furhture, tapestry and embroidery of yesterday aid today


Transcript of furhture, tapestry and embroidery of yesterday aid today





MARLBOROUGH HOUSE Wednesday April 25™


Wednesday May 30™


Ma r II) o ± ough ho use by Sir Owen Morshead.

Whitehall Palace having been destroyed by fire in 1698, it was in St. James' Palace that Queen Anne set up her residence in 1702; and the Court of St. James' is still the term in official use to-day. Within a year she had created her Lord Privy Seal (John Sheffield) Duke of Buckingham, and he proceeded to erect for himself the big house looking down the length of the Mall which, rebuilt since, is known to us as Buckingham Palace.

Shortly afterwards she allowed her Mistress of the Robes and close confidante, Sarah Duchess of Marlborough, to build the house in which the present exhibition is being held. From his campaign in the Low Countries the Duke had written to his wife: "You,know I never lik'd to build it at all. 'Tis not a proper Place for a great House. And I am sure," he added knowingly, "when you have built a little one you will not like it." The one which Sir Christopher Wren designed for her in 1709 is the present house minus the two top floors and certain additional rooms in the side wings. Built on so confined a site it has had to expand upwards, to the detriment of its appearance. The mettlesome Duchess was vexed by the inadequacy of its entrance from the street, and she resented too its domination by the houses in Pall Mall. By way of compensation she relished, up to her death here in 1744, being able to overlook her august neighbour in the adjoining Palace.

The exhibition is being held in the State Rooms which occupy the ground floor. Around the lofty central Saloon may be seen a wall-painting of the battle of Blenheim, executed by Laguerre; and others, of RamiHies and Malplaquet, similarly decorate the^ staircases on either flank. All are hard to see, for one is either too close or too far; but their designs can be understood from a series of contemporary engravings.

When the Marlborough family surrendered the ground lease in 1817 the house reverted with the site to the Crown. After the death of Princess Charlotte (the Ragent's daughter) in 1819 it formed the town residence of her widower Prince Leopold, who in 1851 became the first King of the Belgians. The widowed Queen Adelaide was the next tenant, from 1838 until her death in 1849. Then for a decade it served the artistic and educational ideals of Prince Albert, and indeed it may be said that here the Victoria and Albert Museum was born.

From his marriage in 1863 until his Accession in 1901 King Edward VII lived here as Prince of Wales with his beautiful bride, making of Marlborough House the centre of London society. They were succeeded by King George V and Queen Mary as Prince and Princess of Wales until in turn their Accession to the throne came in 1910.. Queen Alexandra re-occupied it during her widowhood until her death in 1925.

Once more, from 1936 until 1953, it became the dower house, this time for Queen Mary, whose antiquarian knowledge and distinguished taste brought its spacious rooms to a condition of singular beauty. Her collections found here their perfect setting, and in Her Majesty this dignified and historic house attained its ideal occupant.



The Royal School of Needlework Is greatly honoured by being allowed to display its Exhibition at Marlborough House by gracious permission of Her Majesty The Queen.

It is specially fitting that it should be staged here - in the home of the latter years of Queen Mary whose interest in the Royal School never lessened and whose help and advice were always so wisely given.

Once again the Royal School of Needlework is staging an Exhibition for the purpose not only of obtaining funds for securing the continuance of its work, but also to show craftsmanship in embroidery of both earlier and modern times. The Royal School was founded in 1872 by Her Royal Highness Princess Christian and from that time it has been honoured by the direct interest of the Royal family. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, the present Patron, always graciously gives it much help and the President, Her Royal Highness Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone is an active member of the Executive Committee and is herself a fine needleworker; some of her work will be seen in the Exhibition.

Together with the embroidery of former times will be seen that of the present, some executed by the employees and students of the Royal School and it is no exaggeration to say that the quality and the technique of their work are unequalled. The aim of the Royal School has always been to maintain and improve the high standard it has set for itself and it would be a tragedy if this fine workmanship were allowed to deteriorate or even to die out. In this age of machinery and mass production it is naturally difficult for the Royal School to compete, so it is to be greatly hoped that the Exhibition will be patronized by all those who are interested in the art of embroidery.


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Patron H.M. Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother

President H.R.H. Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone

Chairman Earl Spencer

Executive Committee Hon. Treasurer *L. Hextall Esq.

••Miss V. Bromley Freda, Countess of Listowel Mrs. W. Phipps The Hon. Margaret Wyndham

*A.R .3 . Dey Esq. •Sir Alan Rae Smith

The Dowager Lady Ebbisham The Lady McCorquodale Loelia, Duchess of Westminster *R. Butler Esq. *W.A. Jones Esq. Sir Gordon Russell

*Members of the Sub-Committee of Management

Principal Mrs. Hamilton-King

Secretary Miss V. Beames

The President, Committee and. Principal of the Royal School of Needlework venture to express their appreciation to Her Majesty The Queen for graciously allowing the Loan Exhibition of Furniture, Tapestry and Embroidery to be held at Marlborough House and for graciously lending valuable exhibits.

Particular thanks should also be expressed to other members of the Royal Family who have so generously lent exhibits.

The officials of the Royal School are very grateful to the many friends who have also lent exhibits which have contributed to the interest and beauty of the Exhibition.

Messrs. Harrods Limited have undertaken, without any liability to the Royal School of Needlework, the whole of the planning, erection and decoration of the Exhibition. For this valuable assistance the Royal School of Needlework is deeply grateful.

Thanks are also expressed to Messrs. Hoover Limited for so generously lending Hoover Cleaners.

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SPECIAL NOTE: Some of the items which follow may be required by their owners for use on days during which "the Exhibition is open and may be temporarily withdrawn for a short period for this reason.


RED FRONTAL - for the Altar of St. Edward the Confessor in Westminster Abbey.

Lent by the Dean and Chapter of Westminster Abbey.

RED VELVET COPE. - Embroidered with angels. (15th. or 16th. century.)

Lent by Mrs. H. Levin.

LOUIS XV COPE. - French 18th. century. White silk with very elaborate and delioate floral design covering the whole. Twin shields of the Bourbon Arms on the hood. Made by order of Louis XV for a member of his family (possibly his youngest daughter, Louise-Marie, who was a Carmelite nun).

Lent by the Rector, Stonyhurst College.

THE FOUNDER'S BANNER. - Designed by Christopher Webb (architect) and embroidered by the Royal School of Needlework, the Banner was presented to the Abbey by a private donor in 1945, in commemoration of its founder, Edward the Confessor. The Banner is of Cloth of Gold lined with rose cotton Damask. It represents the Confessor holding the Charter of the Abbey.

Lent by the Dean and Chapter of Westminster Abbey.

HENRY VII COPE. - 15th. century. Made in Florence for Henry VII. Cloth of gold, with floral design of Tudor rose and tree in crimson velvet. The royal badge (portcullis surmounted by crown) occurs three times in the design. Semi­circular border in form of a collar of Ss. Orphrey consists of eight embroidered panels of saints and prophets. The hood is an embroidered representation of the Annunciation, surmounted by figures of St. Paul and St. Andrew. Orphrey and hood work may be later. Said to have been taken by Henry VIII to the Field of the Cloth of Gold.

Lent by the Rector, Stonyhurst College.

THE HENRY VII CHASUBLE . - Florentine. 15th. century. Same history and material and design as the Henry VII Cope. Dorsal orphrey: The Blessed Sacrament exposed in a Monstrance on an Altar and adored by angels; The Good Shepherd; Port­cullises. Frontal orphrey: IHS; Portcullis „

Lent by the Rector, Stonyhurst College. ( 5 )

7. THE ST. DUNSTAN CHASUBLE. - English. Late 15th. - early 16th. century. Back and front made up of several embroidered panels which compose into three perpendicular strips. Back, left strip: St. Dunstan's encounter 14. with the devil; martyrdom of St. Blaise; martyrdom of St. Elphege , Back, centre strip: SS. Philip, Paul, John Baptist, Bartholomew. Back right strip: St. Odo, Archbishop of Canterbury; Healing of a leper before St. Thomas of Canterbury's shrine; Raising of a dead child to life on the spot where St. Thomas of Canter • 15. bury used to administer Confirmation on his way to London, Considerably restored in 1829.

Lent by the Rector, Stonyhurst College.

8. STOLE - belonging to the "St. Dunstan Chasuble" set. 16. Lent by the Rector, Stonyhurst College.

9. RED COPE - worn at the Coronation of Edward VII. Lent by the Dean and Chapter of Westminster Abbey.

17. 10. THE LUCCA CHASUBLE. - English. 15th. century. Cloth of

Gold. Dorsal orphrey: The Annunciation, flanked by Arms of Bonvisi family. "ORATE PRO ANIMA. LODOVICI BONVISI", The Christ in Majesty (wearing gold crown 18. and royal robe) of the Crucifix in the Rood Screen of Lucca Cathedral. "THE ROODE OF LUCCA". St. Sitha. FRONTAL ORPHREY: SS. Peter, Paulinus of Lucca, Sebastian. 19.

Lent by the Rector, Stonyhurst College „

11. TEE HOLY GROSS CHASUBLE. - 17th. century. French or Flemish. Much restored in middle of 19th. century. Cloth of Silver, with heavy design, chiefly in gold. The little cross in lapis lazuli and many of the other stones were added when restoration was carried out.

Lent by the Rector, Stonyhurst College.

12. ALTAR FRONTAL. - 17th. century. This belonged to Blessed William Howard Viscount Stafford executed for his Faith on Tower Hill December 29th. 1680 , 20.

Lent by Mrs. H. Levin.

13. CHALICE VEIL. -(18th. century)worked by Mrs. Francis Canning of Foxcote, Warwickshire who was born Catherine Giffard of Chillington, County Stafford, and lived 1733/ 1790. Her Granddaughter Elizabeth Minto Canning married in 1841 Philip Henry Howard of Corby, and so became Mrs. Levin's Grandmother. The Veil forms part of a complete set of white vestments, worked by Mrs. Canning.

Lent by Mrs. H. Levin,

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BURSE. - 18th. century, - worked by Mrs. Francis Canning of Foxcote, Warwickshire. The Burse forms part of a complete set of white vestments.

Lent by Mrs. H. Levin.

WHITE CHASUBLE - bought in Italy. Had previously been exhibited at the Italian National Exhibition of 1868. Date unknown. White silk, with delicate embroidery of flowers, grapes, ears of wheat, birds, butterflies.

Lent by the Rector, Stonyhurst College.

BENEDICT!OW VEIL -worked by Mrs. Francis Canning of Foxcote, who was born Catherine Giffard of Chillington, County Stafford, and lived 1733/1790. 18th. century.

Lent by Mrs. H. Levin.

PURPLE COPE - worn at the Funeral of Charles II. Lent by the Dean and Chapter of Westminster Abbey.

MASONIC BANNER - worked in silk on corded silk background. Worked and lent by Mrs. Broomhead.

THE WHITE WINTOUR CHASUBLE. - White satin. 17th. century; relaid l8th. century and again in 1950. Heavily embroidered with floral emblems. Dorsal orphrey: representation of the Lamb slain, lying on the Book with the Seven Seals, surmounted by the Sacred Monogram in Hebrew worked in seed pearls, the whole supported by adoring angels. Set in a ground covered by floral decoration is a roundel reading "ORATE PRO ME HELENA WINTOUR". On the front are the Wintour Arms with the date 1655. Said to have been worked by Miss Wintour in reparation for the deeds of three uncles executed as conspirators in the-Gunpowder Plot.

Lent by the Rector, Stonyhurst College.

RED COPE - worn at the Coronation. *f OharlesII. Lent by the Dean and Chapter of Westminster Abbey.

THE ST. IGNATIUS CHASUBLE. - White. Date and origin unknown. Has been in England at least 130 years. Heavy design of vine leaves and grapes in high relief, superimposed on light floral design of self colour in low relief. Dorsal orphrey: Above; Virgin and Child, surmounted by Dove and adored by cherubs and two angels; Below: St. Ignatius, Frontal orphrey; a .Pelican in her Piety; St. Francis Xavier.

Lent by the Rector, Stonyhurst College.

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22. CHALICE VEIL - used with "St. Ignatius" sot of Mass vestments, but not belonging to it. Date and origin unknown. It shows St. Winefride within a wreath; the rest is closely covered with heavy design of flowers and fruit. The scroll reads; S. WENEFREDA ORA PRO MARIA BODENHAM.

Lent by the Rector, Stonyhurst College.

23. RED SATIN CHASUBLE - the Orphreys of green satin. On the cross-shaped orphrey at the back the following inscription is embroidered in gothic characters: "Orate p(ro) a(n)i (m) a fa(m)uli tui p. (a glove) R" (Glover). The remaining surface of the Chasuble is sprinkled with the letters "p" and "R", and gloves. The letters are all embroidered in gold thread, and the gloves are cut out of white satin and applied. Middle of the XVI century.

Lent by Downside Abbey Trustees.

24. BANNER - "Our Lady" . Lent by the Bean and Chapter of Westminster Abbey.

25. WHITE FRONTAL - for the Altar of St. Edward the Confessor in Westminster Abbey. j-

Lent by the Dean and Chapter of Westminster Abbey.

26. CHALICE VEIL - ZVIIth or XVIIIth century. (Italian) Lent by the Dean and Chapter of Westminster Abbey,

27. PALL - for covering the chalice at Mass. Fine canvas. Thought to be Spanish or Portuguese work. Date unknown.

Lent by the Rector, Stonyhurst College.

28. COPE - with Hood of oyster velvet with Mercian Cross and Cross of Nails, embroidered in gold. 20th. century.

Lent by The Very Rev. R.T. Howard, Provost of Coventry Cathedral.

Made by the Royal School of Needlework.


PATCHWORK QUILTS. (S<se Nos . 26 and 27 in Green Drawing Room.)

TABLE CLOTH. (See No. 26 in Green Drawing Room.)

WEDDING DRESS FOR A DOLL - of white satin with sprigs of orange blossom, made for Elizabeth, Cuuntess of Kenmare end Margaret, Viscountess Althorp about the early 1980s . Honiton Lace Veil.

Lent by The Earl Spencer.

DOLL - approximately 1885. Lent by Mrs. Hamilton-King .



Graciously lent by HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN.


FOOTSTOOL - worked by Her Late Majesty Queen Mary.

FLORAL RUG - worked in wool in Gros Point by Her Late * Majesty Queen Mary between 1940 - 1948.


PICTURE - of Mrs. Mary Knowles working at the picture.

FOUR CARVED AND GILTWOOD EMPIRE PEDESTALS - with caryatide and festoons of flowers applied to the reeded centres, which are carved with swags; the frieze of a honeysuckle design; and a white marble slab for each of the pedestals, made about 1795 from a design of Henry Holland, for the Throne Room at Carlton House. From Buckingham palace.

FOUR EMPIRE ORMOLU SIX-LIGHT CANDELABRA, - adapted for electricity, the supports formed of finely modelled bronze classical female figures, the circular plinth of ormolu.

From Buckingham palace.

FOUR MORTLAKE TAPESTRIES - (1623) woven in.wool and silk, part of a set of the "Months" with the Arms and Cypher of Charles, Prince of Wales, afterwards Charles I.

From Windsor Castle.



1 SETTEE and 2 ARM CHAIRS - with fluted uprights to the reot-


silks in the Chinese style. ^ n n , —» T Formerly the property of Major William H.B. Callender, D.L.

To be seen in the State Dining Room.

CARPET - worked by Her Late Majesty Queen Mary. To be seen in the Green Drawing Room.

TAPESTRY - hand woven, representing Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother's Arms, designed by Mr. Stephen Wooden, ^cu e by Edinburgh Tapestry Company, Dovecote Studio, Eainourgn. Completed 1950. .

To be seen in the Green Drawing Room.


STOOL - worked by His Royal Highness The Duke of Gloucester between 1936 and 1938.

To be seen in the Green Drawing Room.


K ::t:r To be seen in the Green Drawing Room.

BABY'S FROCK - made by Her Royal Highness for Prince William. To be seen in the Library (Showcase)



MUSICAL WORK BOX - with Mother-of-Pearl fittings and Mother-of-Pearl panel in lid. This belonged to The Princess Royal's Great Great Aunt, Mary, Duchess of Gloucester who died in 1857.

To be seen in the State Dining Room.

OVAL IVORY CASE - with gilt fittings with Mary and Crown on lid. This belonged to The Princess Royal's Grandmother, The Duchess of Teck.

To be seen in the State Dining Room.

RED AND GOLD LEATHER WORK BOX - with gold fittings set with Pearls which belonged to Queen Alexandra.

To be seen in the State Dining Room.

IVORY CASE - with Pinchbeck fittings with V and Crown on lid. This belonged to The Princess Royal's Aunt, The Princess Victoria.

To be seen in the State Dining Room.

THE PRINCESS ROYAL'S OWN CASE - with gilt fittings and the lid set with M and Crown in Diamonds and Emeralds.

To be seen in the State Dining Room.

SILVER BOX WITH MONOGRAM - with four pairs of silver embroidery Scissors. This belonged to The Princess Royal's Grandmother, The Duchess of Teck,

To be seen in the State Dining Room.

NEEDLEWORK CUSHION -The work of Her Late

To be seen

the centre showing a Majesty Queen Mary, in the Green Drawing

Mandolin and Music.


FOOTSTOOL - covered in Rice stitch Needlework. The work of Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal.

To be seen in the Green Drawing Room.


CHIPPENDALE ARM CHAIR - covered in Needlework with a Bird design. The work of the 6th. Earl of Harewood.

To be seen in the Green Drawing Room.



CARPET - Floral design in Tent stitch on ground of gros point. Worked in 1952.

To be seen in the Green Drawing Room.

BEDSPREAD - Filet lace. Half of it worked before the first Great War and completed subsequently with the assistance of The Lady May Abel"Smith. Worked from Cluny designs with the Coat of Arms of the Eerl of Athlone and of H.R.H. Princess Alice with the lettering of the motto Fearless and Faithful round the edge. The dates when it was begun and ended are worked at the base.

To be seen in the Green Drawing Room.


COVERLET - of"the period of Queen Anne. To be seen in the State Dining Room.

STOOL - in Tent stitch. Made by H.H. Princess Marie Louise. To be seen in the Green Drawing Room.



MORTLAKE TAPESTRY - 17th. century. "Penelope and Ulysses". Design by Gleyn. Circa 1660. With Arms of Henry 2nd. Earl of Peterborough.

Lent by Colonel Stopford Sackville. (To be seen in the Saloon)

CAMBRIDGE TAPESTRY - 20th. century. Arms of The Lord Fairhaven with Anglesey Abbey in foreground. Size 9 ft. x 7 ft.

Lent by The Lord Fairhaven. (To be seen in the Green Diawing Room)

MORTLAKE TAPESTRY - Probably woven 1657 - 1658. Abraham, Hagar and Ishmael= From a set of the Story ot Abraham. The central scene shows Sarah expelling Hagar who is annoying Ishmael. Abraham stands on the right with pilgrim's flask and bread. There are two smaller scenes: (1) Hagar leaving Ishmael to die, (2) An angel appearing to Hagar in prayer. On the right edge of the border is the Mortlake mark (red cross on white shield) . Size 11 ft. 2 ins. x 9 ft. 1 in.

Lent by The Victoria and Albert Museum. (To be seen in the Saloon)


Lent by The Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry. (To be seen in the Red Drawing Room)


Lent by The Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry. (To be seen in the Red Drawing Room)


A. GROUP OF THREE LACES. (late 17th. or early 18th. century) Honlton. Small Face-Veil with Edging. Brussels. ( extra fine) Point d1Angleterre.

Lace Lappet. Binche. Lace Edging.

Lent by the Royal School of Needlework.

B. POINT DE VENISE. (late 17th. century) Lace Flounce in Rose Point.

Lent by the Royal School of Needlework.

0. BRUSSELS APPLIQUE. (18th. century) Part of Wedding Veil.

Lent by the Royal School of Needlework.

D. LIMERICK. Wedding Veil. Lent by Mrs. Duff-Miller.

E. BRUSSELS. A flounce of Brussels bobbin lace made aboi the middle of the 18th. century. It is said to have been made for Queen Marie Antoinette at the cost of 20 ,000 francs.

Lent by The Earl Spencer.








All lent

(Tambour) Cape. (late 17th. century or early 18th. century

Point de Gaze. Cape. (late 17th. century or early 18th. century

Coatee. (late 17th. century or early 18th. century

Scarf. (late 17th. century or early 18th. century

Flounce. (late 17th. century or early 18th. century

Narrow Flounce. (late 17th. century or early 18th. century

Narrow Flounce. (late 17th. century or early 18th. century

by the Royal School of Needlework.



1. MAHOGANY CHAIR - covered in Soho tapestry. (One of a set of five) Circa 1720 .

Lent by The Marquess of Cholmondeley.

2. PICTURE - Long Table-carpet worked with the Story of the Prodigal Son. Canvas embroidered with various coloured silk, etc. English: 2nd .half of 16th„ century. Size: 23" x 107" . (Mentioned in Elizabeth Countess of • Shrewsbury's Inventory at Hardwick in 1607).

Lent by The Trustees of the Chatsworth Settlement.

3. STUART NEEDLEWORK PICTURE - with centre garden scene, embroidered in laid stitch and metal thread.

Lent by Lady Richmond.

4. STUART NEEDLEWORK PICTURE - carried out in a variety of stitches with sequin background.

Lent by Lady Richmond.

5. ONE OF A PAIR OF SCREENS -Lent by The Duke of Buocleuch and Queensberry.

6. BED COVERLET - with Ducal coronet in stump work, and the back of the bed in the same work, but with Earl's coronet.

Lent by The Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry.

7 . ONE OF A PAIR OF SCREENS -Lent by The Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry.

8. SETTEE - silk Florentine work. Lent by The Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry.

9. FRAGMENT OF EMBROIDERY - A mounted knight in armour . 13th. century. Mounted under glass.

Lent by the Rector, Stonyhurst College.

10. CARPET - with blue ground, finely designed basket of flowers and palm branches in natural colours. Size 26 ft. 4 ins. x 16 ft. Made in England - perhaps at Moorfields about the third quarter of the 18th. century.

Lent by The Earl Spencer.


11 CHAIR - (without arms) covered in Tent stitch. Lent by The Duke of Buccleuch and Queensherry.

12. NEEDLEWORK PICTURE - of a Farm Scene. Early 18th. century Lent by Mrs. David Gubbay.

13. PICTURE - in 8oho Tapestry of a Parrot. 18th. century. Lent by Mrs. David Gubbay.

14. WALNUT ARM CHAIR - covered in fine Tent stitch, (possibly French), (one of a pair from the Collection of Sir Percival Griffiths). Circa 1700. ' _

Lent by The Marquess of Cholmondeley.

ir PICTURE - Bed Valance (or border) of Blue silk damask, embroidered in coloured wools and silk. Incorporating the initials M S (for Mary Stuart). English: mid-16th. century. Size logins. x 5 ft. (Worked for, or possibly

by, Mary Queen of ^ ̂ ohatsworth Settlement

16. PICTURE - Needlework Panel; Applique work in gold and silver thread, etc., on a background of crimson velvet with embroidered border. English: 2nd. half of 16th. cent. Size 21 ins x 40 ins. With the initials E S repeated (for Elizabeth Countess of Shrewsbury, by whom it was

^ ^ Lent by The Trustees of the Chatsworth Settlement

SHOWCASE - (See Showcase Page)

SHOWCASE - (See Showcase Page)

17 . NEEDLEWORK PICTURE - embroidered with coloured silks and gold. English 1625 - 1650 .

Lent by Lady Richmond.

18. STUART NEEDLEWORK PICTURE - in very fine Tent stitch. Lent by Lady Richmond.


ONE' ARM CHAIR - of a Chippendale suite in Mahogany with elaborately carved serpentine front rail: Cabriole legs with acanthus leaves and scroll effect. Seat and back covered in old Needlework with floral designs on yellow ground.

Lent by The Hon. Lady Ward.

CARPET - 16th. century, English. Date 1584, and the Coat of Arms of the Montagu family are woven in to the carpet. This carpet was used in Westminster Abbey at the Coronation of King George V. (Size 19 ft. x 8 ft.)

Lent by The Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry.

MAHOGANY SETTEE - covered in embroidery on quilted linen. Circa 1700. ^ ..

Lent by The Marquess of Cholmondeley.

PICTURE - Applique Panel on Green velvet.• A draped figure, with a book, beneath an arch with the word LOGI VE above (LOGIC). English: 2nd. half of 16th. century. Size 27 ins. x 21 ins. .

Lent by The Trustees of the Chatsworth Settlement#

PICTURE - Embroidered Panel of Applique work etc, in gold and silver thread, on background of crimson velvet. In the centre, the initials E S (for Elizabeth Countess of Shrewsbury by whom the panel was probably worked).

S&r&i zw.:' : * STL t Lent by The Trustees of the Chatsworth settlement.

TWO GREEN SILK BANNERS - with armorial bearings. Made for the wedding of John, Duke of Montagu, to Mary Churchill, daughter of the Duke of Marlborough.

Lent by The Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry.

COVERLET - (See Royal Exhibits)

PAIR OF OLD PANELS - of Tent stitch Needlework of George II and Queen Caroline.

Lent by Mrs. David Gubbay.

TWO OF A SET OF SIX (19th. cent, frames) WILLIAM AND MARY CHAIRS - gilt Cabriole legs, shaped underrails. Seats and backs covered in Antique Needlework all done by the owner s

family. Lent by Colonel E .J .S . Ward.

PICTURE - Panel (Cushion-cover) embroidered in coloured silks and silver-gilt thread on canvas, with a design of Roses, Thistles and Lilies (for England, Scotland and France) . The centre medallion has a monogram formed of the letters M, A, and R (probably "Maria" for Mary Queen of Scots) , surmounted by a crown. English: 3rd. quarter of 16th. century. Size 2lir ins. x 24 ins. Perhaps the work of Mary Stuart, herself, while in the custody of the Earl of Shrewsbury.

Lent by The Trustees of the Chatsworth Settlement,

TENT STITCH NEEDLEWORK PICTURE - the centre depicting the return of the Hunt to the moated castle; the border has figures and flowers„

Lent by Lady Richmond.

PICTURE - Green Velvet Panel, with applique work and embroid­ery. A draped female figure in an arch with the word RETHORICA above. English: 2nd„ half of 16th„ century. Size: 27 ins. x 21 ins.

Lent by The Trustees of the Chatsworth Settlement.

PICTURE - PanelfCushion-cover) embroidered in coloured silks and gilt thread, with a design of Roses, Thistles and Lilies (for England, Scotland and France) around oval medallions. (Pendant to other similar panel with monogram) . English: 3rd. quarter of 16th. century. Size: 21^ ins. x 24 ins. (Probably worked by Mary Stuart, herself, while in the custody of the Earl of Shrewsbury.)

Lent by The Trustees of the Chatsworth Settlement.

STUART NEEDLEWORK PICTURE - "Tree of Jesse", about 1620, carried out in a variety of stitches.

Lent by Lady Richmond.


STUART CASKET, - with design of animals, fruit and flowers in raised beadwork,originally fitted as a toilet and writing box.. Made by Anne Mellifige, who lived at St. Olave's Priory in Norfolk approximately 1650/70.

Lent by Doctor S.H.L. Griffiths and Miss E. L*cy Scott.

STUART NEEDLEWORK CASKET - originally this belonged to Emma Fiennes-Clinton of Cromwell Rectory, Notts. It was worked by the Nuns of Little Gidding about 1650.

Lent by Mrs . J.L. Habershon, 0 .B .E ., J .P .

STUART EMBROIDERED GASKET - containing flower garden. Lent by Lady Richmond.


BOX - 17th. century, in Tent stitch, containing 4 Counter Boxes. Lent by Lady Richmond.

WALLET - of Admiral Sir William Penn. Early 17th. century. Lent by Lady Richmond.

STU&RT VANITY BAG. Lent by Lady Richmond.

BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER 1633 - Printed by Robert Barker. Lent by Lady Richmond.

BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER 1627 - Printed by Bonham Norton and John Bull.

Lent by Lady Richmond.

BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER 1633 - 17th. cent. Printed by Robert Barker. Lent by Lady Richmond.

THE PRACTICE OF PIETIES 1623. - Printed for John Hodgets. Lent by Lady Richmond.

PAIR OF NET MITTENS, - embroidered Prince of Wales feathers in silk and with crown in gold metal threads with imitation pearls and jewels.

Lent by Miss Christine Knowles.



f '•

BONNET - (White work) Period 1840. Lent by Miss Luard.

BONNET - (White work) Period 1840. Lent by Miss Luard.

BONNET - (White work) Period 1840. Lent by Miss Luard.

THREE STUART BONNETS - Plain linen. Handwork. Lent by Doctor S.H.L. Griffiths and Miss E. Laoy Scott

GAP - of Northern Italian Lace. Last quarter of the 17th. cent Lent by The Earl Spenoer.

BABY'S CAP - made of Point d'Alencon Lace. Circa 1790. Lent by The Earl Spencer.

BONNET - of Brussels Point de Gaze. Early 19th. cent. Lent by The Earl Spencer.

BONNET - of Brussels Point de Gaze. Presented to The Hon. Sarah Spencer by the Royal School Needlework on the occasion of her Christening m 1.54.

Lent by The Earl Spencer.

BABY'S FROCK - made by H.R.H. The Duchess of Gloucester for

Prince William. ^ + ̂ Lent by H.R.H. The Duchess of Gloucester.

CHRISTENING ROBE - Limerick Needlerun Lace and Satin. Made at the Royal School of Needlework.



ARM CHAIR - in Walnut, scroll legs with leaf ornament front stretcher carved with two putti supporting a Royal Crown. Shaped back, arms and seat upholstered in old blue and puce Genoa velvet. (Repaired at the Royal School of Needlework.)

Lent by The Lord Sackville.

WALNUT ARM CHAIR, - feet finishing in dolphin heads, the front stretcher centreing in a Royal Crown. Seat and back covered with blue damask trimmed with ball fringe. Canvas under seat stamped with W.P. and crown (for Whitehall Palace) .

Lent by The Lord Sackville.

STUART MIRROR - with raised work and numerous other stitches, spangled background.

Lent by Lady Richmond.

PICTURE - in embroidered Stump work. 17th. century. Lent by Miss Faudel Phillips.

GEORGE I MAHOGANY ARM CHAIR; - the shaped arms and supports carved with foliage, the arms terminating in animals' heads, the front and side rails carved and moulded at the lower edge, the Cabriole legs carved with leaf design and terminating in Claw and Ball feet, the seat and back covered in floral Tent stitch needlework.

Lent by Mrs. David Gubbay.

GEORGE I CARVED WALNUT SETTEE. - The stuffed back covered in fine old Tent stitch needlework.

Lent by Mrs. David Gubbay.

GEORGE I MAHOGANY POLE SCREEN - partly gilt with panel of old Soho tapestry.

Lent by Mrs. David Gubbay.

ENGLISH NEEDLEWORK CARPET. - The beige ground worked with blue and brown and having a red Border. Circa 1730.

Lent by Mrs. David Gubbay.

STUART MIRROR - with wide border of Stump work. Lent by Mrs. A. Borthwick.

10. PANEL - of raised embroidery, A married couple in centre with four attendant figures. English 17th. century.

Lent by James A. de Rothschild, Esq.

11. PANEL - of Tent stitch. English 17th. century.

Lent by James

King Ahasuerus and Queen Esther.

A. de Rothschild, Esq.

12 PAIR OF BEECHWOOD EBONIZED CHAIRS - covered with contemporary

needleWOrk£ent1»rc1o!on^°Stopf=ra Sao^llle.

13. OCTAGONAL SHAPED TABLE - with Queen Anne Needlework covering the Top, sup orted on pillar with tripod le& .

-fjy'f Lent by Mrs . David Gubbay.

/ 14. PAIR OE ITALIAN CHAIRS. - 17th. century. Lent by The Ej.rl of Rosebery.


Royal Family^ ̂ ̂ Bar]_ of Roset,ery.

Landscape ̂ ^reen^blue, gtopforTsackville.

sphinx headSnanayLionuPaWAfeet.trCiroa

Lent by Claude A. Partridge, Esq.

19 • ^orung four St™! - f 1 sures

French leth.^oentury.^ ^ Rothschild, Esq.

20. orniR -


QUEEN ANNE MAHOGANY TABLE - with Gros Point Top, depicting cups and saucers and other tea implements.

Lent by The Marquess of Cholmondeley.

QUEEN ANNE STOOL - covered with Tent stitch. Lent by The Marquess of Cholmondeley.

QUEEN ANNE WALNUT WING CHAIR - covered in original blue ground Needlework with a bold all over floral design with pink, red and yellow flowers. Supported on Cabriole legs with paw feet.

Lent by Mrs. David Gubbay.

QUEEN ANNE WALNUT ARM CHAIR - the seat and back covered in fine old English Tent stitch Needlework in floral design on buff ground, the arms terminating in Eagle heads, supported on Cabriole legs with paw feet.

Lent by Mrs. David Gubbay.

TWO STRIPS OF CREAM SILK - with floral embroidered motif in gold, red and green. Part of a set of Bed Hangings. Queen Anne.

Lent by Colonel Stopford Sackville.

OR&LM SILK CUSHION - with similar embroidered motif to hangings.Probably on suite with the Set of Bed Hangings.

Lent by Colonel Stopford Sackville .

DECCA OR DACCA WORK BED HANGING STRIP. - Fawn background with red and blue floral motif. Early 18th. century.

Lent by Colonel Stopford Sackville,

PANEL - of Queen Anne Tent stitch Needlework. Lent by Mrs. David Gubbay.

SAVONNERIB'BUG - M.T. Crown -Maria Thcrosc. Lent by Tho Earl of Rosebery.

STOOL - worked in Tent stitch.

Lent by Mrs. David Gubbay .


PiffiEL - of Tent stitch with basket of flowers and parrots

mounted A. de Rothschild, Esq.

SETTEE - covered in Gros Point with flowers on yellow back

ground. Cir^ ̂ The Marquess of Cholmondeley.


Queen colonel Stopford Sackville.

QUEEN ANNE WINGED ABM CHAIR - covered in silk Tent stitch

Needlework. Lent by Mrs. David Gubbay.

HsmEDE aS-HFif EL,,. flame lives", and the broken mirrors, torn gloves, etc., in

2 EHS:BHEfsE:2! sras Conrad Gesner's "Historia Animalium".

Lent by The Victoria and Albert Museum.



PANEL - in Tent stitch, Cluny design La Dame du Licorne. Worked arid lent by Major Cecil Crosthwaite•

WILLIAM AND MARY WALNUT STOOL - 18th. century design. Worked and lent by Mrs. Norah Kitchin.

animal s\nd^ther°mot if s relate to her family and interests. The intention was to

^ keeping with the period of the . J;J* }Jt_it will be seen that some liberties have been taken in the choice of subjects, which include, for example, a Siamese cat and other present-day household and domestic animals*

Lent by Mrs. W.E. Servaes.

!™!Lo™of Chelsea"^VGr Sl" *™Be °f ̂ perlod made

Worked and lent by Major Cecil Crosthwaite.

EMBROIDERED JEWEL BOX - in silk. Worked and lent by Major Cecil Crosthwaite.

A TRIPOD POLE SCREEN of Mahogany, with fluted shaft and vase-

P Worked andPlent * TMt atl™'

ing Sheriff Hutton\n^th4 CoInty^of^York! ̂ Workld^by^the^o^^er^^" Lent by The Hon. Mrs. Humphrey Wyndham.

Ktt™; TrllTa S antique "notion - "o»r Worked and lent by Mrs. Theo. H. Fligelstone.

A TRIPOD POLE SCREEN of Satinwood with a carved vase-shaped

JoSn1Kin°gt?nI117lo!10ral ^ Sllk Tent

Worked and lent by The Earl Spencer.


Lent by Mrs . JAM. Costam.

QUEEN WE CHAIR - worked in Tent stitch, floral design,

pink "background^ Lady Oostaln.

CHAIR - with seat embroidered in Tent stitoh; an adaptation

of a m^-lBth^oentury^design.^^ Walton.

™BL - ̂ Worked'and^lent^hy Mrs. Broomhead.

SM6-LL PANEL - carried out in Elizabethan style, contempoi ry

design ̂ ^ural^linen. ̂ ̂ Bird Edwards.

S®»^A,KIR Lent Toy Mrs .• J .M. Co stain.

ground^ ^TllLu Lent by Mrs. Rabett.

=-EHFMS-E::: ""™" ™«° - s„rs £"- '

Lent by Mrs. J.M. Costam.

ELIZABBTHAN^ETTLB^ with TentrSstitchi0UShX0n._Miiier>


21. LIMERICK LACE WEDDING- VEIL. Lent by Mrs „ William Duff-Miller.

22. POLE SCREEN, - the Coat of Arms of the Earl of Leicester worked in Tent stitch.

Worked and lent by Major The Hon. Sir John Coke.

23. PAIR OF CUSHIONS - worked in beads and wool. Worked and lent by Loelia, Duchess of Westminster.

24. XVIIIth. CENTURY LOVE-SEAT, - embroidered in Gros Point with a design of musical instruments and scrolls.

Worked and lent by Mrs. Geoffrey Castle.

25. TWO CHAIRS - painted in white and gold, part of a suite made in 1790 by Francois Herve, designed by Henry Holland at the cost

6d. each. Worked in silk Tent stiti Worked and lent by The Earl Spencer.

26. TABLE CLOTH - worked by one of the members for the President's table with motifs depicting Institute activities; names of members and leaves, flowers, butterflies and insects found in the district.

Lent by The Staffhurst Wood Women's Institute.

27. PATCHWORK COVERLET, - with design in coloured floral chintzes on a white ground, broken with sprigged print and flowered patches. "High Summer".

Lent by Miss Averil Colby.

28. PATCHWORK. COVERLET, with a mosaic design in coloured floral chintzes on a white ground. Made by Women's Institute members in Somerset. fused as one of a pair in the Dorset and Somerset room at Denman College .)

Lent by Denman College (National Federation of Women's Institutes.)


EMBROIDERIES AND DESIGNS - showing the progressive Training of Students taking a Three Year Diploma Course.

The work of Students of the Training School of the Royal School of Needlework.

Further particulars of all the various courses available may be obtained from the Exhibition Sales Counter in the Library or the Royal School of Needlework, 2 5, Princes Gate, London, S.W.7