G321 thriller genre


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Transcript of G321 thriller genre

Page 1: G321 thriller genre

In this thriller movie poster there is a lot of darkness and shadowing. This fits in with the thriller genre by creating a sense of uncertainty with a dark theme. However there is a patch of light in the clouds, which suggests that the ‘storm’ might be clearing and the situation might be coming to an end or improving. This is counteracted though by the use of floodlights at each stage, this is showing that for it to be a brighter place there is still work to do. The man in the middle (Jigsaw) is a lot bigger than what a person should be; this suggests a mechanical, ruthless, cruel, emotionless way about the character. Because he is built in stages it takes away his human side, it literally takes away all of his organs and blood flow which are the keys to human survival. But not only this it is taking away any compassion and emotion that a human could possibly have, this intern could lead to a very evil cruel character. It also coveys conception; the figure in the middle looks like a human man from the outside but if you look closer you can see all the constructed metal which relates back to being cold and emotionless. All of this links in to the typical thriller genre as it is quite possible there will be a psychotic character in the film and this means it is highly like to also involve detectives and victims. There is a lot of construction work on Jigsaw, sparks and flames are seen throughout the depth of the poster which gives the impression that this building/mechanical work will be quite important and there maybe more to it further in the story line. This ‘machine’ being trapped within a human could convey a sense of isolation from other people like him. This isolation and entrapment are typical thriller themes A long shot is used to show us the back ground whilst setting the scene and location. We can see to the right that there are factories, which indicates a town or city. However slightly behind this we can see a skyscraper, which makes it more likely to be a city this fits in with the thriller conventions as in a city you would have a lot of streetlamps, confined spaces and shadows, this is typical iconography. The w on the word ‘saw’ is bigger than the other letters, which drags out the end of the wordthis is onomatopia as you actually then think of something that is painful. The words ‘the final chapter’ connote the end and a conclusion. There is an element of mystery with in the phrase as it leaves you wondering what will happen. The Title of the film stands out against the dark background which makes it more dominant than the phrase which blends into the back ground. In the middle ground we can see a crane and in the background we can see helicopters bringing building supplies, this suggests that there is someone helping or controlling the work.

Page 2: G321 thriller genre

The title of this film is ‘world war z’ it suggests just from the name that there is going to be a lot of fighting and action which willlead to death, this is a typical thriller narrative. The z is in red which makes is stand out from the rest of the text and makes you wonder what it could stand for, possibly zombies or some for of disease. At the top of the poster is the name of the staring actor (Brad Pitt) this helps to sell the movie, as he is a well-known popular actor and his presence in the film leads you to believe that it will be a big hit! The character looks like an average guy however he is carrying a gun which helps to support the image of war and revenge. It could possibly make him a psycho, assassin or criminal. The gun would normally suggest that he is a criminal but in a war it is expected you would have guns, this helps develop the thriller, it leads you on to think about who he is using it against. It more likely he is just a civilian trying to protect him self. This is also suggested by his casual clothing; if he was wearing protective clothing it would suggest that he was possibly in the army or special forces, but because his clothes are so plain it is more likely that he is just trying to protect him self in a bad situation. The city looks dark and shadowy which conforms to the typical thriller iconography but the sky is still bright which suggests it isn’t all hopeless and possibly things will be okay. However it still isn’t that clear as the fog or smoke is rolling in. A lot of the city is covered by smoke, which isn’t usual; this is probably due to the burning buildings that we can see. At the top of the poster and in the background we can see helicopters, this suggests that it is a really important event as help is being flown in. They are all heading towards the city which seems of great importance. All of this is typical in a thriller movie. The theme of the film could be isolation, entrapment, revenge, gain or voyeurism. This is because in a war people are often isolated from loved ones, trapped in a hostile environment, traveling to a safe location or wanting to take revenge on the enemy. This entrapment and isolation is portrayed by the man being stuck on the roof of a building, we assume he is alone. He is looking down on burning buildings which suggests that this is the only place he can go for the moment which is safe. The view we have of the character is from the back which suggest that maybe someone is watching him. This camera angel however also allows you to see things from the characters point of view. A sense of isolation is also created as the city goes on for miles and miles yet he is the only person in sight,

Page 3: G321 thriller genre

Automatically this poster makes your heart race a little as the camera angle shows the long drop from the ledge to the ground. It puts you in the position of the character as if you were about to step of and plummet to the ground.Usually if there is a shot of someone looking down on people it shows their power an authority but in this case we are looking down on the man, looking down which makes him seem vulnerable and unprotected. The character could possibly be psychotic as most sane people don’t go and stand on the ledge of buildings looking like they are going to walk of and take a trip down with gravity. He is also clearly isolated as he is the only one up there looking down on hundreds of people. The title of the film is clearly displayed ‘man on a ledge’. Along with the image, the title doesn’t give anything more away about the film other than the obvious, a man being on a ledge. At the top of the poster there is some subtext that makes you wonder how the man actually got into the situation, was he being blackmailed and needed a way out? Is he just suicidal? Or is there more too is? Either way the image has a typical thriller narrative of death (most likely suicide) Overall the colours on the image are quite dark, this portrays the typical iconography of a thriller film along with the confined space if the ledge. However in the jam-packed street below we can see some yellow cabs, this helps to give us some idea of the setting for the film. It suggests the film is set in America with typical New York yellow cabs and all the tall building blocks. The character is holding on to the building which suggests that he doesn’t really want to be in this situation but has come to the conclusion that it is the only way t escape the situation he has gotten into. The dark eerie windows in the buildings opposite him create a sense that he is being watched or that something is lurking in the darkness waiting to get him. In the foreground are names and pictures of other people staring in the film, this helps to promote the film by quickly showing a few of the cast members. If people like the actors they are more likely to watch the film. This is a very basic but effective poster, it gives you just enough information as to what the film could be about but no where near enough to actually guess what will happen.

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