Future Directions Task Force Formed by MCAB, MCBC, MC Can, MCEC, MCMB and MCSK.

Future Directions Task Force Formed by MCAB, MCBC, MC Can, MCEC, MCMB and MCSK

Transcript of Future Directions Task Force Formed by MCAB, MCBC, MC Can, MCEC, MCMB and MCSK.

Future Directions Task Force

Formed by MCAB, MCBC, MC Can, MCEC, MCMB and MCSK

Plenary on Rethinking Strategies:

The How and What

Presenters: Rebecca Steiner, Chad Miller, Aldred Neufeldt

Change? What’s New?

The church no longer is seen as the ultimate moral force, the foundational rock of our laws and culture. For more than a thousand years it was.

Douglas John Hall

Essential task, with your help, is to discern:

• What is God’s Spirit calling us to in the 21st Century?

• What are the best ways (programs, structures, strategies) for the church to thrive and grow?

Fermented Faith

Transforming Encounters

Letting go and letting God lead

Under the Acacia Tree

Questions and Dreams

Some people like answers. I like questions because it’s a holy gift to wonder.

Questions lead to dreams. Without dreams, where would our hope for the future lie?

Discussion Question 1:

What is your dream of what the church might be like or look like in 20 years time?

Dream of church in 20 years time?

• Your local congregation?– what words or image describe it?

• The larger church your congregation is part of? – what words or image describe it?


• Decide (1 min): table facilitator and recorder

• Talk (5 min): Share your dreams

• Write (12 min): Story of your table group dream

• Report (5 min): 4 – 6 tables present.

All table discussion notes will be collected for input to the Task Force.

Role for our larger church?

We hold it important for congregations to bond together in a larger body for:– Mutual support and encouragement– Tasks individual congregations can’t do– Extending God’s healing and hope to the


Discussion Question 2:

What 3 or 4 things could a larger church body do to help transform our table’s dream into reality?


• Consider (2 min): what are the most important tasks or functions of a larger church body?

• Talk (2 min): Share your ideas

• Write (5 min): a Consensus List, a Differences List – and circle non-traditional ideas

• Report (5 min): 4 – 6 tables present.

All table discussion notes will be collected for input to the Task Force.

Closing PrayerGod of our lives

You are always calling us

to follow you into the future

inviting us to new ventures, new challenges, 

new ways to care,

new ways to touch the hearts of all.

When we become fearful of the unknown, give us courage.

When we worry "are we up to the task?", remind us

that you would not call us 

if you did not believe in us. 
