Futch Zinc

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  • 8/21/2019 Futch Zinc



    Green Alternatives to Using Zinc Potable Water Systems 

    Authored by Steve Harrison, Don Futch, and Mitch Connor


    During the mid 1990’s, several prominent coatings manufacturers started to promote and

    endorse the use of zinc‐rich coatings as a liner for potable water immersion service. This

    was considered a new frontier and was met with resistance by the remaining coatings

    manufacturers that chose not to participate in this new arena for zinc‐rich coatings. At that

    point in time, the water tank industry was in the midst of removing lead‐based water tank

    linings. Some coatings manufacturers felt that reintroducing another “heavy metal” back

    into this environment was a future recipe for disaster and refused to enter this fight.

    Others felt that the science of this technology didn’t make sense and therefore avoided the

    fight altogether.

    Over time, some manufacturers reluctantly entered this market with an offering to compete

    for business, concerned that they might miss out. Other coatings suppliers that had

    entered the market suddenly withdrew their offerings over technical issues and left this

    controversial fight. One thing that has come from this event is that every company,

    inspector, and professional organization that is involved in this arena has a strong opinion

    and has an explanation to defend or make their case.

    In this article, we will be presenting some background about the zinc‐in‐immersion

    technology itself while addressing some of the important questions where the twoopposing sides commonly clash. A discussion over failure modes; reasons for failure; and

    alternate technologies will be discussed. Additional information will detail what factors

    and features are needed to develop a good lining to protect steel water tanks. The paper

    will conclude by discussing alternative coating options that exist (including “greener”

    versions) and the expected performance levels these coatings are anticipated to provide.

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    The galvanic corrosion protection afforded when using zinc metal coupled to carbon steel

    is well documented with decades of successful performance. One need only look at the

    history of galvanized structures and the revolutionary development of “spray‐on” zinc

    primers to see the effect that zinc has had in helping industry save billions of dollars thatwould otherwise been spent on corroded asset replacement. Indeed, Mother Nature has

    provided some wonderful properties in zinc metal. Our own bodies need a certain amount

    for survival. When the world’s first self‐curing inorganic zinc primer was commercialized

    in the late 1950’s (Patented in 1962 by Lopata and Keithler) the painting of steel structures

    has never been the same. Large steel members used in the construction of the world’s

    infrastructure (bridges, power plants, refineries, chemical plants; the list is endless) were

    easily protected with easy to use spray‐on zinc primers. Their performance has been

    undeniably proven over the years.

    In more recent years some suppliers have promoted the use of zinc‐rich primers

    (topcoated with other organic films like epoxies) for potable water immersion service. The

    appeal of using zinc rich primers for use as a corrosion resistant coating is well understood

    and quite appealing. Their effectiveness in preventing corrosion and their undercutting

    resistance is outstanding. They have been considered “permanent” primers for structures

    exposed to weathering for literally decades. They have been shown to be as effective as

    galvanizing in longevity; and have actually outperformed galvanizing in salt‐laden

    environments. The economics of zinc‐coated steel for corrosion protection is based on

    many years of actual field performance.

    Extending their use from atmospheric exposures (structural steel, tank exteriors) and

    moving them from outside the tank to inside the tank can be very intoxicating … even

    seductive. If their performance is so good on the outside of the tank; it is logical to assume

    they will do just as well on the inside. While they have been used quite successfully for

    immersion and storage of all types of solvents (inorganic zincs only) it has always been

    untopcoated. This paper will look at the potential problems when zinc primers are

    topcoated for immersion service in water exposures and suggest alternate methods and

    systems to protect steel tanks from corrosion and maintain water purity through the use of

    “green” alternatives in lining selection and application.

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    Corrosion Protection from Zinc Primers (General) 

    Zinc‐rich primers have been excellent choices for the protection of steel in atmospheric

    exposures. Zinc metal has inherent properties that are perfect for this use. Zinc is an active

    metal, and in most atmospheric and water immersion condition, it is anodic to steel. Zinc

    primers are designed to “react” with their environment, and to sacrifice themselves toprotect the underlying steel substrate from corrosion. This protective process is a form of

    cathodic protection. In moist neutral or alkaline conditions, and in the presence of oxygen,

    this protective process results in the formation of zinc hydroxide, as depicted in the

    reaction below.

    2Zn + 2H2O + O2 = 2Zn(OH)2 

    In the presence of water and oxygen, oxidization of the zinc occurs, and each atom of zinc

    releases 2 electrons. Subsequently, an oxidation‐reduction reaction occurs, and with the

    electrons donated from the oxidation of the zinc atoms, form hydroxyl ions (‐OH). These

    hydroxyl ions are quickly consumed in reaction with the previously formed zinc ions, to

    form the zinc hydroxide, as depicted in the balanced formula above. The additional

    presence of contaminants (chlorides; sulfides) such as typically found in an industrial

    environment can and will accelerate this process, form other zinc salts and compounds

    resulting in further degradation of the zinc metal. This is all designed purposely to

    consume the zinc rather than the steel substrate.

    The zinc hydroxide will continue to react with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and create

    zinc carbonate compounds (a passivating and water insoluble salt). This is a naturally

    occurring phenomenon. These zinc carbonate compounds will in effect “seal” any break in

    the film and prevent undercutting. Thus, this galvanic action of zinc coupled with the

    carbon steel substrate will prevent corrosion of the steel. The mechanism for their

    protection is well understood.

    Variables affecting the corrosion rate of zinc rich primers include water; pH levels (too high

    or too low); dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide content; water purity; and salt

    (chlorides) content. Increasing levels of these variable can and will accelerate the

    corrosion rate of zinc. The presence of chlorides will react with zinc to create zinc chloride

    salts that are hygroscopic (the ability of a substance to attract and hold moisture from itsnvironment).e


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    Inorganic Zinc Primers 

    Inorganic zinc primers readily provide cathodic protection because there is “exposed” zinc

    metal in intimate contact with the steel substrate and with the other zinc particles. They

    form an electric pathway to provide cathodic protection. These primers are outstanding

    for atmospheric exposures and will “seal” any break in the film and prevent undercutting.They perform extraordinarily well for this type application.

    If inorganic zinc primers are topcoated (with say epoxies) and placed in immersion service,

    water does find its way through the epoxy film, eventually. All coatings are semi‐

    permeable membranes which allow moisture; albeit small; to pass through the film. The

    zinc salts that form in the presence of moisture and oxygen and eventually carbon dioxide

    will pull water through the film and cause osmotic blistering. This is a very powerful

    driving force. In the end, what was an advantage for IOZ primers in atmospheric exposure,

    is now a disadvantage for them in immersion service when topcoated. There is no stopping

    it, zinc is an active metal and will react with its environment. This is why zinc primers

    work so well in atmospheric exposures with or without topcoats … but not necessarily for

    immersion when topcoated.

    The pictures below depict the differences in the films between an organic and inorganic

    zinc primer. The inorganic film is filled with porosities and shows intimate and numerous

    zinc to zinc metal contact. By contrast the organic zinc film shows very few porosities and

    much more “encapsulation” of zinc particles with the organic polymer resin.

    Organic Zinc  Inorganic Zinc 

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    Organic Zinc Primers 

    Some suppliers are promoting organic  zincs for immersion when topcoated with epoxies.

    Organic zincs are also commonly used as primers for atmospheric systems. Again they do

    very well in atmospheric exposures. Organic zincs do provide “some” cathodic protection

    … but how? If we look at a film of an inorganic zinc primer, we see that the zinc particlesare in intimate contact with one another, as well as the steel substrate because there is

    barely enough binder to glue them together. In the organic zinc film each zinc particle is

    encapsulated (in theory) by its organic resin system. And as long as it is encapsulated, it

    should (in theory) not exhibit any zinc to zinc particle contact or contact with the steel

    substrate; and therefore not provide any galvanic protection. Of course we know that in

    fact organic zinc rich primers do in fact provide some cathodic protection as long as the

    zinc content is sufficiently high. Figure 3 depicts the conductivity of inorganic versus

    organic zinc primers. One can see that the percent zinc in the dried film for an organic zinc

    primer must be higher than an inorganic zinc primer in order to create an electricalpathway (less resistance) to occur. The choice of resin and other formulation parameters

    will also affect the conductivity and ultimate effectiveness of the zinc primer. When

    sufficient conductivity occurs, it translates into a cathodic protection mechanism. So, in

    reality there is enough zinc to zinc particle contact and zinc to steel contact to at least

    provide some cathodic protection afforded by the zinc with organic zinc systems. If not, the

    inc would be an expensive filler to use ‐ without benefit.z


    igure 3: Conductivity of inorganic and organic zinc films as a percent of zinc by weight in the dried




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    So, rather than being shielded from the environment; as one would have expected; the

    organic zincs do in fact have sufficient zinc “available” so that some cathodic protection is

    achieved. The amount of exposed zinc in organic binders is obviously less than with

    inorganic binders and consequently reacts to a lesser extent with its environment. As such,

    organic zincs do ultimately allow moisture, oxygen, and carbon dioxide to reach and then

    react with the zinc metal albeit in a more restrictive manner than inorganic zinc primers.

    Why Use Zinc-Rich Primers for Immersion Service in Potable Water? 

    Direct to metal epoxy systems (also called self‐priming epoxy systems) have been used

    successfully for over 60 years, long before zinc‐rich primers were introduced into this

    market. Some of the earlier versions of potable water tank linings did contain lead in the

    primer (and sometimes in the finish as well), but lead‐free epoxy, polyurea and

    polyurethane coatings have been providing 30+ years of satisfactory service life since the

    Osmosis: The diffusion of water through a

    semi permeable membrane. More specifically,

    it is the movement of water across a semi‐

    permeable membrane (the topcoat) from an

    area of high water potential (low solute

    concentration) to an area of low water

    potential (high solute concentration).

    Electro-Osmosis: The movement of water

    through a semi‐permeable membrane as a

    result of a potential gradient.

    Volumetric Expansion:  The zinc salts that

    are your coatings ally when un‐top coated are

    your coating systems enemy when top‐coated.

    Under the right conditions the zinc salt

    reaction products, Zn(OH)2, ZnO, ZnCO3, and 

    ZnCl develop at the zinc primer/topcoat inter‐

    phase and are the primary cause for topcoat

    blistering by osmosis and or volumetric


    1970’s, when lead coatings were declared a threat to the public health.

    The question then becomes, why reinvent the wheel? What are the benefits to be gained by

    vice?installing zinc‐rich coatings in potable water ser

    The reactive mechanism that zinc undergoes in

    atmospheric exposure (with the resultant cathodic

    protection mechanism) is often applied to

    immersion exposures as well. Let’s examine this

    argument. We know that zinc will react with its

    environment; after all zinc is a reactive metal.

    When exposed, it will react with its environment

    and form zinc corrosion by‐products. The by‐

    products (at least in atmospheric exposures) serve

    to “seal” any break in the film. In theory, the zinc

    beneath the film lays “dormant” until called upon to

    react with its environment. This is the logic …… but

    there is a flaw in the argument.

    So what happens when the organic zinc primersare topcoated, with say an epoxy? Epoxy

    formulations are typically great barriers against

    chemicals; including water. They are chemically

    cured resins with a high degree of crosslinking

    making it difficult for chemicals to penetrate the

    film or break the bonds between the molecules within its polymer matrix. That said, these

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    films are nevertheless semi‐permeable films that in fact do allow water and gases to pass in

    (and out) of a film. Depending on the formula of the specific lining this movement can be

    relatively rapid or very slow. (Lining formulations will be discussed later in this paper). As

    long as there is nothing in the film to “hold” water, the moisture and gases flow into and out

    of a film. When moisture flows in at a rate greater than the rate going out, a blister occurs.

    The question then becomes, “Under what conditions will moisture “linger” in a film or be held

    within the film?”

    There are several conditions where moisture is “pulled or trapped” within a paint film.

    1) If the steel surface beneath the film has contamination such as chlorides, salts, dirt, (worker

    sweat); contaminated rinse water; etc; water is pulled into the film by osmosis. Water wants to

    dilute the salts and will drive through the film to try and equalize the concentrations across the

    membrane (film).

    2) The backside steel temperature has a sufficient temperature gradient (colder) than the

    commodity carried inside the tank. This phenomenon is known as the cold‐wall effect and explains

    why some applications fail by blistering (water wants to condense on the cold wall like a soda can

    sweating on a warm summer day); or

    3) Contaminants or water soluble compounds are present within the coating that pulls and holds

    water in the film by osmosis (similar to #1).

    When zinc primers are topcoated and placed in water immersion the potential for blistering is

    present. We know that zinc is an active metal and will react with its environment. We know that

    films are semi‐permeable membranes that allow moisture and gases to pass through. We know that

    the zinc metal is “available” to react with moisture and oxygen regardless whether the zinc is in an

    inorganic binder system or an organic one. With the formation of zinc hydroxide and other zinc

    salts, a powerful osmotic cell is created. With the continued movement of water through the

    topcoat film due to osmosis, blisters form in the topcoat. Volumetric expansion of these zinc

    compounds causes the topcoat to disbond, blister, and eventually delaminate. If the zinc primer

    functions as intended, then blistering will occur. Otherwise, the zinc is not needed.

    This process is inevitable; it is not a question if blisters will occur, only when. In spite of

    this potential failure by blistering; suppliers have reported projects where they have thus

    far performed successfully. Claims of doubling the expected service lives of linings using

    zinc primers are not uncommon. The practice of using topcoated zinc in immersion for

    potable water linings goes back approximately ten years. So the claims about longevity arefar from reality since many 2‐coat epoxy linings have been known to last 15‐20+ years.

    evertheless, some users continue to use this approach even today.N


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    In practice, when epoxy coating systems are applied in the field, variations in film thickness

    are commonplace and hard to avoid. Thinner areas offer less barrier protection. Breaks or

    discontinuities (pinholes) allow moisture to easily penetrate. The ability of a lining system

    to retard or resist moisture penetration is directly related to its formulation, film thickness

    applied, and degree of cure. Lining systems that contain solvent can be particularly

    problematic if the solvents have not totally left the film prior to service. Knowing all these

    potential problems only serves to emphasize the importance of specifying and applying a

    lining system so that these problems do not occur which might otherwise lead to lining


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    Lining Failures 

    What constitutes a lining failure? The simple answer is … whenever it fails to perform its intended function of protecting the steel

    from corrosion or protecting the cargo. There may be some linings that partially disbond from the surface; but do not cause

    corrosion or impart any negative impact to the cargo. No harm done … no failure … at least yet! At some point the lining may

    continue to disbond; corrosion beneath the film begins; and sooner or later the cargo is affected by pieces of lining or corrosion

    products from the substrate in the commodity.

    The most es are;common types of lining failur





    n between coats;

    •  n from the substrate;delaminati




    •  l attack); andsurface breakdown (chemica

    •  Contamination of the cargo.

    One can grade the performance of lining systems by evaluating the presence of or degree of rusting (ASTM D610), blistering

    (ASTM D714) both size and frequency, delamination, surface attack, softening, or discoloration of coating film or commodity. In

    addition; one can also conduct weight gain/loss evaluations on the coating film; wet adhesion (post exposure adhesion compared

    to pre‐test conditions); or a chemical analysis of the commodity (looking for contamination). This last evaluation is particularly

    important for food‐grade solutions where contamination, taste, or odor is of prime importance.

    The chart below is a commonly used performance evaluation to determine suitability of lining systems that takes into account a

    “weighting” of more important performance elements. Higher score represents better performance.

    Coating Penetration 

    or Blisters to 



     Attack  or 



    Softening Coating 

    Discoloration Solution 

    Discoloration Total 


    Performance 40  25  15  10  10  100 

    Coating  A  40  25  12  9  9  95 

    Coating B  20  25  15  8  6  74 

    Coating C  40  0  12  10  5  67 

    Coating A would be acceptable if very slight coating discoloration or solution discoloration is acceptable.

    Coating B would not be acceptable since the solution penetrated to the substrate resulting in blistering.

    Coating B would not be acceptable since surface attack was evident even though it did not penetrate to substrate.

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    What  Makes a Good Tank  Lining? 

    Good performing tank linings share some common characteristics or combinations of

    characteristics. Many provide excellent barrier protection against the commodity or cargo.

    The degree of crosslinking (in the case of epoxies) helps define or quantify the level of

    barrier protection. The choice of resin and curative will determine the overall chemical

    resistance of the polymer and whether it is suitable for the service. The selection of fillers

    and pigments has a dramatic effect on performance. Water soluble pigments would

    obviously not be a wise choice for linings in water service. “Barrier” pigments that may be

    flake‐like or lamellar that stack together in a film can be desirable to slow down the

    penetration of water or other cargos. Fillers like mica or micaceous iron oxide (MiO) are

    inert, non‐reactive, flake‐like pigments that do not react with water, oxygen or carbon

    dioxide; are excellent choices to coatings in these type exposures. Zinc by contrast, is an

    active metal and spherical in nature. It is just the opposite of what one would choose to

    formulate a tank lining product. Topcoating it for immersion, creates a potential problemthat will eventually surface.

    Throughout history, water tank linings were formulated as a barrier coating. Barrier coatings are

    designed to limit the permeability of water and oxygen to the substrate which could cause

    corrosion of the substrate. What makes a good formula for a water tank lining? Coating

    formulations consist of four parts: binder (resin), pigment, additives and solvents. Each of these

     parts is critical to a good formula. Let us look at each part:

    Binder is normally associated with resins. Resin provides a large portion of the physical

     properties in a coating. The choice of resin provides properties that include cure rate, hardness,

    impact resistance, flexibility, chemical resistance, adhesion, recoatability, water absorption, and

     permeability. Resins normally used in water tank linings are typically epoxies but there has been

    a growing interest and use of polyurethanes, hybrid polyurethanes and polyureas. In general, a

    formulator is looking for a resin that provides both application properties desired by an

    applicator and physical properties desired by the ultimate customer, the tank owner.

    Pigments have multiple purposes in a formulation. Those purposes include hiding, color,

    fillers, reinforcing, and corrosion inhibiting pigments. The choice and the amount pigments

    used are important depending on the properties desired. Filler and reinforcing pigmentscan improve certain physical properties and improve barrier properties. Pigments you

    might want to avoid are water soluble pigments or pigments to could react with water.

    Inhibitive pigments can be water soluble and have been known to cause osmotic blistering.

    Pigments, like zinc dust, are used in primers to provide protection of the steel. The problem

    is that all topcoat coatings are permeable to some degree so when water and oxygen

    penetrates the film it reacts with the zinc pigment. This reaction forms zinc hydroxide and

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    creates an osmotic cell. That cell is known to cause osmotic blistering in the presence of


    Additives are substances that are added in small quantities to usually improve certain

    properties. Normally additives are not added unless they are needed. Properties modified

    by additives can be flow, wetting, film build and dry time.

    Solvents are liquids that are volatile and are used to lower the viscosity, regulate

    application properties and control the consistency of the finish. Due to regulations that

    limit VOC and HAPs in coatings, paint formulations are moving towards higher and higher

    solids. The choice on the selection of a particular solvent involves the evaporation rate, the

    water solubility, and its strength (ability to “cut” the resin). A key factor in its selection is

    whether or not it will remain in the film for long periods and thus influence the threshold

    limit when extraction testing is done for potable water evaluation. Normally a formulator

    will avoid slow and water soluble solvents.

    A well formulated lining for water tanks will provide a good barrier that is stable over the

    ervice life.s


    Is Zinc a “Heavy Metal?” 

    We are not talking about Metalica or Blue Oyster Cult. A common argument for opponents

    of the zinc in immersion theory has been the re‐introduction of a heavy metal (zinc) into

    drinking water components – right after our society has just about removed all of the lead

    primer off of the water tanks. Proponents make the claims that galvanized metal has been

    used in potable water tanks for decades (although we used lead as well). All grades of zinc

    dust contain levels of lead and other trace heavy metals. Some manufacturers show them

    on MSDS sheets, whereas others choose not to reveal this because the levels are very low

    and are not mandated by the Federal Government to provide this information to the

    consumer or unsuspecting coatings applicator.

    In recent years, we have seen our Nation’s VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) emission laws

    become more stringent, especially in the State of California. As our Nation and the world

    become more aware and sensitive of the environment, will this constricting trend lead to

    tighter controls over our water supplies? If so, it is reasonable to assume that having some

    of these “contaminants” in the presence of our drinking water supplies may be frowned

    upon and removal, encapsulation, or remediation of these coatings may become


    There is a long list of “alternative” coatings that can be used in lieu of zinc‐rich coatings that

    provide what could be viewed by some as green alternatives.

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    Green  Alternatives 

    What  makes a liner Green? 

    A lining alternative” to a zinc rich coating if it:system can be considered a “green

    •  Is considered a solvent‐free lining.

    •  Has a lower amount of solvents and/or requires a lower amount of solvent to thin or

    clean up equipment during and/or after application.

    •  Contains alternative filler(s) that provide the same or similar features and benefits

    of a zinc‐rich coating without the detrimental side effects.

    •  Can be applied in a fewer number of coats (preferably one) which reduces labor

    costs and energy expended during installation.


    Has a higher film thickness, which will provide a longer lasting coating system,

    thereby reducing the frequency of relining.


    combination of two or more of these conditions.A


    Solvent -free linings 

    The ideal green coating would be a lining free of any chemicals or solvents. However, it is

    impractical to line water tanks with desert sand or forest mulch, so solvent free linings are

    the next best choice. This type of lining system typically consists of 2 components that

    have liquidity before they are mixed together. When mixed, they react and their liquidity is

    converted into a solid, solventless film. This reaction can take seconds, as in the case with

    many polyureas, or several hours, as with many 100% solids epoxy linings. There may be a

    trace amount of solvent (usually less than 1%) present during the reaction that evaporates

    or is consumed during the reaction, but these coatings are still classified as solvent‐free

    linings. An additional benefit to the environment is the little if any VOC’s emitted from

    these coatings during installation. Besides the 100% solids epoxies and polyureas already

    mentioned, elastomeric polyurethanes and polyurethane‐polyurea hybrids also fall into

    his category.t 


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    Lower Solvent  Versions 

    Traditional epoxy linings had hovered around the 50‐60% volume solids range for decades.

    This type of coating had high VOC levels and contained 40‐50% solvent. In addition, up to

    30% solvent would be added to the coating mix. All of this solvent did not make this type

    of coating green!

    In the past few decades, efforts by coatings companies created lower solvent coatings that

    also required little if any additional solvent for their application. Pushed by governmental

    mandates to lower VOC limits, coating companies increased epoxy lining’s volume solids

    levels from the 50% level all the way up to 100%. The coatings that fall in this category‐

    primarily epoxy lining systems‐ typically hover around the 75‐90% volume solids level.

    Some of the 100% solids materials require the addition of some solvent (3‐5%) to apply

    the coating properly. Plural component applied epoxies, polyureas, and polyurethanes

    require some solvents to flush equipment. These are typically small amounts and pale incomparison to the levels of solvent required to install the typical zinc rich primer and

    subsequent epoxy topcoat(s).

    Non-Reactive Barrier Pigments (MiO) 

    Micaceous Iron Oxide (MiO) is a greener solution to the zinc in a potable water lining. MiO

    has been widely used overseas, particularly in Europe, as an alternative (and as an additive

    r a hybrid) to zinc. The benefits of using MiO over zinc are numerous:o


    •  zinc.MiO has been used in paints to protect steel for over a century, twice as long as

    •  MiO‐based primers (and intermediates) have been found to exhibit improved

    adhesion of epoxy topcoats than over zinc‐based primers

    •  MiO provides superior resistance to blistering as opposed to zinc‐rich coatings

    •  MiO is a naturally occurring mineral whereas zinc metal has to be mined, refined

    and processed.

    •  MiO is insoluble in water, Zinc is not.

    •  MiO is inert and non‐conductive, unlike zinc.

    •  MiO will not increase the current demand of a cathodic protection system unlike

    zinc primers

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    be said about zinc.MiO is non‐toxic and non‐oxidizing; the same cannot

    •  MiO non‐corrosive, and non‐flammable; Zinc dust is.

    •  MiO is lamellar flake, which provides superior barrier protection to the spherical

    zinc dust found in the zinc rich coatings. This provides 2.5‐3 times the amount ofbarrier protection.

    A lining’s purpose is to provide a barrier between the cargo and the substrate to protect

    cargo purity and/or prevent deterioration of the substrate. By controlling the chemistry at

    the coating‐steel interface, linings can provide long term service lives. Having a reactive

    pigment (zinc) at this interface does not offer this control. Non‐reactive pigments (like

    iO) do.M


    Single-coat  systems (labor savings) 

    The argument that single‐coat systems are less expensive due to fewer coats (labor) is

    intuitive provided they are just as easy to apply, inspect and repair as multi‐coat systems.

    Products that are commonly recommended as single‐coat systems are typically higher

    solids (less VOC) and therefore “greener” than multiple coat systems. They are also

    typically high film build and offer more “barrier” protection. These higher solids resins

    have shown excellent flow and leveling that minimizes pinholes typically encountered with

    some lower solids formulations and therefore fewer repairs. While there is still some

    reluctance by some owners to move away from multi‐coat systems, the single coat systems

    re gaining ground.a


    Thick -film systems (longevity) 

    In order to get extra thickness in a tank an extra coat had to be applied. Three‐coat systems

    provided that extra thickness but at the expense of an additional labor cost. Thick‐film

    systems provided that extra barrier protection resulting in longer coating lives than

    thinner lining systems. The longer a coating system can protect the steel substrate, the“greener” it is considered. Re‐lines cost money, energy, labor, and downtime. The newer

    high solids or solvent‐free systems are thick‐film linings often applied in a single coat. On

    wner can get the longevity he wants in fewer coats with less cost.o


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    The facts about zinc‐rich coatings topcoated for potable water service have been clearly

    presented. A logical argument has been made regarding their effective use in this regard,

    but the logic is flawed. Their reactive nature is ideal for atmospheric exposures but that

    same reactivity poses a liability when topcoated for water immersion.

    There are many suitable, “greener” alternatives available today that have proven

    performance. These greener alternatives are better for the environment and provide

    outstanding protection of steel water tanks in which they are used. Non‐reactive barrier

    pigments, solvent‐free linings, single‐coat linings, and thicker film coatings offer longevity

    of service, ease of application, and greener advantages to tank owners.