Furniture of Southern Illinois



Quality merchandise, great customer service...right here at home.

Transcript of Furniture of Southern Illinois

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Page 2: Furniture of Southern Illinois

Page 22 Friday, February 24, 2012 The Southern Illinoisan · Furniture

The Southern Illinoisan (USPS 258-980) ispublished daily for $178 per year at 710 N. IllinoisAve., Carbondale, IL 62901. The SouthernIllinoisan is owned by Lee Enterprises, Inc. ofDavenport, Iowa.

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It could be said that thedifference between an emptyshell and a home is furniture.The furnishings we choose tosurround ourselves with, thepieces we select to comfortourselves and the furniturewe love having as part of ourlives are more than tables andchairs, beds and cabinets,bookcases and sofas; theyrepresent who we are andwho we strive to be.

For those looking to furnishhomes of any type inSouthern Illinois, choices areas broad-ranging as thestyles of furniture fromwhich to choose. Even when

it comes to places topurchase home furnishings,area residents have manychoices.

“Customers have biggerselections and a bigger rangeof styles and colors to choosefrom in Southern Illinoisthan what they might evenfind in a big city,” said Sloan Brown, owner of E.R. Brown Furniture in West Frankfort. “Sure, thereare nice stores in other areas, but here we have abetter selection ofeverything, and we’re closeto the people around us.Customers can drive just a

short distance and savemoney.”

The diversity of style andoptions is due, in part, to thenumber and quality offurniture retailers and outletsin the region, Brown said.With long-tenured furniturestores throughout SouthernIllinois, customers can besure of both qualitymerchandise and greatcustomer service. Both havebeen hallmarks of theregion’s furniture businessesfor nearly a century.

“Throughout the area youwill find quality stores,”Brown explained. “Some of

them have been servingSouthern Illinois for severalgenerations. Their anchorsare deep, and they all striveto do the best they can tokeep their customers happy.”

From custom orders todelivery and from traditionalstyles to contemporarypieces, the furniture stores ofSouthern Illinois cover everyneed and every budget. Plus,with professional interiordesign assistance and plenty of good advice, theretailers never stop workingto make Southern Illinoishomes both beautiful andcomfortable.

Quality merchandise,great customer service

right here at home

Page 3: Furniture of Southern Illinois

Furniture · The Southern Illinoisan Friday, February 24, 2012 Page 33

Take only one step insideFurniture King, and you’llthink you’ve somehowbeen transformed to amuch larger city. After all,you’re in the midst of55,000 square feet offurniture. There’s aBroyhill Showcase Galleryand a La-Z-Boy ComfortStudio, as well as a SealySleep Shop, with dozens ofmattress sets on display.

Yet, to get to this one-of-a-kind store, it wasn’tnecessary to drive forhours and fight traffic.Conveniently located justeast of Carbondale onIllinois 13, Furniture Kinghas been serving andpleasing customers fromall across Southern Illinoisfor more than 30 years.

“What makes usdifferent is that we havesuch a large selection offurniture under one roof,”said Diane Hood, storemanager for FurnitureKing. “I think whatsurprises people is that bylooking at the buildingfrom the outside, theydon’t realize what we haveon the inside,” she added.

Furniture King has thearea’s largest selection ofLa-Z-Boy sofas andrecliners, and, as a BroyhillShowcase Gallery, thestore features room afterroom of furniture set as itmight be in a home,helping customersenvision what their newhome furnishings will looklike in their own homes. Asone of the area’s toplocations for mattresses,Furniture King offersbedding from Campbell,

Stearns and Foster, Sealyand the popular TempurPedic Sleep system.Bedding experts assistcustomers find the perfectsolution and the perfectnight’s sleep.

Throughout the store,high-quality salesprofessionals work withcustomers to meet theirneeds.

“We pride ourselves thateveryone in the building isvery knowledgeable aboutour products,” Hood said.“Even our deliverypersonnel are able toanswer questions aboutfurniture or otherproducts once they haveset things up in thecustomer’s home. Ourdelivery staff isoutstanding.”

In fact, no delivery fromthe Furniture King iscomplete until every newpiece of furniture iscompletely set up, in placeand every question isanswered. Once customersare happy, Furniture Kingeven hauls off the oldfurniture that is beingreplaced.

“We’re always strivingfor excellence, andcustomer satisfaction isevery aspect of ourbusiness,” Hood said.

Furniture King alsostrives to have furniturefor every taste and budget.

“We have a hugelydiversified range offurniture,” she said.“There’s something foreveryone here, fromfurnishings for your veryfirst apartment to a starterhome, all the way up to the

perfect items for a luxuryhome.”

She added that stylesinclude traditional to thatwith very contemporarylines and fabrics. Speakingof fabrics, Furniture Kingoffers a large selection ofcustom fabrics socustomers can design theirown furniture.

“We have a lot ofcustomers that do that,and they get exactly whatthey want,” she said.

Those needing evenmore assistance with theirhome can take advantageof Furniture King’s in-home design service. Theirprofessional designer callsupon her 20-plus years ofexperience to help withanything from pickingaccessories to go with anew bedroom set todesigning an entire home.

“All of our staffmembers are very friendlyand know all of ourproducts,” Hood said.“They are very glad tohelp.”

She added that a largepercentage of the furniturein the showrooms and

galleries is in stock.“If we have it, you can

have it today,” she said.The Furniture King’s

commitment to customersextends outside of thestore and beyond delivery,too. Owner Brad Weiss hasbeen a fixture in theCarbondale communityfor many years, serving anumber of civic, businessand charitableorganizations. Hoodassists with the Women’s

Center, the Boys and GirlsClub of Carbondale and isa member of the board ofdirectors for theCarbondale CommunityHigh School Foundation.

“We believe in helpingpeople,” Hood explained.“We love being a part ofthe community and it isimportant for us to helpout whenever there is aneed.”

Over the years the storehas frequently made

donations for charitableevents and has quietlydonated many furnitureitems to the Women’sCenter for it transitionalhousing program.

“We don’t expectanything back for what wedo,” she added. “They areall things that we believein and feel strongly about.We’re dedicated to thiscommunity, and we’rehere to stay. It’s the rightthing to do.”

Diversity, value and style under one roof

STEVE JAHNKE / THE SOUTHERNFurniture King’s Broyhill Showcase Gallery shows shoppers what a completely furnished room could look like.

STEVE JAHNKE / THE SOUTHERNLa-Z-boy has moved way beyond recliners, as this leather living room set shows.


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Page 44 Friday, February 24, 2012 The Southern Illinoisan · Furniture

Click and brick.That’s how Andy Brown,

manager of West FrankfortHouse Furnishings Co.,describes his store’s edgein the expanding businesslandscape. Back before boxstores, malls and onlineshopping existed, storeslike the one Brownmanages depended onword of mouth and simpleprinciples to succeed.

“Historically, thedowntowns were alwaysthe strong retail shoppingoutlets before the malls,”Brown said. “That’s whereeverybody wanted to be.Once the malls camearound, that changed thebuying habits. And nowwith online shopping,people have a lot ofdifferent options.”

Rather than let nationalchains overtake smallbusinesses, Brown saidstores like his were forcedto adapt.

“The advantage we stillhave is click and brick,” hesaid. “People can doadvanced shopping on thecomputer and actuallycome into the building tofeel and experience thefurniture for themselves.That’s the advantage wehave, the full shoppingexperience.”

Brown’s grandfather E.R.Brown opened WestFrankfort HouseFurnishings in 1946 tosatisfy a growingconsumer demand forquality furniture. Brownjoined the family venturefull-time in 1974 aftergraduating from DePauwUniversity in Indiana witha degree in business andeconomics.

“I grew up working thestores in the summer andon breaks,” Brown said. “It

just kind of becomes partof your life after you seeyour father and familymembers involved for solong.”

Brown was switched toanother family-ownedstore — Chapman-Rollo inMurphysboro — in 1976.He returned to WestFrankfort HouseFurnishings 13 years laterand has engineered severalexpansions, including anaddition in 1990.

“Things seem to begetting busier all of thetime, which is good,”Brown said. “I think thenational and localrecession aren’tcompletely finished, butthings are letting up a lotand people are feelingbetter about theirspending.”

Brown learned manylessons from his father,Warren, who played a bigrole in establishing thecurrent status of WestFrankfort’s successfulfurniture industry.

“We always learned thatthe customer comes first,”Brown said. “Thatincluded any service oranything as far ascustomer complaints.Things like a loose leg on asofa, a squeaky spring onmattress or sofa or a loosezipper. Once that phonecall is made, that wheelstarts turning to take careof that customer.”

Today, the commitmentto service can be seen inwhat the store offerscustomers: convenient 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mondaythrough Saturday hours;immediate delivery of in-stock items completewith haul-away of oldfurniture; and zero percentin-store financing for

12 months, and in the waythe store works with theother furniture retailers inWest Frankfort on the“Furniture Capital ofSouthern Illinois”marketing efforts — acampaign that has beenhugely successful for 25years.

Another way Brown paystribute to his predecessorsis by honoring the historythey left behind andappreciating thecustomers who keep thebusiness open andgrowing. The store’soriginal cash register stillsits atop the front counterof the store.

“The things that wemaintain and keep doingare what keep peoplecoming back,” Brown said.“There’s a legacy ofcustomer service andoffering quality furnitureat reasonable prices.”

Finding the rightfurniture to show and sellin his store is a multi-faceted process for Brown.

“There’s obviously moreand more emphasis on theInternet, but a lot ofcompanies still havetraveling salesman, whichis good,” he said. “We stillneed a personal linkbetween the dealer and themanufacturer. Thatpersonal touch is still veryimportant.”

He stressed that Houseof Furnishings carriesfamiliar, quality brands of furniture including La-Z-Boy, England,Campbell Mattress,Vaughn-Bassett, SignatureDesign and Riversideamong others.

“Most of these areAmerican manufacturers,”he said. “We’ve tried tostay with merchandise

made in the USA byAmerican factory workers.We believe strongly inbuying American-madeproducts and so do manyof our customers, whospecifically ask forAmerican-made furniture,as well.”

Although some thingswill never change withBrown, he is certainlyopen to expanding hisknowledge of furniture.

“I’ve been doing this for38 years and I’m stilllearning something newevery week,” he said. Heattends seminars

sponsored by the NationalHome FurnishingsAssociation, and just likethe other dealers in WestFrankfort, Brown enjoystraveling to theinternational furnitureconference in High Point,N.C. every year. The homefurnishings marketfeatures more than10 million square feet ofshow space and 2,000exhibitors.

“It’s just like thecustomer coming into ourstore, actually being ableto see and feel thefurniture,” Brown said.

“We get to network withdealers and if you can pickup one idea, it’sworthwhile. It’s all abouthelping the customers,making the business moreefficient, and hopefullymore profitable.”

Brown is positive andoptimistic about thefuture of Southern Illinoisretail and his familybusiness. His twonephews, Kyle and MattBrown, have recentlyjoined the business andrepresent the fourthgeneration of ownershipand management.

West Frankfort House Furnishings Co.Adapting for success in the business world — and succeeding

PAUL NEWTON / THE SOUTHERNWest Frankfort House Furnishings Co. in downtown West Frankfort features a huge showroom.

STEVE JAHNKE / THE SOUTHERNAndy Brown (left) runs the store. With him is his nephew, Matt Brown, one of two sons of SloanBrown, who runs E. R. Brown Furniture Co.

Page 5: Furniture of Southern Illinois

Furniture · The Southern Illinoisan Friday, February 24, 2012 Page 55

202 W. Main • Downtown West Frankfort618-932-6710

choose your frame & fabric,it’s easy & affordable

Winter Sofa Eventwhat’s your style?Sofas starting at only $599*

12 MonthsFREE FinancingInterest FREEthrough 2012


AsLittleAs 21DAYS!

*See store for details. Limited selection of sofas and fabrics available at this price. Prices may vary with selected fabrics and sofas.


Furniture Capital of Southern Illinois

Page 6: Furniture of Southern Illinois

Page 66 Friday, February 24, 2012 The Southern Illinoisan · Furniture

A beautiful homeinterior goes beyond theliving room, the bedroomsand dining rooms. To havea truly remarkable livingspace, careful attentionhas to be paid to thekitchen, as well as thebathrooms. That meansbeautiful quality cabinetsand vanities from QualityCove, just off Ava Roadnorth of Muphysboro.

Quality Cove ownerRoger Twenhafel is nonovice when it comes toproviding great cabinets.For many years, he wasproprietor of Apple CityCabinets at the samelocation. Today, alongwith designer Jane Boice,Quality Cove offers a widerange of cabinet styles andfeatures, with outstandingcustomer service.

“We have nine lines ofcabinets, including threecherries, white finishesand the darks, which arevery popular right now,”Twenhafel said. “Everycabinet you see on displayis available in each finish.”

All of the cabinets arequality solid-woodconstruction and includefeatures such as soft-closing drawers anddrawer bottoms made ofhalf-inch plywood.

Quality Cove offers aspacious 8,000-square-foot showroom withdozens of bathroomvanities on display and alarge number of samplekitchens.

Twenhafel said theroominess of Quality Coveis a real plus for peopleshopping for cabinets.

“Most kitchenshowrooms tend to becrammed into a little spacein a store,” he explained.

“Here, we realized thatspace is a good thing. It’snice to let people walkaround and look at thecabinets from a variety ofangles and think abouthow they would look intheir own homes.”

Quality Cove also has ondisplay hutches, perfectfor a living room or officeas well as bars forentertaining in a familyroom or “man cave.”

“Cabinets aren’t just for kitchens anymore,”co-owner Terri Twenhafelsaid.

To assist withcustomers’ homes, QualityCove designer Jane Boiceworks with homeownersfrom start to finish for aone-of-a-kind customkitchen or bathroom.

“We use a state-of-the-art designing program andwork closely with ourcustomers,” Roger said.“We ask people to just giveus the rough estimates oftheir kitchen to getstarted, then we do therest.”

The software allowsBoice to show customersand contractors a 3-Dimage of how theircabinets will look and fitinto their homes. Once thedesign is complete,Quality Cove customers donot have to wait long fortheir new kitchen or bath.

“We can get your wholekitchen ready forinstallation in as little astwo weeks,” he explained.

Quality Cove-designedcabinets can be found inhomes throughout theregion. In fact, thecompany was recentlyselected to providecabinets for a new hotel inthe area.

Twenhafel added thatcustomers often come inwith ideas based uponhome improvementtelevision shows.

“We can make the thingsthat people see on thehome shows happen,” hesaid. “Most of what yousee on those programs isabout being able to takesomething and make moreout of it than what youthought you could do.That’s what we’re aboutand we do it taking a verypersonal approach.”

He added that justbecause ideas come fromtelevision does not meanthey necessarily arebudget-breaking.

“The shows often makepeople think that kitchensare very expensive. Here,people are surprised withthe price.”

Twenhafel shared thestory of a customer whowas considering havingtheir existing cabinetsresurfaced and who hadseveral estimates for thework.

“However, we were ableto rebuild their entirekitchen with new cabinetsand countertops for lessthan it would have costthem just to have the oldones resurfaced,” he said.

He said many of the oakcabinets available atQuality Cove are pricedthe same as the cabinetsfound in the back row ofthe large stores, but, hesaid, there is a hugedifference in quality.

“This is a very, veryhigh-quality cabinet,” hesaid, adding that QualityCove can offer manyfeatures as well, things likeglass-front cabinet doorsand designer hardware.

Quality Cove also offerscountertops includingcultured marble andgranite. Twenhafel hopesto soon add plumbing

fixtures, such as faucets, tothe list of items availableto customers.

“We try very hard tomake everything personal

and worth the trip,” headded. “We do everythingwe can to do business withyou.”

Quality CoveCabinetry is the finishing touch in your home

PAUL NEWTON / THE SOUTHERNA kitchen set on display inside Quality Cove in Murphysboro.

PAUL NEWTON / THE SOUTHERNRoger Twenhafel owns Quality Cove in Murphysboro with his wife, Terri.

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Furniture · The Southern Illinoisan Friday, February 24, 2012 Page 77

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Page 88 Friday, February 24, 2012 The Southern Illinoisan · Furniture

Distinctive Interiors, justeast of the Illinois StarCentre in Marion, is unlikeany other store inSouthern Illinois that sellsfurniture. That is noaccident. In fact, it is by,well, design.

Design, in fact, is a veryimportant term atDistinctive Interiors. Forthe owners and staff ofDistinctive Interiors,furniture is just part of theoverall design process.

“We’re a completeinterior design studio,from flooring all the wayup,” manager Curt Coxsaid. “We have flooring,we have furniture, we havelighting and accessories,as well.”

In fact, from themoment you first walk into Distinctive Interiors,you notice things aredifferent. There’s acomplete flooring shop, anarea of window coveringswith blinds, drapes,curtains and customwindow treatments fromHunter-Douglas and othercorporations. There’s alsoa gift shop just inside thedoor, with productsranging from gourmetfood items to dinnerwareand bath and bodyproducts as well as jewelry,handbags and noveltyitems. There’s even aChristmas tree, hangingupside down year-round,with Christopher Radkocollector holidayornaments.

Then there are the homefurnishings, featuringfurniture and otherproducts from Century,Henredon, DrexelHeritage, FergusonCopeland, Hooker,Bernhardt, ClaytonMarcus/Rowe and more.

All told, there’s 27,000square feet of beautifullydisplayed furniture andaccessories at DistinctiveInteriors.

Flooring specialists canassist customers withcarpeting, tile andhardwood floors fromnationally-knownmanufacturers includingKarastan, Armstrong,Florida Tile and Nourison.Distinctive Interiors alsooffers wall coverings fromBlonder, Waverly andothers. No room is out ofreach for DistinictiveInteriors; they even offerstate-of-the-artappliances from Bosch andThermadore.

And, since more andmore living is taking placeoutdoors, customers willfind outdoor furniturefrom Apaoli, Woodard andGloster.

The professionals atDistinctive Interiorsconsider everything aboutyour home in working withyou to achieve the perfectlook. In fact, that wasfounder Wayland Sims’goal when he began aninterior design firm fromhis home in 1975. Today,the company believes in a“total design concept,”meaning assistancethroughout the designingand decorating process.

“We can come in andwork with architects at thevery beginning ofdesigning your home,” Coxsaid, noting that thisapproach ensures givingclients exactly what theyare looking for in their newhome. “Of course, if youwant to remodel a room or refurbish a room or even the whole house,we can help from theinitial concept to the

finished product.”One thing that sets

Distinctive Interiors apartfrom other retailers in theregion is that the companyhas never lost its focus oninterior design. As amatter of fact, the staffmembers and associates atthe store are not simplysalespeople, they areprofessionals. Man are

interior designers withyears (if not decades ofexperience) and holdprofessional interiordesign license from thestate. Others are interiordesign consultants withcollege degrees in interiordesign.

“They’re all veryexperiencedprofessionals,” Cox

explained. “Some havebeen here for more than 20years, and everyone’s beenhere at least a year.”

The longevity of theDistinctive Interiors staffnot only provides themwith insight and wisdomon furnishings andaccessories, but it alsoallows the professionals tobuild long-termrelationships withcustomers. When clientsare able to work with thesame designers time andagain, the designersunderstand the type ofhome environment thecustomer desires, and theresults are fantastic.

From wall and windowcoverings to furnishingsand accessories,Distinctive Interiors worksto make sure rooms arewelcoming andcomfortable, yet stunning.Everyone at DistinctiveInteriors believes yourhome should be areflection of yourpersonality and lifestyle.

Working with your tastesas well as your personalmementos and belongingspaired with newrecommendations, thedesigners can help addlittle touches that make abig difference.

There is one other thing customers noticewhen they walk into thebeautiful DistinctiveInteriors showroom: thelack of the fast-talking,constantly-on-your-tail salespeople often encountered atnormal furniture stores.

“We certainly are nothigh-pressure,” Cox said.“We let our clients taketheir time and browsearound. Of course, we willbe happy to assist withanything they might needat any time.”

Cox added that one ofthe goals of DistinctiveInteriors is to makecustomers comfortable in the store — and athome.

Distinctive InteriorsA complete interior design studio, from flooring up

STEVE JAHNKE / THE SOUTHERNBarb Jacobs, design and flooring consultant, stands in front of the Nourison carpet display at Distinctive Interiors.

STEVE JAHNKE / THE SOUTHERNJewelry by K & K Interior Designs is now featured in the giftshop at Distinctive Interiors.

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Furniture · The Southern Illinoisan Friday, February 24, 2012 Page 99

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Page 1100 Friday, February 24, 2012 The Southern Illinoisan · Furniture

Coleman-Rhoads hasoutgrown the label “localbusiness.” The companyhas delivered furniturepieces to customers inTexas, Florida,Pennsylvania and Georgia,just to name a few states.

“That’s not an everydaything, but it doeshappen,”said co-ownerSteve Rhoads. “It’s justharder and harder for theconsumer to find theamount of furniture andthe variety that we cangive them here in WestFrankfort.”

Balancing the nationalattention that itsextensive, user-friendlywebsite provides with thesmall-town principles thathave kept Coleman-Rhoads in business since1973 is a giant task forowners Rhoads and BrentColeman. And theywouldn’t have it any otherway.

“We are definitely aregional business,” Rhoadssaid. “Our legitimate,everyday business isanywhere within 100 milesof West Frankfort. Weroutinely cover the 16southernmost counties inthe state.”

Rhoads credits loyalcustomers and a slew ofsavvy business decisionsfor the rapid developmentof Coleman-Rhoads, butsays none were moreimportant than the13,000-square-footexpansion the storeunderwent in 1989. Thedealers were approachedby national manufacturerThomasville Furnitureabout putting in a large

gallery of their pieces.They jumped at thechance.

“When we did thataddition, there were fivestores going out ofbusiness in SouthernIllinois,” Rhoads recalled.“Everybody probablythought we were a little bitnuts, but sometimes thatis when you have to takethat leap of faith.”

Coleman-Rhoads hasbeen able to balance thatboldness to expand withthe smarts of knowingwhen to scale things back.It’s an ever-changingprocess for smallbusinesses, Rhoads says.

“We’ve continued tochange and evolvethroughout the years,”Rhoads said. “It’snecessary to do that in thebusiness world. The thingabout furniture is that it isa major purchase that canbe postponablesometimes.

“It’s a window with aconsumer. They don’t do

this every day. Ourapproach is customer-oriented. Having a lot ofdifferent choices is a hugebenefit to the consumers.”

Coleman-Rhoadscertainly offers itscustomers plenty ofchoices. Galleries andvignettes of a great varietyof items are the sellingpoint of this loadedshowroom. Rhoadsestimates his store sellsupwards of 40 differentvendors. In fact, the list ofbrands carried by the storereads like a who’s who ofsuperior furnituremanufacturers: ClaytonMarcus, Hooker Furniture,Kincaid, Lane HomeFurnishing, Pulaski, Peter-Revington, Tempur-Pedic,Thomasville, Wesley Allenand the popular leathermanufacturer Natuzzi.

“One of the biggestchanges in the last 10 yearshas been the growth ofleather furniture,” he said.“We are a big leatherdealer. We’ve got the large

Natuzzi gallery that isabout 4,000 square feet ofnothing but leatherfurniture.”

Coleman-Rhoadsopened in 1973 under theoriginal name Coleman’sCorner. Rhoads came onboard in 1980 a few yearsafter moving to WestFrankfort fromBloomington-Normal. Hequickly caught on to thetrends that helped makethe store a success, andtried to build upon them.

“We have just alwaystried to help people withtheir experience,” Rhoadssaid. “There are timeswhen a sofa may look goodin the store and they maynot be happy with how itlooks when they get ithome. You have toconsider everything fromthe lamps, tables and otheraccessories. That’s wherewe can be helpful to them.”

Assisting people comesnatural to the staff atColeman-Rhoads.

“We really do offer a

higher level of service withour professionaldecorating and designstaff,” Rhoads added.“They are great to helppeople not just buyfurniture, but to reallychange the environment intheir homes.”

Rhoads called the salesand design staff atColeman-Rhoads one ofthe store’s biggest assets.

“I’m proud of our staffstability,” he said. “Wedon’t have a lot ofturnover; we’re notchurning salespeoplethrough here all of thetime. Our staff has beenwith us along time, theyhave lots of experience anddo an incredible job. Theyare one of the reasons thatwe are successful andpeople like to come backtime and again to dobusiness with them.”

Coleman-Rhoads helpsits customers in otherways, too, especially ifthey are from WestFrankfort. Whether

through sponsoring sportsteams, or donating tospecial city projects,Coleman-Rhoads and theother three furnituredealers are usually willingto lend their names.

“All of us are involvedindividually supportinglocal athletics and events,”Rhoads said. “As a group,I know we’ve beensponsors with high schoolsports. The park pool, wemade a sizeable donationto get that going. Not tomention together weemploy a lot of folks.”

Rhoads’ favorite part of being in the furniturebusiness is making a daily impact on peoples’lives.

“We’re dealing withconsumers’ homes,” hesaid. “All of our homes arevery important to us. Theidea that we can help makethat a better or moreenjoyable place to spendtime is the most enjoyablepart. You’re improving thedaily lives of people.”

Regional reachwith small-town


STEVE JAHNKE / THE SOUTHERNBrent Coleman and his wife, Paula, in one of the Kincaid display rooms at the store.

STEVE JAHNKE / THE SOUTHERNSteve Rhoads, co-owner of Coleman-Rhoads Furniture.


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Furniture · The Southern Illinoisan Friday, February 24, 2012 Page 1111

300 E. Main Street in Downtown West Frankfort •

Premier Furniture Lines Extraordinarily displayed

Beautiful gallery format

Page 12: Furniture of Southern Illinois

Page 1122 Friday, February 24, 2012 The Southern Illinoisan · Furniture

History envelops anyonewho walks in the tall glassdoors at E.R. BrownFurniture Co. One look upoffers a forever view of theoriginal tin ceilings. Adownward glance unveilsthe original oak hardwoodfloors.

Owner Sloan Browncertainly embraces hisstore’s past. After all, itwas his grandfather, E.R.,who opened the doors in1914, and his father,Warren, who originallytabbed West Frankfort“The Furniture Capital ofSouthern Illinois.”

But his store’s future iswhat has Sloan mostexcited. His sons, Kyle andMatt, are following in thefamily footsteps. Kyle is a2010 graduate fromSouthern IllinoisUniversity’s businesscollege, while Matt isearning a master’s inaccounting at SIUCarbondale. Kyle alreadyworks at the store fulltime.Matt works part-time onweekends. Both arepassionate about carryingon the family tradition.

“I obviously feel veryfortunate because thereare stores out there thathave no one to turn it overto,” Sloan Brown said.“Here, I’ve got two guys. Iknow their grandfatherand great-uncles andgreat-grandfather wouldbe very happy, too.”

Nearly 100 years afteropening, E.R. Brown is stillthriving. The store’sforward-thinkingapproaches and emphasison its customers have keptfurniture flying out thedoors.

“The 37 years I’ve beenhere, the past year was thebest year we’ve ever had,”

Sloan Brown said. “Thisyear, so far has gotten offto just as good as a start.Our special New Year’sDay events are always thespringboards that launchus into a good start to theyear.”

The family has alsoopened a newspecialization shop justtwo doors down the blockfrom E.R. Brown. TheBrowns renovated abuilding that previouslyhoused a realty company,and they now sell liftchairs and adjustable beds.“We probably have thelargest selection of lift-chairs in stock in the tri-state area,” Matt said.

“If it wasn’t for (Kyleand Matt) there wouldn’thave been the newfacility,” Sloan Brown said.“We even have more plansbeyond that. That justshows you what youngideas can turn into.”

Young ideas have beencoming out of Kyle andMatt’s minds since theywere both in high school.Kyle always knew hewanted to help run thefamily business, Mattdidn’t decide until hisfreshman year of college.They both feel up to thechallenge of keeping thebusiness going.

“We just have to keepdoing the same thingswe’ve been doing,” Kylesaid.

“The fact that we’regoing to be here for a longtime to come sets usapart,” Matt Brown added.

E.R. Brown helpedguarantee a promisingfuture for his familybusiness by the way hehelped customers throughhard times, especiallyeconomic disasters like the

Great Depression.“During the depression

years and the coal minestrikes, people would writeMr. Brown,” Sloan Brownsaid. “They would thankhim for allowing them toskip a payment or cut theirpayment down to a dollar aweek just to get themthrough the hard times. Sothat’s certainly stuck withme.”

Sloan Brown tries toduplicate his grandfather’sacts of kindness.

“There are times whenpeople run into hard timesand we can work out an

agreement with them toget them through thosetimes,” he said. “That paysoff not only to them, butit’s also paid off to theirfathers and grandfathersand grandmothers throughthe years who have boughtfurniture from us. Thesame held true for them.”

Sloan Brown credits hisemployees some who havebeen with the store fordecades for helping createhappy customers over theyears.

“Your store is only assuccessful as youremployees make it,” he

says. “We’ve beenfortunate enough toalways have very good,committed, loyalemployees.”

Every task at E.R. Brown— from shoveling snow offthe sidewalks to handlingdeliveries promptly andprofessionally — iscompleted with the goal ofimpressing and satisfyingcustomers.

“Southern Illinoisthrough the years has notbeen quite as affected asthe rest of the nation as faras economic problems,”

Sloan Brown said.“Our number one motto

has been customersatisfaction not onlyduring the sale but afterthe sale. I think that’sreally gotten us throughthe hard times.”

That kind of dedicationwill surely pay dividendsin the future, as well.

“All of us, we don’t justcome in for the day, but fortomorrow, too,” he added.“We have plans for ourbusiness and that’s one ofthe most positive aspectsof the store.”

E.R. BrownExtraordinary history, exciting future

STEVE JAHNKE / THE SOUTHERNThe store offers a wide selection of Laz-Z-Boy brand furniture.

STEVE JAHNKE / THE SOUTHERNOpened in 1914, E.R. Brown Furniture is the oldest furniturestore in West Frankfort. Store owner Sloan Brown will one dayturn the business over to his two sons, Kyle (left) and Matt.

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401 E. Main West Frankfort618-932-2012

““II’’vvee sseeeenn aa lloott iinn 9988 yyeeaarrss!! TTwwoo WWoorrlldd WWaarrss,, aa GGrreeaatt DDeepprreessssiioonn aanndd sseevveerraall ccooaall mmiinnee ssttrriikkeess.. BBuutt hheerree II aamm,, ssttiillll ccrraannkkiinngg aawwaayy!! MMyy bboossss’’ mmoottttoo ooff OOlldd FFaasshhiioonneedd SSeerrvviiccee aanndd QQuuaalliittyy CCoommmmiittmmeenntt hhoolldd ttrruuee!!””

Quality • Service • Customer Satisfaction

To Our Customers Who Have Made Four Generations of Being in Business Possible!


“Since 1914”Store Hours: Mon-Sat 8am to 5pm


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Page 1144 Friday, February 24, 2012 The Southern Illinoisan · Furniture

Pittsburg, Ill., isn’t oneof those places thatgarners a lot of attention.That is, except frompeople throughoutSouthern Illinois lookingfor outstanding serviceand great deals onfurniture. For them,Anderson WarehouseFurniture, in the smallcommunity northeast ofMarion, is at the center oftheir radar.

“We know that we’re a‘drive-to’ destination, nota ‘drive-by’ location,” saidLowell Anderson, second-generation owner ofAnderson WarehouseFurniture. Anderson saidthe store’s locationcontributes not only to thegreat deals customers findthere, but also to thefriendly, familyatmosphere.

“Just the other day, I hada customer who had neverbeen to our store before,”he recalled. “As she wasleaving, she told us that itwas her first time here, butthat she really enjoyed it.She said it was becauseeveryone in the storeseemed to care that shewas here.”

Anderson said that is theway the family has beendoing business for morethan 40 years.

“Whether you buysomething or not, we wantall of our customers toknow that we genuinelycare and appreciate yourbusiness,” he said. “Wewant you to feel like familywhen you leave. We reallydo want to get to know youand want you to get toknow us.”

It’s the same philosophythat Anderson’s father,Bill, started the store within 1970. Back then, the

elder Anderson beganselling a little bit ofeverything from a smallbuilding dubbedAnderson’s Warehouse.

“Dad wasn’t intending tomake it a furniture store;we sort of fell into it,”Anderson said. “Dadbasically sold anything hecould get his hands on.He’d buy a semi-truckload of something andoffer it up for sale.”

Anderson explained thatmerchandise could rangefrom lawn chairs to swingsets, and once a truckloadwas sold, thatmerchandise was gone.Sometimes, items up forsale included swivel chairs,sofas and rockers, all ofwhich proved verypopular. People startedasking for those items.

Bill, who also worked fulltime as a travelinginsurance salesman, foundhis side business begantaking more and more ofhis time. In 1972, hetransitioned into full timeat the warehouse andbegan focusing onfurniture.

“People began wantingmore and more, and thevendors began finding usas well,” Andersonremembers.

He said the store camefrom humble beginnings.

“Very humble,” he said.He remembers the early

days well, starting hiswork at Anderson’sWarehouse Furniture atage 14.

“I started out in the backroom, unboxing items andpicking up trash,” he said.“I was the low man on thetotem pole.”

As the owner, he isproud of the growth of thestore and his own humble

beginnings in it.“I’m not one of these

people who just came in torun and owns it justbecause my father did,” heexplained. “I know everyoperation of this store.”

He said the furniturebusiness is the only lifehe’s known. In fact,working at Anderson’s isthe only job he has everheld.

“I wouldn’t change thatfor anything. I love what Ido,” he added.

Today, Anderson’sWarehouse Furniture isone of the area’s premierhome furnishing stores,with more than 20,000square feet of furniture,bedding and homeaccessories. Despite beinga “drive-to” location,customers come from allthroughout the region.

“We have customersfrom all walks of life andfrom river to river,”Anderson said.

He said he enjoysmeeting each and everyone of them.

“I like meeting newpeople and giving people agood value for theirdollars,” he said. “I knowthat money is hard tocome by, and that’s one ofthe reasons we want totake care of people.”

Many of the customerswho visit Anderson’sWarehouse Furniture havebeen there before. In fact,some rememberpurchasing furniture fromthe first generation ofAndersons. Others tellstories about grandparentsalso making purchases atAnderson’s. Some evenfrom those semi loads that

Bill used to sell.“Repeat business is very

good for us. Maybe that’sbecause we’re good torepeat business,” Andersonsaid. “I love that we getpeople whosegrandmothers used tocome here. The only wayyou get that is by takinggood care of customers.”

One way of servingcustomers is offeringconvenient financing onpurchases and delivery isalways available —sometimes even same-daydelivery.

“We do sell items rightoff of the sales floor,”Anderson explains. “We’renot like the stores whereyou pick something outand then have to wait threeweeks or more to get it.With us, you see it, touchit, love it, and then can

have it your home laterthat day or the next day.Customers feel really goodabout that.”

Anderson’s also offersspecial order service foritems that they do notstock, but they stock a lot.At Anderson’s WarehouseFurniture, you’ll findrooms of recliners, a hugeselection of mattressesincluding adjustable bedsand the popular memoryfoam mattresses. There aremany name-brandmanufactures’ products aswell, including La-Z-Boy,Pulaski, Riverside,Ashley, Spring Air andSimmons, all at affordableprices.

“One of the interestingthings about furniture isthat we’ve not seen muchof a price increase over theyears,” Anderson said.“Today, a leather sofa isless expensive than theywere in 1980. Back then,you could get La-Z-Boyrecliners for $299; they’restill $299 today.”

Anderson said one thinghe has noticed is thatfurniture styles, likesatisfied customers, keepcoming back. Anderson’sWarehouse Furniture hasthe all the latest styles andpatterns.

“A lot of what might becalled old styles seem to becoming back in,” heexplained. “Retro is hotright now. I tell people thatif they like a certain styleor color, just hang on, it’llbe back.”

As will customers whoappreciate great furniture,fabulous prices andshopping with greatpeople.

“For us, it’s not aboutfurniture. It’s aboutmaking friends.”

Anderson’s Warehouse FurnitureGreat furniture, fabulous prices and shopping with friends

STEVE JAHNKE / THE SOUTHERNA living room set from Anderson's Warehouse Furniture in Pittsburg.

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Excellent Selection of Furniture for the Whole


Queen Bedroom Sets

Starting at $999

Includes Bed Frames, Headboard, Footboard, Dresser, Mirror and Chest

Adjustable Bedsas low as


Queen MattressesStarting at $399 2 Pc. Set

La-Z-Boy Recliners$299


Spring SaleSpring Sale

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