Fully Service SAVE ALL THE CHICKS Life Insurance...

April 24, 1920—Page 2 THE JEFFERSONIAM, TOWSON, MARYLAND. Real Estate LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US IF YOU WANT TO BUY Let Us Show You Our List Of Farms. Village Property, Also Building Lots. WHEELER & COLE, Inc., (FRANK I. WHEELER) Towson, Maryland. ; 3-15-ly P1MLICO SPRING MEETING MAY 1-18 Seven Races Daily Including Steeplechase FIRST RACE 2.30 P. M. Admission $1.50. Government Tax ISc. Valuable Stakes and Purses. Preakness Stakes, $25,000. Sprmg Handicap, Oaks, Green Spring Valley Steeplechase, $5,000 each. Nursery and Juvenile, $2,500 each. 4-244t UBCAJL SOTOCiOk Ma l thevr Gault. Attorney* 82» K<*ul- taM« Md*, Voltlmorcv M*. i . NOTICE TO CREDITORS. THIS IS TO QIVB3 NOTICE. That the subscriber has obtained from the Or- phans' Court of Baltimore County, let- ters of Administration on the estate of MART ANN GRANT, late of said county, deceased. All per- sons having: claims against the said es- tate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber. On or before the 2l4t day of October, 1020. they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 16the 'day April, 1920. JOHN E. DEFORD, Administrator, 4-17-4t Ruxton, Md. Charles J. Hnll, Attorney, 211 N. Cal- vert Street, Baltimore. Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subscriber has obtained from the Or- phans' Court of Baltimore County, let- ters of Administration on the estate of GEORGE HOCH, late of said county, deceased. All per- sons having claims against the said es- tate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, On or before the '2\-4t day of October, 1020. they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 16the day- April, 1920. CHARLES J. HULL, 4-17-4t* Administrator, William P. Cole, Jr., Attorney, Masonic Temple, Townoi, Md. IN THE MATTER OF THE TOWSON SANITARY LAUNDRY INCORPORATED Upon the aforegoing petition and af- fidavit it is ADJUSTED, ORDERED, and DECREED this 6th day of April, 1920, by the Circuit Court for Balti- more County in Equity that the Tow- son Sanitary Laundry, a corporation, be dissolved on the 26th day of April 1920, unless cause to the contray be shown on or before the 26th day of April, 1920, provided a copy of this Order be pub- lished once a week for two successive weeks in some newspaper published in Baltimore County before the 26th day of April, 1920, and it is further Order- ed that all persons having an interest in said corporation show cause, if any they have, by filing an answer herein On or before the 26th day of April, 1020, why said corporation should not be dis- solver as prayed. FRANK I. DUNCAN, True Copy—Test: WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. 4-10-3t Marbury, Gosnell & Williams, Attorneys, Maryland Trust Bldg., Baltimore, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subscriber has obtained from the Or- phans' Court of Baltimore County, let- ters Testamentary on the estate of JOHN A YAKEL, late of said county deceased. All per- sons havins' claims against the said es- tate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber. On or before the 14th day of October, 1020, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate, ffhose indebted to Said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 9th day of April, 1920. VIOLET M. YAKEL. Executrix, 4-10-4t Catonsville, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subscriber has obtained from the Or- phans' Court of Baltimore County, let- tors of Administration on the estate of JESSE A. CULLISON, late of i*nid c o u n t y deceased. All per- sons having cla.:m« against the Said < s- tate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber. On or before the 14th day of October, 1020, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to 9aid estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 9th day of April, 1920. CHARLES H. CULLISON, Administrator. 4-10-4t Upperco, Md. 3-20-4t 35 BULLS- -35 Executor. One Double Grandson of King of the Mayby Worrior, 12 from Herdlea's Best Cows 3 Grandsons of Langwater Cava- lier, 7 from Gear's Best Cows. Tuesday April 20th, At 11 O'clock A. M. TIMONIUM SALES PAVILLON Timonium, Md. For catalogue apply to Louis McL. Merryman, Cockeysville, Md. FOR SALE. Forty Acres of Woodland, situated on west side of the County Road, near Trinity Church, about one mile south of Unionville, 11th District. Also about % of an acre, improved with six room dwelling, small stable, chicken houste. Splendid garden. With immediate possession, if desired. Sit- uated iy 2 miles East of Towson. Large number of other desirable homes at Towson and Luthervllle. Six, eight and ten rooms. All modern con- veniences. With lot in fee. Size, from 60 feet front to two or three acres or more with some of them, if desired. Apply to GEORGE C. TRACEY, Licensed Real Estate- Broker, Towson, Maryland. 4-10-3t SAVE ALL THE CHICKS REINFORCED FOR SAFETY IT'S IN THE BUTTERMILK RED COMBICHICK MASH PREVENTS DIARRHOEA Why take chances in raising chicks? Be safe from the very start. Adopt safe methods and feel secure. That is a wise business policy. Wise men learn from the mistakes of others and make as few themselves as seems to be necessary during the experimental or uncertain period. It is not necessary for you to suffer unnecessary losses. Red Comb Chick Mash Is Built for the Chick. It is not a simple mixture of ground grains. It is scientifically compounded to meet three requirements. First, to grow chicks rapidly at the rate of 1 lb. a month ; second, to protect the chicks from disease germs which produce white Diarrhoea; third, to insure the health of your chicks throughout their growth and ultimately the delivery of a finished product, in numbers very closely approximating, if not exactly the same number as at the start. Red Comb Chick Mash Is a Good Insurance Policy for Your Chicks. For Sale by RICHARD C. WELLS & CO., 1704-1734 E. Lombard Street BALTIMORE, MD. Just Put in & Few Gallons ofKerosene—And YouII °fPowers. U$ht * We will show you how easy it is to install— how simple to operate—how economical to run., See this plant in operation^ Electric Construction Co, 351 N. Calvert Street Baltimore, Md. Phone, Mt. Vernon 1518 Western Electric * POWER &. LIGHT W&\ C.£L R PH0NE--4-SS4.- ST.FAUU %£§ PSER- S,-PR.ATT^ ST. £££! 8ALTO. Roachesgetintoevery- thing, multiply rapidly and are hard to get rid ofriitfl^ypu know ex- actly how to proceed. There is one effective way, however, that can be followed by all who are annoyed by them. Bee Brand 25c and 50c Everywhere Kilh roaches. Sprinkle it liberally around all corners, crevices and places In which they Mae and they will quickly die. Don't be annoyed by them when there is an effective remedy to be hadforso little cost BEE BRAND INSECT POWDER also kills flies, fleas, mosquitoes, ants, lice, moths, bed bugs and most other insect pests. Harmless to everything but insects McCORMICK & CO, Baltimore, Md Tk*"Scotcf> KidsT are sponsors Urn McCorrnkh & Co, products. 4"t"frM.friH"M">.|^ifri|"Mii|i .Hi.fr.fr'fr'tflfr The Eureka Life Insurance Company BALTIMORE, MD. Incorporated 1882 ^The Eureka Life is now a legal Reserve Old Line Stock Life Insurance Company, with 37 years commendable history back of it. Issues Every Form of Modern Life Insurance. Ll-l-ly H * » t W < I H < »#4 »4 I'M »•! 'M'» Established 1865 WM. A, CONWAY Jobber of TINNERS' SUPPLIES Metal Roofings, Painted-Corrugated, V-Crimped and Galvanized Double Lock Roll Roofing For Dwellings, Ganges and Barns Stove and Furnace Goods of all sorts. All Sizes Railroad Milk Cans. WM. A. CONWAY 626-28 FORREST ST. Phones, Mt. Vernon 2751 or 1999 Write Today for Prices 4-13-20 .»OH\ J. KELLY President THUS. P. KHSIOY, Sec'y. JOHN J. KELLY, JR., PHILIP LINK. Treat.. Vice-President THE NATIONAL BUILDING SUPPLY CO. BUILDING MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS Cement, Front Brick, Creosote Stained Shingles, Roofing, Sewer Pipe, Lime, Plaster, Etc. North Avenue and Oak St. BALTIMORE MP. Wanted—Farms! All sizes. We have cash bu3 r ers waiting. THE BALTIMORE REALTY CO. 18 E. Lexington Street BALTIMORE, MD. Wanted—Country Stores! Business Strictly Confidential. C. & P. Phone—Mt. Vernon 8840 1-1-18 LOANS ON REAL ESTATE Money Loaned on First and Second Mort- gages on Building Association Terms. All matters strictly confidential and money- advanced within 24 hours notice. GILBERT H. PANITZ, Attorney, 700 Equitable Building, Phone, St. Paul 5995 Baltimore, Md iilTCHl HONEY BACK without question if Hunt's S«) v* fails in the treatment of Eczema, Tetter.Ringworm.It/A.etc. Don* become discouraged because other treatments failed Hunt's Sal** has relieved hundreds of such cases. You can't lose on our Money Back Guarantee Tr\ ^it at OUT risk TODAY. Pric*7Sr For sale locally by HERGENRATHER DRUG CO., TOWSON, MD. Fully Fiuipped Service In-Built g Sturdy Speedy P Dependable Durable Practical Profitable I A TYPE of body for all requirements— r neumatic Cord Tires Standard Equip- ment— Service and Satisfaction In-Built at Factory—- Uniformity of Quality—Simplicity of De- sign- Thousand, in service producing profits iot their owners. THE COMMERCE MOTOR CAR COMPANY Open Ex pre** Body Brockway Motor Co. Charles and 20th Streets, Baltimore, Md. MllllllllllllllllliPI 11111 ^ 11 ^^^ 1 ^™ Govans Central Garage York Road—Adjoining Funk's Hotel GOVANS, MD. * Right on your way to the city. Now open for business, with an up-to-date Machine Repair Shop and full line of Automobile Tires, Tubes, Accessories, Oils, Gasoline and Amoco Gas, the new motor fuel. Agents For The CHEVROLET MOTOR CARS . AND TRUCKS 24 Hour Service and a Service That Will Appeal To You If it is good service that you desire with moderate prices, a trial is all that is necessary to have a continuance of your patronage. Free Air—All You Want All kinds of Ignition Work. Battery Recharge and Repair. Detroit Batteries for all makes of cars. s Why go to the heart of the city ? T. B. GATCH & SONS Machine Shop and Garage.. Belair Road RASPEBURG, MD. All kinds of Machine Work Nothing too large Nothing too small KELLY-SPRINGFIELD PNEUMATIC and KELLY-SPRINGFIELD SOLID TIRES Always In Stock—All Sizes. 7-26-iy Pressed on day or night at Quarry WILLIAM WHITNEY County Surveyor For Baltimore County COURT HOUSE TOWSON, MD. l-14-ly Telephone, Towson 456 Old Town National Bank Gay and Exeter Streets BALTIMORE, MD. United States, State and City Depository Capital, - - - $ 250,000 Surplus and Profits, - 140,000 Deposits, - - - 2,000,000 JACOB W. HOOK. President. AARON BENBSCH, Vlce-Pr** HENRY O. REDUE. Vlce-Pres. and Cashier F. M. MILLER. Asst. Cashier Board of Director*. Jacob W. Hook. Henry A. Brehm. J. Henry Snyder of C. James King. Aaron Benesch. Lewis C. Rice Robt. Fusselbaugh. A. C. Dietrich. Louis E. Bartell. Enjoy Freedom You would never guess the relief you get from using FAIRYFOOT They relieve* the pain take out swell- ing: and soreness, soothe and re- 's tore the joint to normal size. You feel the thrill of contented feet in two hours or less after applying FMRT- , FOOT . GUARANTEED and aold on FraoTrial. HERGENRATHER DRUG CO. Towson, Maryland. WHEELER & COLE PRANK I. WHEBLBB OFFUTT BLDG., TOWSON. MD. Telephone—Temiei 1»8 Automobile, Fire and Liability Inirar- ance a Specialty. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT & HEALTH. LIABILITY, TORNADO, AUTOMO- BILE, WORKINGMEN'S COMPENSA- TION, PLATE GLASS, BURGLARY, STEAM BOILER, LTVE STOCK Crops Insured Against, Fire, Light- ning and Hnll for short term at very small cost. Representing an Agency of Forty gears' standing, that has so long en- joyed the confidence of the public, we respectfully solicit of the people of Baltimore county a continuance of their patronage. 3-15-ly For Job Printing THAT CATCHES THE EYE Phone, Towson 289 THE JEFFERSONIAN OFFICE.

Transcript of Fully Service SAVE ALL THE CHICKS Life Insurance...

Page 1: Fully Service SAVE ALL THE CHICKS Life Insurance Companymdhistory.msa.maryland.gov/msa_sc3410/msa_sc3410_1_63/pdf/m… · LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US IF YOU WANT TO BUY Let Us Show



IF YOU WANT TO BUY Let Us Show You Our List Of Farms.

Village Property, Also Building Lots.


Towson, Maryland. ; 3-15-ly


MAY 1-18 Seven Races Daily

Including Steeplechase FIRST RACE 2 . 3 0 P. M.

Admiss ion $ 1 . 5 0 . Government Tax I S c . Valuable Stakes and Purses .

Preakness Stakes, $25,000. Sprmg Handicap, Oaks, Green Spring

Valley Steeplechase, $5,000 each. Nursery and Juvenile, $2,500 each. 4-244t


Ma l thevr Gault . Attorney* 82» K<*ul-taM« M d * , Voltlmorcv M*.


T H I S IS TO QIVB3 NOTICE. T h a t t h e subscr iber h a s obta ined from t h e Or­phans ' Court of B a l t i m o r e County, l e t ­t e r s of A d m i n i s t r a t i o n on t h e e s t a t e of

M A R T A N N GRANT, l a t e of sa id county , deceased. All per­s o n s having: c l a i m s a g a i n s t t h e sa id e s ­t a t e are hereby w a r n e d to exh ib i t the same, w i t h t h e v o u c h e r s thereof, to the subscr iber . On or be fore t h e 2 l 4 t d a y of October,

1020. t h e y m a y o t h e r w i s e b y l a w be exc luded from all benefit of sa id es ta te . Those indebted to sa id e s t a t e are reques ted t o m a k e i m m e d i a t e payment .

Given under my hand t h i s 16the 'day April, 1920.

JOHN E. D E F O R D , Adminis trator ,

4-17-4t Ruxton , Md.

Charles J. Hnl l , A t t o r n e y , 211 N. Cal­v e r t Street , B a l t i m o r e . Md.


THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subscr iber has obta ined from t h e Or­phans' Court of B a l t i m o r e County, l e t ­ters of A d m i n i s t r a t i o n on the e s ta te of

GEORGE HOCH, l a t e of said county , deceased. Al l per­s o n s h a v i n g c l a i m s a g a i n s t the sa id e s ­t a t e are hereby w a r n e d to exh ib i t the same, w i t h t h e v o u c h e r s thereof, to the subscriber , On or be fore t h e '2\-4t day of October,

1020. they m a y o t h e r w i s e b y l a w be exc luded from al l benefit of said es ta te . Those indebted t o sa id e s t a t e are reques ted to m a k e i m m e d i a t e payment .

Given under m y hand th i s 16the day-April, 1920.

C H A R L E S J. HULL, 4-17-4t* Adminis trator ,

Wi l l iam P. Cole, Jr., A t t o r n e y , Masonic Temple , T o w n o i , Md.


INCORPORATED Upon t h e a f o r e g o i n g pet i t ion and af­

fidavit it i s A D J U S T E D , O R D E R E D , and D E C R E E D t h i s 6th day of April , 1920, by the Circuit Court for B a l t i ­more County in E q u i t y tha t the T o w -son San i tary Laundry, a corporat ion, be d i s so lved on the 26th day of April 1920, u n l e s s cause to the contray be s h o w n on or before the 26th day of April , 1920, provided a copy of th i s Order be pub­l i shed once a w e e k for t w o succes s ive w e e k s in s o m e n e w s p a p e r publ i shed in B a l t i m o r e County before the 26th d a y of April , 1920, and it is further Order­ed t h a t a l l p e r s o n s h a v i n g a n in teres t in sa id corporat ion s h o w cause , if a n y t h e y have , by filing a n a n s w e r here in On or be fore t h e 26th day of Apri l , 1020, w h y said corporat ion should not be d i s -so lver a s prayed.

F R A N K I. DUNCAN, True Copy—Test :

WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. 4-10-3t

Marbury, Gosnel l & W i l l i a m s , A t t o r n e y s , Mary land T r u s t B ldg . , B a l t i m o r e , Md.


T H I S IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subscr iber has obta ined from t h e Or­phans ' Court of Ba l t imore County, l e t ­t e r s T e s t a m e n t a r y on the e s t a t e of

JOHN A Y A K E L , l a t e of said county deceased. All per­s o n s havins ' c l a i m s a g a i n s t the sa id e s ­t a t e are hereby w a r n e d to exhib i t the same, w i t h the v o u c h e r s thereof, to the subscr iber . On or before t h e 14th day of October,

1020, t h e y m a y o t h e r w i s e b y l a w be exc luded from all benefit of said es tate , ffhose indebted to Said e s t a t e are reques ted to m a k e immedia te payment .

Given under m y hand th i s 9th day of April , 1920.

VIOLET M. Y A K E L . Executr ix ,

4-10-4t Catonsv i l l e , Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.

THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subscr iber has obta ined from the Or­phans' Court of Ba l t imore County, l e t -tors of Admin i s t ra t ion on the e s t a t e of

J E S S E A. CULLISON, l a t e of i*nid c o u n t y deceased. All per­s o n s h a v i n g cla.:m« a g a i n s t the Said < s-t a t e are hereby w a r n e d to exhib i t the same, w i t h the vouchers thereof, to the subscr iber . On or b e f o r e t h e 14th d a y of October,

1020, t h e y m a y o t h e r w i s e b y l a w be exc luded from all benefit of said e s ta te . Those indebted to 9aid e s t a t e are reques ted to m a k e i m m e d i a t e p a y m e n t .

Given under m y hand th i s 9th day of April, 1920.

C H A R L E S H. CULLISON, Adminis trator .

4-10-4t Upperco, Md. 3-20-4t

35 BULLS- -35 Executor .

One Double Grandson of K i n g of the Mayby Worrior , 12 from Herdlea ' s B e s t Cows 3 Grandsons of L a n g w a t e r Cava­lier, 7 from Gear's Bes t Cows. T u e s d a y April 20th, At 11 O'clock A. M.


F o r c a t a l o g u e app ly to L o u i s McL. Merryman, Cockeysv i l l e , Md.


F o r t y Acres of Woodland, s i tuated on w e s t s ide of the County Road, near Tr in i ty Church, about one mi le south of Unionvi l l e , 11th Distr ict .

Also about % of an acre, improved w i t h s ix room dwel l ing , smal l stable , ch icken houste. Splendid garden. W i t h immedia te posses s ion , if desired. Sit­ua ted i y 2 m i l e s E a s t of T o w s o n .

L a r g e number of other des irable h o m e s a t T o w s o n and Lutherv l l l e . Six, e i gh t and ten rooms. All modern con­ven iences . W i t h lo t in fee. Size, from 60 fee t front to t w o or three acres or more w i t h s o m e of them, if desired.


Licensed R e a l Estate- Broker , T o w s o n , Maryland.









RED COMBICHICK MASH PREVENTS DIARRHOEA Why t a k e c h a n c e s in ra i s ing c h i c k s ? B e safe from the very start. A d o p t safe

m e t h o d s and fee l s ecure . T h a t i s a w i s e b u s i n e s s po l icy . W i s e m e n learn from t h e m i s t a k e s of o t h e r s a n d m a k e as f e w t h e m s e l v e s as s e e m s to be neces sary d u r i n g t h e e x p e r i m e n t a l or u n c e r t a i n per iod. I t i s n o t n e c e s s a r y for y o u to suffer u n n e c e s s a r y losses. Red Comb Chick Mash Is Built for the Chick. It is not a simple mixture of ground g r a i n s . I t i s sc ient i f ica l ly c o m p o u n d e d to m e e t three r e q u i r e m e n t s . F irs t , to g r o w c h i c k s rapid ly at the rate of 1 lb. a m o n t h ; second, to protect t h e c h i c k s from d i s e a s e g e r m s w h i c h produce w h i t e D i a r r h o e a ; th ird , to i n s u r e t h e h e a l t h of y o u r c h i c k s t h r o u g h o u t the i r g r o w t h and u l t i m a t e l y t h e de l ivery of a finished product , in n u m b e r s v e r y c l o s e l y a p p r o x i m a t i n g , if n o t exac t ly t h e s a m e n u m b e r as at t h e start. Red Comb Chick Mash Is a Good Insurance Policy for Your Chicks.

For Sale by

RICHARD C. WELLS & CO., 1704-1734 E. Lombard Street


Just Put in & Few Gallons ofKerosene—And YouII

°fPowers. U$ht * We will show you how easy it is to install— how simple to operate—how economical to run.,

See this plant in operation^

Electric Construction Co, 351 N. Calvert Street Baltimore, Md.

P h o n e , Mt. V e r n o n 1518

Western Electric * POWER &. LIGHT

W&\ C.£L R PH0NE--4-SS4.- ST.FAUU

%£§ PSER- S,-PR.ATT^ ST. £££! 8 A L T O .

Roachesgetintoevery-thing, multiply rapidly and are hard to get rid ofriitfl̂ ypu know ex­actly how to proceed. There is one effective way, however, that can be followed by all who are annoyed by them.

Bee Brand 25c and 50c Everywhere

Kilh roaches. Sprinkle it liberally around all corners, crevices and places In which they Mae and they will quickly die. Don't be annoyed by them when there is an effective remedy to be had for so little cost BEE BRAND INSECT POWDER also kills flies, fleas, mosquitoes, ants, lice, moths, bed bugs and most other insect pests. Harmless to everything but insects

McCORMICK & CO, Baltimore, Md

Tk*"Scotcf> KidsT are sponsors Urn McCorrnkh & Co, products.

4"t"frM.friH"M">.|̂ ifri|"Mii|i .Hi.fr.fr'fr'tflfr

The Eureka Life Insurance


Incorporated 1882

^The Eureka Life is now a legal Reserve Old Line Stock Life Insurance Company, with 37 years commendable history back of it. Issues Every Form of Modern Life Insurance. Ll-l-ly

H * » t W < I H < »#4 »4 I'M »•! 'M'»

Established 1865

WM. A, CONWAY Jobber of

TINNERS' SUPPLIES Metal Roofings, Painted-Corrugated, V-Crimped and Galvanized Double Lock Roll Roofing

For Dwellings, Ganges and Barns

S t o v e and F u r n a c e Goods of al l sorts .

A l l S i z e s Rai lroad Mi lk C a n s . WM. A. CONWAY

626-28 FORREST ST. Phones, Mt. Vernon 2751 or 1999

Write Today for Prices 4-13-20

.»OH\ J. KELLY Pres ident

THUS. P. KHSIOY, Sec'y. JOHN J. K E L L Y , JR., P H I L I P LINK. Treat.. V ice -Pres ident


OF ALL KINDS Cement, Front Brick, Creosote Stained Shingles, Roofing,

Sewer Pipe, Lime, Plaster, Etc. North Avenue and Oak St. BALTIMORE MP.

Wanted—Farms! A l l s i z e s . W e h a v e cash

bu3rers w a i t i n g .

THE BALTIMORE REALTY CO. 18 E. Lexington Street


Wanted—Country Stores!

B u s i n e s s Str ic t ly Confidential .

C. & P. Phone—Mt. Vernon 8840 1-1-18

LOANS ON REAL ESTATE Money Loaned on First and Second Mort­gages on Building Association Terms. All matters strictly confidential and money-advanced within 24 hours notice.

GILBERT H. PANITZ, Attorney, 700 Equitable Building,

Phone, St. Paul 5995 Baltimore, Md


without question if Hunt's S«) v* fails in the treatment of Eczema, Tetter.Ringworm.It/A.etc. Don* become discouraged because other treatments failed Hunt's Sal** has relieved hundreds of such cases. You can't lose on our Money Back Guarantee Tr\

^it at OUT risk TODAY. Pric*7Sr For sale locally by


Fully Fiuipped

Service In-Built

g Sturdy Speedy

P Dependable

Durable Practical


I A T Y P E of b o d y for all r e q u i r e m e n t s —

r neumat ic Cord Tires Standard E q u i p ­

m e n t —

Service a n d Satisfaction In-Built at Factory—-

Uniformity of Qua l i ty—Simpl i c i ty of D e ­

s i g n -

T h o u s a n d , in service produc ing profits iot

their o w n e r s .


Open Ex pre**


Brockway Motor Co. Charles and 20th Streets, Baltimore, Md.


Govans Central Garage York Road—Adjoining Funk's Hotel


Right on your way to the city. Now open for business, with an up-to-date Machine Repair Shop and full line of Automobile

Tires, Tubes, Accessories, Oils, Gasoline and Amoco Gas, the new motor fuel.

Agents For The


24 Hour Service and a Service That Will Appeal To You If it is good service that you desire with moderate prices, a trial is all that is necessary to have a continuance of your patronage. Free Air—All You Want

All kinds of Ignition Work. Battery Recharge and Repair.

Detroit Batteries for all makes of cars.


Why go to the heart of the city ?

T. B. GATCH & SONS Machine Shop and Garage..

Belair Road RASPEBURG, MD.

All kinds of Machine Work Nothing too large Nothing too small


7-26-iy Pressed on day or night at Quarry

WILLIAM WHITNEY County Surveyor For Baltimore County

COURT HOUSE TOWSON, MD. l-14-ly Telephone, Towson 456

Old Town National Bank Gay and Exeter Streets BALTIMORE, MD.

United States, State and City Depository Capital, - - - $ 250,000 Surplus and Profits, - 140,000 Deposits, - - - 2,000,000

JACOB W. HOOK. Pres ident . AARON BENBSCH, Vlce-Pr** H E N R Y O. R E D U E .

Vlce -Pres . and Cashier F. M. MILLER. Asst. Cashier

Board of Director*. Jacob W. Hook. H e n r y A. Brehm. J. H e n r y Snyder of C. J a m e s K i n g . Aaron Benesch . L e w i s C. Rice Robt. F u s s e l b a u g h . A. C. Dietr ich . Lou i s E. Barte l l .

Enjoy Freedom You would never guess the relief you get from using

FAIRYFOOT They relieve* the pa in — take o u t

swell­ing: and

s o r e n e s s , soothe and re­

's tore the joint to normal size. You feel the thrill of contented feet in two hours or less after applying FMRT-

, FOOT. GUARANTEED and aold on FraoTrial.

H E R G E N R A T H E R D R U G CO. T o w s o n , Maryland.


O F F U T T BLDG., TOWSON. MD. T e l e p h o n e — T e m i e i 1»8

Automobi le , F i r e and Liab i l i ty Inirar-ance a Spec ia l ty .


Crops Insured Aga ins t , F i r e , L i g h t ­n i n g and Hnll for short term at very smal l cost .

R e p r e s e n t i n g an A g e n c y of F o r t y g e a r s ' s tanding , tha t has so l o n g en­joyed the confidence of the public, w e respect fu l ly so l ic i t of t h e people o f Balt imore county a c o n t i n u a n c e o f their patronage . 3 - 1 5 - l y