FY 2011 Wisconsin Chapter Progress Report

PROGRESS REPORT 2011 Partners for the Movement


FY 2011 Wisconsin Chapter Progress Report

Transcript of FY 2011 Wisconsin Chapter Progress Report

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Partners for the Movement

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The National Multiple Sclerosis Society is a collective of passionate individuals who want to do something about multiple sclerosis now. MS stops people from moving. We exist to make sure it doesn’t.

Founded in 1946, the National MS Society has affiliated Chapters serving each of the 50 states, including Wisconsin, all striving to address the challenges of living with MS. Research is at the forefront of these initiatives, with the National MS Society funding more MS research worldwide than any other nonprofit organization. It is also one of the largest nonprofit funders of research in Wisconsin.

By supporting cutting-edge research, driving change through advocacy, facilitating professional education, providing programs and services, and collaborating with MS organizations around the world, the National MS Society will achieve a world free of MS.

MS In Wisconsin

More than 10,000 children, women and men in Wisconsin have been diagnosed with MS. That one-in-500 ratio gives our state one of the highest incidence rates in the nation. Headquartered in Hartland, the Wisconsin Chapter proudly serves those individuals as well as those who love and care for them.

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society

n Wearemovingresearchforwardbyrelentlessly pursuingprevention,treatmentandcure.

n Wearemovingtoreachoutandrespondtoindividuals, familiesandcommunitieslivingwithmultiplesclerosis.

n Wearemovingpoliticiansandlegislationtochampion theneedsofpeoplewithMSthroughactivism,advocacy andinfluence.

n Wearemovingtomobilizethemillionsofpeople whowanttodosomethingaboutMSnow.

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On the cover: Pat Heller (right) and her daughter, Emily, celebrate their team’s success at Challenge Walk MS.

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Dear Friends,

When we work together, we almost always accomplish more than we ever would on our own.

Indeed, working together and forming partnerships is at the heart of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. We encourage teams to come together to drive fundraising at our signature events, just as we encourage researchers to work collaboratively to advance our understanding of MS. We believe that working together is how we will achieve a world free of MS.

On the following pages, you’ll learn about three “dynamic duos” committed to doing exactly that. These individuals have experienced the power of working in pairs, and we’re excited to share their stories with you.

You’ll also find highlights from the year that are the ultimate result of thousands who made the decision to join the Movement. From Wisconsin residents who gave through the Make a Mark for MS tax check-off program, to the customers who bought $1 pin-ups at their local Open Pantry store; from the employees who gave an extra $20 to their co-worker’s DIY fundraiser, to the event participants who raised awareness as well as donations. Every single one of them is a partner in the Movement toward a world free of MS.

So are you.

Thank you for being our partner. The Movement wouldn’t succeed without you.

Ken Minor Colleen G. KaltBoard Chair President & CEO

Ken Minor Colleen G. Kalt

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Partners for the Movement

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Randy Eddy, Sr. and Bill Hoel

Randy and Bill never met

before the day they were

named Torchlight Parade

Marshall and Maple Leaf

Parade Marshall, respectively,

for La Crosse’s popular

Oktoberfest celebration.

It was September 18, 1995 – the same day, as Randy would later learn, that his 25-year-old daughter, Tanya, was diagnosed with MS.

“Talk about the highest of highs and lowest of lows all in one day,” Bill aptly describes his now best-friend’s experience.

Seventeen years later, the two are a dynamic duo that lend their time and talent to a number of community events in the La Crosse area, including Walk MS.

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The Buddy System

Randy Eddy, Sr. (left) and Bill Hoel (right) – along with fellow Walk MS committee member Steven Thicke – have been instrumental in making the La Crosse event a success.

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The event itself attracts hundreds of participants each year and has raised substantial funds since it was started in 1999 by Randy’s daughter and her nurse, Natalie Hackbarth. Randy asked Bill to come on board as a committee member a few years later.

“It’s been a party ever since,” Randy says.

Bill taps into his extensive history in broadcasting to generate media coverage and his expansive network of contacts to help raise awareness. Randy, in turn, knows the right places and the right resources to leverage to create fun and rousing event experiences. Between the two of them, and with the assistance of their fellow committee members, they’ve developed a Walk MS event that has included everything from face- painting to fireworks. Breakfast and lunch are served thanks to long-standing relationships with Kwik Trip and Pepsi; DJs from the local radio group and an on-air personality from a local TV station interview walkers and volunteers on the PA system; and civic and business lead-ers from La Crosse and the surrounding communities not only attend the event, they pose for photos before the walk kick-off. (The photos are printed out and

presented to the walkers by the time they return from the Walk MS route.)

“MS is not only a La Crosse disease,” says Randy. “If you’re from Onalaska, you’re getting a photo with the town chair-person. You’re a VIP in a photo with the town chairs and mayors.”

Both men feel their efforts have been worth it.

“The Society clearly is the main and most effective advocate and provider of patient education and assistance in America and Wisconsin. We’ve helped spread that basic message with a lot of help from a lot of people,” Bill says. “People give to people and MS is a situation where very clearly it’s the person-to-person relationships that make the support for the walk and the Society happen.”

“When Tanya was diagnosed, there was no awareness of MS and one drug they thought might help stop the progression of the disease,” says Randy. Since then, “these monies have done tremendous things in development, and in programs that help keep people moving. The money gets put to good use. “

After 28 years in TV and radio, Bill Hoel (right) is now a financial advisor with Robert W. Baird. Randy Eddy, Sr., has 44 years in insurance industry and agency ownership experience. The two struck up a lasting friendship after they were named Oktoberfest parade marshals on the same day Randy’s daughter was diagnosed with MS.

… clearly it’s the person-to-person relationships that make the support for the walkand the Society happen.


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Anne Rogalski and Nicole Youngstrom

Sisterly Love In a lot of ways, Anne Rogalski and

Nicole Youngstrom are like any other

pair of sisters who believe teasing is

the ultimate form of affection.

Although she likes to tease her sister, Nicole Youngstrom (left) travels to Wisconsin each year to walk alongside Anne Rogalski at Challenge Walk MS.

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“Nikki is biologically younger,” Anne stresses, to which Nicole retorts, “Anne’s granola-eating physicians say she is physically and spiritually younger, although I’ve never been tested.”

Their early lives weren’t quite as lighthearted. Growing up in Stevens Point, the girls lived with their mom in a rented house after their parents divorced. “We had to sleep in snow-mobile suits in front of the electric oven because Mom couldn’t afford for (heating) oil to be delivered,” Nicole remembers. Then their mom was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1982, casting Anne and then Nicole into the role of caregiver when others their age were worried about who was taking them to prom.

It was “a slow, progressive, downhill situation” for their mom, with MS itself staying in the back of the sisters’ minds until 1999 when Anne, too, was diagnosed. It was the same year their mom was moved into a nursing home.

Since doctors initially thought Anne may have had a brain tumor, the MS diagnosis was met with some relief. “I thought, ‘I’m familiar with this; I have a pretty good idea of what I have to do,’” Anne says. Nicole, on the other hand, cried. “I immediately got scared. The only picture of MS in my mind was my mom.”

Today the picture is a very different one. Even with the course of the disease being so unpredictable from person to person, Anne

sees her MS and her mom’s as being “light-years apart.” The “ABC” drugs – Avonex, Betaseron, Copaxone – had just come out when Anne was diagnosed (she is still on Copaxone today); doctors and researchers knew more about the role of exercise and nutrition; and there was a greater acceptance of integrating alternative medicine.

To ensure that momentum continues, both sisters have participated in Challenge Walk MS since its debut in Wisconsin in 2008 – the year after their mom died.

“I can’t do what scientists can do, but I can walk to raise money,” says Nicole, who travels from North Carolina to walk alongside her sister.

In addition to advancing the understanding and treatment of the disease, the sisters are committed because of the programs and services the National MS Society provides.“When I see a wheelchair ramp provided for

someone with MS, or when I think of children, who have a parent with MS, leaving for summer camp or being given the chance to go to college, knowing I’m helping support those things makes me very happy,” says Anne, who teaches high school English in Stevens Point and is studying for her doctorate. “Across the board, the research, the hands-on care, the opportunity to give families some sort of normalcy in their lives, it’s all there. The Chapter and the Society do an excellent job of allocating the resources.”

The fact that her sister is by her side makes it all even better. “Nikki does a fantastic job of sharing what’s in her heart. I greatly appreciate and love her so much for the support she provides.”

“Anne is like an M&M,” Nicole jokes in return. “A hard exterior coating but inside she’s nothing but mush.”

The research, the hands-on care, the opportunity to give families some sort of normalcy in their lives, it’s all there..


“”Both Anne (left) and Nicole (right) see the improvements research has

made in MS care compared to when their mother, Marge, was diagnosed.

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Michael and Lisette Carrithers

have been partners in the

laboratory for nine of their 18

years of marriage.

Michael, a doctor who sees patients at the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics and at the William S. Middleton Veterans Hospital, began studying MS in 1997. Lisette joined him in 2003 as a lab manager.

“Our goals are to develop new and safer treatments for patients with all forms of multiple sclerosis,” says Michael, who, along with fellowship grants, received a $306,292 grant from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society in 2008.

The Carrithers’ lab work focuses on immune surveillance and migration of cells in the brain and spinal cord.

Lisette explains, “The kinds of research we’re working on are very basic science, but have the potential to yield low-cost treatments, and come up with better Michael and

Lisette Carrithers

Power CouplePartners in life and in the lab, Lisette and Michael Carrithers were joined by their daughter, Marguerite, at the Wisconsin Chapter’s annual meeting.

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screening processes so that we could potentially identify people who are at risk.”

Immune surveillance is the process where the immune system monitors the body for pathogens such as viruses and parasites. In normal immune surveillance, the immune system differentiates between what belongs in the body and what does not. In MS, the immune system attacks what belongs in the body. Medicines such as Tysabri and Gilenya slow the movement of immune cells to prevent them from crossing the blood-brain barrier into the brain and spinal cord. While this can prevent damage to the brain and spinal cord, it hinders normal immune surveillance, potentially leaving patients open to infections.

Michael addresses this lack of normal immune surveillance in his research.

“The goal is to identify factors that may mediate or repair normal immune surveillance of the brain, while also being able to keep out the disease-causing cells,” he explains.

When they moved from Connecticut to Wisconsin in 2008 to set up shop at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Lisette handled the logistics.

“She was crucial to getting everything set up

in the lab,” Michael says. “When I was off doing hospital attending or seeing patients, she’d be keeping the lab running on a day-to-day basis.”“Michael is the brains, I’m the muscles,” Lisette jokes. “He’s the one with scientific background. He has the great ideas and it’s my job to deal with the details.”

Lisette says that it can be hard being the spouse of an MS researcher and clinician. “There’s still so much work to do,” she explains. “When he’s seen patients with bad disease progression, I feel like in part it’s my job to be the cheerleader and say, ‘You’re doing so much good.’”

On a lighter note, she jokes that instead of worrying about pets when they go on vacation, they have to worry about cells in the

laboratory that need to be taken care of. Her husband’s research has influenced Lisette’s work outside of the lab, too. She is a novelist, writing under a pen name. Her first two novels feature heroes who use wheelchairs. “Both have very different disabilities and different ways of dealing with them based on their personalities.” She adds, “In the back of each book, I include contact links for resources. The National MS Society site is one of those.”

Lisette says as lab manager, she’s cognizant of using every single dollar to the utmost extent. “To the people who have given money, all you can really say is ‘thank you.’”

Michael adds, “We can’t stay in business without them.”

Our goals are to develop new and safertreatments for patients with all forms of multiple sclerosis..



Dr. Michael Carrithers studies immune surveillance with the goal of developing treatments for people with MS.

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The Wisconsin Chapter’s Affiliated Centers for Comprehensive MS Care

meet specific criteria established by the National Multiple Sclerosis

Society for treating those who have been diagnosed with multiple

sclerosis. The collaboration between the Wisconsin Chapter and the

Centers focuses on the patient experience and requires an extraordinary

commitment to a range of services that address the broad spectrum of

needs in maximizing health, independence and quality of life.

Affiliated Centers forComprehensive MS Care

Aurora BayCare Medical CenterMS ClinicGreen Bay

Froedtert & The Medical College of WisconsinMultiple Sclerosis ClinicMilwaukee

Marshfield ClinicMS CenterMarshfield

St. Luke’s Medical Center Regional Multiple Sclerosis CenterMilwaukee

Waukesha Memorial HospitalProHealth Care Neuroscience CenterWaukesha

University of Wisconsin Hospital and ClinicsNeurology/MS ClinicMadison

Dr. Natasha Frost discusses MRI findings with patient Laura Sowinski at the Dean & St. Mary’s Outpatient Center/Neurological Institute and Spinal Center. The center began the application process in 2011 to become a designated Partner in MS Care.

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The Wisconsin Chapter is grateful to the members of the 2011 Clinical

Advisory Committee for their continued support in providing oversight,

advice and guidance related to medical issues surrounding multiple

sclerosis, including the latest information about advancements in

treatment, research and care management.

Clinical Advisory Committee

Loren A. Rolak, M.D., ChairMarshfield ClinicMS Center

John O. Fleming, M.D.University of Wisconsin Hospital and ClinicsNeurology/MS Clinic

Bhupendra O. Khatri, M.D.St. Luke’s Medical CenterRegional Multiple Sclerosis Center

Eric F. Maas, M.D.Aurora Advanced Healthcare

Stanya Smith, M.D.ProHealth Care Neuroscience CenterWaukesha Memorial Hospital

Merle Teetzen, M.D.Aurora Baycare Medical CenterMS Clinic

Douglas Woo, M.D.Froedtert & The Medical College of WisconsinMultiple Sclerosis Clinic

Clinical Advisory Committee members meet annually at the Wisconsin Chapter office. (left to right) Douglas Woo, M.D., Loren Rolak, M.D., Bhupendra Khatri, M.D., John Fleming, M.D., and Stanya Smith, M.D. (Not pictured: Eric Maas, M.D. and Merle Teetzen, M.D.)

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2011 Highlights

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By the Numbers: A summary of highlights from 2011


$4.7 million+Amount generated through the generosity and kindness of individual donors, event participants, corporate partners, foundations and volunteers in 2011 to create a world free of MS.

Walk MS sites were added in Platteville and Grafton for a total of

16 locations in Wisconsinthat brought together more than

12,000 walkers and volunteers to raise more than

$1.5 million.

Pin-up sales contributed approximately

$44,750 to the Walk MS total, more than

$40,000 of which came from Open Pantry stores.

$64,600Raised in the third year of the Birkie Skiers for Cures fund-raising program, held in association with North America’s largest cross-country ski marathon, American Birkebeiner, in Northern Wisconsin.

Number of children in Wisconsin from families affected by MS who were able to attend summer camp.

[A change in the program let participants pick the accredited camp of their choice, opening the program to more families and giving the Chapter the chance to work with new camp programs.]

$1.5 millionRaised by more than 2,000 Bike MS: TOYOTA Best Dam Bike Ride cyclists and volunteers.

Matching gifts accounted forof the $251,364 raised by nearly 100 snowmobile enthusiasts and volunteers at the 28th Annual MS Snowmobile Tour in Carter.

13.6% More than 500 MS Summit attendees heard from keynote speakers Dr. Bhupendra Khatri and physical therapist /author Tom Holtacker at the MS Summit in the Wisconsin Dells.

MS College Scholarships totaling $40,000 were awarded to

32 students, including one diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and another who was recognized nationally as a Top Scholar.

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n Do-It-Yourselffundraisersthroughout Wisconsinproducedandcoordinated171 communityeventsandgeneratedmorethan $200,000forthemission.

n SeveralfamiliesrememberedtheChapterin theirwills,contributingmorethan$41,000 inLegacygiftstotheMSMovement.

n Nearly$45,500wasgiventotheChapterin memoryofafriendorlovedone.

n Financialassistancegiftstotalingmorethan $107,000werepresentedto231Wisconsin Chapterclients.

n theMSresearchNoWspeakerserieswas launchedtogivethoseaffectedbyMSthe opportunitytohearfromWisconsin’s premierresearchersandclinicians.events wereheldthroughouttheyearin Milwaukee,LaCrosse,Appletonand eauClairewithpresentationsbyIanDuncan, DVMS,ph.D.;Lorenrolak,M.D.;Colleen Hayes,ph.D.;andJohnFleming,M.D.

n Morethan75peopleregisteredfora workshophostedbyneuropsychologist Dr.JulieBobholzandauthorJeffreygingold addressingthe“invisible”cognitive symptomsofMSandpracticalwaysto managethem.

n Approximately40self-helpgroups continuedtooperatethroughoutWisconsin in2011,includinganemergingnumber concentratedonspecificsegmentsofthe populationsuchasmomsandadultsintheir 20sand30s.

n theWisconsinChapter’sMSConnection magazinewaspublishedfourtimesand distributedtonearly30,000households.

n “First-touch”connectionsweremadewith morethan150newlydiagnosedordisclosed individualsfromacrossWisconsin.

n theWisconsinChapter’sActionAlert advocacymembershipincreasedfrom 1,400toalmost1,770.

Also of note:

Dr. Timothy Coetzee, chief researchofficer for the National MS Society,was guest speaker at the On theMove Luncheons – renamed fromMS Luncheons to reflect a greateremphasis on research. More than

$122,000 was raised.

Wisconsin residents contributed

$79,578 through the state’s Make a Mark for MS check-off program. Every dollar was used to help ensure the continued independence and quality of life of Wisconsin residents with MS.

Challenge Walk MS experienced its strongest growth in what was its fourth year, generating more than $385,000 in revenue –

a 29% year-to-year increase. The event raised almost $1.2 million over four years.

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Golden Circle is a program of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society

created to recognize the significant support of individuals who make a

personal annual gift of $1,000 or more to move the mission forward.

Members lead by example in their dedication to the cause, care and

cure of MS. They receive unique benefits, including additional access to

breaking research news, invitations to research briefings and lab tours

with internationally renown scientists, invitations to exclusive local and

national events and the opportunity to connect with other Golden Circle

members – people who share a unique passion for a world free of MS.

Golden Circle donors make a powerful statement about their

commitment to finding a cure for MS and to improving the lives of

those with MS. Contact Denise Jendusa ([email protected] or

262-369-7166) at the Wisconsin Chapter for more information about the

benefits of Golden Circle membership.

Golden Circle

Barbara Ryan (left) was one of several Golden Circle members to meet former TODAY show co-anchor Meredith Vieira and her husband, Richard M. Cohen, who has MS, at a regional Research NOW event.

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2011 Donors & Fundraisers

Patron $50,000 - $249,999Anonymous (3)Community Health Charities of WIOpen Pantry Food Marts of WisconsinChuck and Anne Scherwinski

Champion $10,000 - $49,999Anonymous (3)Apple Holler Charity FundraisingThe Ashlock FamilyJohn Earl BaumgartDonald and Eileen BellThe Bertram FamilyLaverne C. CasellaCure MS WisconsinDavid V. Uihlein FoundationDriving Towards A CureMichael and Jenny EganEpic Systems CorporationForest County Potawatomi FoundationSheri GavinThe Golden FamilyGreater Milwaukee Foundation- Krizek Family FundThe Haak FamilyThe Hall FamilyJerrad and Devlynn Ihlenfeld

Douglas and Jane JacobsonEvan and Linda JaegerNonie A. JohnsonDennis and Sandra KuesterThe Kumlien FamilyLadish Company FoundationGreg and Barbara LenzM&I FoundationAnthony and Wendy MachiJoseph W. MetzKen and Karen Minor FamilyMS Golf Scramble - Tim Pagel BenefitCarl NolenJeffrey Olsen and Molly WalshPat Haak Charity Golf OutingConnie J. PlierRabbits Unlimited, LimitedBen D. RomeneskoRick and Cheryl RomeneskoSam’s Club - Green BaySam’s Club - WaukeshaSchreiber Foods IncPaul D. StoltmanUnited Way of Greater MilwaukeeLenore VanSanten

Friend $5,000 - $9,999Ace Precision Machining CorpAce Professional Services

Gregory and Angela AldousJeffrey Alley - In Honor of Aunt DebbieRory and Alicia AlsbergAmerican Family InsuranceAnonymousAO Smith FoundationArrowhead HS Girls & Boys Track, Girls Soccer & Hoops for HopeAuto Paint & SupplyThe Babel FamilyLeroy E. Baker - In Honor of Linda J. LeetchBennett J. BersonA Drive For MS / Bogey Bare MS ScrambleEdward and Helen BradyCaleb and Lori CallahanTerry L. CampbellDennis Christiansen and Kathleen BurchbyThe Coyne FamilyJeremy and Heidi CrullDamn Yankees Wateringhole LLCDave’s Tee’d Off at MSDavid G. & Nancy B. Walsh Family Foundation LTDThe deJong FamilyDiversified Insurance Services Inc

Christopher L. DoerrDORO Inc DBA Hardee’sDORO IncorporatedIan and Sally DuncanRobert and Susan EngelDan and Bonnie ErschenThe Fraboni FamilyThe Freeman FamilyJay and Janet FulkersonThe Gingold FamilyGreat Wolf Resorts IncSteven and Jennifer GriesbachThe Guendert FamilyJill HassenfeltJohn A. HauptHeartland Produce CoThomas and Patricia HellerStephen and Heidi Hudson-MairetMilton and Sarah HwangMark and Sara JappinenKevin J. JorgensenDavid and Karen KaphingstDonald and Jo Anne KrauseThe Kumlien Family - In Honor of Jill KumlienLa Crosse LithoKaren M. LarsonEugene P. LeyHarry and Kay Lum

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2011 Donors & Fundraisers

Michael and Lori LutzeAnthony Q. MaassThe Magnus FamilyThe Mainz FamilyJim and Kelly MaluchaMarcus Corporation Foundation IncMarshall & Ilsley BankRalph and Donna MayerFran McLaughlinThe Michalski FamilyMichels CorporationZachariah MielkeThe Milbrath FamilyMillerCoorsMichael and Amy MilzKari and Ashlee MoeGordon MooreNational Association of Theatre Owners - Wisconsin & Upper MichiganThe Noltner FamilyMichael Olah and Sara Motisi OlahBruce and Barbara OlsonPuelicher Foundation IncDavid and Kaia ReichenbacherRexnord FoundationsJohn E. ReyzerKathleen M. RuehlowJerry and Barbara Ryan

James and Patricia SauserMark and Kathleen SchauderRichard Schauss and Anne BrouwerAndy and Lindsey ScherwinskiRobert and Mary SchmidtLuann SchreiberSharp Packaging Inc.Silverman Family FoundationDale and Nina SlowikRobert and Mary SowinskiJeffrey and Jody SterenDennis and Roberta TeuscherThe Thompson FamilyMichael and Danyel TorgersonTom and Judie TrepczykBill M. TwiegUW HealthVonnie VoightWalk With StrengthKathleen A. WeinkaufJames and Elizabeth WigdaleThe Wittig FamilyGreg Young

Leader $2,500 - $4,999Harold W. AalandScotti Adrian - In Honor of Suzann Svingen

Lisa Marie AldrichAnne AngeliAnonymous (2)Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs IncAurora Health CareB7 PharmacyRita BacherBaker Tilly Virchow Krause LLPBarbara R. BarrowBecker Law Office SCMr. Thomas C. BergErin BergwallMichael Betlach and Paulanne ChelfThe Bloomenkranz FamilyMichael and Carie BoldtThe Boppre FamilyDavid and Lisa BrennanBriggs & Stratton CorporationAngela Hope BrownMatthew P. BrownShanna Bruening-VenneMichael and Nancy BurkardC R Canvas SpecialtiesBrian and Cynthia CahillBernard CesnikDean and Susan CheslockRachel Christenson

Richard and Karen ChristensonScott and Kristine ClarkPatrick and Bess ClemensGary and Natalie CmejlaMichael R. CorbettThe Cordon Family FoundationCovance Labs - North AmericaMichael CroalWendy J. DallmanGarry and Mary DeckerMaria DeCremerDeForest Towne Center AssocLori T. DeNobleSteve Denowski and Delores SullivanCharles and Joan DorganJohn Marvin DownsRobert and Donna DraegerThe Ehlenfeldt FamilyEmployee Benefits CorporationJames A. EngelWilliam Scott EngelkingThe Erdmann FamilyThe Fay FamilyGina M. FeltenFirst Business BankThe Fistler FamilyPatrick and Charlotte FlanaganFrabonis Porketta Pedalers BAMS Ride

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Gass Weber Mullins LLCDonald E. GillRenee Marie GoodellRick and Jill GovekThe Govek FamilyGreen Bay PackersHeidi L. GrinkerSusan GrzeskowiakBrian and Laurie HalbachCrissie E. HarrisonSusan HeironimusThe Helm FamilyHoward and Kerri HerrildBenjamin J. HesselinkPhil HinmanJosh and Betsy HuffordThe Hutchens FamilyJohn HutmacherThe Iverson FamilyJack DeLoss Taylor Charitable TrustMichael and Melissa JahnkeJeffrey T. JohnsonMichael P. JohnsonThe Johnson FamilyErick R. JonesJesse B. JuedesJames and Judith KaestnerThe Kamnetz Family

Sara KeckRobert R. KesslerSam and Bonnie KlikaWilliam J. KlikaJoseph W. KmochMelanie KnoepkeBob and Debbie KnudsonThe Koffman FamilyTod Michael KolinskiDonald & Jo Anne Krause Family FoundationPam Kriger - In Honor of Sarah HwangJim and Susan KruegerSam Jason LancasterChristina LandGary Lawrence and Elizabeth PageLeah’s LadiesRon and Pat LenzJames and Michelle LockBob LubetskiM3 Insurance Solutions for BusinessThe Mackesey FamilyJulie A. MaddenMadison Gas & Electric Foundation IncJacob and Kelly MaguigadMarshall & Ilsley Trust Co.Matt Morgan’sPaul and Karen Matteoni

Mayo Clinic Health SystemWendy Marie McCarthyAndrew M. McCormickMarsha McKinnonRoss J. McVey Sr.John and Deborah MeltzerAmy A. MillerEileen A. MillerJohn and Janet MillerMichael MillerJay M. MinorikCurtis and Krista MomsenThe Monahan FamilyJosh and Kimberly MooreMSBC LLCMSRUNTHEUS Inc - Ashley KumlienRandy D. MurdockJack Murphy Memorial Golf Outing - In Memory of Jack MurphyHeather NatzkeThe Neighborhood Pub IncAlan and Nicki NeipertNorth Shore Gas CompanyJames and Peggy OLearyMike and Lisa OllmannJonathan and Lindsay OrwigAlicia OsieckiPaul and Patricia Pachniak

Don and Karen PagelTim and Liza PagelAndrea R. PalmisanoThe Blanke-Perna FamiliesEdward Anthony PicchiJoe PitterleJanice J. PluerScott Powell and Katrina CravyDave and Carole PucelyRich and Michelle RaetherNicole ReikowskiMichelle ReinenReinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c.The Renier FamilyEric and Breanna RiesThomas Donald RistauChad and Anne RogalskiMelvyn and Lori RousseauCarol RubinEric RuzkowskiCurtis and Jen SauserKim K. SchaeferBritney A. ScherwinskiDave and Karla SchmidtTed and Molly SchmidtSteve and Jane SchmiedingJoshua and Ann Schram - In Memory of Floyd Gulso

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2011 Donors & Fundraisers

Debra A. SeilerJohn C. ShawThe Smith FamilyThe Socha FamilyThe Stanke FamilyMaureen E. SteinhafelThe Stelzl FamilyThe Steven FamilyEd and Naomi StewartHubert and Jacqueline SydowJoseph Adam Szymanski Sr.Karen Kaye TaylorSally Ann ThomsenThrivent Financial for Lutherans FoundationTomkens Bar & Grill RestaurantUnified School District Of De PereStacey J. VanRens - In Honor of Glenda JohnsonAnthony C. WagnerRichard and Barbara WeissMandrow and Gretchen WenzelWe’re Egan to Cure MSMelissa M. WheelerWindhover FoundationChad C. WuttkeJohn and Susan Yench

Bill and Alyson ZierdtJake and Angela ZimmermannThe Zumach Family

Member $1,000 - $2,499Abbot Pennings HS ReunionDennis J. Abere DDSRuth K. AbramsonAddis Management LLCAdvanced Marketing Insights LLCJoe W. AliotaNancy C. AliotaDavid B. AllenChris and Laura AndersonDavid and Ute Anderson - In Honor of Cheryl RomeneskoDavid Anderson and Nancy GilliganTerry and Betty AndersonDeborah A. AndrewsJennifer AndrzejewskiAnonymous (5)Joanne AntonopoulosDavid and Beth AnziaJerry and Mary ArataThe Ardisson FamilyKerry S. ArentThomas and Meg Arnold

Arzbaecher Family FoundationAssociated Banc-Corp ServicesAssurant Health FoundationKeri AufderheideBarbara A. AusloosThomas J. BaasJoseph and Frances BachmanThe Backhaus FamilyThe Bailen FamilyAlex and Kara BaldwinSteve and Melissa BaniganMark and Mary BannachThe Baptie FamilyThe Bar of Green Bay IncMark and Lisa BarbianPaul H. BarbourDavid and Sharon BargerAndrew M. BarnesLouise M. BarreraDawn Lynn BarronJohn A. BarryLeonard W. BarryRichard and Susan Batchelder - In Honor of Deb RichardsGreg A. BauerSteven Bauman and Cindy YomantasThe Baylanders

Daniel and Cindy BeckSusan M. BeckMichael and Aimee BeckerThe Becwar FamilyJacqlynn S. BehnkeJon BehrensJoseph and Patricia BeineThe Below FamilyBemis Company FoundationLawrence and Kathy BennettAndy K. BerensOn Behalf of Dolly’s WalkersCraig and Debbie BernardeJohn W. BessentGeorge M. BeyerGary F. BillingtonMatthew BinghamCody and Rebecca BlauertBloodCenter of WisconsinMary L. BluemnerJon and Jennifer BockThe Bock FamilyThe Boehlke FamilyThe Boldt FamilyTina M. BonikowskeJeffrey Bonvallet and Laura Fisher-Bonvallet

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2011 Donors & Fundraisers

Scott C. BordwellRandy BosiJohn and Valerie BostromAhna BowmanJill BradleyDrake BranchThe Breiling FamilyThe Breivogel FamilyDeanna M. BriesBroadlands Golf ClubJim J. BroennimannCharles R. BrooksTheresa Brosnan SchulerMarie E. BrownThe Bruce Company of Wis, IncThe Bruneau FamilyJames and Erica BryceThe Buchberger FamilyThe Bucheger FamilyAngella BuchholzBucyrus-Erie Foundation IncJohn and Kelly BuehlerJenna Lee BuengerJohn BurgerJames S. BusseMichelle ButtchenShane Buttchen

Alice ByrneBarbara J. BythellThe Caballero FamilyNick F. CableNikki Rae CahenDavid CalhoonNancy J. CampbellWilliam H. CampbellPatrice M. CannestraCapital Brewery Company IncDan and Allison CardonaAlan and Jani CarlonGordy and Nancy CarlsonBrian and Donald CarpenterTeam Soggy PhlebotomistsBobbi Lee CarrelRajiv CastellinoCatalano Produce, Co.Mike CavanaughKelly J. CechCenter Valley Area Business AssociationKurt and Cathy ChandlerLaura Ruth ChastainThe Chavez FamilyCarol M. ChinnBrent and Stephanie ChristensonAnn L. Christianson

Norman and Carol ChristmanClack Corporation The Classen FamilyScott and Rachel ClemDarryl and Eileen ClementsJerome and Bernadine ClementsLin ClousingThe Coenen FamilyHarry and Kathy CollisColumbus Fall River Sno-BlazerCommunity First Credit UnionJennifer Bryce ConigliaroMarvin and Mildred ConneyThe Contreras-Tadych FamilyTimothy CookeHelen CordonHaileigh CoronaRobert E. CoudenThe Courtney FamilyRobert C. CowenCreative Business Interiors IncorporatedCroal & Associates IncDaniel J. CroalMichael Murray CroalThe Croatt FamilyJohn and Kimberly CrosbyKlaus Cross

Lori J. CrossMichael and Connie CummingsThe Cummings FamilyJames and Deborah CunninghamElizabeth CurleyCurly’s Waterfront LLCDanielle A. CychoszWendy J. CzajaDaniel R. DallmanJack and Lois DallmanData Dimensions CorporationDon H. Davis Jr.Nancy L. DebbinkTerry and Bonnie DebrouxMatthew and Nicole DenisTimothy J. DeRemerTrudy R. DeRemerPaul DevineJason and Daniela DidierThe Diercks FamilyThe Dietz FamilyDiversified Management IncThe Dooley FamilyDoor County Memorial HospitalJason DorganKathleen Doroteo-TadychThe Drexler Family

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2011 Donors & Fundraisers

The David Drozdowicz FamilyThe Pete Drozdowicz FamilyTom A. DrozdowiczDonald W. DudaNorman and Cathy DuesterhoeftThe Duhr FamilyMarie DummerLaVerne H. DuncanLiz A. DuncanDynamic Stampings IncE&D Water Works IncRandy and Judith EddyAlexa J. EisenbergTerri Lea EllingerBill and Janet EllisEllsworth CorporationThe Engebos FamilyGeoffrey Michael EngelEngel Tool and Forge Co IncEnterprise ElectricThe Equitable BankWayne and Debbie ErdmannPhyl M. Erickson - In Memory of Kathy MahieuJacob J. ErschenJoe M. ErschenSamantha ErschenSally Eubanks -

In Honor of Lori KolosowskyMichelle L. EvansExtreme FitnessJoseph W. FangmannCheri L. FarhaGordon and Judith FaulknerMark and Catherine FehrenbachJohn and Jaydee FellenzThe Fenrick FamilyFestival FoodsAaron and Marcia FieldRoy N. FineFirst Weber Group FoundationJohn FitzgeraldThe Flesch FamilyMichael and Victoria FranceschiBarbara H. FranckJill M. FranczekTony and Carole FrankMrs. Deborah A. FreyDavid and Karen FrittittaWedding Funds-GriepentrogMark J. GamsThe Ganswindt FamilyLee and Sharon GarbeRoger GarciaThomas and Elaine GehdeThe Gehrke Family

Tara L. GenameGenesis Machining IncC. Gregor GermanaMatthew and Sara GeszvainKenric and Maria GibbsThe Gibson FamilyGary and Faye GiesemannBradley and Sheila GillamThe Giunta FamilyLuke N. GodshallDavid GoehlenValy T. GoepfrichKelly GoodmanGordon Flesch Company IncDennis and Karen GraceMary Jane GraltonEllen GrangerThe Graves FamilyJerry GrazianoThe Greater Menomonee Falls Foundation TrustGreater Milwaukee Foundation - David C. Scott Foundation FundJames M. GreenGreen Bay PackagingEric and Luann GriesbachTom and Karen GriffithThe Griswold Family

Alan and Judith GrossmeierThe Gruner FamilyAnn GullicksonLarry and Diane HackbarthThe Haessly FamilyThe Hagen FamilyThe Haigh FamilyRick and Nancy HainstockAshley HakesLindsay Marie HaleHalloween Party - In Memory of Mary MillerJames Richard HalversonThe Halverson FamilyScott and Tawni HankeBrian L. HansonHarbour Management LLCVanessa HardinMichael and Christin HardingEmery K. HarlanJulie G. HarrisAlex HartlaubKathy HartmanJeff and Jan HarwigJosh HasenohrlHastings Air Energy Control, IncMarilyn Lucille HauberMark P. Heal

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2011 Donors & Fundraisers

Megan Corrine HeggThe Heiman FamilyH. Michael HeinSteve and Jennifer HeinzenGregory and Julie HendricksenPeter Herber Jr.Scott and Mary Ann HerlitzkeTom HerricksSteve and Mary HesselDoug and Carol HigginsJoe and Judy HilgersJack HillDaniel and Ruth Hiller - In Honor of Bonnie McAllisterDennis HilsenhoffErin M. HilsenhoffChris N. HinrichsDanny and Mary HoJoel HoagCheryl L. Hoch - In Honor of Stefanie NeustedterThomas and Karol HoerthNadine Connor and Will Hogoboom - In Memory of Nadine’s Mother, Thalia PattakosErik HokansonThe Holen FamilyJerome and Dorothy Holz

Family FoundationMary J. HooverGeorge and Sue Raye HughesJames and Mary HughesTerrence and Toni HughesTimothy W. HughesHumanaInnovative Fiber LLCEric and Mary IsbisterJ. F. Ahern CompanyDavid JaegerChristopher and Kristen JamesMichelle M. JanesJans JanitorialStephan and Brenda JansenThe Jaworowicz FamilyRobert Jelinek and Jackie AnhaltKevin and Monica JensenRosann Jesberger - In Honor of Sara Motisi-OlahThe Jewell FamilyJewish Community FoundationJF Ahern CoThe Johannsen FamilyAlyssa A. JohnsonBritton JohnsonDiane M. JohnsonDouglas M. Johnson

Imogene Powers JohnsonKathy JohnsonThe Johnson FamilyJohnson ControlsJoe and Shannon JohnstonJon Lancaster ToyotaLynnsey E. JonesJeff JordanJames and Cindy JorgensenMarianne JorgensenJohn and Mary KacmarynskiVickie KallienThe Kalscheur FamilyApril A. KamnetzJerry and Jeanne KannelPhillip J. KaplanKappa Beta Gamma SororityThe Karls FamilyMaribeth KarpinskiBrian and Mary KarstenKyle KatchDerek D. KawleskiVicki KerryDavid and Jeanne KetterhagenThe Kexel FamilyCory and Kendra KiekhaeferDeb Kiley’s Family & FriendsThe Kimball Family

Maureen E. KindJulie KingThe Kinnear FamilyDiane D. KirchenTimothy and Courtney KirchnerRandall Kirk - In Honor of Teachers, Friends, and Loved Ones with MSRyan KistingKenneth G. KlemowitsColleen KleppeRobert M. KlimoskiJoAnne M. KlinePat KlotzDarrell Gene KluckTravis and Jessica KluewerEugene S. KnabeKnights of Columbus Princeton Council # 4774Aaron and Tara KnuppelCynthia M. KnutsonLarry and Carole KoberThe Kober FamilyRonald T. KoehlerJason and Pat KoenigThomas and Judy KoenigEric and Laura KoeppKohler CoLori A. Kolosowsky

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2011 Donors & Fundraisers

Allison J. KomaromyNancy KowalskiMarcellus Kramer - In Honor of Arnold KramerRyan KramerBruce and Lori KrausChester L. KrauseKrause FoundationChuck KreimendahlThe Kreitlow FamilyJohn and Amy KrenzMary KrezMichael KrischWayne and Sandee KrollKevin KronschnablDave and Suzanne KropilnickiRick and Beth KruczekDavid and Darlene KruegerJason David KruegerKathi E. KruegerKim Krueger - In Honor of Noelle BrandenburgThe Krueger FamilyBradley and Jill KudickKeith KunugiPatricia M. KurthMilton and Carol Kuyers

The LaCourse FamilyPhilip and Madeline LamphearLandmark Healthcare FacilitiesDouglas LaneJohn A. LaneJonathan Patrick Lang - In Honor of Tony Robert LangMary LangeNathan LangeMary Grace LangenfeldJames and Vida LangenkampMichael John LankeMichelle LarrabeeThe Layden FamilyKimberly LeamyCindy LeBlancDouglas and Jane LedburyDavid B. LeefRoger and JoAnn LeickRonda J. LenzSarah J. LerandCathy H. LewandowskiLewitzke Foundation IncHolly Jane LiddicoatTina M. LiebetrauJo Ann LiermanBrian R. Lillo

The Lindgren FamilyDiana L. Loots-GamsDaniel and Susan Lopez-TanDale and Becky LueckStewart MacaulayMadhatters Mens AcappellaMichelle MaherThe Mairet FamilyJackie ManclAmy L. Mangan-FischerMany Striders - In Memory of Jane R.The Marek FamilyLogan MargMarkos Foundation IncTom E. Martin IIThe Martinich FamilyJeffrey R. MartocciMichael MartzAlok and Zia MaskaraBarbara MatousekTamara L. MayoThe McAllister FamilyEmilie E. McClureD. F. and Patricia McKeithanThe McMahon FamilyMike and Shannon McPhersonJames R. McQueen

Nancy M. McVaryRichard O. MedlandMeeting Life’s Challenges LLCRhody and Carolyn MegalMercy Health SystemRebecca and Lauren MessengerMichael John MessmanDaniel MeyerJoe D. MeyerDavid Joseph MichalskiRick and Bonnie MickelsonShirley M. MiksaRick and Carol MilesDonald and Carol MillerDuane and Deborah MillerJames P. MillerThe Miller FamilyLeigh A. MillsRobert and Gail MilneJohn Anthony MlezivaKeith and John MlodzikThe Moehn FamilyKendra L. Moore - 5K MS WalkMortgage Guaranty Insurance CorpThe Mosz FamilyDiane T. MouradianGreg and Barbara Mueller

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2011 Donors & Fundraisers

Linda C. MuenchJack G. MurrayMike Musiel Kathleen Nalbert - In Honor of Richard NalbertThe Napientek FamilyThomas A. NeillThe Neitzel FamilyNelson Foundation IncPaul A. Nelson POACarl Henry NesslerAutumn N. NeugentLuke Neumeyer & Family In Honor of Noelle BrandenburgJason and Stefanie NeustedterNew Berlin Lions Club IncNEWisconsin MRI CenterDavid A. NicholsonNicole A. NielsenJoseph A. NimmerThe Noltner FamilyThe Nondorf FamilyKevan and Barb NorinNorth Shore Gas CompanyDonna L. NowakAndrew and Crystal NussbaumRichard and Barbara Nyklewicz

Greg and Donna ODonnellAron and Amy OechsnerTom and Erin OetjenHugh and Julie O’HalloranTravis and Kim O’KellyCarol OLearyCharles and Nancy OLearyDavid and Kathy OlsonKenneth and Norma OlsonJeremy and Ashley OndreskyMark and Tammy OrgelMargaret F. OtemanRoger Packard and Mu AxiangStephen and Lori PagelowHelen P. PagenkopfDonna Marie PatelskiJames and Sally PathosPBBS Equipment CoThe Peeters FamilyJoy E. PennellWilliam T. PenningtonThe Peplinski FamilyTricia PerkinsSharon A. PetersHugh and Pam PetersenCorey M. PetersonRandy and Mary Peterson

Kristin E. PetriePhysicians Plus Insurance CorporationJoanne PianoThe Pielage FamilyKing and Martha Pierce - In Memory of NicoleKenny and Joanne PitterleVictor Ernst PlantingaPlunkett Raysich ArchitectsKathleen PoblockiJeff PoiriorCaroline Pollock-ChoKeith A. PopkoStan E. PostorinoEd and Carrie PouwelsPower Test IncPPC FoundationEdward C. PriceCharles PritzlBill and Stacie ProchaskaTina ProsserMark and Susan ProvenzanoCathy PrusanskyLinda PucelBruce H. PyfferoenSteven L. PyfferoenQPS Staffing Services, Inc

Quarles & BradyDoug QuesnellQuincy BioscienceR&R Insurance Services Inc.Peter and Kristine RathkampJohn and Elizabeth RauNicole Annette RauschJohn and Marie RawlinsRBC Wealth ManagementTimothy E. ReganREI Engineering IncJillian R. ReinboldtCindy M. ReindersStacey RemingtonHeather and Mary ReuterMarian P. RezelThe Ricker FamilyMark and Cathy RiechersFred and Toni RingelMickey RippRiverside Machine & Engineering, Inc.David M. RobbRichard and Alisa RobertsThe Robertson FamilyThomas and Arita RobinsonRobinson Metal IncStephen and Ellen Rocheleau

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2011 Donors & Fundraisers

The Roewer FamilyStacy Rogne Thomas and Margaret RohanJulene M. RohrerDavid RolstonDanielle RomeneskoThe Rourke FamilyJason and Amy RowellRobert and Karen RozinskiTina and Brad RuhErich and Julie RussMartha J. RutkofskeWinston and Sara RyanS & J Home Care LLCRose P. SabelkoMaryellen SabolMax SamsonRebecca S. SandlinCheryl SandnerSCA Tissue North America LLCAmanda M. SchaalThomas and Kay SchankeStacia Marie SchaumbergRobert and Susan SchellinCraig and Mary SchiefelbeinJoseph E. SchiestlePaul and Adam Schlecht

Marilyn Nelson SchlosserCraig and Bobbi SchmidtMark and Susan SchmidtThe Schmidt FamilyJoan SchmitScott and Jodi SchmittJered and Laurel SchmudlachDaniel S. SchneiderJay and Marieka SchneiderRob and Chris SchneiderThomas E. Schoenauer Jr.Eric and Stella SchoenbergerThe Schonert FamilyThe Schreiner FamilyThe Schubert FamilyRobert SchulerDavid Schwarz and Shelley Peterman SchwarzAlton and Genevieve SeegerDebra and Nikki SeidlNick SeiskeBrenda S. SellenServo Instrument CorporationDorothy SevlieAngie M. ShaughnessySteve and Melissa SheppardKelly J. Siebers

Harvey and Barb SimdonSlim McGinn’s WestSmiling Moose Saloon and GrillJacki SmithScott and Brenda SmithSteven and Janet SmithWes and Gwen SolbergDan and Maggie SonnemannCandy C. SonnenbergRobert and Joan SorensenMichael and Laura SowinskiJames A. SpaethTim and Julie SparksBob and Jean SperberSara SquiresDuane and Jacqueline SrnkaDonald R. StacyDale and Karen StaegeNoel and Kathryn StantonShannon StaplesTodd N. SteffanusMarty Dennis SteinertThe Steinert FamilyThe Stel FamilyThe Stelzl FamilyKristy L. StephensonDarryl and Chris Stich

Evan StichJeffery and Marie StolpaJoyce D. StonerScott StonerCharles and Barbara StruckWilva SuchanekThe Sundstrom FamilyRon and Mindy SweeneyDennis T. SwiecichowskiBenjamin R. SwitalskiKathy SzenteTDS Community OutreachChris L. TennieNancy L. TestinRobert F. ThaysScott ThesingThe Thill FamilyThe Thomas FamilyRobert ThomeThe Thompson FamilyWilliam and Jennifer ThorpeThrivent Finanical for Lutherans East Fond du Lac County ChapterJean and Jim Thurler - In Honor of Bob HoltermanLlewellyn and Alice Tietz - In Honor of Daughter, Robyn Turtenwald

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2011 Donors & Fundraisers

Stephanie Ann TillmanThe Tillman FamilyTony Machi Fruits & Vegetables IncPatrick and Mary ToppChantel M. Torkelson - In Memory of Peggy BidlingmaierSteve TorrettaToscal LTDLori A. TraderMary C. TurkeRobyn A. TurtenwaldTony and Diane UitenbroekUline IncUniversity Hill Farms Assoc IncValley Grinding ServicesChris M. Van AukenJeff and Lori VanDalenMary D. VanDeKampThomas J. VanderbiltBrenda K. VanOuseC.J. and Kathleen VanSistine - In Honor of Margaret RomeroKevin and Kaitlyn VeliquetteMelissa R. VitenseMary and Bob VoelkerW/S Machine & Tool IncBrian Michael Wagner

Nathan J. WagnerMurray C. WaltonTim L. WaltonWalworth County Annual Poker RunWaterford Union High SchoolJack and John WatermanAbby A. WatsonWaukesha Co Comm Fdn Megal FundGlenn and Leah WavrunekWEA Insurance CorporationHope WebsterDonald and Joanne WeinbergDavid B. WeisbergAmy R. WeissenbergerMatthew WernerWade and Paula WestWilliam and Michelle WestEllen J. WestdorpMike and Kathryn WickerBrad and Elizabeth WiestJoe and Sharon WilczynskiKrista N. WildWilde Autos IncMark and Jamie WilkeJean WillardPaul and Connie WillemsenWilliam Stark Jones Foundation

Sarah M. WillmeringJames A. Wisniewski Jr.The Witczak FamilyJason Andrew WittThe Wittmann FamilyThe Wojcik FamilyCheryl WolfThe Wollner FamilyDr. Richard L. Wolman - In Memory of Ellen E. WolmanJohn M. WoodCarol WordellThe Wrenn FamilyThe Wurster FamilyJeffery W. YabukiKaren YaegerNikki YahnkeJohn Yench

Jack and Aimee ZabrowskiJames ZakrajsheckScott and Kerri ZastrowSharon A. ZelankaRodney and Rhonda ZickLoren and Carole ZiglinLarry and Marci ZiltenerLeah L. ZimmermanThe Zimmermann FamilyRobert Zoephel and Ruth Fontanazza - In Memory of Sam Lucile FontanazzaJeff and Rina ZornZorn Compressor & Equipment IncAimee E. ZuccoBarb and Ms. Lauren ZuccoDarren ZumachAzia ZwartBarton and Colleen Zwitter

This progress report is for the 2011 financial year. Donations and fundraising contributions reflect the period October 1, 2010 through September 30, 2011. Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of the listing. We apologize for any mistakes or omissions, and ask that you contact the Chapter so that we can correct our records for future publications.

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Financial information presented has been summarized from financial statements audited by Schenck Business Solutions dated September 30, 2011.

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withmore than82 cents of every dollar going to



2011 Financials

2010n Research & Program Services 83.2%n Fundraising 10.2%n Management & General 6.6%

Fundraising 10.2%

Management & General 6.6%

Research & Program Services 83.2%

2011n Research & Program Services 82.6%n Fundraising 10.7%n Management & General 6.7%

Fundraising 10.7%

Management & General 6.7%

Research & Program Services 82.6%

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National Multiple Sclerosis Society Wisconsin Chapter, Inc.

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Statement of Financial Position – Years Ended September 30, 2011 and 2010

ASSETS 2011 2010

Cash and investments $2,016,579 $2,281,061 Contributions receivable 136,914 146,664Endowment funds 158,816 158,816Other assets 67,734 67,363

Total assets $2,380,043 $2,653,904


Due to National MS Society $357,150 $628,480 Other liabilities 273,740 285,455Total liabilities 630,890 913,935Net assets 1,749,153 1,739,969

Total liabilities and assets $2,380,043 $2,653,904

REVENUES 2011 2010

Support from the public: Special events revenue $3,788,415 $3,714,556 (includes in-kind donations of $87,238 for 2011and $46,072 for 2010) Special event expense (443,142) (390,146) Total received from special events 3,345,273 3,324,410 Annual campaigns 801,291 1,075,836 (includes in-kind contributions of $2,504 for 2011 and $0 for 2010)Legacies 41,390 196,000Total support from public 4,187,954 4,596,246 Other revenue: Received at National 93,866 96,386 Interest income 6,968 2,397 Program fees 8,695 8,541 Miscellaneous income 3,404 11,089Total other revenue 112,933 118,413 Total revenues $4,300,887 $4,714,659

Statement of Activities – Years Ended September 30, 2011 and 2010

EXPENSES 2011 2010

Program services: Research $1,066,908 $1,184,469 Public Support to 637,107 650,462 National Headquarters Client programs 792,119 780,567 Community programs 339,368 405,859 Professional education and training 144,203 141,134 Public education 567,125 600,997 Total program services 3,546,830 3,763,488 Supporting services: Fund raising 458,480 459,650 Management and general 286,393 296,779 Total support services 744,873 756,429Total expenses 4,291,703 4,519,917

Change in net assets 9,184 194,742 Net assets, beginning of year 1,739,969 1,545,227 Net assets, end of year $1,749,153 $1,739,969

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2011 Board of Trustees

Kenneth A. MinorChairSonic Foundry, Inc.

David J. RodgersVice ChairBriggs & Stratton Corporation

Michael G. LutzeVice ChairErnst & Young

Robert L. SowinskiSecretaryDiversified Insurance Services, Inc.

James E. RoseTreasurerBaker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP

Alyson K. ZierdtPast ChairAttorney, Retired

Colleen G. KaltPresident & CEONational MS Society- Wisconsin Chapter

Robert A. Buhler Open Pantry Food Marts of Wisconsin, Inc.

Dennis A. ChristiansenCommunity Advocate

Albert C. Elser IICommunity Advocate

Robert D. EngelRetired, M&I Bank

Tom GoldenM3 Insurance Solutions for Business

Martin J. McLaughlinReinhart Boerner Van Deuren, S.C.

Karen J. MinorCommunity Advocate

Bruce J. OlsonThe Marcus Corporation

Shelley Peterman SchwarzMeeting Life’s Challenges, LLC

David J. RaysichPlunkett Raysich Architects

Patricia E. RaysichCommunity Advocate

Jeffrey M. SterenSteren Management/McDonald’s

Robyn A. TurtenwaldCommunity Advocate

Molly T. WalshThe Waisman Center

The Wisconsin Chapter meets all Better Business Bureau 20 Standards for Charity Accountability.



Early and ongoing treatment with an FDA-approved therapy can make a difference for people with multiple sclerosis. Learn about your options by talking to your health care professional and contacting the National MS Society at nationalMSsociety.org or 1-800-FIGHT-MS (344-4867).

1120 James Drive, Suite A, Hartland, WI 53029262-369-4400 • 800-242-3358 (toll-free in Wisconsin)[email protected] • wisMS.org

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