “I’m Gabriel! I come toyou directly from God. He sent me to tell you thisgood news. But because you didn’t believe what Isaid, you will not be able to speak a word untilGod’s promise comes true and the child is born.”

Meanwhile, the people waiting outside weregetting restless, wondering what was keepingZechariah in the temple so long. When he finallycame out, they knew he must have seen a visionfrom God, because he kept making signs to themwith his hands and did not say a word.

When Zechariah finished serving at the temple,he went home. Soon after that Elizabeth knew shewas going to have a baby. In her happiness she said,“How good and kind the Lord has been to me!”

Six months later God sent the same angel toNazareth, a town in Galilee. This time he came to ayoung woman named Mary. Mary was engaged to


1AGabriel Announces

the Births of John and JesusLuke 1:5-56

Promises, promises,promises! People make them,and people break them.

Promises, promises,promises! If you had $10 forevery promise that’s everbeen made to you in your

lifetime, you probably would have a considerable nest eggsquirrelled away somewhere.

Promises, promises, promises! In one sense we mightsay that the entire Old Testament features just one promise:God would send the Savior into the world to redeem menfrom their sins. God’s Old Testament people waitedthousands of years for that promise to come true. And intoday’s lesson your child learned how God helpedZechariah and Mary prepare for the Savior’s coming byreminding them that his promises always come true. Wemodern-day people of God know God kept his promise. Werejoice that God sent his Son to earth to save us from oursins. Take time this week to read the Bible with yourchildren. Help your family discover all the wonderfulpromises God has made to you and all people—wonderfulpromises that always come true.


Dear God, teach me to always rejoice that you came aspromised to save us. Amen.


* John 3:16

For God so lovedthe world that he

gave his one and onlySon, that whoever believes in him shallnot perish but have eternal life.

* The Second Article of the Apostles’ Creed

I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son,our Lord, who was conceived by theHoly Spirit, born of the virgin Mary.

What does this mean?

I believe that Jesus Christ, true God,begotten of the Father from eternity, andalso true man, born of the virgin Mary, ismy Lord.

Hymn 2:1Savior of the nations, come;Virgin’s Son, make here your home.Marvel now, O heav’n and earth,That the Lord chose such a birth.

be married to a man named Joseph, but they werenot yet living together as husband and wife. BothMary and Joseph were descendants of David, thegreat king of Israel.

Gabriel said to Mary, “You are richly blessedby the Lord. The Lord is with you.”

This unusual greeting disturbed Mary. Shecould not imagine what such a greeting couldpossibly mean.

“Don’t be afraid, Mary,” the angel said, “for Godlooks kindly on you and is going to bless you in aspecial and wonderful way. You are going to have ason, and you will name him Jesus (which meansSavior). He will be great and will be called the Sonof the Most High God. He will be the great Kingwho was to come from the family of David, and hewill rule forever.”

“But how can this be?” Mary asked the angel.“I do not have a husband.”

The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit willcome to you, and the power of God will be around

you and in you. For that reason your child will beholy—the Son of God.

“And your cousin Elizabeth is going to have ason also, three months from now, even thougheverybody thinks she is too old to have children.For nothing is impossible for God.”

Then Mary said, “I am the Lord’s servant. Leteverything you’ve said happen to me.”

Soon after the angel left, Mary went to visit hercousin Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary’sgreeting, her child leaped within her. And Elizabethherself was filled with the Holy Spirit, so that sheknew things she could not know by herself.Realizing that Mary was to be the mother of theSavior, Elizabeth exclaimed, “What an honor it isfor me that the mother of my Lord has come tovisit me! When you greeted me, the baby inside mejumped for joy. Blessed are you for believing thatthe Lord will do just what he has promised you.”

Mary was so happy that she thanked God byspeaking a beautiful song of praise.

Soon after Mary had visited her,Elizabeth gave birth to a baby boy asGod had promised. When Elizabeth’srelatives and neighbors heard howGod had blessed her, they were ashappy as she was. They were gladthat God had given her a son after somany years.

When the baby was eight daysold, relatives and friends came to thehome of Zechariah and Elizabeth forthe baby’s circumcision. On this daythe child was also to be given aname. The relatives and friendswanted to name the baby Zechariahafter his father, as people often did.But Elizabeth said, “Absolutely not!His name will be John.”

“Why?” they asked. “You don’thave any relatives with that name.And parents always choose a namefrom their family for their first son.”

So they turned to the baby’sfather to see what he wanted to namehis son. Since Zechariah still couldnot speak, he motioned for a writingtablet. Everyone was astonishedwhen he wrote “His name is John.”

Immediately Zechariah was ableto speak again, and with the firstwords he spoke, he praised God. Allhis relatives and friends were filledwith awe. And everyone who lived inthe area and heard about thesestrange happenings kept talkingabout them. They asked, “What kindof a man will this child be when hegrows up?”

Then Zechariah was filled withthe Holy Spirit. The Spirit gave himthe power to proclaim (tell about) thegreat work Jesus would do to win theforgiveness of sins for all people. The


1BThe Birth of John the Baptist

Luke 1:57-69,76-80

God blessedZechariah andElizabeth so muchthrough the birth ofJohn! Yet the greatestblessing he gave themwas not their baby

but their faith in God. Your child learned today thatthis faith moved Zechariah to obey God, praisehim, and proclaim his Word.

God has blessed your family with that samefaith. As a Christian parent, you can do a great dealto help your children learn to show their faith asZechariah did. Brainstorm with your children forways your family might obey God, praise him, andproclaim his Word right within your home. Somepossibilities include:

• Obey God by being kind and helpful to eachother and studying God’s Word together.

• Praise God in family prayers of thanksgivingand by singing songs of praise.

• Proclaim God’s Word by talking with eachother about Jesus and by encouraging eachother with the promises of God’s Word.


Dear Jesus, thank you for keeping all yourpromises, especially the promise to come into theworld to be my Savior. Help me learn to use everychance you give me to obey you, praise you, andspread your Word to others. Amen.


* John 3:16

For God so loved theworld that he gave his one

and only Son, that whoever believes in him shallnot perish but have eternal life.

** Galatians 4:4,5

But when the time had fully come, God sent hisSon, born of a woman, born under law, toredeem those under law, that we might receivethe full rights of sons.

* The Second Article of the Apostles’ Creed

I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born ofthe virgin Mary.

What does this mean?

I believe that Jesus Christ, true God, begotten ofthe Father from eternity, and also true man, bornof the virgin Mary, is my Lord.

He has redeemed me, a lost and condemnedcreature, purchased and won me from all sins,from death, and from the power of the devil.

Hymn 2:1Savior of the nations, come;Virgin’s Son, make here your home.Marvel now, O heav’n and earth,That the Lord chose such a birth.

Holy Spirit moved him to say:Give praise to the Lord God of Israel!He has come to help his people and to

set them free from sin.He has raised up a mighty Savior for

us in the family line of his servantDavid.

Then he turned to his son and proclaimed thegreat work John would do to prepare people’shearts for the coming Savior:

And you, child, will be called aprophet of the Most High.

You will go ahead of the Lord toprepare the way for him.

You will make his people know theway that they are saved—throughthe forgiveness of their sins.

John grew up to become a man of strong faithwho showed his love for God. As a young man, helived in the desert until God called him to beginpreaching to the people.

Lesson AGabriel Announces the Births of John and Jesus

How did God help Zechariah andMary prepare for the Savior’scoming?

God helped Zechariah and Maryprepare for the Savior’s comingby reminding them that hispromises always come true.

Summary and ApplicationLuke 1:5-56

God sent the angel Gabriel to announce the births of Johnand Jesus. When Zechariah doubted Gabriel’s message, hewas unable to speak until after John’s birth. This was doneto remind Zechariah that the promises of the Lord cometrue. Gabriel and Elizabeth both reminded Mary of God’spromise to send a Savior, telling her that she would be themother of God’s Son. Mary trusted God’s promise.

God also wants us to trust his promises and toencourage others to do the same.

* John 3:16* Portions of the Second Article

of the Apostles’ Creed (withexplanation)

Hymn 2:1

Lesson BThe Birth of John the Baptist

How did Zechariah show his faith inGod?

Zechariah showed his faith byobeying God, praising him, andproclaiming his Word.

Summary and ApplicationLuke 1:57-69,76-80

God mercifully blessed Zechariah and Elizabeth with ason in their old age as he had promised. God enabledZechariah to prophesy that John would be the greatprophet who would prepare the hearts of the people forthe Savior.

We also show our faith by obeying God, praising him,and sharing his Word with others.

* John 3:16** Galatians 4:4,5

* Portions of the Second Articleof the Apostles’ Creed (withexplanation)

Hymn 2:1



ThemeGod prepared his people for the Savior’s coming.

Scripture TextsLesson A: Luke 1:5-56 Lesson B: Luke 1:57-69,76-80

Grades 3-4 • New Testament • Week 1 7

Preparation For Teaching

Prayer for the TeacherDear God, help me meditate on the wonderfulpromises in your Word. As I study, strengthen myfaith in your promises. Strengthen the faith of mystudents as well. Lead them to rejoice that Jesus,their Savior, came as promised, and help them seethat your promises always come true. Amen.

• Read Genesis 3:15 and Malachi 3:1; 4:5,6(Opening Devotion).

• Read the lesson in Luke 1:5-56.

• Read pages 4-13 in Franzmann, Bible HistoryCommentary, New Testament, Vol. 1. You mightalso choose to read pages xiii-3. These pages giveuseful background information about the timebetween the Old Testament and the NewTestament periods (Intertestamental Period).

• Read pages 8-16 in Prange, Luke, The People’sBible series.

• Locate Judea, Nazareth, and Galilee on a map.

Lesson Materials

• For Telling the Story: map showing Judea,Nazareth, and Galilee; or overhead transparencyof Copy Master 2S

• For Telling the Story, First-Telling Option:overhead transparencies of Copy Masters 1, 2,and 3

• For Telling the Story, Section Four,Application: overhead transparency of CopyMaster 4

Opening Devotion

Ask the children, “Do you remember the first timeyou rode a bike all by yourself? Can you think ofany other firsts in your life?” (first day of school,first time you went to a movie, first time you jumpedrope, etc.)


GoalsIt is our prayer that the child

knows this spiritual truth: Jesus is the Saviorpromised long ago in the Old Testament.

develops this spiritual attitude: Being surethat God always keeps his promises.

develops this spiritual habit: Encouragingeach other to trust in God’s promises.

How did God help Zechariah andMary prepare for the Savior’scoming?

Key Points1. God sent Gabriel to Zechariah to announce that

Zechariah and Elizabeth would have a son whowould prepare the hearts of the people for theSavior.

2. God made Zechariah unable to speak to remindhim that God’s promises always come true.

3. God sent Gabriel to tell Mary that she would bethe mother of God’s Son through the power ofthe Holy Spirit.

4. God used Gabriel and Elizabeth to remindMary that his promises always come true.

God helped Zechariah andMary prepare for the Savior’scoming by reminding themthat his promises always cometrue.

* John 3:16* Portions of the Second

Article of the Apostles’Creed (with explanation)

Hymn 2:1

Grades 3-4 • New Testament • Week 1 • Lesson A8

Week 1 Lesson A

Gabriel Announces the Births of John and Jesus

Luke 1:5-56

Scripture Readings:Genesis 3:15 and Malachi 3:1; 4:5,6Point out that Genesis 3:15 tells us about anotherfirst—the first promise of a Savior, givenimmediately after the first sin in the Garden of Eden.After reading the passage, say, “In Malachi 3:1 and4:5,6, passages from the last book of the OldTestament, God made another promise: to send aspecial prophet to prepare the hearts of the people forJesus’ coming.”

Song: Let the Earth Now Praise the LordHymn 28:1

God repeatedly promised his Old Testament peoplethat he would send the Savior. In this hymn we praiseGod for keeping that promise.

PrayerDear God, you prepared both the people of the OldTestament and the people of the New Testament forthe coming of the Savior. Now prepare our hearts toreceive the Savior with joy and thanksgiving. Use thelesson today to strengthen our faith in your promises.In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Teaching the Lesson

ReviewAsk, “Who were some of the Old Testament peopleto whom God gave the promise of a Savior?” (Adamand Eve, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, King David)

IntroductionOption 1

Tell the children, “Thousands of years passedbetween the time of the promise made in our Genesisreading and the one made in the reading fromMalachi. After the book of Malachi was written,more than 400 years passed before God decided tosend the Savior to earth. During all those years theHoly Spirit continued to help God’s people believehis promise of a Savior. Now it was time for theSavior to come!”

Option 2

Ask the children to think of a time when they had towait for something special—perhaps a new bike or afamily vacation. Ask, “How did you feel while youwaited? Did you feel that the time for the new bikeor the family vacation would never come?” Tell themthat God promised something much more wonderfulthan a new bike. He promised to send the Savior,Jesus, but waited until the time was just right.Meanwhile, he helped his people prepare for theSavior’s coming. Say, “Today you will learn howGod prepared Zechariah and Mary for the coming ofthe Savior.”

Continue, “In today’s lesson we will hearhow God made very special promises totwo people, Zechariah and Mary.”Encourage the children to listen carefullyto learn the answer to the question, Howdid God help Zechariah and Maryprepare for the Savior’s coming?

Telling the Story

Help the children locate Judea, Nazareth, and Galilee on a map as you talk about these places during yourpresentation.

First-Telling Option: As you teach the lesson, project overhead transparencies of the following teachingpictures that are provided on the copy masters indicated:

• Sections One and Two: Use Copy Master 1 (picture of Gabriel and Zechariah).

• Section Three: Use Copy Master 2 (picture of Gabriel and Mary).

• Section Four: Use Copy Master 3 (picture of Mary and Elizabeth).

Grades 3-4 • New Testament • Week 1 • Lesson A 9


send > prophet

time > keep > promise

Zechariah > Herod > king

Elizabeth > believers

(sad > no children)

prayed > old > not expect

Zechariah > duty > priest


crowd > praying

angel > altar

(Zechariah > terrified)

“Don’t > afraid

heard > prayer

son > John

(your > joy > others > glad)

Why were Elizabeth and Zechariahsad?

How did Zechariah react to theappearance of the angel?

How would many people feel whenJohn was born?

Why had God not yet given themchildren? (God’s perfect plan wasbest served by having them wait.)

Why would he feel this way? (Thesudden appearance of a supernaturalbeing would be shocking to anyone.)

send > prophet • time > keep > promise • Zechariah > Herod > king • Elizabeth > believers • (sad > nochildren) • prayed > old > not expect • Zechariah > duty > priest • incense • crowd > praying • angel >altar • (Zechariah > terrified) • “Don’t > afraid • heard > prayer • son > John • (your > joy > others >glad) • great man of God • prophet > like Elijah • (prepare > coming of > Savior”) • Zechariah > (“can > besure? > old”) • “I’m Gabriel • come > from God • sent > good news • (didn’t believe > not > speak >promise > child > born”) • restless, wondering • knew > vision • (making signs > not say a word) •Zechariah finished • went home • Elizabeth knew > baby • (“good > kind > Lord > to me!”) • Six monthslater • angel > Nazareth • young woman > Mary • engaged > Joseph • not > living together • descendants •Gabriel said > (“richly blessed • Lord > with you”) • disturbed • what > mean • “Don’t > afraid • God >bless you > wonderful way • have > son • name > Jesus • (called > Son > Most High God) • great King >from > David • rule forever” • (“how? > not > husband”) • (“Holy Spirit > come) • power > God >around > in • child > holy > Son of God • Elizabeth > son • thinks > too old • nothing is impossible >God” • (“Lord’s servant • Let everything > happen”) • visit > Elizabeth • greeting • child leaped • filled >Holy Spirit • (Realizing > mother > Savior) • “honor > visit • greeted > baby > jumped > joy • (Blessed >believing > Lord > do > promised”) • (Mary > thanked God > song of praise)

Story Events Fact Questions Penetration QuestionsSection One: Luke 1:5-17

Grades 3-4 • New Testament • Week 1 • Lesson A10

Grades 3-4 • New Testament • Week 1 • Lesson A 11

Zechariah >(“can > be sure? > old”)

“I’m Gabriel

come > from God

sent > good news

(didn’t believe > not > speak >promise > child > born”)

What did Zechariah ask?

What happened to Zechariah becausehe doubted God’s message?

What did this show about his faith?(He doubted, showing weakness offaith.)

Story Events Fact Questions Penetration QuestionsSection Two: Luke 1:18-20

Why did God send Gabriel to Zechariah?

Key PointGod sent Gabriel to Zechariah to announce that Zechariah and Elizabeth would

have a son who would prepare the hearts of the people for the Savior.


Ask, “Why is it important to you that God kept his promise to send John?”


If God had not kept this promise, we might not have been ready for the coming of Jesus our Savior. John prepared thehearts of the people of his day for the coming of the Savior; God prepares our hearts by telling us John’s message inhis saving Word.

Why did God make Zechariah unable to speak?

Key PointGod made Zechariah unable to speak to remind him that God’s promises always come true.


Have the children evaluate the following: Dad has promised to take you to a major league baseball game every yearsince you were in kindergarten, and he still hasn’t done it. You now doubt whether it’s ever going to happen. In thesame way that you might doubt that your father will keep his promise, it was okay for Zechariah to doubt that Godwould keep his promise to give Zechariah and Elizabeth a child.

Story Events Fact Questions Penetration Questions

great man of God

prophet > like Elijah

(prepare > coming of > Savior”) In what way would John be great inthe Lord’s sight?

Why then would the people be glad?(John’s birth meant that the Saviorwould be born soon.)

Story Events Fact Questions Penetration QuestionsSection Three: Luke 1:21-35

restless, wondering

knew > vision

(making signs > not say a word)

Zechariah finished

went home

Elizabeth knew > baby

(“good > kind > Lord > to me!”)

Six months later

angel > Nazareth

young woman > Mary

engaged > Joseph

not > living together


Gabriel said >(“richly blessed Lord > with you”)


what > mean

“Don’t > afraid

God > bless you > wonderful way

have > son

name > Jesus

(called > Son > Most High God)

great King > from > David

rule forever”

(“how? > not > husband”)

How did the people realize thatZechariah had seen a vision?

What did Elizabeth say?

How did the angel Gabriel greetMary?

Whose son would the child be?

What question did Mary ask?

What does this show about her faith?(Her faith was strong.)

In what way was Mary “richlyblessed”? (She was chosen to be themother of the Savior.)

What does this tell us about what thischild would be? (He would be bothGod and man.)

Grades 3-4 • New Testament • Week 1 • Lesson A12


Lead the children to understand that sinful human beings do not always carry out their promises faithfully. However,our perfect God always does. Zechariah had no reason to doubt God. Neither do we.

Grades 3-4 • New Testament • Week 1 • Lesson A 13

Story Events Fact Questions Penetration Questions

(“Holy Spirit > come)

power > God > around > in

child > holy > Son of God

Who would make it possible forMary to have a son?

Why did God send Gabriel to Mary?

Key PointGod sent Gabriel to tell Mary that she would be the mother of God’s Son

through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Story Events Fact Questions Penetration QuestionsSection Four: Luke 1:36-56

“Elizabeth > son

thinks > too old

nothing is impossible > God”

(“Lord’s servantLet everything > happen”)

visit > Elizabeth


child leaped

filled > Holy Spirit

(Realizing > mother > Savior)

“honor > visit

greeted > baby > jumped > joy

(Blessed > believing > Lord >do > promised”)

(Mary > thanked God > song ofpraise)

How did Mary respond to Gabriel’snews?

What did Elizabeth realize?

What did Mary believe?

How did Mary show her joy?

How was Mary’s response differentfrom Zechariah’s? (Mary trustedGod’s Word; Zechariah doubted it.)

How could she know this truth? (Godrevealed it to her.)

Why did she praise and thank God?(because she believed that she was tobe the mother of the Savior)

How did God use Gabriel and Elizabeth to help prepare Mary for the Savior’s coming?

Key PointGod used Gabriel and Elizabeth to remind Mary that his promises always come true.

Grades 3-4 • New Testament • Week 1 • Lesson A14


Say, “As God used Elizabeth to remind Mary of God’s promises, he also gives us opportunities to encourage others totrust God’s Word. How would you encourage the people in the following situations?

• A friend says, ‘Praying is useless! God isn’t giving me what I want.’

• Your mother is sad because her uncle, who was a Christian, has died.”


Project an overhead transparency of Copy Master 4 if the children need ideas. However, they may offer other goodexamples as well. Possible answers:

• Tell your friend God’s promise in Matthew 7:7: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knockand the door will be opened to you.” Remind your friend that even though God always answers our prayers, hedoes not always give us what we ask for, but he always gives us what is best for us.

• Tell your mother God’s promise in John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, thatwhoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Remind her that her uncle was a Christian—hebelieved in his Savior—therefore, he is living in eternal joy. That assurance can give your mother joy also.

Lesson Summary

How did God help Zechariah andMary prepare for the Savior’scoming?

Key Points1. God sent Gabriel to Zechariah to announce that

Zechariah and Elizabeth would have a son whowould prepare the hearts of the people for theSavior.

2. God made Zechariah unable to speak to remindhim that God’s promises always come true.

3. God sent Gabriel to tell Mary that she would bethe mother of God’s Son through the power of theHoly Spirit.

4. God used Gabriel and Elizabeth to remind Marythat his promises always come true.

God helped Zechariah and Maryprepare for the Savior’s comingby reminding them that hispromises always come true.

Application God also wants us to trust his promises and toencourage others to do the same.

* John 3:16For God so loved the world that hegave hi1s one and only Son, thatwhoever believes in him shall notperish but have eternal life.

Just as God prepared Zechariah and Mary for thecoming of the Savior, he prepares our hearts for theSavior by telling us the good news that Jesus came toearth to save all people. Be sure the childrenunderstand “perish.”

* The Second Article of the Apostles’ Creed I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, whowas conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virginMary.

What does this mean?I believe that Jesus Christ, true God, begotten of theFather from eternity, and also true man, born of thevirgin Mary, is my Lord.

Have the children find the Apostles’ Creed in theirhymnals (page 19). Explain that when we say thecreed, we are saying what we believe to be trueabout God. Then tell the children that theexplanation helps us understand this part of theSecond Article of the creed. The words of the firstparagraph tell us who Jesus is. He is true God andalso Mary’s son, true man.

Hymn 2:1Savior of the nations, come;Virgin’s Son, make here your home.Marvel now, O heav’n and earth,That the Lord chose such a birth.

In this hymn we “marvel” (are amazed) that Godchose such a humble, lowly way to be born.

Grades 3-4 • New Testament • Week 1 • Lesson A 15


Song/PrayerRedeemer, come! I open wideMy heart to you; here, Lord, abide!Oh, enter with your saving grace;Show me your kind and friendly face.Your Holy Spirit guide us onUntil our glorious goal is won.Eternal praise and fameWe offer to your name. Amen. (hymn 3:5)

Lesson Activities1. Cognitive Activities: Use Copy Master 5 and/orCopy Master 6 to review the facts of the lesson andreinforce understanding of the Second Articlememory treasure. The answers are as follows:

Copy Master 5Part One: 1. Mary; 2. Elizabeth; 3. Gabriel;4. Zechariah; 5. Gabriel; 6. ElizabethPart Two: Jesus, Christ, Son, Lord, Jesus, Christ,God, man, LordPart Three: 1. Son; 2. God, man; 3. Lord

Copy Master 6Part One: GabrielPart Two: Answers will vary.

2. Bible Study Activity: Help the children learnhow to use their Bibles. Show them where the OldTestament books begin and end. Remind them thatduring Old Testament times God’s people werewaiting for the Savior to come. Then show themwhere the New Testament books begin and end.Remind them that in the New Testament God tells usabout the life of Jesus and about the early Christianchurch. Help them find today’s lesson in the book ofLuke. Encourage them to read the lesson at homewith their parents.

3. Discussion Activity: Say, “God used Gabriel tobring the good news that the Savior would soon beborn. Who are some of the messengers that God usesto tell us about our Savior?” (pastors, teachers,parents, staff ministers) Ask the children to agree ordisagree with this sentence: “Children can bemessengers for God—but only to other children.”(Children can share God’s promises with anyone.God gave his Great Commission [Matthew 28:19,20]to all Christians.)

4. Discussion Activity: Project an overheadtransparency of Copy Master 4. Brainstorm with thechildren to name real-life situations where they couldencourage themselves or family members with God’spromises. For example, when a child is feeling verylonesome, thinking about promise number 2, “SurelyI am with you always, to the very end of the age,”could be encouraging.

5. Writing Activity: Give each child a copy ofCopy Master 1, 2, or 3. Then have each childpretend to be one of the people on the copy master(Gabriel, Zechariah, Elizabeth, or Mary) and writeabout the event that is shown in that picture. Forexample, a child who has Copy Master 2 (picture ofGabriel and Mary) could begin with the following:“My name is Mary. One day an amazing thinghappened to me. I was in a room by myself whensuddenly an angel appeared! . . .” Have the childrentape their stories to the bottom of their pictures.

6. Art Activity: Tell the children that throughout themany years that people waited for the promisedSavior, he was referred to by different names. Givethe children the following instructions: “In themiddle of a sheet of paper write, ‘You will name himJesus.’ Then look in your Bible for as many othernames of Jesus as you can find. Make a poster bywriting the names of Jesus all over the paper. Youmay use different kinds of letters and color them withcrayons, markers, or colored pencils. Make yourposter as attractive as you can. If you wish, make aborder for your poster.” (Some places to look in theBible are Luke 1; Matthew 1:20-25; Isaiah 9:6.)

7. Music Activities:

• If you have a recording of Bach’s “Magnificat”(Mary’s song of praise), play a brief portion ofthis splendid piece for your children as theywork at their activities.

• Have the children sing Mary’s song of praise(Magnificat) as it is set to music in the hymnal,page 57.

8. Parent Activity: Ask the children to sharecustoms that they and their families observe as theyprepare to celebrate Christ’s birth. Have the childrenask their parents how these customs began and whythey observe them. Have the children discuss howthese customs remind them that God kept hispromise to send the Savior.

Grades 3-4 • New Testament • Week 1 • Lesson B16

Preparation for Teaching

Prayer for the TeacherDear Lord, thank you for coming to earth as ourSavior. Guide me as I prepare and teach this lesson.Bless me and the children entrusted to my care sothat we grow in faith and in praising you with ourwords and actions. Amen.

• Read Luke 1:46-50,54,55 (Opening Devotion).

• Read the lesson in Luke 1:57-69,76-80.

• Read pages 16-18 in Franzmann, Bible HistoryCommentary, New Testament, Vol. 1.

• Read pages 16-19 in Prange, Luke, The People’sBible series.

Lesson Materials• For Review: pictures of the announcements of

John’s and Jesus’ births transferred to overheadtransparencies (use Copy Masters 1, 2, and 3from Lesson 1A)

• For Telling the Story, First-Telling Options:sheet of paper with the words “His name is John”written on it (representing the tablet on whichZechariah wrote); audiocassette player and taperecording of a man reading the words ofZechariah’s song of praise from the student lesson

Opening DevotionScripture Reading: Luke 1:46-50,54,55These are selected verses from the song of praiseMary spoke after she found out she was to be themother of the Savior.

Song: Let Us All with Gladsome VoiceHymn 64:1,2

In this hymn we, like Mary, praise the God of heavenfor the joy we will have in heaven because of his Son.

PrayerDear Lord, thank you for coming to earth as ourSavior. Make our faith strong as we study yourWord. Help us praise you in all that we think, say,and do. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

The Birth of John the Baptist


GoalsIt is our prayer that the child

knows this spiritual truth: Faith leads us topraise God with our words and actions.

develops this spiritual attitude: Beingthankful to the Holy Spirit, who strengthensour faith and inspires our praise.

develops this spiritual habit: Praising God forsending our Savior Jesus to earth, and tellingothers about him.

How did Zechariah show his faith inGod?

Key Points1. Zechariah obeyed God by naming his child


2. Zechariah praised God for the great work Jesuswould do to win the forgiveness of sins.

3. Zechariah told about the work John would doto prepare the people for the Savior.

Zechariah showed his faith byobeying God, praising him,and proclaiming his Word.

* John 3:16** Galatians 4:4,5* Portions of the Second

Article of the Apostles’Creed (with explanation)

Hymn 2:1

Luke 1:57-69,76-80

Week 1 Lesson B

Grades 3-4 • New Testament • Week 1 • Lesson B 17

Teaching the Lesson

ReviewOn an overhead projector, show the picture (CopyMaster 1, Lesson 1A) of the announcement of John’sbirth. Then ask:

• Why had God sent Gabriel to Zechariah? (toannounce that Zechariah and Elizabeth wouldhave a son)

• Why did God make Zechariah unable to speak?(When Zechariah doubted the angel, God decidedto remind him that God’s words come true.)

Show the picture (Copy Master 2, Lesson 1A) ofGabriel announcing Jesus’ birth. Ask:

• How would it be possible for Mary to be able tohave this special child? (The Holy Spirit wouldcome to her, and the power of God would bearound and in her.)

Show the picture (Copy Master 3, Lesson 1A) ofElizabeth and Mary. Ask:

• How did God use Elizabeth to help Mary? (Godused Elizabeth to remind Mary that his promisesalways come true.)

IntroductionOption 1Remind the children that at first Zechariah doubtedGabriel’s message that he and Elizabeth would havea son. Then ask, “Who wants believers to doubt

God’s promises?” (Satan) “What did God do toZechariah to remind him to trust in God?” (made himunable to speak)

Option 2Ask the children to imagine the following:

For years you have wanted a new bike. Your parentshave told you, “We’ll buy you a new bike when thetime is right.” But they’ve been saying that for threeyears, and you still do not have a bike.

Ask, “How could you show your parents that youtrusted their promise?” (not whine and complain, buttrust that they will give you a bike when it is best foryou—maybe for your next birthday)

Remind the children that even though they usuallymay be able to trust their parents to keep theirpromises, parents do not always do so—after all,parents are sinful human beings. Then assure thechildren that we can always trust God to keep hispromises. Continue by asking, “What gift did Godpromise Zechariah and Elizabeth?” (a son) Say, “Inour lesson today we’ll hear how God kept thatpromise.”

Tell the class that in today’s lesson wewill hear how Zechariah’s doubt turned tojoy. Ask the children to listen carefully tolearn the answer to the question, How didZechariah show his faith in God?

Telling the Story

First-Telling Options:

• In Section One, when you tell the children about the friends and relatives who asked Zechariah to namethe baby, hold up a sheet of paper with the words “His name is John” written on it. Use this sheet ofpaper to represent the tablet on which Zechariah wrote John’s name. When you first show the childrenthis “tablet,” cover the word John with your hand. Then uncover it as you share the rest of Zechariah’swords.

• To add variety as you tell Sections Two and Three, play a tape recording of a man reading the wordsof Zechariah’s song, rather than speaking the words yourself. Encourage the children to close their eyesand imagine Zechariah speaking these words.

Grades 3-4 • New Testament • Week 1 • Lesson B18

How did Zechariah show his obedience to God?

Key PointZechariah obeyed God by naming his child John.


Tell the children to think about Zechariah’s obedience. Ask, “If God walked up to you and told you to do the dishesfor your mother, would you do it? Why or why not?”

Mary > visited

Elizabeth > boy

relatives > neighbors > happy

(glad > God > given > after >years)

eight days > relatives > friends >circumcision

given > name

wanted > name > Zechariah

(Elizabeth > “John”)

“Why? > relatives > name

always > from > family”

turned > father > name > son

not speak > tablet

astonished > wrote >(“John”)

Why were they happy?

What did Elizabeth say the childshould be called?

What did Zechariah write that thechild’s name should be?

What did John’s birth show themabout God and his promises? (He isloving and kind and keeps hispromises.)

Why did she say this? (because Godhad told Zechariah and Elizabeth thatthis was to be the child’s name)

Why did this surprise everyone? (Noone in the family was named John.)

Story Events Fact Questions Penetration QuestionsSection One: Luke 1:57-63


Mary > visited • Elizabeth > boy • relatives > neighbors > happy • (glad > God > given > after > years) •eight days > relatives > friends > circumcision • given > name • wanted > name > Zechariah • (Elizabeth >“John”) • “Why? > relatives > name • always > from > family” • turned > father > name > son • notspeak > tablet • astonished > wrote > (“John”) • Zechariah > speak • (praised God) • relatives > friends >awe • kept talking • (“What > man > be > grows up?”) • Holy Spirit > power > proclaim > work Jesus >do > forgiveness • “praise > God • (come > help > set > free > sin) • raised > Savior > family > David” •turned > proclaimed > work John > do • “child > prophet > Most High • prepare • (make > people know >saved > forgiveness”) • grew > strong faith > love • lived > desert

Grades 3-4 • New Testament • Week 1 • Lesson B 19

Story Events Fact Questions Penetration QuestionsSection Two: Luke 1:64-69

Zechariah > speak

(praised God)

relatives > friends > awe

kept talking

(“What > man > be > growsup?”)

Holy Spirit > power > proclaim >work Jesus > do > forgiveness

“praise > God

(come > help > set > free > sin)

raised > Savior > family > David”

What did Zechariah do as soon as hecould speak?

What did everyone who heard aboutthese strange happenings wonder?

Why did Jesus come into the world?

What kind of man would this specialchild turn out to be? (He would be aprophet who would prepare the wayfor the Savior.)

Why would Zechariah praise God forthis? (Because Jesus came to takeaway his sins, he would be able to goto heaven.)

Why did Zechariah praise God?

Key PointZechariah praised God for the great work Jesus would do to win the forgiveness of sins.


Say, “Give examples of ways you can use the parts of your body to thank and praise God.”


We can use our eyes to read God’s Word, to see ways to help others, and to read the hymns we sing; ears to hearGod’s Word and to listen to others; voices to tell others about their Savior, to sing hymns, and to say prayers; andhands to help others, to do work at church, and to write a prayer or hymn.


Most children would probably say yes. Discuss the children’s reasons for either a yes or a no answer. Then ask them ifthey would answer differently if their mother told them to do the dishes. Lead them to understand that by obeyingGod, Zechariah was showing his faith in God and his thankfulness for what God had done for him. Likewise, whenwe obey those whom God has placed over us, we are obeying God himself. So obeying those whom God has placedover us (our parents) is one way we have of showing our faith in God and our thanks for what he has done for usthrough Jesus.

Grades 3-4 • New Testament • Week 1 • Lesson B20

Lesson Summary

How did Zechariah show his faith inGod?

Key Points1. Zechariah obeyed God by naming his child John.

2. Zechariah praised God for the great work Jesuswould do to win the forgiveness of sins.

3. Zechariah told about the work John would do toprepare the people for the Savior.

Zechariah showed his faith byobeying God, praising him,and proclaiming his Word.

Application We also show our faith by obeying God,praising him, and sharing his Word with others.

* John 3:16For God so loved the world that hegave his one and only Son, thatwhoever believes in him shall notperish but have eternal life.

This passage tells the wonderful news we need toproclaim to others: Jesus came to earth to take awayour sins.

** Galatians 4:4,5But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son,born of a woman, born under law, to redeem thoseunder law, that we might receive the full rights of sons.

Story Events Fact Questions Penetration QuestionsSection Three: Luke 1:76-80

turned > proclaimed > work John >do

“child > prophet > Most High


(make > people know > saved >forgiveness”)

grew > strong faith > love

lived > desert

What work would John do? What promises was God keeping bysending John? (He was keeping hispromise to Zechariah to give him ason. He was also keeping his OldTestament promise that he wouldsend a prophet to prepare the Savior’sway.)

How did Zechariah show his joy and appreciation for his son, John?

Key PointZechariah told about the work John would do to prepare the people for the Savior.


Have the children tell of times when they told someone about the Savior.


Possible responses include reading a Bible story to a younger child and telling a friend about Jesus. Encourage thechildren to tell others about the Savior—informally in their daily lives and formally (class singing in church, schoolpresenting a special service).

This passage reminds us that when the time was right,God kept his promise to send his Son to save us.

* The Second Article of the Apostles’ CreedI believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, whowas conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virginMary.

What does this mean? I believe that Jesus Christ, true God, begotten of theFather from eternity, and also true man, born of thevirgin Mary, is my Lord.

He has redeemed me, a lost and condemned creature,purchased and won me from all sins, from death, andfrom the power of the devil.

Tell the children that the sentence beginning with thewords “He has redeemed me” tells what Jesusredeemed us (bought us back) from. Without Jesus’redemption, we would be under the devil’s completecontrol and would spend eternity in hell. Inthankfulness for Jesus’ redemption we obey God,praise him, and proclaim his Word.

Hymn 2:1Savior of the nations, come;Virgin’s Son, make here your home.Marvel now, O heav’n and earth,That the Lord chose such a birth.

In this hymn we “marvel” (are amazed) that Godchose such a humble, lowly way to be born.


Option 1: PrayerDear Jesus, thank you for keeping all your promises,especially the promise to come into the world to bemy Savior. Help me show my faith in you by usingevery chance you give me to obey you, praise you,and spread your Word to others. Amen.

Option 2: Silent Prayer/SongAsk the children to think of a special blessing Godhas given them. Then have them say their own silentprayers in which they show their faith by obeyingGod, praising him, and proclaiming his Word. Afterthey finish their silent prayers, have them sing thehymn 2:1 memory treasure.

Lesson Activities1. Cognitive Activity: Use Copy Master 1 toreview the facts and truth of the lesson. The answersare as follows:

Part One: 1. Gabriel, Mary; 2. John, Zechariah;3. Elizabeth, Zechariah; 4. walk, talk/speak;5. anger, awe/wonder; 6. Gabriel, John; 7. Noah,David; 8. shepherd, prophet; 9. Zechariah, God

Part Two: John, love, Lord, Savior, above

2. Bible Reading Activity: Help the children findtoday’s lesson in their Bibles and encourage them toread it at home, perhaps as part of their familydevotion. You might wish to read some verses ofZechariah’s song (Luke 1:68-79) responsively withyour class.

3. Discussion Activity: Have the children agree ordisagree with this statement: “Believers show theirfaith by obeying God, so if someone disobeys God’scommands, it means that person is an unbeliever.”

During the discussion, emphasize the following:

• Believers do show their faith by obeying God.However, believers are still sinful and willsometimes disobey God’s commands (even inweakness repeating the same sin).

• A person who keeps disobeying God in adefiant way is an unbeliever. God wants us towarn such people of their judgment and to stayaway from them so they don’t lead us into sin.

4. Game: (Note: This game works best if there areat least ten children in your class.) Play “human tic-tac-toe” to help the children see ways they can showtheir faith and thank God by obeying him, praisinghim, and proclaiming his Word. To prepare:

• Cut apart the sentences on Copy Master 2 andplace them in a small bag.

• Set up nine chairs in a square (3 rows of 3) tomake the tic-tac-toe “board.”

• Draw a large X on each of five sheets ofconstruction paper and a large O on five othersheets.

• Divide your class into two teams, giving thefirst five children on one team the X papers andthe first five on the other team the Os.

Have a child from one team begin by drawing asentence from the bag, reading the sentence aloudand telling if it is true or false. If the child answerscorrectly, he chooses a seat in the tic-tac-toe grid,holding his X or O card so it can be seen by all. If thechild answers incorrectly, that child’s team forfeits itsturn. Repeat this procedure with a child from the

Grades 3-4 • New Testament • Week 1 • Lesson B 21

Grades 3-4 • New Testament • Week 1 • Lesson B22

other team. Continue alternating until one team winsby placing three Xs or Os in a row vertically,horizontally, or diagonally.

5. Writing Activity: Have the children use CopyMaster 3 to keep a diary of praise for one week.Explain that just as Zechariah thankfully praised Godfor his goodness, we too can thank God by praisinghim for all the wonderful things he does for us. Adiary such as this one can help remind us to praiseGod every day.

6. Art/Evangelism Activity: Have the childrenmake wordless books they can use to proclaim God’sWord to the people around them. Have them makeeach page of their books out of a half sheet of 9" x12" construction paper. For a variation, cut the pagesof the book in the shape of a heart. Add a cover withthe title “The Story of God’s Love.” Include thefollowing pages:

• Page one: green (God made a beautiful, perfectworld.)

• Page two: green with dark scribbles on it (Manbrought sin and death into this world, and nowwe all deserve to go to hell.)

• Page three: red (Jesus paid for our sins with hisblood when he died on the cross.)

• Page four: white (Jesus won the victory overdeath when he rose from the dead. Now all oursins are washed away; we are clean.)

• Page five: gold or yellow (We will wear crownsof gold in the perfect world of heaven.)

Teach the children the meaning of each color, andhave them practice telling the story of salvationusing their books. Then encourage them to use theirbooks to tell the story of salvation to friends andfamily members who do not know about Jesus.

7. Bible Study/Art Activity: Read Luke 1:78,79with the children. Ask, “Who is the ‘rising sun’?”(Jesus) “How is Jesus like a rising sun?” (In theBible, sin and eternal death are often referred to as“darkness.” By coming to save us, Jesus took awaythe darkness of sin and death, just as the rising sungets rid of the darkness of night.) Have each childdraw and color a large rising sun on a sheet of artpaper. Each should print the words of Luke 1:78,79on the rays of the sun.

8. Music Activity: Sing hymn 276, “Praise Be tothe Lord” (the Song of Zechariah). This hymn iswritten as a chant. Before singing the hymn, teachthe children how to sing the words that are writtenunder the reciting tones and how to follow thenumbered verses.