Full Moon White Report

Dryad Magical Chocolates - Full Moon White Dryad Design's Full Moon - White Chocolates contain 5 ingredients which were specifically chosen for their magical and folkloric connections with the Full Moon. This phase of the moon is a celebration of mystical love and fulfillment. Let us revel in the love of the moon and drink of its magic. The cacao bean itself, from which chocolate is made, was used by the Aztecs over 4000 years ago. So enthralled were they by the bean that a legend tells of their God, Quetzalcoatl, descending from the heavens on the beam of a morning star with a cacao bean tree stolen from paradise. The popularity of chocolate began its worldwide spread when Princess Maria Theresa of Spain gied chocolate to her husband to be King Louis XIV of France. Chocolate is true symbol of devotion and the proof that the Gods Love us!!! Coconut’s white, round, moist fruit, encased in a hard shell reminds one of the protective and loving energies of the moon. Every part of the versatile tree is useful in some way proving itself to be a priceless gi. Its fruit nourishes, its milk quenches and its trunk and fronds protect. Coconut’ s owers bloom and produce fruit continuously , a virtual fountain of plenty . Dicult to harves, it shows, that the dedication oen leads to the greatest rewards. Vanilla was chosen for its association with love, power and celebration. As the legen d goes, Zanat, the young daughter of a fertility goddess, was forbidden to marry her lov e, a totonac y outh. In an ultimate sacrice of love, she transformed herself into the vanilla orchid so that she could provide her love and his people with pleasure and happiness for eternity . Celbrate the power of love.  Ashwagandha  an important herb in Ayur vedic medicine, has been used in India for over 4000 years. Said to bring the “strength of a stallion”, it calms over-agitated nerves while rejuvenating and nourishing those that have been depleted. The owers of this hearty plant, it can survive in the Himalayas, are very small and easily overlooked but as they mature into pods, they become pink and then burst forth a ruby red  berry . Release your inner power and let your radiance shine through. Cardamom’s properties of love and enjoyment are evidence  by its use as very popular spice the world over in both sweet and savory dishes. It stimulates and relaxes, providing clarity for your mind. Embrace this openness and freedom, to drink in the love that surrounds you. The pure white Rose  , sai d to be cr eated from the sea foam surrounding Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, as she emerges from the sea, is a perfect symbol of Love and Healing. The Greeks believed the r ed rose was created from Aphrodite’s tears and the blood of her wounded lover Adonis, while the Persians say that the nightingale was so inspired by it love for the white rose that it began to sing enchantingly instead of squawk and upon embracing the rose, pierced its breast turning the rose re d. T ruly it symbolizes the immortal and inspiring love that we share with the blessed Full Moon.

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8/12/2019 Full Moon White Report

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