Fulton County Culture December2010.pdfFulton County Culture County Manager’s Vision Fulton County...


Transcript of Fulton County Culture December2010.pdfFulton County Culture County Manager’s Vision Fulton County...

Page 1: Fulton County Culture December2010.pdfFulton County Culture County Manager’s Vision Fulton County is an organization that simultaneously delivers quality programs and services, outstanding
Page 2: Fulton County Culture December2010.pdfFulton County Culture County Manager’s Vision Fulton County is an organization that simultaneously delivers quality programs and services, outstanding

Fulton County Culture

County Manager’s Vision Fulton County is an organization that simultaneously delivers quality programs and services,

outstanding customer value, and sound financial performance.

Organizational Values Leadership Philosophy Fulton County Government is a diverse, professional organization committed to integrity, credibility, and reliability. We are a team of results-oriented visionaries with a strategic focus, dedicated to excellence demonstrated by: Fostering an environment of effective and respectful communication with all

stakeholders Inclusive decision-making through team building and empowerment

A consistent culture of trust and transparency

Operating System Values Prevention & Proactivity Fiscal Responsibility Service Excellence Equity Ethics

What do we believe to be the nature of people’s attitudes toward work? Based on these beliefs, what is our commitment as leaders to the organization?

NEW! What values should guide our operating systems? By what standards should we judge our systems, processes, programs, and services?

Page 3: Fulton County Culture December2010.pdfFulton County Culture County Manager’s Vision Fulton County is an organization that simultaneously delivers quality programs and services, outstanding

Training Chief:

DDaannnnyy PPaarrrriisshh .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 440044 661133--00888866

Training Officers:

EEyyddiiee CCaassttrroo .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 440044 661122--99447700 SSaannddrraa KKrraafftt .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 440044 661122--99446633 JJaanniinnee RRoobbiinnssoonn--CCoommbbrree .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 440044 661122--99447711 BBrreennddaa WWhhiitteehheeaadd .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 440044 661133--00888899 VViirrggiinniiaa WWiillssoonn ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 440044 661133--00889900

Administrative Staff:

SSiimmeeaall MMoooorree............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 440044 661133--00888877 MMiicchheellllee SSaaffffeellll ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 440044 661133--00888888

Contact your department training coordinator to schedule training classes. Thank you….

Page 4: Fulton County Culture December2010.pdfFulton County Culture County Manager’s Vision Fulton County is an organization that simultaneously delivers quality programs and services, outstanding

FFIINNAANNCCEE……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………PPaaggee 11 AMS Advantage Intro AMS Invoice and Payment Approaching Retirement 401(a) Planning your Retirement (Old Plan Defined Benefits) Understanding Your 401A Plan Wachovia Financial Seminars New HHEEAALLTTHH aanndd SSAAFFEETTYY...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PPaaggee 55 Defensive Driving Moving Stress Out New Preventing Workplace Violence Street Smart HHUUMMAANN RREESSOOUURRCCEESS...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PPaaggee 88 New Employee Orientation DDIIVVEERRSSIITTYY,, EEQQUUIITTYY,, aanndd HHUUMMAANN RREELLAATTIIOONNSS.................................................................................................................................................................. PPaaggee 99 Sexual Harassment Prevention Training IINNFFOORRMMAATTIIOONN TTEECCHHNNOOLLOOGGYY .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PPaaggee 1100 Microsoft Access 2003 (Beg Level) Microsoft Access 2003(Inter Level) Microsoft Excel 2003 (Beg Level) Microsoft Excel 2003 (Inter Level) Microsoft Outlook 2003 (Beg Level)) Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 (Beg Level) Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 (Inter Level) Microsoft Word 2003 (Beg Level)) Microsoft Word 2003 (Inter Level) Microsoft Word 2003 (Adv Level) IINNTTEERRPPEERRSSOONNAALL SSKKIILLLLSS aanndd DDEEVVEELLOOPPMMEENNTT .......................................................................................................................................................... PPaaggee 1144 Attitude is Everything Business Writing Skills (Crafting Messages that Inspire Action and Results) Creative Problem Solving New Critical Thinking New The Emerging Leader New Effective Meeting Facilitation New Effective Time Management New Failure to Communicate Help, I have an Irate Customer New Keep Your Cool Making Ethical Decisions Professional Behavior Power Teaming New Records Management Turning Conflict into Positive Change New

Page 5: Fulton County Culture December2010.pdfFulton County Culture County Manager’s Vision Fulton County is an organization that simultaneously delivers quality programs and services, outstanding

MMAANNAAGGEEMMEENNTT aanndd LLEEAADDEERRSSHHIIPP SSKKIILLLLSS ............................................................................................................................................................................ PPaaggee 2244 Attendance Management New Coaching and Motivating for Superior Employee Performance New Delegate It and Get It Done New Discipline with Dignity New Handling Employee Complaints New Interviewing Skills for Managers Managing Within the Law The Power of Teambuilding New Performance Appraisals with a Human Touch Taking Charge of Supervision New Topgrading Your Division New TTRRAAIINNIINNGG CCOOUURRSSEE SSUUMMMMAARRYY aanndd CCLLAASSSS CCOODDEESS ............................................................................................................................................................................ PPaaggee 3333 TTRRAAIINNIINNGG CCOOOORRDDIINNAATTOORRSS’’ CCOONNTTAACCTT LLIISSTT...................................................................................................................................................................................................... PPaaggee 3399 DDIIRREECCTTIIOONNSS ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ PPaaggee 4400 MMOONNTTHHLLYY TTRRAAIINNIINNGG CCAALLEENNDDAARR ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PPaaggee 4422

Page 6: Fulton County Culture December2010.pdfFulton County Culture County Manager’s Vision Fulton County is an organization that simultaneously delivers quality programs and services, outstanding

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AAddvvaannttaaggee IInnttrroo

This course is designed to teach AMS users how to maneuver the AMS application. A general overview of workflow practice and policy are reviewed and discussed with students. The students will receive a user ID for the AMS application after the completion of the course.

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee August 12 10:00am - 12:00pm Room 3029 AD4

IInnvvooiiccee aanndd PPaayymmeenntt This course is designed to teach AMS users how to input data for processing payments to vendors. Class will also cover maneuvering tips and short cuts used with the AMS application. Student’s user ID profile will be changed to include the capability of processing vendor invoices after the completion of the course.

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee August 12 1:00pm – 4:00pm Room 3029 IP4 Approval must be obtained from Department Heads before employees may attend a course and receive a user ID and access. Employees who do not receive written approval will not be permitted to take a course or receive a user ID and access to the system. In order for students to receive training and access to the AMS Financial System, Training Coordinators must do the Following:

1) Get approval from the department Budget Analyst. 2) Register the employee in the Fulton County Employee Training System.

User IDs and access to the AMS Financial System are assigned based upon completion of AMS training. All employees must first complete the AMS Advantage INTRO course before receiving a user ID and assess. Additional access to the system is granted based on completion of the training module that corresponds to the area of access needed.

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Apppprrooaacchhiinngg RReettiirreemmeenntt 440011((aa))

This course is designed for Fulton County employees that are covered under the 401(a) Defined Contribution Plan and who are approaching retirement age. Topics to be covered include: 1) Overview of IRA’s including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and annuities: 2) What is an appropriate investment mix as retirement approaches, and during retirement; 3) How to decide how much income to draw in retirement; 4) How can income be guaranteed during retirement; 5) How much more might I have if I choose to work a few extra years; 6) Might the guidance of a financial planner or investment adviser help; 7) What happens to my account at death?

Please schedule only employees who are within 5 years of retirement and are participants in the 401(a) Defined Contribution Plan.

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee August 13 9:00am - 1:00pm Room 3029 AR5 Oct 08 9:00am - 1:00pm Room 3029 AR6

PPllaannnniinngg YYoouurr RReettiirreemmeenntt ((OOlldd PPllaann DDeeffiinneedd BBeenneeffiittss))

This course is designed for Fulton County employees that are covered under the old 1991 retirement plan. Topics to be covered include: discussions with Fulton County Pension Office, Social Security representatives, and financial planners. Employees’ should begin to plan for retirement approximately five years prior to retirement. No substitutes for the scheduled employees. Please schedule only employees who are vested (10 year service) and are five (5) years or less to retirement.

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee September 17 9:00am - 12:30pm Room 3029 PR6 December 17 9:00am - 12:30pm Room 3029 PR7

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UUnnddeerrssttaannddiinngg YYoouurr 440011AA PPllaann

This course is designed for Fulton County employees that are covered under the Defined Contribution Plan (New Plan). Topics to be covered include 1) How to interpret your statement; 2) When to make changes to your funds; 3) When not to make changes to your funds; 4) A brief overview of stocks and bonds; and 5) financial management tips.

Open to all Fulton County employees currently enrolled in the new 401A Defined Contribution Pension Plan.

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee August 25 9:00am - 4:30pm Room 3029 407 September 22 9:00am - 4:30pm Room 3029 408 October 20 9:00am - 4:30pm Room 3029 409 Chart 1: Contrasting fortunes between the Nasdaq 100 and Russell 2000

Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul;

the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.

-Napoleon Hill

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Wachovia Financial Seminars Planning Your Future This topic helps participants who are ready to start investing or would like to formulate a strategy for retirement. Participants will discover guidelines for smart saving and investing, the basics of building and preserving wealth, and how to create the financial future they've been dreaming of. This topic includes nine lessons: 1. Your goals 2. Investing basics 3. How to get started with investing 4. Your portfolio 5. Retirement basics 6. Making retirement work for you 7. Wealth building 8. Preserving your wealth 9. Recap All employees may attend this training course.

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee

September 03 12:00pm - 1:00pm Room 3029 WS1 Money Management Tools The Money Management Tools topic will teach participants how to make the most of their money by saving more, creating a spending plan, and being a better shopper. It also includes special sections on kids and money and buying a car. This topic includes six lessons: 1. Be a better saver 2. Control your finances with a Spending Plan 3. Be a smart shopper 4. Smart car buying 5. Kids & money 6. Recap Courses will be conducted by Wachovia Bank Representatives. All employees may attend this training course.

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee

October 15 12:00pm - 1:00pm Room 3029 WS2


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DDeeffeennss iivvee DDrriivv iinngg The National Safety Council Defensive Driving Instructors conduct this training. Class covers defensive driving, drugs and driving, conditions of driving, defensive driving strategies, city and suburban driving and rural and expressway driving. First day will be a full day of class. Second day will be the driving test. On the day of driving test, employee only needs to be away from job for travel time to and from test site, plus one hour for test. Employees who drive county vehicles should be scheduled for this class, and will be given first priority. Acquiring this certificate will provide for a reduction in insurance rates, provided there is no moving violation on the driver’s record for the past three-years. Be prepared to take notes; please bring a writing pen. Must bring Current (Valid) Georgia Drivers License to Class. (1 ½ day class) County employees who drive county vehicles must attend the Defensive Driving course every two years. The driving test will be taken at the Public Safety Training Center. Directions are provided in the back of the catalog.

2010 Schedule Class Code

September 17 & 20 8:30am - 4:30pm Room 3029 DD9 October 22 & 25 8:30am - 4:30pm Room 3029 DD10

Page 11: Fulton County Culture December2010.pdfFulton County Culture County Manager’s Vision Fulton County is an organization that simultaneously delivers quality programs and services, outstanding

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““MMoovviinngg”” SSttrreessss OOuutt When people feel stressed by something going on around them, a chemical reaction takes place. Chemicals released in the blood as a result of stress provide a body with energy and strength. This can be both a good or bad reaction depending on the type of catalyst. Managing this reaction is necessary to work productivity and mental health. This course outlines key factors in determining stress indicators at work and allows you to practice coping skills. Hands on!

All employees may attend this training course.

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee December 13 1:00pm – 5:00pm Room 3029 MS1

"I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see. The longer I live, the

more my mind dwells upon the beauty and the wonder of the world."

- John Burroughs


Page 12: Fulton County Culture December2010.pdfFulton County Culture County Manager’s Vision Fulton County is an organization that simultaneously delivers quality programs and services, outstanding

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PPrreevveenntt iinngg WWoorrkkppllaaccee VViioo ll eennccee

Workplace violence is a very serious problem that affects every organization. This course will address policies and procedures that Fulton County has established in an effort to prevent this increasing problem. It will also enable the participants to better understand the scope of workplace violence; recognize the warning signs of violent behavior; and make preparations to take appropriate action, if it does occur in their workplace. The goal of this course is learning preventative measures. We strongly recommend that supervisors attend this training course. All employees may attend this training course.

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee

SSttrreeeett SSmmaarrtt

In this course, you will obtain valuable knowledge on how you can protect yourself against criminal activity. Specifically, you will learn how burglars can obtain the pass code for your security system, how criminals get access to your motel room while you are on a business trip, what makes you an attractive target, where most car jacking takes place, the biggest mistakes you make while shopping, how your pet makes your home attractive to burglars and how criminals get access to your office during working hours. All employees may attend this training course.

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee

December 03 10:00am - 12:30pm Room 3029 SS6

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.


December 15 9:00am - 1:00pm Room 3029 WP3

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NNeeww EEmmppllooyyeeee OOrrii eennttaatt iioonn This workshop will focus on Fulton County benefits, basic conditions of employment, various County personnel regulations, health and wellness, customer service and the expectations of all employees as it relates to job performance. Employees will complete mandatory paper work such as the oath of office, I-9, security questionnaire, workers’ compensation, health insurance and any other paper work required to complete the employee’s personnel file. (2 day class) Thhiiss iiss mmaannddaattoorryy ttrraaiinniinngg ffoorr aallll nneeww eemmppllooyyeeeess.. TTrraaiinniinngg wwiillll bbeeggiinn aatt 88::3300aamm aanndd eenndd aatt 44::3300ppmm oonn tthhee 33rrdd fflloooorr,, RRoooomm 33002299..

I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has had to overcome while trying to


-Booker T Washington

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee

22001100 SScchheedduullee Class Code

August 18-19 EO28 October 13-14


September 01-02

EO29 October 27-28 EO33

September 15-16 EO30 November 10&12 EO34

September 29-30 EO31

December 08-09 EO35

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SSeexxuuaall HHaarraassssmmeenntt PPrreevveenntt iioonn TTrraa iinn iinngg

Based on the most current federal laws and County policies, this exciting, proactive course is designed to raise awareness of today’s most critical sexual harassment issues. Through an engaging lecture and interactive case studies, participants will learn how to identify sexually harassing conduct. In addition, participants will gain a clear understanding of their rights under Fulton County’s anti discrimination and harassment and retaliation. TThhiiss ccllaassss iiss rreeqquuiirreedd ffoorr aallll nneeww eemmppllooyyeeeess. 22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee August 19 1:00pm - 5:00pm Assembly Hall


September 02 1:00pm – 5:00pm Assembly Hall SH27

September 16 1:00pm – 5:00pm Assembly Hall SH28

September 30

1:00pm – 5:00pm Assembly Hall SH34

October 14 1:00pm – 5:00pm Assembly Hall SH29

October 28 1:00pm – 5:00pm Assembly Hall


November 18 1:00pm - 5:00pm Assembly Hall SH31

December 09 1:00pm - 5:00pm Assembly Hall SH32

December 16 1:00pm – 5:00pm Assembly Hall SH35

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PPrreerreeqquuiissiitteess:: Employees’ need a basic degree of knowledge of the personal computer such as, the keyboard and mouse, basic concepts such as memory, hard disk and storage drives.

MMiiccrroossooff tt AAcccceessss 22000033 ((BBeegg iinnnneerr LLeevvee ll )) The participant will be introduced to the basic skills necessary for using and presenting data in Access 2003. These skills will include creating, working with and editing tables; finding, filtering and printing data; creating relationships between tables, using simple queries; modifying query results and analyzing tables. Also participant will be creating basic forms, reports and using the online help. 22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee September 14 9:00am - 4:30pm Room 3029 AC3

MMiiccrroossooff tt AAcccceessss 22000033 (( IInntteerrmmeeddiiaattee LLeevvee ll )) This course will cover the more advanced features of tables and queries in Access. For example, modifying tables; setting field properties, using operators in queries; designing advanced queries and creating action queries. In addition to this, the participant will learn how to use advanced queries; manipulate controls, use Design View and design forms and reports. Also included will be how to use the editing tools. Must have a beginner level knowledge to attend this course. 22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee October 22 9:00am - 4:30pm Room 3029 AI3

MMiiccrroossooff tt EExxccee ll 22000033 ((BBeegg iinnnneerr LLeevvee ll )) The participant will learn how to use basic workbook (spreadsheet) skills; work with ranges;

create simple formulas and how to copy and move data. The participant will also learn how to use the Office Assistant, setup pages and printing worksheets. Also taught in this course will be the basic skills needed to prepare worksheets for publication such as, formatting numbers, text and cells; working with columns and rows; and using automatic formatting and styles. 22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee September 29 9:00am - 4:30pm Room 3029 EX7

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MMiiccrroossooff tt EExxccee ll 22000033 (( IInntteerrmmeeddiiaattee LLeevvee ll ))

This course will cover skills for managing large or multiple worksheets; working with outlines and labels in formulas; how to use HTML files; using paste special, range names; creating and editing charts and draw objects; using AutoShapes; managing data and files and customizing Excel preferences. In addition, the participant will learn how to work with outlines and use labels in formulas in Microsoft Excel 2003.

Must have a beginner level knowledge to attend this course.

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee

MMiiccrroossooff tt OOuutt llooookk 22000033 ((BBeegg iinnnneerr LLeevvee ll )) Outlook 2003, Beginning Level will give the participant an overall familiarity to the Outlook E-mail Program that we use at Fulton County. The topics covered will include – Working with Outlook; using the folder list; sending and receiving messages; replying and forwarding messages; attaching a file to a message; saving a file attachment and creating a signature. This class is open to all employees. 22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee October 28 9:00am - 4:30pm Room 3029 OU3

MMiiccrroossooff tt PPoowweerrPPooiinntt 22000033 ((BBeeggiinnnneerr LLeevvee ll )) This course will introduce the skills necessary to use PowerPoint. Included will be using basic presentation skills; working with the outline pane; correcting spelling and text errors; enhancing presentation text; and printing, sending and publishing presentations. The participant will also learn ways to enhance a presentation; formatting and editing text; using graphic images and tables; working with Slide Sorter view and using the slide master. 22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee

November 17 9:00am - 4:30pm Room 3029 EI3

September 01 9:00am - 4:30pm Room 3029 PP5

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MMiiccrroossoofftt PPoowweerrPPooiinntt 22000033 ((IInntteerrmmeeddiiaattee LLeevveell ))

The intermediate level course will cover skills such as working with the editing tools to create effective presentations; creating basic charts; customizing presentations; editing notes and handout masters; adding special effects; and setting up a slide show. Likewise, the participant will learn some of the advanced graphic features of PowerPoint; how to customize toolbars; edit and import charts; create organizational charts; use tables and export outlines and presentation slides.

Must have a beginner level knowledge to attend this course.

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee

November 03 9:00am - 4:30pm Room 3029 PO3

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MMiiccrroossooff tt WWoorrdd 22000033 ((BBeegg iinnnneerr LLeevvee ll )) The participant will explore Word 2003, work with the Office Assistant, use basic document skills and text editing, and check spelling and grammar. Participant will also work with document views and printing documents. Other skills taught will be formatting characters, paragraphs and documents; using styles; setting tabs; and indenting paragraphs; using numbering and bullets; working with headers and footers; and using section breaks. 22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee

August 26 9:00am - 4:30pm Room 3029 WO6 October 13 9:00am - 4:30pm Room 3029 WO7

MMiiccrroossooff tt WWoorrdd 22000033 (( IInntteerrmmeeddiiaattee LLeevvee ll )) The participant will learn skills that make everyday tasks quicker and easier. For example, inserting the date and symbols; using AutoFormat, tables and columns; editing tables and applying borders and shading; inserting graphics; working with drawing objects and using templates and wizards. In addition, the participant will use auto Correct; Auto text; customize dictionaries; use Find and Replace and the Thesaurus. Must have a beginner level knowledge to attend this course. 22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee September 09 9:00am - 4:30pm Room 3029 WI3

MMiiccrroossooff tt WWoorrdd 22000033 ((AAddvvaanncceedd LLeevvee ll )) The participant will cover advanced features of Word such as, Mail Merge; merging mailing labels and catalogs; sorting table data and using formulas in tables. In addition the participant will learn how to import Excel worksheets, work with lists and use macros and forms. Also included in this course will be formatting long documents; creating a table of contents and an index; using bookmarks, footnotes and endnotes; using comments and creating master documents. Must have an intermediate level knowledge to attend this course. 22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee December 02 9:00am - 4:30pm Room 3029 WA3

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Attitude is Everything Are you frustrated, depressed, overwhelmed with life? Let’s start with attitude. When you are optimistic and anticipate successful encounters, you transmit a positive attitude and people usually respond favorably. When you are pessimistic and expect the worst, your attitude often is negative and people tend to avoid you. A positive attitude helps you be a winner when undergoing challenges. Come get an attitude check! What improvements can you make to your attitude? This course will focus on: Ways to renew your attitude The connection between a positive attitude and career success Your attitude adjustment scale The High Expectancy Success Theory

WWaanntt aa mmoorree ppoossiittiivvee wwoorrkk eennvviirroonnmmeenntt?? CCoommee sseeee hhooww ttoo mmaakkee iitt hhaappppeenn..

All employees may attend this training course.

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee October 06 9:00am - 12:00pm Room 3029 AT3

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Business Writing Skills ((CCrraaffttiinngg MMeessssaaggeess tthhaatt IInnssppiirree AAccttiioonn aanndd RReessuullttss))

Employees who can produce well-written business communications have a real advantage in the workplace. According to some surveys, many employers consider good writing skills to be the most important quality in a job candidate. Such skills can be even more important than work experience. On the job, well-written communication leads to success for the business and for you. This course provides the participant with the information and practice needed to produce successful business-style writing. Upon course completion, participants should be able to: Identify the characteristics of good business writing Use words that bring about results Develop effective sentences and paragraphs Develop proofreading and editing skills Write professional business communications

All employees may attend this training course.

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee September 30 9:00am - 4:30pm Room 3029 BW3

Creative Problem Solving

As professionals we are called to solve problems and come up with solutions on a daily basis. Some may have bigger impact than others; nonetheless, all problems need to be addressed. In this four-hour course, you will have the opportunity to learn about: Root Cause Analysis and Elimination Action Planning, its uses and benefits Types of Solutions

It includes group activities and discussions, and feedback on specific issues and possible solutions. You’ll learn how to take a closer look at a problem and to search for solutions outside the box!

All employees may attend this training course.

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee December 10 9:00am – 1:00pm Room 3029 PS1


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Critical Thinking

Learn how to use critical thinking skills to enhance your work productivity. Do you have new and creative ideas for updating current work methods? Do you think there is a more efficient way of completing tasks? If so, this is the class for you. This course curriculum will stimulate curiosity and promote divergence through the application of sound critical thinking skills.

All employees may attend this training course.

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee November 04 9:00am – 1:00pm PSTC CT1

The Emerging Leader A leader is someone who helps others do and become more than they ever thought possible. Leadership is about unlocking potential, whether individual potential or that of an organization. Being an effective leader does not always require moving heaven and earth. Learn how to be effective in not only making the big decisions, but also in small, yet extremely powerful ways. Additionally, this will introduce to various leadership styles and help you understand and apply your personal leadership style.

All employees may attend this training course.

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee October 21 1:00pm - 5:00pm Room 3029 EL1 December 06 9:00am – 1:00pm Room 3029 EL2

Some people dream of success… while others wake up and work hard at it.



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Effective Meeting Facilitation

What is the purpose of a business meeting? There are lots of great reasons to have a business meeting, if it is done correctly! Meetings can be an excellent way to handle many important aspects of business. Knowing how to plan and lead focused, efficient meetings is a very important skill, whereas having a poorly planned, unnecessary meeting is nothing more than a waste of time. What about the brilliantly planned meetings that are attended by the meeting saboteur – how do you handle it to make sure that your meeting is still an effective and efficient use of the attendee’s time? What about the meeting minutes – did anyone take them? And by the way, who is really running the meeting? Upon completion, participants in the “Effective Meeting Facilitation” course should be able to: Plan and facilitate effective meetings Prepare a meeting agenda Review roles and responsibilities in effective meetings Record meeting minutes

This Course will be offered in 2011. All employees may attend this training course.

22001111 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee January 13, 2011 9:00am – 1:00pm Room 3029 MF1

Effective Time Management Beat the dark cloud of procrastination with this informative time management course. Learn effective scheduling and prioritization that saves you time and reduces work overload. Become aware of how you use your time and learn strategies to improve. Reduce stress by learning tips for time management.

All employees may attend this training course.

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee September 20 9:00am – 1:00pm Justice Center TM1 November 15 9:00am – 1:00pm Room 3029 TM2



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EEffffeecctt iivvee CCoommmmuunniiccaatt iioonn Communicating at work, home and in life is probably one of the most important skills we need. Does how you look at somebody matter? How about how you are standing? Do you find yourself saying “What in the world – you know that’s not what I said”! Were you listening?” Communication is not always verbal and almost everything we say and do sends a message to someone else. If we had a better understanding of what to say and how to say it, we could improve our communication, and make sure our messages gets across effectively. Upon completion of the course, participants should be able to: Define effective communication Examine the communication process Examine barriers to effective communication Examine types of communication

All employees may attend this training course.

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee October 19 1:00pm – 5:00pm Room 3029 FC3

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KKeeeepp YYoouurr CCooooll //AAnnggeerr MMaannaaggeemmeenntt Have you gotten into a shouting match with a stranger over a parking space? Do you slam down the phone when faced with endless computerized voice prompts? Have you ever acted out aggressively to an argument with another person? Although anger is a natural emotion, it may be getting the best of you. Instead of expressing your anger in an unhealthy and hostile manner, learn how to KKeeeepp YYoouurr CCooooll.. You can't get rid of, or avoid, the things or the people that enrage you, nor can you change them, but you can learn to control your reactions. The goal of anger management is to reduce both your emotional feelings and the physiological arousal that anger causes. Learn to use your anger to your advantage. “Keep Your Cool” with anger management skills that is as individual as anger itself. Feel the feeling, control the behavior. All employees may attend this training course.

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee August 25 9:00am – 12:00pm Room 3029 KC3

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Help, I Have an Irate Customer! T The focus of this course is to help employees deal with irate customers in a polite, friendly and positive manner. Techniques are provided that enable the employee to reach a solution that best suits both the organization and the customer. Obtain strategies that effectively diffuse difficult customer situations. Learn how to not getting emotionally hooked with difficult or angry customers. All employees may attend this training course.

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee November 18 9:00am – 1:00pm Room 3029 IC1

We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.

-Albert Einstein


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MMaakkiinngg EEtthhiiccaa ll DDeecc ii ss iioonnss As public service employees each and every one of us is subject to the Fulton County’s Code of Ethics and Professional Standards of Conduct. In this eight-hour introductory course, you will have the opportunity to: Learn the requirements of the law and Fulton County Code Ethics Identify potential ethical problems in the workplace and make ethical decisions

Recognize ethical responsibilities and apply the Standards of Conduct

It includes individual activities, group discussions and feedback on industry specific questions, dilemmas and situations. You’ll learn about doing the right thing and the many reasons why you should do the right thing! All employees are mandated to attend training course. 22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee August 11

9:00am - 5:00pm Room3029 ETH57

August 26 9:00am - 5:00pm Room 3029 ETH58

August 30

9:00am - 5:00pm Room 3029 ETH59

September 10 9:00am - 5:00pm Room 3029 ETH60

September 15 9:00am - 5:00pm Room 3029 ETH61

October 04 9:00am – 5:00pm Room 3029 ETH62

October 07 9:00am – 5:00pm Room 3029 ETH63

November 15 9:00am - 5:00pm Room 3029 ETH64

November 22

9:00am - 5:00pm Room 3029 ETH65

December 07

9:00am - 5:00pm Room 3029 ETH66

December 13

9:00am - 5:00pm Room 3029 ETH67

December 15 9:00am – 5:00pm Room 3029 ETH68

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PPrrooffeessss iioonnaall BBeehhaavv iioorr Have you ever thought “...that’s just rude! She ought to know better!” Believe it or not, some people really don’t. As employees of Fulton County Government, we are all representatives of Fulton County – whether we are on an executive level, or administrative level, we must always place our best and most professional foot forward. A professional title does not grant us professional behavior.

There are 5 keys to professional behavior: Character, attitude, excellence, competency, and conduct. The “Professional Behavior” course will assist Fulton County participants with achieving the diamond standard of these keys by:

Defining, and understanding professionalism

Discussing the impact of our behavior on professionalism

Examining professional decorum

Applying professional behavior in work situations and decisions

All employees may attend this training course.

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee

Power Teaming

This is course structured to create strong effective teams that will produce exceptional performance. Learn how to balance individualism with teamwork. Practice ways to interact and work with each other, capitalizing on the strengths of each other and sharing abilities where they are needed. Hands on!

All employees may attend this training course.

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee

November 04 9:00am - 1:00pm Room 3029 PB2

October 04 9:00am - 1:00pm Room 3029 TC1 December 09 1:00pm 5:00pm Room 3029 TC2



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RReeccoorrddss MMaannaaggeemmeenntt Learn record center procedures for record transfer and basic types of filing. How to select a filing system, guidelines for organizing files, rules for alphabetizing, records management basics, Fulton County records retention regulations.

All employees may attend this training course.

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee

Turning Conflict Into Positive Change With an innumerable demanding work environment occurring daily, conflicting values and different points of views within teams are common. ““TTuurrnniinngg CCoonnfflliicctt IInnttoo PPoossiittiivvee CChhaannggee”” training offers innovative and practical strategies to keep employees productive and their energy focused on building positive working relationships. The course will cover:

Defining and understanding conflict

Improving interpersonal relationships

Increasing effective decision-making strategies

How situational awareness and other factors impact leadership and management.

All employees may attend this training course.

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee

September 22 9:00am - 12:00pm Room 3029 RM5 November 05 9:00am - 12:00pm Room 3029 RM6

November 19 9:00am - 12:00pm Room 3029 TT1


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Attendance Management The management of workplace attendance is an important aspect of supervision in the workplace. The purpose of this attendance management course is to develop a willingness on the part of all employees to attend work regularly and to give supervisors the skills to motivate their employees to attend work regularly. This can be done through: Addressing the physical and emotional needs of employees.

Communicating the attendance goals of the organization so employees can understand

and identify with them. Dealing with cases of excessive absenteeism effectively and fairly to produce

deterrence. Creating a work environment that is professional, respectful and gives recognition for

outstanding work. This Course will be offered in 2011. 22001111 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee

Coaching and Motivating for Superior Employee Performance Leadership is all about managing the talents and energy of the people you lead. The “Coaching and Motivating for Superior Employee Performance” is a powerful training session that offers supervisors and managers a practical approach to improving employee performance and managing staff to deliver consistent excellent service. The course includes group activities and discussions, and self- assessments.

In this motivational and coaching four-hour training session we will: Learn motivational skills and techniques to define motivation and coaching as a

management /supervising function.

Indentify how to respond to people and situations quickly and effectively.

Understand the importance of asking questions when coaching.

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee November 18 9:00am – 1:00pm Rm 3029 CM1

January 12, 2011 9:00am - 1:00pm Room 3029 AM1



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Delegate It and Get It Done

As members of one of the largest employers in our community, delegating and distributing the workload properly is key to our success as a public service entity. In this four-hour course, you will have the opportunity to: Outline the process of delegation and its advantages Examine some of the barriers to effective delegation

Identify the importance of giving and getting feedback

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee

Discipline with Dignity Handling disciplinary problems is not something that many managers look forward to doing; however, it is a very critical part of their job. Not only must managers know the correct disciplinary process, but they must also handle discipline confidently, fairly and effectively. Progressive discipline can help you get employees back on track and avoid the consequences of poor performance or misconduct.

Done correctly, the disciplinary process can ensure consistency and fairness in dealing with employee problems. Conducting the process with dignity will enhance communication between managers and employees and help achieve higher performance and productivity. This course will teach managers the disciplinary process of Fulton County. Upon completion of the course, the participants should be able to: Apply progressive discipline steps fairly and consistently Identify laws and policy requirements affecting discipline Conduct effective disciplinary meetings Document disciplinary actions properly

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee

October 27 9:00am - 1:00pm Room 3029 DI1

December 08 9:00am - 1:00pm Room 3029 DS1



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Handling Employee Complaints The way in which an employee’s complaint is initially responded to will have a direct impact on how it is resolved and can mean the difference between a quick resolution and a drawn out lawsuit. This course will look at best practices for determining the merits of a complaint and how to get to the root of the problem and decisively resolve the issue. In this skill-building courses, we will take a look at: Probing for specific facts to ensure the case has merit

How to avoid mishandling an employee complaint

How to prevent retaliation

How to handle the County grievance process informal and formal complaints

How to conduct an investigation

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee

TT hh ee gg rr ee aa tt ee ss tt dd ii ss cc oo vv ee rr yy oo ff aa nn yy gg ee nn ee rr aa tt ii oo nn ii ss tt hh aa tt aa hh uu mm aa nn bb ee ii nn gg cc aa nn aa ll tt ee rr hh ii ss ll ii ff ee bb yy aa ll tt ee rr ii nn gg hh ii ss aa tt tt ii tt uu dd ee ..

-WW ii ll ll ii aa mm JJ aa mm ee ss

November 09 9:00am - 1:00pm Room 3029 HC1


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IInntteerrvvii eewwiinngg SSkkii ll ll ss ffoorr MMaannaaggeerrss

This course is designed for any manager or supervisor who conducts recruitment interviews. In this course we will cover the basic fundamentals of interviewing job candidates: how to get the most out of a completed application or résumé and how to identify “red flags,” how to set the stage for the interview, how to word questions to get applicants to open up and reveal their positive and negative work characteristics, how to avoid illegal questions you cannot ask, how to evaluate verbal and nonverbal responses, how to balance talking and listening, how to determine which applicant represents the best fit for the job and how to set up a panel interview. 22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee October 20 9:00am - 4:30pm Room 3029 IS4

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and Become more, you are a leader.

- John Quincy Adams

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Managing Within The Law Managing your staff appropriately and legally is a major undertaking. By using a variety of teaching aids, this course will cover the skills needed to supervise within the legal requirements of Personnel Law. It will enable you to recognize and solve employee relations problems without being the initiator of unnecessary claims and complaints by staying in compliance with the law. It will also equip you to spot and handle legal issues and know when to rely on internal experts to avoid lawsuits. A comprehensive overview of Fulton County Regulations and Policies will be given to aide you in your management responsibilities. This course is a good foundation for supervisors and managers in creating a workplace that is in compliance and respectful of all employees. Upon completion of this course, the participants should be able to: Outline the requirements of the Family and Medical Leave Act

Accurately process Worker’s Compensation Forms

Operate within conformance of EEO Laws and related County Policies

Operate within compliance of the Fair Labor Standards Act

Follow the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and related

County Policy

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee September 23&24 9:00am- 4:30pm Room 3029 ML1


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PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee AApppprraa ii ssaa ll ss wwii tthh aa HHuummaann TToouucchh This class will show you how to apply a human touch to the performance appraisal. Many managers dread the thought of conducting performance appraisals. Yet, when they are done correctly, performance appraisals give you an important opportunity to help yourself, as well as your employees and your organization. Applying the human touch helps managers get the most from their employees; it’s a way to show employees that you sincerely care enough to listen to their goals, wants, needs, and expectations. Managers who implement the human touch build on their employees’ strengths and help them reach their true potential. Learn how to set weights, write clear expectations and measurable standards. Learn how to track performance and give fair and equitable appraisals. Learn how to document performance and apply techniques to ensure that you are conducting a valid performance appraisal. (1 ½ day class) All Supervisors that conduct performance appraisals should attend.

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee October 08 9:00am - 4:30pm Room 3029 PA2

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TThhee PPoowweerr oo ff TTeeaammwwoorrkk (( WW hh ee rr ee tt hh ee pp oo ww ee rr oo ff oo nn ee ii ss tt hh ee pp oo ww ee rr oo ff mm aa nn yy )) From day one, we have been spending our lives functioning as part of a team or group and the workplace is no exception. Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision; the ability to direct individual accomplishment toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. In this interactive skill-building course, we will: Define the characteristics of a team Identify the advantages of teamwork Learn how to build a team Understand how the “Power of One” impacts a team Determine what makes a winning team Learn how to work together and move forward as one

Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision; the ability to direct individual accomplishment toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.

This Course will be offered in 2011. 22001111 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee January 18, 2011 9:00am - 1:00pm Room 3029 TW1


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Taking Charge of Supervision Whether your title is manager, supervisor, or team-leader, you are expected to get the job done by leading others. Leadership success hinges upon the ability to lead, coach, delegate, manage, motivate and discipline. Often, leaders must solve problems, handle conflict, discipline, hire and fire, all of which can be difficult tasks for the inexperienced and untrained leader. The “Taking Charge of Supervision” course is designed to help supervisors and leaders discover their leadership skills and potential. We will examine the qualities of effective and ineffective leaders, and learn basic leadership skills and techniques that will help supervise, lead, and manage, to get the job done.

Upon completion of the course, participants should be able to:

Define Supervision, and identify the functions of a supervisor

Define the characteristics of effective and ineffective supervision

Identify your leadership style, and supervisory strengths and weaknesses

Identify effective time management skills

Prepare a goals plan for increased effectiveness

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee September 09 9:00am - 5:00pm Room 3029 TC1


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TTooppggrraaddiinngg YYoouurr DDiivv ii ss iioonn A well trained and dedicated staff is key to organizational success. Topgrading is a technique that can assist you in finding the right person to fill your vacant position(s). The goal of topgrading is to fill every position within an organization with “A” grade employees, or those that bring their “A” game at all times. These “A” gamers are the best fit for the position and the organization. It is very easy to underestimate the value and importance of choosing the right person to fill a vacant position, particularly if you are anxious to fill the position. Your new hire should have the proper knowledge, skills and abilities to perform in the position, but should also be the right person for your team. Upon completion of the course, participants should be able to: Define “Topgrading” Prepare a recruitment planning meeting Examine job descriptions to ensure that they suit the job Establish techniques to evaluate resumes Develop effective interview techniques Develop a topgrading strategy for your employees, including (on-the-job training)

22001100 SScchheedduullee CCllaassss CCooddee October 14 9:00am - 1:00pm Room 3029 TP1


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Training Course Summary Code Sheet July – December 2010

Class Date Class Code Location Time


Advantage Intro Aug 12 AD4 Rm 3029 10:00a – 12:00p

Invoice and Payment Aug 12 IP4 Rm 3029 1:00p – 4:00p

Approaching Retirement 401(a) Aug 13 AR5 Rm 3029 9:00a – 1:00p

Approaching Retirement 401(a) Oct 08 AR6 Rm 3029 9:00a – 1:00p

Planning Your Retirement Old Plan Sept 17 PR6 Rm 3029 9:00a – 12:30p

Planning Your Retirement Old Plan Dec 17 PR7 Rm 3029 9:00a – 12:30p

Understanding Your 401A Plan Aug 25 4O7 Rm 3029 9:00a - 4:30p

Understanding Your 401A Plan Sept 22 4O8 Rm 3029 9:00a - 4:30p

Understanding Your 401A Plan Oct 20 4O9 Rm 3029 9:00a - 4:30p

Wachovia Financial Seminar Sept 03 WS1 Rm 3029 1122::0000pp -- 11::0000pp

Wachovia Financial Seminar Oct 15 WS2 Rm 3029 1122::0000pp -- 11::0000pp

Health and Safety

Defensive Driving Sept 17 & 30 DD9 RRmm 33002299 88::3300aa –– 44::3300pp

Defensive Driving Oct 22 & 25 DD10 RRmm 33002299 88::3300aa –– 44::3300pp

Moving Stress Out Dec 13 MS1 Rm 3029 1:00p – 5:00p



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Training Course Summary Code Sheet July – December 2010( continued)

Class Date Class Code Location Time

Health and Safety

Preventing Workplace Violence Dec 15 WP3 Rm 3029 9:00a – 1:00p

Street Smart Dec 03 SS6 Rm 3029 10:00a – 12:30p

Human Resources

New Employee Orientation Aug 18-19 EO28 Rm 3029 88::3300aa –– 44::3300pp

New Employee Orientation Sept 01-02 EO29 Rm 3029 88::3300aa –– 44::3300pp

New Employee Orientation Sept 15-16 EO30 Rm 3029 88::3300aa –– 44::3300pp

New Employee Orientation Sept 29-30 EO31 Rm 3029 88::3300aa –– 44::3300pp

New Employee Orientation Oct 13-14 EO32 Rm 3029 88::3300aa –– 44::3300pp

New Employee Orientation Oct 27-28 EO33 Rm 3029 88::3300aa –– 44::3300pp

New Employee Orientation Nov 10-12 EO34 Rm 3029 88::3300aa –– 44::3300pp

New Employee Orientation Dec 08-09 EO35 Rm 3029 88::3300aa –– 44::3300pp

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Training Course Summary Code Sheet July – December 2010( continued)

Class Date Class Code Location Time

Diversity, Equity, and Human Relation

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Aug 19 SH25 Assembly Hall 11::0000pp –– 55::0000pp

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Sept 02 SH27 Assembly Hall 11::0000pp –– 55::0000pp

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Sept 16 SH28 Assembly Hall 11::0000pp –– 55::0000pp

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Sept 30 SH34 Assembly Hall 11::0000pp –– 55::0000pp

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Oct 14 SH29 Assembly Hall 11::0000pp –– 55::0000pp

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Oct 28 SH30 Assembly Hall 11::0000pp –– 55::0000pp

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Nov 18 SH31 Assembly Hall 11::0000pp –– 55::0000pp

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Dec 09 SH32 Assembly Hall 11::0000pp –– 55::0000pp

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Dec 16 SH35 Assembly Hall 11::0000pp –– 55::0000pp

Information Technology

Microsoft Access 2003 (Beginner Level) Sept 14 AC3 Rm 3029 9:00a – 4:30p

Microsoft Access 2003 (Intermediate Level) Oct 22 AI3 Rm 3029 9:00a – 4:30p

Microsoft Excel 2003 (Beginner Level) Sept 29 EX7 Rm 3029 9:00a – 4:30p

Microsoft Excel 2003 (Intermediate Level) Nov 17 EI3 Rm 3029 9:00a – 4:30p

Microsoft Outlook 2003 (Beginner Level) Oct 28 OU3 Rm 3029 9:00a – 4:30p

Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 (Beginner Level) Sept 01 PP5 Rm 3029 9:00a – 4:30p

Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 (Intermediate Level) Nov 03 PO3 Rm 3029 9:00a – 4:30p

Microsoft Word 2003 (Beginner Level) Aug 26 WO6 Rm 3029 9:00a – 4:30p

Microsoft Word 2003 (Beginner Level) Oct 13 WO7 Rm 3029 9:00a – 4:30p

Microsoft Word 2003 (Intermediate Level) Sept 09 WI3 Rm 3029 9:00a – 4:30p

Microsoft Word 2003 (Advanced Level) Dec 02 WA3 Rm 3029 9:00a – 4:30p

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Training Course Summary Code Sheet July – December 2010(continued)

Class Date Class Code Location Time

Interpersonal Skills and Development

Attitude is Everything Oct 06 AT3 Rm 3029 9:00a – 12:00p

Business Writing Skills Sept 30 BW3 Rm 3029 9:00a – 4:30p

Creative Problem Solving Dec 10 PS1 Rm 3029 9:00a – 1:00p

Critical Thinking Nov 04 CT1 PSTC 9:00a – 1:00p

The Emerging Leader Oct 21 EL1 Rm 3029 1:00p – 5:00p

The Emerging Leader Dec 06 EL2 Rm 3029 9:00a – 1:00p

Effective Meeting Facilitation January 13, 2011 MF1 Rm 3029 9:00am – 1:00p

Effective Time Management Sept 20 TM1 Justice Center 9:00a - 1:00p

Effective Time Management Nov 15 TM2 Rm 3029 9:00a - 1:00p

Effective Communication Oct 19 FC3 Rm 3029 1:00p – 5:00p

Keep Your Cool/ Anger Management Aug 25 KC3 Rm 3029 9:00a – 12:00p

Help, I Have an Irate Customer! Nov 18 IC1 Rm 3029 9:00a - 1:00p

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Training Course Summary Code Sheet July – December 2009( continued) Class Date Class Code Location Time

Interpersonal Skills and Development

Making Ethical Decisions Aug 11

ETH57 Rm 3029 9:00a – 5:00p

Making Ethical Decisions Aug 26 ETH58 Rm 3029 9:00a – 5:00p

Making Ethical Decisions Aug 30

ETH59 Rm 3029 9:00a – 5:00p

Making Ethical Decisions Sept 10 ETH60 Rm 3029 9:00a – 5:00p

Making Ethical Decisions Sept 15 ETH61 Rm 3029 9:00a – 5:00p

Making Ethical Decisions Oct 04 ETH62 Rm 3029 9:00a – 5:00p

Making Ethical Decisions Oct 07 ETH63 Rm 3029 9:00a – 5:00p

Making Ethical Decisions Nov 15 ETH64 Rm 3029 9:00a – 5:00p

Making Ethical Decisions Nov 22

ETH65 Rm 3029 9:00a – 5:00p

Making Ethical Decisions Dec 07

ETH66 Rm 3029 9:00a – 5:00p

Making Ethical Decisions Dec 13

ETH67 Rm 3029 9:00a – 5:00p

Making Ethical Decisions Dec 15

ETH68 Rm 3029 9:00a – 5:00p

Professional Behavior Nov 04 PB2 Rm 3029 9:00a – 1:00p

Power Teaming Oct 04 PT1 Rm 3029 9:00a – 1:00p

Power Teaming Dec 09 PT2 Rm 3029 1:00p – 5:00p

Records Management Sept 22 RM5 Rm 3029 9:00a – 12:00p

Records Management Nov 05 RM6 Rm 3029 9:00a – 12:00p

Turning Conflict Into Positive Change Nov 19 TT1 Rm 3029 9:00a – 12:00p

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Training Course Summary Code Sheet July – December 2010(continued)

Class Date Class Code Location Time

Management and Leadership Skills

Attendance Management January 12, 2011 AM1 Rm 3029 9:00a – 1:00p

Coaching & Motivating Nov 18 CM1 Rm 3029 9:00a – 1:00p

Delegate It and Get It Done Oct 27 DI1 Rm 3029 9:00a – 1:00p

Rm 3029 9:00a – 1:00p

Discipline With Dignity Dec 08 DS1 Rm 3029 9:00a -1:00p

Handling Employee Complaints No 09 HC1 Rm 3029 9:00a – 1:00p

Rm 3029 9:00a – 1:00p

Interviewing Skills for Managers Oct 20 IS4 Rm 3029 9:00a – 4:30p

Rm 3029 9:00a – 1:00p

Managing Within The Law Sept 23&24 ML1 Rm 3029 9:00a – 4: 30p

Performance Appraisals with a Human Touch Oct 08 PA2 Rm 3029 9:00a – 4:30p

The Power of Teamwork January 18, 2011 TW1 Rm 3029 9:00a – 1:00p

Taking Charge of Supervision Sep 09 TC1 Rm 3029 9:00a - 5:00pm

Topgrading Your Division Oct 14 TP1 Rm 3029 9:00a – 1:00p

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FFuullttoonn CCoouunnttyy DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt TTrraaiinniinngg CCoooorrddiinnaattoorrss

DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt NNaammee TTeelleepphhoonnee

Arts Council Okimi Redding (404) 612-5795

Clerk to the Commission Lee Murrell (404) 612-8246

Clerk of Superior Court Patricia White (404) 730-5585

Cooperative Extension Sharian Schramm (404) 612-7001

County Attorney Helen Barrow (404) 612-0230

County Manager Zina Miller (404) 612-8314

District Attorney Sharrell Shelton (404) 335-8612

EMA Pansy Ricks (404) 730-5600

Emergency Services Katrina Vereen (404) 730-7905

Environment & Community Dev Teresa Atchison (404) 612-4390

Finance Roberta Holmes (404) 612-7678

Fire Department Penny Wolf (404) 612-3855 General Services Geneva Burden (404) 612-2541 Health & Human Services Jackie Green (404) 730-1212 Housing & Community Dev Michelle Anderson (404) 612-8043

Information Technology Justina Gordon (404) 612-0085 Juvenile Court Kinsheka Smith (404) 224-4620 Library Peggie Watson (404) 730-1976 Marshal’s Office Bridgette Moody (404) 730-4430 Medical Examiner’s Office Barbara Pringle-Smalls (404) 730-4407 Parks and Recreation Joan Troup (404) 762-4058 Police Department LaMarilyn Franklin (404) 730-5710 Probate Court Sandra Dupree (404) 730-4670 Public Defender Evelynn Newman/W. Smalls (404) 612-5208 Public Works LaTonya Robinson (404) 612-7423 Purchasing Glenn King (404) 302-8408 Registration and Elections Brigitte Bailey (404) 612-7018 Sheriff’s Department Rosalyn Goolsby (404) 612-5141 Solicitor General Alnita Dixon (404) 730-4759 State Court Gayle Gilbert (404) 730-8880

Superior Court Administration Earnestine Searcy (404) 224-8812 Tax Assessor Darlene Davis (404) 612-6437 Tax Commissioner Winifred Pearson (404) 613-0035

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Defensive Driving


Public Safety Training Center

3025 Merk Road

(404) 346-7940

Begin on I-285 Turn off on exit 2 (Camp Creek Parkway). IMPORTANT! From I-285 South, turn right at the end of the exit ramp on to Camp Creek Parkway. From I-285 North, Turn left at the end of exit ramp to Camp Creek Parkway. Follow Camp Creek Parkway for 3.6 miles. Turn Left on to Merk Road. Follow Merk Road for 0.8 miles. The Fulton County Public Safety Training Center will be on the right.

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2





11Making Ethical Decisions 9:00am -5:00pm Rm 3029

12 Advantage Intro 1:00pm – 4:00pm Rm 3029 Invoice and Payment 1:00pm – 4:00pm

13Approaching Retirement 9:00am – 1:00pm Rm 3029



18Orientation 1st day 8:30am – 4:30pm Rm 3029

19 Orientation 2nd day 8:30am - 4:30pm Rm 3029 Sexual Harassment 1:00pm – 5:00pm Assembly Hall




25Understanding Your 401A 9:00am - 4:30pm Rm 3029 Keep Your Cool 9:00am – 1:00pm Rm 3029

26 Making Ethical Decisions 9:00am -5:00pm Rm 3029 Word Beg 9:00am - 4:30pm Rm 3029


30 Making Ethical Decisions 9:00am -5:00pm Rm 3029

~ For it is the truth that health is the wealth of wealth~ Richard Baker

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


Orientation 1st day 8:30am – 4:30pm Rm 3029 PowerPoint Beg 9:00am - 4:30pm Rm 3029

2 Orientation 2nd day 8:30am – 4:30pm Rm 3029 Sexual Harassment 1:00am – 5:00pm Assembly Hall

3 Wachovia Financial Seminar 12:00pm – 1:00pm Rm 3029

6 Holiday Labor Day



9 Taking Charge of Supervision 9:00am – 1:00pm Rm 3029 Word Inter 9:00am - 4:30pm Rm 3029

10Making Ethical Decisions 9:00am -5:00pm Rm 3029


14 Access Beg 9:00am - 4:30pm Rm 3029

15 Orientation 1st day 8:30am – 4:30pm Rm 3029 Making Ethical Decisions 9:00am -5:00pm Rm 3029

16 Orientation 2nd day 8:30am – 4:30pm Rm 3029 Sexual Harassment 1:00am – 5:00pm Assembly Hall

17 Defensive Driving 1st day 8:30am - 4:30pm Rm 3029 Planning Your Retirement 9:00am-12:30pm Rm 3029

20 Effective Time Management Justice Center 9:00am – 1:00pm Defensive Driving 2nd day 8:30am - 4:30pm Public Safety Training Center


22Records Management 9:00am - 12:00pm Rm 3029 Understanding Your 401A 9:00am – 4:30pm Rm 3029

23 Managing Within The Law 9:00am – 4:30pm Rm 3029 1st day

24 Managing Within The Law 9:00am – 1:00pm Rm 3029 2nd day



29Orientation 1st day 8:30am – 4:30pm Rm 3029 Excel Beg 9:00am - 4:30pm Rm 3029

30 Orientation 2nd day 8:30am – 4:30pm Rm 3029 Business Writing Skills 9:00am- 4:30pm Rm 3029 Sexual Harassment 1:00am – 5:00pm Assembly Hall

~It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver~ Mahatma Gandhi

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October Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


4 Making Ethical Decisions 9:00am -5:00pm Rm 3029 Power Teaming 9:00am – 1:00pm Rm 3029


6 Attitude is Everything 9:00am - 12:00pm Rm 3029

7 Making Ethical Decisions 9:00am -5:00pm Rm 3029

8 Performance Appraisals 9:00am – 4:30pm Rm 3029 Approaching Retirement 9:00am -1:00pm Rm 3029



13Orientation 1st day 8:30am – 4:30pm Rm 3029 Word Beg 9:00am – 4:30pm Rm 3029

14 Orientation 2nd day 8:30am – 4:30pm Rm 3029 Topgrading Your Division 9:00am – 1:00pm Rm 3029 Sexual Harassment 1:00am – 5:00pm Assembly Hall

15Wachovia Financial Seminar 12:00pm – 1:00pm Rm 3029


19 Effective Communication 1:00pm -5:00pm Rm 3029

20Understanding Your 401A 9:00am - 4:30pm Rm 3029 Interviewing Skills for Mgrs. 9:00am- 4:30pm Rm 3029

21 The Emerging Leader 1:00pm – 5:00pm Rm 3029

22Defensive Driving 1st day 8:30am - 4:30pm Rm 3029 Access Inter 9:00am - 4:30pm Rm 3029

25 Defensive Driving 2nd day 8:30am -4:30pm Public Safety Training Center


27Orientation 1st day 8:30am – 4:30pm Rm 3029 Delegate It and get it Done 9:00am – 1:00pm Rm 3029

28 Orientation 2nd day 8:30am – 4:30pm Rm 3029 Outlook Beg 9:00am - 4:30pm Rm 3029 Sexual Harassment 1:00am – 5:00pm Assembly Hall


~Time And health are two precious assets that we don't recognize and appreciate

until they have been depleted. ~ Denis Waitley

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November Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


2 3PowerPoint Inter 9:00am - 4:30pm Rm 3029

4 Critical Thinking 9:00am – 1:00pm PSTC Professional Behavior 9:00am – 1:00pm Rm 3029

5Records Management 9:00am - 12:00pm Rm 3029


9Handing Employee Complaints 9:00am – 1:00pm Rm3 029

10 Orientation 1st day 8:30am – 4:30pm Rm 3029

11 Holiday Veterans Day

12 Orientation 2nd day 8:30am – 4:30pm Rm 3029


Making Ethical Decisions 9:00am -5:00pm Rm 3029 Effective Time Management 9:00am – 1:00pm Rm 3029


17Excel Inter 9:00am - 4:30pm Rm 3029

18 Help, I Have an Irate Customer! 9:00am – 1:00pm Rm 3029 Coaching & Motivating 9:00am – 1:00pm Rm 3029 Sexual Harassment 1:00am – 5:00pm Assembly Hall

19Turning Conflict Into Positive Change 9:00am – 12:00pm Rm 3029

22 Making Ethical Decisions 9:00am -5:00pm Rm 3029



25 Thanksgiving Holiday

26 Thanksgiving Holiday



~ Good health and good sense are two of life's greatest blessings. ~ Publilius Syrus

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December Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


2 Word Adv 9:00am - 4:30pm Rm 3029

3Street Smart 10:00am - 12:30pm Rm 3029

6 The Emerging Leader 9:00am – 1:00pm Rm 3029

7Making Ethical Decisions 9:00am -5:00pm Rm 3029

8Orientation 1st day 8:30am – 4:30pm Rm 3029 Discipline With Dignity 9:00am -1:00pm Rm 3029

9 Orientation 2nd day 8:30am – 4:30pm Rm 3029 Power Teaming 1:00pm – 5:00pm Rm 3029 Sexual Harassment 1:00am – 5:00pm Assembly Hall

10Creative Problem Solving 9:00am – 1:00pm Rm 3029

13 Making Ethical Decisions 9:00am -5:00pm Rm 3029 Moving Stress Out 1:00pm – 5:00pm Rm 3029


15 Making Ethical Decisions 9:00am -5:00pm Rm 3029 Preventing Workplace Violence 9:00am -1:00pm Rm 3029

16 Sexual Harassment 1:00am – 5:00pm Assembly Hall

17 Planning Your Retirement 9:00am - 12:30pm Rm 3029




23 Christmas Holiday

24Christmas Holiday





~A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools. ~

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