Full page fax print - Wikimedia Commons · pu&lishfo 6v aviation cadets 42-k 30lst army air forces...

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Transcript of Full page fax print - Wikimedia Commons · pu&lishfo 6v aviation cadets 42-k 30lst army air forces...


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42-K 30lst


DETACHMENT Corsicana, Texas

-\\'.: hope that THE LAiv 8 bas faith­full)' rttor&!d this hrst ltllp<•rt.mt seep m our can.-..:rs as pilots m the United

t.1.tes Army !ur Foo::e and that 1t will b.:lp tu reaprurc metlllorlC> of experi­ences that rnnched our days at Corsi· cana Ficld m y.:.u-s to come ~uy ea.:h ca.kt mncmba the inttt· e<ttng i nc1dcnt> of this hmonc period of his uk a- he follows in the wake of the Colin Kelly-;, Bu.."Z \Vagnen, and Jimmie Doolmles.

- THE. ST~l'l'

John C. Ca:tltn Briel /\. Frey Edward J \Val;h

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Our Cor-nand: l? Oi ~

THE CLA"iS O F 4 '> K

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What 1s now one of the (mc~c pnrnary trammg schools m the country.

Cor.;1~m Faeld. a ~t ago wa:- httle more than a ban <emblan.:c l'I a

ll)'ln( field w11h a ban1?ar and .m excuse for" runv.-ay. But m th.: -hon

spare of fiftcc:n months, under th~ dlrectmn of the government, rhc lti~ld

has mushroomed int.0 one of the. chief western contributor$ co the cv~r

growmg !IUgbt of the l\ir Fam:

Loca~ m a '.'iOUtherly direction lrom chc cown of On1~na. the 11 .. -!d

now boasts of complete trairung f.\cilit11:~.-. mcludin~ adequate hanJ?.11", a

aerie& of ranch type barracks, a hospital, mess hall and administration build·

ing. It's a pleasant place to look at and live in. The buildings form a geo­

metric pattern on a wide expanse of very green ~rass; varicolored flowers

in beds edge the manY. brood, white sidewalks. The cadet quarters are fin• i5}ied in gray <i.nd green, each bay a soldier's dream, complete with box· spring bed, a desk, chair apd a huge wall locker for each man.

On the serious side of this country club atmosphere, there is the fact that

the field has one of the stiffest flying courses known in p!imary flying ci.r,

des, a ground schocl par excellen<ie and a prbud record of over seventy

thousand flying hGurs without a fatality. The large group of dv.i1ian in·

structors who give the Cadets their fifst introduction to the air and Atmy

fiying methods are the cream of the crop and the planes flown the very

best that money could buy for the l?urp~.

The field is owned and managed by Air Activities of Texas and th7ough

their efforts and close cooperation with the Army a con.stant expansion

ha:s kept the field ~reast of di.e 9eman<4 of the war effort. T-0day. instead

of one field, the.re a:r:e five; new barracks are constantly being built and the

hangars enlarged. Almost every week new planes jein the fast growing fleet

of training ships that are wheeled out in smart military alignment every

morning on the ·flying line. Every ten weeks a cla,ss qf Cadets is turned out

ready for the next rung in tile flyiog ladder~ath man with the knowledge

that he "got the Wl')rks" and has learned b:is lesson well at Corsicana Field.

The time passes quickly as is always the care when there i's a minimum ·of

spare time, but when a class leaves the field many memories. go with them­

Those nights they sat under the stars and saw moving pictun:s, the Diesel

rqar of the streamline streaking down the tracks past the gate on the way

to D.allas and Waco as they did calesthenics, the red rnetning sun throwing

the oil derricks in bold relief on the horizon at reveille as the motors began to roar on the flying line, days rich with excitement and new and thrilling experience-In short, ten weeks that were more than just another post to

a soldier. and whieh he will remember vividly long after the uniform up in the attic has ceased to fit him .

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~iA]l R ST.ANT01' T '}.11TH, Ja. S.i11or Arn" A1· Fwccs Si.pcn'ltDT

On the t'\\CCnty nmlh of Jun., C 1pt.a1n St.int<"\ T Snuth, Jr., ;.usumrd cnmmand of Corstcan;i F1dd, UC(.: ·Jinii l\i 11or Robt-rt L. Johnstrm.

IX>rn in San Antt mo, Texas. t\l.'Cnty-m: >~ar go, Cipt:tin Smith attenJ.:J Rice ln>t1tu1t bd re rntei 1rig \Vm Point Up.in grad1i.itmg frooi th.: l>i1ht.ary Aadcrn>· m 19410, he began hU ll)"Ulg career Ill Cumrron l 1.-IJ, Oll.ihoma.

C'..aptllln ~::n1th • • brmd pcncnc:c ~ hi! )'Or , and he brin to Car~ the bt:ncfit of a thorough L:00\\1..--dgc cf tn1rung probkms.



FIRST LIEL..'T. SAUL F. SCH\VARTZ FIRST LIEL:T. ED\\ I~ L MYER::> ASSJSuu11 Surg(<>n CumrnJnda>H ••f (',.,,I I


A SSlS!4nt Commandant of Cadets

Additt<>nal members of the Anny staff, not pictured here, are as follows:

hT L1.euT. RosERT A . STONER As.ruui11t Army Air Forces Supervisor


AsStstant Army Air Forces Suj"erviscrr

2M> WlUT. Roau.T H . H uNT ASSl$!4111 Army Air Forces Sup('TV!Sor

lsT Ll'EllT. EDWIN J. O'NEILL Supply Officer


A.<n5tant AdJlmmt

2 NO LIEUT. LEONARD s. DvSIJIGEll. Assistant A ir Forces Supervisor

2No tu;in-. \V. T . W m:ATLEY

As.11.1tan r Army Air Forces S11pav1sor


MR . B. W . WOOLLEY D11~(tor of 1hc Au A.:ti' •lt'-'

,,, l"''" E"ery cadet at C'nr~1cana F1dd J.-..ply llrpr.ua~ th~ lncnJ~lup of }.fr B. \\' \Voolky. The facl that a man who bear~ hl"a\y ~mess 1csponsihiliucs shtiuh.I hnd time and inchnatton to bef rics1d the .:adets cannot foil of t.he most ~mcerc appreciation.

As the repres.:.ntat1\'C of Air Activities ol Texas, as a leader m the development ot our air force, and as ooe genwnely interested in youth, his is both an mflu· ence and an inspiration.

H 1s is the guiding spirit which has made it possible for the many courtesies and comforts which have been enjoyed by oursclves and the friends and rela­t1,·es who have visited us during our stay at Corsicana Field. It is the little things which go to make up the big things and it is just such things as CGurtesy and kindness wb.ich makes tt 1mposs1ble to dislike or forget one. His oti:.enship adds adornment to the nation, his character is an anchor to all, his friendship is a blessing to all Qdets, and his example one for all to follow.


MT. Criddle and MT. Boothe are responsible to a large de· gree for the smooth opcation of the school. 'They are deeply interested in the welfare of the Cadets and in tht!ir careers to fo11ow as members of the A-rmy Air Forces. &th Mr. Criddle and Doc &othe were m the origmal partr1er$h1p m• scrumental in establl.!hmg Cor­sicana f1dd.


H.uhni.: lr<•m :M.1&~1s«1rp1, M1 G. C. Mc<kc .1rnveJ .1t (',nr~ic.in.1 F'1d<l nn ._1.i.y ~6. 1941, as Tcchni..:.11 ln~pcctm for the Anny. Apnl 15, I \142, Mr Mct k'\' was app<1111tcd Supcrmtcnd.:m nf M.untL'nance In his pn:~cn t ca £''Cit}" h.: <.lirccts th.:: uncc,1~m~ labor.-1 of about 17 'i men whn gel the plan.:< 1•ut Pll the ramr c.ich sum 1~c in t'-=' f.::ct cond1t10n and keep them thilt way from day to d.iy .• <1n ,1ll·mlpo1 tant jrib, and the recor<ls speak for th.:m· ...:hL-s m tcstifymg to th.:: dhc1L·n.:y with wluch 1t has been h,111dlcd by ~Ir. M.:G..-c and bis men


Chief Operations Cler~

Mr. Dennman hails from Sikeston, Missouri, where he was formerly associated Wlth his dad in the pub­hshmg of a local newspaper. He keeps tbe cadets filling out their form ones accurately-OR ELSE. Mr. Dennman also helps us 1mmeasureably by keeping our log books neatly and accurately.


Chief Flight Oi$patcher

Mr. lewis of CorSJcana is a former Rice man. H: lilces his 1ob m Tower N o. 1, C'.'en with an occa· SJonal buz.z by some dodo. Assistant Fbght Dw patcher, m Tower No. 2, is Mr. Larry GriHith Mr. /\. Z. Elkins is also Assistant F1ight Dis· patcher.

GROUND SCHOOL INSTRUCTORS Left to Right: W. H. McConnell, Meteorology; Pollan, Meteorology: B. N .

Webb, Navigation; \V. R . .Barron, Aircraft and Engines; P. E. Holcomb, Director: Gus Athanas, Navigation; not shown in this photo is D. C. Browne, Aircraft and Engines.

GR OUND SCHOOL Just as 11,1odern wars are largely won by organization behind the lines, so is the modern airplane flown to a great extent from the classroom blackboard. Cnderstanding of Naviga.tion, the intricacies of Aviation Mecharucs, the .basic principles and theories of flight, and the science of mete<,rology is a prerequisite of the Army flier. Through daily classes in these. subjects at Ground School, Cadets learn how to find their way in uncharted skies, bow to get the ~t performance out of the planes they will fly, how to make gcx1d and faithful servants out of the instruments in the cockpit and bow w make an ally om of the elements.

P. E. HOLCOMB, D1,,ector of Ground School

Mr. P. E. Holcomb is DirectQr of the Ground School at Oorsicina Ficld, and is instrUctor in airplane struc· t1.1res and flight characteristics. He received his M.A. degree ai: the University of Texas in 1933. Mr. Hol· comb has had five years experience in public schools. He has been ground school instructor since th~ open· mg of the school.


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FLI GHT DEPARTMENT \V C. C'..J\1 llt)UN. //ig/11 Dirnror

~Ir Calhoun h; • p.:n.:ncc 'll.h1,h c.,<'rllcotl}" qu;il i.: him tu be llrdn d1rrctor , t CorsJOuu \\ 1th the •'\rr C'...orrs [\:i-4chmmt at L111coln, 'c 1>r2 ka, m the •ununcr of I 9"4ll. he in•tn1ctcd until trarutttn-d to a hr.in, h nJ th ll i;choc~l :it L:.11.:cl.ind r11111da He kit l.1k .. l.lnd t•I l.lh .1 ptl."Jtl< 11 with 1\, iauon Umkrn 11t1n~ Shortly alt.:r its ur-:nmg, F,b 6, 1941. ~{r Calhoun ~.1m~ tu th~ /\1r ('..()(P" 0..'ladunctit m the .:apaot}· of a lu..:ht 10.-tru,t;)t' h \\ • ob'IOU' that he wa. the man to be fhs:hc


dmxtor at th.i- c:1.panding field .• md b.. !S5Umtd that p<Nllon on Apnl 4, 194L ~ir Ca.th< un has had 3, HJO bourb of FJymg, mclu<ling comm<.'l'ctal time. time on hc,wier ships and in~ttuctmn He : a ruUy "Uperior flyer. a gentlem.in, and an excel knt t.'tCC\.ltive. HI? i:. readily ac.-ces-rb!e to the cadets, ''ho hop at the chance. to take advantal:C of h:s experience and abiLty.

A C. FALK, A.uist.ant Flight Directer


A A.- I!. K HENllCH,

Sq I m<l II, Cb, •l·K B \\ H. N"H.~.

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Sq I ~nd II, Cb:. H ·.A D f' A W ATEllS,

Sq 111 ~nJ IV, Chu 43 A E T } C'Rfvt>TON, m c.huge

o( Student lnstructurs..

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Al...m.r , l! r Atlr~fln £.[. r- . J \I P.11,., l I e..1.,,-1 ... ,n. J .a. Dettl,.y,~~

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CM.ndler , K. a . Or~~ , L,A, llon rd. F. £.

SAn~ lnc . M!Jix 'll)t t , T,j, Cop<>, M. T , Croybc• I. LR.

Kale , M. A. \fc<d , I' .C. 1 ,Jr . Zcgheib , t. A.



Ct.JbbJ. £rnrt.;t «...i~c • ~.ff . °'''i~,. n.J 0.Ma<. 8.E. Dte.w, lL •. [ but. [,p,

~.rcts-. C.A. Ellison, J .ll. £van:\ , C.T., J.t . Valke-nbt.1c~, &.l>:. Foi:l•, G.N. £rarc:.U • J.~.

Frlecz.e , O~R.

Gerdnr.r , T.J . t;:ibsoo, C.N. Gilroy , R,j>, Gcinteth, ~rank~ Jr. Go«lotl.JI, E.W.

Gt•)', C,E. Gt-ee.a, e.t. <;lr;i .. , T .A,. llo<'h. ~.o. llak , B, J . &of>leton , G.E.

fMmiJtm , A.F. llo-r. l).M. Ha~ik, O.J. Hann. , M..E. &nn l , D.!. JiarllGf'l, W.£ .

1•rris, G.T. llettl,<y. LJ. h.eff'~ttwin, P.E. . Heil, R. K-1.leinl<e , • ••. Uc lgesQn , tf.~R.

J!e.nry • T.m., Jr , t{f!o·r•b, G.P. tte.u1E.r, lLA, ff.t,i:lu•, \i~J. ,Jr . l;loho. S ..,R_ ffo~-S,n .. , .,,_t,

fr'll'f'tt. "t ,.~ .... ' c 1 ...... ~ ~ !•>...,. D J. h)rlfn , T fc. "''°' F.l

J..11\tU. \; ... .

~~Uy • .I·" Ke~o. i .C

~·"''°"~ , R. 0 B,e;sl()-r V .~.

ilecust-r , T J

Mloc.i, L. K l..of'l}'Ol"I , P.1>. Lar~ick. N. p. 1.AStur , YI. '\'. • t."'1'" ' R.B Lob.lane , c . J.

l.C'Ul!lober&e.1". t.e. Unduy, P-.F. l-. J .D. Loo•, R.D. lu ..... E.R. t>on<h. J. J.

McClure, R. 'f. 1"°Dcrirot t, J.J, l,l<laugl\JU\, T .C:. llaCMi~ski, l!·,£ . -.,, G.,E. MohnlU!n, Blli.

&N-rkle.y, 1.c. ti.err. 1#.A. Mtason, J.A. MecissMr, L.S. Mcr·t-e, 'fl' .M. ~yer. RJJ,

Mile.s, ¥.L. ttllh:r, 8ar$y,Jr. Nion, W.JL

-~· a:e. Nohn, M.f'. Jllo.11, Frank.Jr.

Thpctpsao, H.O •• Jr ' T"""" , f.. J. t'r>nt , B .C. tw,.r • J ~'R . )( v.m.rl\Qfl' "' Yan&W1 • Wf.)'nr

, .... , t ' 1

'"' I I ' •t•r I '"'• ' t .. " f ll lhfotl1• J l • '' t:h1tl'W'I •U . lT

l.1•t.-r A.If •1t1•l , I: R •otcc:' t . • c. , _, G •('>O.h , J 8 vur•. •·J

Spe-rf'leT, £.N 6dy l~. J.J . . ~<l•t. J .F. C:..r-ter. f .et. Craig, T. f'., Jr ,

CA!o£RA·SllY CADETS : ~ 11 . .tv~---Fl lip, f.C. H11ebtrlt, J.M . Ju .. ton , 1).W. 8tle, W.A. K•ll•y , ~.F.

~er r , (),T. t<rtni. Yf.W. U.hr, C.S. l.arJtrt, G,C, '°"t l i.n, P.A.

Nichol s , A .C. fetef-a dn, R .Q. Thon-.s, J.L. y.,.,,h .. ~.c.



Physical trammg plays an important position in tl\e present training pro­gram for J\rr Corps pilots. Since physical -'Ondition is :m important phase in this present speeded·up program to train scores of thousands of pilots annually, over~mphasis on their physical conditio11 cannot be made. This fact is borne out by the decision of the Air C.Orps general staff to place in each trammg school m the United States a -w-cll-qualified dU'CctOr of phy· sical trauung.

Each young man before being accepted as an a ,·iation cadet must pass a rigid physical examination. As a result of this, the aviation cadecs are far above the average from a phy;;ical standpoint. To Mr. John Keel and Mr. Ahin Chrisman has falli.!n th!! Job to m:i.intain and e'-en 1mpro'-e this physical weU bemg.

Predominant in the training pro­gram is the teaching of co-ordina• tion, the primary pre-requisite of a pilot. Following closely in lme wirh co-ordination is the bwlding up of stamina necessary for th.? physical enduranc:e and oerllOOS ren•1on ac· companying this type of dury. To

ac.:omph•h this end various act1\:1tles are mcludcd io the teaming program which lay parti.:ular streSs on the-o.e points.

The primary function of this training detachment is to teach cadets to fly an airplane aod 1t 1s with this view in mind that their physical activities arc regulated and supe~i;.ed.

Physical training at the detachment takes place every day except Sunday wnh the ma1ority of the work being ·Carried on outdoors where the bright Tt-xas sun puts us in the pink. Provisions are also made for physical train· mg indoors during inclement \\--Cather. Although the physical training de· p.irtm~nt has been m o peration only a short time, there is quite ao extensive· layo~1t covering nearly all types of games. Plans now call for a still further OC\'elopmeot in the form of hard ·surface areas for tennis, baseball, and other ;uch i:ames, as well as handball courts. Probably the most interesting de· 'dopm<!nt as far a:; cadets arc conrerned 1s the possible constru.:tion of a swunmmg pool.

~ work of the phyl'1cal training department tends to increase mPrak as well a~ increase <'ach a\'latmn .:adets' physical well being and it is to rhar .:nd that Mr. Keel and Mr. Chn-man extend their efforts to "Keep u~ fir'· m ord.?r chat wi!, the furure pilots, may "Keep 'Em Flying."


Published C1Je1'.f IA)(t~ b:t OT\0 fOT the A\;iot\OTl Qi.ckts

of CorS1til114 fiel<i

GEO· F. ~ &litOr

LT. c. F. WliJTl'. Art Editor

}WCE E. F~'l A,ssista'l'lt &l\tOT'

HololEll. B. F ANSLl'.11.


LT. c. H. Bil.OWN



FROP WASll' Th< oboi« ,,,,.,k of tho wo•k -• 5do by • ll(JlO ln the 4th Sq~d<M who "at<d that hi• in,t<u<tO< y<11•d ot bi• wh<• ho fail.d to do hi• s-<u<M dgb'- Tho'" oll ,igb< .. o< )iUl• foll"• yo•>'ll •"

Any of yoo goy• that •till ha•••'' ,,.do oo•"''tion• with

,,.. lo<al fo• <&O ... doli<iOO• gals by talkln& to Cliff ""'""h· JI< ml 1Y b., a lon& , oboi« li" of tho• a"' th•"' • «•' t anY P' iodt i.,


along some way .

an them either.


SHAVETALE SHORTS: Over in Barracks Four where the Student Officers sweat out the check rides the hange r flyin g necessitates excessive burning of the night oil. .... Of course some time is spent in shining those heavy shoulder bar s but f eets of the day r eally draw the boys into 8 t ight circle ..... When • 'Rhumb line'' Ryan was l earning his landing rr ocedure and dusted his whee ls on the trees at the edge of Field ~.'o. 2 we looked for the robin he killed so we could giv~ him the bird ..... Cf course we are all pr ou:I of '' Lucky•• Truluck when he chose the winner at Buzzo in 8 local thea ter , he l ooked so handson:e in his baggy khaki ..... We were ell pleased when ''Black John'' Carpenter learned t o hold his dinner . He had to solo to do it tho so we don ' t know whethe r he urped or downed ..... Primrose and Turner snore at each other all night just to get used to the roar of the engines. TurneF ' s needs some tetra-ethyl lead for anti - knock purposes ..... Volley ball is fun , espec ially when Fender plays against you and scores all your points ..... Lt . Berry is anxiously awaiting the day when he can do slow rolls in the air because they were so easy to do in tumbling ..... You cen see the Officers t oo are faced with the same tr oubles as the Cadets which soon turn out to be hearty laughs , so when you see one you like sh<lW him the respect you'd expect when it •s y.our turn to wear the bars .

. . . . . . . Brown

••••••••••• PROP WASH: Major Williamson was seen sulking in the Nava rro with a right pert ·:ga.Lo_Q_the 4th , why the sulk, Maj?.•.••The fourth squadron claims that the other squadrons can ' t fly as well as the f ourt h, WELL?*** The DODOS can't get used to the feet that the gals of Corsicana have cars , as a matter of fact neither can the upperclassmen .

••••••••••••• WHY CADETS GROW OlD: (Cadet in phone conversation with his mother) Cadet : Mother, ·1 soloed today . Mother , You did son? What is that? Cadet I flew the airplane by myself. Mother : SON, don ' t you do that anymore .

••••••••••• FR.OP WASH : .... The recent influx of girls on the field would lead one to deduce that the primaries will soon take up night flying, and t hat tailspins will pick up 150 per cent ...

;:::::::==ai=== Lt , at Ute 7-Jod


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