Fzi Karlsruhe - Social Applications In The Cloud

Social Applications in the Cloud OpenSocial and Google App Engine


Talk at FZI Karlsruhe about OpenSocial and Google App Engine.Titel:"Social Applications in the Cloud: OpenSocial and Google App Engine"Abstract:OpenSocial is an open specification defining a common API that works on many different social websites, including MySpace, Plaxo, Hi5, Ning, orkut, Salesforce.com and LinkedIn, among others. This allows developers to learn one API, then write a social application for any of those sites: Learn once, write anywhere.In addition, in order to make it easier for developers of social sites to implement the API and make their site an OpenSocial container, the Apache project Shindig provides reference implementations for OpenSocial containers in two languages (Java, PHP). Shindig defines a language specific Service Provider Interface (SPI) that a social site can implement to connect Shindig to People, Persistence and Activities backend services for the social site. Shindig will then expose these services as OpenSocial JavaScript and REST APIs.In this talk, we will explain what OpenSocial is, show examples of OpenSocial containers and applications, demonstrate how to create an OpenSocial application, and explain how to leverage Apache Shindig in order to implement an OpenSocial container.Simple OpenSocial applications can be built without any server side logic, leveraging the OpenSocial persistence API. For more complex applications requiring server side logic, many developers choose to use their own server. As their applications spread virally and become more successful, these developers end up spending most of their time making their applications scale instead of adding new features.Cloud computing services can provide a solution to these problems. We will explain how to build an OpenSocial application with server side business logic, on top of Google App Engine, a Cloud Computing service exposing Google's scalable infrastructure (GFS, BigTable) to developers.We will discuss how to use the Django web framework with the datastore API provided by Google App Engine to build scalable OpenSocial web applications with minimal fuss.

Transcript of Fzi Karlsruhe - Social Applications In The Cloud

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Social Applications in the CloudOpenSocial and Google App Engine

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Google APIs Evangelist: Patrick Chanezon

Paris - San FranciscoAPI Evangelist - OpenSocialCheckout, AdWordsSoftware plumberJava geek… in scripting rehab: Ruby, JavaScript, PHP, PythonOpen Source: ROME, AdWords (Java, C#, Ruby)Sun: Blogs, Portals, eCommerceNetscape/AOL: LDAP, Calendar, App Servers, CMS, MyNetscape (RSS)More on my blog http://wordpress.chanezon.com

Links and slides at http://del.icio.us/chanezon/

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Google APIsOpenSocial IntroductionHow to build OpenSocial ApplicationsOpenSocial Containers Becoming an OpenSocial containerCloud ComputingGoogle App EngineOpenSocial and Google App EngineSummary

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Google APIs

Why are we doing do it?Our mission: “Organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful”

We can’t organize it all ourselves14 Google APIs on http://code.google.com… and counting!

Google Data API

Calendar API

Maps APIAdWords APIBlogger APIData APIsDesktop SDKEarth (KML)

Enterprise APIs Homepage APIRelated LinksSitemapsTalk (XMPP)Toolbar APIWeb Search API

(Circa November 2006, Mainz)

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Google APIs

Why are we doing do it?Our mission: “Organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful”

We can’t organize it all ourselves32 Google APIs on http://code.google.com… and counting!

Checkout APIData API

8 servicesMaps APIAdWords APIAjax Search APIAjax Feed APIDesktop SDK

Enterprise APIs Homepage APIYouTube APISitemapsTalk (XMPP)Toolbar APIGoogle Web Toolkit…

(Circa May 2007, Buenos Aires)

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Google APIs

Why are we doing do it?Our mission: “Organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful”

We can’t organize it all ourselves37 Google APIs on http://code.google.com/apis… and counting!

Checkout APIData API

8 servicesMaps APIAdWords APIAjax Search APIAjax Feed APIDesktop SDK

Enterprise APIs Homepage APIYouTube APISitemapsTalk (XMPP)Toolbar APIGoogle Web Toolkit…

(Circa September 2007, San Francisco)

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Google APIs Today (July 2008, Karlsruhe)

var window = new Object();load('http://code.google.com/js/codesite_product_dictionary.js');print(window['CODESITE_productDictionary'].products.keys.length);62

Including 4 Platforms

Why are we doing do it?Our mission (it has not changed): “Organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful”

We can’t organize it all ourselvesN Google APIs on http://code.google.com/apis… and counting!I had to modify my script since april: http://wordpress.chanezon.com/?p=60

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Making the web betterby making it social

What does social mean?

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What does Social mean?

Eliette what do you do with your friends?

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This work by Eliette Chanezon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

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This work by Eliette Chanezon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

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This work by Eliette Chanezon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

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This work by Eliette Chanezon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

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This work by Eliette Chanezon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

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Raoul: a social object for Charlotte (3 year old)

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Jaiku’s Jyri Engeström's 5 rules for social networks: social objects

1. What is your object?2. What are your verbs?3. How can people share the objects? 4. What is the gift in the invitation?5. Are you charging the publishers or the spectators?http://tinyurl.com/yus8gw

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How do we socialize objects online

without having to create yet another social network?

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Standards create markets: Hal Varian

OpenSocial is a straightforward application of chapters 8 and 9 of his 1998 book "Information Rules"“Standards change competition for a market to competition within a market”

Network EffectsLock-In and Switching CostsStandards

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A common API for social applications across multiple web sites

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OpenSocial Foundation

OpenSocial Foundationhttp://opensocial.org/Keep the specification open

Specifications discussed in public forumSpec evolves using an open source community process

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OpenSocial Containers

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OpenSocial Numbers

88 days old275,000,000 users66,000,000 installs2,000+ apps20,000 developers10,000,000 daily app users

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Why should you care about OpenSocial?

Developers: Distribution >275 Million users

Containers: Features

Users: More applications

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This work by Eliette Chanezon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

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This work by Eliette Chanezon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

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This work by Eliette Chanezon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

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A standard for everyone

This work by Eliette Chanezon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

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How To Build OpenSocial Applications - Chris Schalk

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OpenSocial Client API

JavaScript - version 0.7 productionStandard Web development technologies

HTML + JavascriptCan integrate with 3rd party server

REST ServicesBased on Atom publishing protocolAtomPub and JSON

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OpenSocial JavaScript API

People & Friends Access friends information programmatically

ActivitiesSee what you’re friends are up toShare what you are doing

PersistenceProvide state without a serverShare data with your friends

The core OpenSocial Services include

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People & Friends ExampleRequesting friend Info

function getFriendData() { var req = opensocial.newDataRequest(); req.add(req.newFetchPersonRequest(VIEWER), 'viewer'); req.add(req.newFetchPeopleRequest(VIEWER_FRIENDS), 'viewerFriends'); req.send(onLoadFriends);}

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People & Friends Example

function onLoadFriends(resp) { var viewer = resp.get('viewer').getData(); var viewerFriends = resp.get('viewerFriends').getData(); var html = 'Friends of ' + viewer.getDisplayName() + ‘:<br><ul>’; viewerFriends.each(function(person) { html += '<li>' + person.getDisplayName()+'</li>';}); html += '</ul>'; document.getElementById('friends').innerHTML = html;}

Callback function for returned friend data

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Activities Example

function postActivity(text) { var params = {}; params[opensocial.Activity.Field.TITLE] = text; var activity = opensocial.newActivity(params); opensocial.requestCreateActivity(activity, opensocial.CreateActivityPriority.HIGH, callback);}postActivity("This is a sample activity, created at " + new Date().toString())}

Posting an activity

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Persistence Example

function populateMyAppData() { var req = opensocial.newDataRequest(); var data1 = Math.random() * 5; var data2 = Math.random() * 100;

req.add(req.newUpdatePersonAppDataRequest("VIEWER", "AppField1", data1)); req.add(req.newUpdatePersonAppDataRequest("VIEWER", "AppField2", data2)); req.send(requestMyData);}

Persisting data

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Persistence Example

function requestMyData() { var req = opensocial.newDataRequest(); var fields = ["AppField1", "AppField2"];

req.add(req.newFetchPersonRequest( opensocial.DataRequest.PersonId.VIEWER), "viewer"); req.add(req.newFetchPersonAppDataRequest("VIEWER", fields), "viewer_data"); req.send(handleReturnedData);}

Fetching persisted data

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Persistence Example

function handleReturnedData(data) { var mydata = data.get("viewer_data"); var viewer = data.get("viewer"); me = viewer.getData(); // me is global var var data = mydata[me.getId()];

htmlout += "AppField1: " + data["AppField1"] + "<br/>"; htmlout += "AppField2: " + data["AppField2"] + "<br/>"; var div = document.getElementById('content_div'); div.innerHTML = htmlout;}

Displaying fetched (persisted) data

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Demonstration - Building OpenSocial Applications using the JavaScript API

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Server-side REST Services

/people/{guid}/@all -- Collection of all people connected to user {guid}

/people/{guid}/@friends -- Collection of all friends of user {guid} -- subset of @all

/people/{guid}/@self -- Profile record for user {guid}

/people/@me/@self -- Profile record for requestor

Accessing People information

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Server-side REST Services

/activities/{guid}/@self -- Collection of activities generated by given user

/activities/{guid}/@friends -- Collection of activities for friends of the given user {guid}

Accessing Activities information

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Server-side REST Services

/appdata/{guid}/@self/{appid} -- All data for user {guid}, app {appid}

/appdata/{guid}/@friends/{appid} -- All data for friends of user {guid} and app {appid}; read-only

Accessing Persistent data

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Server-side REST Services

format={format} -- Format desired; one of (atom, json); default is json fields={field+} -- List of fields to include in request

startPage={startPage} -- Index into a paged collection

count={count} -- Set page size for paged collection

Additional query parameters

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Resources For Application DevelopersSpecificationhttp://opensocial.org/http://groups.google.com/group/opensocial-and-gadgets-spec

Code Samples and Toolshttp://code.google.com/opensocialhttp://code.google.com/p/opensocial-resources/


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OpenSocial Containers - Kevin Marks

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Containers provide a social context

OpenSocial separates application logic from social contextan app sees user ids - the container makes them peopleUsers understand the social contract of the containersSave apps and users from re-registration hell

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Containers don’t choose users

Containers set up the social model, users choose to jointhey grow through homophily and affinityNetwork effect can bring unexpected userbases

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OpenSocial gets you to all their users

You don't have to pick a site to specialise forYou get to spread through multiple friend groupsYou'll be surprised by where your users areso make sure you plan to localize

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Not just Social Network Sites

Social network sites - Profiles and home pagesPersonal dashboardsSites based around a Social ObjectCorporate CRM systemsAny web site

How do we abstract these out?

Viewer + friendsOwner + friends

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The Viewer and Viewer friends

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Owner and Owner friends

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Owner and Viewerare defined by Container

The Application gets IDs and connections to other IDs

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the Owner need not be a PersonIt could be an organisation

or a social object

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Kinds of container - Social network sites

Profile pagesOwner is profile page ownerViewer may not be known, may be owner or other member

Home pagesOwner is Viewer (must be logged in to see)


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Kinds of container - Personal dashboard

like Home pagesOwner is Viewer (must be logged in to see)

Friends may not be definedExample:

iGoogle, My Yahoo

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Kinds of container - Social Object site

Pages reflect the object - movie, picture, productOwner is the objectOwner friends are people connected to the object

may be authors or fansViewer is looking at it, Viewer friends are people you may want to share with

Example:Imeem is a bit like this - opportunity for sites like Flickr, YouTube

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Kinds of container - CRM systems

Pages reflect the customer Owner is the customerOwner friends are people connected to the customer

may be your colleagues, or other customersViewer is you, Viewer friends are your colleagues or customers

Example:Oracle CRM, Salesforce

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Kinds of container - Any web site

Owner is the site

Owner friends are site usersViewer is you,

Viewer friends are your friends who have visited this siteExample:

Google Friend Connect will enable this for any site

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Container Sites control policy

Check the EnvironmentGetting information

Viewer information may not be availableor it may be hidden from youCall requestPermission API that can prompt the users

Spreading your applicationActivities display under container controlRequestSendMessageRequestShareApp

Monetization and Installation

Meet the Containers (next session)Best Practices for Spreading your App (tomorrow)

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Becoming an Open Social Container - Chris Schalk

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Becoming an OpenSocial Container

Question: How do you become an OpenSocial container?

Answer: Utilize existing Open Source container code.

The Apache incubator project “Shindig” serves this purpose!

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Apache Shindig

What is Shindig?Open source software that allows you to host OpenSocial applications

Is currently an Apache Software Incubator project Heavy partner involvement (Ning, hi5 …) Serves as open source reference implementation of OpenSocial & gadgets technologies

It’s Goal: “Shindig's goal is to allow new sites to start hosting social apps in well under an hour's worth of work"

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Apache Shindig Info...Apache Shindig Website


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SocialSiteSocialSite is an Open Source project that allows you to turn your web application in an OpenSocial containerLeverages Apache ShindigBuilt by Sun (Dave "Roller" Johnson), announced at JavaOne this monthAdds a database and widgets to manage your social network

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SocialSite Architecture

Details at https://socialsite.dev.java.net/

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Google Friend ConnectUsers

... more ways to do more things with my friends

Site owners... more (and more engaged) traffic for my site

App developers... more reach for my apps

http://google.com/friendconnect/sign up for the preview release

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SummaryOpenSocial is making the web more socialThe current version 0.7 is in production

REST API and 0.8 coming soon

Developers can start creating social applications todayOrkut, Myspace, hi5, Netlog open to 200 M users nowiGoogle, IDTail, Hyves, Imeem sandboxes

Social sites: implement OpenSocial get Shindig and start planningSocialSiteFriend Connect

Advertisers: create brand advertising Apps now

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Cloud Computing

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Cloud Computing

Grid ComputingGlobus Toolkit

Amazon Web ServicesEC2S3SimpleDbSQS

JoyentFacebook and OpenSocial accelerators

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Google App Engine

"We will encourage you to develop the three great virtues of a programmer: laziness, impatience, and hubris .”Larry Wall, Programming Perl (1st edition), Oreilly And AssociatesWorks for Python programmers too:-)

Larry and Guido (Credits Tim Bray http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/)

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Google App Engine

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We run web applications

We handle the entire lifecycle of an app

Apps are run on Google infrastructure

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1. Scalable Serving Infrastructure

2. Python Runtime

3. Software Development Kit

4. Web based Admin Console

5. Datastore

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Authenticate with Google Accounts


Send E-Mail

Transform Images

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Billing and Expected Pricing

Free Quota Price500 MB Storage FREE5 Million Pageviews per Month FREE

Additional Resources PriceCPU ($ / core-hour) $0.09 - $0.12Storage ($ / GB-month) $0.15 - $0.18Bandwidth - Outgoing ($ / GB transferred) $0.10 - $0.14Bandwidth - Incoming ($ / GB transferred) $0.10 - $0.12

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OpenSocial and the need the Cloud

Social App’s main issue: when viral growth kicks in, how do you scale your app?OpenSocial persistence API limited in volume and capability

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OpenSocial ServerSide Integration Options

Establish a "home" site where gadget can phone home to retrieve, post data

Can host home site on your own, or use services:Amazon EC2JoyentGoogle AppEngine

In addition to using the provided persistence API...

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Google AppEngine and OpenSocial

Create an App Engine app as your backend!Use makeRequest() to call back to your AppEngine serverUtilize AppEngine's datastore

New OpenSocial Apps are coming onlineBuddyPoke...

Checkout Lane Liabraaten’s OpenSocial-AppEngine integration article


Google IO Code Lab about OpenSocial Apps in the Cloud

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Demo: Gifts Application on App Engine

Original gifts application athttp://code.google.com/p/opensocial-resources/

Google App Engine version athttp://code.google.com/p/opensocial-gifts/

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More Presentations about this

Markus Klems excellent PDF slideshttp://markusklems.wordpress.com/2008/06/26/opensocial-applications-in-the-cloud/

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Avoid Lock-In

Good discussion athttp://highscalability.com/google-appengine-second-look

Open Source projects around App Enginehttp://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine/web/google-app-engine-open-source-projects

Open Source Implementation of App EngineApp Engine SDK is Open SourceApp Engine Launcher on MacAppDrop, open source implementation of App Engine

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Google Code University

Google and IBM, University of Washington

MapReduce, Hadoop, BigTable


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