FUZZY AND GEOSTATISTICS APPROACHES FOR RISK … · Land planning and resources manage ... ber of...

Introduction Land planning and resources manage- ment call for the urgent definition of adequate risk maps relative to a num- ber of natural or anthropic events, that is actions that change land and are detrimental to security and/or the preservation of resources. Looking, for instance to the agro-forest space as related to the built-up areas, the problem still remains to define, for the purpose of sustainable develop- ment, the suitability and capability as modified over time and especially after choices that didn't take into account the global effects on environment. The agro-forest space is subject to mul- tiple risks due to both the numerous and diversified phenomena that impact on the production sector and to those that cause environmental and territorial changes. This means that one should assess, quantify and plan over time, measures and actions to be adopted relative to any critical event or any ob- served change: degradation, loss of useful areas and fertility, floods, water resources management , diseases, crop- ping pattern changes, optimisation of agricultural production, set-up of struc- tures and infrastructures, ete. All these problems call for more de- tailed analyses of the occurrence mech- anisms, of the predisposing and trig- gering causes, of the involved space- time variables, of complex natural and anthropic events: severe meteorological events, flooding, frost, hail, water ero- sion, wind erosion, landslide, earth- quakes, drought, desertification, ground water resources impoverish- ment , pollution. The present technological development can still leave room for experimenting innovatory solutions that have seemed hard to assume so far. The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) allow to manage the geometric and alphanu- meric data resulting from any format (maps , remote sensing data, to po- C") Teenopolis, CSATA serl. C"") Mediterranean Agronomic Institute, Bari. C""") Istituto di Sistemazioni Idraulieo-Forestali, University of Bari. MEDlT W 3/ 96 FUZZY AND GEOSTATISTICS APPROACHES FOR RISK ASSESSMENT IN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN MEDITERRANEAN AREAS VITO D'AGOS17NO (*) - COSIMO LACIRlGNOLA (**) - GIULIANA TRISORIO-LIUZZI (***) I Abstract A fundamental step in resources management and environmental planning is the as- sessment of the risk expected after the occurrence of natural or antbropic events and changes to the land. Such events may cause critical conditions of instability, worsen conditions of precari- ous equilibrium, cause damages and destroy non renewable resources, and jeopardise the survival or the security of populations. In this paper, two problems related to risk assessment are conceptually approached: the extension of the hazard concept to the space-time dimension and the interpreta- tion of the combination between hazard (H) and vulnerability (V) to obtain the risk: R=f(H,V). As for the former problem, the proposed solution is within the techniques and the methods of geostatistics, for the latter the solution is within a systemic view of the risk, with the required conditions solvable by "fuzzy" reasoning. Through the spatial knowledge of H and V and thanks to the flexibility characteristics of the adopted methodology, it is then possible to obtain risk maps, at different inten- sity levels, for given detail levels, that can be effectively used in decision-making processes concerning environmental planning and resources management. I Resume Une etapefondamentale de l'activite de gestion des ressources et de la planification en- vironnementale est l'evaluation du risque attendu a la suite de l'occurrence d'evene- ments naturels et anthropiques et de modifICations du territoire. De tels evenements peuvent donner lieu a des conditions critiques d'instabilite, aggra- ver des conditions d'equilibre precaire, provoquant ainsi des degats et la destruction de ressources non renouvelables, et compromettre la survie ou la securite des popula- tions. Dans ce travail on aborde, suivant une approche conceptuelle, deux problemes lies a l'evaluation du risque: l'extension du concept d'hazard a la dimension spatio-tempo- relle et l'interpretation de la combinaison entre dongerosite (hazard, H) et vulnerabili- te (vulnerability, lJ pour obtenir le risque: R=f (H, V). Quant au premier probleme, la solution proposee est recherchee a l'interieur des tech- niques et des methodes de la geostatistique; pour la deuxierne, la solution se trouve a l'interieur d'une vision systemique du risque, avec des conditions de depart que l'on peut resoudre en appliquant l'approche '',fuzzy". A travers la connaissance spatiale de H et de V il est ainsi possible d'obtenir, grace aux caracteristiques de jlexibilite de la methodologie adoptee, des cartes de risque, a dif- ferents niveaux d'intensite, pour les niveaux de details souhaites, qui peuvent etre ef- fectivement utilisees dons les processus de prise de decisions qui concernent la plani- ficatwn environnementale et la gestion des ressources. graphiC data) and scale, within a unique continuous model of the land where all pieces of information are im- mediately accessible, homogeneous and consistent (Burrough, 1986). The possibility to manage and analyse information and the complexity of ac- tions that interact with each other and modify environment allow to test new methodologies. In addition to the quantitative and econometric aspects, such methodologies also focus on land- form, transformations and their effects on environment, morphology of sites and the integration of evolutionary processes. The state of the art about the assess- ment problems of the risk maps is the following (Sherif, 1991): - the knowledge of processes capable of producing environmental changes that pave the way to predisposing and triggering causes of conditions of insta- bility and critical states of precarious equilibrium is systematic and rich. The mechanism of action, causes and evo- lution are continuously analysed and theoretical and applied research make new results available (Hansen, 1984, Dargahi-Noubary, 1992(a), Dargahi- Noubary 1992(b)). Faced with the clear identification, ac- 15

Transcript of FUZZY AND GEOSTATISTICS APPROACHES FOR RISK … · Land planning and resources manage ... ber of...


Land planning and resources manage­ment call for the urgent definition of adequate risk maps relative to a num­ber of natural or anthropic events, that is actions that change land and are detrimental to security and/or the preservation of resources. Looking, for instance to the agro-forest space as related to the built-up areas, the problem still remains to define, for the purpose of sustainable develop­ment, the suitability and capability as modified over time and especially after choices that didn't take into account the global effects on environment. The agro-forest space is subject to mul­tiple risks due to both the numerous and diversified phenomena that impact on the production sector and to those that cause environmental and territorial changes. This means that one should assess, quantify and plan over time, measures and actions to be adopted relative to any critical event or any ob­served change: degradation, loss of useful areas and fertility, floods, water resources management, diseases, crop­ping pattern changes, optimisation of agricultural production, set-up of struc­tures and infrastructures, ete. All these problems call for more de­tailed analyses of the occurrence mech­anisms, of the predisposing and trig­gering causes, of the involved space­time variables, of complex natural and anthropic events: severe meteorological events, flooding, frost, hail, water ero­sion, wind erosion, landslide, earth­quakes, drought, desertification, ground water resources impoverish­ment, pollution. The present technological development can still leave room for experimenting innovatory solutions that have seemed hard to assume so far. The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) allow to manage the geometric and alphanu­meric data resulting from any format (maps, remote sensing data, to po-

C") Teenopolis, CSATA serl. C"") Mediterranean Agronomic Institute, Bari. C""") Istituto di Sistemazioni Idraulieo-Forestali, University of Bari.

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I Abstract

A fundamental step in resources management and environmental planning is the as­sessment of the risk expected after the occurrence of natural or antbropic events and changes to the land. Such events may cause critical conditions of instability, worsen conditions of precari­ous equilibrium, cause damages and destroy non renewable resources, and jeopardise the survival or the security of populations. In this paper, two problems related to risk assessment are conceptually approached: the extension of the hazard concept to the space-time dimension and the interpreta­tion of the combination between hazard (H) and vulnerability (V) to obtain the risk: R=f(H,V). As for the former problem, the proposed solution is within the techniques and the methods of geostatistics, for the latter the solution is within a systemic view of the risk, with the required conditions solvable by "fuzzy" reasoning. Through the spatial knowledge of H and V and thanks to the flexibility characteristics of the adopted methodology, it is then possible to obtain risk maps, at different inten­sity levels, for given detail levels, that can be effectively used in decision-making processes concerning environmental planning and resources management.

I Resume

Une etapefondamentale de l'activite de gestion des ressources et de la planification en­vironnementale est l'evaluation du risque attendu a la suite de l'occurrence d'evene­ments naturels et anthropiques et de modifICations du territoire. De tels evenements peuvent donner lieu a des conditions critiques d'instabilite, aggra­ver des conditions d'equilibre precaire, provoquant ainsi des degats et la destruction de ressources non renouvelables, et compromettre la survie ou la securite des popula­tions. Dans ce travail on aborde, suivant une approche conceptuelle, deux problemes lies a l'evaluation du risque: l'extension du concept d'hazard a la dimension spatio-tempo­relle et l'interpretation de la combinaison entre dongerosite (hazard, H) et vulnerabili­te (vulnerability, lJ pour obtenir le risque: R=f (H, V). Quant au premier probleme, la solution proposee est recherchee a l'interieur des tech­niques et des methodes de la geostatistique; pour la deuxierne, la solution se trouve a l'interieur d'une vision systemique du risque, avec des conditions de depart que l'on peut resoudre en appliquant l'approche '',fuzzy". A travers la connaissance spatiale de H et de V il est ainsi possible d'obtenir, grace aux caracteristiques de jlexibilite de la methodologie adoptee, des cartes de risque, a dif­ferents niveaux d'intensite, pour les niveaux de details souhaites, qui peuvent etre ef­fectivement utilisees dons les processus de prise de decisions qui concernent la plani­ficatwn environnementale et la gestion des ressources.

graphiC data) and scale, within a unique continuous model of the land where all pieces of information are im­mediately accessible, homogeneous and consistent (Burrough, 1986). The possibility to manage and analyse information and the complexity of ac­tions that interact with each other and modify environment allow to test new methodologies. In addition to the quantitative and econometric aspects, such methodologies also focus on land­form, transformations and their effects on environment, morphology of sites and the integration of evolutionary processes.

The state of the art about the assess­ment problems of the risk maps is the following (Sherif, 1991): - the knowledge of processes capable of producing environmental changes that pave the way to predisposing and triggering causes of conditions of insta­bility and critical states of precarious equilibrium is systematic and rich. The mechanism of action, causes and evo­lution are continuously analysed and theoretical and applied research make new results available (Hansen, 1984, Dargahi-Noubary, 1992(a), Dargahi­Noubary 1992(b)). Faced with the clear identification, ac-


quisition and survey, monitoring, selec­tion, management of the involved vari­ables, the question is still open on the organisation of data banks to make dif­fusion and survey of data homoge­neous; - it is generally possible to assess the probability of occurrence of given criti­cal events (hazard). But, this can be made at the points where a statistically significant historical series is available, taking into account the generating causes and the characteristics of the concerned land. The probability of oc­currence of the event is then punctual, referred to the place where the ground station is present. Different authors faced the problem of extending hazard at generic points, al­though they are not eqUipped with in­struments (Journel and Hujbregts 1978, Matheron 1970). The specificities of some situations and the difficulty to generalise them leave the problem of space distribution of the hazard still open; - within the economic-estimatory as­sessment, based on theoretical-applied approaches, it is possible to assess the damages produced by extreme events resulting from an intrinsic vulnerability of the considered system: for instance, for the agricultural system one can de­fine the damages produced by some meteoric events like hail, frost, drought and so on. The techniques used are generally accepted by scientists. Still open is, however, the discussion on the quantification of the environmental damage produced by a critical event (Wu et al., 1990); - scientific literature generally agrees on the general definition of risk as a com­bination of hazard (H) for the vulnera­bility (V). The need is evident, however, of adopting such an approach in re­sources management and land plan­ning. This is true not only for the man­agement of areas and interests by now consolidated and accomplished, includ­ing the programmes of civil defence -but also and especially for any future modification or in the comparison of several alternatives to be presented to the decision-makers and to public opinion. The debate is still open, how­ever, on the meaning of the connection between H and V and of the resulting measurement unit. In this work only some of the above­mentioned problems are faced and de­bated: in particular, the problem of the methodological approach relative to the formula of risk and of hazard as­sessment in a spatial scale. Some examples will be illustrated in the follOWing.


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The integrated concept of risk

According to the international standard­isation (Varnes DJ. et al., 1984) of the meaning of hazard, vulnerability and risk it is stated that: - hazard P (natural hazard H) is the probability that a potentially detrimen­tal phenomenon of given characteris­tics occurs at a given area within a giv­en time lapse; - vulnerability V is the degree of loss of a given element or set of elements at risk resulting from the occurrence of a natural phenomenon of a given magni­tude. It is translated into the pur­chasable value of the set of human lives, property and services exposed to the damage in case of occurrence of the event; - the total risk R is the expected num­ber of loss of human lives, damaged persons, damages to property or de­struction of the economic activity due to a special phenomenon, that is asso­ciated with a hazard of a given magni­tude. This has led to the need of evaluating the risk, going beyond the approaches based on the use only of the concept of hazard, through methodological ap­proaches that take account also the ef­fective vulnerability. So, in systemic terms, R is the response whereas H and V are the input vari­ables (figure 1). The problem to be solved is the defin­ition of the function capable of trans­forming the input H and V in an output that represents the risk the agro-forest system is subject to. The different nature of input variables introduces a methodological difficulty in the functional expression relating H to V: H is a spatial probability; V can be expressed through the estimate of dam­ages.

H ___ --I

Agro-forest system v------t

A possible reference framework to be taken to relate H to V is fuzzy mathe­matics: through some rules it is possi­ble to combine fuzzy sets and to trans­form them in a response of a fuzzy sys­tem (Moon-Hyan Chun and Kwang-Il Ahn, 1992). The rules associate ideas and relate one thing, an event or a process with another thing, another event or process. In both natural and computer languages the rules are ex­pressed in terms of IF-THEN If a zone is subject to hazard and it is vulnerable, then there is a risk. This rule can apply to different situations. If a zone is at high hazard and at high vulnerability then the risk is high; if the hazard and the vulnerability are low the risk is low; and so on. This being said, the following should be emphasised: - is it possible to transform a probabili­ty in a measurement of the grade of membership to classes that can qualify the hazard, of the low, medium, high, etc., hazard type? - is it possible to transform an estimate of damage into a measurement of membership to classes capable of qual­ifying vulnerability, of the low, medi­um, high, etc., vulnerability type? - is it possible to define risk in terms of low, medium, high, etc., risk type? - is it possible to state the rules that as­sociate classes of hazard and vulnera­bility to those of risk? Our intention is to systematise the re­sponse to these questions within fuzzy mathematics. Each qualification class of hazard, vul­nerability or risk represents a fuzzy set. FUZZY rules relate fuzzy sets.

Vulnerability and hazard fuzzy sets

Vulnerability expresses the degree of intrinsic weakness of the system with


Figure 1-The systemic view of the risk R versus the hazard (H) and vulnerability (1').

lL-____________________________________________ ~

respect to an event of a given intensity and then it conditions the effective in­cidence, in terms of damages provoked by the event to the system. Vulnerability refers to the methods more related to the economic-estimato­ry sphere. This is true not only for the categories of public and private "tradi­tional material goods", but also for those of "environmental goods" consid­ered as a destructible, non renewable resource, associated with the collectivi­ty. Vulnerability can be considered as the summation of several components: - intrinsic, that is specific to the consid­ered special use or structure or infra­structure (damage to crops, houses, etc.); - of the system, that is induced by the direct and indirect effects resulting from all the activities that interact and that are related to the peculiar settle­ment; - relative to sudden or deceitful losses of human lives; - of restoration, that is derived from the global costs of emergency actions. It is evident that experts of the sector should quantify the different compo­nents that can be expressed through the assessment of the potential damage or the previously occurred damage. Concrete possible situations are then as follows: - the damage is directly measurable and historical data are available since the critical event has already occurred; - the damage is directly measurable but a change on the land (for instance crop rotation) allows vulnerability assess­ment only referring to the present situ­ation of land use; - the damage has not occurred yet and it has to be assessed in relation to the foreseen project alternatives. The measurement unit by which vul­nerability is expressed depends on the type of estimate made for the damage; for instance, it can be expressed in terms of liras of damage. Another indi­cator can be the number of deaths, in­dependently if they occur because of natural or technological catastrophes. In other works the damage can be pre­sented as a continuous sequence of val­ues between 0 (no damage) and 1 (to­tal destruction). Although the estimates of damage can be objective, it is common sense that governs the damage/vulnerability asso­ciation: relative to any natural risk for the system, a greater vulnerability is as­sumed of its components based on the magnitude of events that, in the past, have produced a damage. A statement on the vulnerability of a

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ever, related to assertions on facts that, by their nature, can be "true" for some people and a little bit less "true" for others. Common sense can hardly change the level of truth of a statement into a statement of falseness. It could never be proved that assertions on facts are 100% true. The fuzzy reasoning and the subse­quent theory state that it is baSically a matter of measure. In 1965 Prof. Lofti Zadeh from Berkeley University laid the bases of the theory of the so-called fuzzy sets. A fuzzy set is mathematically represented by a function that measures the grade of membership of an element to the set (Giles, 1988). In a non-fuzzy set, an el­ement belongs to the set or not, in a fuzzy set an element may belong to the set to various degrees . In the fuzzy reasoning, you cannot exclude the pos­sibility that the same element may be­long and, at the same time, not belong to the set: it is only a matter of mea­sure. The fuzzy reasoning may be used to describe the vulnerability and the haz­ard sets. If you deSignate appropriately V and H in terms of fuzzy subsets of the type very low, low, etc. or through a nu­merical scale (for example from 1 to 10) it is the common sense that guides the damage/ vulnerability subsets and probability/hazard subsets associations, without excluding the possibility that some elements may belong to several subsets and to each of them, to various degrees. The latter characteristic distinguishes very sharply the classical operation of adoption of a continuous sequence of values from an estimate of the damage for V or of the probability for H. They belong either integrally or not at all to the set of numbers: there is noth-

Vulnerable zone


'" 011

I1J Q7 .2 ~QS 0..06

~Q4 .... ]03 802 I1J ::801

0 0 2 3 4 5

Millions of Lira


ing intermediate, no half-way. In the fuzzy theory it is possible to interpret numbers as fuzzy sets (Zadeh, 1978). To define a fuzzy set you should de­scribe a curve of membership that cor­relates a quantity (either measurable or not) with a given set. The Vulnerable zone set with respect to the quantification of a damage (in Li­ras), produced by a given event in a given period, may be expressed by the fuzzy set of figure 2. For each damage received we have the grade of membership to the Vulnerable zone set. Each zone will be vulnerable to a given extent and non vulnerable to another extent, so that the non Vulner­able Zone is the reciprocal of the Vul­nerable Zone curve (figure 3). The two curves plotted on the same graph cross at the point equal to 0.5 where the membership to the Vulnera­ble Zone set is equal to that of the Non Vulnerable Zone set (figure 4). You can do the same for the Hazard Zone and Non Hazard Zone fuzzy sets. In this case, the probabilities of occur­rence or the return periods are associ­ated with grades of membership to fuzzy sets. Fuzzy sets permit treating in the same way the different nature and unit in which the state variables H and V are expressed. You can also perform some operations on fuzzy sets (Kandell and Byatt 1978) and this might be a solution to the problem of combining H and V in the risk formula.

Hazard meant as response of a fuzzy system

Zadeh (1978) stated the principle of in­compatibility: as the system gets more complicated, it becomes more difficult to make precise and significant asser­tions on its behaviour, till a threshold is

7 8

Figure 2 -The "Vulnerable zone" fuzzy set.

zone based on common sense is, how- 2 L--_________ -'-_____________ ----'


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Non vulnerable zone


o 2 3 4 6 8 7 8

Millions of Lira Millions of Lira

3L-______________________________________________ ~ 4L-______________________________________________ ~

Figure 3 - The "Non vulnerable zone" fuzzy set.

reached beyond which, the accuracy, on one hand, and the meaning (or ad­herence) on the other, become charac­teristics that tend to exclude each oth­er. The following addition may be shortly stated: the closer a problem to the real world, the fuzzier the solution. The response in terms of risk of a com­plex system, like agro-forestry, induces to reflect on the fuzzy nature of the so­lution. A group of proposals is referred to as fuzzy system. In the simplest case, somebody, the ex­pert, formulates the proposals. The lat­ter provides an experienced view, his empirical rules based on common sense. A fuzzy system acquires this knowledge and on this basis, it con­structs an operating model of the sys­tem itself. In 1990 Kosko demonstrated that a fuzzy system may proVide a model or approximate any system. The fuzzy ap­proximation theory follows the idea that any piece of human knowledge, any rule of the form IF-THEN defines a patch. So that, a fuzzy system is a great pile of patches. The rules define patch­es that try to cover a winding curve; the better patches cover the curve, more intelligent the system. More knowledge implies more rules, more rules involve more patches and more coverage. The more uncertain the rules, the bigger the patches. If the rules are precise they are not fuzzy and patches collapse in many points and do not cover anything. A fuzzy rule defines a fuzzy patch. Patches and shades of grey are the two keq ideas of fuzzy reasoning; they cor­relate the common sense with a simple geometry allowing the transfer of knowledge on the paper and in com­puters. To construct the fuzzy system so that it might model the response R as a func-


Figure 4 - The "Non vulnerable zone" and "Vulnerable zone" fuzzy sets.

tion of entries H and V, you should go through different steps. The aim is the risk assessment in any cell or homogeneous area of a land, as­suming any data, map, table or other materials may be recovered and even introduced in a GIS. In the fuzzy approach we assume the three sets H, V and R are fuzzy and you should qualify them in more subsets, each of them identified by a number (1, 2, 3 etc.) or a property (elevated, high, medium, good, poor, etc.) . The functions of membership to sub­sets may be represented in the same graph as triangles. Other possible ap­propriate forms of the risk problem may be the bell-shaped or trapezoidal curves. Figures 5, 6 and 7 are an example of fuzzy modelling for the problem. You can plot triangles varying in size as related to the idea that the fuzzy mod­eler has acquired on the basis of ex­perts' opinions. In the case of the risk you may adopt a scale of intensity: from 0 to 20, in the case of figure 7 . The problem is to define fuzzy rules able to correlate H and V with R, in the absence of the functional link between them. Based on the collected material and the discussions with the experts, the fuzzy modeler should get a conclu­sive table defining the rules of compo­sition of R in terms of H and V fuzzy subsets. In the example considered in figures 5, 6 and 7 you should define nine rules similar to those presented in table 1. These rules are only an example and represent the experience, the common sense, the knowledge. The terms low, medium and high are only three possi­ble descriptors of the R fuzzy set: it is eventually possible to better grade the shift from low to high risk. This is the proposed model. Now you have the possibility to evaluate, for

Table 1 Possible rules of H and V fuzzy composition.

If H is low, V is low THEN R is low

If H is low, V is medium THEN R is low

If H is low, V is high THEN R is medium

If H is medium, V is low THEN R is low

If H is medium, V is medium THEN R is medium

If H is medium, V is high THEN R is medium

If H is high, V is low THEN R is high

If H is high, V is medium, THEN R is high

If H is high, V is high, THEN R is high.

each cell or for each homogeneous area, the risk level. This implies the use of techniques able to reconstruct infor­mation at any desired position. Geosta­tistics permits the hazard regionaliza­tion. The GISs allow having access to any relevant geographic information. In the cell you can estimate a quantity that has been already sampled in other positions and thus estimate the proba­bility of exceedance of critical thresh­olds. Through the membership functions you can identify the grades of membership of the cell to each hazard and vulnera­bility subset. The combinations of H and V fuzzy subsets excite, to a different extent, all the rules of the fuzzy model. In the fuzzy reasoning, the principle of exten­sion (Dubois and Prade, 1980) states that the measure to associate to the rule activated with measure p by a subset of H and with measure q by a V subset is the minimum between p and q. This value also measures the R fuzzy subset activated by the rule under analysis. Through a process of "defuzzification" (Cai Kai-Yuan et al., 1991) of the R fuzzy set you can identify the risk level quantified, in the selected scale, by the different measures at which rules have

",as ~O8 ~ (17

0. 08

:.aDS ~Cl4 v ~Q3 VQ2

::E (11

0 0 2 4


'" vas ;:J ~O8 ;> Q7

.9-(18 ..c:: ~Cl5

]Cl4 SQ3

~Q2 (11


0 2 4

Low Medium High

8 8 10 12 14 18

Millions of Lira

Low Medium High

risk indicator


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Low Medium High

probability of exceedance of critical thresholds 6L-________________________________________ ~ ____ ~

Figure 5 -Possible fuzzy subsets of vulnerability.

Figure 6-Possible fuzzy subsets ofbazard.

Figure 7-Possible fuzzy subsets ofrlsk.

the data. Geostatistics makes available the tools for the investigation, analysis and modelling of the spatial variations of a variable under analysis starting from data. Such an approach benefits by the a priori knowledge of the phys­ical and territorial conditions under which the phenomenon occurs or of what is helpful for its interpretation. As such it cannot be used as a black box. The three follOWing steps may be dis­tinguished in the geostatistical analysis of data:

7~ ______________________________________________ ~

1. exploratory, by which you visualise the spatial distribution of the sample to get information on the minimum sam­pling distance, the mean and sample variance, the normality of the popula­tion distribution;

been activated. The mostly used de­fuzzification process is the method of calculation of the centroid (Terenuma et aI., 1990). The cell may be assigned a risk level. You can shift to the analysis of the sub­sequent cell using the same procedure. At the end of the process, all cells will be assigned a risk level and the use of a GIS will allow them to be represent­ed as maps.

Spatial assessment of the hazard

One of the main problems in the risk assessment of a land is the difficulty to have access to tools to measure vari­ables of interest, in each desired posi­tion. The knowledge of the spatial-tem­poral behaviour of extreme weather events for a land is still a crucial topic in the assessment of various forms of risk. The characterisation of the hazard concerning these extreme events ne­cessitates appropriate techniques. The analysis of the time records avail­able in an equipped site enables ob­taining for example: - the theoretical distribution of extreme

values and the calculation of related re­turn periods (Suzuki Oahashit and Hongo, 1980; Labeyrie 1991, Jenkinson 1969, Gumbel 1958); - the identification of trends and of pe­riodic components, models of temporal estimate (Box and Jenkins, 1970). The geostatistical analysis of a spatial­temporal record enables knOWing, for instance: - the probability to exceed a given threshold for a critical factor, that is spatially influenced by the measures being sampled; - the estimate of the critical factor in each cell. The geostatistical approach enables, therefore, the spatial assessment of the hazard. Geostatistics is the term by which you identify a set of spatial methods and techniques based on probabilistic assumptions (Matheron, 1970). It prioritises a general approach for the interpretative model of the phe­nomenon, in order to fit it to the data. The classical alternative is to force data to the model, once you establish a cri­terion (for instance the least squares) and a functional form neglecting, how­ever, what is intrinsically contained in

2. structural, by which you identify the spatial structure, said variogram, of the sampled variable. The variogram be­haviour should respond to a prerequi­site of spatial continuity of the follow­ing type: the closer the points to each other, the lower the value of the quan­tity being analysed. The aim of the structural analysis is the identification of this continuity on the basis of the available data and of the model that best represents it. The models incorpo­rate three parameters: the sill, that can represent the variance of the sample; the range, that can represent the maxi­mum distance of influence between couples of points; the nugget, that can represent a factor of scale in the case of inappropriate sampling in relation to the scale of variation of the phenome­non. After the structural analysis of data you can respond to the objective of the haz­ard estimate using different techniques, deSignated as kriging. To reconstruct the estimate of the variable under analysis at any desired point you can use the kriging techniques of linear geostatistics (Myers, 1988). The proba­bilities of occurrence of critical events


are determined by the kriging tech­niques of non linear geostatistics that are more consistent with decision-mak­ing problems. (Yates and Warrick 1986, Yates et aI., 1986(a), Yates et aI., 1986(b)). The Disjunctive Kriging (DK) is for instance the most appropriate technique to provide the estimate of the conditioned probability that an in­dicator variable exceeds pre-estab­lished risk thresholds. The application of the DK involves the following steps: - the verification of the possible log­normal or normal form of data distrib­ution - the calculation of coefficients that al­low the distribution of data to be trans­formed in a normal - structural analysis of data for the iden­tification and validation of the vari­ogram model - calculation of the spatial probability distribution influenced by the spatial sample. The alternative to the DK is provided by the geostatistical simulation tech­niques that based on the variogram model, can simulate values several times, on the entire land, thus permit­ting to evaluate the probabilities of ex­ceedance of critical thresholds.


The globalization of the environmental issue and of resource management and safeguard, imposes to decision-makers and to the authorities the need for be­ing supplied with tools that can support their decisions on the basis of well-de­fined and common criteria. Despite the practical possibility to identify the areas of potential danger, the absence of such tools does not allow an easy and concrete indication about the possible


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use of that land and above all about the possible safety margins.To this purpose one of the possible tools is undoubted­ly the assessment of the risk range that a land may be subject to as a result of events or actions concerning it, with all the possible physical and economic-so­cial implications. The risk assessment involves the simul­taneous solution of the following key problems: - experienced assessment of potential or effective damage; - extension of the hazard concept in the space, for any desired point of land and not only in the sites equipped for; - need for managing and combining the multiple forms in which information on land is represented (maps, on-the­ground surveys, photos, satellite im­ages); - need to combine hazard levels, ex­pressed by probabilities, with vulnera­bility levels, expressed by damage esti­mates; - need to achieve results to be used as planning tools on a a wide scale, i.e . containing all the elements to decide on land use considering the economic and social outfalls for the concerned populations. The GISs, the fuzzy reasoning and geo­statistics are the technological and methodological frameworks within which a possible approach to the prob­lem is presented. •


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