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Transcript of FTAA Myth

  • 7/29/2019 FTAA Myth


    Myth The FTAA will enhance democracy and prosperity throughout the Americas.

    Reality The agreement, being negotiated in secret by unelected trade ministers, will create an

    unprecedented windfall for transnational corporations. Factories will spring up wherever the

    lowest wages and weakest environmental protections exist. Workers' rights, the environment,

    and standards of living all figure to be weakened under the agreement. Corporations will have

    expanded powers to sue governments that pass any law that hinders trade.

    "We reiterate our commitment to avoid to the greatest extent possible the adoption of policies or

    measures that adversely affect trade and investment in the Hemisphere," declares one FTAA


    Myth The FTAA is just about business and therefore has little to do with our everyday


    Reality The scope of the FTAA's power includes but is not limited to: individual privacy,

    environmental issues, drug use, education, health care, the food we eat and grow, energy use and

    distribution, intellectual property.

    Myth "Governments in the Western Hemisphere have committed to transparency in the

    negotiating process."

    Reality While the FTAA has formed a Committee on Civil Society which will accept comments

    from labor, environmental, and academic groups, that committee is under no obligation to

    respond to or even to consider the submitted comments. Furthermore, hundreds of non-

    governmental organizations have been stonewalled in their attempt to learn more about the

  • 7/29/2019 FTAA Myth


    details of the proposed trade agreement, which will affect 650 million people and $9 trillion in

    capital. To date, Canada is the only country of the 34 involved to make public its official

    negotiating texts. Even more disturbing, more than 500 corporate representatives have been

    given access to negotiating documents, not to mention access to the negotiators themselves.

    Myth The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a good thing, and the

    FTAA will be even better.

    Reality More than one million U.S. jobs have been lost due to corporations relocating to Mexico

    since NAFTA went into effect six years ago. Some eight million Mexicans have fallen from the

    middle class into poverty, and an explosion in industry-related illnesses and birth defects have

    been reported along the U.S.-Mexico border. The malignant effects of NAFTA were anticipated

    by the indigenous people of the Mexican state of Chiapasthe Zapatistaswho revolted the very day

    it went into effect.

    Myth Opponents of the FTAA are protectionists or isolationists who oppose trade.

    Reality Most opponents of the FTAA support trade if resources are distributed equitably,

    production stems from a healthy relationship with the environment, and workers control the

    means of production. Unfortunately, the FTAA is just the latest gambit to further concentrate

    wealth into the hands of a few through a process of systematic exploitation. Fortunately, just as

    capitalism is now global, so is resistance to it.

  • 7/29/2019 FTAA Myth


    Myth What's the point of opposing the FTAA? Corporations can get away with whatever

    they want.

    Reality Though it's true that corporations exercise a terrifying amount of control over our lives,

    resistance is far from futile. A genuine grassroots campaign in 1995 and 1997 led to the defeat of

    Fast Track negotiating authority, which would have allowed President Clinton to broker

    international trade deals without input from Congress. President Bush has said that if the new

    Congress doesn't approve Fast Track, U.S. involvement in the FTAA will be hindered. (NY

    Times article) In Chiapas, after seven years of low-intensity war, government troops have been

    ordered to withdrawa clear victory for the poet-warrior Zapatistas. And closer to home,

    thousands of militant, creative, non-violent protestors in Seattle succeeded in throwing the World

    Trade Organizations' ministerial meeting off its tracks in Nov.-Dec. 1999. This helped spell

    defeat for the dreaded Multilateral Agreement on Investments (MAI), which would have greatly

    expanded corporate rights and powers while crippling the ability of local, state and federal

    governments to pass laws protecting the environment and workers. The astounding victory in

    Seattle awakened millions to the evils of global capitalism and proved that the people can win,

    no matter the odds. The 2001 Summit of the Americas meeting in Quebec will be our next big

    chance to hammer another nail into the coffin of greed.