-fWEKTV-EIGHT&YEAR- NO^IS. ^RIDA^T AFTERNOON AUCTST 24, 1917r $2.00 PER YEAR COMMOLCOUNCIL K IN SUMMER SESSION t KEI» (ROSS HWN FETE, rray Brief Meeting Tuesday Night with Only Four Members Present Typical of Other Heated Terms IHlJ Branch Has Enjojable Affair at 1N>IIIIK Home. Denuury Farm, the atlractixe resi- dence of Mr and Mrs Leonidas Dennis on Mountain avenue, Murray Hill, presented a very pretty scene last Sat- urday afternoon and evgning, when a lawn fete was held for the"benefit of the Murray HtlJ Branch of the Sum- mit Chapter, American Red Cross The net proceeds of- the affair amounted •gM^'i S M M i T S NEW COMPANY OF STATE MILITIA MUSTERED INTO SERVICE Seventy seven Men Passed Physical Examinations Last —Night State-Mustering Officer and Two Doctors -_-- Kept Busy—Men Not in Draft Nor Able to Vol= unteer for War Eager to do Their Bit MbKKISTO\Y> WOJLEA HTKT. EXAMINING I9B PER DAY FOR DRAFF Auto Tamed Turtle on Tarnptke Yes- terdaj After Nkiddfiitr. ' Two women were hurt, one of them quite seriously, yesterday afternoon, when an automobile skidded on the Morris turnpike near the Canoe Brook . , _ _ - ^n -Country Club. plunging •»«•«> Hu» *lUvu' JjifcCurillg VfUOta 0 1 l " o ^and turning turtle-. —The- oecupanTk—- " " ' ~ 'were Mrs Llewellyn It Tompkins, .of SS Western ,i\enue and Mr- Andrew I itav of 4fi Karlv street, both of Mor- Local Board No. 3 Gradually for District Two Days More Onlv four members of the Common to * 200 - , ;•, it'll were present at Tuesday eve- In the afternoon, beautiful .Countv today. Of course, Alva Moore and Miss | a U a ) S k n W n th . ls l o U ' iruc Lut » ow | N - l >"°- *%**"> con,pany Council were yiem;.... «i i-*.™..,, t.«- --- *-- . exniDl . s session-which lasted but a brief tions of fancy dancing were given on halt hour,- President Topping, Messrs. the lawn by Miss Phraner White and Houston were the Lillian Lenci, daughter of Mr. and JLinbcrs pre8 ent. Mrs. Thomas A. Lenci. - In the even- tne fact. In regard to the improvement of ing general dancing was" a feature in j^ Ht ni ht (or ntheT ,„ t he wee «„,riq avenue by the Board of Free- the house, music being furnished by . . „„„ Jmtl Slers M r V h i t e moved that the an orchestra from Morristown. J small hours of this morninp) seventy- lerk be instructed to request the free- Various stalls were' quartered in'seven Summit men were mustered m holders to take the necessary steps to eight tents scattered about the lawn. at t h e r , ty n a u a 3 a company of the change the line and grade of Morris Mrs. F. W. White presided in one tent j . mih(ja ff>rce Mnf , orR& ^ ,.„ at thp foot of the hill below &s queen of -the gvpsies, and her palm-1 fhlTahwat VaJSy R. R. bridge, so tstry proved very popular. At one; Ued as a State home guard body to that the curve at that point might be tent, Red Cross enrollments were tak-1 take the place of the old national L i e more easy. If the county conld \ en, adding many new members to the i £ Uard Seventy-five men were re- see their way clear to do this,.Mr. branch. Supper was served on t.he felt it would ease the curve lawn, which Summit in the honor c.ty._of Union I consider the matter. About half of \ ™tow«. Mrs Tompkins' eoH.tr bone. Summit has the new company were menders of the \ »* «"«"««» *•"• ''™ kt ' n h >' U* Follow inK the rest of the county must recognize the annoiilf/ement of the plan In last dent Mr* Bu\ ai ei- consulerahly 'White there l]|CJ WHO Ot» **-U UU t*f" was attractively lighted bruised. Both women were removed jto their home after they had been i treated at the club hout-e j The turnpike wns slippery This i- .1 bu-y wtek for Loial Board No ' K.»i h da\ beginning Monday. the hiMrd for tl. - .|STH-[ }'-\* been sitting in the Munuipal Building ex* .iiiiumiK 1 "••* men .k day to complete weeks HERALD recruits bepan to ap-1 l " * l ' <»«' «l»»»-« «»' i;,s Jllt '» needed .Tor the . iL », T^ ^ TI , . i. i „„J | treated at the club liou^e district pear at the N. D. O. Battalion head- ^ w wns 9 aml the So far .t , . estlu. fc .ed that about quarts on Union place and by Mon-1 vu ,„ ~ t a , «17S h«u 1K,-„ ob.amed from the d£- day night more than eighty had vol-j . ..,_._ trm Of .ourse exemption claims unteered. Some of these men are out of town for a few days and will be mustered in on their return. I because' (speed on its way to Mornstown when m{) , (t , , U(>a w hlll , ho „,.„ f w , t ay» it skidded and plunged Into a ditch wn u>i, W iH change this number about tbrev te.t deep It was thought, <>ut ul the tir-t :t"io men called tw» and aid the approach to the hill, by electric lights, the current for The motion was adopted Mr which was furnished free by the Com- Phraner for the fire and police monwealth Klectric Co. of Summit- committee, returned v for filing the Guests were present from New „\ork, M^-or-M letter in regard to the condi- Brooklyn, Plainflrtd-, Westfleld. Sum- tlon oTthe barirtm the" reat-of themit and Millington. ;Mr. an^l Mrs. Risk property on Springfield avenue. Dennis, who proved -such a charming ; ljie , ltonant George W. Coyne of Ellaa quired to guarantee a company and with other men who are planning'to come in the strength will be brought close to one hundred. This is the first unit for Union County. From 8 o'clock until after twelve at first b> thoi-e Quick work was necessary because J re8Cue lhat uoth . the occupanti were word as to Summit's Intention had to fatally hurl Mrs. Bay was able to he Riven the State authorities by Mon- ] drag herself out of the wrecked car i ™.«„„ i:r,t„n rnnniv-- nnntft Her companiou. however, was unable day morning. Union County s quota, ^ ^ ^ . ^ nerw ,, r wUnout assistance.! 1C of the new force is 150. Summit will Soon after the accident John O. He said that the City Solicitor's opin- host and hostess, are to be con- beth. acting ^ls State mustering offi- was that the city had no right to eratulated on the arti.tic^oclal ana ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ghangle remove this barn and that financial success of the fete ion condemn or on presentation of the facts to the owners they had agreed to have it torn down and that the barn had been removed. vtm i»> This case was referred- *o |he"law and ordinance committee for consideration in reference to revising tlic\pfesent ordinances. Ipon recommendation of Mayor FrdiikUH. the salary of Miss Margaret Alleman\ctty- stenographer was in- AMBULANCE CO. 3 3 TO MOVE TO NEW CAMP assisted by \arlous clerical assistants. were kept busy piving the men "phys- ical examination and filling out the .proper papers. Eighty-one men took The"""eiramTnliTion "and ohTfTou" ,, J ™. - ~ » have the first and possibly the only' Pitney, of Mornstown, chairman of in the county as'the district board exemption fitting In Newark came along In his car and complete company Elizabeth; the county seat, has less than 50 volunteers for the new service TV The balance of the other county com-1 phonr( , f o r I | m , hv . arr iv t .d on the pany may have to be made from vol- : H0(M1P T n 0 t ar Wtt s badly damaged, unteers in communities adjacent to Jd w u s rtlmoVl .,i to a local garage f*>r Elizabeth. At any rate. Summit's r(1 p a j rs \ n 0 \amiiiation Hhowed that company is an accomplished fact and Mrs Tompkin^ - .^ -shoulder vie* prob hard drilling of the new men just'ably broken, taken in will now be in.order. Drills will be held once a week,--Sunday mm -ffiTT Camp Van Wyck, Butler, N. J. fror $60 to $70 per month be- Tuesday morning Camp Van W>ck August 1st. presented a serious appearance, that creased ginning from\August Mr HoustoiCsuggested to the public is MTIOUS to passing laymen utilitiea commltrye that they investi- ambulance,- with their dnver». aids cue the practice\c,f the Common- and litter bearers, came whizzing up wealth Electric Co\ when installing to the gate and speeded across to the irt ce system to priCte property of receiving station at jbe * « . J j - .onipelling the owner to bear the ex- racks. Patients bandaged to v w .thin pS of preparatory work of receiv- an inch of their lives the joints uu- ,,.„ (h owitfhed and meters. He said mobilized with cornstal _ , - , , , . . ?ti!SfI^££^°*rt*™*l»- nnrt E r a n a ^ c r a unloaded^rom. the r ,^.„ tk s. Ta^ait; 2nd Lieutenau. tor tht mornings at present will have to drill Monday Jind Thu Two others were not taken'day nights for a few weeks'before they can drill with the rest of the company. The-new militia will conhlst of \ol-_ untcers between ihe ai;cs of IS and 4f>| \caTs7-enlisted for the peiiod of tin- war, or continuance of any emei«enc> ' m< ident to the war. and commission- tftona. ms\i tinned down for lack of physical qua! lfications in for other frood reasons. At 12 15 this morning Lieut. Coyne called the niustci roll and swore the men to the oath. The men sworn then held ilnir fn^t company meeting and unanimoush tlectcd the officers ofi the N. D. O. infantry company as of- ficers "of the new body: Captain helts-Amadee Spadone. 1st Lieutenant ^ W E V E R Y WOMAN who had gone to the weeks ago. .".S were accepted and others were lertitied as having pasHed because of failure to appear in an- swer to the tall From Monday to iasf utglit in< lusive. the number ac- iepled was 10L' Thia brings the to- tal to ITt'i With tin- men called-for to-day and to-"morrow. Mayor Kufordl Franklin, iliairman of the ext-inptlonr- board feels coiitldeut that more than the quota for the district will be met, Thta work is a long hard grind on the members * of the board, and the medital examiners and iho»*> who are rciiilcniig < Irrical a-t^istame The mals- of del-ail 1^ hardl\ believable un-~ less ^ person has -een the work in rpro4jrejts T Those from Summit and New Provi- deiue who passed the ph^^Ual exam- •tutiHiiti lln>, w,'i-k ir.- 1,-ti-il IteloW. gav*» what assistance he could. Mean- while Mr. Tompkins had been tele- IN SUMMIT The Commit I'ts- on ,se» iy.g id officers between the aaes of 21 and Surgical Drc-siii-gm*! ilw lo. aj bl commissioned b> the C.o\t-inor foi ^ ruhs rhaptcr appeal to \ou. a^ ,i pa trioli.- room, titi/eti to come to (he worU-*j t ^ K r Fj Y M, C. _A. _buj|ding, and help *('h a y. n. * Means . laiin^ exemptiifu on ground depetidenc \ 1 * • • Aliens. ***|*elligriiio Camp.iuelli Summit , Tho* J Miiiowati, .Sunmi't •••Sebastiano 1'ouloiini-. Murr.tx HilL •••Mb liael M ir.ln. Summit ' and •John Wan Ww Pr.A .|.-n. •• Wed "Frank Kop. .1 ^iminii ' '•Henrj Kiuiilinger. .Siiuiuii' Sebastian I'errone. MimmiT Itu. kle\. Suinnir Hi uibi-rt \ . SntTinr*-' to racks, and Lieutenant Wilson with a very grave face and a paper and p< the cots in the War- no hcrt E. Den ike. The officers will Midi appoint the non-commissioned officers in his hand began inspection of the Arthur S. Hamlin acted as secretary where for utility corporation^ to do ambulances ilu.-, work at their own expense Supt. S. W. Borden of the Com wrHlth Electric Co, says that t urutice of his company In this reXbandaging and symptoms of his new, orthe meeting sne.t is in accordance with that of alt war patients. j In addition to the officers the me* o,r such corporations under a rul- Combining the discovering dressing, the Public Utihties Commis- litte> loading, and all he tne mom- -pFincipJes Involved in getting wound f •' linen spent mg by Mon The Board-of Education was given ed men to the hospital, the linen spent John J. Aildk ,Jm*«5Sn to erect the portable the m o r \ g woffilng in deep earnest Robert Bran "-hoollLuildlnK formerly on Passaic for the feeW of unrest backed up by ,,-ank Bec.s various,of the new organization are: On-ar .1. Arnhciin John J. Ahdeison dt lhe"saine length of time as the men a_ic enlisted. In order to sa\c con- ^ild r^iM^n'^ann^T"; 1 ;!,!^; ..... , , , meet the demands that are com- "Fred U. « . , . - , Sun.m lacfd 111 the hands of local ciMl in^ in for supplies to b. f^i f>^ roil *ZZ.K sent to the officials tint rained in the exercise of i ro „t, such power, it will be distinctly a State force available for service onlj upon order <if the C.o\crnor to serve -t a frame garage, lined creditable work wa^ done and as Lieu- ami coverefl with sheet tenant Wilson so fthly expressed it,. Jar of his .tore. 393 "the patient, all arrival alive and are Captain's ^nue S'tne'rea'rTS hTgh" school the "assurances" of Captain Lawrence lot on Soringfleld avenue for school that som^hln> was going to happen purposed WH Hall was given per- kept all the men ^1 their mettle. N cry mission to erect with asbestOH and iron, at the rear Springfield avenue. Troperty owners of Overlook T. quested - the Council to put street in passable condition tt-r was referred to-the street commit- •ee Mr J G. Ovens of- that street. Tomplalned of a wrong gnrde having -tart for our hern given him for his sidewalk which tance w.l 1 e n now too high. This was also re- army regulat. ferred to the street committee Francesco Camberlango referred to t a previous request from him for the 1111 do-nig uneiy." road Tuesda\ afternoon tin,' that eves were -parkling with h.ibpmcss and The mat- the telegram which he held soon sent sparkles to ever> body's exes, for to be inspected tlii^ week new quarters are we - and The dis- covered by a hike As ons- alIow-=for fifteen to, eighteen iiujes to be covered a day. he time on the march can be approx- ateh cab ulated by those^ hayjng at the destina- repair oTorchard street and this mat- hand a W* ™ ^ t.r was referred to tlie_ntreet com- tion is hUer^nnouiKiu ""oirresolutlon J4.000 was authorized t.. he borrowed Troin- the Summit Trust Co. -^- thorizedTwo Cars C«n.e Together on SlipiK-rj 1IEA0-0N t 0LUSI0N. ftnad IMM Mght. —Another "Gortons accldpnf occurred ^_ Ravmond Fleming^ abo^tight o'clock last' night on the. Rnbt. H. Farrow aooui cus ^ «ri.i.tr«t« nliice when J . Anthony Gambino neawnw t Mlner8 - aU , o f W h a r ton. >. J, September 1. the weavers of , t h e c ar travelling east were H. e Summit «llk Mill will > T;iven an u 441 Sp - r TngneW **«»»*• *l"n^" crease of one cent a yard, which^was ^ ^ ftnd Geo g^uater, " J ^ ^ solicited by the weavers. On resolution $300 was au ^LO be paid to Roae FlogHB-forThe pur- -ghttna of a atrip of ^er property Ttecea-1 sarv to straightening and widening; ^ ^ ^ Prospect avenue. t u a CurnDlke°near Whtttredge place when After the readTHg_of_t>a. bills the,tuni^Ke ^ ^ ^ ^ | n a head-on f'ouncil adjourned- ! collision. " j- m ••• - —— I In the car going west were Geo. 1 " mn "'. J ...„. „ , * ? « M°°«»: «ii;»f wn.no„. N. J. From tk n n oVTo°lIcTted"by""thVweavers. There "£« av7nue, Ellz/abeth. They were, w,U be distributed on October 1st to a , iaaken t0 Overlook,Hospital and the the weaver* who are under contract- cara ^ ^ dam aged arc in a local gar- several thousand dollars, representing | eight per cent, on their earnings for B Mra Bl8DOp a nd Miss Miner #ere, the lasT sit month*. AU the weavers „ ,„ t h e n o s p i ( a i this morning rest , in the mill w«I not receive a slice of,, comfor tably. They are not badly | this "melon,': the money being given h ( m a u d wlll soon be able to return only to those who have signed a- con- to their nomes . tract with the company that they win « . • • ' • * take no part in any » trike _ tha ' < m ^J B Hnmm H IMjgtrfluilfiilf Cent.r for Weht- be called. These contract pavers Nnnnn y^ HeeUon. have put up a bonus, amounting in e ft Inton in this Seetton. moat casea to_.*200 each.guaranteeing. UntOD Telegraph Com- thev will refrain from striking. While; The ^ " ^ ^e important the money is in hands of the company D a ^ . th€lr " me thod of trans- _it is drawing six per cenU interest ^ r ^ J g f 0 ' f telegram^ from this ^see- the men; "" Kenneth A Butlt r Thos Bntt II II Bniras Harold Brady Alfred W. Brxdon p» K J U Biouiih A. Haihei Collins Donald Couitny Fied N. Cowpt rthwaite I^t<d W (lift l Ralph H, t:ollina . Earl Co«»inan John Conway ' > (i.H. CnUis J. Wm. Cromwell, Jr. Jlenii V. Carrere tklw. JrDittmar Custavc A_. Da\ics \\ in. S. Day Thos. Uauiia. Cm H Dan foi 1I1 John J. Eaklc-y Edw in Ijric^n Thos F. Fagan Harry J. Fin lay-, * AVm. M. Flynn anywhere within th° su,ie f o r a n y purpose for whicli'military forces arc oidinarily tLsed. as provided 1»> tin- Constitution and Laws of New Jersirr While on State duly, the} will be paid. transported, subsrorwl-and fuiniMicd medical attendance b> the State. Tlie Oath |{c<|iilred of Karh Man. " Each indi\iduaf is rcqu,iicd to suli- M-iibe to an oath of t nliMmc-nt sworn Jto befoie a t oiniii-tssioncd off M« 1 of [the Milma, 01. 111 the aim no of MII II Jan officer. b> a civilian authon/.d b\ .law to administer such oaths. The oath is as follows: <•!_ _ , do hen by aiknowlid-'e to haxe xoluUiaiU^enlisted in -Company. -- Battalion, of County, of The New Jeisev State Mi litia, to sei\e diiiSn^ tile presi nl wai with Hie imp'cjral Cmt'iiinniH of German\-._and for onV-xear theieafur of'-any nnei ^encies that may aiist therefrom, and I forth* r m--H-e to <n ter into the Service of the__ States for duty solely-within the StaU of New Jersey when ordered by the Governor to do so, unless sooner di Manx women devote main hours a week to this work but more workers are needed" Tor there '- inui.h to ho'accomplished If you have uu occasional free hour or two, come to the Supply Station and work for the soldiers" who are representing \ou in active service; in return giving tlu-m votir support and crmpenition. they need it and -o do xnu Tin- rtolU'-n 'who art^H-lre.nh a. live an- doing a 'line work and th.-x want you to ha^e a share in It. as well as your help. 10 that the re-uiu oi J.W- ^mrrtfiTO-l*^-1 - 111! 1't 1 Ml •Wm H Matthew- Xieo. W. Uryw.'s|er, . Summit 111.U , \.T uu I e.iMlig that tin 1 war wJll bniiK' to lortr ileloali.l us. The rooms aic open lr.nu : f W .Mondays and 'luesdav^ for glial Dressings and W*nlue-d.ix Jhursdays lor sewing tl/MMI <;»rnieii1- in Si\ Weeks! '" Are you aware ot "thV urgent nerd ol km.ted gjnueiit-, for our men 11 t>> Sur- , 1 1 1 < 1 •Win II MiGratb. Summit "John 11. Middletoii. s-uniinit •Jos L. Deldm-a, New Pio\ idem e"" KiL T Whiting. SUIHIII t Tleubeii Wile\, Sun 11111' •lli-nri A CJndi. Siimuii' Jos \>, Sweiison, Siimm: •Jos' M Murrac. SIHILIIII John <' t'onaiit Suiumi *( lareiue Aaron. Summit Luei.ino Coll.iliello. Ylutny Hill *Harr> W Fieri.- Suinni ' •ilH.ar \ Ander-ou Siniiiuif Eugene J Mil.iln'. Siiniint' •llarrx A S» ibert Miinm r |1 .}, Flood SiiiiiniH John Coop, r Smrli N> '\ l'r>>\ .di-nce. •••Ig11.il/ Itm-ell. Suin-i" *Wm \ M. Lowiihlni \ . n I'ro.i.lencc, * + *Jo- W.narr\ Sntiiin *( h.i < \ Mill phv. Minim" Josepli D^jijai-sar. Summit •Anton T \ndi-is..u Sum.in •I'asipiale D l'ia//a. Minim.1 Mr'lmr Strvki-r Sum:!,' _ __ MUII/IO I'ul'-'o. Sunmo* .•William M FIMIII. i^n.n, « \\ illiain C, Ueml. Sunn- r 111 =. Ceorre F Kib-x . Sunitii ' fat L- */.,.,.^.rr.-vt Ostraiider. M'rrfay^I'l'HLJ charged by pioper aiithoiityTaTia I d« J j^ m ^-" H and oUl( . rH wno hAyt! iiot- T ^ <Mna , j Summit in .ddlllAii w tocg Jgr The new plan seems to "be working «om a . ™ dlgt /tbtttlng office.tor well for It I. more than six months, J * " ^ ^ ° Short H llls, Chatham, and since tjxere waa * atrike at ^^Madlson and special telephone Ih^s -rirerg^riF^ah ,A»y and " i gfa t ^ l MTaV e ^FHstalTe < r i g the loc>l office and it is planned to add.to the force aa havi> »^ n transmission of busl- soon a, the summer i, over. - %j> ^ ^ poinja; the ^ssagg ...'beTna- telephoned to Summit anaTnen ours be* on week 9 a m- tp_ 12 noon, and Senate Passes Frell»**«T»*j «l for ftrsejr AVnUfoa Site Seilator Frelinghuyaen's bill for the .acquisition of an aviation station for the navy aL-CapeJtfay w£«^ passed by the Senate Tuesday night wlthoOt any, —ob^ttoa: ^-Thft ^wi^-^-apfrropriatea, from 4 to 4+ V $150,000 for the project; moat of wbicba h&Ildays »uin will be uaed for dredging _Coid Spring harbor and njalUng it *?ail- a»le for torpOto boata^and submarine*. c Senator ^ffellnghnysen said the navy department already hai a great deal niricA will remain Qben _ SSr' ttin 'overly the hours be ing from 8 a. m to U P- m l dm*-««.„» a, • - to_ 1 s 2 -^- y8 ^ a - n(r1 - ; Mr M F Fordharn.lhe local man. Wharton Green David W. Griffith G. M. GiUamerian Frank Glarkin H". Donald Holmes Irafiall Robert Hallan Bernard Krauter Arthur S. Hamlin John B. I-ager Hubert Long Glenn M-iller Robert 'Macdonald, Jr. WE I. McMane Malcolm McDougall James Pedicini Franklin Parkin Wm. Parkin Bradford Powell Robert Roberts. Jr. Edwin ?*• R°» 8 August H. Riviere I.emuel SEiamo.re,.Jr. Wm. ??. Severancii. Raymond G. Saber - Joseph Slamon Fr*nk B. Seller 1 Geo^. Scott Elmore Schultz Richard Swain BavTo" K. ^Swaln - Chas. S. Totten Edwlft C. Treat . John-Ehilip Vicari Donald.B-Vreeland Robt. W. Valter , i^ Edgar M. Wright _ , S. L. Wright «, B. K. Wheeler HarohTX-35TJlaan_— ruite.1 tho Ariuj- *HJ N.i\>7 and ot Uie lat 1. * (;i , orKf ."71 ~ tlia't the wool UM-II MI lliobe ijiinnenta An , lloll% |»iblas.-o H - t l l \ M-ights has to be hnaiued by liidixiduaN , ;i . orK( , AUernlg, N-w Pr-mdef. e Many are willing to knit who feel niat •Alexander" W'nod-am." Siiiiinit * ]iaye_already contributed beyond •j.,,,,. r itreiiingham. Sumnii" t r- • r th,.t I will bear true l » eu »>*'»»»• aml oU,, ' ra Wh ° ,1 * i ^ , 'V! 1 'tT.omas J HevnoM-. S.m.mi: soremnly swear that I wi 1 bear tim t<> contr|bme al tt ll are will Jo , j Mcti^wan. Summit, fauh and allwan., Jo tho gme n- ^ ^ _ . - . ^ ^ K . Tunks. Sun.miL— ._ ' ment established m the fatele 01 rx« w WllL>0U Uv us furjilah tliese peo- , (;u , nft Mmer. Summlt.- Jersey ami of the Lnited states 01 ^ ^ wwJ . , ^ ^ ^ a^unied * Hhaw To |„„, Summit. America, Mindef l\w auLhoi Itv u f ^ -f^-^^ of riiaklnk'LTOO_garilH'ntS * t ' j T ame T R f'urfls. ^ontmill- J —- =^ six weeks. Wont you help at oiue^.,^,.,^ A jn Kh _S4, rou „: with a contribution that will make It Marry~<j. Voting. Jr , N'-w Proxidcnc$. pcople. and that I will serve them, honestly and faithfully a*amsf all ^^ ^ ^ tlidr__enemies_or__ppB?»< , whomso- ^^ujie-to place-lhi! wopl.m H\e_hands i r U w ^ Mon<KomcrVr iiuomiiL ever, and that I will promptly respond of thfcBe workerB? Joseph P Mahon-. Summit to any call for duty issued by the Uegtniini g with next Tm*aday% a Dol- JaniPR wtlliams. Surnmr Governor of the State for-service any- ]ar ( - aiI ,paigrt will be started- •Charles L. fToTn, Summ' . There Is only a short time in which u< j J( , hnson summit. JfT»ey, at anytime a«rt t o accomplish this work and It is hop- „ a r r y t * 0 iietta. Summit length of time considered ed lha t^ji»jr_y one will co-operate with <arl " r> ct crson, Summ, r where within the boundaries of the State of New J, for any necessary by the Governor, and that u s l n ma klng this campaign a big su * ' .William Launberg. Summ.' I will.at all times obey the regulations c(jsa -"•Waiter Swain. Summ."' and orders issued to govern The New , y TC{} W'ool Committee, *RusselI Pettx Suniim Jersey State Militia and the'orders of!. . - - Summit Chapter ' .v r thjir J. Markham. Summit Ani<Tlran 1M ( ros-. Harry W Salmon. Summit —-. o *Axei K larNon, Summir The Summit Chapter American-Red 'Harold r Balilwin, S:imm:t Cross announces that Murray Hill has •Charles J J Ott. Summit. become a Branch of the Summit Chap- • _<>- ter and Berkeley Heights has become Jhe I)is , r(ct Kxemp ton Board an. Auxiliary the Governor, and of the officers ap- pointed over me, BO helpjme God." Two important paragraphs In the Governor'* orders are: "20. The men enlisted as aboxe, will continue their ordinary loca- tions, unless called upoh""foT*tiuty, in for <! which event they will be paid regular r ' | , t ;- 0 -;r of ' Supply j^ice Commit-'the Second Jersey D.^ion **«**«* . . *__ IL~, v- *- - .«.._. . w j jjjp claim 01 wm. tsgan, OL 00 military pay and maintenance for tbe' tee of gumm j t chapter for week from gram; time theyftnu-actually performme AuKH8t n t h to August 20th: Sent to Pe ( % EgaiL,is_ well-known In avenue ^ duty. whicFpay shall-cea«e whenever Xnrbu lance- t'ompany No. Xi 7 pa< k- baseball circles "Eere. having been 4 t,h« ihey*are reHev«d-and permitted -*o re-- nff p 0 n j h gauie wipes, £G-h*»d towels; atar p.Weh*r,< ot.-lb*- *\& *St.' Teresa's turn to their homes,** .Case IX packed ready for shipment a. B.C. '•'23. 'After correspondence with the t * Q prance, value I1QQ00, 51 pairs pa 1 - ^ < ^ | ^ Secretary of War, and consultation,j ama8 ,12 tray covers, 24 iilghtlngalei«. . with the-eomniamltog-Off4eer-ef-theJ ^ bBtn T-obes, 4 » hospital bed^shTrXs. ^ llt Vature Lofer'n -l^mfcw ^ta«»s. - tEaatern Denartment. It has been 4 8 han dkerch.iefB. Z?""^™**^ A mee t.ng of the Board of Trustee, definitely decided as a policy of the er bagcovers. 6 pair operating stock- * ™e B ^ Leagne^ will be Stale_tbaLlhe_New State Militia will tn gs^r>e wash cloths. "iLld at the r^"'-"™ of Col -Beni. Fv not J>e nsed for guarding Private or . " „ . - h _ n lect . Holmes. Fine Grd*e avenue. Summit. Public Utilities, or Plants, except inj MWs-pamella_Lyall ha 9 _beentl^ J fWsdav. Auausr28th. at 3 rase of emerg«B«y.- which .latter, will ;ed , «ecretary of tbt, on Tuesday. Augusr28th. »t 3 p. Dt Members—are urged, to be present If- .. of the executive com H ra andlhatto all intents and pur-, begin her duties September 10 Miss P°%**\ H ^ Q ^ ^ r S e s their d.nt»es J wlll be similar to Bergen, who has been serving in this The j . H . a ^ ^ M JtSs^ of the old National GTiard.^ua^piffltion. will continue as secretary of ^ o ^ ^ September 6U| .. A U Ject to- the orders of the Governor, in the chapter^ _ _ exhibits must be marked with th« <ase of-^^iot or qthpr disorder beyond"; _' **_**__, „ , , . iit owner's name. Flowers-will not 4ran^ a marine computation had been es tahliihad. aa well as a .training naval - r - i- imprWraents In service ^ m thew clenfoffic g, bim,.^ ,i.„lt tr.0. 'he™ W»«".,i!«!.."S 1 requirements.: Oscar Wagenseil 7wj»«ise*h~sfe««*.Ti"fc . The proposition of forming this new company In- Summit was-imt before the S. O- O. men Thursday nJaiit of last contrOlTJf-tbe loeal-or^eunty authori- ties: Many folks who are in the habit of jnmt reading UM so-called *• "local naa:e.** mlas tnany Interesting articles week 'At \hat time thirty-finte men of and lire new. stortei appearing every E?" org«»xaUon ^gned'Hhe oath (wees on m r f p U «f * HEBALD; while othera wanted a few hours toBaADJBWBBT FtiOB. Many-folks- who are. In filefe»blti_of_p7tgesr but- will be wercomedaa ahow*.: jugt reading the so-called "local jng IBe interest of^the yonflg people in paje/^nis^anytntores^nir alleles the culture of •hemmy ^iwrod: ^hetr and lire new. stories appearing every!homes. Springfl<?1<| ^ ^ ^ ^ w m week on every-pe** 1 **^ 11 * HERALD be neJd , n _ ^ fee _ puD jt c ac BO oi boildln«% _ I** •• . on Friday. September 7. from 3 tio 4J0> HERALS Want. For Sale. For Kent, o'clock. At all Garden Shows flp ad^rtisements • on Page 8. They should be brought In re*seU w bringvietuUi. Have you read them? jmay contain-water. T 3 ' 7 " -*. 1^ -^-^ r^ .- •" - t ^3U£^-^lUA^ai9 b^ii







Brief Meeting Tuesday Night with Only Four Members

Present Typical of Other Heated Terms

IHlJ Branch Has Enjojable

Affair at 1N>IIIIK Home.

Denuury Farm, the atlractixe resi­

dence of Mr and Mrs Leonidas Dennis

on Mountain avenue, Murray Hill,

presented a very pretty scene last Sat­

urday afternoon and evgning, when a

lawn fete was held for the"benefit of

the Murray HtlJ Branch of the Sum­

mit Chapter, American Red Cross The

net proceeds of- the affair amounted

• g M ^ ' i


Seventy seven Men Passed Physical Examinations Last —Night — State-Mustering Officer and Two Doctors -_--

Kept Busy—Men Not in Draft Nor Able to Vol= unteer for War Eager to do Their Bit


Auto Tamed Turtle on Tarnptke Yes-terdaj After Nkiddfiitr. '

Two women were hurt, one of them

quite seriously, yesterday afternoon, when an automobile skidded on the

Morris turnpike near the Canoe Brook . , _ _ - ^n

-Country Club. plunging •»«•«> Hu» *lUvu' JjifcCurillg VfUOta 01 l " o

and turning turtle-. —The- oecupanTk—- " " ' ~

'were Mrs Llewellyn It Tompkins, .of

SS Western ,i\enue and Mr- Andrew

I itav of 4fi Karlv street, both of Mor-

Local Board No. 3 Gradually

for District — Two Days More

Onlv four members of the Common t o * 2 0 0 - , ;•, it'll were present at Tuesday eve- In the afternoon, beautiful .Countv today. Of course,

Alva Moore and Miss | a U a ) S k n W n t h . l s l o U ' i r u c L u t » o w | N - l>"°- *%**"> c o n , p a n y

Council were yiem;.... «i i-*.™..,, t.«- --- * - - . exniDl . s session-which lasted but a brief tions of fancy dancing were given on

halt hour,- President Topping, Messrs. the lawn by Miss Phraner White and Houston were the Lillian Lenci, daughter of Mr. and JLinbcrs p r e 8ent. Mrs. Thomas A. Lenci. - In the even- t n e fact.

In regard to the improvement of ing general dancing was" a feature in j ^ H t n i „ h t ( o r n t h e T ,„ the wee «„,riq avenue by the Board of Free- the house, music being furnished by . . „„„Jmtl

S l e r s M r V h i t e moved that the an orchestra from Morristown. J small hours of this morninp) seventy-lerk be instructed to request the free- Various stalls were' quartered in'seven Summit men were mustered m

holders to take the necessary steps to eight tents scattered about the lawn. a t t h e r , t y n a u a 3 a company of the change the line and grade of Morris Mrs. F. W. White presided in one tent j . m i h ( j a f f > r c e Mnf, orR&^

,.„ at thp foot of the hill below &s queen of -the gvpsies, and her palm-1 fhlTahwat VaJSy R. R. bridge, so tstry proved very popular. At one; Ued as a State home guard body to that the curve at that point might be tent, Red Cross enrollments were tak-1 take the place of the old national L i e more easy. If the county conld \ en, adding many new members to the i £ U a r d Seventy-five men were re-see their way clear to do this,.Mr. branch. Supper was served on t.he

felt it would ease the curve lawn, which

Summit in the honor c.ty._of Union I consider the matter. About half of \ ™tow«. Mrs Tompkins' eoH.tr bone.

Summit has the new company were menders of the \ »* '« «"«"««» *•"• ''™kt'n h>' U*

Follow inK

the rest of the county must recognize the annoiilf/ement of the plan In last

dent Mr* Bu\

ai ei-


'White there

l ] | C J W H O O t » * * - U U U t * f "

was attractively lighted

bruised. Both women were removed

jto their home after they had been

i treated at the club hout-e

j The turnpike wns slippery

This i- .1 bu-y wtek for Loial Board No ' K.»i h da\ beginning Monday. the hiMrd for tl. - . |STH-[ }'-\* been sitting in the Munuipal Building ex* .iiiiumiK 1 "••* men .k day to complete

weeks HERALD recruits bepan to ap-1 l" * l ' <»«' «l»»»-« «»' i ; , s J l l t '» needed .Tor the . i L », T ^ TI , . i. i „„J | treated at the club liou^e district

pear at the N. D. O. Battalion head- ^ w w n s 9„ a m l t h e So far .t , . estlu.fc.ed that about q u a r t s on Union place and by Mon-1 vu ,„ ~t a , «17S h « u 1K,-„ ob.amed from the d£-day night more than eighty had vol-j . . . , _ . _ trm Of .ourse exemption claims

unteered. Some of these men are out

of town for a few days and will be

mustered in on their return. I because'

(speed on its way to Mornstown when m{) , ( t , , U ( > a w „ h l l l , h o „,.„ f „ w ,tay» it skidded and plunged Into a ditch wnu>i, WiH change this number about tbrev te.t deep It was thought, <>ut ul the tir-t :t"io men called tw»

and aid the approach to the hill, by electric lights, the current for

The motion was adopted Mr

which was furnished free by the Com-Phraner for the fire and police monwealth Klectric Co. of Summit-

committee, returned v for filing the Guests were present from New „\ork, M -or-M letter in regard to the condi- Brooklyn, Plainflrtd-, Westfleld. Sum-tlon oTthe barirtm the" reat-of themit and Millington. ;Mr. an l Mrs. Risk property on Springfield avenue. Dennis, who proved -such a charming ; l j i e , l t o n a n t George W. Coyne of Ellaa

quired to guarantee a company and

with other men who are planning'to

come in the strength will be brought

close to one hundred. This is the first

unit for Union County.

From 8 o'clock until after twelve

at first b> thoi-e Quick work was necessary because J r e 8 C u e l h a t u o t h . the occupanti were

word as to Summit's Intention had to fatally hurl Mrs. Bay was able to he Riven the State authorities by Mon-] drag herself out of the wrecked car i

™.«„„ i:r,t„n rnnniv-- nnntft Her companiou. however, was unable day morning. Union County s quota, ^ ^ ^ . ^ n e r w , , r w U n o u t assistance.!


of the new force is 150. Summit will Soon after the accident John O.

He said that the City Solicitor's opin- host and hostess, are to be con- beth. acting ls State mustering offi-was that the city had no right to eratulated on the arti.tic^oclal ana ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ g h a n g l e

remove this barn and that financial success of the fete ion condemn or on presentation of the facts to the owners they had agreed to have it torn down and that the barn had been removed.

vtm i » >

This case was referred- *o |he"law and ordinance committee for consideration in reference to revising tlic\pfesent ordinances.

Ipon recommendation of Mayor FrdiikUH. the salary of Miss Margaret Alleman\ctty- stenographer was in-


assisted by \arlous clerical assistants.

were kept busy piving the men "phys­

ical examination and filling out the

.proper papers. Eighty-one men took

The"""eiramTnliTion "and ohTfTou"

, , J ™ . - ~ » have the first and possibly the only' Pitney, of Mornstown, chairman of

in the county as'the district board exemption fitting In Newark came along In his car and

complete company Elizabeth; the county seat, has less

than 50 volunteers for the new service


The balance of the other county com-1 p h o n r ( , f o r I | m , hv. arrivt.d on the pany may have to be made from vol-: H 0 ( M 1 P T n 0 t a r Wtts badly damaged, unteers in communities adjacent to J d w u s rt lmoVl.,i to a local garage f*>r Elizabeth. At any rate. Summit's r ( 1 p a j r s \ n 0\amiiiation Hhowed that company is an accomplished fact and M r s Tompkin^-.^ -shoulder vie* prob hard drilling of the new men just'ably broken, taken in will now be in.order. Drills will be held once a week,--Sunday

mm -ffiTT

Camp Van Wyck, Butler, N. J.

fror $60 to $70 per month be- Tuesday morning Camp Van W>ck August 1st. presented a serious appearance, that

creased ginning from\August

Mr HoustoiCsuggested to the public is MTIOUS to passing laymen utilitiea commltrye that they investi- ambulance,- with their dnver». aids cue the practice\c,f the Common- and litter bearers, came whizzing up wealth Electric C o \ when installing to the gate and speeded across to the i r t ce system to priCte property of receiving station at jbe * « . J j -.onipelling the owner to bear the ex- racks. Patients bandaged to vw .thin p S of preparatory work of receiv- an inch of their lives the joints uu-,,.„ (h„ owitfhed and meters. He said mobilized with cornstal _ , - , , , . . ? t i ! S f I ^ £ £ ^ ° * r t * ™ * l » - nnrt Erana^cra unloaded^rom. the r , ^ . „ t k s. Ta^ait; 2nd Lieutenau.

tor tht

mornings at present will have to drill Monday Jind Thu

Two others were not taken'day nights for a few weeks'before they can drill with the rest of the company.

The-new militia will conhlst of \ol-_ untcers between ihe ai;cs of IS and 4f>| \caTs7-enlisted for the peiiod of tin-war, or continuance of any emei«enc> ' m< ident to the war. and commission-

tftona. ms\i

tinned down for lack of physical qua!


in for other frood reasons.

At 12 15 this morning Lieut. Coyne

called the niustci roll and swore the

men to the oath. The men sworn then

held ilnir fn^t company meeting and

unanimoush tlectcd the officers ofi

the N. D. O. infantry company as of­

ficers "of the new body: Captain

helts-Amadee Spadone. 1st Lieutenant


who had gone to the weeks ago. .".S were accepted and others were lertitied as having pasHed because of failure to appear in an­swer to the tall From Monday to iasf utglit in< lusive. the number ac-iepled was 10L' Thia brings the to­tal to ITt'i With tin- men called-for to-day and to-"morrow. Mayor Kufordl Franklin, iliairman of the ext-inptlonr-board feels coiitldeut that more than the quota for the district will be met,

Thta work is a long hard grind on the members * of the board, and the medital examiners and iho»*> who are rciiilcniig < Irrical a-t^istame The mals- of del-ail 1 hardl\ believable un-~ less ^ person has -een the work in


T Those from Summit and New Provi-deiue who passed the ph^^Ual exam-

• t u t i H i i t i l ln>, w , ' i - k i r . - 1,-ti-il I t e l o W .

gav*» what assistance he could. Mean­while Mr. Tompkins had been tele-

IN SUMMIT The Commit I'ts- on ,se» iy.g

id officers between the aaes of 21 and Surgical Drc-siii-gm*! ilw lo. aj

bl commissioned b> the C.o\t-inor foi ^ r u h s rhaptcr appeal to \ou. a ,i pa


titi/eti to come to (he worU-*jt^K„r F j

Y M, C. _A. _buj|ding, and help *('hay. n.

* Means . laiin^ exemptiifu on ground depetidenc \

1 * • • Aliens. ***|*elligriiio Camp.iuelli Summit

, Tho* J Miiiowati, .Sunmi't •••Sebastiano 1'ouloiini-. Murr.tx HilL •••Mb liael M ir.ln. Summit '

and •John Wan Ww Pr.A .|.-n. •• Wed "Frank Kop. .1 ^iminii '

'•Henrj Kiuiilinger. .Siiuiuii' Sebastian I'errone. MimmiT

Itu. kle\. Suinnir Hi uibi-rt \ . SntTinr*-'

to racks, and Lieutenant Wilson with a very grave face and a paper and p<

the cots in the War- nohcrt E. Den ike. The officers will

Midi appoint the non-commissioned officers

in his hand began inspection of the Arthur S. Hamlin acted as secretary

where for utility corporation^ to do ambulances ilu.-, work at their own expense

Supt. S. W. Borden of the Com wrHlth Electric Co, says that t urutice of his company In this reXbandaging and symptoms of his n e w , o r t h e meeting sne.t is in accordance with that of alt war patients. j I n addition to the officers the me* o , r such corporations under a rul- Combining the discovering dressing,

the Public Utihties Commis- litte> loading, and all he tne mom- -pFincipJes Involved in getting wound f

• •' linen spent

mg by Mon

The Board-of Education was given ed men to the hospital, the linen spent John J. Aildk ,Jm*«5Sn to erect the portable the m o r \ g woffilng in deep earnest Robert Bran "-hoollLuildlnK formerly on Passaic for the f e e W of unrest backed up by ,,-ank Bec.s

various,of the new organization are: On-ar .1. Arnhciin John J. Ahdeison


lhe"saine length of time as the men a_ic enlisted. In order to sa\c con-

^ i l d r ^ i M ^ n ' ^ a n n ^ T " ; 1 ; ! , ! ^ ; . . . . . , , , meet the demands that are com- "Fred U. « . , . - , Sun.m

lacfd 111 the hands of local ciMl in^ in for supplies to b. f ^ i f>^ r o i l *ZZ.K

sent to the

officials tint rained in the exercise of iro„t, such power, it will be distinctly a State force available for service onlj upon order <if the C.o\crnor to serve

-t a frame garage, lined creditable work wa^ done and as Lieu- • ami coverefl with sheet tenant Wilson so fthly expressed it,. Jar of his .tore. 393 "the patient, all arrival alive and are


^ n u e S ' t n e ' r e a ' r T S hTgh" school the "assurances" of Captain Lawrence lot on Soringfleld avenue for school that som^hln> was going to happen purposed W H Hall was given per- kept all the men ^1 their mettle. N cry

mission to erect with asbestOH and iron, at the rear Springfield avenue.

Troperty owners of Overlook T. quested - the Council to put street in passable condition tt-r was referred to-the street commit-•ee Mr J G. Ovens of- that street.

Tomplalned of a wrong gnrde having -tart for our hern given him for his sidewalk which tance w.l 1 e n now too high. This was also re- army regulat.

ferred to the street committee Francesco Camberlango referred to t

a previous request from him for the 1111

do-nig uneiy." road Tuesda\ afternoon tin,' that eves were -parkling with h.ibpmcss and

The mat- the telegram which he held soon sent sparkles to ever> body's exes, for

to be inspected tlii^ week new quarters

a r e

we -and

The dis­covered by a hike As

ons- alIow-=for fifteen to, eighteen iiujes to be covered a day. he time on the march can be approx-

ateh cab ulated by those^ hayjng at the destina-

repair oTorchard street and this mat- hand a W* ™ ^ ™ t.r was referred to tlie_ntreet com- tion is hUer^nnouiKiu

""oirresolutlon J4.000 was authorized t.. he borrowed Troin- the Summit

Trust Co. - ^ - thorizedTwo Cars C«n.e Together on SlipiK-rj

1IEA0-0N t 0LUSI0N.

ftnad IMM Mght.

—Another "Gortons accldpnf occurred ^ _ Ravmond Fleming^ abo^t ight o'clock last' night on the. Rnbt. H. Farrow aooui cus ^ «ri.i.tr«t« nliice when J. Anthony Gambino

neawnw t M l n e r 8 - a U , o f W h a r ton . >. J, September 1. the weavers of , t h e c a r travelling east were H.

e Summit «llk Mill will > T;iven an u 4 4 1 Sp-rTngneW **«»»*• *l"n^" crease of one cent a yard, which^was ^ ^ ftnd G e o g^uater, " J ^ ^

solicited by the weavers.

On resolution $300 was au ^LO be paid to Roae FlogHB-forThe pur--ghttna of a atrip of ^er property Ttecea-1

sarv to straightening and widening; ^ ^ ^

Prospect avenue. tuaCurnDlke°near Whtttredge place when After the readTHg_of_t>a. bills the,tuni^Ke ^ ^ ^ ^ | n a head-on

f'ouncil adjourned- ! collision. " „ j - m • • • - — — I In the car going west were Geo.

1"mn"'. J . . . „ . „ , * ? « M°°«»: «ii;»f wn.no„. N. J. From


nnoVTo°lIcTted"by""thVweavers. There " £ « av7nue, Ellz/abeth. They were, w,U be distributed on October 1st to a , i a a k e n t 0 Overlook,Hospital and the the weaver* who are under contract- c a r a ^ ^ d a maged arc in a local gar-several thousand dollars, representing | eight per cent, on their earnings for B

M r a B l 8 D O p and Miss Miner #ere, the lasT sit month*. AU the weavers „ ,„ t h e n o s p i ( a i this morning rest , in the mill w«I not receive a slice of,, c o m f o rtably. They are not badly | this "melon,': the money being given h ( m a u d w l l l s o o n be able to return only to those who have signed a- con- t o t h e i r n o m e s .

tract with the company that they win « . • • ' • *

take no part in any » t r i k e _ t h a ' <m ^J B HnmmH IMjgtrfluilfiilf Cent.r for Weht-

be called. These contract p a v e r s Nnnnn y ^ HeeUon. have put up a bonus, amounting in e f t Inton in this Seetton. moat casea to_.*200 each.guaranteeing. U n t O D Telegraph Com-thev will refrain from striking. While; The ^ " ^ ^ e important the money is in hands of the company D a ^ . t h € l r "method of trans-

_it is drawing six per cenU interest ^ r ^ J g f 0 ' f telegram^ from this ^see­the men; ""

Kenneth A Butlt r Thos Bntt II II Bniras Harold Brady Alfred W. Brxdon p» KJ U Biouiih A. Haihei Collins Donald Couitny Fied N. Cowpt rthwaite I t<d W (lift l

Ralph H, t:ollina . Earl Co«»inan John Conway ' > (i .H. CnUis J. Wm. Cromwell, Jr.

Jlenii V. Carrere tklw. JrDittmar Custavc A_. Da\ics \ \ in. S. Day Thos. Uauiia. Cm H Dan foi 1I1 John J. Eaklc-y Edw in Ijric^n Thos F. Fagan Harry J. Fin lay-, * AVm. M. Flynn

anywhere within th° s u , i e f o r a n y

purpose for whicli'military forces arc oidinarily tLsed. as provided 1»> tin-Constitution and Laws of New Jersirr While on State duly, the} will be paid. transported, subsrorwl-and fuiniMicd medical attendance b> the State.

Tlie Oath |{c<|iilred of Karh Man.

" Each indi\iduaf is rcqu,iicd to suli-M-iibe to an oath of t nliMmc-nt sworn

Jto befoie a t oiniii-tssioncd off M« 1 of [the Milma, 01. 111 the aim no of MII II Jan officer. b> a civilian authon/.d b\ .law to administer such oaths.

The oath is as follows: <•!_ _ , do hen by aiknowlid-'e

to haxe xoluUiaiU^enlisted in -Company. - - Battalion, of County, of The New Jeisev State Mi litia, to sei \e diiiSn^ tile presi nl wai with Hie imp'cjral Cmt'iiinniH of German\-._and for onV-xear theieafur of'-any nnei ^encies that may aiist therefrom, and I forth* r m--H-e to <n ter into the Service of the__ States for duty solely-within the StaU of New Jersey when ordered by the Governor to do so, unless sooner di

Manx women devote main

hours a week to this work but more

workers are needed" Tor there ' - inui.h

to ho'accomplished If you have uu occasional free hour or two, come to

the Supply Station and work for the

soldiers" who are representing \ou in

active service; in return giving tlu-m

votir support and crmpenition. they

need it and -o do xnu Tin- rtolU'-n

'who art^H-lre.nh a. live an- doing a

'line work and th.-x want you to ha^e

a share in It. as well as your help. 10

that the re-uiu oi J.W- mrrtfiTO-l* -1 -

111! 1't 1 Ml

•Wm H Matthew-Xieo. W. Uryw.'s|er,

. Summit

111.U , \ . T u u I e . i M l i g

t h a t t in 1 w a r w J l l b n i i K ' t o l o r t r i l e l o a l i . l

us. The rooms aic open lr.nu l»

:fW .Mondays and 'luesdav^ for

glial Dressings and W*nlue-d.ix

Jhursdays lor sewing

tl/MMI <;»rnieii1- in Si \ Weeks!

'" Are you aware ot "thV urgent nerd

ol km.ted gjnueiit-, for our men

11 t > >


, 1 1 1 < 1

•Win II MiGratb. Summit "John 11. Middletoii. s-uniinit •Jos L. Deldm-a, New Pio\ idem e"" KiL T Whiting. SUIHIII t

• Tleubeii Wile\, Sun 11111' •lli-nri A CJndi. Siimuii' Jos \>, Sweiison, Siimm: •Jos' M Murrac. SIHILIIII John <' t'onaiit Suiumi *( lareiue Aaron. Summit Luei.ino Coll.iliello. Ylutny Hill *Harr> W Fieri.- Suinni ' •ilH.ar \ Ander-ou Siniiiuif Eugene J Mil.iln'. Siiniint' •llarrx A S» ibert Miinm r

|1 .}, Flood SiiiiiniH

John Coop, r Smrli N> '\ l'r>>\ .di-nce. •••Ig11.il/ Itm-ell. Suin-i" *Wm \ M. Lowiihlni \ . n I'ro.i.lencc, * + *Jo- W.narr\ Sntiiin *( h. i < \ M i l l p h v . M i n i m "

Josepli D^jijai-sar. Summit •Anton T \ndi-is..u Sum.in •I'asipiale D l'ia//a. Minim.1 Mr'lmr Strvki-r Sum:!,' _ __ MUII/IO I'ul'-'o. Sunmo*

.•William M FIMIII. i^n.n, « \ \ illiain C, Ueml. Sunn- r

111 =. Ceorre F Kib-x . Sunitii ' fat L- */.,.,.^.rr.-vt Ostraiider. M'rrfay I'l'HLJ

charged by pioper aiithoiityTaTia I d« J j ^ m ^ - " H a n d o U l ( . r H w n o hAyt! iiot-T^<Mna, j

Summit in .ddlllAii w tocg J g r The new plan seems to "be working «om a . ™ dlgt/tbtttlng office.tor

well for It I. more than six months, J * " ^ ^ ° S h o r t Hllls, Chatham, and since tjxere waa * atrike at ^ ^ M a d l s o n and special telephone Ih^s

-rirerg^riF^ah ,A»y and " i g f a t ^ l M T a V e ^ F H s t a l T e < r i g the loc>l office and it is planned to add.to the force aa havi> » ^ n transmission of busl-soon a, the summer i , over. - %j> ^ ^ p o i n j a ; the ^ s s a g g

...'beTna- telephoned to Summit anaTnen

ours be* on week

9 a m- tp_1 2 noon, and

Senate Passes Frell»**«T»*j «l

for ftrsejr AVnUfoa S i te

Seilator Frelinghuyaen's bill for the .acquisition of an aviation station for the navy aL-CapeJtfay w£«^ passed by the Senate Tuesday night wlthoOt any,

—ob^ttoa: ^-Thft ^wi^-^-apfrropriatea, from 4 to 4+ V $150,000 for the project; moat of wbicba h&Ildays »uin will be uaed for dredging _Coid Spring harbor and njalUng it *?ail-a»le for torpOto boata^and submarine*.

c Senator ffellnghnysen said the navy department already hai a great deal

niricA will remain Qben _ S S r ' ttin 'over ly the hours be ing from 8 a. m to U P- m l d m * - « « . „ » a, • - to_ 1

s2 - ^ - y 8 ^ a - n ( r 1 - ;

Mr M F Fordharn.lhe local man.

Wharton Green David W. Griffith — G. M. GiUamerian Frank Glarkin H". Donald Holmes Irafiall Robert Hallan Bernard Krauter Arthur S. Hamlin John B. I-ager Hubert Long Glenn M-iller Robert 'Macdonald, Jr. W E I. McMane Malcolm McDougall James Pedicini Franklin Parkin Wm. Parkin Bradford Powell Robert Roberts. Jr.

Edwin ?*• R°»8

August H. Riviere I.emuel SEiamo.re,.Jr. Wm. ??. Severancii. Raymond G. Saber -Joseph Slamon Fr*nk B. Seller 1 G e o ^ . Scott Elmore Schultz Richard Swain BavTo" K. Swaln -Chas. S. Totten Edwlft C. Treat

. John-Ehilip Vicari Donald.B-Vreeland Robt. W. Valter , i Edgar M. Wright _ , S. L. Wright «, B. K. Wheeler HarohTX-35TJlaan_—

ruite.1 tho Ariuj- *HJ N.i\>7 and ot Uie lat 1. *(;i,orKf."71 ~ tlia't the wool UM-II MI lliobe ijiinnenta A n , l l o l l % |»iblas.-o H - t l l \ M-ights

has to be hnaiued by liidixiduaN , ; i . o r K ( , AUernlg, N-w Pr-mdef. e Many are willing to knit who feel niat •Alexander" W'nod-am." Siiiiinit

* ]iaye_already contributed beyond • j . , , , , . r itreiiingham. Sumnii"

t • r- • r th,.t I will bear true l » e u »>*'»»»• a m l o U , , ' r a W h ° , 1 * i ^ , 'V!1 'tT.omas J HevnoM-. S.m.mi: soremnly swear that I wi 1 bear tim t<> c o n t r | b m e a l ttll are will J o , j Mcti^wan. Summit, fauh and a l l w a n . , Jo tho gme n- ^ ^ _ . - . ^ ^ K . Tunks. Sun.miL— ._ ' ment established m the fatele 01 rx« w W l l L > 0 U Uvl» us furjilah tliese peo- , ( ; u , n f t Mmer. Summlt.-Jersey ami of the Lnited states 01 ^ ^ w w J . , ^ ^ a^unied * H h a w T o | „ „ , Summit. America, Mindef l\w auLhoi Itv u f ^ - f ^ - ^ ^ o f riiaklnk'LTOO _garilH'ntS *t'jTameT R f'urfls. ^ontmill- J — - = ^

six weeks. Wont you help at o i u e ^ . , ^ , . , ^ A jnK h _S4,rou„: with a contribution that will make It

Marry~<j. Voting. Jr , N'-w Proxidcnc$.

pcople. and that I will serve them, honestly and faithfully a*amsf all ^ ^ ^ ^

tlidr__enemies_or__ppB?»<,r« whomso- ^^ujie-to place-lhi! wopl.m H\e_hands i r U w ^ M o n < K o m c r V r iiuomiiL ever, and that I will promptly respond o f t h f c B e w o r k e r B ? Joseph P Mahon-. Summit to any call for duty issued by the U e g t n i i n i g with next Tm*aday% a Dol- J a n i P R wtlliams. Surnmr Governor of the State for-service any- ] a r (-aiI,paigrt will be started- •Charles L. fToTn, Summ'

. There Is only a short time in which u < j J ( , h n s o n summit. JfT»ey, at anytime a«rt to accomplish this work and It is hop- „ a r r y t*0iietta. Summit

length of time considered e d lhat^ji»jr_y one will co-operate with < a r l "r> 4»ctcrson, Summ,


where within the boundaries of the State of New J, for any necessary by the Governor, and that u s l n m aklng this campaign a big s u * ' .William Launberg. Summ.' I will.at all times obey the regulations c ( j s a -"•Waiter Swain. Summ."' and orders issued to govern The New , yTC{} W'ool Committee, *RusselI Pettx Suniim Jersey State Militia and the'orders of!. . - - Summit Chapter ' .vrthjir J. Markham. Summit

Ani<Tlran 1M ( ros-. Harry W Salmon. Summit — - . o *Axei K larNon, Summir

The Summit Chapter American-Red 'Harold r Balilwin, S:imm:t Cross announces that Murray Hill has •Charles J J Ott. Summit. become a Branch of the Summit Chap- • _<>-ter and Berkeley Heights has become J h e I ) i s , r ( c t Kxemp ton Board an. Auxiliary

the Governor, and of the officers ap­pointed over me, BO helpjme God."

Two important paragraphs In the Governor'* orders are:

"20. The men enlisted as aboxe, will continue their ordinary loca­tions, unless called upoh""foT*tiuty, in

f o r

< !

which event they will be paid regular r ' | , t ; - 0 - ; r o f ' S u p p l y j ^ i c e Commit-'the Second Jersey D.^ion * * « * * « * . . *__ IL~, v- *- - . « . . _ . . w j jjjp claim 01 wm. tsgan, OL 00 military pay and maintenance for t b e ' t e e o f g u m m j t chapter for week from gram;

time theyftnu-actually performme A u K H 8 t n t h to August 20th: Sent to P e( % EgaiL,is_ well-known In avenue ^ duty. whicFpay shall-cea«e whenever Xnrbu lance- t'ompany No. Xi 7 pa< k- baseball circles "Eere. having been4t,h« ihey*are reHev«d-and permitted -*o re--nffp0 njh gauie wipes, £G-h*»d towels; • a t a r p.Weh*r,< ot.-lb*- *\& *St.' Teresa's turn to their homes,** .Case IX packed ready for shipment a. B.C.

'•'23. 'After correspondence with the t*Q prance, value I1QQ00, 51 pairs pa1- ^ < ^ | ^

Secretary of War, and consultation,ja m a 8 ,12 tray covers, 24 iilghtlngalei«. . with the-eomniamltog-Off4eer-ef-theJ ^ b B t n T-obes, 4» hospital bed^shTrXs. ^ l l t Vature Lofer'n -l^mfcw ^ta«»s. -

tEaatern Denartment. It has been 48 handkerch.iefB. Z ? " " ^ ™ * * ^ A m e e t .ng of the Board of Trustee, definitely decided as a policy of the e r bagcovers. 6 pair operating stock- * ™e B ^ Leagne^ will be Stale_tbaLlhe_New State Militia will tngs^r>e wash cloths. "iLld at the r^"'-"™ of Col -Beni. Fv not J>e nsed for guarding Private or „ . " „ . - h _ n „ l e c t . Holmes. Fine Grd*e avenue. Summit. Public Utilities, or Plants, except inj MWs-pamella_Lyall h a 9 _ b e e n t l ^ J fWsdav. Auausr28th. at 3 rase of emerg«B«y.- which .latter, will ;ed , «ecretary of tbt,

on Tuesday. Augusr28th. »t 3 p. Dt Members—are urged, to be present If-

.. of the executive com

Hra a n d l h a t t o all intents and pur-, begin her duties September 10 Miss P°%**\ H ^ Q ^ ^ r S e s their d.nt»esJwlll be similar to Bergen, who has been serving in this The j . H . a ^ ^ M

J t S s ^ of the old National GTiard.^ua^piffltion. will continue as secretary of ^ o ^ ^ S e p t e m b e r 6 U | . . A U

Ject to- the orders of the Governor, in the chapter^ _ _ exhibits must be marked with th« <ase of- iot or qthpr disorder beyond"; _' * * _ * * _ _ , „ „ , , . i i t owner's name. Flowers-will not 4ran^

a marine computation had been es tahliihad. aa well as a .training naval - r - i-

imprWraents In service ^ m thew clenfoffic g, bim,.^

,i.„lt tr.0. 'he™ W»«".,i!«!.."S 1


Oscar Wagenseil

7wj»«ise*h~sfe««*.Ti"fc —. The proposition of forming this new

company In- Summit was-imt before the

S. O- O. men Thursday nJaiit of last

contrOlTJf-tbe loeal-or^eunty authori­


Many folks who are in the habit of

jnmt reading UM so-called *• "local

naa:e.** mlas tnany Interesting articles

week 'At \hat time thirty-finte men of and lire new. stortei appearing every

E ? " org«»xaUon ^gned'Hhe oath (wees on m r f p U «f * • HEBALD;

while othera wanted a few hours toBaADJBWBBT FtiOB.

Many-folks- who are. In file fe»blti_of_ p7tgesr but- will be wercomedaa ahow*.: jugt reading the so-called "local jng I B e interest of^the yonflg people in p a j e / ^ n i s ^ a n y t n t o r e s ^ n i r a l le les the culture of •hemmy ^iwrod: ^hetr

and lire new. stories appearing every!homes. S p r i n g f l < ? 1 < | ^ ^ ^ ^ w m

week on every-pe**1**^11* HERALD b e n e J d ,n_ ^fee_puDjtc acBOoi boildln«%

_ • I** • • . „ — on Friday. September 7. from 3 tio 4J0>

HERALS Want. For Sale. For Kent, o'clock. At all Garden Shows flp ad^rtisements • on Page 8. They should be brought In re*seU w bringvietuUi. Have you read them? jmay contain-water.

T3 '7"

-*. 1^ - ^ - ^ r^ .- •" -

t ^3U£^-^lUA^ai9 b ^ i i




Xaealt Defeat 8y*img&l±~ria**im* tow IHaee September 7,

Last Saturday the West Summit A. A. defeated the Springfield B, B. C.

e Springfield grounds, by the of 11 to 8. Jack Lawrence

thg__ locals, a l lowing only

the Chatham pJaygrooiMU. * * * teams played exceedingly good ball aa wa*"eTfd«rt**"Jt»r:*b r f r w*r e

w * _. and J»nore adept brother enthnaiaaU who were present In very Urge n«m-bers. giving aid whether solicited or not


MCES?QRIE& we ha\e in varied Btyles— nickel - plated on brass — non-niBtable. They are not confined to any one manu­facturer's productions..

Towel *Kacktt Soap Dishes

SpoBBeJHoldMi Tub Seats

Portable Showers

Tooth BruifcJIoluers

r -Eto# TAtn Kte.

The country's best, at easy-to-pay prices.- See them.


Summit, N, J, Vham Wl

httB, while Warner, the opposing boxman, gave thirteen hits. To-jnorrow the locala will meet the crack Astoria team of Newark.

So far. the West Summit boys have played 16 games and lost only 3. Those who don't attend these games af the Division avenue grounds are miss­ing some good ball playing.

The West Summit A .A. will hold its opening-dan«e of the season in Nippon Walt; Friday evening. Septem­ber 7. Music will be furnished by Barrel's orchestra.


Established 1880

Insurance Agenpt in Summit, , : :

EUGENE C. PERSON ©pp. Depot Summit ;N.^

Ambrose Powell Real Estate

Lsuranee Loans ^


^ 7 UWiOH 'liACE Phone am . Summit.

.„ The summer playgrotmd conducted at the corner "of Park avenue and Maple street, closed on Wednesday1 for the season, Mr. John ---A, Ford, pi Plttsneld, Mass., and Miss Harwick, of East Orange, have been the directors In charge whose labors have made the playground this year such a success.

The prize winners for the three field tfag'Jg&jtgn were aa follows;

Boys—seniors: First prize, James Keating; second prize, Reginald Cum-

ftuTttrs; third • prize, , Philip Lucas. Juniors: First prize. Rudolph Cum-inrWff ieeona^prtte; Arthur Sheas-tWl* ptize, Stephano. intermediates; First prize, Leslie Boherty; secdndprtie^ James Gostetlo; third prize, Jamjs Paplo.

Girls—Seniors: First prize, Eakley; second prize, Helen Keating; third prize, Florence Merlghi. Juniori: First prize, Marie Merlghi; second

[priga, Ot.rtriirt^ Fiehush; third Theresa Wall. ' " ' . _ ' .

The final field meet last Friday iulted as follows« :..;./_._ _'.*.!

High Jumpj—Boys, Seniors • TCeat^ ing, ConuoHyr-Martin. Intermediates: Boherty, Costello, J. Fapiot Juniors; Wannotta, Cummins, Stephano,

Caging Basketball—Seniors: Keat­ing, Cummtair^rtsrttn, Intermediates: Doherty, Costello, J. Paplo. Juniors: Stephano; Holmes, Garguillo.

Girls—Seniors: M, Eakley, H. Keat­ing, '"SirGannon.' Juniors: F. Pennies, j ! Tribu; G, Flebush. j

the Bar—(Boys) ^eniprr:

Office i O. T, Coal and Lumber,



Ow KTtot from girls *«««aaca«la«!sYX'M*15 °* T H E M * " ^ * 8 m e l e r i e j i r o m w*rn *wpt »i •" •••» | — „ , k l r 0 l n i n t t r M O S « N FREE

Among the special -"features was the work of "MarcieJ.' Finnegan and ^gis"

BO ABB O r CflOSEN „F»EEHOLD-E B S ^ > T ^ N i O I M a ^ _ N T y ^

Ckov« KKeboMers of Union County * M B«a*T on Thursdaj, August 16th, 1917, mt 2.30 p. m. I Rol. o i l showed 1? m*n»kert present; 4 «V4 scut. -> '

A <• Hnmnniestion (ran the Civil "-Serrjce T^HYrrrarTTr in rrfmrtt-tn inspf f t ion on rO»ds and brSdse* was receixed and filed.

S from Uie El Mora Assocla n rcgai

Fttterer." "Miss "^TrowbTKlEir „„, . . - » _ _ - - - . f .M n i n i t t e e

ham displayed excellent spirtt eren to]-d " ^ . ^ S ^ Z L ^ t J - " ' the face of defeat. The score:

SUMMIT. . a.b, r/'h. p-o. *-

Connqlly, lb. Finnegan, p. Daley, c. Merighl, B.S. Helberg. 2b. Finnegan.' c.f.

N*. B. G-F. E. M C. Wood, r.f. J. Saber, 3b. S. Fi^terer, c. M. Eakley, If

r. 2 2 1 2 2

"2" 1 3 1 0

0 i I I i t o 0 3 0

8 2

11 « 0 0 a 0

0 3 0 0 2 « 0 1 0 0

County Engineer and County AttorOCT. A r-"Tir"U-Mi*m Iron Frederick C Kentz,

Citv Clerk of the Q t y of Sunnnit, nolifying the" b»uril that the property owner* on Morris avenue. Summit, declined to pay for tb# extra s-i hfc proposed to be made on sl id avenue, re-e*ivr*J and filed.

Mr. P. J. Meahl, of Smnrnrt, in re--•>••- ti> ajWert on Sunnnit avenue on his prop* I ertv. nreetred and -filed. i f"

Totals qHATHAM,

a.b. r. Trowbridge, p Rellly, 3b, •„.:. O. Hines, c. Callahan, r, f. R, Hines, c.f. A. Hines, l.f, Shaw, lb. Porfito, fb. Est. Corilin Eliz. Conlin, c.

.tin Ansitlo Ituanonnt stating; that be had *^TBa,fe a nisfake in his figure* on the contract « - «MV ™l*«*t.- Vnnntain -arrnue, asVTng to be . rr;-i-rc<l of same. Received and filed. •;••: COMMITTEE REPORTS-0 "I he Committee on Bridge on Mountain ave­rt »i:r. M<-untain«de report awarding culvert to

, AIETIU Ituanno but that Buanno had declined ~~' t>' -:^n fontract; therefore recommend that th* 2 - ci,r:Vih be awarded to E. J. Shuiter. ll.40S.00.

|tr,r]ic.J and the recosuneadations contained thefe-n were on roll call adopted,

• . I The- Committee jon Soiitb "Front Street % Br. Ige repoH3" awarding contract for repairs

t.» '•iridge to M, Bymei_JBuildiBg, £ o ^ . for

EUabeth Draw It ridge Committee re> awarding contract for repairing South

B™.!R* to VilU Bros., for $986, - * 1'iinmittee on Engineer's Office reper^ed

Ki'.aig rented a room for engineer's quarters or the 4th noor in the Kean Bldg,, for $50 00 IT: month: also as baring purchased some f%.r:.f:ure for £^me, '. ' "

K -»4 Coinaittee reported awarding contraet iy- repairs to Colonia Road to C, H, Winans C1., for |l .95S;3I, also awarding contract for

repairs to Mountain avenue to C. H. Winans t • . ftft $1,760.; also awarding contract for re-.

f- M Springfield avenne. New Providence, Weldon Contracting Co., $8,131,60,

K 6 W B U S I N E S i , l : .« fnll . ,win f f w«nll lrinl)j Wff j pn foil Call

Tlie rlr^i


«>eil: to (mrchase filing boie i for engineer.i in^iall telephone in engineer's offcee; to

jar Btwise-Ford, contract at Bonnie Burn; to resist''bridge at Cranford for^llOO; to make <,rrf—«5y appointment in engineer's office, f

, T*hit * e»>py ,-of. resplutiori, Tegarding sewer kpritigfirid avenue, Sumtnit.- be forwarded

the ^igineer, in charge Ale«»neierJl*otteT,~_" li:.»rd idjoumed-to meet on- Thursday, the

^stS ^i^Auguit, t»ISF. at 2vMT>.^nt, •——— BEXJ, KING, Clerk. -

Fc" and eomplete copies may be had of the ve minutes upon, application to the Clerk of i Hoard, Court House. Eliiabeth, N. J.

Many folks who are In the habir of Just reading the so-called "local page,*' miss many Interesting articles ani^HWTnw* stories appearing every week fin Agwvx page of the HERALD.

Requiring room for Tl€?r_ jwoducte, a well-known manufacturer of fine Chenille Floor Coverings desired to dispose irrtmediately of an assortment of perfect Rugs. We secured a large quantity at a 6>eidedxoiicession, and are therefore able to offer these splendid Rugs at the foUowing greattyrreduced price*.

Advantage ahould be taken of this unusual oppor­tunity, as there U wnaU UfieUhood of wich «*»> ordimwy value* beinf offered again in the Fall when the demand mHum hlgh.frade «oor Coverings

Self-Colored (small patterns) effects; Plain Centres with figured borders (no band borders), and Oriental patterns, as follows : . ' • . ' ' _

6 ft* x 9 ftw.-.'...125 8ft .3in.Jt lf l fe

6 in. . . . . 9'ft x 12 ft

40 50

lOC6h. i l3H6i i . ia / 12 ft x 12 ft. 12 ft x IS ft 1 2 f t x 18 ft .

Plain Centtes witii dainty French narrow borders j very decorative i

s. 68 .. M

105 floral

6 f t X 9 f t , ,«.« • • :>f. 8 f t 3 i n . x l 0 f t 6 i i i * . 9 f t x 12 f t . . , . •••*••

• • * • • S • • * • , MM

65.00 ^xelT^Hit-or-IVIiss^ eWeictS in several deV

sirabtarcolorings, ms follows! _•.

6 ft x 9 It.. ... • •,... . . . . . . . . $1^0 8 ft 3 in, x 10 ft 6 in. . , , w.fltf 9 f t x 12 f t . . . . y. v , . . . . . • • f •»* • * * 40,00




39^ Union Place* Summit, N. J.

Telsahone 380-J


Real Estate Insurance


OypociU Unlaa Plaoa,

SUrtfUT, N. J.

ChinnihL Keating, Cunimlna, Connolly. •jnediateM: TSBTCltd; F. fltioa, J. Juniors- Cummins, A. Shea, Stephano.

Girls—Senlori: H. Keating, H. Shea, M. Eaklef. Juniori: O. Flebuah, M. Merighl, F. Pennica. _

Throwing the Indoor Ball—Senior a: Lucas, Cummins, F, Paplo. Junior^: Stephano, A. Shea. WaU, Intermed-lates: J. Paplo, Tlnch, Keyes.

Tbrowing -the BaafcftbjalL—Senlora F Merighl, HL Keating, Wood, lors^ Flihush, M. MBrtfhtT^*r-Pen-11 I'lidurance Teit (Ladder) BOF», Seniors: Keating, Cummins, Lucas. Intermediates i J., Paplo; CostftUo, Doherty. Junior a": Cummins, Far-COBUI. Gargunio. , , n .„

G l r i9_Seniors: H. Keating. M Gan­non, A. Baron. Juniors: G. Flebush, F Pennica. J. Triola

Standing " Brkni ^urap-Senlors. (Uovt.) Keating. Cunrtnins. Martin. inteUediates: Doherty. J. Papio. Costello. Juniors: Cummins, A. Shea. S t S ? r S e n l « r , : M. Ea.ely 1L Keaf-ing, F. Merlghi. Juniors. M. Merighl, T Vail . G. Flebush.

.Running BroaU J urn;P=BoyB: . ^ r ' lors- Keating. Lucas. Martin. Inter-S d i a t e s , e? 9 lel lo . Doherty J, Paplo. Juniors: A. Shea. Stephano. g r a i n s -

Girls-Seniors. M. Eakley. F. Mer-TKhi H. Keating. Jui*lors. M. Mer* hrhi T. Wall.' J. Triola, _

H o ^ S t e p A M Jump-Boys. Sea-torT: Keating. Lucas. MartinQ Inter-mrtlrates: Tost^llo. Doherty." Simpson,

uhlors. "Stephano. ~A

Aftef w.iirtp moat etncleptly ttie at-flce of surrogate for a period ot thlrtr years, NJOeorge T. Parrot of ..Elizabeth has announced that he, will not he a tandidate to succeed hlniself this fall-


^ S i s - S e n i o r s : ^Merlghl-7 M. Eak­ley. H. Keating^ Juniors; M. Merighl, T. Wall, G. Fiebush-

Circle Rope-Girls. Seniors: F. Mer-iKhl H. Keating. F. Shea. Juniors. Wall. G.. Ffcbush, M. Merighl.

Forty Yard Dash—Boys. Seniors. Keating. Luca», Cummins. Intermed­iates' Costello. Doherty. Cummins.

I Surrogatefl*arrot expreaaea his ap-preciation at the .confidence lwhieh-j people of Union county have shewn in

• j g l + h i n t during - h i ^ iocMmbency. but be-j^aus^^of—adwancihg t=year» dftew ao l

wish to assuBne any longer the e i t c t -ing duties of the office. - Wh«ti intertiewed this week. Sur­rogate Parrot-said in answer^to thej luestlon. "Are you a candidate to «oc* eed yourself as surrogate^?""

"1 am not. Many of my friends have jrged me to allow them to use my name as their candidate at the com--ing primaries, hut I^have asked theral to make no effortsjn my behalf.

"1 greatly appreciate the confidence of the voters or Union county who have for nearly thirty yearsJ#ho»rn their appreciation of the mapner in which the duties of"Tn*fiT ofttce rhave been discharged. It is really one of the most important' offices in the gHt of th«-people ot the county., aud the volume of its*business has great!}, in­creased since first I assumed its du­ties. It requires for th«r proper .dis­charge thereof one of special tral»ing|_-and experience, hut- ther* a t e iHhtra 'oT younger "years who cwt iheei the responsibilities which 1 am disinclined* longer- to assume. $

"I feel -confident that the people of the county, knowing the requirements of the office, may. safely be entrusted with the selection of a candidate who will he fully competent to dlaeharce^ the many . a n d important duties of surrogate as welt as iTnlght hope to

» . o. u k a*.— rt,mmi»» i do if I had been re-elected."* J .a" T : - | t e ? h M ° - y . u S i ? ! ; ^ K « t Th« candidates for the Republican

Glrls-f Seniors. M. Eakley. H.Jveat-1 n o m l n a t l o n f o r S u r r o g ] l t e to succeed

. Of course you are going to take out

TORE INSURANCE some day. The

.graveyard U full of men who "are go-

tag to." 'Remember delays are'danger-

moB. Take out a policy with us. We

•jrin-iremt sf jnhi"^"

MICKS IR0S. Opposite Station, SumnmV N. J.

__-_ _ Telenhtfne Call fr-J _JReal Eatate_and_ Insurance

ing, H. Shea. Juniors: M. Merlghi. T. Wall. G. Fiebush.

Volley Ball^Olrls: M. Eakley, H. Shea. F. Merighl.

Quoits—Itoy^r^T Paplo. pooley. Girls: M. Barley, T. Wood,

Tennis—J. Paplo, Dooley. Sack Race—Boys, Seniors

Keating. Shelly.- Inte'rmedl. tello, J. ^*aplo, Tlnch. Pedlcinnl. Zelgrier, Parkoskl.

Girls—Seniors: H- Keating ley ,T. T*eri«ht. . Juniors: T. Perihlca'.**G. Fiebush.

Kangaroo Race—(Girls) Seniors: H. Shea, M. Gannon,, H. Keatin*. JuttlorB: G^Fiebuah,--&LLMerighJ. T-WalL

One Legged Race—(Girls) Seniors^ M. Eakley. H. Keating. F. Merighl.

crlghl, T. Wflll, G Fie:

Lueas. H—Qdm-


M\ E»k-Wall, F.

.thV^-i Women's Dorothy ^"Dodd. White Buck and Canvas Shoes and -Putaps, fS.4fe=^ -

Another lot of Patent and Kid

A^o men's 4 and 5 dollar Oxfords 'a* S and 4 dollars. _ .

Sale agents for the- Educator Shoes-Ooodyear rubber^ goods.

bush. Three,, Legged_

ors: Luca?. SkelTey. Race—(.Boys) -Sen-

IntPTTiiMtSf Costello, D«b;eTty. Juniors: A. &hea. J. Wannatto. — ,

Girls—Seniors: H. Keating. H. Shea. M.'Eakley, F. Merighl. Juniors:. Fie-"bush; F, Pennica.

- i -T-o-A most exciting baseball ,game was

t t .Wi

Mrr Parrot include: Charles N. Cod­ding, of Westlield, formerly. «lerh of the S. J- Supreme Court; Peter J. Olde, secretary ot .the county tax board; and former county prosecutor. (\ Addison Swift. '

«»*t Inventory Stock •! H«a«« Tebaeee.

Collector Chas. V. ituffy. of the In­ternal Revenue Office ,at Newark, has Issued the following statement to per sons wfTo are liahlfr to taxationundwf the Revenue Bill uud*r consideration In the House of Congress:

The attention oC all persons, firms or corporation* - affscTea by the—new Revenue Bill now pending before Thfe House of Congress, is "called .to See-tinn 400 regarding the graduated tax 'on cigala, and Sections 304. 3*5." 38$. 313, 402-and 403 imposing a tax on

stock oh hattdwot—diattlled—and rectifi«tl-. spirits. fermente<l_ Jjgnpr*. still wines, sweet wine*, cigars, cigar­ettes, tobacco, etc . and those who are liable to tax on the above, are inform* <M that noon tr ie day that this bill be-coTiies-" effective, ^they - must immed­iately make an inventorv of -thwr stock on~,hand so that the' sirae may

Monday afternoon.. The Girls Senior tei\m took the second and final game

he stamp?d~BP"wtf of tax as required by the Bill.

"Home* pf tio«4. Shoe*.


d s s 1 * ^ fa.-5-^-*

Dr.^JacksBB H. Becter DrHess ie L fiecter OstedpathiciPhystcians'^

* ^TdatJtofteMarkat 1357 458 Hi([h S t . €<*. Market 3L, IffiWARK. N- Jy





I'nmnhlet i s * * « * « p § e c f c t s ^ a f Sta te UJtt* latportaat Dates.

Important dates in connection with the primary and general elections are tnentloned in the. election pamphlet lust issued by Secretary of State Mar*

hrtir "

"IM At iEIT AHB i t S I C V *

Sas ine r T b t e r H m H w l m Hlirn Praise .

^ftn^-g. . u»ft .jwomAT- f t i i i k n t i In ummit this season is Mrs. Mabel

WagnalU, daughter of A. W*. Wag-nailV. pre^ldejpi of the publishing house of Funk * Wagnalls, j¥h i" faa i -

filial* ADTI1T1SUIG.


Senator, members of the AMemWy and for county officers, under the pro-%i!anJ°PT3gtHsnBifecr pwmaTrTtetr~tfr August ft, Such, petitions must T»e filed with the counts, clerk.

The two-year-term of office of the newly appointed members of the local election boards will begin dn: SffpWBP ber 1, ;and on September 4 all the lo-

|cal election boards, throughout the

Ts^cigupytng the Sampson house at JO Oak Ridge avenue, Some ide

"the eleventh d*y of July, A. D„ 1917. upon tt« 1 irjiRMtioii of th» mi'derc(|iw4i *» «xes«lrta t « f the estate of said deeeM**. notice it ker*.

by given ' to .jtie creditor* of Mid d t e e a e d to exhibit to the tuhseriber under oath or affirm-

;atletr their claim( »n4-tt«n«niU my»in«j the « • l i te of t*id deceased within nine monthi from

drnte iff taid order, or they <WU'be farevet



M4 j u * n » s « » ' i « j w—•»•.•»— -— -—- hsr re j^ t fu i i i ^ i i i u r f t u ^ music and l ib ra ry world may be oh- u m «g*inst the whsenber tained from the following article re-Wtatea ^rrom the ^Magical Courier," of August 16:

Imagery and


MeDerns t t * Rorlahl ,TicB^Pffi^, „ _ ^ 7S Montgomery Street, Jersey City,•>. J .

a w 9 w pees, f 11.13

Furnaces and, Ranger Cleaned and Repaired. J-

ibbing pTomptiy-^ttgnaed T©>

TEPimatels Given Tel. 299-R.

Istate J J B J e s u i r e d to meet forlttr^ffl^ 4nieiy_new in the recital field. For Jization,' one* m e m b ^ Z 4 o be chosen .years Mrs; WagnaT1C"h^i"h*en ahle^to •| I . . J _ . •«•« ..-u„;..mQT, . n i i anntimf In- visualize a composition . whUa-playtng

*''' • it or upon hearing it played by some one else. And. therefore, one quite easily imagines what sheer pleasure Mr». Wagnalls "must get from* music

. _ _ , . . . , ___ Music', characterised the tvpe of recital given recently at ^ _ Noroton, Conn., by Mabel Wagnalls. s l I i ;RiFFS SALE—I»i-Chancer* of New Jer-T o this talented literary woman, who . ^ y , Between Norland- Mortgage t.. oniony. 1* likewise a fine musician, goes the eomphrbym.jtul M ; ^ ami T3*» e,,., credit of productriKTaomethinB a b s o ^ T * ^ tot****"- *'

judge and, chairman and another, in­spector*

September B Is the last day for thw appointment of committees to receive and disburse campaign-funds, by can­didates for the Senate and Assembly and tar-county ofticera. , . ._.__

September 5 also is the last day for 'filing petitions for the nomination of candidates to be voted for at the pri­mary election within a single borough, ward, township 6r~"ihuttfclpaliiy. and for members of the boards of free­holders to be voted for in two or more munlcipalitteSi -., ,'••.'

On or before noon of- September 19 the copies of the P"te»fy b*HP t s mm\ be mailed to the .voters- by the local election boards. -

The primary election is,on Tueaaay. September 25, with the polls open all over the State from 7 a. ra. to 9 py-m.

The days for the registratlon-af vo­ters in municipalities' of more than 10 000 population are September 11 and 25 and October 23. The r e * 1 " * ^ tion days in places of less than 10,000 poptilattoh are-Septembe* U^a^* ^ and October 30, . i.

The State conventions of tne «*-publicans and r^mocrats will be held in Trenton on Tuesday, October 2, and the official calls for there gatherings must be issued by the State commit-tees on or before September 27.

Members of the county and city committees'elected ut ihe^ primary election will take TOTcr^on Septem­ber 'O Each county committee is al­so required to hold Jt» annual meet-Tng on ^Hturd-ayT^Beptembr 2ft. , 7^—^-

Motxis Avenue and Cedar

t 'outrary to the average rule, this pUtaiat "writes stories from composl-^ tjuns—atories that are ftlled with a lilting, fanciful xha rm and again, dra­matic and dark color. -

On the afternoon of her recent re­cital. Mrs. Wagnalls selected a pro­gram of varied interests, which in­cluded the following: gavotte (Zielin-»ki», impromptu, F. major • (Rubin-stfinl. etude In F ntaJor , tChopin).^

_JC"' in D flat major (Lisst r, poloi naise In D minor tChopin), and "InvU tation td the Dance" <WeheM^sare) . j

The sketch-of each of the foregoing numbers was read in advance by Flor­ence Short and then Mrs. Wagnalls interpreted them in i e r masterly man­ner and incidentally succeeded upon •hi* occasion in making her audience see the same things she herself vis-ualized in7, the numbers. Space will I , 1 ^ ^ermiLohe .^htire_lwitoi|catWn^ ofj ihV»e interesting sketches, but one mUBt be given to IHustrate the keen mentaluv of Mr*. Wagnalls and her

Labilitv to .create her impressions into torles that give evident pleasure to

her hearers, / In Chopin's polonaise in D' minor,

Mrs Wagnalls found an e^fluisUe fairy story of "The Sleeping Beamy J Hef-akeich ia-thtf following

ct __,. . . ,....__. l*i. fa. for iale ot* mort gaged prernise*. . . . . ' - " . " ^J l t -^^. tUf_jL_th*_«lKu'es t i tea writ of fieri fatias"la "irff iKTrrte^-1—*R5ff:~i«T»W^TtaT~,^deJ by public vendne, «»l the Sheri^'s office in the Cout,i House, in the city of KlUalteth,, N. J., on "' WKllNUSHVY, .TH'K STH DAY Ul ! Slil '-

TKMltKR A. R , 1917, „ at two ii'ctucli in t!ir afternoon of saiil day,

"All that citiatii liii, ir^ct or jiarcel nt land, situate, lying Mid liting in the City of Sum­mit, in the fiiiiiity-t 't Uiiioii, -and State- of New Jersey! .

HKt l lNNlNi i , a t . a 'jmiiu in Uie noutherly'. Hide ot Hadeaii Aveiuic, ilistant *r!.terlj' thfe¥ Hundred .and tifiy fret and OTIC one-hundredth* of a foot from the intersection of the n i i l ssouiherly siile of. JMdrau Avenue with the westerly side o f^urn tn i l 'Avenue, said (Hjitit heing the nqrthwMterly Ciirner of lands Tiow or formerly of l^ul C.adeliusch [ thence , run• .nitig-along-Mii*'line South twenty three degrees Jvftynine minvites Hast Oht'-.,llutidr«d and Fifty six anil ninety-two .one-hundredth's feet to an old rrtonumeut statiding in -litie'ni-laiuW! of John R, Todd; thence along his line north eighty nine degtees fiirtj'ofie rnitiute,* went three hundred and seventy-sis • and eighty-three one-hundrtdths ,.feet to the line of Dr. i lenr^ Pefferi thence along hi* line north nine degrees twenty-three minute* ea*t__oue -hundred and eighty si ven ' and uiiiety-*e¥#n jilloJuLndreiltjiS fret 1.1 the southerly;' line of Hadeau AvenwTTTuTO'F^TriTiB saiil-^rrrttti line of Itadraii Aviiiiie slHith. forty.six di-greesi

.twenty-two minutes east thirtj"-iive • ainl sinty-I three one-liuBd'rAUhs feet to a |ioiiit;' thence

IE PROOF S For Bo«»ehold FuraJture.

Clean, "SftafHtTe. toeJce^^BtHM^aai^Ha • _"" D « ^ i t Bexei.


EXJ'BeSS AND TRUCKING. Aateai«bUe gerrieeb

Local moving to aha fr&ffli city, l « Closed padded vans. Dead Storage tar Automobiles,

HOLLAND'S EXPBESS. it S a a m i t Ateaaa. 117-W.

L. W, PERRIN F i A t Class ,

F l RRIKB AHD CUSTOM TAILORIKCI For Ladles and Gentlemen . "

V Full Line of Fall Goods 4M ^prlaffteld Aw, Saataflt, N. J .

Goods Called fer and P a U v a n i [r{- tWaip t Iy -^^Mephon«-Mp>_lg>J^

? ? •. <

and forget its hot! Don't tire yourself Out these boiling hot summer days: try-

Hug to keen the house ^eieiitahle with tiresome, inefficient


HiMt f r

bKtommrdusters, mops, carpet sweepers, whips, etc. It's turn Umtm tMrtr ^^ i t l ^ .d^n ihg is thjorflugfarwhen you use

>>w Jersey KsffulHe \A%\ tti* X. 4. Siltiutiim.

Gov. Edge seiit on Thurwlay the fol-low,ing letter to: Herbert Hoover, Na­tional Food Atrmintetraior, telling 01 ihe results obtained from the puUH-Nation of weekTT-ni^rket—-prtee^T^ftd-ihe arousing of interest in publ

Lmai-hats^The fetter reads:

Like the turning_oLAJjuie key in u rji-sty lock are _the opening notes-.of liui_piitanaj8g tjjie heavy unbarring ol .L tuwi*riiig gate^nrTonlc^etTPinni ^ l e . ~ . .;- ' . '"^" ' 1

"A wandering fugitive froiu the mod- j rii ' 'world has enco-'untereil i n " some |

Uiit harfeil mountain fastness tlii« | orange, sequestered, medieval stroitg-li.il.lu He does not know uiit il lit* ciif t i r s 1 hat-.-to him has come the 'glory jrj——--r5-

of- siunibling upon the mystical. jPro|i«Nai» siiythical. fabled hallrf'of the limuortal | £i»^juu|lj>rincess,

through gleamhig halls, ajuid silken

aiill alotlg_HM"ili-7 s,i'iithetly ~1me~ of It.L,lean ^ASiniie 5uTn1r~Tifty " dcBTPes" rh i r tynme ~min-Ute» east lilfty-tliree and sinty-five otfe-hu'n-dredths feet1,*'thi-nce still alotvg Mid south erly line of •Itadean Avenue ao.ulh' sixty-; three decrees fniir minutes east si*ty-one and ninety-seven hundredth* fei»t; thence still along said simllufly line 'of Iladean Avenue north eighty two degrees twenty live miiiutes east sixty-two ami sev^n tenths , feet; thence, stilt along said Southerly. line of lladeaii

• Avenue north Seventy degrees twenty-live.jnitv-. iiles east one Inincjuil and two and sisty-

-Umse_ niie-luin'dTedili«, -feeLJoL the pnitil ut jdace


if Itrgiuuing. This descriptiVni living'- tii^vti from a *tir-

\'cy made hy t ' .nl J, Seili-r, I'ivil- Kngim-i'r and jsurycTTir. Defenilvr 7T, JJJll. Itt'iiif a pait

f the s,1inc^TtriiTT^^^,TIWi^\'i'd to -NVi'rtiTrrr ~\°, H.oU-au hy Maii.i M,.l 'ik.- and lmiland hy der'l dated Jtnif ,'<>, '.'A'H'i, and teco ii- 1 in l*ni,.iv Vouirty Hit^UiV-AJfliiit in I«nV 2M,

.. -. -- *' : in.. :,; * Cornice and Sky Light Making^ Slate, Tile, Abestos Shingle antfT

Gomposttion Roofing Hot Air Hea t ing

•Corrugated Iron Work * ' ~ r S-TtBhing Outter and Leader, Work

of Tleeds. ]

CYHl 'S nl.t 4lM

Ct-iiKt' .r v' V.MI.. Sol'.




: l T .

At Your Sar-fica

9 Summil Avenue •l 'hene 105»

For Roiid ..Summit. >'•

ImproTcnieitt, J .

^ f t j n r e and jeweled latliea. all rest-vTOTTelT

O n l y H o o v e r s h a v e n io to r -d r i v e n b r u s h e s . I t ' s t h i s f a s t -r e v o l v i n i , soft h tn r b r u s h t h a t shalcett | i4ose t h e .deep- ; d o w n , n a p - c u t t i n g d i r t , t lutt s w e e p s "tip al l s t u b b o r n -c l i n g i n g t h r e a t K h a i r s , l int , etc., q u i c k e r ' n ; r w i n k , and d u s t l c ^ s t y \v i t ln l r av \ - all t he d u s t a n d d i r t i n t o a d u s t -t i g h t "bag. f rom which it _is" e a s i l y empt i ed . " ~~~ "

T h e H o o v e r is r e c o m m c m l e d ' b y . leading c a r p e t m a m i f a c t :

For six weel«s past we Tiave been publishing repofts secured by our De­partment of Agriculture, showing th»' priceis of topii, wholesale and retail, arid prices actually paid the farnfera, This haa resulted in a very successful educational campaign- Ifas demon­strated apparent abnormal promts 10 the retailer «f fjrom 30 tvUOQTer-rent.i ma «l-«. I m B ^ i e m o n s t i ^ e ^ t h a t . ^ ^ * ^ ^ • „ £ , ^ . / panoruina o f ^ a y tailur* of the houseWtfe ^ w.rket . -aa l u l i r i w u 7 , n U - ^ - " W o t t * : M^m*

Sealed jircirMSiifs will i ' i u i t i t y — W

he r i i i ived hy tli ,ad« nf—the U<

r. im id nf

inir sweetly. He comes t"o""a sLove, curtained »»ff with cloth of e'old. The score reveals a quaint., convincing touch of the* luxuriant draperies. And through this vision of, lM ;1 ( romance, elepatuo and grace, runs thejir„Kii, melody of tjie poloniiwe.

"The fusltivv wonders«whst. dream

mittre "Mi v"««n» „ , , • . . . fhnseii Kreehidd.-r* of the t -nnHr of I. m,.n at the Ciurt !t.fusef Kli.nhe.h N 1 , .« J " ».•>«. -.,.. vt-.,J.JVrr^A,,1.„„ .-i7.-l'M7; for the f..llo«..ft


f^-"%': CLEANED "%'"//&? PACKED

encMMDpass ireful slettperf

u r e r s and o r i en t a l r u g i m ­p o r t e r s , b e c a u s e it, p r o l o n g s t h e life of al l .floor cover ­i n g s , 'This is g u a r a n t e e d . T h e 1 l o u v e r a l so r e s t o r e s o d o r s a n d s t r a i g h t e n s '.crush-, c'd n a p . Every.4-Lonver t n e r is p r e f ­e rence . Ta lk w i t h t h e i u j i n d yni l ' l l . be ' a b s o l u t e l y o»h-A;4iice-d, .: I_.L ...-

Free Home Trials

in ihe old days, has much IftJiti with the apparent excessive profit, which Is leshened by-the cost of delivery.

Jnieri'st in Fubllc MurketH.% "However, the "information "has

shown some attempts at^oriieritig the market by buying the entire product of. the farmers in the ground', aridi oilier interesting phases have been

I'disclosed. It also has recsta.bli»heil i Interest in tire puhlii! nia'rke*-.. in or-1 der to tu t down the waste ami. loss in linn(ltiiig=pTiTducp. '

"I, am enclosing 'copto?* of ;ln» re-ports as puhtishPd broaiP^si- iitro»Bh-out the State for the liuu "six-wniks.


Demonstrations Daily ^^ Eaiy Payment* '.* ••>——


Sumrnit* Ur j .

He is recalled to the tuodwn world by a reminisceut iiiuitering in the bass, a sullen souiiil of distant turmoil. • "He h:«*i H»it tls<> heart to wiiken and disturb the-, uniriuiltled IVwtu'ly-of the-slumhvriiiK prince.**. He retratew-liiH step* tkroiifth the golden curtaiji*-aiHU^™::*.., Soon again mrnV.the wtirn'key in .the '. ( N, ( \ fusty ii»t-K, '"Sadly aiwl t ende r ly -he 'peers'.-ihrouch'the-ancient Uiir.1*, tak­ing on> la;? liiiik a: the sl'eopiiiK jirln-cesji, ili«. quit-t' fouut^iin and tin clijiinK ;»aK«-'wiih" the "silent lute."

l mi-, 1 SVOlk. , . . - - , . . I , „ , , l , . v , . | l l e n t ,,f M.. . ! ' ids„\V2:' l l l ' - '" l l u ' V -

„f S,,nimii with i.iniiiiinoiis c iu- t r ie s ' l r l . j " invvmiiit 1**1*1 on nnu i i t .••incii-ti- ..a».- . t i n Avnrk tnrsteiVd from the h u d K . ^ I Sy, ,,,B I .aU

,int" near Hnli-.s.iv ValVv K.o.io-i'l, a f almiii .t;'v5 fret. The haveim-nt to

j fi I-I in width. . . . . , ,, Deliiiled plii>i« and s p i J u a t i o n , . . « II I. ail atrtities m.iv he r\:iniinrd at !Mt

i siT.. t*.unity ijoth, N : f. , . '

Vis;!! hM nil this work tiin»t Vaiiii.,1 "with a "7v"miii"rihi.l'1r-fr,r i l . m l ,.f the amount 'of the lid as .reiiunr I hy.



27 Maple St. S i imi t t ^ t o n e 4fi<VM

fttntr—Uthe i-ti.irU

.» f * m * * » • l i t • • • «


1 Quart at. 2 Quart at 3 Quart a t 4 Quart at

and lmlieve"fhev will pive ytitr ination. whu'h Will enable ymir t liient. witlj its Mfeat p<iwTr, to correct MalrfaHlts In tlie interest of -iht- eott-

.Jj-wwr, ' where tliey _nre uiiiIrtHh!',dly ariiiareiit.~7#~%ouia . he ;g|rrd-^-ic^=3in-' ti.nn.e, publi^hiiug ,-these bullMir- hiirt_ be-Heve the heu«flt:to he_so d.-r^pTTtt.-. ready lias actgujjjTJn an iulMjiifiyna>

. i , i » a » * - ^ I # " i " "


way- auiL.iih_.encoHr»Bin'gi njor'e .-non-pin g -on the parL-of the •hous.e.wtiV and It'Hh telepliqning. and arj yTffmfr, j j i^ne


• ] eiKouraTfenuuil of publit* iirarketa,:

parts of the State. If" you'»Ie*irc this information I will continue It and/wtU always be glad to give you-any'* other co-operation itr this; matter you sug^wti, * , ..£_._.__:_-- ,•

"We believe the encloslsrT^~fn"»c= tical.-demonstration-,.of Conditions as they exist and Just, the .•.information you'must ' 'have to try fo "ailevia-"e_or correct the fault

I^rniBhed rooms for yoii.iK i i ten'at T U C- A.. $2,-0 pe r -^eek atid

up. ^ T o V t ^ ' h a t m ^ T l t ^ l t O r ^ o ^ r

—Adv. tf.

' i r


Man G r o w . T . ^ v o r > Stale^ iWfieial F l idm

In his weekly report on f i ™ ^ wholesale dea ler f pricea * ^ e " ^ "era* price* fiHtf Je rwy 1m"D


dttcti^Director Alexia L. Clark, of tho bureau lot markets of the SUt* Board S Apicu l tu re declare . Ittat tM pub-ilc market idea Is g r o » i a ^ _ ^ ^ iersev The cTtJer n o * conducting re-

Sunf i i t i r e i Perth Amhoy. N«w

Morristown, W » * » f l ^ - ^ " ' Glen Ridge, Westfield. Kcarnj Rosette. .-•;• - v 1 - - ;•" .

m BtHLrrHro^ftOT LbAir

rerwi^¥0iJR CHIMNEY



FOUR hoUer te the go-betweenr . #

_ Jus t how muchhemtfromtB* roal thai you pay four^aoney for goes Into yotir rtdtatora;

j^aad how much s w o H " ? ^ chimney, depends on the holt-

k u c h i n g s Boiler preveBts

• Wltat a coriifort to~Just pufflia Isuttqh and have a dcliciouHly cool_breeze?,"bring you back ' "

An ^ inch WhirlKjnd fah suit­able for T'esidcnce n s i o n l y costs-, 18.00. - , ^~?'

Call us up and ^e ' l l deliver yours at once.

mean |o much to the busy house­keeper are all found in Newport Ranges, ——

4a«teai«JtyJeAipiBieet every need. Tha eombiiiti'Ott coal and gas range pfdtured below is a model of up-to-date kiJchen efficiency-. Use coal in winttr and gas in summer. Or both whenever desired.

Remember, when you buy a range, you are Buying it for a • *-f— Oct th£4»ne that will

Comfflonweallu Electric Co.

chimney scoota. ~ , ^ « j I ts ext ra long .-..Hi*.,. tr«?jj- ;

~~JitLOiN^BSL V&r&tBB*r ^ ^


sunniT 1018


ho t^moke-enas tng back and forth inside the boiler until

^fie water has^grabbed tlrally all Ihe heat- T h e h w t

i It leaves to only Juat jenougtt frto^crmte a draft to the chiin-

^ a t ; s why the Jjrlltchlngs U a c fire t i ay r t makes^i ! T » U r t aaat k m , - r ^ ,

; n « r ^r*ijg» booit teHs^ahout l r : send tor i t » , '_,""<

Tha-HEEOSIJ'S oTOciaJ"»tt of



corrected W data, wiU ho page seven. * -*/..

-- Yon d o not get a l l the hawse f community „Bnl«aB yoa page Of the HERALD.

- • A4. a



sv ^ -nnrstmiirr^i^b^P^FMPAY, AUGUST 24, m7. «IT — — » * " . m i l " . _ 1



T I E SllMMIT HERALD / - J — —

• f B d a l Raper •tntr mmd Ceeatj-

r i i f r Mftrf*"* F^tar aad


FEE© W. CUTT. Editor.

Mad gf«»f « § » A Y AFTEBXOflN from Ike Off/ie*, J ? S Sj>rinefi«M A'

'". ——¥*t*pkoiw 1101

lepttMHala Jttwi^per B m N , * * • ' • • '•rest of t i * Oty, GafBty « • *

SUBSCMFTIOSS: Ve«r . . . . • ! . . . . " • • • " • -W-W

Mootka . : . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 1.08

erad if the Pest Off ta . Summit, X. J , u ,, Seeenii CT*M Mtffer,

S i l t »t the LOCJI N>«» St»o4» » B 1 at tt« Puhlnr*tio» Offfin.

company for Summit waa secured by Saturday nighj. Last night aeventy-


Secretary e l AgrfcaltareTTnrea €ttfe» sevea- <w*JH-«fir^jmii«tej^_jn^*erYice^te _geca»«r Qreaae-*»d-fli b y . State officer Such a response ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t t » > 5 a speak* well for the enthusiasm * and patriotism of tfie men In this new c o m ­pany

garbage dla-ppsalhas been brought up more than once in Summit. It is now broached by7 the if. 8. Department of Asrlcul-tnifi •a-w-TTf ""*""*•* Th* Sacra-.

The appeal of the Red Cross in this issue Is direct and plain. Many women bave^bwnrlKtlvelrengaged-«—this 4ar««~«l work for sometime past. The need for suppMes now 1s greater than ever and every loyal American woman should respond promptly to this call for sertrice.-•Bummit wtH do_her.duty!

Ury of Agriculture has addressed the following letter to the mayors of all

WcUrr.Ward. Miss Edna T. Ward, of East Orange,

and' LesterE. Weller, of Bound Brook, rMMt marifed AtJbe 8 K ^ ° * i « ° f £*< ^aat Summit MethodliTChurch T r y W nastor, Her. J. Adarar Oakes on Wed­nesday."Mis* Ethel M Ward a niece of the bride, was bridesmaid.- and Frank Er Weiler^brother of the bride­groom, was the best man. The bride

• ' - * — har^bjpjfee_r_, loT

^ j j -



All military authorities agree that co-operative action li necessary to win a battle, and this means that men mult concentrate.

Chemists believe in concentration. They reduee-the volume by evapora­tion, and in this manner Increase the

I strength. _J j Mill men concentrate their metals I and minerals, and this saves handling j a mass of cheap rock. .-• ; Gunners often use a device for se-! ('uflngT"c1oBer. shot, and this is con­centration.

The crying need of today is for metr who»,concentrate—merr who special-iee In^aomething, The world wants men who can do some one thing hct-t*T than any other one, thing—men who will cjoneenwaie.—From "Tne Sl-

, JenLj*ajrtn.er-" j ...' _. ; -:i.._i

r-When one hundred hiiUiiin peo­

ple begin to Pave the waste, America wift awaken to what a

-Stupendous ?un we hare commit­ted in tin

lima (el Webster on Dying for One's Country. •' /

On the Fourth of July/'isbS, Daniel Webster, then twenty years of age, de-

, livered an oration/at FryebuTg. Me., i where he was jetigaged in teaching school, A" wpfter to nie "bun cans aiteuTion to the closing paragraph of

-- 11^ • ;—~—_-' " I his address as being curiously per-~ .'*•* , •Ltinenj/to. the present situation of

Nothing has been heard for some j Europe and our own country: time of the sHwHon of a nt-w city en-1 ^t'nliappy-Kuropel The Judgment of •Jneer to succeed Carl J. Sw^nsson<\God rests hard upon thee. Thy suf-

the summer., ferings Would delerve an angel's pity,

lent Parmer."

plants for recovering valuable mater­ials from garbage:

"This department desires to bring to your attention the" matter ~4JnCth'e conservation of the garbage in your city, Ai the present time-tltere-erista tn^ougfiout "ffiT world a MoWag*=of both fats and fertlllter materials This situation promises to grow more serious as the war In Europe con­tinues. It is 'therefore % matter of prime importance that all available sources of both of these materials should be used to the best advantage.

rfO&FbajEi..' contains on the averagej, about ,2 per cent, of grease and about 20 per cent, of tankage, the ^al'tter^ having valuable properties as^a fer-tllizer materral. Any metl>od of dis­posal of garbage In largef'cities which does not recover botb/fhe grease ahd^ the tankage is uneconomic And"par­ticularly deplorable In the present circumstances,/' We wish, therefore, to urge uppri your considerBtton the advisability^ of 3 ° treating., the gar­bage from your city as to, insure the recovery of, its valuable ..constituents. Tha< this may be made a source of pfont to a municipality has been prov­

e n by numberi of ditles in the. United States"r wnere^ ^npreicTpW": ^«nde^lng,

plants have heeh erected, and in a rrumber of others, private plants are now operating and paying dividends on the Investments, We will be glad to furnish you with any further in­formation at our disposal on the sub-Jcctrupon request." . . . . ' " ~

If Summit has not been deemed * large enougn city- to receive this let­ter, it is aim worth the uulisldui aliou ot"our coramunlry as a *=patrtotlc* as

Woodbury C. Ward. A reception was held at the home of the bridegroom s sister, Mrs, Fred M, Loree, of Pearl strWT^MriTBd^rfcTWelle^-left^^n-* trip to Niagara Palls and on their re­turn will live at Bound Brook, where Mr, Weller is employed by the Lehigh Valley Railroad.

Y « u ftluit Wan* • V « u i t J . I . I do.iiot-c-Jire bow iiiuny lirt-iu-'t'd i •:

-alylina there=MB iLjh£=m&hkt^M^ii±?=: care Iiow .tuuuy ilruga UIMI hnw in:i«0-dmg Htort's Jliei'e may l»o in i!i»' -IDM'1I-_ I cure u«t ho%v uiuiiy whouls of mwij etne tuere may be. Izsay•-;•<«>tUi*U i w'1

THE SUMMIT TRUST COMPANY sunmt,~mnrseiBSB9 ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~

^ih== * ^ i .

At Your Service wltn


persons who are sick nud Hi that.you willr never beicured by licensed medi euie. The doctors never wilt smHterer can.-c u r e l'ou' Drugs never cure. You mu.it'cure yourself. And if you have not the will power and the courage to reform the conduct that m a d e j o u ill you are-aiready.a goner. Nothing can aid you, not even nature. "Medicos smiat; natura curat.1' This la the Latin of the'medical schools," The doctor sanitates, but nature alone* can cure, l i i d nothing lunarure can cure yon but your own conduct—by reformation, by resorting _to the right food and the right drink, "

ir is up to you whether you are to be on Invalid all your life or a well-man— H-'W^l-womaii-.'

It la a auestlon of pcrsoiUinmorals, Individual ethics.—C. V, la Loa_Ari jgelea^.-Tiniaa,.-. 1 . . . ;_---..— .. :_

^A£WAL $100,000.00



$2,000,000.00 D I B E C T O B S J

""" - WM, H A l f f i J l i t M n f f l ^ ~ ••"

J, FRANKLIN HAAS, President, FRANCIS S, P^ANEI^Vice -Pres .

J O H N I N . MAY „ .„___ .__ . , CHARLES D, FERRY



WM. Si PORTER, Sicretary and Treasurer

T i ^ j f f l ^ s - r f S i B l ^ ' ^ g B m a i i i ^ r o ^ r o i ^ ^ ^ B ^ ^ B n ^ g l w " ^ ^ ^ ' W a a a l S ? ^



who resigned i a Jnst now the cfty ia not conteBlplat-Ing any improi.'imnn which will re-Qllire the Mriict's of an (•n^inec-r con-, tlnually ami *1H- .-mailer, work Uiat is underWav and m^v bp started during the rest of the season might Ju<*t as

-well be uihndid to bi 4 lnral vtmln ' Be1~a1Fe^cirumbHng into a,toms. Let «er who .an .pare enough time f r « m , u s humbly implore Heaven that the Ms regular work to supervise the < i t .v j w i a e s p r e a a i U g desolation may never Improvements f

if an angel's tears could Wash away J thy crimes' The eastern continent ; seems trembling on the brink of some : greattattatttrophe. Convulsions shake and terrors alarm it Ancient sys­tems are falling; works reared by

Abolith FahranhattJ--—'—^^ There is a growing crusade'against

the Fahrenheit thermometer used In all English speaking * countries, and the plea Is made that the Centigrade ther­mometer be emjilojed In Its nlacgu The Centigrade Is used for nearly all scien-iflc purposes and is-decidedly superior

pur ad in your hand is a safe'guide when your icoaibin needs replenishing.

Our^oal tsithe kind that^Hl please the cook acM you too, if you arethe one that tends the furnace.

Phone us your orders and we will

well as a sanitary move, "~*7""

Visitors at the Blind Babies Home. The Arthur Home for Blind Babies

has had a number of visitors this week from different states. "

Miss Josephine Lippa, one 6f the Ohio State teachers for the blind, spent Thursday in the school depart- j t o o b j u l g e t n e e B t a u l lsbed habits of a ment. learning, she said, many things, w fl

to introduce into her own work t h i s ' ' ;. ~L . . . _ . L , .,_._._._ fall in Cleveland.- where she teaches. 1 ui>°u

Mrs. Dr. Louis Perry, of Ashville, \T r .m^ide her •""•""•! "°'> ** th» — l.ntomoMve Knglnoorlng

to the" Fahreuheiti but the latter to In familiar, use among the great mass of people who tise heat measuring instru­ments.

Practically all English speaking peo­ple use the Fahrenheit Beale77Fven~wltli all its Inconveniences, and people who Imagine that they can effect^a jehuuge by an act of congress reckon without authority. Nothing is more difficult than

fill them promptly at the lowest market prices. .

: ^ , « § f

the enthusiast who 1 to i hangc the meteorology of

undertakes nation.

ftor the poM of n l y toj;ine*r could tfc*n be left to the n«w l'4Mnril to or-a^ntTO^on- January—IKT,—T9T?—~T*n doubted I y it is difficult at this pt-ason «f the year to secure, the kind-of man Summit should have in this

I object it grows to the magnitude of I its undertaking A true patriot, with

position. l l i a e v e RnA n t g i1€.arl o n tuc honor

Home. She Is greatly interested in the plan to give a blind baby Bpeclal care from the day of blindness and is watching the development of a blind

• - - • • ' - now in the Insti-The < ounnl probably , r«.ach the uhores of our native land. „ . could save money by such an arrange- but let us devoutly make up our mind* ^°J I r o m - S l a i e -

t and the selection or a new man ' t o do our duty In events that may h a p v t u t l o n

pen to us. Let us cherish genuine pa­triotism. In that there is a sort of inspTfaTton- that gives strength - and energy, almost more than human. When the mind is attached to a great

At any rate su< h a pUn a^ this i« »nd happiness Of hl's country, hath an worthy tihnen.

of < o n s i d e r a t i o n by i h t


coun- elevation of soul that lifts him above | ib<- rank of ordinary men. _ To com­mon occurrences he W indifferent. Per-oiial <-onsld«raUons dwindle Into notb-

were plent> of men shoutitiK*111^- l n con»par l son w " h 1"» h'K11 sense of public duu. In all the vicissitudes of fortune he leans with pleasure on the protection of Providente and on the dignity and composure of his own mind. > While his tountrv enjoys peace he rejoices* and is thankful, and if i t ^ IH» in the counsel of Heaven to send the storm andthc tempest, his bosom proudly swell» against the rage that

Ther.' for uar a r.*w months' aito. but as yet we h,»\e nor ~e»n manv of tlietn en-liat in unt braiii h of the ser\iee. F"«r those who for urtou* K-xM rcasami cannot volunteer for oweraeas s e n ice there n pretenietl in the Summit Com-* •ajii_ of the new gjaie milaia. organ-

Mrs. W. Smyth, of Union HID, N. J., called and left some beautiful cloth­ing for one of the older boys. A com­plete QUlflt=even to_sh6es and neck­tie.

Miss L, V. Morse, one of the social settlement workers connected with Bellevue Hospital, X. Y.. gave one day to enjoying the blind children hi sum­mer school exercises.

War and Human Natura. Referring to the oft repeated claim

that there can be no such thing aa uni­versal peace, because war is a phase of human nature—that men always have and always will fight, Dr. Frank Crane thus speaks: "War, human nature! Tea, as leprosy Is human nature, or tu­berculosis, or eptlepny, or homicidal madness! As demons In hell, In human shape; are human beings." The Idea that men of sense will Justify war be­cause it is human nature would fit them for the lunatic asylum. And then the



Mrs. S. Scott, of Maplewood, took' doctor goes on to say. "Give human na-

Jtxed for hume ile-feu^e — opportuim> io Mo their

rhelr mnj ittate.

purple•*. an assaults JU bit" right 1 "Above fear, above danger, he feels

_ ^ifb4i.-Lhe-lasL iiiwl wh,ich.cjui-happen to ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 'aiiy.niiiii never "conies loo oobtTlT he - ^^ •— " - fall'«~JTn defence of the laws and llher^ automobile t r a X f , c ^ " ^ o f hlrxountry."

ir> of the older children out automobil-i n g . r •

Mrs. Harry II. Seth, president of the federated Bible classes of German-town, Pa , called to visit the nine chil­dren from that State. The day ended in 23 little ones going to Rivot'a for ice efeam and enke.

Dr. Mills, of mivehport, Iowar-who Is occupylBf-the pulpit-in the Baplist church for the summer, 109k dinner Sunday with the children. Five of the older ones went to church and invited

ture a chance. Let the iieople manage their governments and war will speed ily cease forever."

And that's true too. It isjdesplcable the way some iieople will blame human nature for war. By that argument ev­ery crime could be Justified. — Ohio State Journal.

• » * ' • • » « « »i « • » « » ' »• i • « » » » » > > « » • < . i i i t



New Athletic Field Adjoining.School Building. ; 33rd Year Begins September 27th,f--> __


JAMES HEARD, A. M., Principal. I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' ! 1 1 i 1 • t * • • • • • • • • • • • • i » » # . ^ i i » 1 1 • ».« « i i 1 r 1 i i •' 1 "• * 1 1

Gardan Soil. Test your garden soil for aclditv^.1.

Procure a dime's worth of blue litmus

, — Four years later Webster delivered HI mam roads. a n a d d r 4 M l s a t (uncord. X

The ii»( reased articulariy upon - . , ™„„ r««w. a n a d d r 4 M l s a t (uncord. X. H., and used

it partteularly danRerous fqr,iKe same expression-nt~its close.^wlth ins upon stg&ejjTriot -providedia~Te«- verbal chaiiges; and Be closed:

"With sUteKalSi ThU is true of SlOr-l tbe-lait speech which he delivered in j . r „ „ „ . „ . , t „ .„„ . n . the Senate of the United States, July rtajvenue east of Russell place. Only! 1 8 5 0 w U h | M w n t i m e n t t h f t J h a d

Mat Tireek a Morrisrown man waslltngered in hi* memory for nearly aAntck by an automobile while.; walk.-1half a century: "Xo man can suffer tag in the road near the Junction ofJ t o ° ranch, and no man can fall too

^ H o r r U and Springfield" avenue* a n d l f 0 0 - " h* *&?.$' ^ ' F l * * ^ ^ - . . , . » L * . > . 1 fence of the liberties and Constitution Ihrtunately escaped with a broken h i p i o f h j 8 country" ~ It li" suggested that a gravel walk] "What a blessing it would he," says •herald be provided at least on one t n o Sun's correspondent. "If the sound • t t e of this street which is one of t h e ' ? l ^ ^ t e t * I m p f r i a l v o , c e , ,fo u l d b«

,, . , . „ .- , - _. heard in place of the maudlin sent!-tin artene . into Summit. ^ ^ a n d m conce*!^ treason that

are striving to sterilize the virility of the nation!"

A Summit man away from the city -wrote us this week of how great a aonrce of interest is the HERALD'S Batael Not TaadldaAe lor Clfy <T«rk. staadily-growing. weekly roster of During the week rumors were in

The" number! circulation that Mf: Benj. Butzel was

-. jtalue as determined aftersuch hear-1 a n d waah thepartlck* away

imU-«en in service. <tf change, and addition* to this honor h * T i n * f , r c , l l a t * i " n o r a l n a ^ n 8 P*""

%, •"*"*• tlon and was otherwise actively en-rasl each week is surprising The ^svd , n s e e king the Democratic npm^ rail being kept up-to-date furnishes ination for City Clerk. Mr. Butzel oar readers with rowwt and Interest— »»>"*. however, that he Is not a- candT-la< data. It i s of cgnrse impossible'**1* f ° r , ^ ° f f l ? * n * " w ° u l d ttot

IT*. . . , . ' - - . v .have it if it were handed te him on a thpt we should get the name of abso-1 a i l T e r phftter." His only ambition la*i4y^*v«r3VSnmmii man -m—service-poMfically. ^Ir. -Buuel assures h4*j-$i5$;<)«i:»tl

we a,re glad to receive from the Democratic 'friendj-^1* the formation of a local _ DemocftrtrrClub^ for 'soclaf itie«fta«lvea or- their frienda <or-

. » . I I A U „_ i.-»- «- . . 1 . * 1 times and work in State atkd national - a c t i o n s or additions to our IIM from rfectkmS- T o g t a r t a u c h T c l u b Mr. t wfyt to~ week Battel Is eireulatiBg a pet Won.

- - * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ • ^ ^ • ^ ^ _ . ' For some time past Mr^ Butzel ^as _, , \ , been seeking light on "the election laws Many or us. last week, who felt that i n A l a g ^ a n d t a l k i n g pojHh* with

Summit should be represented by a the people helmet from time to time. campany in the ne% State Militia of-'11 *s understood that he is antfous to

- - - ' •*«— «*»—*- 5SJtS'S,S:«13ViSSrS ^ B a n w work^ mere rather doubrfnbjit-lend his experience as aii "old Tam-" T H * ^e^esSaTy ~qtioYS ~eould tl* oMiffir many Hall tmtnT* =FTom—IreBiarks

•d in the few- dav* allowed-- Thurs- m * d e b y * ^*w o f th«' «'*-»ong resi-At-..- -===.-._-«—j- / . ^ dents here whose inclinations are

--SL fiIgKr^rT*sl » • * - * » Proposl- k D o w a t o ^ o n t h € rJemocratir-sbYe: .Utm was put before the Summit- I»J Mr. Butzel's "stirring up™ of the party ftatfry torgani/atina^and from the re- i s niore. of a joke than anything else. c m l U obtained , from that body and ' ' '' . * > • ' »

~ patriotic c.uiena. the mhaimnm - H E IJ**' I> V» n L For Sare, For Renr _ . ,adverti»e|hent8 on Pare S. aeveaty-five. to ruaranjee t h e b r l n . reaalta. Have you read

him to go home with t h e m - Dr. Mill^ p a l } e r i t a" d r U B a t o r e . ^ I a k e a s l i t or-*»U. Jo »» ^r.ran ^^f^^^iuctslotrln the damp-soli; putln paper Iowa to-secure legislation iher«_ for. „ ^ . - , * ... , _ ., .^ , . \. the baby-blind. Now only the older f * o - t t W . Itt lrtwh and leave It tor • blind are cared for. j n a l f n o u r ' l t t n e cna!]Ke *>f col°i" *» *°

ltm tm, ^ _ ' red or deeptrink your soil needs heavy . , „ „ . „ , * « * . , , I liming. H there in no change of color Frellailn.gr -tqu«II«Uon Table for ] l m ^ w l l l te o f i m , e v a , u e the rounly-ofTSIdh.

Hwter Chapter St. "Laws bf 1-917, If jmrden soil Is heavy, or "hungry that Is.Tiarsfl apoTlaclflng Xn humus-

known as the Pierce Equalization Act,] R l v e it plenty of well rotted stable ma-the County Board of Taxation has de -1^ ,^^ j iotuingcouW be better^ M the termin«Mind ^Trsed-to-1* prepared a ^ o l l l 8 i n e I C e l I e n t p L v 8 l o a l condition

bonemeal with the addition of a little potash wtlf supply the plant food nec­essary for any ordinary- crop of plants

preliminary equalization table, show­ing the assessed valuation of the real pronerty_in _the_j?ojinty_ And the _ratio of percentage by which' the assessed valuation should be Increased In order | o r mere annual growth, to correspond to-tTue value. A hear­ing will be given by the County Board of Taxation at the Court House, in Elizabeth, August 28, at which hear­ing the assessors and representatives of" the governing bodies may appear and be heard in regard to the per­centages and true value. The true

Something In Your Eye. Foreign bodies In the eye| if they

have not penetrated any pan of the eyeball, are best removed by pulling the lid awaj from the eyeball with the fingers, so that the tearii will Bow

Jng will be the basis for apportion­ment of State and county taxes..

The assessments as returned by the assessors from the various taxing dls-j trTcts have been approved" as 91 full, value with ,the following exceptions:) Fanwood Borough. Kenilworth and' Rah way were each increased 3 per' cent.; New Providence Borough, 15\ Mi lk per cent., srnd New Pfovjdence Town- (OCtA ship, 10 per cent Thfrloial valuation

rub the eye: WJieu-the eyeball is pen­etrated yea cannot see an oculist too quickly.

Cat Down Expenses is nature s mos t valuable

Of (fie real property_a? reported wa*""""p, The increase as^fdund! w u c 1 u a r t o f m i , k w e i g h s t w o

by the. County Board is $396,185. ~] p o u n d s and is equivalent in food The preliminary: ra

ly $«.00p,606 Kaln in valuations over' last,year-ou realty. The personal rat-' ableshave not*as' yet been completed.

The larger portion of the ratables are: Elizabeth. $60.S72,2S7; Plainflpld,' ?27>82.015; Rahway. $6.966.925i Sum­mit. $11,658.13^; Cranford. $6,360,245;; Westfleld. $9.S06.^f*: Linden Town-

H-uTip, tlO.242.40_l., ._Lu_i__len Tvwnship'e^ * large showing ls~ duetto "the Ideation ofi

the Standard^.Otl re^ner-y-And Jactar-,

3 / 4 lbs. lean beef, or 8 e^gs .

ies in that municipality. ^ *ea* am v

HERALD Want. For Sale, For_Rent advertisements on Page *8.' They bring results. Have you read them?

The HERALD'S official roil, of hon­or of Summit men In tj. 8. service corrected trf date, will be found on

ox_ 3 lbs„fresh codfish, or 2 l b s > h i c k e n , or 1 pint-oysters , or 4 /5 n>s___lean j>ork, or 3/5 lbs. ham. •

D R I N K M I L K A N D ^ S A V E

.*s. V

I t O N E Y !


T e l e p h o n e : 33-J Madi son

THE tOt FUN, (at.

" ^ j


H. W

OF THE CITY Hyinan baa wmnt m cheek

1 f S ^ r t S j i f > , W « home yeek

TM following _ Summit property

recorded in the, office of A : Mary!*reM* ^Wl Tans- WP*^

[er w-is

19*J"!T"Var to Frederick * * * n - > map of eaUU. of Jno. B 5 , 0 , deceased.

„ hprr M Hoyt. at one' time health J 2 6 of Summit, h a . resigned fiom

*S*ltli department or Manchester. become fte

* B,.«L one o f - the anper-

Ifiiors of a health district in Calltor-

fS5P -been JhWB_...to__Mr , Mr* Augustus H- Riviere. Bona

£ „ beVn bom in Overlook Hospital ^ n l Mrs R, Douglas. Lane, of J wood, and Mr »nd Mrs, Lnke ^ m v . Qfjhort-Hilte-

en-atf nieetlnga coBttotte in weather permitting an-held en-Sunday-night-st

The conveners .extend a tation^to"" all to attend.

The opt Interest and

clOt'K. iavi

0 jeartv gTmff sheets pror^ed for those who

fcsire to join- in singing.

list Saturday afternoon on the ;^u cBurts of the West End Country Snh" the- results of- tournament

lather were asl;. follows: men's USLhcbib cup: tL C. Porter defeat. p : W . Clift, 7^5 . 1WK PVW.

Jmigti -defeated 8- 0 . Jwetrt, •€—*, f u r < ^ _ " ; . ' - . •

M L ivrrin. the tailor, who has l^n r iL. i.th located on Summit ave-L rented last week to new quart-L at 41» Springfield" aTenue. This

Uore » ^ formerly occupied by Louis Ufiei the barber, who is now occupy-tog hi- recently constructed building

f,je» door* east^ . \ml>ro=e Powell reports the lease of

•he re>idence at 9* New England ave-BI1e owned by the J- J- Merriam es-me to Win. N. Bament. of East Orange Mr. Bament, who is the chief idiu^er of the Home Insurance Co,

Ihac-fai-nt mveral sunimero [ Be •» ill rake possession September 1st

W>rk WAS'commenced this week on | the now storm sewer through De-[Jorci;. Woodland and Springfield ave-1 mwr fc»-the culrert in the railroad tall When thlB Is completed the bioik on Springfield avenue between Woodland avenue and the Boulevard will b widened and the street re-

| wrfaced. VudiirMlay afternoon Patrolman

Patm k Kelly rounded up about a (dozen bo\3 who were swimming and j creating a disturbance in. the learned brook near Tulip Street. The water i«

I usually very shallow, but the lad. had made a dam to keep-back the flow^ They were taken to the police station

| ind dismissed with a reprlmand-_

In conference at Elisabeth Tuesday I ught, the Union County Prohibition-iBU partl> filled out their ticket,

I Eugenes. Smith, of V-ion. was named Our Sena'or; Walter Flrstbrook. ~* Plamfit'l.l, William " McKinnott. Tnion and William H.King , of Sum­mit, for the Assembly and William M.

|Van ("i-e, of Summit, for coroner.

As th" vacation Reason near's an end, tue da:--, of the opening of the various Khoo!- in Summit will interest many

' wadt-r- They are as follows.:-Pub­lic -i.iu.iis. September 10; Miss Hood's tLhiM'l September -4 ; Carlton Acad-fM\. i pteniber 2»: Kent Place, and Suuiiu i Ac ademy, both on September :: U;-^ Potwin's School will open &- la-t of September. —

Tin .wilt was filed at_Elttabelh last F:jia-. of William Thomas TTayT-ot Nor* nil avenue, who died January 1 o?_L£~ rear. The will Ieft_all his

,>Twli«..- . to his son. William Sannier "K*v_i,ul a daughter. Mrs. Ella M.dia.:^, formerly of West Orange1 but now of Los Angeles, nleff a_caveat She di<l not answer the citation and the tfcaam^nt_-was probated before Judge ConntJU

^rag^intlin^gltALlXJIUPKYr AUOUSl' fFWlTr-^ Wward Tuohlg, who has been a

clerk in the First National Bank for the past nine^Tears leaves that in.tl-^ ° B , . . t 0 " m o r r o v A n d o n September 1st will-take a position with the Me­chanics and Metals National Bank in

resides on the Boulevard was former­ly a resident of Stirling,

Freeholder John X. Cadv, John W Clift. Philetus *H; Holt, and "Wm I McMane. attended the second Gover-

"tltrPyeste guests of Governor Edge. About 600 were present from Union, Morris, Ber­gen, JWarren. Sussex. Hunterdon, and Somerset counties. The program in­cluded a luncheon on the lawn of the Little White House, and the military ceremony of a review of the state's fedejal^edNalioaaliBiardsmettby the Governor and his .taff.

Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rose, of Division avenue, left" yesterday for boston.

Mr. Thomas T. Tuttle, of Waldron avenue, returned Tuesday from a trip to Boston.



Chas. S. Hardy has returned from an automobile trip through the "Xew England state*.

Mr. and Mrs. Thos. E O'Shea and family, of Springfield avenue, have

Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Dean will leave Monday for Ocean Grove to remain until after Labor Day. '' "

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Darling and fam­ily, of Springfield avenue, have re­turned from Asbury Park,

""Mr, and Mrs, Cyrus Benson, of Sum­mit avenue, returned this week from a month's stay on Cape Cod.

Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Baldwin, of Blackburn place, hare -returned from Maine.

Francis Feltea Stone.

Within two months from the date of his fitty-flrst wedding atonWersary. Francis Follen Stone, in the 'seventy-eighth year of his age, passed away

C. L. Lewis returned this week from a ten-day stay in Atlantic City,

Miss Helen Markham, of Summit avenue, is visiting in Clinton, Connr

Patrolman Daniel MdNamara will spend a week of his vacation at Faf Rockawav. '

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Downer^ of Summit avenue, are spending a nionth at Deal, x. J.

—Mr. and Mr* N. H, Stewart, of Eu­clid avenue, will leave to-morrow for Bar Harbor, Maine.

Mr. and Mrs. Reginald F. Pearson, of Hillside avenue, have taken a cot­tage for a few weeks at Ammagansett,

4 J . I . . • • - " •

G; ti, Cullis leaves" today for Beach Haven, X. J„ to remain until after La­bor Day. * . -

Mrs. Fred Robertson, 6f Walnut street, is visiting relatives in Syra­cuse. X. Y. i

Miss Xaylor, of Pulaski, X. Y., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Albert Leach. of DeForest avenue.

Mr! and Mrs. Edward C. Holmes, of Valley View avenue.-.are spending two weeks - ,;at Lake Pleasant, in the Adirondaeks, . . -*• •"""

Mr. ^afiA-Alrs. W. W. Carman and faniilj*, of Hobart mvenue, returned this Week from their summer home-at Lunenburg—Mass.

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Cadoo and family, of Parmley place, have return­ed frpm Roscoe, X. Y.

Mrs. L L C Gooding and "family, of Oak Ridge avenue;, are spending some time at Stanley Island, Me,

Mrs. Albert G. Dennis and family. of_Morris avenue, are ^pending two weeks at Ocean Grove, X. J.

Mr. and Mrs, G. F. Rowe, of 17 Shadyside avenue, will spend the bal­ance of-tlre-month„ at Asbury Park.

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wootten and family, of 320 Springfield avenue, have been spending ten days at Ocean Grove.

Warren Carman, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Carman, of Hobart avenue, will attend the second .officers'- training camp, at Plattsburg, X. Y.'

Mrs. Frederick Joy, of Troy, N. Y., Is spending a "few weeks with heT aunt, Mrs. Patrick Egan, of 58 Park avenue.

Miss Mabel Turner, of Xew York, is a guest lor a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R". Lamont, Shadyside.

of his daughter, MYsrMalCofnv^-Mi? Dougall. 22 Hawthorne place. The funeral service will be held to-morrow afternoon at two o'clock from the -house, with Rev, Holla E. Hunt, of Richmond Hill. N. Y., formerly pas-Summit, of which Mr. Stone was a

juember, officiating. The Interment will be in New York Cemetery, Hack-ensack, X. J.

The pall bearers will be compa­triots of the deceased in Sons of ^he American Revolution: H. Donald Holmes, George V, Muchmore. Eugene C. Pierson, and Fred W, Clift.

Mr. Stone, who had resided in Sum­mit for the past twelve years, had been in splendid health for some t inir^a During the past two weeks his family had noticed that he had, been more quiet than usual but did not attach any sipafleatfee to it. On Friday last he was taken with an acute attack of appendicitis which with complications caused his death^ :'

Mr. Stone was" born in Watertown, Masa, February 2, 1840. He-was mar­ried October 18, 18B6, to Margaret Louise Terhune, of Xew York CJty, by Rev. Dr. Bucklaiid. In 1858 he came to Xew York and became associated with the "tl Xational Bank, whfch he left liifur to become cashier of the Iu-tersuue Uank of Xew York where he remained until the institution entered into voluntary liquidation, Mr. Stone then went with the Union Bank which later merged With,the Xational Bank "of Commerce with which concern' he remained-until about four years ago I when in' retired. -• I

Mr. Stone was a veteran of the Civil War. lnuing served wit,b, 37th Itegi- j ment, X Y. State Militia in 1S62. He was .Linomber of Passaic Valley Chap­ter, Sons of the* American Revolution.' LaM October Mr. and Mrs. Stone en-j joyed the very happy privilege of cele-bratniK their fiftieth wedding anni versarv

Surviving Mr Stone is his widow and one daughter, Mrs. McDougall.


with the 7,600 member bank* in maintaining »lwv,^4lgi:aU^<^exvc-Bankiii£,„Sybtcm tor the protection of the buMiics interests of the country. Through the Federal Reserve Board in Wa>hington it *iii>er\ises the tweKc Federal reserve bank*.; it-appoints

, „ one^tlijr<j jM^th^r^ direct or s j^ t deports it* fund> largely with them; Tl gnaiaiilet-s Hit

- currency they i"-*-ue. This co-operation greatly increases .the

value of the system to us and our com­munity.. *

Are you linked up with this new national systenr~as otrti—of- «ur depositors? If not, you



Send for Booklet, "How Do& it BenefitMf?"-


Miss Clara B Potwin is^sneuding a Ttrwirpeks at Brewster, on CApe-Cod

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Miner and family, of Irving place, will re-

L_week from Jacksonville, Vt. T ~

Mrs. Charles G. Heller, of Newark, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Emanuel Fackiner, of Division ave­nue.


Mr. Augustus W. Stephens, of Franklin place. Is on a trip to Yellow­stone Park and will return by way of Denver. •>

The Misses Mary and Genevieve White, of Xew York, are visiting the family of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Ramsey, of Springfield avenue.

Messrs. W. H. Rogers. E, F. Phelan, J. A. Wootten, of Summit, and Nicholas NichoW, of New York, are on a fish­ing trip at Barnegat, X. J.

Mrs. W». -H. Rogers, of DeForest a\enue. left yesterday to spend two meelts in her former home, Newton; X, J.

before-returning to open her school on Larch place'.

Mrs. W. H. Collins and daughters have returned to their home on the Boulevard after spending two months in Maryland and Connecticut. •

i H I —

Mr. Edmund J. Saunders, of Pas­saic avenue, returned this week from a camping trip In the Timmagami lake region. Canada. t

Wm. Alesbury, of Springfield ave­nue, has returned from a vacation spent at Fourth Laker-ia-the Adiron-dacks.

Master Kenneth and Miss EBther A Chastney, children of Mr. and Mrs A. Chastney., of Walnut street, have' returned from a pleasant visit to rel­atives at Hasbrouck Heights, N. J.

Lieut. H. .G. Terwllllger, Lieut. Cllve C. Day, Lieut. J. Robert Whit-lock, 2nd. Lieut. T. L. A. Taylor. Lieut. Oliver McKee, Jr, and. Lhjut. H. S._ Burling, who received their commis­sions at FoVt Myer last week have been ordered to the cantonment at Petersburg, Va.

Former Summit Man Dies in Aviation | ~~ Sen tee in FrnticP. * ~~~j

Aiming the earliest saciifiees to the call of the country is that of George Heibert Manley, notice of whose death in France was received yesterday. He volunteered very soon after the dco-4ttration of war, and after some serv­ice i in the aviation school in Florida, was among those selected for instruc­tion in the Ecole d'aviation des Etats UntB in France. During his brief career in the service he had already gained distinction and was soon to be Bent to the front as aviation pilot. Hia death, according to advice re-celved from the Naval was the result of dent

Telephone 209

Flowers of Every Kind

For all Occasions

Fresh Daily .

FromUur Own Greenhouses

THE ROSE SHOP 383 Springfield Ave., Summit, N. J.

Department, an aviation accl-

He was born In Summit about twenty-two years since,—of parents loris; identified with our city, though no\r residents of "Maplewood. His father, Herbert Manley. is a native of Summit, while his mother, nee Sallie Fearn* though born in Mobile, resided here from infancy.

Richard Kelly. Richard Kelly died on Sunijay, Aug­

ust 21, at his home, 153 Park avenue, after several months' illness, aged 67

Capt. FranclsT. Tweddell and Lieut. >ears. The funeral was from St Ter-Clive C. Day7"wllo recently received esa's Church, Tuesday. Mr. Kelly was their commissions after training at t horn In Kilkeney, Ireland, and has re-the Fort Myer Camp, have returned to ^Vled in Summit about thlrtyjllve the Virginia. Camp to serve ap in- \ears. Besides his widow, he is sur-strufting "officers for the second * \ hed by two daughters, Minnie and

We now offer SUPERIOR BUILDING SITES, 60-foot lots, on De Bary Place; all connected to lot line with Sewer, Gas and Water.

75 to 100 foot frontage, on Hobart Avenue.



The Hobart Development Co., Inc.

or y*6ur own agent. 29 MAPLE S T R E E T



Th^-Toung Peoples" League of the c HrFar T*resT^teri*B^€hnwlr-«ra the member." of the Jlethodlst and_

Miss Kalherine relatives in Xew will be joined next week by her sis-reT, Miss Mary Powers

Mrs, John Burling, with her sons, J J. Burling and Lieut. H. S. Burling,

L'mlly Kelly.

»*HHH»ll-BarjdlL_ Powers is visitmg J h a v e bpfin- n d l n R . a w e e k at Dela Haven, Conn . and | w a p e W a i e r 0 a p _ Pft_ T>r B u r l t n f t r o

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver B. Merrill and family, who have been spending some time at_ Butler, ^N. J . Returned thiB week to their home -onJTulip street

tunned from -there Tuesday. Lieut,

Mrs."~H. W, Taytor, who has been visiting at 152 Beekman road for the past three months, 4eaves this- after­noon fof her "home in Oak.Park. 111. -

Mr. and Mrs." Harry O. T«ay!, of Pine U&tpC ; -Young People's Socieliftfi. to-J Gxost.avenue

geth r with all others^ taterested.=to at­tend it- Devotional Meeting this Sun­day renting in the Chapel. The last amtng, in tmTIJplnron of-those pre . -«nt, wa" the most helpful ever held. md it is the desire to have such a to^tiiiK Sunday. The subject will be "What Jesua Means to T l w e Who Kno* Him," and all are invited to DartH ,pate.

*T»en Mr. and Mrs. James Lane Allen returned Sunday night from Lake Placid. X. Y„ to their home on Ha\rth.»rne placet they -found that l>urei.,rs had been in the house dur-top rheir absence. The article, taken *err- mostly family trinkets and a

amount of silverware. Because fact that there was consMer-

i value that was not taken and •*" ause on. entering the house Ml n thought she heard some

nside. it is thought that their ^"rightwed the intruder, awar nndst of their onerationa. En-had- been" gained through a

>ndow which was found broken.

a motor trip Hampshire and Vermont

Miss Elizabeth Steward __BurrrlI, daughter of Mrs. IXrayton Burrill,,and one- time a resident of Sunimtrr was

Burling will report for duty (in a few, married to Capt. Clermont Livingston! days at .Petersburg, Va. - i Barnwell, O.' R. C, in St. Janies'sj

-*• JLJ-i '- iKpiscopal Church, Goshen, N. Y., Mon-"; Mr. Bert E. Underwood^ef Prospect ( , a y a t t e r n o 0 n b y the rectcr, the Rev.]

street, president-of Underwood & Un- i 4 + f _ r ^q. A piae_a«sisted by'the- Itey-i derw'ood of New York City, has been I ) r W o o u ^ Tuxedo Park. The best' commissioned a Major in the Signal , n a n w f c 8 Edward Reid of Cambridge,] Corps of the War-JDepartmeM. Major~^laB8_. t h e m a , d o f honor was the Underwood will heafd the War Photo-, t ) r i a^B cousin. Miss Mary Anna Linji|£. graphic Board. - - - (coliu and the ushers were Regl ' „ , „ , , ' - - „ , , , ., ,„„t~v. Livingston and Henry Sedgwlck^Only

returned SungrrTrrjm- Boy Underwood and Lieut. « « r > ! , , n e b r l de and groom w 5 thTollETr-ttaTr^-^wf ^

missions at the Plattsburg officers _ m , i i rA-ontio ' training camp, have been ordered t o A »m , i 1 1 Teceptio.

Bmai: of .

nou". retijr in tl." trap..


-Ml—" *• cording -R n >".umR—awe- promotions of annir m e n 1 B aervice information ^ ' at- hand last week in regard to

5 Tfefrfy.- Henry was"-a-^er^ . the machine gun company of

me N e^: Y o r k infantry; farTough-^erre subjec^^o xa l l ; applied ^nted'tUr "the first _camp at

I'-M^er. A- few week^after the

Mrs^G. Robertszand her two daugh­ters, of 215 Morris avenue, left TEfls week to spend the remainder of the summer at Far Rockaway.

Sergeant B. S. Newton, who has been at Fort Monroe for three months in the quartermaster's department. has been sent to Camp Dix at Wrights-town, N. J. „ '

Breckinridge A. Day. who was as­signed 2nd lieutenant of the 4th Field Artillerv, V. S. A.. at<£Fort Leaven­worth. Kansas, has been made a first lieutenant.

r m — • - • — • •

Mrs. Albert Leachr who has been, fit Fourth Lake, X. Y.. and at her Jtfrme* home in Pulaski, X: Y_ returned Tuesday to her home on DeForest ave, nue. '

- Mr K.~ H. -Goodwin, of Shadyside avenue, who has been at Pilre Lake. Wis returned_this week and his fam­ily wiB return about the~firBt of to* month. , ^

'—=*——— '—M "— -Mr. A- S. Mitchell, of Waldron ave-

left yesterday to Join Mrs. Mit-

report next Wednesday at Camp' Up­ton, YipbarriVL. I:

Mr. and Mrs. John "D. "Morgan, of Beechwood road, are visiting tnej£ i daughters who are in different canj-pV, In New Hampshire. Miss Ka>harlnej Morgan is at the Winnestaska^Summer, YoU a 0 n o t get all the news of your Camp at Ashland, N. Vfc and Miss community unless yott read every Elizabeth Morgan js^at Camp Sar- p a g e 0 f the HERALD.

present, aft mourjtlQKs,

followed. The -announeement of the engage-

mentlpf tpe^bride's brother.^Drayton Burrill^tfi Miss Elizabeth Horrls Mor-dau>t; of Ontario. X. Y., ha« been

de. Mr. Burrlll was graduated from Princeton, 1914,

t weai aw.

geant, Peterboro^, H.

Rev. Wrpv^LHaven, D D'.. of Summit assiste^-Blshop Wilbur Pr Thirkield at i. the^^riarriage of Miss Hannah Pearl ( Tnlrkleld, daughter of Bishop arid, Mrs- Thirkieht. pi Xew Orleans,; and; George Alexander" WoodT a lumber merchant of Boston, which took; place on Tuesday afternoon at the MimmeT hproe aX the bride's parents in Marsh-field. Mass Dr. Ha.ven is an uncle..,of the bride.

Arthur H. Alexander, a^on of A. B Alexander or 123 Springfield avenue. went this week to Krance in the V. S. aviation service J_Mr. Alexander l^a graduate of the University of Wtscon-

____ rav . „ „ ._ ._ ,sin. agriculturar course, and also of VhelVand^heir daughter at Belgrade-, Harvard-University, from, whichilatter



[TtHI»A¥> AlJuiiST SSfh^-TICCOB MOOBE In ^TB* CLOWS,* with Thomas Melghin »ad great cast. MKS. VKKNON ( AS I I I , la

"~ "PATKIA,** Episode 12 "Pence, Which Passeth All L sderNUadlnir." Others. - - - - ^ — - - fibular Prices.

— - ^-^^^peeW-VlTACiBAUM r r w r a m

*d t.. -

camp W l auai,--

pened because 5T his ability In 'g machine guns, and other

__- _ =aAikm^'^e—waa Mnt^^ta -thej>ej«nilns«t_"n and returned "Pniiuelii armory for special train*! .f VAIA^MII

hat department. After a snort ^ - i s ability was farther recog-«*1 »«• h i . being; Mleeted from the * • the U«, called to Washington.

' v ^ ^ t o n ^ M 1 - t lieutenant ord-It C . and placed

»>*•> r'leiM«itioa In the office ©T the

i^k'esTMalne and will return with his! r o i i e K e he graduated, as a landscape family next week. ~ " engineer. While" in college Mr. Alex-ttmny uv j _ _ _ 'ande,. w a s a" noted football player. He

Rev. W. O. Kltisolvtng. rector or a l s Q ] u a t g r a d u a t e d from Boston In-Calyarv church, iwho is on his T*ra-1 ,tlrut* >f Technology - in^a. class of

^r~ri' .. Scotia-.-returned wed- - -» '* - - -^- —'""'


„ ._ , , . iTl and wai« one of the—ten selected nesilav In answer to the draft call for f r o m t n a | mU^e to K 0 t o France.

A ' *" •'"',T,'1 a iO Qg with 49 others rhosen-from five different schools, ten to=a school."_TM^ _ whole rorapan-y sailed this week'on & regular steamer.

tion In Nova i„„ i„ Mii*iii' tn ine uran t*

to spend texTiays more. at^Tova ^cotfa. •

who haVe Teft this second officers


Summit men week to attend the camp, at Fort Myer are: James Do?harty, Jr., Joseph W Greene Jr •Stephaa G. Kent, Henry' ^ Muchmore.

s P S K J O - V . Peale. Lester J. Temple-ton, Athelsun Van Wart.

rooms •*•**-

Furnished' rooms for young men at the Y. M. € . 'A..^ $2.60 per week and up. Shower bath, bn dormitory floor. —Adr. tf.

-Most people" wh^read at all are "interested in new fiction.

Eaeh book by-a-popular-writer is an event in the literary world.

In selecting books as gifts or for personal reading there will be satisfaction in procuring somcUflnKmew, and perhaps out of the beaten path.

You will find such books our line of- new fiction.


MfjNlrAY, AL'titHT 27th ^ - --*

— -. Earfe-WUtiams- .__-. In James Oliver Curwood". Powerful Story

"THE SOUL MASTER" •*THE SEfBET KINK DOM," Episode 8,_*Hom K»j,w with < harles

ltichman and Dorothy Kelly. -FRANK DAJJTELS' COMEDY REGULAR PRTCES WE»NESDAT, Al'Kl'HT 2Wh Will Urn A. Brad) presents

Carlyle Black we I I and June Elvidge in a story of thrills "and surprises

"THE PRICE OF PRIDE" Carlyle Blackwell in a Big Double Role


THl'RgHiT, AVCIST 30th

r METRO Pictures presents

Viola Dana In

"LADY BARNACLE *» Broadway's Biggest Little Star in a play that" wiTI" restore faith in



New Copyrights ttwfiO, »1 "M),

Last Tear's t o p j rights, 60c.


Corner ftprtngfieM Ayenn* A Beechwa«4 BoaaV

8 ( m r i , . - NEW JEB8ET. Telephone 74. ~

> D U B J

- F B i l ^ T r \r«-l-wr «'"* WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR?. -—Uncle Sam's Favorite Comedian ~^— ' • r--

^^GevfpeMr6ohan: in bis flrit^otoplay, adapted-from his biggest stage triumph

•BROADWAT JONES'V _ ___A typical American play, endorsed by the American public and personified' tey~ ATriTTTcaJar;;gTegy^=stage>: 4uteipnfter,-^upi>orted-hy MARGUERITE SNO^V and other favorites.

. . BURTON HOLMES' TRAVEL- PICTURES OTHERS PRICES:—Matinee, 15c and 25c; Children, 10c. Evening, All Seats

Reserved 25c. - * ~ ** Reserved Seats N b w OK SALE ' telephone. Summit 1W4

/ " >\v i^ i . t i«»>fmMlf l l i« HMHfw, m . » " - ^ - i n i l i i i L n





The small charge you pay us- lo r PACKING or CRATINU your furni­ture; piano, ^ t c , for shipment Is more

' "sffaet-by-.Ui*=-BJEAL-.DAMAGE-that our EXPERT SERVICE PRE-

.yENTS. _ ' ' - . „ « . When JQU ship, have us PACK or

CRATE for you—it's money well spent.

AUn io Marketing Perishables—Of Sortie* to" Home Canners—Relieves

"There are production la

many localities where large and consumers

tsa«Hnimediat#ly^«itw«^he-atr*la^oji_ q t t a t ( > market-newa Information.

worklnipi together to the common ^ n d of relieving gluts on the m a r k e C s * -curlng to producers fair prices for their crops, and assuring housewives of reasonable prices.

j ^ F e f 0 » M j Heart ," Oliver Morosco's production of "Peg

+-Q' My Hn*rt,t~tlie-comedy of youth, which will be the attraction a t the Lyon's Park Theatre. Morriatown/tfor one day. Tuesday. August 28, matinee and iflght, iff sald-to-be-ihe-mostHpop-ular play offered in New Tork in

The keynote of the situation, (ac­cording to market experts; is ade-



shipping facilities by informing them­selves of the time of most abundant surpluses, and By canning, preserving, and drying-perishable frulti and vege­tables at tbat^ time," said Charles J. Brand, Chief oTthe Bureau of Markets, United States Department of Agricul-tuf e r r s c i fftlyr"""-~~--^~—-—

"In some towns and cities," said Mr. Brand, "it would be possible t o e s t a b " Ugh small city markets, to "which neighboring producers Could bring tbeir surpluses, t h i s has already been done with success In some places. In one little town in New York State a newly formed 'market club', bu i l t , a covered market stand, to which pro­ducers brought in their perishable fruits and vegetables by auto, by wag­on, and by band from the surround­ing country. ,

The local agent of the United States Bureau of Markets cQ&piles daily all the available information as to ,the various fruits and vegetables offered that day on the wholesale farmers market. Usually by S a. m ' day. before sales Are ac

Years. • • When Mr. Manners first wrote "Peg

Q' Aty^Heart/ ' he nag some difficulty in finding a manager wilHiig to P duce it. -Mr; Morosco, a Western with an un-Manhattan outlook on life, discovered that the 'p lay was "differ-

on the ent," that it was without discussion of begun I the «ocial evil, and the everlasting re-

Rich and If you desire not t o be too poor, da-

ire not to be too rich. He Is rich not v. In, jMi^e^dfs much, but who covets LO more, and he Is* pOoi" u«l wlw «Q©y* llttle>but he who wants too much.

Modern Plays.' •^he"iveiajie_ i i ioJeru play."* s»W _a

^Jd ldayL^aOkJ i i t h e i » « t act for forTu"oar gll our faith, lu the peeem

hope and In the last for,*H OUr Char­ity," - - — - ; — <•';•- .-—-_.-,- ::'- -----


F ra t t and Poultry Far*



.Strictly FreshTaWc r : e s s

and llke-^ ~ t l « ers, dealers, and the press. M the .wise eliminated all references

flirePsbow that the supply is light, i sexuaTsin, from all of which n » W the g rower l i Insiantlrmpprisedrof the .for-plays- bad been drawn to the great




Bread, Rolls, Cakes, Pies and Pastries


373 S P R I N G F I E L D A V E N U E

S U M M H V N . J ,

N e x t D o o r t o S u m m i t T r u s t C o .

Makes iSaxdentag Prol taMe, "Such a step as this puts new life

and activity into the , 'war-garden'i work,'•because It makes the growing ofl fresh vegetables and fruitsjprqfitahle, at the same time reducing the strain on the transportation systems*

"It is not the best economy to ship perishable foods long distances to be preserved or canned, when products jean be had Just, a s 'we l l at the point of production. No locality should be in such, a hurry to begin operations as to order supplies; In from swBtWns of the 'country"! where thai part icular foodstuff comefc to maturity earlier. Canning and preserving should be done at the time of the greatest local production or when products are being shipped in most plentifully. '*'

-. Avoid CroHshauIIng, if Possible.

"There is another way in which lo-cOT^rtn-tn-eaalng^the

¥ M S , : t R S * s ^ E R


Aatonoblle Service When Required Personal Attention Pay and Night

P Phono 318

L . — • ; ; • '•. Sceehwood Road, Summit, N. J .

f rinW6rtalIoTCpl!o^Ie««==W*Jthe^ coun­try," continued Mr. Brand. "Every­body knows that there is a consider­able amount of w h a t is called 'cross-hauling.' Tor example, there has been crosshaullng of coal "from", Illinois" mines to Ohio and Michigan, and at the same time from Ohio mines to Illinois and Indiana. Our reports in­dicate that there may be a somewhat similar 'case with sweelTand~Irish po-ta toer this year. ;There 1s a great crop of sweet - potatoes promised In the South, and these will be shipped north while -Irish potatoes are being ship­ped BQ»th._1 Obviously, it would effect

fact and can regulate his prices ac­cordingly. When the supply is heavy, knowledge of the market situation en­ables him to start his selling at prices attractive enough to stimulate demand and keep the stock moving. System Benefits Both Bayers and

Setters. J - "~

This system is said to work out so tha t the t rack gardeners and "war gardeners" ' of the Providence section are receiving an increased average re­turn .on their crops. This dees not mean that prices are general ly- in­creased to the dealer, but - ra ther that a fair and steady price Is maintained. The grower finds an outlet for his en­tire crop, so that he Is able to sell it format least the cost of harvesting and marketing instead of being forced J o let it go t o waste. " _ Retail dealers benefit by the sys­tem, siuce a demand Is created for a greater volume of products. Women's clubs, canning clubs, aniaTIndtvrduals desirous of fresh frjiits-arid vegetables, know when and where to secure their supplies most advantageously.

Big Ba sines* in Spinach.

A Provldflnce grocer do ing 'a large business has practically doubled his sa lefoT spinach thtsrseasoh, Former-I»7ae JMdLiit-ftaifeflop throwlBg away' between 25 -and 50 per cent, of the spinach which he had bought and paid for, simply because sales were slow and the produce deteriorated. — Members of-the -Pj»vldenee^Jterket Gardeners* Association flicTaTe that the stavlng-oft* of a glut of spinach on two succeeding days saved them more than their share of the salary of the agent for-the entire season. It_Ji_Jt

• • • • # ^ T % M 4 "*> # • • • • • • ;•"' • " • • . ' - . •

PRACTICAL H EALTH HI NT, # -;-. ". ' '. ____ •

Medicinal Value of ApplM. # People ought to know t h a t

# ^ g ^ ^ ^ n ^ t 1 « ^ f f : w ^ a P p l e ^ J | 1 8 t ^ * * * • X * ? 9 w ^ « ^ h # ^ n i = t i = p f J

extent of late. Mr. Morosco saw in the pfay the relief for which theatregoers have long been waiting.. . __ - " P e g " is a selfish little human being

with»a_child's" outlook ^ n life and a child's naive wavs. The story con­cerns a l i t t le Irish girl brought up by her father In poverty and suddenly in-troducM Into a |amlly of aristocratic relatives In England. Her appearance shocks her high born relatives, and her unfamiliaTity of ways of the ar is­tocracy leads to many humorous situa­tions. • „ . . • ' . ' _ ; " ,. - •

The play is brimful of clever wit and humor Interwoven with a thread of love and affection. The producer has mounted.the production ih lavish style and Buppli«^a cast of more than usual merit.

before retiring for the Bight Persons uninitiated In the "mys­teries of the fruit, a re liable to throw up their hands in hor­ror a t the visions of dyspepsia which such a suggestion may summon up, but no harm can come even to a delicate system by the ba t ing-of ripe and juicy apples before going, to bed. The apple Is excellent brain food, be­cause - It has more phosphoric

# ^ c l d ~in easily^ digested shiipe ^ than any other fruit. .It excltt-s •• action of the l^ver,-'I»n»motes # sound and healthful ideep and '•> thoroughly dillufei-ts the mouth. • „ T h l s to not alL The apple lire-# vents Indigestion aud throat dls-# e; J "

Pel lver l ta Friaay and[Saturday,:


fomer ly •UjgUjUL^

h e w to announce that she has o p e n - | V J t a d i o at U Soath Street. M o n J j


ptr% *o meet a l l . customers and' friendi," , She will mako a •peciaity 0f Heg^l Per t ra l t Work, and cordially--^, you to see the pictures on exbibjtlo


General Contractur

Grading and Concrete Work a Speciaity

l a b o r e r s rurn ished by the Da?

The "HBRAL or of Summit m corrected to date. page seven.

roll of non In U. S. service, HI _be_J found on

" V -

• • # • • • • • «"»^<8"» # # # # # #



a great saving in transportation if the South could be induced, trj use more of Us own crop than it is accustomfHl to use.

/ ' t h e department (Iocs not have atiy desire to check the movement of com­modities to the best markets, but if the people of any producing—section can be persuaded to~consunie a greater portion of the local prod,urt-there, will h»A_41atlnet saving In the immedlate-ly available transportation space. • Provide Storage in Local Centers.

consermtlYi.. es t imate/ l that between $500 and $1,000 a day Is being saved the consumers of Providence on home­grown fruits arid vegetables.

The Bureau of Markets considerB the Providenee plan to bo funda tanV sound and declares that It serves the best Interests, of growers, retail dealers, and consumers alike.



N x >


needs of the tp the United


\ .

PREPAR to recelre yonr «h»re of thi iKat praperity 'wave new (weepirii this coonSxx. .. The deauid- for wtm tnlm*A o « « aMUUnU. sccountanU, »tenn»riiph«r« .and BeeKtariM* «as never ma Kraftt u now. Thousand* of. attractive lK>sitioD5 (stepping stanei to hiKhcr places) «re opening #*eiy day fcr thoM who arc qualified to III tben. Safe* guard your future by starting today

AT T U l f


381 Springfield Avenue

"In addition much can be accom­plished by providing storage at the centers of production for apples and such fall vegetables as potatoes, cab­bage, onions, aiut turnips. This will make It possible to spread out the shipments of these products over a_ considerable period, when otherwise there would be a call all at once at harvest time for large supplies of cars trr move . them <<r the large stoTage centers."

It is estimated by experts of the United States Department of Agrlcul-

,One of the greatest present war , according States DepaiLuient of the effective organisation of agricul­tural forces. The department advo­cates the formation of county farm bureaus as an effective" means of se­curing needed local organization.

The county farm bureau, says the 'department,- helps to unify t the efforts of existing farmers' organizations and to strengthen their work. The bureau is likened to a rural .chamber of agri­culture, corresponding in many of its functions to "a city chamber of com­merce. The farmV^ureau grew out of a stnvllar need t o r effective agricul­tural organization to meet rural prob­lems., and It has beqn described-^! or-

«-|*ool which h u Deafly tlity yean of succes* brhind It; the school which hat graduated thousand* of young men and women fully eouipped and abte to sake their way la the bu*ine«mwortd. Comnwr-cinl. (itenogTaphic. »nd secretarial cour«e«; higher accounting; coat accounting. • and audi i inti cawift „ evening. Send toe pnwpectm. D o aolteltora.



#ar ttmdmta mm mil rmUwmudm,


ttm Ava, mad 35Ub S t New York City

$835 K. <X B, Detroit


W B A l < K A Q B N T S JbTp^C'lClJKO »'. K ^ n d cart take your old Car in Exehange

Telephone %iM — . ".

ture that if every citizen co-operated gnnlised self-help. It pa r ted as an out-TtiHy in seCuringthe use of local foods, these could be made to take the place on the-tahles of the Nation of at least 120;©W-tons 61 flugtir. 1,000.000, tons of flourT and 1,200,000 tons of meats.


Ifow One—<llty„ .Is AfctMIng firowers and Conserters of Tni rh TropH-—

T^*<luaIe"^T» s Is Essential.

Providence, R. I.. Iri" co-operation

growth of the work done bv_cnunty agricultural agents, but It Has become the Ideal federating agency through which groups of r u r a l peoplej may-find expression.

The farm-bjirea-tt -plan, as seen by the United States Department of Agriculture, provides for _a repre-qentatlve" membership,--with commit­tees and a county CDHTICU. The mem-bcrship aliould be general o\er the


:he~HBureau uf United States Department of Agricul­ture, is solving the problem of mar-

BBACTT A i m HASITATIOH • o together In o w y up-to-date bath room. Beauty in matariali and Una' effect and sanitation In iecurely ceased t r ap* f and plumbing in" alfht l ie t na look over yoor "


WIIUM AHLWIII It dammfe i n w i W . 1 K W


' Electrical Contractors AND JOBBERS ~ ^ -

-ketlng pexishablfa, fruits -and vege-^ tenslon^jdir^ector- aLthe_State_ a_gricUl tables. Produce dealers, truckmen," housewives, and the local press are

county, and at least- four-fifths of it should be made up of active farmers.

formation or the development of A farm bureau shoujd write to the ex-

tural- college and secure advice as to how to proceed-

fe*i i . . . i •

I ' * <.-,! f-i * I *

iyonr P jk Jht3atre XorrintaTf n's leading ria>huuKe



t Beechweed Bead t^Ltn^

MtiHT &1&

trt i i^. j,jt»fc-- r • " • •

'THATnOJE *.t4 — ~ ~T Farewell and Trans-Continental Tour


"Peg 0* rty Heart" By J HABTlffiY MANN^ffft

•Stock .oi fresh Garden add Flower Seeds. L*wn Seed, Oar-den andl^awn "Ffrtiljaerai Tools, Lown Mower* and Roller* Rakes, Hoes, Shorels and Porks. Wheei-Darrows, CtdUvaUjcs, etc Also Painti, OH, Vannshes, etc.


Laureate Taylor 's creat ionjn which she appeared for two uninterrupted ^yfjtrjLaj lh* Pnrt Theatre. New York City. The international laughing "success. A clean piquant play with a tear or laugh in/ every l ine-

Thla company carries a CARLOAD of Scenery, Props, Furniture^firlc-a-Brac, Electrical Effects and Special Stage Settings

«• 4 . , ; JP 1 \ , ^ H

_ . "Ten pil l ion People^fcve Laughed and Criedrwrth-"PEG" * - '

^Ttes In^al i tafcfr^wmedrof TeetAyXove aad I-epar-frr

THE SUPREME SUCCESS OF SUCCESSES ^ - - T W ^ I o s t Popular of Popular Playa

PRICES: Bargain Matinee, J l a in Floor, 35c and 60c. "Balcony 25c. Evening. Main Floor, 60c, ?£c and 11.00. Balcony, 25c and 50c Seata now otvjaale. C*U Morrlatown 1414. Hake reserratkma nearly. T H I S 18 POSITIVELT KOT A MOVING PICTURE!—


Matchless Liquid Gloss gives your eta $L real shinej-— one that has staying po#er. It's safe to use because it contains nothing hut the purest ingredients combined in exactly the right proportions to deanse,"preserve^ana ppli^i^best.^

AS A FURNITURE POLISH Matchless liquid Gloss does three things at once—-cleans,' polishes,, and preserves; It feewnOiCa"



™ S 4 M § M f s •-.-m---1- —

M». Uppea Onnmkmfs motto

Is "alwayi care weu for an'aufar*

And so b« polkdM bis

\ . - ^

preserves^ strengthens the wood fihraT fills up cracks and' crevices and leaves a fine, lasting lustre.

W k a M i

V i

Arthur Manser Summit Garage Co.

Park Oarage Summit Toed Market, Inc

" R ^ M r Cotlrai " ^Br B. Walling

Jas . Long Sons '


-.F*T*a^semjfj H .

— -—*—=-«

% SrWJSlSfiRsS*^ .--. ^•^.kyi-\£^J J S « .—•

tBvmSsUBA a?ts_i


= _ _ , & ' ~""- . — ~~ T H E S U M M I T H E R A L D , F K i U A Y L i f t t W t J 8 T 2 4 r 4 w %

•AH N^, - r « *£*

aoleum K»m Window Shades, Baby Carriages, jdarpetSvmpem. _ ^ l ^

ll Maple s*^ i l ^ V : . * ^ , « ^ M ^ / i ^ _ T ~ r



(Corrected to date.)

Charles H, Grant, Major, Ordnance Da partment, 0, R. C» WatervUet Arsenal, .

Wm; Major, Ordnance

- Telephone » W A G E N S E I t S

» C H A R L E S W A Q E N S E t r i s

s ttr ERY

5ta jReglnent, H. Y, Infantry. I Edward WilTTa, 2nd Lieutenant, Ma-

flfiine-Giiii^Gomnany. ; ~ Kenneth Gow, 1st Sergeant, Machine

Gun Company, Paul H. Gadebuach, Sergeant Machine

Gun/Company, - __ JJostLJoneSj Corporal, Machine Gun

Co. """ "";'-* — — r r — Lester Bender,


Ray Howard.^ Magnus E. J, Dunnder. Salvatore DelenL y m . KltcheU, -• Wm. Devine.

Lawrence J, Kenny, Field Artillery. John Augustlnowici, Infantry. RuaaeiriB., Ad*oit.~~ n —"


High Grade Baked 6oods

466 Sprta^eW Ave, .*' Summit, N, J,

Corporal Machine


George V. Muchmore

Coal , lumber and Masons' Materials Park Avenue, Summit, N. J. Telephone 525

Eugene J. Burner, Machine Gun Co. Allan Eggers, Machine Gun Co. Robert J. Muldowney, Machine Qua

Co, Thomas E, O'-Shea, Machine Gun Co, •Marcus B. Wilson, Machine Gin Co. Nicholas Kelly. * . - V Edward J, ^>*Rourke, Sergeant Co. E. Philip McDermott, Co. E. , ~~ R. Cade Wilion, Jr., Co. K.. Corporal. Oscar E. Hellquiit, Co, P.',' Corporal. Theo, Freenian,H3o, G. Paul Wisner. George -H, Hodenpyl, JrH Co. X. William Drabble, Co, B. , Nicholas Krayer, Co. E, ' Frederick H,' Lovenberg, Co, F, Wm. B, Miles, Captain, Co. B,_Pep0t

Battalion, Robt'S.'Holt, Co. A., Depot Battalion,

1st Regiment, Ji. J. Infantry.

Alfred PeteraonT Gamuel Burner, baker. * Prank Gomella. . Nicholas J, Kenny, Co. K; 9th Infantry. Kidney Noah, '.'__'• Wm. TD, i a i n b e r t --.-,- - i — Joseph"L. Hemmenway.

W a , H. Lawrence, Jr

M. G. Bensley J, K. Adams E3EZDynn

Reserve Cerpa.

Never completed until 6 Firestone ,ountabla rims with ring*, that can

i ied as QTJ3, S. S« « Clincher, 4 is Bjtandard tires, S tubes, « -

Aanged for P W O . _ „ Delion Cord Tttmr 7,600 miles

ftese are best tor loflg runs

• HklMT'Stv "Hewajfc,H, J, OPEN, SUNDAY UNTIL 1 P. M.


SUCCESiOmS TO CARL J. SEILttR i f S a t y t y o n

Landscape and Topogtftphjcal * •: J f Bnf interr t « J* r^^

WIT OPFIOB BUM. , SUIOnT, H, J. Telephone Connection


Steaa and Hot Wfcter Heating,

TIi amd Sheet

Mbis f Promptly Attended to Estimate* Farmiaaod

pCORD BtJILDWO. fUlWnP, N. J. Telephone 4S&.

EST. 1872

Jas. Long's Sons UPHOLSTERY A N D




AoDern and ant ique f u t n i t u i c

rspBWOFi'Ett*AVEr,^~PSbi«---l0W J. —

Wm,• NrTestera, 3ergeaat, Co, David P. Carter, Sergeant. Adolph Miller, Corporal. Hugh F, Thompson. Daniel Braguto. William Buonato." Mattln Connelly. -—-Joseph Hatjville. Lawrence B. Finnegan. Eugene Fltzpatrick.

i Clarence Moll, Martiri J. Rudeae. Archie Van Arsdale. l l . Wells,.'.,... ;...— .•; Louis Dyke. Lloyd Goodwin. ^ ^ z _ G, Ellis Fhilhojvir, Co.~C7 George Drew Kissam,


Albert F, Lopez, Captain, New York, C. Leith Spelden, Captain, Charleston,

S. C. ' B. 1, Newton, 1st Class Sergeant.

Camp Dix. -Wrlghtstown, N. J. -William Henneasy. Newton Adams,

Ottlwri B e s w e Corp*.

Herbert S. Burling, 2nd Lieutenant, Artillery.

H. G. Terwilliger, 2nd Lieut., Artillery. Francis C, Tweddell, Capt., Field Ar-

tjllery.' Oliver McKee, Jr., 2nd Lieut of

Cavalry. V ", Cllve C. Day. 1st Lieut., Artillery, J, Robert Whltlock, 2nd Lieut., In­

fantry, _ _ C. C. Horn, 1st Lieutenant. T. L, A, Taylor, 2nd Lleut.L Infantry.. Clinton S. Van Clse, 1st Lieut.. Ord-

- nance. '.'...' ."'.•.'., Edward B. TwombljvCaptain, Cavalry. E. Roy Underwpod, 2nd Lieut,, CaVs"

a i r y . ••-- • AL , _

Harry 1.4>u(if-Bntt .Lfeut., Infantry. Vernor S. Henrj', 1st Lieut., Ordnance - . 'Depir-™*— ------- — •••v-^r-••'--' - '-Hulbert D, Bassfltt, 1st Lieut Ord­

nance Oftlcer'3 Reserve, Rock Island, 111. • ' : - • " • •

John S. Beck, 2nd Lieut, Engineers. Earl 11. Lyall,^ Captain, Kniincers,

O. R. C, Lester H. Fackiner, 2nd Lieut, Coast

Artillery, Fort Monroe, „:> yv


OFfTCERC Captain

l a Trmlalaf at CaM» Van W y S , B i t

Tf Herbert D. FrmBaloli Geo. C. NUtdortf Clarence O.^romer H. D. Oppenhelmer

;rthur Gwynne — — John Ei Patteraon-Edwin .H.JPerrj

Harry H. Wilson Sergeanfii

3, H, 8, Fair, 1st • Chas, R, Rlveley _ ~ — r - paraonnet

I Alfred C. Amott -. *athanlel=rAaaattss

Ralph, Gentile Edwf. GUpert

Arthur R.iRalientine Raymond E. Bahring A. R, Betts W, E. Betta Clarence A. Bettman Frank G. Boye, Jr. Robt, Bradshaw Andrew F. Brobarg Walter S. Bryan Geo. L. Burnett Robert Butterworth, Jr C. P. Campbell •R. M. Cheney John J. Collins Arthur W, Clark Lewis A, Cdrrado Thomas J. Dal ton Andrew Dick H,, F^Dorgeval Addison DuBols F, V, NVEick John Farley Paul Fromer

Walter Gunther Edw. B. Gumaer. Jr. Frank E. Hand , I Robt. R. Handvllle Edw, D, Haskew Wm« T. Holton I, B. Hopwood Geo^Mi Howte LealieJkJHurrell Clarence J, Jollet O. W, Johnston Chas. H. Knoch SanvHr-Rohn—-—— Edw, KubUk Smith J.T^ine Phltip L. Lawrence James L. Ltndsley Arthur Linde ~* V. W. I^oomis i JimiLpwe , ~~"\ DeForest Lyon Russell A, Lyon Russell McGowan Joseph Manger Forest IJ. Marsh Edward B. Miller Geo. R. Mosle. Jr. Geo. B. Moore . Newton J- Morrell Harold Met* Raymond Nelson

K. i, Peterson Ernes^J, t*eutrell Lester Reeve - - { - — -Ernest E. Reyhterl —

Jlowartf, T* Remig t C. P. Re* ' \ John Russell, Jr. Mott B.Rosa C. WT R ^ a a e l i — - — A. D. Rusaell John_C. Searles Robt Sneath " H. T. Sorg ' Herman Sorg ___ F, H. Stahl Joha-L»^eve*ynae_„: Henry C. Stevens MarUn_Stolt* Cornelius Sudhous John Tcnnenbaum Edw. P. Thebaud, Jr. Frank Tracy-Henry A, Tracy Frank, L, Tompkins John VansoO Walter A, Wade Frank Wardsworth; Jr; Wm. H. Weber Joseph G, Welmer F. H. Wllke E R Williams J T. With row Clarence C. Wright Jr i:dw- P, Ward



Caterer & Confectioner

French and American let Cream, Chocolates, Bon Bom

and Caramels—Pastry

Cater ing in A l l I t s B r a n c h e s

Tke Picture and Art Shop flames Water Color* Kiture Print* .Artists' Supplies

[-Frames *nd Pictures Books and Stationery Tally and Dinner Cards Kodaks, Photo Supplies

-Taterman Fountain Pens — greeting Cards 4or aU-occasIons

M^J^ringfleid AT*. Summit,^!. J-



lSLSommtt and vicinity


Agent for Park A TRford**, and

Schraft's Candles

22nd Engineers, Guy Bates, Captain

Adjutant —™ D. Badgeley, H Jerry O'Connell, •... _ Fred W, Jackson.^ Jack Ennls, Co. A, ^aprge ^ftllfanhurg,_Co. A Frank Martin, Co, A Frank Sharp, Co. A. Charles Wieland, Co, A Wm. A, Swain, Co. A, Franeis Murray, Go. A.

H« T. H. 0 , and Regimental

Sqnadroa A, H T I T ^ a i ^ ^ J J, H. Hyde. Edwin b . Ross. __ Philip Drabble.

Iftk Infantry. H. G . ^ - Y . John Gray. -

6»tb Reglateat, 5 . G« H. T. C. J. Brj innanjr^

Ut Hqaadroa, 5 . J. Cavalry.

WIlvLIAM R. G R E E N E Home Furnishings



434 SPRINGFIELD1 AVENUE T e l e p h o n e Connect ion

S U M M I T , N . J.


L e t J O S E P H Z E I G N E R

furnish yon with eathnatea. Workmanship and aaUafacUoo



TeL 39-J. Summit H,


Norman D, Smith, Troop C.

» w Jersey Coast Artillery Walter E. Lovenberg, Co. D,

Battery A, IT. J. H. 0 . Crelghton Thompson. Ross Apgar. H. J. Voegtlen. A. G. Van Wart

23rd Reglatent, K. T.Jnfaatry. Robert W. Nicholson.

13th Pennsylvania Infantry. Firnino Plona.

1st Illinois Infantry. Parker Lane* 1st, Engineer R*s*rvw Carpa^C, S. A. Joseph B. Ltpsey.

Aviation Corps, U. 8. A m y . William A Lamed, Captain U. 8. R. at

Washington, D. CV XrtKS*""TI:"* AlerondfflV «»™ *a>' w

France. Carter Tiffany; U. S. Reserve Covps, — -Mt Clemens. Mlcb, ,_ Jl Ruford D. Franklit, IT.-S. Reserve

Corps, Mt Clemefls,.Mich. Lionel P. -Hopkins,-JJ.—S^^eserve

John W, Eggera, with the Expedition­ary force in France.!

Corlies Adams* U. S, S, Pennsylvania. Edmund F. Fisher, Co. 9, Paris Is,, S.C. —^ TJr tfc B«wtort B e a e ^ 4>r»fc; Dr. G, R. Vreeland, 1st Lieutenant

V, S, Signal Carpi. T" Bert E. Underwood, Majors Head of

War Photographic Board Walter WarburtonT Harry J. McOeehan

TJ, 8. Haty. Quldo Forster, Ensign, on the Rhode ——Island. „ __ John M, Reeves, Chief Yeoman Wallace A. Lauder, Special Duty, Ui

S. S: Pennsylvania, - :: I- • — Naval Reserve Cerpa.

Thomas Green. Ensign, G. Talman Wlaaer, Newport, R. L S. Watson Hopkins, Newport,, R. L Francis Hamill, Newport, R, t ft F. Qttlnby,' Jr., awaiting orders. Charles B . Nelson.

r A U T O V A C U U M - F R E E Z E R S * C H A I R S t


416 Springfield Av Summit, N. J.

Summit, N. J.

Thomas Connors, , Ernest Brace- BrookJyn Navy Yard. Carroll Vreeland, Brooklyn vHavF

Yard. Charles McCue. . George Shea, — A. Harold Compton.

Fort ttjer, 2nd Caaip. James B, Docharty, Jr. .loaeph W. Greene, Jr. Stephen G. Kent. Henry L. Muchinore. Franklin V. Poaler-I>ester J, Templeton. Athelatan. Van Wart.

PUttsburg, 2nd (amp. W. Warren Carman.

Aaerlean Aisbalance ia Frasea. Alexander Beck, second enlistment Clarence Bailey, second enlistment Henry BIrdsall Marsh. Driving Am

munition Wagon. .TJieo. PbHg. Miss Praeiorttls,/Bar^iror-ITntt; nwrln- r -


he Old Reliable Grocer

Best Service 3 :



Corps. Dayton, Ohio. Chas. Manley.

iThe auperh beauty and splendid workmanship ot our Sfonnaients make them real menioriais of lasting mag-niflcence. As fall with Ite lnc\ement weather isn't far off, you should order, the monument-now. if it is desired that It be erected this summer.


4«*-29*-PARK AVE. Phone 47-M

Breckinridge A. Day. 1st Lieut Field Artillery. Fort Leaven­worth, Kansas.

Thomas R! Proctor. Ardlto Salvadore. Barney Paasalaaywa, _ ... Clarence Hoffman. Harold^ Beer*. * John ShoeiaiiieK — Frederick H, Relnauer, Bngineers, Felice DelenL Infantry, ' John August Novlcx,

N 0 4 M A P L E S T R E E T

I _ l s p n f t T , y g y y J E R S E Y

w"atch inspector of P.. L. & W . R. B,

Patrick Demarco. Infantry Orr. Frederick A L.

August „BraU. _ . M , Walter M. Crann, Co. C, 6th Infantry. Harry. Howard.

Frahfie. —/ v lalss Pollock. Harvard Unit iipw in

France. ' ~ -^ 4— — Donald Walker. Harjes Corps. Forrest Nlcol. HarJes~Ct»rps. Gilmer Haara.-HmTJes-Carps

Aitl-Alrcraft ArtBlery af H. X.

Walter C._ Sampson. 4tb4BenllfiyJBArjdlner.

* Hiseetlaneoas.

Richard F. Decker, Q. M. Dept N. J. N- O. — „ .

Elmore McKee, Army Y. M. C A. flattsburg Camp. . •"

John N. May, Jr.. Princeton Ambu­lance Corps. , " • ' • ' •

Horton F. Long, Base Hospital No. 8. Robert | , Grant, Base Hospital, No. S. Leighton Heath. Base Hospital No. 8. Samuel Kaplan, 26th C o , Coast Ar­

tillery. N. Y. Fred R. Alleman, prdnance. Wm. A. Rolston, Jr.. Corporal. Ord­

nance Dept. *^k


'la guaranteed If yoa bay lea of as. We serve all our customers wftlrafceerato falnieaa an4 =

PURE ICE The office will be glad to hear

"of any'lnattenttofc

THIS IB THE twAX-that is no popular among hotta«ka«#-~ifi. It's almoaTpunremrbon, la tr^a ttam atato and w i n « i 4 laavaa tats •mail residue of aahea. ITywi hav* ne i er used UUa Coal oaad tar * tatt at once. Dont poatpoa* matB cold weather aeta In, when th« pMoar go «P. _

Manufacturers and Dea ler s in H Y G I E N E I C E A l s o D e ^ e a J n C O A L A N D W O O D

a n d Racto fys P a r k a n d A s h w o o d Avem., S u m m i t ; T**V 3M

B r a n c a Off ice: Rai lroad A v e , Madi son , N e w Jersey



FRANK BRENN Harness.—Blanketa,


Auto andj»OP|«fe *riin-mlnjinaU ita branch««.

Baby Carriage IVrHtedB Re-tired. .--

Park and Chestnut Ave's Summit , N . J.



OFHCBr 2M1 MAPLE ST., SUMMIT, N. J Telephone , M S ^ I i r "

E D W A R D S . M U R R A Y . M a i i 4 B « . T e f e p h o a a ^ 4 2 S 4

Relieve Yotff ^ r v % e a ymr l i v e * i s o u t o f o r f t o v y o u r fc^ ^ f » * .

M e a n d Bowels ' suf fer w i t h iL= T h a t i s w h y a b i h o u i a t t a c k i s o f t e n s e r i o u s . W a r d i t off w i t h a f e w d o s e s of


"necessary to good health. They after-effect*,

produce any to the

disagreeable | and will

Attacks V»Ja.«s.

Read HERALD W a n t A d v s .



--/ 8


Classified Advertising ONE CENT A WORD

I h h i i M price 88 cents, rcmhtaacc with copy. £0 per cent extra for

« , On Sunday, Prof. Edmund D. Soper,

D.D.. of Drew Theological Seminary, will preach in the Summit Methodist Episcopal Church as follows: l l-arm~: "The Life That Cannot End;" 8 p. m

^ ^ T t i e^TTt ce "of" a ^ e a r t : I Prof. Super'.-* las t -Sunday here. He


CHAIR CANING—Furniture repaired, refur-, n a 8 b e e n o c c u p v i l f g t h e p u l p i t for f o u r K & " ™ S r ' W S i , » f l ^ ™ k ™ « ™ . ^ : > o n t h . d u r i n g . h e a ^ e o f t h e p a s -Frank W u w i t , Summit, N". J . J'h.ine I tor , Hev . W. \ . .Mal ia l ieu , D . D . w h o pint Frank Wiawat, 1092 R.

1'h.iin: I tor . Hev . W. V. .Mal ia l ieu , D . D . w h o ** l* [ h a s b e e n r e c u p e r a t i n g rrom a s e r i o u s

AUTOMOBILK and- CARRIAGK P A I N T I N G / i l l n e s s a n d o p e r a t i o n . Dr . M a l i a l i e u • and REPAIRING. Agent far Brockwaj , i s e x p e c t e d h o m e n e x t w e e k f r o m M W

Motor Tructo; also Eagle and WatsSft Dump ] H a m p s h i r e . S u n d a v a c h o o l , 9.45 Wafetm. C . W . Farrow. 596 Springfield are, M . m b , ^ r j 1 0 a m

nut. Tel. M-J. — *» , _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ ^ *

aefc §1,74$ per IjMb. bag „

DOMESTIC HELP of alt lund* supplied. d*j I . Services at Calvary church Sunday: work, cool* 4tnl nitres**!!, i.iuiiict nn hand ; Holy. OrrmrntfTiTon, X a r m ; morning Schujler Agency 160 W

,T Railri/sd avenue Phone prayer ami sermon by Hev."Dr. Mit­chell at 11 a. ni. Evensong, 5 p. m.

FURNITURE repaired and put in first cl condition at J«s*p>i Zeigner'*. upfcoifterer, T n e East Summit Methodist fiplsep ind Cabinetmaker, 472 Springfield avenue, } p a J c h u r c h w | 1 , r e 0 p e n f o r s e r v i c e s OB Su»m,i. N. J. Tel. J9J. Sunday. The building has been re -

GCDl>ls' \ r w F IREPROOF G\RA(1E1 moved to an other p a n of the lot to Can wanted for storage, / - r a g e open^ all | p E t . D a r e tor t n e n e w b u i l d i n g . . MQTn-olatit. All call* promptly attended to r ^ , . . . • w , Gcdd.s. 40.1 !'>K service nml Sunday school will be

.„ | held as usual. In the evening the MONEY TO LOAN—On i.r t m..rigjK<-, i" ' famous Carlisle-Pierpont "Wet and

amount! from $1,500 to $4,090. £- c „ , . „ „, . , . „ . Dry Dialogue Debate" will be given. Holme* Agency. Manic meet . : " ' p ".-

MONEY to loan on bond and Mortgage or; C e n t r a l P r e s b U g r i a n C h u r c h , R e v , improved Summit Heal Estate in imounta , J a m e s F R i g g s . T T D . . of E a s t O r a n g e , «0 iuit borrower. Send in y ^ r ap(Jkation I , , j p . r e a c n , h i 3 S u n d a y a t H a m .

Vi EUGENE C. PIERSON, 5 Union place, i , , . v . . , a .1 __,^ . . j

uraastt. it I. 29-tf S u n d a y s c h o o l a t 9.45. T h e m i u -•. * . ' w e e k s e r v i c e w i l l b e l e d by J o h n p . STORAGE — HaIUnd'« Fireproof Storage M o r g a n , W e d n e s d a y e v e n i n g , a t 8

^ e X : ^ ^ - - - - ^ - " ^ ^ ^ o'clock, with the practical theme Summit avenue. Broad street, office S3 . , . „ • - •

. "The Bible: Why and How Do I Study . — ; I f " "ps. 119 :»7-m; Heb. 5:11-14,

'STORAGE AND M O V I N G - T h e l » r « » [ - *£* ( . t n m e u g g e s t i o n a s t o y o u r beat eauipned warehouse and storage bulla- I •"* , . . . . . «»_,», . m - - ^ - . . . . '-meed purpose and method in Bible Study.

Co. I Rev. J. C R Kwing, of Lahore, India,

ing in Summit. Moving by our experienced , Summit Expr service, in auto van*.

Railroad avenue. l»-tf

W. M. MITCHELL'S Employment Office fur­nishes help;,white or colored. 86 Railroad t t c r . ^ Phone 7? R, Samroit, N. J. 32tf

will preach Sejjtember 2. ( The preachers will be as followi":

August 2fi, Rev. James F. Riggs, D.D., East O r a n g e September 2. Rev. J. C.

UPIKH/HTKY AND CABINET WORK- R EUHIR. D.D. C. I K.f Lahore. In-Fine Furniture J»me» I,ong'» Son*. 420 dia; September 9. Rev. Edward Lin-Springficld'avenue. Summit, N. J. ^ " " ' i t o l n Smith, New York; September—16, >S«J- 46:ty1ltev- William H i n m Faulkes, Phila­

delphia; September 23, Rev. Stanley White, DTD.; September 30. Rev. War-ren-W. Oilci. D.D.. East Oratrge.1^-


j .nST- ;-A Time AcciiiilU' ItiWif, "\rr.-.Vi->r; Sitrrt-•yii—-T.««t C»-~ I'ln.lir '|ilfa*c retiifn H, the

compaiiv •wnm T h « F i f ^ t Rapt ia t

" 1,'fVpTV—A p;iir if tnrtulst' shili nl;iMt-*si'iii Fri-clay, AllfetlM 1>*. ".iiiniH III fr 111 W i s t Snmritit ,

• \Vill. finilet—kindly reliirTr" tu 1¥> Si>riiiiefi*Ui avenue. ' . _

Baynham HHey, pastor. The Rev. "Joh;n"\ewrsfl~r^"cTieye,"""D'«"'lJ.V of-Hart­ford, t 'onn^ wUL preach at the morn­ing service at 11 o'clock, on Sunday,

-=- ! August 26tlu The Men's Bible Study LOST—Pair ffvf elasM-*, half rimmed; ati4 J ' l u t n r i l l m e e t 18 USUal a t 10 o ' c l o c k

vhitr emt,r..ider*d H.MM^!*!!,•--i*^u^-^Tf0^-tn^-BtTiay--or-thie--tnteni«ionat-l»B-^!*^ffl ' The evening service and also the

I meeting for prayer »nd *con(ecin,cfi^DB WAJfTEIl. - j Wednesday evening will be* omitted

— —-"- —•—-—-— dtiring the vacation season.

OattUnrrS OniM ^t) Tfi-«;ii-il.

Vi»l'N<; r,IK11 «i*lu* i.f.*hiuti t.i f in--t . .r t l n l -h r l i 'if liKi'l l)"H"('«"P 1,; «i'i-U d.i\» ..n'.y-

' Ajiswer "Vciiitiij <Mrl,'' rnrr HKHAt,i> nffwrs-

WANTI'I* Jly rrfii'r.l family.™ rialf nr lipper jiarf, tuuf.utiilv imprnvt'mi^it^. Nhc l(.iatmn. t a i n I tn—MailuH, +TT=t!l $- ' .1^ I "

,.r fi rnnm li,.nisi57-'Witri

Sliurt d i i -$ ' r . u^. t tUJ^^

A i ld i r s s H.1% 4(«l), I I I -:K AI-.H.

Gospel Hall services: Sunday, Lord's Supper at 11 a, m.; Prayer ' meeflni at 7.30 p. ni.'; Preaching by Dr. Man­ners from Montclair; Wedtieaday

i Bible Reading a* 8 •». m.; Friday Pray-er«'met»riiig~at-8'" pv-m.? •••———

WANTKD- i.autulry «"i! ,( iln-n-i A7 Kiii*t It |il.i> i ,

;it tiuini*. •VI-

JB.WA>*TI-;' | ) - 'i'w y i ' t n i K l . i . l u - * -1.»f i ) |» - t« i i L i t ^

in-; IHKIUM wagr? |raid: full li&tlfd. .Sji]ilv :ii (iiHlr liy mail 'ii- Mrw». ItnimnuT it AnitlmiK. U*! Nrt.irk Astmir, jersey City, N, t.

Christian .Science Society, Lyric Building, "Beechwood road. Sunday service, l l a, .in. Subject, August 26. Mind. Golden T.ext^ ^ iomans 8:27.

1 Sunday seHool 9:45 a, m. Testimonial |4ireetlng, Wediiesday, 8 p. in,—

IWU'KKIi'iMi'lW* .lanii.In-M _«i-!n ''•'""fSirm- .i'fnnv" tta-Tiiii(!,' 'AiMftss' _.. 1QS. .._'._.._" ..... , . L

« t i

WANTHH Kxpiriiiirr.l cn.k (fnoii Immi•; K> ••" 1 » W . 110IAV.

t akf <;eorffe M, Jones"


Cohan la uBroa4Jwar at iLjTie Theatre.

w i t h t h e

GOVHRNliSS HiKliIy in»tni>tf,l l'iiWli>.h lady, wins sjifak** I'Tctuh atid Italian l i i ' a native.

— smilil ilrvfitr p:irt nr full time in tr;iiiiiii|t rliil.lrcn in tin1 ru-tn.-iF ii»t- i• f ilicse laTiifiiap;es,

.....Address B.JX H. c i i f S l M M I l IIKKVl.lt

Knjoyable BI-Weekly B a n t ( oncwTt

Ideal .weather conditions and an at­tractive programme helped to make the third bi-weekly concert by the Summit MuwicJpal Bind, one of the

temlif r p r e l r f f e d Write

m family «f l-..\\ *" ^ e e P i n « w l U l l a e progressive I'li.nu- fiunimii; P»licy of-H»e Lvric Theatfe, the man­

agement has secured George M. Co-hull's tirst Photoplay, •'Broadway JoiiesA for preaentation Friday, Aug­ust 31st. ' - As a distributer of mirth and gen-1 most enjoyable of the^season. A large oral good cheer, it is safe to say , tha t ' audience was in attendance and show-George M. Cohan has no equal on the e , | their appBaciatioli of the hand's suige to-day. Quite the most dom- \ piavfng by the vigorous applause inaiit, popular and conspicuous figure1 which followed eachseiect lon

i we have ha i r in the amusement Held I ig stUl cause for c ^ o l a l n t about, the - . - . " - - 1 f o r tt decade, Mr. Coh^n; seemingl>-at |. n o i»e which children, who

v^lli:.iu".Tii:.»-. fT n i n ^ ' <*v-' yyt11, tu'~'>8 °"t a successful play, a ; gate near the band stand, are anoweu wt'irr^iitid in."s'lin'iiniil'm'tii gamge i laminating song number, evolves a j t o j i a k e , thus spoiling the effect of the

Winaiis. rs .\v^1..liiml avimtf. rapid tire farce or dramatizes^a novel I tighter passages- ofjU'he music The

Importcre-Oroccrs OKer the Followinf §] ism


CANNED G00I»^ ^ , S0CP—White King Brand Squab" Soup; per can, 12c;"-piir-

d o t e n c a n s ...,,.,,..,.,,...-•.—••••—"••—'•—•••"•——•••••••••"-"'".-•.*•-•• •• .....l»l.»

TIAKEP BeANB—-Wh4ta-4toae Brand^Baked Beans; pw^Atir-lAci per dozen cans........,...,...,.

delicious than Macaroni 1.75

per CEREALS—CTemetts, more backage 1.1c; Quaker Oats, per package lUc$ Force, per packa^o I»e|i Corn Flakes, per package, *«| H. O, Oatmeal, per pack

PEA BEANS—Pea Beans for baking; per lb_ .



ORANl l iAfEB SlIGAE - ' . - 7 Lbs„ %% Lbs.


Large cans, 8ftc; small .: 4«c



MAYONNAISE BRESSING—Large botg;, t S c ; small hots, l ie

LOBSTER—Lobster a la Newberg

; CATSVP—Snyder's Catsup; large bots., 22c; Bmall l«>ts. l l r

CHILI SArCE—Snyder'a Chill Sauce; per bottle 23c

WORSTERSHIRE SAVI'E—McDoweir* Worstershire Sau per large bot., 22c; per small bot

COFFEE—Special Blend Coffee, per l b -JAMS-Cur t ice Bros.; all flavors; per jar .... PRESERVES—O. & P . preserves; 16-ojt. Jars, each OLIVES—20-oz. Jars Queen Olives, per Jar 20-oz. jars Stuffed Olives, per Jar -..:

Small bots. Stuffed Olives, per bot •-URAPE j l ' ICE—House of Decker Brand Grape Juic

bots.,45c$ pint bots,, f 5c $ small bots, ........... . . . . .

$ > < •

2lc ii;c

- i<>c Wo



— • — — FoyTCTAyiNty Star ^ a p h t h a Powder, per T-lb.pkg...™™. Star Naphtha Powder, p#r 4-lb. pkg .. ... Colgate's Octagon Cleanser, per pkg....,-^..

Sapolio, per caRe-——••——•••—-r—••—••"'•"""••" Bb^ ATiiirTer*Tcake~~^..,...;:..,.: .tttnTwr-rs^ Bon Ami Powder, perpkg..............;.........

aie ....5e


.$LBtt •Q\

Officer*? Vnlon Place Phone 24.M

Eaierfeacj Call, Phone liOI-K


IVtMi l i i nn>! Italian i is rtj-iiiU;'! fur '

INSTRUCTION IVif ia taiiglit liy I jiHJiih lady y*ai^ in "iMaiui4 and fiah : n.iw. it- idt M! ^ 'Silirimit~„\.l.!rc«t l'.<>'\ I-'U. t . i f f W M M I T iiKRnim.


n.r—j=ihi3iic \2ti5 Surrifiiil. ..••-. ............ .^, , at w a ^ with the sure touch, of genius^ Vljahd is. devptint i ^ S e c a r e to the ob-WANTFIi ^oriMiATORS—K*rerienced on in. j W^ f'ecent affiliation with J h e Art- servaace of "expression markfr," and

fants' white dfewe*; awady work. fl. Lib-.' craft- Pictures CorporaUoii, marked I f tHr playiHg at. the last concert showy - " ^ , l , , t u tUi'n' complimentary •Unaiwgft,Franklin.-u^t^oxngi.-SHmniit tve^ihe.Mv^nL oX^n^actiulsuion^of g^gtt 1 t^a^^bey-a^e^tFivhvg-for ''tone color," " ' " '

< imjort to,the.raetipn picture art . j a nd "pianissimo.'effects;" in_ addition nut.

.iWANTEP-^LcarrieriLjOii UtfrttWs' white drewgs. paid wrjTTe 'learrnnif; ' B. Uilirnan,

rittt-i>l*ce, corner Sifmmit avctiuc. SO I ' ra j ik^

' 4+4f

In c-rjier to iUspJay^ia^flEy^ best e t - ) 1 f t the ' ^ r t i s s l m o " playing which is

T0=Wlt ; Jrreatesr stag* hit, "BfTO^Wa^ Jones / '

__^~ FOR—S-\J>^—T»jTTiir- gnn.t raHan-, pretty lihipiage.^ riinile "filM

FOR RENTT-Fnrfiiihrti for the winter^jnodern eleyenroorn house, three_ liaths, hot water

north stile netting; IJ4J.

go53 Toeation. Tel_!

TO LET—At Netherwood. riainfield, N. J„ y40 Belyidere avenue, very, "attractive place

" ot about i'/i acre*, kigli gtouml, fine old trees, large .sjara^e and man's room; boiiie 14 room*,- *i?t piaiEa*, tlu;ee baths, hard.wood floors, jrteam heat.'-electrie lights everything in ntieat order," AddreM John R, tTflt,* j a n d 10 Bridge, street, New York, or telephone 397-R, Summit. 45-48

NICELY FURNISHED ROOM and excellent tatta^ board. 33 Walnut atreet. tf

Jolts Uefore, t h e . camera^ the famous; ui,tailv; ^charaeteristic- of amateur "Vankee Doodle Boy" -relected hlff|bahdsr^lbut as ' i t

«^Bli^4rittlaT veSlciS in-Jlm^ motion pic-Ittre fleld. The ^subject gives him an opportunity to ablnevte'-Htarverr of thing he can,'do~&etter, perhaps, thaffTiftyonB eli© of today, narnely to present a swiftry-^ovlng, interesting * n * dramatic storv a built a topic nam-versally known, • Marguerite Snow, the well-ktjown screen favorite, haa the honor of being leading lady In the production and many other popular names will be found ia the east.

Reserved seats are now on sale for this notable offering. ' V

fjHker Lyric Featares Next Week. ' Earle Williams in "The Soul Mas­

ter" will be shown Monday, August 27th. A drama of a m a n s goal—re­born in

tateir~before, these lighter jpggctg, reQ^ujre,.auietness to be ap^reelaisa byrtlte airdlence^"

The_Band Coin"mittee would like any instrumentaliota in Summit who de-

ThoM Uaad In Oiff«r«ni Nation* Arc Vary Much Alike.

The parting salutations of various nations are strikingly alike. The vale of the Latins corresponds with the fdmllnr-«lpFt*>isUuu4tf tin*-Greeks, nrid

There! though piety is nut exprcs-oil distinct!} , in either, it ««s doubtless understood,

toiMire- f()f Who can W kci>t in he.itth without. as the au< IOIUH'would >u,v. the-wlU of the gods?

The Greek nord perhnpi has a high er Blpnitii-atloi^rhaii tin- l^itln, for It"

luta-tipii. St. John turliids It to be given to heretical tent hers.

Thy KreiTt li j>n_ tiikinj; leave _aay. "Adieu," thus distinctly rei-ognteing the providential |«»wer of the Creator, and the same meaning is Indeed-con­veyed In our own word "gobdby," which Is a corruption of "God be with

Did you ever stumble-going'in a dark room trying t ^e.electeic.Ug^,?...Xet..uA.put.a.s.wilcU.in;.fo.r'.you..

, We do Both hew and old house 'wiringlynjjtornriil TelF phone instaning and repairing. ' ' " , ' • " " ,



Ready-to-Wear Merchandise . W. B„ AMERICAN LADY A N D V E M O




TOR SALK— H.inil picked t^raven^tcin ii^ilet, 70 ffttf* l'.>r* l(><]tiart tia^Vet. rju.mtr Bro* . Ba1tu»rol road. Tel. 5081. 48 tf

TOR SAI.lN-^Fnrd delivery car. 101f. m.ntrl, in Riioit conditinri. Anply 51.'. Morn* avc nur.

FOR^ SALE—Top mil. i heap, if uulinW not later than .\u|ru*t 27 fur, delivery not later tha,n Septemlier I*t, K.nt Summit Churiti. J. A. Oake», ph.mo 470 ,\f

sire tp^beepme^ jHej^eTS^pf.this pro­gressive musical organisation to apply at the band ro^fa^fty TueBday evep-ing. In the old Ctty TIalT,^o8L3ummit avenue, as (Bm band desires to add to Its membership so that eventually J t may have_^a_larger iDBtrumentation.

The next conee^ w i l l ^ f on Friday evening, AnTKUStjSlst. -^_ . . . . . " - - • " • 1 1 1 — ~~ A music book containing 3rd i n d 4th Horn parts , belonging to the Sum­mit Municipal Band was lost several weeks ago, Anyone finding the book

rhr"alte7ak>w""of* shattered w 1 1 1 c o n , e r a f a T o r b y returning It to me aiiergjpw ,ot snaiierea I l h > . S u m m l t H E R A L T ) 0ff Jee, as many of the Selections it contained cannot be duplicated.

you. __ The Irish in their warmth'of_ma»ner

and love of words often extend the_ex-_

—TOR-SALE- Hand tneked CiTavenstein apple*, 70 cent* fin- 1ft quart ba^Lct. Faitoute Broa., B*ltu»rol rt*ad. Tel. 5«« t.

Zf- f'OR S A L E ^ n i e "Ideal" steam lMnler, ca-^ui!itv^400 *^]. - feet; ami ~v~kitcheil 'latixe,' Trovident No. 458-A." both in good Con­dition. Apply at S Irving Place, or Tele-

__Eh one _ 9S-M. ^ •_ _

FOR SALK—New one-fattnfy tiiiu*e. aeven room* and bath, butler'i pantry, targe side porch-, toilet and laundry in cellar; fine loca­tion; only ten minute* from station. Call

_ tel. 447_jj>rJocai agency. Summit, N. T. 46-tf

FOR SALK" OR LCASR-^-Large old boaaeatead property, mile from Summit Station. About *% »CTe*. , Large concrete residence, «*am

..*«t.^_miR tlectrWty^ jwatSTt-JCKtr. - * t c Large—bata, gardes; c U " Price 930,000. Rent SL200 year. Ifoua-fide ipqutriea tn-vtted. Addrag_*'IIscflejt£id7' _ c a » JBEM-A T O T • — ^ < M »

Brery N. D. O. member alioald be a sub-crtMr U v ^ e BERALD beeaaee tfc. W R » t . n contains tne tMily eout-P>«U iMtlCwt of N. D. O. newt p*bU*h-

wood and produced by Vitagraph. Al­so episode 8 of "The Secret Kingdom** and a Frank Daniels comedy.

Wednesday, August 29th, brings Carlyle Black w e l l / a n d June Elvldge In "The Price of Prjlde,** Speed—-speed—that Is a big characteristic of this picture. Swiftly" It moves from thrill to thri l l from surprise to sur­prise until the breathless spectator is" lifted from his feet by the smashing climax. Mr. Blackwell plays a big double role. Don't miss this offering-

Thursday. August 30th. winsome Viola Dana in "Lady Barnacle" the charming story from the pen of gar " T r a n H J n r ~~K- most dls cast of players support Miss Dana in this pleasing production. -

If YOU are Jnat a c a l m a l reader e l this tesne of i h e HERALD, woaldnt yon like to hava ft

Pnone UOv (ConUnaed on Page ElghL)

presston. A well known tfuide, upon one of oar

friends leaving (,mie of the loveliest spots Ih WkKiow. sht>ok,haniia_wlth him heartily and said in a ^olce^Bome-what more tremulous through age than It was when Tom Moore loved to listen to it: —**Oo4 Almighty bless you,' be with* you and- guide you safely to yonr journey's end !**

This salutation, when umA thought fully and aright, has not only a pleas ant Bound, but d*eep meaning'.—Phila' delphla Inquirter.


SpeciallstsJLn Permanent Hair Waving

' Expert in PermanenLHai r Waving. Scientific Scalp, Face, NeclT" and Spine Massage done by experts. Relieves nervous tension, chronic-

cases of rheumatism, stiff Jolnta, headache and neuritis.


NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Nirtiee is hereby given that the partnership

heretofore existing between James A. Marshall, Frederick C.'Kcnti and. Allan Hay, under the firm name of Marshall, Kentz & Hay, haa been dissolved by mutual consent. The - tmstgesS hereafter will be conducted by Allan Hay,

Dated Augu*t 1st, 1917. JAMES A. MARSHALL',' FREDERICK C. KENTZ,

- A L k A N f t A V . . *.

theL preaV **if» d ^ f t oiLa half a mil­lion Beyal Taflorea-suit and overcoat


FoundedItfO HeW-M, H. J , KrA St , at Park Ave.

J i e g W f waia^jar all eotleagv, csaeciany far tke GeK aUefkUte jmarttsaiani Experi­enced faculty, MianirB switfcoda, imiTl i l i m i kcapena SrptimhrT l a h . Ctrtiwfalra aMg|He0-F«r caolaa or s^gMwigwHwt, w j < f f B. f.

orders for the ,FalI season has been executed throughout tne country. Summit's quota has not been named, Tt Is left entirely to»fte loyal

f ^l/HEN you are partic-" ,"~ l" anxious for

BTJ aa« Steaaa Cleaalafc

"^*^ The HERAI4>*8 official roll of bon-

or. of Bcunmlt m*n in t t a . to date, wilt

011ing' of a Prescription -tt to

' i p i T B M R If yoit boy Ice^of

•a. We i v f t all oejf ctutoffiera with abaolntfl falrneas and,

'USE-.'- .•.".—*-•

The office will b* glad to hear of any Inattention.

XJIJB J | TUB WA1 ? ^ that is so popnUr ***M*W**gt era. it's Jinort pa™ • ^ J W * from sUU and dirt and 1 M ^ % •man iwgWBw^WTItfit^f^i^r never used this Coal •*»« S*J£i

weather s e t t In, wHeB U» nTU* ap .

W-WT I -lilfOi 10* W«P»«Y

Gardner's Drag ^ore

Manufacturers and Dealers in HYGIEt f lMCE , ^ ^ — ' ^ ; : Also D e ^ w in LJUALT«®

and Aahwood Summit; ^ 0

Railroad A-v^ Madiwon. K e # J ^ - ^

Hearlds Qasiulied Adv