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MAX 8. GANYARD First lieuttna nt


8ERT W MAllSHALl FJrd Lleutentf\I

Auhl• nt Supefviior



ANGELO J . LUCK. JR. First Lieuten•nt­

Personn•I Adfutant

ORAN V. PREJEAN Fin t l ieutt na nl Medlc•I Cotps

I •6 I

ROBERT H. SCHOTT First l i• ute.nant

Commanddnt of Ctdets

C ARL P. BRA OBURY St<.0111d lttut•M"'

Anhtant Swpe"hor



Flight Surqeon

JOE- LEVIE Se,o•d treW•"'•"t

AJJilt•nt S1.1per-. or


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The contract authorizing the building of Jones

Field was approved by the Secretary of War on

June 25, 1941 . Construction was started on

J uly I , 194 1. Mr. Joseph Pelich of Fort W orth,

Texas, a flyer in W orld W ar No. I, was the


O n September 15, 194 1, three (3) barra cks,

mess hall, ad minist ration b uilding , recreation hall,

hospit al, academic build ing and one ( I) hangar

were completed. The other buildings have been

added subsequently. The fi rst cadet s a rrived on

O ctober I , 194 1, in the C lass of 42-D. The satel­

li te f ield , designated as Brown Field, was aut hor­

ized on May 12, 1942, a nd started operations

August 25, 1942 .

The nucleus of the personnel for the organiza­

tion of the field came horn Hicks Field, Fort

* * I 17 I

Worth, Texas. B. S. Graham, cont ractor and

operator, built and managed Hicks Field at Fort

W orth for a year before coming to Jones Field.

He brought with him his secretary, Miss Enid

Roberts: J. V. Boyer, Director of Flying: David

R. Prue+, Director of G round School: C. H.

G reen, J r., Flight C ommander; Paul Mliner,

Flig ht Commander; W. H. Franklin, Superintend­

ent of Field Maintenance and Mrs. C. A. We;ver,

PBX Operator. The Army personnel a lso came

from Hicks Field: C aptain Daniel E. Hooks as

Commanding Officer: Lieutenant L. B. Savage.

Adjutant: Lieutenant H. J . Rubin, Medical Offi­

cer; Lieut enant Tom Hergert, Assistant Air Corps

Supe rvisor and Sergeant J . A. Euton, Technical


Ma jor Lewis W. Stocking took command of

the field on January 3, 1942.

* •

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CHAllES HltlEl.T G~UN, JI Oi f'KtOf o! A,;99

CIVILIAN Y..••rner J Untert"

fi ~ • l. .... ., ...

Wilbw M l rHd fl.9 .. • 1,.,st,vc-tor

Joe 8. Cross fl;Qh~ f!'l!trucf:>t

J<>MphE. ...,_ f'I q • l?ttt rvet

Wilbur Glee l ynu.m fl19i\t IMtt'\ICfot

O•I• R. D•nitl r1l9h' lnrlf-!JC-t<

J • H.t.~4. "' f-1 A 1r'J1 rf f

Ja>• C . Wolf F• 90\-t CCI"'" ~.a '\d r

"olfe L Carlill• fl19h1 ht1trvc-tor

1111 G . D4venport Fli9~i histructo•

loy A Wfftb.-.. , Jr ,._ o t lr;nr ,,.

Ro'-i M. K•lley fl.ghr Co fl'l•"'Clttr

Ve'1l!Ot'I H Swi•toa, F .q • Co lft er

P E R S 0 N N E L Victor C~ lr•ct.er

Ft 9).• ,,.,.,."~to·

Don W. C• rt• r Ff9.,t ln)ft111Clcr

F<ed H. AIU•..,• R.:g • 'I,•.-.. "'O ..

Je1ry Collier fJ 9~1 '"''' tor

W.elbournt W . Gri11y, Jr. Richard W . •\tndy f~i9hl fl'l<trv,lor Flog"it '"'' r

U rl K. .J,e,,,un AiQ~I ,,,, • .,,c I

• I(.~ I I) ' "'1" t

W• a•d E. Siil F 9: • .. ,. t

Oon•rd F Mt""""'" f• ~ r ,, t

lo-Wt G hM• f .) ' M

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CIVILIAN Rlffus I<, .,,•lin9

fl i1 • I

Gord'on G . Ma rc1,1m Ftig~• In~,, ct~r

Ke11 t1eth E Mof9&n f ·~gt:~ (r.s1rvc+:>r

Charlei; 0 . Ro1i1ntree f-li9~t '""'1'~'0!"

M. M , ltylor fli9'*i' ft1siruc1or-

Jarnt• l. Hunl fl i9h1 ln1huc.tc.1

JcllTte"t 0 _ Kimbrtl Fl ~~I l~t t

J•met H. Maupin Ffg h.t ln5hutto ..

G lenn E. Ptttrs t '9 fr ln1tn.oc fo r

E. a. Shellenberger fli.q~ 1 ll'lshucto"

James F. L•r•on ~li9ht l n~ffuctor

Frank E. Wolltier, Jr. Fl19.llt ln~tt·•< tor

Fran~ Kucho Fl19lit .,,, l~r

William T. McCann ~liqli · l llttructot

Albert J . Phillips Fti9 '11 ll"lt!ructor

Willi.am C . Benton Flig ht lnsttwcfor

Mix l. Untente Ftig tit lnsl n.ic lo r

Alvin E. Woodl•y fl iq~t huhuctor

P E R S 0 N N E L John H . Knl9hlley

Fli9~1 ·~h·i t~

Gtor9e W. McKowan Fllq ht lf'ttructor

0.twson C . Pinney Fligh• lns't\#Ctor

John H. Simpler F-hg:h t l n\if11ctor

Robert l . Von Nocker Fli9 h1 ln\lr11c1Q1

John H. Wolthet Fti9 .. t l"'str 1cter

Rlchttrd E. l auen fl gl-1 lr'I' h ,..~,

Paul P. Mclt u9hlin FliQht l"stru,.tnr

He,bert L. Pope Fli9 ht lns1•vctor

J•mes l. Stubblefie ld fli9ht Irish J<IOf

John S. W•rd , J r, Flig ht lnsh11tJor

W. 0 . Shirlty FFgl-.t ln,11 I a

Ado A, Troup f- q 4 lflS~ ,,~


William T. McWhorter William R. Mockrid c;e Fl;q~~ ,,, ..... ~t If rry I '" .. C'I'\

W infred T. Wedding RlchJrd l . Qui99 Fls9ht lnst ri.<tor f4i91'ir lnst1uCf!)t

Louis A. Swbo fh9 ' lt1\h t

l t e A, Pound f.tighl lnsh" .,o,

C . G. M•'°l•Y ' .)dll.<'e- " ·9Q

Wtnd•lt P. T.trt'Mn ' 4~• .. ,,

Ed""tfd I Welsh rl19kl lnstru I r

Eugtn• E. Moore "'' " o~ t f.:J~.t • 00

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The control f c:we.-r. Above, Top: Recre•lio n Hall. Above: Class Room Buildin9 .

From Top to Bollom: Mess Hall Bu ildin g ; Infirmary; " A" Borroch Building.


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* *

An instruc tor wtits for his pvpil,


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A v I A

Oon.•ld L. Ald~orth ~ l•nley M. Allison

Jo1'n F. Sulliv•n Capt.:til\


Edward A. Anderson

CLA SS 43 - B

l .awrtn<I J . Milch f1~st L1evtenanf

0 N CLA SS 43-B

W illiam 0 , Ah11on

John A . And•rson


R•ymo~ E. Schrec\ f irst lieuten3nl

c A

Theron L . An:gltmytf

llob•rf E ktt•htl'I

D E T s

M\11 C. Arnofd 0.vfd E B•tr

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Willis M. Coof• r

v I



.. \

Hortce 0 . Chritsm•n

w. I . Daito", Jr.

Jotin A. H1,1ghes

Fran~ l . Lthlen

T I 0 N C LASS 43-B

l~o l 8,.-rtte lhomas M. C•ldwell

Harr·y 8. Churchwell

Jame.s J. 018roske

Jamts. M. Hilliard, Jr. OoNld J . Hof•c•er

G . H. Hutchin9s, Jr. John H. ln9rtm

John E. M cM ahoft

c A D E T s

Jamts M. Cline, Jr. Orr in V. Cook Keith Cooku1

James R. Gaines Robert W, Hawkin.s.on

Hollis H . Hofimann Atol A. Hopp. -'ack 0. Horto~

G. K. Jol'it\son, Jr. G F, l<lrtgsltY

Elvin C . N icf\oh: Sam l Nouis

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Willi.a"' o. Porter

Robert J. Reilley

v I A

GI•"" P Otto

Albtrf C, Post

Thomas E. Ric.ktlman

Handord L. Slmmont, Jr. William J. Sinc.t•ir

lot• ft . Stldh"m


Oona td E. Powers

Alvin E. Robi1uon

Jim C. Xt.ooley

James. W. Smedley

Jo~eph J , Stond;a•

0 N CLASS 43 -8

John A. Powers

Donal E. Ro9trt

Samuel C. Shomanslty

lrlan T. Smith

Wllhtrd A, Stolf~r

c A

Everett 8. R• qon

Jee.\ W . 1to9ert

. '-

Wllliom B, Shatfvclt

Joieph C Smith


&illy R. P"ynt

Howard T. Rttcliff

C·h.Jrlts E. Rvnell

Roy C. Shotmoker

Cha.rle• l . Snider

Ric.hi.rd P lolt:iot

T s Pa ul H. Phillips

J4rnes C. R•y

Ct.tries F. Sdcatlt

W, W. 'Shorp.d1.irt, Jr.

Arthur P. Spri-n\1t, Jr

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A v I A T I 0 N c A D E T s CLASS 43 - B

00t'4(lld E fhom1on C . R Toepperwein O.tvld 8 . Tuc k

Paul M. w .. , W. 8. Webster. Jr. Eugene C. Welch Robert C. Weldon

Ru p<rl S. Wh•iley Jad M. White loo M. White S•muel A. White. Jr. Henry A . Wilc1yk Ronald W ihcii

Ch.\unc.•y C. Wirsinq Rob ert C. Woodbury Harry J. Wr1y Aylmer M. Wye.he


Fre<l•1ick I<. W iii.On Fir t lu~\11Cn•l'I•

WillitM P. Whlte F.1H1l lieuto''""'

W itlltm l . 8runi"on StcuntJ l.il'utCl'l.'Jnf


W illl.t m M, H~rris Seo orsd li~ulenonl

Rolph E. Kibler, Jrr, S o"ld l• i.1r~,.~ 1

John H. ti9hhey, Jr, Sc- ond l• '~;'hl t

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A v I A T I 0 N c A D E T s C LASS 43-C

Htrmal\ F. Act.erm.tn Leroy E. Allen Howttd l , Andersen Joseph -C. Auqun

C.rlton A_ S.mes Dale R. 8•rtth James 0 . Btatty Be.dford 8 . Bilby Philip S. Bishop ~tlby Bloomfi•ld

Geor9t- A.. Brinton John J . Briody Otll•' A. Brown Riymond M. 8uckiewict James D. Bushard Cecil W. 8utftr Jared 0. Carter

Tom J. Chitders James E. Chmitltwski John I . Cihon Robert J. Clemence Mtudct E. Cloutier Elmer H . Coryell

I S1 I

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t1arl• l'I l . o~ni,

Richard T. Dodson

E1:9ene F. Ebright

Roberl Fe ldman

Par•es S. Floyd

v I OanffJh ~4. 011Pe•

Richard E. Donner

Jic.lt M. Elli1.on

J ohn T. Ft II tr

Stanley C . Foster


O~oy Do Raimo

C• cll J . Dotson

Wesley J. Elliston

Orville 0 . Fetterly

Nelson E. f r·teland

0 N CLASS 4 3 -C

0.Jvid J . De.smar.sis

Ma rvin F. Downer

Robert M, Ensing~r

Harold E. Fife

Ar thur C . F-rey

c A lhonia~ S. Di•tt

Sterlin9 W . Dukes

Adolph L. Erictuon

J . H. Finch

Don G. Ga rrt U

D E Fr-td W. 0111

Wesley N. Oykts

Emme tt It Eva ns

John J ~hhtr, J r.

H1rri1on Gerow

T s Avis. M. Dodrill

Arthur F. Eastma n

Herbert F. Everitt

W lllitm 0 F-lint­

• • b•rl W Gibb

lloyd V. ep,,,.,.,

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A v I A T I 0 N c A D E T s C LASS 4 3 - C

Rob•t t H Heilmar1n Etnest f Httndon

Joseph E Hilke~ Leon M. Hill Albt'I G . Homeyer, Jr. W ill4rd A . How•rd Ka rl K, Howell

louls P. HUm.ln.n Theodore G. Jordan Albert R. kttnt Patrick J, Kelly Alex4nder W. Kidd Howard C . Kin9

St1nlty O. Kline Robert A. Kn.odle Eugene L. Kr•mtr Gerald K. Kreiftls ttobe.tt H. Krumlouf Jerrv C. Kustich, Jr.

Allen F. Lambtr1 Carl A. Ltoch Albert H. Leiqhton Harry Leiste r Charles 0 . lewis Lloyd A. l ewis H ._lrvey L Logue. Jr.

_} .... .

G eorqe I . l..y"ch, Jr. Alwl" I . M.tqolnlc" ••ymond F. Malo

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Willitm A. Morri~

Willl•m H, Norri'

Woodrow 8. Pt\mer

v I A T I l f\'1tn.tS J. M.trih~lf. Jr. Robtrt G M erlin

Vernon C. Meadors Derwin F. Michaelsen

Warren P. Mose9ard Ro b•rt W . Murphy

John H. Oliphint

Gordon l. P• rker


R. H. 01,ort

Ralph T, Ptr1i•r, Jr.

0 N CLASS 4 3 -C

HiJtley 8 M aso-11

Erro. A. Micha.Ison

9 u&nt in Nel~n

Elmer G . Osborn

Robert E. Partrid9e

c A Jo\4ph 8 Mattern

J 0hn P. Mikochik

ChArlts J. Newell

Andrew G . P.tuhn, J r.

D E Donald H. McK•ll1t,

laur·en.ce 0. ~Oller

J. V. N ewman

Ca.lvi" A , Potge

Phjll ip C. P•ynt

T s

Daniel l . Mon$0"

Oon•ld H . Nit Ison

G4brlol A. Pecci

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A v I A T I 0 N c A D E T s CL A SS 4 3-C

WiUlam 8 , R"dned9t Robert A. Reed Chdrles G. Reid Charles W . Re inhard G eor9e A , Rich Re• H. Ritttt C•rl 8. Roads, Jr.

Gilbert H. Rob1nson Roberf K. Robinson Htrry A.. Robison Kenneth 8. Rongst•d Rodtrlc:lc V. Rylander Willtam 8. Schmitz

L•l1 •d B. s .. ., James H . SNnaur Htnry W. Sh.afford J immy H. Smith Fran• J. Stoll Htrman E. Taylor

David C. Withrow E-dmund O. Wriqht W. C, Wundt rlich R. H . 'lenn•r P. M. Zuncor•


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* PAGE 8. CURRAN Mes\ Ste....,41d

(Reading from Left lo Right)

First Row: Master Sergeants Cain, W. F.; Euton, James A.; Technica l Sergeants Oldhom, Ray B.; Rawlins, Robert L.: Rife. George C .

Sec;ond Row: Staff Sergeants Birch, James C.: Bright, Okla.; Bruce. James W. ; Calvarese, Angelo M.: Carmack, Ralph W.; Minto, Faye K., J r.


Third Row: Staff Sergeants Sturie­vant, Cha rles G. ; Ward, W illiam 0.; Sergeants Brecheen, Billy H.: Hynd­man. Samuel R.; Mille r, Leroy C.; Zimmerman, Robert E.

Fourth Row: Technician Fifth Grade Spina. Frank R.; Private First Closs Silvestrini, Mario A.; Privates Breckenridge, Ra lph B.; Gordon, W il · liam A.

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* A c.sdl'!t's life is o busy onl', and on this p<'lqn art!

p;ctured some of the lfarird oclivities that h.we lo

do with the way his f•me • spent. Top, l"ft, shows

how a parachute is folded, and lop, ri9ht, shows

.. n instruct°' and cadet mounting pl.tne. Below,

from lop to bottom, on the left hand side: in the

pho1rm<lcy; waitin' for "' haircut clnd shine; mess hall

~itchen; ri9ht, rrom top to bottom 901n9 in the

recreation hall: studying in b11rr11ds: retreat pclrilde.

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Top lo Botto.m: C•cld e.•mioing eogine ; pulling "chock "


Buber •hop.

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D 0 I


N ' s

R .. drng from lop lo bollom: reluel°•g· c•det.J •rr "''"9 •f tt•• 'o..,..

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* * * * * *

* *



* *

* *

A~MY AND NAVY PUBLIS~ING CO., INC. All Rights Reserved

* MAIN OFFICE 234 Main St., Box 950 . * WEST COAST OFFICE Room 211, 700 S. La Bro Ave .. * BRANCH OFFICES . I 3b Fourth Ave., North . 408 Marsha ll St. . . . .

. . Baton Rouge, La.

. Los Angeles, Calif.

. N,uhville, Tenn. . Shreveport, la.

CAPTAIN CHARLES 0. BAYLIS, USMC (RET) Edltor-ln·Chief and Dlraclor of Field Operations

Sale of this review is restricted to officers, enlisted personnel and their families .

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