FUNDRAISING PROGRAM A new fundraising initiative to support girls in Australian community groups. SKINCARE BODYCARE HAIRCARE Fundraising Committee Information Kit




FUNDRAISING PROGRAMA new fundraising initiative to support girls in Australian community groups.


Fundraising Committee Information Kit



Protect, nourish and support the activities girls love!

At Girl Lane, we cherish our girls. That’s why we’re committed to supporting girls to have fun and reach for the stars, doing whatever it is that they love to do best!

We understand that fundraising is vital to keeping school and community groups thriving and that it is not always easy to find the right products and events to drive your fundraising efforts. So… as part of our mission to empower girls to be their healthy best, we’ve created an exciting new fundraising initiative that helps protect and nourish girls’ skin and hair AND support the activities they love.

Girl Lane is a range of skincare, bodycare and haircare Australian owned and formulated especially for girls 14 years and younger. The brand was founded by three very passionate mums who realised there were no options available for young girls, which

were gentle and effective enough to help protect and nurture their girls’ skin and hair. Luckily one of them was a pharmacist with a specialisation in dermatology who knew exactly what was needed.

Together they created a trusted range of gentle yet highly effective products, with only the right ingredients to keep girls’ skin and hair looking and feeling its natural best. Using a unique balance between science and natural botanicals Girl Lane provides quality care for young and sensitive skin.

Girl Lane. An experience girls love, a brand mums can trust… and now a fundraising initiative that community groups can feel good about!

Here at Girl Lane, we think girls shine brightest when they are allowed to be themselves. That’s why our products are all about giving girls the best conditions to thrive in a time of change.

With no fragrances, soaps or other common irritants, Girl Lane supports the natural function of the skin with natural and botanical ingredients.



Made with natural & botanical ingredients

Why skincare for girls?

“As mothers, we conscientiously make decisions for our daughters, hoping to protect them from various things we see as being damaging. These might include avoiding junk food and sweet drinks, limiting exposure to television and vaccinating against harmful diseases. The list of preventative health options is endless, but not when it comes to young skin.

Skin, being our largest organ, is constantly exposed to harmful free radicals and pollution as well as damaging sun. Yet we do little to protect and nourish it aside from applying sunscreen.

Our young girls have beautiful skin, but it is immature and fragile, and needs to be protected and strengthened daily.

Girl Lane products are specifically formulated for young skin, with a balance of science and natural botanicals to provide the optimum quality skincare for our special girls.”

Deborah Williams Pharmacist & Mother Formulator and co-founder, Girl Lane

Gentle and kind to dry skin • Suitable for eczema and sensitive skin • pH balancedHypoallergenic • Dermatologically tested • Scientifically tested • Cruelty free

Deborah Williams



How do you fundraise with Girl Lane?

It’s really simple!

We have created special Fundraising Boxes with our very popular products at special prices, to help support girls who do all sorts of activities.

Do your girls love hanging out outdoors? We have their SPF50+ Sun Protection covered!

Are they stars of the stage, the court or the field? We have Aloe Vera Cleansing Wipes for girls on the go!

Need help repairing chapped lips? Our Tropical Paw Paw Lip Balm will deliver the goods!

Girl Lane fundraising boxes are unique, versatile and relate to the community group that girls and their parents are part of, so selling is a breeze!

We offer discounted wholesale pricing and subsidise the delivery costs to drive value for money, and in turn deliver a highly profitable and engaging fundraising effort.

We guarantee 40% profit margin for your community or club per full Fundraising Box sold.

So…. Let’s get started!

Fundraising Box Options

Option Fundraising Box

No. items per box

What’s included inside the Box

Free Delivery Minimum Order Qty

Club buys box for

Club sells box for

Fundraising Special Unit Price

Club Profit per Box

Club Margin per Box

A Active Combo 8 8

3 x Gentle Cleansing Wipes

3 x Tropical Paw Paw Lip Balm

2 x High Protection Sunscreen SPF50+

24 $30 $50




$20 40%

B Paw Paw 10 10 10 x Tropical Paw Paw Lip Balm 24 $30 $50 $5 $20 40%

C Girls on the Go 10 10 10 x Gentle Cleansing Wipes 24 $30 $50 $5 $20 40%

D Sun Safe 5 5 5 x High Protection Sunscreen SPF50+ 24 $30 $50 $10 $20 40%

Note To support clubs and communities, unit prices reflect a special discount compared with Recommended Retail Price. Great value for fundraisers!



$20 Profit per box (40% margin)


Step 1.Select a Fundraising Box (or boxes) for you community group. We have four options for you to choose from:

Option A Active Girl Combo 8

3 x Gentle Cleansing Wipes3 x Tropical Paw Paw Lip Balm

2 x High Protection Sunscreen SPF50+

Option B Paw Paw 10

10 x Tropical Paw Paw Lip Balm

Option C Girls on the Go 10

10 x Gentle Cleansing Wipes

Option D Sun Safe 5

5 x High Protection Sunscreen SPF50+


New! Pre-paid Order Option To help your club know exactly how much you will raise, individual fundraisers can now place pre-orders with payment prior to boxes being dispatched. Your club collects the cash, keeps the profit and passes on only the wholesale cost to help manage cashflow!

Email [email protected] to find out more.


Step 2.Visit the Girl Lane online store to purchase your Fundraising Boxes in bulk:

Select Apply Now.

The Fundraising Boxes will arrive within 5–10 business days of purchase.

Step 3.Distribute the Fundraising Boxes amongst your community or club members.

We recommend allocating at least one box per family.

Each Fundraising Box includes a Payment Envelope to keep the collected cash safe and for fundraisers to record their sales.

We suggest you provide a three week deadline for return of collected cash to encourage a quick turnaround of sales.

Step 4.Collect the funds raised and celebrate!

To help you encourage your community’s efforts to raise as much money as possible and exceed your fundraising goals, Girl Lane is proud to reward a FREE Girl Lane Bodycare Pack (valued at $39) to the highest selling community member.

Simply email [email protected] with the winner’s email address and phone number and we will organise delivery of the prize!

Here’s an example of how it all works.Step 1. Club selects Box C (Girls on the Go 10)

Step 2. Club orders 50 x Box C @ $30 per box for total payment of $1,500

Step 3. Club distributes boxes to fundraisers who sell complete box for $50, returning $2,500 to club when 50 boxes are fully sold

Step 4. Club celebrates successfully raising $1,000!



Frequently Asked QuestionsHow do I find out more about Girl Lane products?The Girl Lane website is an abundant resource for information on product ingredients, benefits and features, how to use instructions and general health and wellbeing tips for girls.

Our not-so-secret weapon is the advice we provide through our in-house Pharmacist and Formulator, Deborah Williams. Not only does Deborah have a specialisation in Dermatology, she is a mum of tween girls so she can offer the benefit of real life experience!

How many Fundraising Boxes should I order?To maximise fundraising efforts, we recommend ordering a minimum of one box per family. With maximum 10 units in each Fundraising Box, there is a high likelihood that families will get through one box pretty quickly and may want to sell more.

Is there a Minimum Order Quantity?No. You can order as many boxes as you think you can sell. However, to qualify for Free Delivery, we have a minimum order quantity of 24 Fundraising Boxes.

For orders of of less than 24 boxes, a Shipping Fee will be applied to your order. This will be calculated online upon checkout of your purchase transaction.

Do you offer Free Delivery?To receive Free Delivery, we have a Minimum Order Quantity of 24 Fundraising Boxes. The Fundraising Boxes will arrive within 5-10 business days of purchase.

How do we pay for the Fundraising Boxes?We accept Credit Card (Visa or Mastercard) or Paypal payments. Full payment is required to generate delivery of the Fundraising Boxes.

Do you accept pre-paid, pre-committed orders?Yes! To take up this option, simply collect Fundraising Box order quantities and monies from your club or community members ahead of placing a bulk order with us. For help with this option, contact [email protected] and we will send you a Payment Envelope for you to pass on to your fundraising community.

Do you accept returns if not all Fundraising Boxes are sold?We’re confident that your girls and their families will love the unique Girl Lane Fundraising experience so much that this simply won’t happen!

We don’t accept returns, but in the event that there are some leftover items, the products have a three year shelf life so they can be put to great use within your community or club as rewards, incentives, end of year gifts and raffle hamper donations, so that you can receive maximum value for your product purchases.

Does Girl Lane offer ongoing support for the Fundraising Program?Most definitely. Here at Girl Lane, we love to help! It’s important for us to receive feedback about the program and our products and to ensure you have a great fundraising experience. We respond super quickly to emails: [email protected].



Be Playful.Be Curious.

Just Be.

Girl Lane is all about protection, nourishment and caring for skin

and hair. Empowering girls to be their healthy best. girllane.xo @girllane.xo

Recommended for everyday use Suitable for all skin types