CHAPTER 61 DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE; SUPPORT; TIME-SHARING PART I GENERAL PROVISIONS (ss. 61.001-61.45) PART II UNIFORM CHILD CUSTODY JURISDICTION AND ENFORCEMENT ACT (ss. 61.501-61.542) PART I GENERAL PROVISIONS 61.001 Purpose of chapter. 61.011 Dissolution in chancery. 61.021 Residence requirements. 61.031 Dissolution of marriage to be a vinculo. 61.0401 Application of the law of a foreign country in courts relating to matters arising out of or relating to this chapter and chapter 88. 61.043 Commencement of a proceeding for dis- solution of marriage or for alimony and child support; dissolution questionnaire. 61.044 Certain existing defenses abolished. 61.046 Definitions. 61.052 Dissolution of marriage. 61.061 Proceedings against nonresidents. 61.071 Alimony pendente lite; suit money. 61.075 Equitable distribution of marital assets and liabilities. 61.076 Distribution of retirement plans upon dis- solution of marriage. 61.077 Determination of entitlement to setoffs or credits upon sale of marital home. 61.079 Premarital agreements. 61.08 Alimony. 61.09 Alimony and child support unconnected with dissolution. 61.10 Adjudication of obligation to support spouse or minor child unconnected with dissolution; parenting plan. 61.11 Writs. 61.12 Attachment or garnishment of amounts due for alimony or child support. 61.122 Parenting plan recommendation; presump- tion of psychologist’s good faith; prere- quisite to parent’s filing suit; award of fees, costs, reimbursement. 61.125 Parenting coordination. 61.13 Support of children; parenting and time- sharing; powers of court. 61.13001 Parental relocation with a child. 61.13002 Temporary time-sharing modification and child support modification due to military service. 61.13003 Court-ordered electronic communication between a parent and a child. 61.1301 Income deduction orders. 61.13015 Petition for suspension or denial of profes- sional licenses and certificates. 61.13016 Suspension of driver licenses and motor vehicle registrations. 61.1354 Sharing of information between consumer reporting agencies and the IV-D agency. 61.14 Enforcement and modification of support, maintenance, or alimony agreements or orders. 61.16 Attorney’s fees, suit money, and costs. 61.17 Alimony and child support; additional meth- od for enforcing orders and judgments; costs, expenses. 61.18 Alimony and child support; default in under- taking of bond posted to ensure pay- ment. 61.181 Depository for alimony transactions, sup- port, maintenance, and support pay- ments; fees. 61.1811 Clerk of the Court Child Support Enforce- ment Collection System Trust Fund. 61.1812 Child Support Incentive Trust Fund. 61.1814 Child Support Enforcement Application and Program Revenue Trust Fund. 61.1816 Child Support Clearing Trust Fund. 61.1824 State Disbursement Unit. 61.1825 State Case Registry. 61.1826 Procurement of services for State Disbur- sement Unit and the non-Title IV-D component of the State Case Registry; contracts and cooperative agreements; penalties; withholding payment. 61.1827 Identifying information concerning appli- cants for and recipients of child support services. 61.183 Mediation of certain contested issues. 61.19 Entry of judgment of dissolution of mar- riage, delay period. 61.191 Application. 61.20 Social investigation and recommendations regarding a parenting plan. 61.21 Parenting course authorized; fees; required attendance authorized; contempt. 61.29 Child support guidelines; principles. 61.30 Child support guidelines; retroactive child support. 61.401 Appointment of guardian ad litem. 61.402 Qualifications of guardians ad litem. 61.403 Guardians ad litem; powers and authority. 61.404 Guardians ad litem; confidentiality. 61.405 Guardians ad litem; immunity. 61.45 Court-ordered parenting plan; risk of viola- tion; bond. 61.001 Purpose of chapter.— (1) This chapter shall be liberally construed and applied. (2) Its purposes are: F.S. 2014 DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE; SUPPORT; TIME-SHARING Ch. 61 659





PART I GENERAL PROVISIONS (ss. 61.001-61.45)




61.001 Purpose of chapter.61.011 Dissolution in chancery.61.021 Residence requirements.61.031 Dissolution of marriage to be a vinculo.61.0401 Application of the law of a foreign country in

courts relating to matters arising out of orrelating to this chapter and chapter 88.

61.043 Commencement of a proceeding for dis-solution of marriage or for alimony andchild support; dissolution questionnaire.

61.044 Certain existing defenses abolished.61.046 Definitions.61.052 Dissolution of marriage.61.061 Proceedings against nonresidents.61.071 Alimony pendente lite; suit money.61.075 Equitable distribution of marital assets and

liabilities.61.076 Distribution of retirement plans upon dis-

solution of marriage.61.077 Determination of entitlement to setoffs or

credits upon sale of marital home.61.079 Premarital agreements.61.08 Alimony.61.09 Alimony and child support unconnected

with dissolution.61.10 Adjudication of obligation to support

spouse or minor child unconnected withdissolution; parenting plan.

61.11 Writs.61.12 Attachment or garnishment of amounts due

for alimony or child support.61.122 Parenting plan recommendation; presump-

tion of psychologist’s good faith; prere-quisite to parent’s filing suit; award offees, costs, reimbursement.

61.125 Parenting coordination.61.13 Support of children; parenting and time-

sharing; powers of court.61.13001 Parental relocation with a child.61.13002 Temporary time-sharing modification and

child support modification due to militaryservice.

61.13003 Court-ordered electronic communicationbetween a parent and a child.

61.1301 Income deduction orders.61.13015 Petition for suspension or denial of profes-

sional licenses and certificates.61.13016 Suspension of driver licenses and motor

vehicle registrations.

61.1354 Sharing of information between consumerreporting agencies and the IV-D agency.

61.14 Enforcement and modification of support,maintenance, or alimony agreements ororders.

61.16 Attorney’s fees, suit money, and costs.61.17 Alimony and child support; additional meth-

od for enforcing orders and judgments;costs, expenses.

61.18 Alimony and child support; default in under-taking of bond posted to ensure pay-ment.

61.181 Depository for alimony transactions, sup-port, maintenance, and support pay-ments; fees.

61.1811 Clerk of the Court Child Support Enforce-ment Collection System Trust Fund.

61.1812 Child Support Incentive Trust Fund.61.1814 Child Support Enforcement Application and

Program Revenue Trust Fund.61.1816 Child Support Clearing Trust Fund.61.1824 State Disbursement Unit.61.1825 State Case Registry.61.1826 Procurement of services for State Disbur-

sement Unit and the non-Title IV-Dcomponent of the State Case Registry;contracts and cooperative agreements;penalties; withholding payment.

61.1827 Identifying information concerning appli-cants for and recipients of child supportservices.

61.183 Mediation of certain contested issues.61.19 Entry of judgment of dissolution of mar-

riage, delay period.61.191 Application.61.20 Social investigation and recommendations

regarding a parenting plan.61.21 Parenting course authorized; fees; required

attendance authorized; contempt.61.29 Child support guidelines; principles.61.30 Child support guidelines; retroactive child

support.61.401 Appointment of guardian ad litem.61.402 Qualifications of guardians ad litem.61.403 Guardians ad litem; powers and authority.61.404 Guardians ad litem; confidentiality.61.405 Guardians ad litem; immunity.61.45 Court-ordered parenting plan; risk of viola-

tion; bond.

61.001 Purpose of chapter.—(1) This chapter shall be liberally construed and

applied.(2) Its purposes are:




(a) To preserve the integrity of marriage and tosafeguard meaningful family relationships;(b) To promote the amicable settlement of disputes

that arise between parties to a marriage; and(c) To mitigate the potential harm to the spouses

and their children caused by the process of legaldissolution of marriage.

History.—s. 1, ch. 71-241; s. 111, ch. 86-220.

61.011 Dissolution in chancery.—Proceedingsunder this chapter are in chancery.

History.—s. 1, Oct. 31, 1828; RS 1477; GS 1925; RGS 3188; CGL 4980; s. 2,ch. 29737, 1955; s. 16, ch. 67-254; s. 2, ch. 71-241.

Note.—Former s. 65.01.

61.021 Residence requirements.—To obtain adissolution of marriage, one of the parties to themarriage must reside 6 months in the state before thefiling of the petition.

History.—s. 1, ch. 522, 1853; RS 1478; s. 1, ch. 4726, 1899; GS 1926; RGS3189; CGL 4981; s. 1, ch. 16009, 1933; s. 1, ch. 16975, 1935; s. 1, ch. 57-44; s. 1,ch. 57-1974; s. 16, ch. 67-254; s. 3, ch. 71-241; s. 112, ch. 86-220.

Note.—Former s. 65.02.

61.031 Dissolution of marriage to be a vinculo.No dissolution of marriage is from bed and board, but isfrom bonds of matrimony.

History.—s. 3, Feb. 14, 1835; RS 1479; GS 1927; RGS 3190; CGL 4982; s. 16,ch. 67-254; s. 4, ch. 71-241.

Note.—Former s. 65.03.

61.0401 Application of the law of a foreigncountry in courts relating to matters arising out ofor relating to this chapter and chapter 88.—(1) As used in this section, the term “strong public

policy” means public policy of sufficient importance tooutweigh the policy of protecting freedom of contract.(2) A court may not enforce:(a) A choice of law provision in a contract selecting

the law of a foreign country which contravenes thestrong public policy of this state or that is unjust orunreasonable.(b) A forum selection clause in a contract that

selects a forum in a foreign country if the clause isshown to be unreasonable or unjust or if strong publicpolicy would prohibit the enforceability of the clauseunder the specific facts of the case.(3) Before enforcing a judgment or order of a court

of a foreign country, a court must review the judgment ororder to ensure that it complies with the rule of comity. Ajudgment or order of a court of a foreign country is notentitled to comity if the parties were not given adequatenotice and the opportunity to be heard, the foreign courtdid not have jurisdiction, or the judgment or order of theforeign court offends the public policy of this state. Asused in this subsection, a “foreign court” or “court of aforeign country” includes any court or tribunal that hasjurisdiction under the laws of that nation over the subjectof matters governed by this chapter or chapter 88.(4) Any attempt to apply the law of a foreign country

is void if it contravenes the strong public policy of thisstate or if the law is unjust or unreasonable.(5) A trial court may not dismiss an action on the

grounds that a satisfactory remedy may be moreconveniently sought in a foreign country unless thetrial court finds in accordance with all the applicable

rules of civil procedure and this section that an adequatealternate forum exists.(6) This section applies only to matters governed by

or relating to this chapter or chapter 88.

The purpose of this section is to codify existing caselaw, and that intent should guide the interpretation ofthis section.

History.—s. 1, ch. 2014-10.

61.043 Commencement of a proceeding for dis-solution of marriage or for alimony and childsupport; dissolution questionnaire.—(1) A proceeding for dissolution of marriage or a

proceeding under s. 61.09 shall be commenced by filingin the circuit court a petition entitled “In re the marriageof __, husband, and __, wife.” A copy of the petitiontogether with a copy of a summons shall be served uponthe other party to the marriage in the same manner asservice of papers in civil actions generally.(2) Upon filing for dissolution of marriage, the

petitioner must complete and file with the clerk of thecircuit court an unsigned anonymous informationalquestionnaire. For purposes of anonymity, completedquestionnaires must be kept in a separate file for laterdistribution by the clerk to researchers from the FloridaState University Center for Marriage and Family. Thesequestionnaires must be made available to researchersfrom the Florida State University Center for Marriageand Family at their request. The actual questionnaireshall be formulated by researchers from Florida StateUniversity who shall distribute them to the clerk of thecircuit court in each county.

History.—s. 5, ch. 71-241; s. 11, ch. 98-403.

61.044 Certain existing defenses abolished.—The defenses to divorce and legal separation ofcondonation, collusion, recrimination, and laches areabolished.

History.—s. 6, ch. 71-241.

61.046 Definitions.—As used in this chapter, theterm:(1) “Business day” means any day other than a

Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.(2) “Clerk of Court Child Support Collection System”

or “CLERC System” means the automated systemestablished pursuant to s. 61.181(2)(b)1., integratingall clerks of court and depositories and through whichpayment data and State Case Registry data is trans-mitted to the department’s automated child supportenforcement system.(3) “Department” means the Department of Reven-

ue.(4) “Depository” means the central governmental

depository established pursuant to s. 61.181, created byspecial act of the Legislature or other entity establishedbefore June 1, 1985, to perform depository functionsand to receive, record, report, disburse, monitor, andotherwise handle alimony and child support paymentsnot otherwise required to be processed by the StateDisbursement Unit.(5) “Electronic communication” means contact,

other than face-to-face contact, facilitated by tools




such as telephones, electronic mail or e-mail, webcams,video-conferencing equipment and software or otherwired or wireless technologies, or other means ofcommunication to supplement face-to-face contactbetween a parent and that parent’s minor child.(6) “Federal Case Registry of Child Support Orders”

means the automated registry of support order ab-stracts and other information established and main-tained by the United States Department of Health andHuman Services as provided by 42 U.S.C. s. 653(h).(7) “Health insurance” means coverage under a fee-

for-service arrangement, health maintenance organiza-tion, or preferred provider organization, and other typesof coverage available to either parent, under whichmedical services could be provided to a dependentchild.(8) “Income” means any form of payment to an

individual, regardless of source, including, but notlimited to: wages, salary, commissions and bonuses,compensation as an independent contractor, worker’scompensation, disability benefits, annuity and retire-ment benefits, pensions, dividends, interest, royalties,trusts, and any other payments, made by any person,private entity, federal or state government, or any unit oflocal government. United States Department of Veter-ans Affairs disability benefits and reemployment assis-tance or unemployment compensation, as defined inchapter 443, are excluded from this definition of incomeexcept for purposes of establishing an amount ofsupport.(9) “IV-D” means services provided pursuant to Title

IV-D of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. ss. 651 et seq.(10) “Local officer” means an elected or appointed

constitutional or charter government official including,but not limited to, the state attorney and clerk of thecircuit court.(11) “National medical support notice” means the

notice required under 42 U.S.C. s. 666(a)(19).(12) “Obligee” means the person to whom payments

are made pursuant to an order establishing, enforcing,or modifying an obligation for alimony, for child support,or for alimony and child support.(13) “Obligor” means a person responsible for mak-

ing payments pursuant to an order establishing, enfor-cing, or modifying an obligation for alimony, for childsupport, or for alimony and child support.(14) “Parenting plan” means a document created to

govern the relationship between the parents relating todecisions that must be made regarding the minor childand must contain a time-sharing schedule for theparents and child. The issues concerning the minorchild may include, but are not limited to, the child’seducation, health care, and physical, social, and emo-tional well-being. In creating the plan, all circumstancesbetween the parents, including their historic relation-ship, domestic violence, and other factors must betaken into consideration.(a) The parenting plan must be:1. Developed and agreed to by the parents and

approved by a court; or2. Established by the court, with or without the use

of a court-ordered parenting plan recommendation, if

the parents cannot agree to a plan or the parents agreedto a plan that is not approved by the court.(b) Any parenting plan formulated under this chap-

ter must address all jurisdictional issues, including theUniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and EnforcementAct, part II of this chapter, the International ChildAbduction Remedies Act, 42 U.S.C. ss. 11601 etseq., the Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act, and theConvention on the Civil Aspects of International ChildAbduction enacted at the Hague on October 25, 1980.(c) For purposes of the Uniform Child Custody

Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, part II of this chapter,a judgment or order incorporating a parenting planunder this part is a child custody determination underpart II of this chapter.(d) For purposes of the International Child Abduc-

tion Remedies Act, 42 U.S.C. ss. 11601 et seq., and theConvention on the Civil Aspects of International ChildAbduction, enacted at the Hague on October 25, 1980,rights of custody and rights of access are determinedpursuant to the parenting plan under this part.(15) “Parenting plan recommendation” means a

nonbinding recommendation concerning one or moreelements of a parenting plan made by a court-appointedmental health practitioner or other professional desig-nated pursuant to s. 61.20, s. 61.401, or Florida FamilyLaw Rules of Procedure 12.363.(16) “Payor” means an employer or former employer

or any other person or agency providing or administer-ing income to the obligor.(17) “Shared parental responsibility” means a court-

ordered relationship in which both parents retain fullparental rights and responsibilities with respect to theirchild and in which both parents confer with each otherso that major decisions affecting the welfare of the childwill be determined jointly.(18) “Sole parental responsibility” means a court-

ordered relationship in which one parent makes deci-sions regarding the minor child.(19) “State Case Registry” means the automated

registry maintained by the Title IV-D agency, containingrecords of each Title IV-D case and of each supportorder established or modified in the state on or afterOctober 1, 1998. Such records shall consist of dataelements as required by the United States Secretary ofHealth and Human Services.(20) “State Disbursement Unit” means the unit es-

tablished and operated by the Title IV-D agency toprovide one central address for collection and disburse-ment of child support payments made in cases enforcedby the department pursuant to Title IV-D of the SocialSecurity Act and in cases not being enforced by thedepartment in which the support order was initiallyissued in this state on or after January 1, 1994, and inwhich the obligor’s child support obligation is being paidthrough income deduction order.(21) “Support order” means a judgment, decree, or

order, whether temporary or final, issued by a court ofcompetent jurisdiction or administrative agency for thesupport and maintenance of a child which provides formonetary support, health care, arrearages, or pastsupport. When the child support obligation is beingenforced by the Department of Revenue, the term




“support order” also means a judgment, decree, ororder, whether temporary or final, issued by a court ofcompetent jurisdiction for the support and maintenanceof a child and the spouse or former spouse of the obligorwith whom the child is living which provides formonetary support, health care, arrearages, or pastsupport.(22) “Support,” unless otherwise specified, means:(a) Child support and, when the child support

obligation is being enforced by the Department ofRevenue, spousal support or alimony for the spouseor former spouse of the obligor with whom the child isliving.(b) Child support only in cases not being enforced

by the Department of Revenue.(23) “Time-sharing schedule” means a timetable that

must be included in the parenting plan that specifies thetime, including overnights and holidays, that a minorchild will spend with each parent. The time-sharingschedule shall be:(a) Developed and agreed to by the parents of a

minor child and approved by the court; or(b) Established by the court if the parents cannot

agree or if their agreed-upon schedule is not approvedby the court.

History.—s. 113, ch. 86-220; s. 1, ch. 92-138; s. 1, ch. 93-188; s. 59, ch. 93-268;s. 8, ch. 94-124; s. 1363, ch. 95-147; s. 3, ch. 96-183; s. 1, ch. 97-170; s. 41, ch.98-397; s. 2, ch. 2001-158; s. 1, ch. 2002-173; s. 1, ch. 2004-334; s. 1, ch. 2007-179;s. 2, ch. 2008-61; s. 1, ch. 2009-90; s. 1, ch. 2009-180; s. 36, ch. 2012-30.

61.052 Dissolution of marriage.—(1) No judgment of dissolution of marriage shall be

granted unless one of the following facts appears, whichshall be pleaded generally:(a) The marriage is irretrievably broken.(b) Mental incapacity of one of the parties. However,

no dissolution shall be allowed unless the party allegedto be incapacitated shall have been adjudged incapa-citated according to the provisions of s. 744.331 for apreceding period of at least 3 years. Notice of theproceeding for dissolution shall be served upon one ofthe nearest blood relatives or guardian of the incapa-citated person, and the relative or guardian shall beentitled to appear and to be heard upon the issues. If theincapacitated party has a general guardian other thanthe party bringing the proceeding, the petition andsummons shall be served upon the incapacitatedparty and the guardian; and the guardian shall defendand protect the interests of the incapacitated party. If theincapacitated party has no guardian other than the partybringing the proceeding, the court shall appoint aguardian ad litem to defend and protect the interestsof the incapacitated party. However, in all dissolutions ofmarriage granted on the basis of incapacity, the courtmay require the petitioner to pay alimony pursuant to theprovisions of s. 61.08.(2) Based on the evidence at the hearing, which

evidence need not be corroborated except to establishthat the residence requirements of s. 61.021 are metwhich may be corroborated by a valid Florida driverlicense, a Florida voter’s registration card, a validFlorida identification card issued under s. 322.051, orthe testimony or affidavit of a third party, the court shalldispose of the petition for dissolution of marriage when

the petition is based on the allegation that the marriageis irretrievably broken as follows:(a) If there is no minor child of the marriage and if

the responding party does not, by answer to the petitionfor dissolution, deny that the marriage is irretrievablybroken, the court shall enter a judgment of dissolution ofthe marriage if the court finds that the marriage isirretrievably broken.(b) When there is a minor child of the marriage, or

when the responding party denies by answer to thepetition for dissolution that the marriage is irretrievablybroken, the court may:1. Order either or both parties to consult with a

marriage counselor, psychologist, psychiatrist, minister,priest, rabbi, or any other person deemed qualified bythe court and acceptable to the party or parties orderedto seek consultation; or2. Continue the proceedings for a reasonable

length of time not to exceed 3 months, to enable theparties themselves to effect a reconciliation; or3. Take such other action as may be in the best

interest of the parties and the minor child of themarriage.

If, at any time, the court finds that the marriage isirretrievably broken, the court shall enter a judgment ofdissolution of the marriage. If the court finds that themarriage is not irretrievably broken, it shall deny thepetition for dissolution of marriage.(3) During any period of continuance, the court may

make appropriate orders for the support and alimony ofthe parties; the parenting plan, support, maintenance,and education of the minor child of the marriage;attorney’s fees; and the preservation of the propertyof the parties.(4) A judgment of dissolution of marriage shall result

in each spouse having the status of being single andunmarried. No judgment of dissolution of marriagerenders the child of the marriage a child born out ofwedlock.(5) The court may enforce an antenuptial agree-

ment to arbitrate a dispute in accordance with the lawand tradition chosen by the parties.(6) Any injunction for protection against domestic

violence arising out of the dissolution of marriageproceeding shall be issued as a separate order incompliance with chapter 741 and shall not be included inthe judgment of dissolution of marriage.(7) In the initial pleading for a dissolution of marriage

as a separate attachment to the pleading, each party isrequired to provide his or her social security number andthe full names and social security numbers of each ofthe minor children of the marriage.(8) Pursuant to the federal Personal Responsibility

and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, eachparty is required to provide his or her social securitynumber in accordance with this section. Each party isalso required to provide the full name, date of birth, andsocial security number for each minor child of themarriage. Disclosure of social security numbers ob-tained through this requirement shall be limited to the




purpose of administration of the Title IV-D program forchild support enforcement.

History.—s. 7, ch. 71-241; s. 26, ch. 73-333; s. 38, ch. 81-259; s. 1, ch. 86-150;s. 114, ch. 86-220; s. 1, ch. 89-61; s. 107, ch. 89-96; s. 1, ch. 91-246; s. 2, ch.93-188; s. 4, ch. 96-183; s. 1, ch. 96-392; s. 2, ch. 97-170; s. 3, ch. 97-242; s. 12, ch.98-403; s. 1, ch. 99-375; s. 3, ch. 2008-61.

61.061 Proceedings against nonresidents.—Proceedings may be brought against persons residingout of the state.

History.—s. 1, Feb. 4, 1833; RS 1482; GS 1930; RGS 3193; CGL 4985; s. 2, ch.29737, 1955; s. 16, ch. 67-254; s. 8, ch. 71-241.

Note.—Former s. 65.06.

61.071 Alimony pendente lite; suit money.—Inevery proceeding for dissolution of the marriage, a partymay claim alimony and suit money in the petition or bymotion, and if the petition is well founded, the court shallallow a reasonable sum therefor. If a party in anyproceeding for dissolution of marriage claims alimony orsuit money in his or her answer or by motion, and theanswer or motion is well founded, the court shall allow areasonable sum therefor.

History.—ss. 1, 2, ch. 3581, 1885; RS 1483; GS 1931; RGS 3194; CGL 4986; s.2, ch. 29737, 1955; s. 16, ch. 67-254; s. 9, ch. 71-241; s. 319, ch. 95-147.

Note.—Former s. 65.07.

61.075 Equitable distribution of marital assetsand liabilities.—(1) In a proceeding for dissolution of marriage, in

addition to all other remedies available to a court to doequity between the parties, or in a proceeding fordisposition of assets following a dissolution of marriageby a court which lacked jurisdiction over the absentspouse or lacked jurisdiction to dispose of the assets,the court shall set apart to each spouse that spouse’snonmarital assets and liabilities, and in distributing themarital assets and liabilities between the parties, thecourt must begin with the premise that the distributionshould be equal, unless there is a justification for anunequal distribution based on all relevant factors,including:(a) The contribution to the marriage by each

spouse, including contributions to the care and educa-tion of the children and services as homemaker.(b) The economic circumstances of the parties.(c) The duration of the marriage.(d) Any interruption of personal careers or educa-

tional opportunities of either party.(e) The contribution of one spouse to the personal

career or educational opportunity of the other spouse.(f) The desirability of retaining any asset, including

an interest in a business, corporation, or professionalpractice, intact and free from any claim or interferenceby the other party.(g) The contribution of each spouse to the acquisi-

tion, enhancement, and production of income or theimprovement of, or the incurring of liabilities to, both themarital assets and the nonmarital assets of the parties.(h) The desirability of retaining the marital home as

a residence for any dependent child of the marriage, orany other party, when it would be equitable to do so, it isin the best interest of the child or that party, and it isfinancially feasible for the parties to maintain theresidence until the child is emancipated or until ex-clusive possession is otherwise terminated by a court of

competent jurisdiction. In making this determination, thecourt shall first determine if it would be in the bestinterest of the dependent child to remain in the maritalhome; and, if not, whether other equities would beserved by giving any other party exclusive use andpossession of the marital home.(i) The intentional dissipation, waste, depletion, or

destruction of marital assets after the filing of the petitionor within 2 years prior to the filing of the petition.(j) Any other factors necessary to do equity and

justice between the parties.(2) If the court awards a cash payment for the

purpose of equitable distribution of marital assets, to bepaid in full or in installments, the full amount orderedshall vest when the judgment is awarded and the awardshall not terminate upon remarriage or death of eitherparty, unless otherwise agreed to by the parties, butshall be treated as a debt owed from the obligor or theobligor’s estate to the obligee or the obligee’s estate,unless otherwise agreed to by the parties.(3) In any contested dissolution action wherein a

stipulation and agreement has not been entered andfiled, any distribution of marital assets or maritalliabilities shall be supported by factual findings in thejudgment or order based on competent substantialevidence with reference to the factors enumerated insubsection (1). The distribution of all marital assets andmarital liabilities, whether equal or unequal, shallinclude specific written findings of fact as to thefollowing:(a) Clear identification of nonmarital assets and

ownership interests;(b) Identification of marital assets, including the

individual valuation of significant assets, and designa-tion of which spouse shall be entitled to each asset;(c) Identification of the marital liabilities and desig-

nation of which spouse shall be responsible for eachliability;(d) Any other findings necessary to advise the

parties or the reviewing court of the trial court’s rationalefor the distribution of marital assets and allocation ofliabilities.(4) The judgment distributing assets shall have the

effect of a duly executed instrument of conveyance,transfer, release, or acquisition which is recorded in thecounty where the property is located when the judg-ment, or a certified copy of the judgment, is recorded inthe official records of the county in which the property islocated.(5) If the court finds good cause that there should be

an interim partial distribution during the pendency of adissolution action, the court may enter an interim orderthat shall identify and value the marital and nonmaritalassets and liabilities made the subject of the swornmotion, set apart those nonmarital assets and liabilities,and provide for a partial distribution of those maritalassets and liabilities. An interim order may be entered atany time after the date the dissolution of marriage is filedand served and before the final distribution of maritaland nonmarital assets and marital and nonmaritalliabilities.(a) Such an interim order shall be entered only upon

good cause shown and upon sworn motion establishing




specific factual basis for the motion. The motion may befiled by either party and shall demonstrate good causewhy the matter should not be deferred until the finalhearing.(b) The court shall specifically take into account and

give appropriate credit for any partial distribution ofmarital assets or liabilities in its final allocation of maritalassets or liabilities. Further, the court shall makespecific findings in any interim order under this sectionthat any partial distribution will not cause inequity orprejudice to either party as to either party’s claims forsupport or attorney’s fees.(c) Any interim order partially distributing marital

assets or liabilities as provided in this subsection shallbe pursuant to and comport with the factors in subsec-tions (1) and (3) as such factors pertain to the assets orliabilities made the subject of the sworn motion.(d) As used in this subsection, the term “good

cause” means extraordinary circumstances that requirean interim partial distribution.(6) As used in this section:(a)1. “Marital assets and liabilities” include:a. Assets acquired and liabilities incurred during

the marriage, individually by either spouse or jointly bythem.b. The enhancement in value and appreciation of

nonmarital assets resulting either from the efforts ofeither party during the marriage or from the contributionto or expenditure thereon of marital funds or other formsof marital assets, or both.c. Interspousal gifts during the marriage.d. All vested and nonvested benefits, rights, and

funds accrued during the marriage in retirement, pen-sion, profit-sharing, annuity, deferred compensation,and insurance plans and programs.2. All real property held by the parties as tenants by

the entireties, whether acquired prior to or during themarriage, shall be presumed to be a marital asset. If, inany case, a party makes a claim to the contrary, theburden of proof shall be on the party asserting the claimthat the subject property, or some portion thereof, isnonmarital.3. All personal property titled jointly by the parties

as tenants by the entireties, whether acquired prior to orduring the marriage, shall be presumed to be a maritalasset. In the event a party makes a claim to the contrary,the burden of proof shall be on the party asserting theclaim that the subject property, or some portion thereof,is nonmarital.4. The burden of proof to overcome the gift

presumption shall be by clear and convincing evidence.(b) “Nonmarital assets and liabilities” include:1. Assets acquired and liabilities incurred by either

party prior to the marriage, and assets acquired andliabilities incurred in exchange for such assets andliabilities;2. Assets acquired separately by either party by

noninterspousal gift, bequest, devise, or descent, andassets acquired in exchange for such assets;3. All income derived from nonmarital assets dur-

ing the marriage unless the income was treated, used,or relied upon by the parties as a marital asset;

4. Assets and liabilities excluded from maritalassets and liabilities by valid written agreement of theparties, and assets acquired and liabilities incurred inexchange for such assets and liabilities; and5. Any liability incurred by forgery or unauthorized

signature of one spouse signing the name of the otherspouse. Any such liability shall be a nonmarital liabilityonly of the party having committed the forgery or havingaffixed the unauthorized signature. In determining anaward of attorney’s fees and costs pursuant to s. 61.16,the court may consider forgery or an unauthorizedsignature by a party andmaymake a separate award forattorney’s fees and costs occasioned by the forgery orunauthorized signature. This subparagraph does notapply to any forged or unauthorized signature that wassubsequently ratified by the other spouse.(7) The cut-off date for determining assets and

liabilities to be identified or classified as marital assetsand liabilities is the earliest of the date the parties enterinto a valid separation agreement, such other date asmay be expressly established by such agreement, orthe date of the filing of a petition for dissolution ofmarriage. The date for determining value of assets andthe amount of liabilities identified or classified as maritalis the date or dates as the judge determines is just andequitable under the circumstances. Different assetsmay be valued as of different dates, as, in the judge’sdiscretion, the circumstances require.(8) All assets acquired and liabilities incurred by

either spouse subsequent to the date of the marriageand not specifically established as nonmarital assets orliabilities are presumed to be marital assets andliabilities. Such presumption is overcome by a showingthat the assets and liabilities are nonmarital assets andliabilities. The presumption is only for evidentiarypurposes in the dissolution proceeding and does notvest title. Title to disputed assets shall vest only by thejudgment of a court. This section does not require thejoinder of spouses in the conveyance, transfer, orhypothecation of a spouse’s individual property; affectthe laws of descent and distribution; or establishcommunity property in this state.(9) The court may provide for equitable distribution

of the marital assets and liabilities without regard toalimony for either party. After the determination of anequitable distribution of the marital assets and liabilities,the court shall consider whether a judgment for alimonyshall be made.(10) To do equity between the parties, the court may,

in lieu of or to supplement, facilitate, or effectuate theequitable division of marital assets and liabilities, order amonetary payment in a lump sum or in installments paidover a fixed period of time.(11) Special equity is abolished. All claims formerly

identified as special equity, and all special equitycalculations, are abolished and shall be asserted eitheras a claim for unequal distribution of marital propertyand resolved by the factors set forth in subsection (1) oras a claim of enhancement in value or appreciation ofnonmarital property.

History.—s. 1, ch. 88-98; s. 2, ch. 91-246; s. 3, ch. 93-188; s. 1, ch. 94-204; s. 1,ch. 96-305; s. 1, ch. 2002-244; s. 1, ch. 2008-46.




61.076 Distribution of retirement plans upondissolution of marriage.—(1) All vested and nonvested benefits, rights, and

funds accrued during the marriage in retirement, pen-sion, profit-sharing, annuity, deferred compensation,and insurance plans and programs are marital assetssubject to equitable distribution.(2) If the parties were married for at least 10 years,

during which at least one of the parties who was amember of the federal uniformed services performed atleast 10 years of creditable service, and if the division ofmarital property includes a division of uniformed ser-vices retired or retainer pay, the final judgment shallinclude the following:(a) Sufficient information to identify the member of

the uniformed services;(b) Certification that the Servicemembers Civil Re-

lief Act was observed if the decree was issued while themember was on active duty and was not represented incourt;(c) A specification of the amount of retired or

retainer pay to be distributed pursuant to the order,expressed in dollars or as a percentage of the dis-posable retired or retainer pay.(3) An order which provides for distribution of retired

or retainer pay from the federal uniformed services shallnot provide for payment from this source more fre-quently than monthly and shall not require the payor tovary normal pay and disbursement cycles for retired orretainer pay in order to comply with the order.

History.—s. 3, ch. 88-98; s. 5, ch. 2007-5.

61.077 Determination of entitlement to setoffsor credits upon sale of marital home.—A party is notentitled to any credits or setoffs upon the sale of themarital home unless the parties’ settlement agreement,final judgment of dissolution of marriage, or finaljudgment equitably distributing assets or debts specifi-cally provides that certain credits or setoffs are allowedor given at the time of the sale. In the absence of asettlement agreement involving the marital home, thecourt shall consider the following factors before deter-mining the issue of credits or setoffs in its final judgment:(1) Whether exclusive use and possession of the

marital home is being awarded, and the basis for theaward;(2) Whether alimony is being awarded to the party in

possession and whether the alimony is being awardedto cover, in part or otherwise, the mortgage and taxesand other expenses of and in connection with the maritalhome;(3) Whether child support is being awarded to the

party in possession and whether the child support isbeing awarded to cover, in part or otherwise, themortgage and taxes and other expenses of and inconnection with the marital home;(4) The value to the party in possession of the use

and occupancy of the marital home;(5) The value of the loss of use and occupancy of

the marital home to the party out of possession;(6) Which party will be entitled to claim the mort-

gage interest payments, real property tax payments,and related payments in connection with the marital

home as tax deductions for federal income tax pur-poses;(7) Whether one or both parties will experience a

capital gains taxable event as a result of the sale of themarital home; and(8) Any other factor necessary to bring about equity

and justice between the parties.History.—s. 1, ch. 97-249.

61.079 Premarital agreements.—(1) SHORT TITLE.—This section may be cited as

the “Uniform Premarital Agreement Act” and this sectionapplies only to proceedings under the Florida FamilyLaw Rules of Procedure.(2) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this section, the

term:(a) “Premarital agreement” means an agreement

between prospective spouses made in contemplation ofmarriage and to be effective upon marriage.(b) “Property” includes, but is not limited to, an

interest, present or future, legal or equitable, vested orcontingent, in real or personal property, tangible orintangible, including income and earnings, both activeand passive.(3) FORMALITIES.—A premarital agreement must

be in writing and signed by both parties. It is enforceablewithout consideration other than the marriage itself.(4) CONTENT.—(a) Parties to a premarital agreement may contract

with respect to:1. The rights and obligations of each of the parties

in any of the property of either or both of them wheneverand wherever acquired or located;2. The right to buy, sell, use, transfer, exchange,

abandon, lease, consume, expend, assign, create asecurity interest in, mortgage, encumber, dispose of, orotherwise manage and control property;3. The disposition of property upon separation,

marital dissolution, death, or the occurrence or non-occurrence of any other event;4. The establishment, modification, waiver, or

elimination of spousal support;5. The making of a will, trust, or other arrangement

to carry out the provisions of the agreement;6. The ownership rights in and disposition of the

death benefit from a life insurance policy;7. The choice of law governing the construction of

the agreement; and8. Any other matter, including their personal rights

and obligations, not in violation of either the public policyof this state or a law imposing a criminal penalty.(b) The right of a child to support may not be

adversely affected by a premarital agreement.(5) EFFECT OF MARRIAGE.—A premarital agree-

ment becomes effective upon marriage of the parties.(6) AMENDMENT; REVOCATION OR ABANDON-

MENT.—After marriage, a premarital agreement maybe amended, revoked, or abandoned only by a writtenagreement signed by the parties. The amended agree-ment, revocation, or abandonment is enforceable with-out consideration.(7) ENFORCEMENT.—




(a) A premarital agreement is not enforceable in anaction proceeding under the Florida Family Law Rulesof Procedure if the party against whom enforcement issought proves that:1. The party did not execute the agreement

voluntarily;2. The agreement was the product of fraud, duress,

coercion, or overreaching; or3. The agreement was unconscionable when it was

executed and, before execution of the agreement, thatparty:a. Was not provided a fair and reasonable dis-

closure of the property or financial obligations of theother party;b. Did not voluntarily and expressly waive, in

writing, any right to disclosure of the property or financialobligations of the other party beyond the disclosureprovided; andc. Did not have, or reasonably could not have had,

an adequate knowledge of the property or financialobligations of the other party.(b) If a provision of a premarital agreement modifies

or eliminates spousal support and that modification orelimination causes one party to the agreement to beeligible for support under a program of public assistanceat the time of separation or marital dissolution, a court,notwithstanding the terms of the agreement, mayrequire the other party to provide support to the extentnecessary to avoid that eligibility.(c) An issue of unconscionability of a premarital

agreement shall be decided by the court as a matter oflaw.(8) ENFORCEMENT; VOID MARRIAGE.—If a

marriage is determined to be void, an agreement thatwould otherwise have been a premarital agreement isenforceable only to the extent necessary to avoid aninequitable result.(9) LIMITATION OF ACTIONS.—Any statute of

limitations applicable to an action asserting a claim forrelief under a premarital agreement is tolled during themarriage of the parties to the agreement. However,equitable defenses limiting the time for enforcement,including laches and estoppel, are available to eitherparty.(10) APPLICATION TO PROBATE CODE.—This

section does not alter the construction, interpretation,or required formalities of, or the rights or obligationsunder, agreements between spouses under s. 732.701or s. 732.702.

History.—s. 1, ch. 2007-171.

61.08 Alimony.—(1) In a proceeding for dissolution of marriage, the

court may grant alimony to either party, which alimonymay be bridge-the-gap, rehabilitative, durational, orpermanent in nature or any combination of theseforms of alimony. In any award of alimony, the courtmay order periodic payments or payments in lump sumor both. The court may consider the adultery of eitherspouse and the circumstances thereof in determiningthe amount of alimony, if any, to be awarded. In alldissolution actions, the court shall include findings of

fact relative to the factors enumerated in subsection (2)supporting an award or denial of alimony.(2) In determining whether to award alimony or

maintenance, the court shall first make a specific factualdetermination as to whether either party has an actualneed for alimony or maintenance and whether eitherparty has the ability to pay alimony or maintenance. Ifthe court finds that a party has a need for alimony ormaintenance and that the other party has the ability topay alimony or maintenance, then in determining theproper type and amount of alimony or maintenanceunder subsections (5)-(8), the court shall consider allrelevant factors, including, but not limited to:(a) The standard of living established during the

marriage.(b) The duration of the marriage.(c) The age and the physical and emotional condi-

tion of each party.(d) The financial resources of each party, including

the nonmarital and the marital assets and liabilitiesdistributed to each.(e) The earning capacities, educational levels, vo-

cational skills, and employability of the parties and,when applicable, the time necessary for either party toacquire sufficient education or training to enable suchparty to find appropriate employment.(f) The contribution of each party to the marriage,

including, but not limited to, services rendered inhomemaking, child care, education, and career buildingof the other party.(g) The responsibilities each party will have with

regard to any minor children they have in common.(h) The tax treatment and consequences to both

parties of any alimony award, including the designationof all or a portion of the payment as a nontaxable,nondeductible payment.(i) All sources of income available to either party,

including income available to either party throughinvestments of any asset held by that party.(j) Any other factor necessary to do equity and

justice between the parties.(3) To the extent necessary to protect an award of

alimony, the court may order any party who is ordered topay alimony to purchase or maintain a life insurancepolicy or a bond, or to otherwise secure such alimonyaward with any other assets which may be suitable forthat purpose.(4) For purposes of determining alimony, there is a

rebuttable presumption that a short-term marriage is amarriage having a duration of less than 7 years, amoderate-termmarriage is a marriage having a durationof greater than 7 years but less than 17 years, and long-term marriage is a marriage having a duration of 17years or greater. The length of a marriage is the periodof time from the date of marriage until the date of filing ofan action for dissolution of marriage.(5) Bridge-the-gap alimony may be awarded to

assist a party by providing support to allow the partyto make a transition from being married to being single.Bridge-the-gap alimony is designed to assist a partywith legitimate identifiable short-term needs, and thelength of an award may not exceed 2 years. An award ofbridge-the-gap alimony terminates upon the death of




either party or upon the remarriage of the party receivingalimony. An award of bridge-the-gap alimony shall notbe modifiable in amount or duration.(6)(a) Rehabilitative alimony may be awarded to

assist a party in establishing the capacity for self-support through either:1. The redevelopment of previous skills or creden-

tials; or2. The acquisition of education, training, or work

experience necessary to develop appropriate employ-ment skills or credentials.(b) In order to award rehabilitative alimony, there

must be a specific and defined rehabilitative plan whichshall be included as a part of any order awardingrehabilitative alimony.(c) An award of rehabilitative alimony may be

modified or terminated in accordance with s. 61.14based upon a substantial change in circumstances,upon noncompliance with the rehabilitative plan, orupon completion of the rehabilitative plan.(7) Durational alimony may be awarded when

permanent periodic alimony is inappropriate. The pur-pose of durational alimony is to provide a party witheconomic assistance for a set period of time following amarriage of short or moderate duration or following amarriage of long duration if there is no ongoing need forsupport on a permanent basis. An award of durationalalimony terminates upon the death of either party orupon the remarriage of the party receiving alimony. Theamount of an award of durational alimony may bemodified or terminated based upon a substantialchange in circumstances in accordance with s. 61.14.However, the length of an award of durational alimonymay not be modified except under exceptional circum-stances and may not exceed the length of the marriage.(8) Permanent alimony may be awarded to provide

for the needs and necessities of life as they wereestablished during the marriage of the parties for a partywho lacks the financial ability to meet his or her needsand necessities of life following a dissolution of mar-riage. Permanent alimony may be awarded following amarriage of long duration if such an award is appropriateupon consideration of the factors set forth in subsection(2), following a marriage of moderate duration if such anaward is appropriate based upon clear and convincingevidence after consideration of the factors set forth insubsection (2), or following a marriage of short durationif there are written findings of exceptional circum-stances. In awarding permanent alimony, the courtshall include a finding that no other form of alimony isfair and reasonable under the circumstances of theparties. An award of permanent alimony terminatesupon the death of either party or upon the remarriage ofthe party receiving alimony. An award may be modifiedor terminated based upon a substantial change incircumstances or upon the existence of a supportiverelationship in accordance with s. 61.14.(9) The award of alimony may not leave the payor

with significantly less net income than the net income ofthe recipient unless there are written findings of excep-tional circumstances.(10)(a) With respect to any order requiring the

payment of alimony entered on or after January 1,

1985, unless the provisions of paragraph (c) or para-graph (d) apply, the court shall direct in the order that thepayments of alimony be made through the appropriatedepository as provided in s. 61.181.(b) With respect to any order requiring the payment

of alimony entered before January 1, 1985, upon thesubsequent appearance, on or after that date, of one orboth parties before the court having jurisdiction for thepurpose of modifying or enforcing the order or in anyother proceeding related to the order, or upon theapplication of either party, unless the provisions ofparagraph (c) or paragraph (d) apply, the court shallmodify the terms of the order as necessary to direct thatpayments of alimony be made through the appropriatedepository as provided in s. 61.181.(c) If there is no minor child, alimony payments

need not be directed through the depository.(d)1. If there is a minor child of the parties and both

parties so request, the court may order that alimonypayments need not be directed through the depository.In this case, the order of support shall provide, or bedeemed to provide, that either party may subsequentlyapply to the depository to require that payments bemade through the depository. The court shall provide acopy of the order to the depository.2. If the provisions of subparagraph 1. apply, either

party may subsequently file with the depository anaffidavit alleging default or arrearages in payment andstating that the party wishes to initiate participation inthe depository program. The party shall provide copiesof the affidavit to the court and the other party or parties.Fifteen days after receipt of the affidavit, the depositoryshall notify all parties that future payments shall bedirected to the depository.3. In IV-D cases, the IV-D agency shall have the

same rights as the obligee in requesting that paymentsbe made through the depository.

History.—ss. 7, 12, Oct. 31, 1828; RS 1484; GS 1932; RGS 3195; CGL 4987; s.1, ch. 23894, 1947; s. 1, ch. 63-145; s. 16, ch. 67-254; s. 10, ch. 71-241; s. 1, ch.78-339; s. 1, ch. 84-110; s. 115, ch. 86-220; s. 2. ch. 88-98; s. 3, ch. 91-246; s. 1, ch.2010-199; s. 79, ch. 2011-92.

Note.—Former s. 65.08.

61.09 Alimony and child support unconnectedwith dissolution.—If a person having the ability tocontribute to the maintenance of his or her spouse andsupport of his or her minor child fails to do so, thespouse who is not receiving support may apply to thecourt for alimony and for support for the child withoutseeking dissolution of marriage, and the court shallenter an order as it deems just and proper.

History.—ss. 1, 2, ch. 3581, 1885; RS 1485; GS 1933; RGS 3196; CGL 4988; s.2, ch. 29737, 1955; s. 1, ch. 65-498; s. 16, ch. 67-254; s. 11, ch. 71-241; s. 116, ch.86-220; s. 320, ch. 95-147; s. 4, ch. 2008-61.

Note.—Former s. 65.09.

61.10 Adjudication of obligation to supportspouse or minor child unconnected with dissolu-tion; parenting plan.—Except when relief is affordedby some other pending civil action or proceeding, aspouse residing in this state apart from his or herspouse and minor child, whether or not such separationis through his or her fault, may obtain an adjudication ofobligation to maintain the spouse and minor child, if any.The court shall adjudicate his or her financial obligationsto the spouse and child and shall establish the parenting




plan for the parties. Such an action does not precludeeither party from maintaining any other proceedingunder this chapter for other or additional relief at anytime.

History.—s. 1, ch. 61-112; s. 16, ch. 67-254; s. 12, ch. 71-241; s. 117, ch.86-220; s. 321, ch. 95-147; s. 5, ch. 2008-61.

Note.—Former s. 65.101.

61.11 Writs.—(1) When either party is about to remove himself or

herself or his or her property out of the state, orfraudulently convey or conceal it, the court may awarda ne exeat or injunction against the party or the propertyand make such orders as will secure alimony or supportto the party who should receive it.(2)(a) When the court issues a writ of bodily attach-

ment in connection with a court-ordered support ob-ligation, the writ or attachment to the writ must include,at a minimum, such information on the respondent’sphysical description and location as is required for entryof the writ into the Florida Crime Information Centertelecommunications system and authorization for theassessment and collection of the actual costs asso-ciated with the service of the writ and transportation ofthe respondent in compliance thereof. The writ shalldirect that service and execution of the writ may bemade on any day of the week and any time of the day ornight.(b) The clerk of the court shall forward a copy of the

writ for service to the sheriff of the county in which thewrit is issued.(c) Upon receipt of a writ from the clerk of the court,

the sheriff shall enter the information on any unservedwrit into the Florida Crime Information Center telecom-munications system to make the information available toother law enforcement agencies within the state. Thewrit shall be enforceable in all counties of the state.(d) Upon receipt of the purge payment, the receiving

agency shall provide the subject with a written receiptacknowledging such payment, which must be carried onthe person of the respondent for a period of at least 30days from the date of payment as proof of suchpayment. A sheriff receiving such payment shall forwardthe funds to the sheriff who entered the informationabout the writ into the Florida Crime Information Centertelecommunications system and who shall forward thefunds to the appropriate clerk of court.(e) After a writ is modified, purged, recalled, termi-

nated, or otherwise rendered ineffective by ruling of thecourt, the clerk of the court shall notify the sheriffreceiving the original writ. That agency shall modify orcancel the entry in the Florida Crime Information Centertelecommunications system in accordance with suchnotification.

History.—s. 13, Oct. 31, 1828; RS 1487; GS 1935; RGS 3198; CGL 4990; s. 16,ch. 67-254; s. 13, ch. 71-241; s. 2, ch. 92-138; s. 322, ch. 95-147; s. 52, ch. 96-175;s. 1, ch. 96-190; s. 3, ch. 2001-158.

Note.—Former s. 65.11.

61.12 Attachment or garnishment of amountsdue for alimony or child support.—(1) So much as the court orders of the money or

other things due to any person or public officer, state orcounty, whether the head of a family residing in thisstate or not, when the money or other thing is due for the

personal labor or service of the person or otherwise, issubject to attachment or garnishment to enforce andsatisfy the orders and judgments of the court of thisstate for alimony, suit money, or child support, or otherorders in proceedings for dissolution, alimony, or childsupport; when the money or other thing sought to beattached or garnisheed is the salary of a public officer,state or county, the writ of attachment or garnishmentshall be served on the public officer whose duty it is topay the salary, who shall obey the writ as provided bylaw in other cases. It is the duty of the officer to notify thepublic officer whose duty it is to audit or issue a warrantfor the salary sought to be attached immediately uponservice of the writ. A warrant for as much of the salary asis ordered held under the writ shall not issue exceptpursuant to court order unless the writ is dissolved. Nomore of the salary shall be retained by virtue of the writthan is provided for in the order.(2) The provisions of chapter 77 or any other

provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, thecourt may issue a continuing writ of garnishment to anemployer to enforce the order of the court for periodicpayment of alimony or child support or both. The writmay provide that the salary of any person having a dutyof support pursuant to such order be garnisheed on aperiodic and continuing basis for so long as the courtmay determine or until otherwise ordered by the court ora court of competent jurisdiction in a further proceeding.Any disciplinary action against the employee by anemployer to whom a writ is issued pursuant to thissection solely because such writ is in effect constitutes acontempt of court, and the court may enter such orderas it deems just and proper.

History.—s. 1, ch. 4973, 1901; GS 1937; s. 10, ch. 7838, 1919; RGS 3200; CGL4992; s. 16, ch. 67-254; s. 14, ch. 71-241; s. 1, ch. 77-26; s. 1, ch. 78-63; s. 2, ch.84-110; s. 1, ch. 84-135.

Note.—Former s. 65.13.

61.122 Parenting plan recommendation; pre-sumption of psychologist’s good faith; prerequisiteto parent’s filing suit; award of fees, costs, reim-bursement.—(1) A psychologist who has been appointed by the

court to develop a parenting plan recommendation in adissolution of marriage, a case of domestic violence, ora paternity matter involving the relationship of a childand a parent, including time-sharing of children, ispresumed to be acting in good faith if the psychologist’srecommendation has been reached under standardsthat a reasonable psychologist would use to develop aparenting plan recommendation.(2) An administrative complaint against a court-

appointed psychologist which relates to a parentingplan recommendation conducted by the psychologistmay not be filed anonymously. The individual who filesan administrative complaint must include in the com-plaint his or her name, address, and telephone number.(3) A parent who desires to file a legal action against

a court-appointed psychologist who has acted in goodfaith in developing a parenting plan recommendationmust petition the judge who presided over the dissolu-tion of marriage, case of domestic violence, or paternitymatter involving the relationship of a child and a parent,including time-sharing of children, to appoint another




psychologist. Upon the parent’s showing of good cause,the court shall appoint another psychologist. The courtshall determine who is responsible for all court costsand attorney’s fees associated with making such anappointment.(4) If a legal action, whether it be a civil action, a

criminal action, or an administrative proceeding, is filedagainst a court-appointed psychologist in a dissolutionof marriage, case of domestic violence, or paternitymatter involving the relationship of a child and a parent,including time-sharing of children, the claimant isresponsible for all reasonable costs and reasonableattorney’s fees associated with the action for bothparties if the psychologist is held not liable. If thepsychologist is held liable in civil court, the psychologistmust pay all reasonable costs and reasonable attor-ney’s fees for the claimant.

History.—s. 1, ch. 2003-112; s. 7, ch. 2008-61; s. 4, ch. 2009-21.

61.125 Parenting coordination.—(1) PURPOSE.—The purpose of parenting coordi-

nation is to provide a child-focused alternative disputeresolution process whereby a parenting coordinatorassists the parents in creating or implementing aparenting plan by facilitating the resolution of disputesbetween the parents by providing education, makingrecommendations, and, with the prior approval of theparents and the court, making limited decisions withinthe scope of the court’s order of referral.(2) REFERRAL.—In any action in which a judgment

or order has been sought or entered adopting, establish-ing, or modifying a parenting plan, except for a domesticviolence proceeding under chapter 741, and uponagreement of the parties, the court’s own motion, orthe motion of a party, the court may appoint a parentingcoordinator and refer the parties to parenting coordina-tion to assist in the resolution of disputes concerningtheir parenting plan.(3) DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ISSUES.—(a) If there has been a history of domestic violence,

the court may not refer the parties to parentingcoordination unless both parents consent. The courtshall offer each party an opportunity to consult with anattorney or domestic violence advocate before accept-ing the party’s consent. The court must determinewhether each party’s consent has been given freelyand voluntarily.(b) In determining whether there has been a history

of domestic violence, the court shall consider whether aparty has committed an act of domestic violence asdefined s. 741.28, or child abuse as defined in s. 39.01,against the other party or any member of the otherparty’s family; engaged in a pattern of behaviors thatexert power and control over the other party and thatmay compromise the other party’s ability to negotiate afair result; or engaged in behavior that leads the otherparty to have reasonable cause to believe he or she is inimminent danger of becoming a victim of domesticviolence. The court shall consider and evaluate allrelevant factors, including, but not limited to, the factorslisted in s. 741.30(6)(b).(c) If there is a history of domestic violence, the

court shall order safeguards to protect the safety of the

participants, including, but not limited to, adherence toall provisions of an injunction for protection or conditionsof bail, probation, or a sentence arising from criminalproceedings.(4) QUALIFICATIONS OF A PARENTING COOR-

DINATOR.—A parenting coordinator is an impartialthird person whose role is to assist the parents insuccessfully creating or implementing a parenting plan.Unless there is a written agreement between theparties, the court may appoint only a qualified parentingcoordinator.(a) To be qualified, a parenting coordinator must:1. Meet one of the following professional require-

ments:a. Be licensed as a mental health professional

under chapter 490 or chapter 491.b. Be licensed as a physician under chapter 458,

with certification by the American Board of Psychiatryand Neurology.c. Be certified by the Florida Supreme Court as a

family law mediator, with at least a master’s degree in amental health field.d. Be a member in good standing of The Florida

Bar.2. Complete all of the following:a. Three years of postlicensure or postcertification

practice.b. A family mediation training program certified by

the Florida Supreme Court.c. A minimum of 24 hours of parenting coordination

training in parenting coordination concepts and ethics,family systems theory and application, family dynamicsin separation and divorce, child and adolescent devel-opment, the parenting coordination process, parentingcoordination techniques, and Florida family law andprocedure, and a minimum of 4 hours of training indomestic violence and child abuse which is related toparenting coordination.(b) The court may require additional qualifications to

address issues specific to the parties.(c) A qualified parenting coordinator must be in

good standing, or in clear and active status, with his orher respective licensing authority, certification board, orboth, as applicable.(5) DISQUALIFICATIONS OF PARENTING CO-

ORDINATOR.—(a) The court may not appoint a person to serve as

parenting coordinator who, in any jurisdiction:1. Has been convicted or had adjudication withheld

on a charge of child abuse, child neglect, domesticviolence, parental kidnapping, or interference withcustody;2. Has been found by a court in a child protection

hearing to have abused, neglected, or abandoned achild;3. Has consented to an adjudication or a with-

holding of adjudication on a petition for dependency; or4. Is or has been a respondent in a final order or

injunction of protection against domestic violence.(b) A parenting coordinator must discontinue ser-

vice as a parenting coordinator and immediately reportto the court and the parties if any of the disqualifyingcircumstances described in paragraph (a) occur, or if he




or she no longer meets the minimum qualifications insubsection (4), and the court may appoint anotherparenting coordinator.(6) FEES FOR PARENTING COORDINATION.—

The court shall determine the allocation of fees andcosts for parenting coordination between the parties.The court may not order the parties to parentingcoordination without their consent unless it determinesthat the parties have the financial ability to pay theparenting coordination fees and costs.(a) In determining if a nonindigent party has the

financial ability to pay the parenting coordination feesand costs, the court shall consider the party’s financialcircumstances, including income, assets, liabilities,financial obligations, resources, and whether payingthe fees and costs would create a substantial hardship.(b) If a party is found to be indigent based upon the

factors in s. 57.082, the court may not order the party toparenting coordination unless public funds are availableto pay the indigent party’s allocated portion of the feesand costs or the nonindigent party consents to paying allof the fees and costs.(7) CONFIDENTIALITY.—Except as otherwise pro-

vided in this section, all communications made by,between, or among the parties and the parentingcoordinator during parenting coordination sessionsare confidential. The parenting coordinator and eachparty designated in the order appointing the coordinatormay not testify or offer evidence about communicationsmade by, between, or among the parties and theparenting coordinator during parenting coordinationsessions, except if:(a) Necessary to identify, authenticate, confirm, or

deny a written agreement entered into by the partiesduring parenting coordination;(b) The testimony or evidence is necessary to

identify an issue for resolution by the court withoutotherwise disclosing communications made by anyparty or the parenting coordinator;(c) The testimony or evidence is limited to the

subject of a party’s compliance with the order of referralto parenting coordination, orders for psychologicalevaluation, counseling ordered by the court or recom-mended by a health care provider, or for substanceabuse testing or treatment;(d) The parenting coordinator reports that the case

is no longer appropriate for parenting coordination;(e) The parenting coordinator is reporting that he or

she is unable or unwilling to continue to serve and that asuccessor parenting coordinator should be appointed;(f) The testimony or evidence is necessary pur-

suant to paragraph (5)(b) or subsection (8);(g) The parenting coordinator is not qualified to

address or resolve certain issues in the case and a morequalified coordinator should be appointed;(h) The parties agree that the testimony or evidence

be permitted; or(i) The testimony or evidence is necessary to

protect any person from future acts that would constitutedomestic violence under chapter 741; child abuse,neglect, or abandonment under chapter 39; or abuse,neglect, or exploitation of an elderly or disabled adultunder chapter 825.

(8) REPORT OF EMERGENCY TO COURT.—(a) A parenting coordinator must immediately in-

form the court by affidavit or verified report withoutnotice to the parties of an emergency situation if:1. There is a reasonable cause to suspect that a

child will suffer or is suffering abuse, neglect, orabandonment as provided under chapter 39;2. There is a reasonable cause to suspect a

vulnerable adult has been or is being abused, ne-glected, or exploited as provided under chapter 415;3. A party, or someone acting on a party’s behalf, is

expected to wrongfully remove or is wrongfully remov-ing the child from the jurisdiction of the court withoutprior court approval or compliance with the require-ments of s. 61.13001. If the parenting coordinatorsuspects that the parent has relocated within thestate to avoid domestic violence, the coordinator maynot disclose the location of the parent and child unlessrequired by court order.(b) Upon such information and belief, a parenting

coordinator shall immediately inform the court byaffidavit or verified report and serve a copy on eachparty of an emergency in which a party obtains a finalorder or injunction of protection against domesticviolence or is arrested for an act of domestic violenceas provided under chapter 741.(9) LIMITATION ON LIABILITY.—A parenting co-

ordinator appointed by the court is not liable for civildamages for any act or omission in the scope of his orher duties pursuant to an order of referral unless suchperson acted in bad faith or with malicious purpose or ina manner exhibiting wanton and willful disregard for therights, safety, or property of the parties.

History.—s. 2, ch. 2009-180.

61.13 Support of children; parenting and time-sharing; powers of court.—(1)(a) In a proceeding under this chapter, the court

may at any time order either or both parents who owe aduty of support to a child to pay support to the otherparent or, in the case of both parents, to a third partywho has custody in accordance with the child supportguidelines schedule in s. 61.30.1. All child support orders and income deduction

orders entered on or after October 1, 2010, mustprovide:a. For child support to terminate on a child’s 18th

birthday unless the court finds or previously found that s.743.07(2) applies, or is otherwise agreed to by theparties;b. A schedule, based on the record existing at the

time of the order, stating the amount of the monthly childsupport obligation for all the minor children at the time ofthe order and the amount of child support that will beowed for any remaining children after one or more of thechildren are no longer entitled to receive child support;andc. The month, day, and year that the reduction or

termination of child support becomes effective.2. The court initially entering an order requiring one

or both parents to make child support payments hascontinuing jurisdiction after the entry of the initial orderto modify the amount and terms and conditions of the




child support payments if the modification is found bythe court to be in the best interests of the child; when thechild reaches majority; if there is a substantial change inthe circumstances of the parties; if s. 743.07(2) applies;or when a child is emancipated, marries, joins the armedservices, or dies. The court initially entering a childsupport order has continuing jurisdiction to require theobligee to report to the court on terms prescribed by thecourt regarding the disposition of the child supportpayments.(b) Each order for support shall contain a provision

for health insurance for the minor child when healthinsurance is reasonable in cost and accessible to thechild. Health insurance is presumed to be reasonable incost if the incremental cost of adding health insurancefor the child or children does not exceed 5 percent of thegross income, as defined in s. 61.30, of the parentresponsible for providing health insurance. Healthinsurance is accessible to the child if the healthinsurance is available to be used in the county of thechild’s primary residence or in another county if theparent who has the most time under the time-sharingplan agrees. If the time-sharing plan provides for equaltime-sharing, health insurance is accessible to the childif the health insurance is available to be used in eithercounty where the child resides or in another county ifboth parents agree. The court may require the obligor toprovide health insurance or to reimburse the obligee forthe cost of health insurance for the minor child wheninsurance is provided by the obligee. The presumptionof reasonable cost may be rebutted by evidence of anyof the factors in s. 61.30(11)(a). The court may deviatefrom what is presumed reasonable in cost only upon awritten finding explaining its determination why orderingor not ordering the provision of health insurance or thereimbursement of the obligee’s cost for providing healthinsurance for the minor child would be unjust orinappropriate. In any event, the court shall apportionthe cost of health insurance, and any noncoveredmedical, dental, and prescription medication expensesof the child, to both parties by adding the cost to thebasic obligation determined pursuant to s. 61.30(6). Thecourt may order that payment of noncovered medical,dental, and prescription medication expenses of theminor child be made directly to the obligee on apercentage basis. In a proceeding for medical supportonly, each parent’s share of the child’s noncoveredmedical expenses shall equal the parent’s percentageshare of the combined net income of the parents. Thepercentage share shall be calculated by dividing eachparent’s net monthly income by the combined monthlynet income of both parents. Net income is calculated asspecified by s. 61.30(3) and (4).1. In a non-Title IV-D case, a copy of the court

order for health insurance shall be served on theobligor’s union or employer by the obligee when thefollowing conditions are met:a. The obligor fails to provide written proof to the

obligee within 30 days after receiving effective notice ofthe court order that the health insurance has beenobtained or that application for health insurance hasbeen made;

b. The obligee serves written notice of intent toenforce an order for health insurance on the obligor bymail at the obligor’s last known address; andc. The obligor fails within 15 days after the mailing

of the notice to provide written proof to the obligee thatthe health insurance existed as of the date of mailing.2.a. A support order enforced under Title IV-D of the

Social Security Act which requires that the obligorprovide health insurance is enforceable by the depart-ment through the use of the national medical supportnotice, and an amendment to the support order is notrequired. The department shall transfer the nationalmedical support notice to the obligor’s union or employ-er. The department shall notify the obligor in writing thatthe notice has been sent to the obligor’s union oremployer, and the written notification must include theobligor’s rights and duties under the national medicalsupport notice. The obligor may contest the withholdingrequired by the national medical support notice basedon a mistake of fact. To contest the withholding, theobligor must file a written notice of contest with thedepartment within 15 business days after the date theobligor receives written notification of the nationalmedical support notice from the department. Filingwith the department is complete when the notice isreceived by the person designated by the department inthe written notification. The notice of contest must be inthe form prescribed by the department. Upon the timelyfiling of a notice of contest, the department shall, within5 business days, schedule an informal conference withthe obligor to discuss the obligor’s factual dispute. If theinformal conference resolves the dispute to the obligor’ssatisfaction or if the obligor fails to attend the informalconference, the notice of contest is deemed withdrawn.If the informal conference does not resolve the dispute,the obligor may request an administrative hearing underchapter 120 within 5 business days after the terminationof the informal conference, in a form and mannerprescribed by the department. However, the filing of anotice of contest by the obligor does not delay thewithholding of premium payments by the union, employ-er, or health plan administrator. The union, employer, orhealth plan administrator must implement the with-holding as directed by the national medical supportnotice unless notified by the department that thenational medical support notice is terminated.b. In a Title IV-D case, the department shall notify

an obligor’s union or employer if the obligation to providehealth insurance through that union or employer isterminated.3. In a non-Title IV-D case, upon receipt of the

order pursuant to subparagraph 1., or upon applicationof the obligor pursuant to the order, the union oremployer shall enroll the minor child as a beneficiaryin the group health plan regardless of any restrictions onthe enrollment period and withhold any required pre-mium from the obligor’s income. If more than one plan isoffered by the union or employer, the child shall beenrolled in the group health plan in which the obligor isenrolled.4.a. Upon receipt of the national medical support

notice under subparagraph 2. in a Title IV-D case, theunion or employer shall transfer the notice to the




appropriate group health plan administrator within 20business days after the date on the notice. The planadministrator must enroll the child as a beneficiary in thegroup health plan regardless of any restrictions on theenrollment period, and the union or employer mustwithhold any required premium from the obligor’sincome upon notification by the plan administrator thatthe child is enrolled. The child shall be enrolled in thegroup health plan in which the obligor is enrolled. If thegroup health plan in which the obligor is enrolled is notavailable where the child resides or if the obligor is notenrolled in group coverage, the child shall be enrolled inthe lowest cost group health plan that is accessible tothe child.b. If health insurance or the obligor’s employment

is terminated in a Title IV-D case, the union or employerthat is withholding premiums for health insurance undera national medical support notice must notify thedepartment within 20 days after the termination andprovide the obligor’s last known address and the nameand address of the obligor’s new employer, if known.5.a. The amount withheld by a union or employer in

compliance with a support order may not exceed theamount allowed under s. 303(b) of the Consumer CreditProtection Act, 15 U.S.C. s. 1673(b), as amended. Theunion or employer shall withhold the maximum allowedby the Consumer Credit Protection Act in the followingorder:(I) Current support, as ordered.(II) Premium payments for health insurance, as

ordered.(III) Past due support, as ordered.(IV) Other medical support or insurance, as ordered.b. If the combined amount to be withheld for

current support plus the premium payment for healthinsurance exceed the amount allowed under the Con-sumer Credit Protection Act, and the health insurancecannot be obtained unless the full amount of thepremium is paid, the union or employer may notwithhold the premium payment. However, the union oremployer shall withhold the maximum allowed in thefollowing order:(I) Current support, as ordered.(II) Past due support, as ordered.(III) Other medical support or insurance, as ordered.6. An employer, union, or plan administrator who

does not comply with the requirements in sub-subpar-agraph 4.a. is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed$250 for the first violation and $500 for subsequentviolations, plus attorney’s fees and costs. The depart-ment may file a petition in circuit court to enforce therequirements of this subparagraph.7. The department may adopt rules to administer

the child support enforcement provisions of this sectionthat affect Title IV-D cases.(c) To the extent necessary to protect an award of

child support, the court may order the obligor topurchase or maintain a life insurance policy or abond, or to otherwise secure the child support awardwith any other assets which may be suitable for thatpurpose.

(d)1. All child support orders shall provide the fullname and date of birth of each minor child who is thesubject of the child support order.2. If both parties request and the court finds that it

is in the best interest of the child, support paymentsneed not be subject to immediate income deduction.Support orders that are not subject to immediate incomededuction may be directed through the depository unders. 61.181 or made payable directly to the obligee.Payments made by immediate income deduction shallbe made to the State Disbursement Unit. The court shallprovide a copy of the order to the depository.3. For support orders payable directly to the

obligee, any party, or the department in a IV-D case,may subsequently file an affidavit with the depositoryalleging a default in payment of child support and statingthat the party wishes to require that payments be madethrough the depository. The party shall provide copies ofthe affidavit to the court and to each other party. Fifteendays after receipt of the affidavit, the depository shallnotify all parties that future payments shall be paidthrough the depository, except that income deductionpayments shall be made to the State DisbursementUnit.(2)(a) The court may approve, grant, or modify a

parenting plan, notwithstanding that the child is notphysically present in this state at the time of filing anyproceeding under this chapter, if it appears to the courtthat the child was removed from this state for theprimary purpose of removing the child from the court’sjurisdiction in an attempt to avoid the court’s approval,creation, or modification of a parenting plan.(b) A parenting plan approved by the court must, at

a minimum, describe in adequate detail how the parentswill share and be responsible for the daily tasksassociated with the upbringing of the child; the time-sharing schedule arrangements that specify the timethat the minor child will spend with each parent; adesignation of who will be responsible for any and allforms of health care, school-related matters includingthe address to be used for school-boundary determina-tion and registration, and other activities; and themethods and technologies that the parents will use tocommunicate with the child.(c) The court shall determine all matters relating to

parenting and time-sharing of each minor child of theparties in accordance with the best interests of the childand in accordance with the Uniform Child CustodyJurisdiction and Enforcement Act, except that modifica-tion of a parenting plan and time-sharing schedulerequires a showing of a substantial, material, andunanticipated change of circumstances.1. It is the public policy of this state that each minor

child has frequent and continuing contact with bothparents after the parents separate or the marriage of theparties is dissolved and to encourage parents to sharethe rights and responsibilities, and joys, of childrearing.There is no presumption for or against the father ormother of the child or for or against any specific time-sharing schedule when creating or modifying theparenting plan of the child.2. The court shall order that the parental respon-

sibility for a minor child be shared by both parents




unless the court finds that shared parental responsibilitywould be detrimental to the child. Evidence that a parenthas been convicted of a misdemeanor of the first degreeor higher involving domestic violence, as defined in s.741.28 and chapter 775, or meets the criteria of s.39.806(1)(d), creates a rebuttable presumption ofdetriment to the child. If the presumption is not rebuttedafter the convicted parent is advised by the court thatthe presumption exists, shared parental responsibility,including time-sharing with the child, and decisionsmade regarding the child, may not be granted to theconvicted parent. However, the convicted parent is notrelieved of any obligation to provide financial support. Ifthe court determines that shared parental responsibilitywould be detrimental to the child, it may order soleparental responsibility and make such arrangements fortime-sharing as specified in the parenting plan as willbest protect the child or abused spouse from furtherharm. Whether or not there is a conviction of anyoffense of domestic violence or child abuse or theexistence of an injunction for protection against domes-tic violence, the court shall consider evidence ofdomestic violence or child abuse as evidence ofdetriment to the child.a. In ordering shared parental responsibility, the

court may consider the expressed desires of the parentsand may grant to one party the ultimate responsibilityover specific aspects of the child’s welfare or may dividethose responsibilities between the parties based on thebest interests of the child. Areas of responsibility mayinclude education, health care, and any other respon-sibilities that the court finds unique to a particular family.b. The court shall order sole parental responsibility

for a minor child to one parent, with or without time-sharing with the other parent if it is in the best interestsof the minor child.3. Access to records and information pertaining to

a minor child, including, but not limited to, medical,dental, and school records, may not be denied to eitherparent. Full rights under this subparagraph apply toeither parent unless a court order specifically revokesthese rights, including any restrictions on these rights asprovided in a domestic violence injunction. A parenthaving rights under this subparagraph has the samerights upon request as to form, substance, and mannerof access as are available to the other parent of a child,including, without limitation, the right to in-personcommunication with medical, dental, and educationproviders.(d) The circuit court in the county in which either

parent and the child reside or the circuit court in whichthe original order approving or creating the parentingplan was entered may modify the parenting plan. Thecourt may change the venue in accordance with s.47.122.(3) For purposes of establishing or modifying par-

ental responsibility and creating, developing, approving,or modifying a parenting plan, including a time-sharingschedule, which governs each parent’s relationship withhis or her minor child and the relationship between eachparent with regard to his or her minor child, the bestinterest of the child shall be the primary consideration. Adetermination of parental responsibility, a parenting

plan, or a time-sharing schedule may not be modifiedwithout a showing of a substantial, material, andunanticipated change in circumstances and a determi-nation that the modification is in the best interests of thechild. Determination of the best interests of the childshall be made by evaluating all of the factors affectingthe welfare and interests of the particular minor childand the circumstances of that family, including, but notlimited to:(a) The demonstrated capacity and disposition of

each parent to facilitate and encourage a close andcontinuing parent-child relationship, to honor the time-sharing schedule, and to be reasonable when changesare required.(b) The anticipated division of parental responsibil-

ities after the litigation, including the extent to whichparental responsibilities will be delegated to thirdparties.(c) The demonstrated capacity and disposition of

each parent to determine, consider, and act upon theneeds of the child as opposed to the needs or desires ofthe parent.(d) The length of time the child has lived in a stable,

satisfactory environment and the desirability of main-taining continuity.(e) The geographic viability of the parenting plan,

with special attention paid to the needs of school-agechildren and the amount of time to be spent traveling toeffectuate the parenting plan. This factor does notcreate a presumption for or against relocation of eitherparent with a child.(f) The moral fitness of the parents.(g) The mental and physical health of the parents.(h) The home, school, and community record of the

child.(i) The reasonable preference of the child, if the

court deems the child to be of sufficient intelligence,understanding, and experience to express a preference.(j) The demonstrated knowledge, capacity, and

disposition of each parent to be informed of thecircumstances of the minor child, including, but notlimited to, the child’s friends, teachers, medical careproviders, daily activities, and favorite things.(k) The demonstrated capacity and disposition of

each parent to provide a consistent routine for the child,such as discipline, and daily schedules for homework,meals, and bedtime.(l) The demonstrated capacity of each parent to

communicate with and keep the other parent informedof issues and activities regarding the minor child, andthe willingness of each parent to adopt a unified front onall major issues when dealing with the child.(m) Evidence of domestic violence, sexual violence,

child abuse, child abandonment, or child neglect,regardless of whether a prior or pending action relatingto those issues has been brought. If the court acceptsevidence of prior or pending actions regarding domesticviolence, sexual violence, child abuse, child abandon-ment, or child neglect, the court must specificallyacknowledge in writing that such evidence was con-sidered when evaluating the best interests of the child.(n) Evidence that either parent has knowingly

provided false information to the court regarding any




prior or pending action regarding domestic violence,sexual violence, child abuse, child abandonment, orchild neglect.(o) The particular parenting tasks customarily per-

formed by each parent and the division of parentalresponsibilities before the institution of litigation andduring the pending litigation, including the extent towhich parenting responsibilities were undertaken bythird parties.(p) The demonstrated capacity and disposition of

each parent to participate and be involved in the child’sschool and extracurricular activities.(q) The demonstrated capacity and disposition of

each parent to maintain an environment for the childwhich is free from substance abuse.(r) The capacity and disposition of each parent to

protect the child from the ongoing litigation as demon-strated by not discussing the litigation with the child, notsharing documents or electronic media related to thelitigation with the child, and refraining from disparagingcomments about the other parent to the child.(s) The developmental stages and needs of the

child and the demonstrated capacity and disposition ofeach parent to meet the child’s developmental needs.(t) Any other factor that is relevant to the determi-

nation of a specific parenting plan, including the time-sharing schedule.(4)(a) When a parent who is ordered to pay child

support or alimony fails to pay child support or alimony,the parent who should have received the child supportor alimony may not refuse to honor the time-sharingschedule presently in effect between the parents.(b) When a parent refuses to honor the other

parent’s rights under the time-sharing schedule, theparent whose time-sharing rights were violated shallcontinue to pay any ordered child support or alimony.(c) When a parent refuses to honor the time-sharing

schedule in the parenting plan without proper cause, thecourt:1. Shall, after calculating the amount of time-

sharing improperly denied, award the parent deniedtime a sufficient amount of extra time-sharing tocompensate for the time-sharing missed, and suchtime-sharing shall be ordered as expeditiously aspossible in a manner consistent with the best interestsof the child and scheduled in a manner that isconvenient for the parent deprived of time-sharing. Inordering any makeup time-sharing, the court shallschedule such time-sharing in a manner that is con-sistent with the best interests of the child or children andthat is convenient for the nonoffending parent and at theexpense of the noncompliant parent.2. May order the parent who did not provide time-

sharing or did not properly exercise time-sharing underthe time-sharing schedule to pay reasonable court costsand attorney’s fees incurred by the nonoffending parentto enforce the time-sharing schedule.3. May order the parent who did not provide time-

sharing or did not properly exercise time-sharing underthe time-sharing schedule to attend a parenting courseapproved by the judicial circuit.4. May order the parent who did not provide time-

sharing or did not properly exercise time-sharing under

the time-sharing schedule to do community service ifthe order will not interfere with the welfare of the child.5. May order the parent who did not provide time-

sharing or did not properly exercise time-sharing underthe time-sharing schedule to have the financial burdenof promoting frequent and continuing contact when thatparent and child reside further than 60 miles from theother parent.6. May, upon the request of the parent who did not

violate the time-sharing schedule, modify the parentingplan if modification is in the best interests of the child.7. May impose any other reasonable sanction as a

result of noncompliance.(d) A person who violates this subsection may be

punished by contempt of court or other remedies as thecourt deems appropriate.(5) The court may make specific orders regarding

the parenting plan and time-sharing schedule as suchorders relate to the circumstances of the parties and thenature of the case and are equitable and provide forchild support in accordance with the guidelines sche-dule in s. 61.30. An order for equal time-sharing for aminor child does not preclude the court from entering anorder for child support of the child.(6) In any proceeding under this section, the court

may not deny shared parental responsibility and time-sharing rights to a parent solely because that parent isor is believed to be infected with human immunodefi-ciency virus, but the court may, in an order approvingthe parenting plan, require that parent to observemeasures approved by the Centers for Disease Controland Prevention of the United States Public HealthService or by the Department of Health for preventingthe spread of human immunodeficiency virus to thechild.(7)1(a) Each party to any paternity or support

proceeding is required to file with the tribunal as definedin s. 88.1011(22) and State Case Registry upon entry ofan order, and to update as appropriate, information onlocation and identity of the party, including socialsecurity number, residential and mailing addresses,telephone number, driver license number, and name,address, and telephone number of employer. Eachparty to any paternity or child support proceeding in anon-Title IV-D case shall meet the above requirementsfor updating the tribunal and State Case Registry.(b) Pursuant to the federal Personal Responsibility

and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, eachparty is required to provide his or her social securitynumber in accordance with this section. Disclosure ofsocial security numbers obtained through this require-ment shall be limited to the purpose of administration ofthe Title IV-D program for child support enforcement.(c) In any subsequent Title IV-D child support

enforcement action between the parties, upon sufficientshowing that diligent effort has been made to ascertainthe location of such a party, the court of competentjurisdiction shall deem state due process requirementsfor notice and service of process to be met with respectto the party, upon delivery of written notice to the mostrecent residential or employer address filed with thetribunal and State Case Registry pursuant to paragraph(a). In any subsequent non-Title IV-D child support




enforcement action between the parties, the samerequirements for service shall apply.(8) At the time an order for child support is entered,

each party is required to provide his or her socialsecurity number and date of birth to the court, as well asthe name, date of birth, and social security number ofeach minor child that is the subject of such child supportorder. Pursuant to the federal Personal Responsibilityand Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, eachparty is required to provide his or her social securitynumber in accordance with this section. All socialsecurity numbers required by this section shall beprovided by the parties and maintained by the deposi-tory as a separate attachment in the file. Disclosure ofsocial security numbers obtained through this require-ment shall be limited to the purpose of administration ofthe Title IV-D program for child support enforcement.

History.—s. 7, Oct. 31, 1828; RS 1489; GS 1938; RGS 3201; CGL 4993; s. 16,ch. 67-254; s. 15, ch. 71-241; s. 1, ch. 75-67; s. 1, ch. 75-99; s. 26, ch. 77-433; s. 1,ch. 78-5; s. 18, ch. 79-164; ss. 1, 4, ch. 82-96; s. 3, ch. 84-110; s. 1, ch. 84-152; s.118, ch. 86-220; s. 1, ch. 87-95; s. 4, ch. 88-176; s. 1, ch. 89-183; s. 1, ch. 89-350; s.4, ch. 91-246; s. 4, ch. 93-188; s. 1, ch. 93-208; s. 1, ch. 93-236; s. 9, ch. 94-134; s.9, ch. 94-135; s. 14, ch. 95-222; s. 5, ch. 96-183; s. 2, ch. 96-305; s. 24, ch. 97-95; s.3, ch. 97-155; s. 3, ch. 97-170; s. 4, ch. 97-226; s. 1, ch. 97-242; s. 8, ch. 98-397; s.122, ch. 98-403; s. 3, ch. 99-8; s. 2, ch. 99-375; s. 7, ch. 2000-151; s. 1, ch. 2001-2;s. 4, ch. 2001-158; s. 3, ch. 2002-65; s. 2, ch. 2002-173; s. 2, ch. 2003-5; s. 2, ch.2004-334; s. 1, ch. 2005-39; s. 1, ch. 2005-82; s. 7, ch. 2005-239; s. 1, ch. 2006-245;s. 8, ch. 2008-61; s. 2, ch. 2009-90; s. 3, ch. 2009-180; s. 1, ch. 2010-187; s. 3, ch.2010-199; s. 76, ch. 2011-92.

1Note.—Section 81, ch. 2011-92, provides that “[e]xcept as otherwise expresslyprovided in this act, this act shall take effect upon the earlier of 90 days followingCongress amending 42 U.S.C. s. 666(f) to allow or require states to adopt the 2008version of the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act, or 90 days following the stateobtaining a waiver of its state plan requirement under Title IV-D of the SocialSecurity Act.” Section 76, ch. 2011-92, amended paragraph (7)(a), to read:

(a) Each party to any paternity or support proceeding is required to file with thetribunal as defined in s. 88.1011 and State Case Registry upon entry of an order, andto update as appropriate, information on location and identity of the party, includingsocial security number, residential and mailing addresses, telephone number, driverlicense number, and name, address, and telephone number of employer. Each partyto any paternity or child support proceeding in a non-Title IV-D case shall meet theabove requirements for updating the tribunal and State Case Registry.

Note.—Former s. 65.14.

61.13001 Parental relocation with a child.—(1) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this section, the

term:(a) “Child” means any person who is under the

jurisdiction of a state court pursuant to the Uniform ChildCustody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act or is thesubject of any order granting to a parent or other personany right to time-sharing, residential care, kinship, orcustody, as provided under state law.(b) “Court” means the circuit court in an original

proceeding which has proper venue and jurisdiction inaccordance with the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdictionand Enforcement Act, the circuit court in the county inwhich either parent and the child reside, or the circuitcourt in which the original action was adjudicated.(c) “Other person” means an individual who is not

the parent, but with whom the child resides pursuant tocourt order, or who has the right of access to, time-sharing with, or visitation with the child.(d) “Parent” means any person so named by court

order or express written agreement who is subject tocourt enforcement or a person reflected as a parent on abirth certificate and who is entitled to access to or time-sharing with the child.(e) “Relocation” means a change in the location of

the principal residence of a parent or other person fromhis or her principal place of residence at the time of the

last order establishing or modifying time-sharing, or atthe time of filing the pending action to establish ormodify time-sharing. The change of location must be atleast 50 miles from that residence, and for at least 60consecutive days not including a temporary absencefrom the principal residence for purposes of vacation,education, or the provision of health care for the child.(2) RELOCATION BY AGREEMENT.—(a) If the parents and every other person entitled to

access to or time-sharing with the child agree to therelocation of the child, they may satisfy the require-ments of this section by signing a written agreementthat:1. Reflects consent to the relocation;2. Defines an access or time-sharing schedule for

the nonrelocating parent and any other persons who areentitled to access or time-sharing; and3. Describes, if necessary, any transportation ar-

rangements related to access or time-sharing.(b) If there is an existing cause of action, judgment,

or decree of record pertaining to the child’s residence ora time-sharing schedule, the parties shall seek ratifica-tion of the agreement by court order without thenecessity of an evidentiary hearing unless a hearingis requested, in writing, by one or more of the parties tothe agreement within 10 days after the date theagreement is filed with the court. If a hearing is nottimely requested, it shall be presumed that the reloca-tion is in the best interest of the child and the court mayratify the agreement without an evidentiary hearing.(3) PETITION TO RELOCATE.—Unless an agree-

ment has been entered as described in subsection (2), aparent or other person seeking relocation must file apetition to relocate and serve it upon the other parent,and every other person entitled to access to or time-sharing with the child. The pleadings must be inaccordance with this section:(a) The petition to relocate must be signed under

oath or affirmation under penalty of perjury and include:1. A description of the location of the intended new

residence, including the state, city, and specific physicaladdress, if known.2. The mailing address of the intended new resi-

dence, if not the same as the physical address, if known.3. The home telephone number of the intended

new residence, if known.4. The date of the intended move or proposed

relocation.5. A detailed statement of the specific reasons for

the proposed relocation. If one of the reasons is basedupon a job offer that has been reduced to writing, thewritten job offer must be attached to the petition.6. A proposal for the revised postrelocation sche-

dule for access and time-sharing together with aproposal for the postrelocation transportation arrange-ments necessary to effectuate time-sharing with thechild. Absent the existence of a current, valid orderabating, terminating, or restricting access or time-sharing or other good cause predating the petition,failure to comply with this provision renders the petitionto relocate legally insufficient.




7. Substantially the following statement, in allcapital letters and in the same size type, or larger, asthe type in the remainder of the petition:


other parent and on every other person entitled toaccess to and time-sharing with the child. If there is apending court action regarding the child, service ofprocess may be according to court rule. Otherwise,service of process shall be according to chapters 48 and49 or via certified mail, restricted delivery, return receiptrequested.(c) A parent or other person seeking to relocate has

a continuing duty to provide current and updatedinformation required by this section when that informa-tion becomes known.(d) If the other parent and any other person entitled

to access to or time-sharing with the child fails to timelyfile a response objecting to the petition to relocate, it ispresumed that the relocation is in the best interest of thechild and that the relocation should be allowed, and thecourt shall, absent good cause, enter an order specify-ing that the order is entered as a result of the failure torespond to the petition and adopting the access andtime-sharing schedule and transportation arrangementscontained in the petition. The order may be issued in anexpedited manner without the necessity of an eviden-tiary hearing. If a response is timely filed, the parent orother person may not relocate, and must proceed to atemporary hearing or trial and obtain court permission torelocate.(e) Relocating the child without complying with the

requirements of this subsection subjects the party inviolation to contempt and other proceedings to compelthe return of the child and may be taken into account bythe court in any initial or postjudgment action seeking adetermination or modification of the parenting plan orthe access or time-sharing schedule as:1. A factor in making a determination regarding the

relocation of a child.2. A factor in determining whether the parenting

plan or the access or time-sharing schedule should bemodified.3. A basis for ordering the temporary or permanent

return of the child.4. Sufficient cause to order the parent or other

person seeking to relocate the child to pay reasonableexpenses and attorney’s fees incurred by the partyobjecting to the relocation.5. Sufficient cause for the award of reasonable

attorney’s fees and costs, including interim travelexpenses incident to access or time-sharing or securingthe return of the child.

(4) APPLICABILITY OF PUBLIC RECORDS LAW.If the parent or other person seeking to relocate a child,or the child, is entitled to prevent disclosure of locationinformation under a public records exemption, the courtmay enter any order necessary to modify the disclosurerequirements of this section in compliance with thepublic records exemption.(5) OBJECTION TO RELOCATION.—An answer

objecting to a proposed relocation must be verified andinclude the specific factual basis supporting the reasonsfor seeking a prohibition of the relocation, including astatement of the amount of participation or involvementthe objecting party currently has or has had in the life ofthe child.(6) TEMPORARY ORDER.—(a) The court may grant a temporary order restrain-

ing the relocation of a child, order the return of the child,if a relocation has previously taken place, or order otherappropriate remedial relief, if the court finds:1. That the petition to relocate does not comply

with subsection (3);2. That the child has been relocated without a

written agreement of the parties or without courtapproval; or3. From an examination of the evidence presented

at the preliminary hearing that there is a likelihood thatupon final hearing the court will not approve therelocation of the child.(b) The court may grant a temporary order permit-

ting the relocation of the child pending final hearing, ifthe court finds:1. That the petition to relocate was properly filed

and is otherwise in compliance with subsection (3); and2. From an examination of the evidence presented

at the preliminary hearing, that there is a likelihood thaton final hearing the court will approve the relocation ofthe child, which findings must be supported by the samefactual basis as would be necessary to support approv-ing the relocation in a final judgment.(c) If the court has issued a temporary order

authorizing a party seeking to relocate or move achild before a final judgment is rendered, the courtmay not give any weight to the temporary relocation as afactor in reaching its final decision.(d) If temporary relocation of a child is approved, the

court may require the person relocating the child toprovide reasonable security, financial or otherwise, andguarantee that the court-ordered contact with the childwill not be interrupted or interfered with by the relocatingparty.(7) NO PRESUMPTION; FACTORS TO DETER-

MINE CONTESTED RELOCATION.—A presumption infavor of or against a request to relocate with the childdoes not arise if a parent or other person seeks torelocate and the move will materially affect the currentschedule of contact, access, and time-sharing with thenonrelocating parent or other person. In reaching itsdecision regarding a proposed temporary or permanentrelocation, the court shall evaluate all of the following:(a) The nature, quality, extent of involvement, and

duration of the child’s relationship with the parent orother person proposing to relocate with the child andwith the nonrelocating parent, other persons, siblings,




half-siblings, and other significant persons in the child’slife.(b) The age and developmental stage of the child,

the needs of the child, and the likely impact therelocation will have on the child’s physical, educational,and emotional development, taking into considerationany special needs of the child.(c) The feasibility of preserving the relationship

between the nonrelocating parent or other person andthe child through substitute arrangements that take intoconsideration the logistics of contact, access, and time-sharing, as well as the financial circumstances of theparties; whether those factors are sufficient to foster acontinuing meaningful relationship between the childand the nonrelocating parent or other person; and thelikelihood of compliance with the substitute arrange-ments by the relocating parent or other person once heor she is out of the jurisdiction of the court.(d) The child’s preference, taking into consideration

the age and maturity of the child.(e) Whether the relocation will enhance the general

quality of life for both the parent or other person seekingthe relocation and the child, including, but not limited to,financial or emotional benefits or educational opportu-nities.(f) The reasons each parent or other person is

seeking or opposing the relocation.(g) The current employment and economic circum-

stances of each parent or other person and whether theproposed relocation is necessary to improve the eco-nomic circumstances of the parent or other personseeking relocation of the child.(h) That the relocation is sought in good faith and

the extent to which the objecting parent has fulfilled hisor her financial obligations to the parent or other personseeking relocation, including child support, spousalsupport, and marital property and marital debt obliga-tions.(i) The career and other opportunities available to

the objecting parent or other person if the relocationoccurs.(j) A history of substance abuse or domestic

violence as defined in s. 741.28 or which meets thecriteria of s. 39.806(1)(d) by either parent, including aconsideration of the severity of such conduct and thefailure or success of any attempts at rehabilitation.(k) Any other factor affecting the best interest of the

child or as set forth in s. 61.13.(8) BURDEN OF PROOF.—The parent or other

person wishing to relocate has the burden of proving bya preponderance of the evidence that relocation is in thebest interest of the child. If that burden of proof is met,the burden shifts to the nonrelocating parent or otherperson to show by a preponderance of the evidence thatthe proposed relocation is not in the best interest of thechild.(9) ORDER REGARDING RELOCATION.—If relo-

cation is approved:(a) The court may, in its discretion, order contact

with the nonrelocating parent or other person, includingaccess, time-sharing, telephone, Internet, webcam, andother arrangements sufficient to ensure that the childhas frequent, continuing, and meaningful contact with

the nonrelocating parent or other person, if contact isfinancially affordable and in the best interest of the child.(b) If applicable, the court shall specify how the

transportation costs are to be allocated between theparents and other persons entitled to contact, access,and time-sharing and may adjust the child supportaward, as appropriate, considering the costs of trans-portation and the respective net incomes of the parentsin accordance with the state child support guidelinesschedule.(10) PRIORITY FOR HEARING OR TRIAL.—An

evidentiary hearing or nonjury trial on a pleadingseeking temporary or permanent relief filed under thissection shall be accorded priority on the court’scalendar. If a motion seeking a temporary relocationis filed, absent good cause, the hearing must occur nolater than 30 days after the motion for a temporaryrelocation is filed. If a notice to set the matter for anonjury trial is filed, absent good cause, the nonjury trialmust occur no later than 90 days after the notice is filed.(11) APPLICABILITY.—(a) This section applies:1. To orders entered before October 1, 2009, if the

existing order defining custody, primary residence, theparenting plan, time-sharing, or access to or with thechild does not expressly govern the relocation of thechild.2. To an order, whether temporary or permanent,

regarding the parenting plan, custody, primary resi-dence, time-sharing, or access to the child entered on orafter October 1, 2009.3. To any relocation or proposed relocation,

whether permanent or temporary, of a child duringany proceeding pending on October 1, 2009, whereinthe parenting plan, custody, primary residence, time-sharing, or access to the child is an issue.(b) To the extent that a provision of this section

conflicts with an order existing on October 1, 2009, thissection does not apply to the terms of that order whichexpressly govern relocation of the child or a change inthe principal residence address of a parent or otherperson.

History.—s. 2, ch. 2006-245; s. 9, ch. 2008-61; s. 5, ch. 2009-21; s. 4, ch.2009-180.

61.13002 Temporary time-sharing modificationand child support modification due to militaryservice.—(1) If a supplemental petition or a motion for

modification of time-sharing and parental responsibilityis filed because a parent is activated, deployed, ortemporarily assigned to military service and the parent’sability to comply with time-sharing is materially affectedas a result, the court may not issue an order or modify oramend a previous judgment or order that changes time-sharing as it existed on the date the parent wasactivated, deployed, or temporarily assigned to militaryservice, except that a court may enter a temporary orderto modify or amend time-sharing if there is clear andconvincing evidence that the temporary modification oramendment is in the best interests of the child.However, a parent’s activation, deployment, or tempor-ary assignment to military service and the resultanttemporary disruption to the child may not be the sole




factor in a court’s decision to grant a petition for ormodification of permanent time-sharing and parentalresponsibility. When entering a temporary order underthis section, the court shall consider and provide for, iffeasible, contact between the military servicememberand his or her child, including, but not limited to,electronic communication by webcam, telephone, orother available means. The court shall also permitliberal time-sharing during periods of leave from militaryservice, as it is in the child’s best interests to maintainthe parent-child bond during the parent’s militaryservice.(2) If a parent is activated, deployed, or temporarily

assigned to military service on orders in excess of 90days and the parent’s ability to comply with time-sharingis materially affected as a result, the parent maydesignate a person or persons to exercise time-sharingwith the child on the parent’s behalf. The designationshall be limited to a family member, a stepparent, or arelative of the child by marriage. The designation shallbe made in writing and provided to the other parent atleast 10 working days before the court-ordered period oftime-sharing commences. The other parent may onlyobject to the appointment of the designee on the basisthat the designee’s time-sharing visitation is not in thebest interests of the child. When unable to reachagreement on the delegation, either parent may requestan expedited court hearing for a determination on thedesignation.(3) The servicemember and the nonmilitary parent

shall cooperate with each other in an effort to reach amutually agreeable resolution of custody, visitation,delegation of visitation, and child support. Each partyshall provide information to the other party in an effort tofacilitate agreement on custody, visitation, delegation ofvisitation, and child support. Agreements on designationof persons to exercise time-sharing with the child on theparent’s behalf may also be made at the time ofdissolution of marriage or other child custody proceed-ings.(4) If a temporary order is issued under this section,

the court shall reinstate the time-sharing order pre-viously in effect upon the servicemember parent’s returnfrom active military service, deployment, or temporaryassignment.(5) Upon motion of either parent for enforcement of

rights under this section, the court shall, for good causeshown, hold an expedited hearing in custody andvisitation matters instituted under this section, andshall permit the servicemember to testify by telephone,video teleconference, webcam, affidavit, or other meanswhere the military duties of the servicemember parenthave a material effect on the parent’s ability, oranticipated ability, to appear in person at a regularlyscheduled hearing.(6) If a temporary order is entered under this

section, the court may address the issue of supportfor the child by:(a) Entering an order of temporary support from the

servicemember to the other parent under s. 61.30;(b) Requiring the servicemember to enroll the child

as a military dependent with DEERs, TriCare, or othersimilar benefits available to military dependents as

provided by the service member’s branch of serviceand federal regulations; or(c) Suspending, abating, or reducing the child

support obligation of the nonservice member until thecustody judgment or time-share order previously ineffect is reinstated.(7) This section does not apply to permanent

change of station moves by military personnel, whichshall be governed by s. 61.13001.

History.—s. 1, ch. 2007-132; s. 10, ch. 2008-61; s. 1, ch. 2010-30; s. 1, ch.2011-188.

61.13003 Court-ordered electronic communica-tion between a parent and a child.—(1)(a) In connection with proceedings under this

chapter, a court may order electronic communicationbetween a parent and a child. Before ordering electroniccommunication, a court must consider:1. Whether electronic communication is in a child’s

best interests;2. Whether communication equipment and tech-

nology to provide electronic communication is reason-ably available, accessible, and affordable;3. Each parent’s history of substance abuse or

domestic violence; and4. Any other factor that the court considers materi-

al.(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), a rebuttable

presumption is created providing that it is in the bestinterests of a child for a parent and child to havereasonable telephone communication. Unless this pre-sumption is rebutted, the court shall order telephonecommunication.(c) The court may set safeguards or guidelines for

electronic communication.(2) If the court finds that one or both parents will

incur additional costs in order to implement electroniccommunication with the child, the court shall allocatesuch expenses arising solely from the electronic com-munication between the parents after considering therespective parent’s financial circumstances.(3) If the court enters an order granting electronic

communication, each parent shall furnish the otherparent with the access information necessary to facil-itate electronic communication. Each parent shall notifythe other parent of any change in the access informationwithin 7 days after the change.(4) Electronic communication may be used only to

supplement a parent’s face-to-face contact with his orher minor child. Electronic communication may not beused to replace or as a substitute for face-to-facecontact.(5) A party to a child custody order that does not

prohibit electronic communication may move a court toorder electronic communication. Such a party need notprove a substantial change in circumstances.(6) The court may not consider the availability of

electronic communication as the sole determinativefactor when considering relocation.(7) The extent or amount of time that electronic

communication with the child is ordered under s. 61.13may not be used as a factor when the court calculateschild support.




(8) This section does not apply to any judgment ororder issued before October 1, 2007.

History.—s. 2, ch. 2007-179.

61.1301 Income deduction orders.—(1) ISSUANCE IN CONJUNCTION WITH AN


cing, or modifying an obligation for alimony, for childsupport, or for alimony and child support, other than atemporary order, the court shall enter a separate orderfor income deduction if one has not been entered. Uponthe entry of a temporary order establishing support orthe entry of a temporary order enforcing or modifying atemporary order of support, the court may enter aseparate order of income deduction. Copies of theorders shall be served on the obligee and obligor. If theorder establishing, enforcing, or modifying the obligationdirects that payments be made through the depository,the court shall provide to the depository a copy of theorder establishing, enforcing, or modifying the obliga-tion. If the obligee is a recipient of Title IV-D services,the court shall furnish to the Title IV-D agency a copy ofthe income deduction order and the order establishing,enforcing, or modifying the obligation.1. In Title IV-D cases, the Title IV-D agency may

implement income deduction after receiving a copy ofan order from the court under this paragraph or aforwarding agency under UIFSA, URESA, or RURESAby issuing an income deduction notice to the payor.2. The income deduction notice must state that it is

based upon a valid support order and that it contains anincome deduction requirement or upon a separateincome deduction order. The income deduction noticemust contain the notice to payor provisions specified byparagraph (2)(e). The income deduction notice mustcontain the following information from the incomededuction order upon which the notice is based: thecase number, the court that entered the order, and thedate entered.3. Payors shall deduct support payments from

income, as specified in the income deduction notice,in the manner provided under paragraph (2)(e).4. In non-Title IV-D cases, the income deduction

notice must be accompanied by a copy of the supportorder upon which the notice is based. In Title IV-Dcases, upon request of a payor, the Title IV-D agencyshall furnish the payor a copy of the income deductionorder.5. If a support order entered before January 1,

1994, in a non-Title IV-D case does not specify incomededuction, income deduction may be initiated upon adelinquency without the need for any amendment to thesupport order or any further action by the court. In suchcase the obligee may implement income deduction byserving a notice of delinquency on the obligor asprovided for under paragraph (f).(b) The income deduction order shall:1. Direct a payor to deduct from all income due and

payable to an obligor the amount required by the court tomeet the obligor’s support obligation including any

attorney’s fees or costs owed and forward the deductedamount pursuant to the order.2. State the amount of arrearage owed, if any, and

direct a payor to withhold an additional 20 percent ormore of the periodic amount specified in the orderestablishing, enforcing, or modifying the obligation, untilfull payment is made of any arrearage, attorney’s feesand costs owed, provided no deduction shall be appliedto attorney’s fees and costs until the full amount of anyarrearage is paid.3. Provide that if a delinquency accrues after the

order establishing, modifying, or enforcing the obligationhas been entered and there is no order for repayment ofthe delinquency or a preexisting arrearage, a payor shalldeduct an additional 20 percent of the current supportobligation or other amount agreed to by the parties untilthe delinquency and any attorney’s fees and costs arepaid in full. No deduction may be applied to attorney’sfees and costs until the delinquency is paid in full.4. Direct a payor not to deduct in excess of the

amounts allowed under s. 303(b) of the ConsumerCredit Protection Act, 15 U.S.C. s. 1673(b), asamended.5. Direct whether a payor shall deduct all, a

specified portion, or no income which is paid in theform of a bonus or other similar one-time payment, up tothe amount of arrearage reported in the income deduc-tion notice or the remaining balance thereof, andforward the payment to the governmental depository.For purposes of this subparagraph, “bonus” means apayment in addition to an obligor’s usual compensationand which is in addition to any amounts contracted for orotherwise legally due and shall not include any commis-sion payments due an obligor.6. In Title IV-D cases, direct a payor to provide to

the court depository the date on which each deduction ismade.7. In Title IV-D cases, if an obligation to pay current

support is reduced or terminated due to emancipation ofa child and the obligor owes an arrearage, retroactivesupport, delinquency, or costs, direct the payor tocontinue the income deduction at the rate in effectimmediately prior to emancipation until all arrearages,retroactive support, delinquencies, and costs are paid infull or until the amount of withholding is modified.8. Direct that, at such time as the State Disburse-

ment Unit becomes operational, all payments in thosecases in which the obligee is receiving Title IV-Dservices and in those cases in which the obligee isnot receiving Title IV-D services in which the initialsupport order was issued in this state on or afterJanuary 1, 1994, and in which the obligor’s child supportobligation is being paid through income deduction, bemade payable to and delivered to the State Disburse-ment Unit. Notwithstanding any other statutory provisionto the contrary, funds received by the State Disburse-ment Unit shall be held, administered, and disbursed bythe State Disbursement Unit pursuant to the provisionsof this chapter.(c) The income deduction order is effective imme-

diately unless the court upon good cause shown findsthat the income deduction order shall be effective upona delinquency in an amount specified by the court but




not to exceed 1 month’s payment, pursuant to the orderestablishing, enforcing, or modifying the obligation. Inorder to find good cause, the court must at a minimummake written findings that:1. Explain why implementing immediate income

deduction would not be in the child’s best interest;2. There is proof of timely payment of the pre-

viously ordered obligation without an income deductionorder in cases of modification; and3.a. There is an agreement by the obligor to advise

the IV-D agency and court depository of any change inpayor and health insurance; orb. There is a signed written agreement providing

an alternative arrangement between the obligor and theobligee and, at the option of the IV-D agency, by the IV-D agency in IV-D cases in which there is an assignmentof support rights to the state, reviewed and entered inthe record by the court.(d) The income deduction order shall be effective as

long as the order upon which it is based is effective oruntil further order of the court. Notwithstanding theforegoing, however, at such time as the State Disburse-ment Unit becomes operational, in those cases in whichthe obligee is receiving Title IV-D services and in thosecases in which the obligee is not receiving Title IV-Dservices in which the initial support order was issued inthis state on or after January 1, 1994, and in which theobligor’s child support obligation is being paid throughincome deduction, such payments shall be madepayable to and delivered to the State DisbursementUnit.(e) When the court orders the income deduction to

be effective immediately, the court shall furnish to theobligor a statement of his or her rights, remedies, andduties in regard to the income deduction order. Thestatement shall state:1. All fees or interest which shall be imposed.2. The total amount of income to be deducted for

each pay period until the arrearage, if any, is paid in fulland shall state the total amount of income to bededucted for each pay period thereafter. The amountsdeducted may not be in excess of that allowed under s.303(b) of the Consumer Credit Protection Act, 15 U.S.C.s. 1673(b), as amended.3. That the income deduction order applies to

current and subsequent payors and periods of employ-ment.4. That a copy of the income deduction order or, in

Title IV-D cases, the income deduction notice will beserved on the obligor’s payor or payors.5. That enforcement of the income deduction order

may only be contested on the ground of mistake of factregarding the amount owed pursuant to the orderestablishing, enforcing, or modifying the obligation,the arrearages, or the identity of the obligor, thepayor, or the obligee.6. That the obligor is required to notify the obligee

and, when the obligee is receiving IV-D services, the IV-D agency within 7 days of changes in the obligor’saddress, payors, and the addresses of his or her payors.7. That in a Title IV-D case, if an obligation to pay

current support is reduced or terminated due toemancipation of a child and the obligor owes an

arrearage, retroactive support, delinquency, or costs,income deduction continues at the rate in effectimmediately prior to emancipation until all arrearages,retroactive support, delinquencies, and costs are paid infull or until the amount of withholding is modified.(f) If a support order was entered before January 1,

1994, the court orders the income deduction to beeffective upon a delinquency as provided in paragraph(c), or a delinquency has accrued under an orderentered before July 1, 2006, that established, modified,or enforced the obligation and there is no order forrepayment of the delinquency or a preexisting arrea-rage, the obligee or, in Title IV-D cases, the Title IV-Dagency may enforce the income deduction by serving anotice of delinquency on the obligor under this para-graph.1. The notice of delinquency shall state:a. The terms of the order establishing, enforcing, or

modifying the obligation.b. The period of delinquency and the total amount

of the delinquency as of the date the notice is mailed.c. All fees or interest which may be imposed.d. The total amount of income to be deducted for

each pay period until the arrearage, and all applicablefees and interest, is paid in full and shall state the totalamount of income to be deducted for each pay periodthereafter. The amounts deducted may not be in excessof that allowed under s. 303(b) of the Consumer CreditProtection Act, 15 U.S.C. s. 1673(b), as amended.e. That the income deduction order applies to

current and subsequent payors and periods of employ-ment.f. That a copy of the notice of delinquency will be

served on the obligor’s payor or payors, together with acopy of the income deduction order or, in Title IV-Dcases, the income deduction notice, unless the obligorapplies to the court to contest enforcement of theincome deduction. If the income deduction orderbeing enforced was rendered by the Title IV-D agencypursuant to s. 409.2563 and the obligor contests thededuction, the obligor shall file a petition for anadministrative hearing with the Title IV-D agency. Theapplication or petition shall be filed within 15 days afterthe date the notice of delinquency was served.g. That enforcement of the income deduction order

may only be contested on the ground of mistake of factregarding the amount owed pursuant to the orderestablishing, enforcing, or modifying the obligation,the amount of arrearages, or the identity of the obligor,the payor, or the obligee.h. That the obligor is required to notify the obligee

of the obligor’s current address and current payors andof the address of current payors. All changes shall bereported by the obligor within 7 days. If the IV-D agencyis enforcing the order, the obligor shall make thesenotifications to the agency instead of to the obligee.2. The failure of the obligor to receive the notice of

delinquency does not preclude subsequent service ofthe income deduction order or, in Title IV-D cases, theincome deduction notice on the obligor’s payor. A noticeof delinquency which fails to state an arrearage does notmean that an arrearage is not owed.




(g) At any time, any party, including the IV-Dagency, may apply to the court to:1. Modify, suspend, or terminate the income de-

duction order in accordance with a modification, sus-pension, or termination of the support provisions in theunderlying order; or2. Modify the amount of income deducted when the

arrearage has been paid.(2) ENFORCEMENT OF INCOME DEDUCTION

ORDERS.—(a) The obligee or his or her agent shall serve an

income deduction order and notice to payor, or, in TitleIV-D cases, the Title IV-D agency shall issue an incomededuction notice, and in the case of a delinquency anotice of delinquency, on the obligor’s payor unless theobligor has applied for a hearing to contest theenforcement of the income deduction pursuant toparagraph (c).(b)1. Service by or upon any person who is a party to

a proceeding under this section shall be made in themanner prescribed in the Florida Rules of Civil Proce-dure for service upon parties.2. Service upon an obligor’s payor or successor

payor under this section shall be made by prepaidcertified mail, return receipt requested, or in the mannerprescribed in chapter 48.(c)1. The obligor, within 15 days after service of a

notice of delinquency, may apply for a hearing to contestthe enforcement of the income deduction on the groundof mistake of fact regarding the amount owed pursuantto an order establishing, enforcing, or modifying anobligation for alimony, for child support, or for alimonyand child support, the amount of the arrearage, or theidentity of the obligor, the payor, or the obligee. Theobligor shall send a copy of the pleading to the obligeeand, if the obligee is receiving IV-D services, to the IV-Dagency. The timely filing of the pleading shall stayservice of an income deduction order or, in Title IV-Dcases, income deduction notice on all payors of theobligor until a hearing is held and a determination ismade as to whether enforcement of the income deduc-tion order is proper. The payment of a delinquentobligation by an obligor upon entry of an incomededuction order shall not preclude service of the incomededuction order or, in Title IV-D cases, an incomededuction notice on the obligor’s payor.2. When an obligor timely requests a hearing to

contest enforcement of an income deduction order, thecourt, after due notice to all parties and the IV-D agencyif the obligee is receiving IV-D services, shall hear thematter within 20 days after the application is filed. Thecourt shall enter an order resolving the matter within 10days after the hearing. A copy of this order shall beserved on the parties and the IV-D agency if the obligeeis receiving IV-D services. If the court determines thatincome deduction is proper, it shall specify the date theincome deduction order must be served on the obligor’spayor.(d) When a court determines that an income

deduction order is proper pursuant to paragraph (c),the obligee or his or her agent shall cause a copy of thenotice of delinquency to be served on the obligor’spayors. A copy of the income deduction order or, in Title

IV-D cases, income deduction notice, and in the case ofa delinquency a notice of delinquency, shall also befurnished to the obligor.(e) Notice to payor and income deduction notice.

The notice to payor or, in Title IV-D cases, incomededuction notice shall contain only information neces-sary for the payor to comply with the order providing forincome deduction. The notice shall:1. Provide the obligor’s social security number.2. Require the payor to deduct from the obligor’s

income the amount specified in the income deductionorder, and in the case of a delinquency the amountspecified in the notice of delinquency, and to pay thatamount to the obligee or to the depository, as appro-priate. The amount actually deducted plus all adminis-trative charges shall not be in excess of the amountallowed under s. 303(b) of the Consumer CreditProtection Act, 15 U.S.C. s. 1673(b);3. Instruct the payor to implement income deduc-

tion no later than the first payment date which occursmore than 14 days after the date the income deductionnotice was served on the payor, and the payor shallconform the amount specified in the income deductionorder or, in Title IV-D cases, income deduction notice tothe obligor’s pay cycle. The court should request at thetime of the order that the payment cycle reflect that ofthe payor;4. Instruct the payor to forward, within 2 days after

each date the obligor is entitled to payment from thepayor, to the obligee or to the depository the amountdeducted from the obligor’s income, a statement as towhether the amount totally or partially satisfies theperiodic amount specified in the income deduction orderor, in Title IV-D cases, income deduction notice, and thespecific date each deduction is made. If the IV-D agencyis enforcing the order, the payor shall make thesenotifications to the agency instead of the obligee;5. Specify that if a payor fails to deduct the proper

amount from the obligor’s income, the payor is liable forthe amount the payor should have deducted, plus costs,interest, and reasonable attorney’s fees;6. Provide that the payor may collect up to $5

against the obligor’s income to reimburse the payor foradministrative costs for the first income deduction andup to $2 for each deduction thereafter;7. State that the notice to payor or, in Title IV-D

cases, income deduction notice, and in the case of adelinquency the notice of delinquency, are binding onthe payor until further notice by the obligee, IV-Dagency, or the court or until the payor no longer providesincome to the obligor;8. Instruct the payor that, when he or she no longer

provides income to the obligor, he or she shall notify theobligee and shall also provide the obligor’s last knownaddress and the name and address of the obligor’s newpayor, if known; and that, if the payor violates thisprovision, the payor is subject to a civil penalty not toexceed $250 for the first violation or $500 for anysubsequent violation. If the IV-D agency is enforcing theorder, the payor shall make these notifications to theagency instead of to the obligee. Penalties shall be paidto the obligee or the IV-D agency, whichever isenforcing the income deduction order;




9. State that the payor shall not discharge, refuseto employ, or take disciplinary action against an obligorbecause of the requirement for income deduction andshall state that a violation of this provision subjects thepayor to a civil penalty not to exceed $250 for the firstviolation or $500 for any subsequent violation. Penaltiesshall be paid to the obligee or the IV-D agency,whichever is enforcing the income deduction, if anyalimony or child support obligation is owing. If noalimony or child support obligation is owing, the penaltyshall be paid to the obligor;10. State that an obligor may bring a civil action in

the courts of this state against a payor who refuses toemploy, discharges, or otherwise disciplines an obligorbecause of income deduction. The obligor is entitled toreinstatement and all wages and benefits lost, plusreasonable attorney’s fees and costs incurred;11. Inform the payor that the requirement for income

deduction has priority over all other legal processesunder state law pertaining to the same income and thatpayment, as required by the notice to payor or incomededuction notice, is a complete defense by the payoragainst any claims of the obligor or his or her creditorsas to the sum paid;12. Inform the payor that, when the payor receives

notices to payor or income deduction notices requiringthat the income of two or more obligors be deducted andsent to the same depository, the payor may combine theamounts that are to be paid to the depository in a singlepayment as long as the payments attributable to eachobligor are clearly identified;13. Inform the payor that if the payor receives more

than one notice to payor or income deduction noticeagainst the same obligor, the payor shall contact thecourt or, in Title IV-D cases, the Title IV-D agency forfurther instructions. Upon being so contacted, the courtor, in Title IV-D cases when all the cases upon which thenotices are based are Title IV-D cases, the Title IV-Dagency shall allocate amounts available for incomededuction as provided in subsection (4); and14. State that in a Title IV-D case, if an obligation to

pay current support is reduced or terminated due to theemancipation of a child and the obligor owes anarrearage, retroactive support, delinquency, or costs,income deduction continues at the rate in effectimmediately prior to emancipation until all arrearages,retroactive support, delinquencies, and costs are paid infull or until the amount of withholding is modified.(f) At any time an income deduction order is being

enforced, the obligor may apply to the court for ahearing to contest the continued enforcement of theincome deduction on the same grounds set out inparagraph (c), with a copy to the obligee and, in IV-Dcases, to the IV-D agency. If the income deduction orderbeing enforced was rendered by the IV-D agencypursuant to s. 409.2563 and the obligor contests thewithholding, the obligor shall file a petition for anadministrative hearing with the IV-D agency. Theapplication or petition does not affect the continuedenforcement of the income deduction until the court orIV-D agency, if applicable, enters an order grantingrelief to the obligor. The obligee or the IV-D agency isreleased from liability for improper receipt of moneys

pursuant to an income deduction order upon return tothe appropriate party of any moneys received.(g) An obligee or his or her agent shall enforce an

income deduction order against an obligor’s successorpayor who is located in this state in the same mannerprescribed in this section for the enforcement of anincome deduction order against a payor.(h)1. When an income deduction order is to be

enforced against a payor located outside the state, theobligee who is receiving IV-D services or his or heragent shall promptly request the agency responsible forincome deduction in the other state to enforce theincome deduction order. The request shall contain allinformation necessary to enforce the income deductionorder, including the amount to be periodically deducted,a copy of the order establishing, enforcing, or modifyingthe obligation, and a statement of arrearages, if applic-able.2. When the IV-D agency is requested by the

agency responsible for income deduction in anotherstate to enforce an income deduction order against apayor located in this state for the benefit of an obligeewho is being provided IV-D services by the agency in theother state, the IV-D agency shall act promptly pursuantto the applicable provisions of this section.3. When an obligor who is subject to an income

deduction order enforced against a payor located in thisstate for the benefit of an obligee who is being providedIV-D services by the agency responsible for incomededuction in another state terminates his or her relation-ship with his or her payor, the IV-D agency shall notifythe agency in the other state and provide it with thename and address of the obligor and the address of anynew payor of the obligor, if known.4.a. The procedural rules and laws of this state

govern the procedural aspects of income deductionwhenever the agency responsible for income deductionin another state requests the enforcement of an incomededuction order in this state.b. Except with respect to when withholding must be

implemented, which is controlled by the state where theorder establishing, enforcing, or modifying the obligationwas entered, the substantive law of this state shall applywhenever the agency responsible for income deductionin another state requests the enforcement of an incomededuction in this state.c. When the IV-D agency is requested by an

agency responsible for income deduction in anotherstate to implement income deduction against a payorlocated in this state for the benefit of an obligee who isbeing provided IV-D services by the agency in the otherstate or when the IV-D agency in this state initiates anincome deduction request on behalf of an obligeereceiving IV-D services in this state against a payor inanother state, pursuant to this section or the UniformInterstate Family Support Act, the IV-D agency shall filethe interstate income deduction documents, or anaffidavit of such request when the income deductiondocuments are not available, with the depository and ifthe IV-D agency in this state is responding to a requestfrom another state, provide copies to the payor andobligor in accordance with subsection (1). The deposi-tory created pursuant to s. 61.181 shall accept the




interstate income deduction documents or affidavit andshall establish an account for the receipt and disburse-ment of child support or child support and alimonypayments and advise the IV-D agency of the accountnumber in writing within 2 days after receipt of thedocuments or affidavit.(i) Certified copies of payment records maintained

by a depository shall, without further proof, be admittedinto evidence in any legal proceeding in this state.(j)1. A person may not discharge, refuse to employ,

or take disciplinary action against an employee becauseof the enforcement of an income deduction order. Anemployer who violates this subsection is subject to acivil penalty not to exceed $250 for the first violation or$500 for any subsequent violation. Penalties shall bepaid to the obligee or the IV-D agency, whichever isenforcing the income deduction, if any alimony or childsupport is owing. If no alimony or child support is owing,the penalty shall be paid to the obligor.2. An employee may bring a civil action in the

courts of this state against an employer who refuses toemploy, discharges, or otherwise disciplines an employ-ee because of an income deduction order. The employ-ee is entitled to reinstatement and all wages andbenefits lost plus reasonable attorney’s fees andcosts incurred.(k) When a payor no longer provides income to an

obligor, he or she shall notify the obligee and, if theobligee is a IV-D applicant, the IV-D agency and shallalso provide the obligor’s last known address and thename and address of the obligor’s new payor, if known.A payor who violates this subsection is subject to a civilpenalty not to exceed $250 for the first violation or $500for a subsequent violation. Penalties shall be paid to theobligee or the IV-D agency, whichever is enforcing theincome deduction order.(3)(a) It is the intent of the Legislature that this

section may be used to collect arrearages in childsupport or in alimony payments.(b) In a Title IV-D case, if an obligation to pay

current support is reduced or terminated due to theemancipation of a child and the obligor owes anarrearage, retroactive support, delinquency, or costs,income deduction continues at the rate in effectimmediately prior to emancipation until all arrearages,retroactive support, delinquencies, and costs are paid infull or until the amount of withholding is modified. Anyincome-deducted amount that is in excess of theobligation to pay current support shall be creditedagainst the arrearages, retroactive support, delin-quency, and costs owed by the obligor. The departmentshall send notice of this requirement by regular mail tothe payor and the depository operated pursuant to s.61.181, and the notice shall state the amount of theobligation to pay current support, if any, and the amountowed for arrearages, retroactive support, delinquency,and costs. For income deduction orders entered beforeJuly 1, 2004, which do not include this requirement, thedepartment shall send by certified mail, restricteddelivery, return receipt requested, to the obligor at themost recent address provided by the obligor to thetribunal that issued the order or a more recent address ifknown, notice of this requirement, that the obligor may

contest the withholding as provided by paragraph (2)(f),and that the obligor may request the tribunal that issuedthe income deduction to modify the amount of thewithholding. This paragraph provides an additionalremedy for collection of unpaid support and applies tocases in which a support order or income deductionorder was entered before, on, or after July 1, 2004.(c) If a delinquency accrues after an order establish-

ing, modifying, or enforcing a support obligation hasbeen entered, an income deduction order entered afterJuly 1, 2006, is in effect, and there is no order forrepayment of the delinquency or a preexisting arrea-rage, a payor who is served with an income deductionorder or, in a Title IV-D case, an income deductionnotice shall deduct an additional 20 percent of thecurrent support obligation or other amount agreed to bythe parties until the delinquency and any attorney’s feesand costs are paid in full. No deduction may be appliedto attorney’s fees and costs until the delinquency is paidin full.(4) When there is more than one income deduction

notice against the same obligor, the amounts availablefor income deduction must be allocated among allobligee families as follows:(a) For computation purposes, all obligations must

be converted to a common payroll frequency, and thepercentage of deduction allowed under s. 303(b) of theConsumer Credit Protection Act, 15 U.S.C. s. 1673(b),as amended, must be determined. The amount ofincome available for deduction is determined by multi-plying that percentage by the obligor’s net income.(b) If the total monthly support obligation to all

families is less than the amount of income availablefor deduction, the full amount of each obligation must bededucted.(c) If the total monthly support obligation to all

families is greater than the amount of income availablefor deduction, the amount of the deduction must beprorated, giving priority to current support, so that eachfamily is allocated a percentage of the amount de-ducted. The percentage to be allocated to each family isdetermined by dividing each current support obligationby the total of all current support obligations. If the totalof all current support obligations is less than the incomeavailable for deduction, and past due support is owed tomore than one family, then the remainder of theavailable income must be prorated so that each familyis allocated a percentage of the remaining incomeavailable for deduction. The percentage to be allocatedto each family is determined by dividing each past duesupport obligation by the total of all past due supportobligations.(5) By July 1, 2006, the department shall provide a

payor with Internet access to income deduction andnational medical support notices issued by the depart-ment on or after July 1, 2006, concerning an obligor towhom the payor pays income. The department shallprovide a payor who requests Internet access with auser code and password to allow the payor to receivenotices electronically and to download the informationnecessary to begin income deduction and healthinsurance enrollment. If a participating payor does notrespond to electronic notice by accessing the data




posted by the department within 48 hours, the depart-ment shall mail the income deduction or medical supportnotice to the payor.

History.—s. 3, ch. 84-110; s. 4, ch. 85-178; ss. 119, 120, ch. 86-220; s. 2, ch.87-95; s. 5, ch. 88-176; s. 2, ch. 89-183; s. 13, ch. 91-45; s. 3, ch. 92-138; s. 1, ch.93-69; s. 5, ch. 93-188; s. 19, ch. 93-208; s. 1, ch. 94-318; s. 1364, ch. 95-147; s. 3,ch. 96-310; s. 4, ch. 97-170; s. 9, ch. 98-397; s. 3, ch. 99-375; s. 5, ch. 2001-158; s.3, ch. 2004-334; s. 2, ch. 2005-39; s. 3, ch. 2009-90.

61.13015 Petition for suspension or denial ofprofessional licenses and certificates.—(1) An obligee may petition the court which entered

the support order or the court which is enforcing thesupport order for an order to suspend or deny thelicense or certificate issued pursuant to chapters 409,455, 456, 559, and 1012 of any obligor with a delinquentsupport obligation. However, no petition may be fileduntil the obligee has exhausted all other availableremedies. The purpose of this section is to promotethe public policy of s. 409.2551.(2) The obligee shall give notice to any obligor when

a delinquency exists in the support obligation. Thenotice shall specify that the obligor has 30 days from thedate on which service of the notice is complete to paythe delinquency or to reach an agreement with theobligee to pay the delinquency. The notice shall specifythat, if payment is not made or an agreement cannot bereached, the license or certificate may be denied orsuspended pursuant to a court order.(3) If a delinquency exists and the obligor fails to pay

the delinquency or to reach an agreement to pay thedelinquency within 30 days following completion ofservice of the notice of the delinquency, the obligeeshall send a second notice to the obligor stating that theobligor has 30 days to pay the delinquency or reach anagreement with the obligee to pay the delinquency. Ifthe obligor fails to respond to either notice from theobligee or if the obligor fails to pay the delinquency or toreach an agreement to pay the delinquency after thesecond notice, the obligeemay petition the court to denythe application for the license or certificate or to suspendthe license or certificate of the obligor. The court mayfind that it would be inappropriate to deny or suspend alicense or certificate if:(a) Denial or suspension would result in irreparable

harm to the obligor or employees of the obligor or wouldnot accomplish the objective of collecting the delin-quency; or(b) The obligor demonstrates that he or she has

made a good faith effort to reach an agreement with theobligee.

The court may not deny or suspend a license orcertificate if the court determines that an alternativeremedy is available to the obligee which is likely toaccomplish the objective of collecting the delinquency. Ifthe obligor fails in the defense of a petition for denial orsuspension, the court which entered the support orderor the court which is enforcing the support order shallenter an order to deny the application for the license orcertificate or to suspend the license or certificate of theobligor. In the case of suspension, the court shall orderthe obligor to surrender the certificate or license to thedepartment or to the licensing board which issued thelicense or certificate. In the case of denial, the court

shall order the appropriate department or licensingboard to deny the application.(4) If the court denies or suspends a license or

certificate and the obligor subsequently pays thedelinquency or reaches an agreement with the obligeeto settle the delinquency and makes the first paymentrequired by the agreement, the license or certificateshall be issued or reinstated upon written proof to thecourt that the obligor has complied with the court order.Proof of payment shall consist of a certified copy of thepayment record issued by the depository. The courtshall order the appropriate department or licensingboard to issue or reinstate the license or certificatewithout additional charge to the obligor.(5) Notice shall be served under this section by

mailing it by certified mail, return receipt requested, tothe obligor at his or her last address of record with thelocal depository. If the obligor has no address of recordwith the local depository, or if the last address of recordwith the local depository is incorrect, service shall be bypublication as provided in chapter 49. When service ofthe notice is made by mail, service is complete upon thereceipt of the notice by the obligor.

History.—s. 2, ch. 93-208; s. 323, ch. 95-147; s. 1, ch. 2000-160; s. 6, ch.2001-158; s. 886, ch. 2002-387.

61.13016 Suspension of driver licenses andmotor vehicle registrations.—(1) The driver license and motor vehicle registration

of a support obligor who is delinquent in payment or whohas failed to comply with subpoenas or a similar order toappear or show cause relating to paternity or supportproceedings may be suspended. When an obligor is 15days delinquent making a payment in support or failureto comply with a subpoena, order to appear, order toshow cause, or similar order in IV-D cases, the Title IV-D agency may provide notice to the obligor of thedelinquency or failure to comply with a subpoena, orderto appear, order to show cause, or similar order and theintent to suspend by regular United States mail that isposted to the obligor’s last address of record with theDepartment of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.When an obligor is 15 days delinquent in making apayment in support in non-IV-D cases, and upon therequest of the obligee, the depository or the clerk of thecourt must provide notice to the obligor of the delin-quency and the intent to suspend by regular UnitedStates mail that is posted to the obligor’s last address ofrecord with the Department of Highway Safety andMotor Vehicles. In either case, the notice must state:(a) The terms of the order creating the support

obligation;(b) The period of the delinquency and the total

amount of the delinquency as of the date of the notice ordescribe the subpoena, order to appear, order to showcause, or other similar order that has not been compliedwith;(c) That notification will be given to the Department

of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to suspend theobligor’s driver license and motor vehicle registrationunless, within 20 days after the date that the notice ismailed, the obligor:




1.a. Pays the delinquency in full and any other costsand fees accrued between the date of the notice and thedate the delinquency is paid;b. Enters into a written agreement for payment with

the obligee in non-IV-D cases or with the Title IV-Dagency in IV-D cases; or in IV-D cases, complies with asubpoena or order to appear, order to show cause, or asimilar order;c. Files a petition with the circuit court to contest

the delinquency action;d. Demonstrates that he or she receives reemploy-

ment assistance or unemployment compensation pur-suant to chapter 443;e. Demonstrates that he or she is disabled and

incapable of self-support or that he or she receivesbenefits under the federal Supplemental Security In-come or Social Security Disability Insurance programs;f. Demonstrates that he or she receives temporary

cash assistance pursuant to chapter 414; org. Demonstrates that he or she is making pay-

ments in accordance with a confirmed bankruptcy planunder chapter 11, chapter 12, or chapter 13 of theUnited States Bankruptcy Code, 11 U.S.C. ss. 101 etseq.; and2. Pays any applicable delinquency fees.

If an obligor in a non-IV-D case enters into a writtenagreement for payment before the expiration of the 20-day period, the obligor must provide a copy of the signedwritten agreement to the depository or the clerk of thecourt. If an obligor seeks to satisfy sub-subparagraph1.d., sub-subparagraph 1.e., sub-subparagraph 1.f., orsub-subparagraph 1.g. before expiration of the 20-dayperiod, the obligor must provide the applicable doc-umentation or proof to the depository or the clerk of thecourt.(2)(a) Upon petition filed by the obligor in the circuit

court within 20 days after the mailing date of the notice,the court may, in its discretion, direct the department toissue a license for driving privilege restricted to businesspurposes only, as defined by s. 322.271, if the person isotherwise qualified for such a license. As a condition forthe court to exercise its discretion under this subsection,the obligor must agree to a schedule of payment on anychild support arrearages and to maintain current childsupport obligations. If the obligor fails to comply with theschedule of payment, the court shall direct the Depart-ment of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to suspendthe obligor’s driver license.(b) The obligor must serve a copy of the petition on

the Title IV-D agency in IV-D cases or on the depositoryor the clerk of the court in non-IV-D cases. When anobligor timely files a petition to set aside a suspension,the court must hear the matter within 15 days after thepetition is filed. The court must enter an order resolvingthe matter within 10 days after the hearing, and a copyof the order must be served on the parties. The timelyfiling of a petition under this subsection stays the intentto suspend until the entry of a court order resolving thematter.(3) If the obligor does not, within 20 days after the

mailing date on the notice, pay the delinquency; enterinto a written agreement; comply with the subpoena,

order to appear, order to show cause, or other similarorder; file a motion to contest; or satisfy sub-subpara-graph (1)(c)1.d., sub-subparagraph (1)(c)1.e., sub-sub-paragraph (1)(c)1.f., or sub-subparagraph (1)(c)1.g.,the Title IV-D agency in IV-D cases, or the depository orclerk of the court in non-IV-D cases, may file the noticewith the Department of Highway Safety and MotorVehicles and request the suspension of the obligor’sdriver license and motor vehicle registration in accor-dance with s. 322.058.(4) The obligor may, within 20 days after the mailing

date on the notice of delinquency or noncompliance andintent to suspend, file in the circuit court a petition tocontest the notice of delinquency or noncompliance andintent to suspend on the ground of mistake of factregarding the existence of a delinquency or the identityof the obligor. The obligor must serve a copy of thepetition on the Title IV-D agency in IV-D cases ordepository or clerk of the court in non-IV-D cases. Whenan obligor timely files a petition to contest, the courtmust hear the matter within 15 days after the petition isfiled. The court must enter an order resolving the matterwithin 10 days after the hearing, and a copy of the ordermust be served on the parties. The timely filing of apetition to contest stays the notice of delinquency andintent to suspend until the entry of a court orderresolving the matter.(5) The procedures prescribed in this section and s.

322.058 may be used to enforce compliance with anorder to appear for genetic testing.

History.—s. 1, ch. 95-222; s. 6, ch. 97-96; s. 5, ch. 97-170; s. 1, ch. 97-206; s. 4,ch. 99-375; s. 7, ch. 2001-158; s. 3, ch. 2005-39; s. 1, ch. 2005-164; s. 1, ch.2014-216.

61.1354 Sharing of information between consu-mer reporting agencies and the IV-D agency.—(1) Upon receipt of a request from a consumer

reporting agency as defined in s. 603(f) of the Fair CreditReporting Act, the IV-D agency or the depository in non-Title IV-D cases shall make available informationrelating to the amount of current and overdue supportowed by an obligor. The IV-D agency or the depositoryin non-Title IV-D cases shall give the obligor writtennotice, at least 15 days prior to the release of informa-tion, of the IV-D agency’s or depository’s authority torelease information to consumer reporting agenciesrelating to the amount of current and overdue supportowed by the obligor. The obligor shall be informed of hisor her right to request a hearing with the IV-D agency orthe court in non-Title IV-D cases to contest the accuracyof the information.(2) The IV-D agency shall report periodically to

appropriate consumer reporting agencies, as identifiedby the IV-D agency, the name and social securitynumber of any delinquent obligor, the amount of over-due support owed by the obligor, and the amount of theobligor’s current support obligation when the overduesupport is paid. The IV-D agency, or its designee, shallprovide the obligor with written notice, at least 15 daysprior to the initial release of information, of the IV-Dagency’s authority to release the information periodi-cally to the consumer reporting agencies. The noticeshall state the amount of overdue support owed and theamount of current support owed when the overdue




support is paid and shall inform the obligor of the right torequest a hearing with the IV-D agency within 15 daysafter receipt of the notice to contest the accuracy of theinformation. After the initial notice is given, no furthernotice or opportunity for a hearing need be given whenupdated information concerning the same obligor isperiodically released to the consumer reporting agen-cies.(3) For purposes of determining an individual’s

income and establishing an individual’s capacity tomake support payments or for determining the appro-priate amount of child support payment to be made bythe individual, consumer reporting agencies shall pro-vide, upon request, consumer reports to the head of theIV-D agency pursuant to s. 604 of the Fair CreditReporting Act, provided that the head of the IV-Dagency, or its designee, certifies that:(a) The consumer report is needed for the purpose

of determining an individual’s income and establishingan individual’s capacity to make support payments ordetermining the appropriate amount of child supportpayment to be made by the individual;(b) Paternity of the child of the individual whose

report is sought, if that individual is the father of thechild, has been established or acknowledged pursuantto the laws of Florida;(c) The individual whose report is sought was

provided with at least 15 days’ prior notice, by certifiedor registered mail to the individual’s last known address,that the report was requested; and(d) The consumer report will be used solely for the

purpose described in paragraph (a).(4) For purposes of setting an initial or modified child

support order, consumer reporting agencies shallprovide, upon request, consumer reports to the IV-Dagency.(5) The Department of Revenue is authorized to

adopt rules necessary to implement this section.History.—s. 123, ch. 86-220; s. 4, ch. 92-138; s. 334, ch. 95-147; s. 6, ch.

97-170; s. 9, ch. 2001-158; s. 4, ch. 2005-39; s. 2, ch. 2005-82.

61.14 Enforcement and modification of support,maintenance, or alimony agreements or orders.—(1)(a) When the parties enter into an agreement for

payments for, or instead of, support, maintenance, oralimony, whether in connection with a proceeding fordissolution or separate maintenance or with any volun-tary property settlement, or when a party is required bycourt order to make any payments, and the circum-stances or the financial ability of either party changes orthe child who is a beneficiary of an agreement or courtorder as described herein reaches majority after theexecution of the agreement or the rendition of the order,either party may apply to the circuit court of the circuit inwhich the parties, or either of them, resided at the dateof the execution of the agreement or reside at the date ofthe application, or in which the agreement was executedor in which the order was rendered, for an orderdecreasing or increasing the amount of support, main-tenance, or alimony, and the court has jurisdiction tomake orders as equity requires, with due regard to thechanged circumstances or the financial ability of theparties or the child, decreasing, increasing, or confirm-ing the amount of separate support, maintenance, or

alimony provided for in the agreement or order. A findingthat medical insurance is reasonably available or thechild support guidelines schedule in s. 61.30 mayconstitute changed circumstances. Except as otherwiseprovided in s. 61.30(11)(c), the court may modify anorder of support, maintenance, or alimony by increasingor decreasing the support, maintenance, or alimonyretroactively to the date of the filing of the action orsupplemental action for modification as equity requires,giving due regard to the changed circumstances or thefinancial ability of the parties or the child.(b)1. The court may reduce or terminate an award of

alimony upon specific written findings by the court thatsince the granting of a divorce and the award of alimonya supportive relationship has existed between theobligee and a person with whom the obligee resides.On the issue of whether alimony should be reduced orterminated under this paragraph, the burden is on theobligor to prove by a preponderance of the evidencethat a supportive relationship exists.2. In determining whether an existing award of

alimony should be reduced or terminated because of analleged supportive relationship between an obligee anda person who is not related by consanguinity or affinityand with whom the obligee resides, the court shall elicitthe nature and extent of the relationship in question. Thecourt shall give consideration, without limitation, tocircumstances, including, but not limited to, the follow-ing, in determining the relationship of an obligee toanother person:a. The extent to which the obligee and the other

person have held themselves out as a married coupleby engaging in conduct such as using the same lastname, using a common mailing address, referring toeach other in terms such as “my husband” or “my wife,”or otherwise conducting themselves in a manner thatevidences a permanent supportive relationship.b. The period of time that the obligee has resided

with the other person in a permanent place of abode.c. The extent to which the obligee and the other

person have pooled their assets or income or otherwiseexhibited financial interdependence.d. The extent to which the obligee or the other

person has supported the other, in whole or in part.e. The extent to which the obligee or the other

person has performed valuable services for the other.f. The extent to which the obligee or the other

person has performed valuable services for the other’scompany or employer.g. Whether the obligee and the other person have

worked together to create or enhance anything of value.h. Whether the obligee and the other person have

jointly contributed to the purchase of any real orpersonal property.i. Evidence in support of a claim that the obligee

and the other person have an express agreementregarding property sharing or support.j. Evidence in support of a claim that the obligee

and the other person have an implied agreementregarding property sharing or support.k. Whether the obligee and the other person have

provided support to the children of one another,regardless of any legal duty to do so.




3. This paragraph does not abrogate the require-ment that every marriage in this state be solemnizedunder a license, does not recognize a common lawmarriage as valid, and does not recognize a de factomarriage. This paragraph recognizes only that relation-ships do exist that provide economic support equivalentto a marriage and that alimony terminable on remarriagemay be reduced or terminated upon the establishmentof equivalent equitable circumstances as described inthis paragraph. The existence of a conjugal relationship,though it may be relevant to the nature and extent of therelationship, is not necessary for the application of theprovisions of this paragraph.(c) For each support order reviewed by the depart-

ment as required by s. 409.2564(11), if the amount ofthe child support award under the order differs by atleast 10 percent but not less than $25 from the amountthat would be awarded under s. 61.30, the departmentshall seek to have the order modified and any modifica-tion shall be made without a requirement for proof orshowing of a change in circumstances.(d) The department shall have authority to adopt

rules to implement this section.(2) When an order or agreement is modified pur-

suant to subsection (1), the party having an obligation topay shall pay only the amount of support, maintenance,or alimony directed in the new order, and the agreementor earlier order is modified accordingly. No person maycommence an action for modification of a support,maintenance, or alimony agreement or order except asherein provided. No court has jurisdiction to entertainany action to enforce the recovery of separate support,maintenance, or alimony other than as herein provided.(3) This section is declaratory of existing public

policy and of the laws of this state.(4) If a party applies for a reduction of alimony or

child support and the circumstances justify the reduc-tion, the court may make the reduction of alimony orchild support regardless of whether or not the partyapplying for it has fully paid the accrued obligations tothe other party at the time of the application or at thetime of the order of modification.(5)(a) When a court of competent jurisdiction enters

an order for the payment of alimony or child support orboth, the court shall make a finding of the obligor’simputed or actual present ability to comply with theorder. If the obligor subsequently fails to pay alimony orsupport and a contempt hearing is held, the originalorder of the court creates a presumption that the obligorhas the present ability to pay the alimony or support andto purge himself or herself from the contempt. At thecontempt hearing, the obligor shall have the burden ofproof to show that he or she lacks the ability to purgehimself or herself from the contempt. This presumptionis adopted as a presumption under s. 90.302(2) toimplement the public policy of this state that childrenshall be maintained from the resources of their parentsand as provided for in s. 409.2551, and that spouses bemaintained as provided for in s. 61.08. The court shallstate in its order the reasons for granting or denying thecontempt.(b) In a proceeding in circuit court to enforce a

support order under this chapter, chapter 88, chapter

409, or chapter 742, or any other provision of law, if thecourt finds that payments due under the support orderare delinquent or overdue and that the obligor isunemployed, underemployed, or has no income but isable to work or participate in job training, the court mayorder the obligor to:1. Seek employment.2. File periodic reports with the court, or with the

department if the department is providing Title IV-Dservices, detailing the obligor’s efforts to seek andobtain employment during the reporting period.3. Notify the court or the department, as appro-

priate, upon obtaining employment, income, or property.4. Participate in job training, job placement, work

experience, or other work programs that may beavailable pursuant to chapter 445, chapter 446, orany other source.

An obligor who willfully fails to comply with a court orderto seek work or participate in other work-relatedactivities may be held in contempt of court. Thisparagraph is in furtherance of the public policy of thestate of ensuring that children are maintained from theresources of their parents to the extent possible.(6)(a)1. When support payments are made through

the local depository or through the State DisbursementUnit, any payment or installment of support whichbecomes due and is unpaid under any support orderis delinquent; and this unpaid payment or installment,and all other costs and fees herein provided for,become, after notice to the obligor and the time forresponse as set forth in this subsection, a final judgmentby operation of law, which has the full force, effect, andattributes of a judgment entered by a court in this statefor which execution may issue. No deduction shall bemade by the local depository from any payment madefor costs and fees accrued in the judgment by operationof law process under paragraph (b) until the totalamount of support payments due the obligee underthe judgment has been paid.2. A certified statement by the local depository

evidencing a delinquency in support payments consti-tute evidence of the final judgment under this para-graph.3. The judgment under this paragraph is a final

judgment as to any unpaid payment or installment ofsupport which has accrued up to the time either partyfiles a motion with the court to alter or modify the supportorder, and such judgment may not be modified by thecourt. The court may modify such judgment as to anyunpaid payment or installment of support which accruesafter the date of the filing of the motion to alter or modifythe support order. This subparagraph does not prohibitthe court from providing relief from the judgmentpursuant to Rule 1.540, Florida Rules of Civil Proce-dure.(b)1. When an obligor is 15 days delinquent in

making a payment or installment of support and theamount of the delinquency is greater than the periodicpayment amount ordered by the court, the localdepository shall serve notice on the obligor informinghim or her of:a. The delinquency and its amount.




b. An impending judgment by operation of lawagainst him or her in the amount of the delinquencyand all other amounts which thereafter become due andare unpaid, together with costs and a service charge ofup to $25, for failure to pay the amount of thedelinquency.c. The obligor’s right to contest the impending

judgment and the ground upon which such contestcan be made.d. The local depository’s authority to release in-

formation regarding the delinquency to one or morecredit reporting agencies.2. The local depository shall serve the notice by

mailing it by first class mail to the obligor at his or her lastaddress of record with the local depository. If the obligorhas no address of record with the local depository,service shall be by publication as provided in chapter49.3. When service of the notice is made by mail,

service is complete on the date of mailing.(c) Within 15 days after service of the notice is

complete, the obligor may file with the court that issuedthe support order, or with the court in the circuit wherethe local depository which served the notice is located, amotion to contest the impending judgment. An obligormay contest the impending judgment only on the groundof a mistake of fact regarding an error in whether adelinquency exists, in the amount of the delinquency, orin the identity of the obligor.(d) The court shall hear the obligor’s motion to

contest the impending judgment within 15 days after thedate of filing of the motion. Upon the court’s denial of theobligor’s motion, the amount of the delinquency and allother amounts that become due, together with costsand a service charge of up to $25, become a finaljudgment by operation of law against the obligor. Thedepository shall charge interest at the rate establishedin s. 55.03 on all judgments for support. Payments onjudgments shall be applied first to the current childsupport due, then to any delinquent principal, and thento interest on the support judgment.(e) If the obligor fails to file a motion to contest the

impending judgment within the time limit prescribed inparagraph (c) and fails to pay the amount of thedelinquency and all other amounts which thereafterbecome due, together with costs and a service chargeof up to $25, such amounts become a final judgment byoperation of law against the obligor at the expiration ofthe time for filing a motion to contest the impendingjudgment.(f)1. Upon request of any person, the local depository

shall issue, upon payment of a service charge of up to$25, a payoff statement of the total amount due underthe judgment at the time of the request. The statementmay be relied upon by the person for up to 30 days fromthe time it is issued unless proof of satisfaction of thejudgment is provided.2. When the depository records show that the

obligor’s account is current, the depository shall recorda satisfaction of the judgment upon request of anyinterested person and upon receipt of the appropriaterecording fee. Any person shall be entitled to rely uponthe recording of the satisfaction.

3. The local depository, at the direction of thedepartment, or the obligee in a non-IV-D case, maypartially release the judgment as to specific realproperty, and the depository shall record a partialrelease upon receipt of the appropriate recording fee.4. The local depository is not liable for errors in its

recordkeeping, except when an error is a result ofunlawful activity or gross negligence by the clerk or hisor her employees.(g) The local depository shall send the department

monthly by electronic means a list of all Title IV-D andnon-Title IV-D cases in which a judgment by operationof law has been recorded during the month for which thedata is provided. At a minimum, the depository shallprovide the names of the obligor and obligee, socialsecurity numbers of the obligor and obligee, if available,and depository number.(7) When modification of an existing order of sup-

port is sought, the proof required to modify a settlementagreement and the proof required to modify an awardestablished by court order shall be the same.(8)(a) When an employee and an employer reach an

agreement for a lump-sum settlement under s.440.20(11), no proceeds of the settlement shall bedisbursed to the employee, nor shall any attorney’s feesbe disbursed, until after a judge of compensation claimsreviews the proposed disbursement and enters an orderfinding the settlement provides for appropriate recoveryof any support arrearage. The employee, or the employ-ee’s attorney if the employee is represented, shallsubmit a written statement from the department thatindicates whether the employee owes unpaid supportand, if so, the amount owed. In addition, the judge ofcompensation claims may require the employee tosubmit a similar statement from a local depositoryestablished under s. 61.181. A sworn statement bythe employee that all existing support obligations havebeen disclosed is also required. If the judge finds theproposed allocation of support recovery insufficient, theparties may amend the allocation of support recoverywithin the settlement agreement to make the allocationof proceeds sufficient. The Office of the Judges ofCompensation Claims shall adopt procedural rules toimplement this paragraph.(b) In accordance with the provisions of s. 440.22,

any compensation due or that may become due anemployee under chapter 440 is exempt from garnish-ment, attachment, execution, and assignment of in-come, except for the purposes of enforcing child orspousal support obligations.(9) Unless otherwise ordered by the court or agreed

to by the parties, the obligation to pay the current childsupport for that child is terminated when the childreaches 18 years of age or the disability of nonage isremoved. The termination of the current child supportobligation does not otherwise terminate the obligation topay any arrearage, retroactive support, delinquency, orcosts owed by the obligor.(10)(a) In a Title IV-D case, if an obligation to pay

current child support is terminated due to the emancipa-tion of the child and the obligor owes an arrearage,retroactive support, delinquency, or costs, the obligorshall continue to pay at the same rate in effect




immediately prior to emancipation until all arrearages,retroactive support, delinquencies, and costs are paid infull or until the amount of the order is modified. Anyincome-deducted amount or amount paid by the obligorwhich is in excess of the obligation to pay currentsupport shall be credited against the arrearages, retro-active support, delinquency, and costs owed by theobligor.(b) In a Title IV-D case, if an obligation to pay

current child support for multiple children is reduced dueto the emancipation of one child and the obligor owes anarrearage, retroactive support, delinquency, or costs,the obligor shall continue to pay at the same rate ineffect immediately prior to emancipation until all ar-rearages, retroactive support, delinquencies, and costsare paid in full or until the amount of the order ismodified. Any income-deducted amount or amount paidby the obligor which is in excess of the obligation to paycurrent support shall be credited against the arrearages,retroactive support, delinquency, and costs owed by theobligor. If an obligation to pay current support for morethan one child is not reduced when a child is emanci-pated because the order does not allocate support perchild, this paragraph does not apply.(c) Paragraphs (a) and (b) provide an additional

remedy for collection of unpaid support and apply tocases in which a support order was entered before, on,or after July 1, 2004.(11)(a) A court may, upon good cause shown, and

without a showing of a substantial change of circum-stances, modify, vacate, or set aside a temporarysupport order before or upon entering a final order ina proceeding.(b) The modification of the temporary support order

may be retroactive to the date of the initial entry of thetemporary support order; to the date of filing of the initialpetition for dissolution of marriage, initial petition forsupport, initial petition determining paternity, or supple-mental petition for modification; or to a date prescribedin paragraph (1)(a) or s. 61.30(11)(c) or (17), asapplicable.

History.—ss. 1, 2, ch. 16780, 1935; CGL 1936 Supp. 4993(1); s. 16, ch. 67-254;s. 16, ch. 71-241; s. 2, ch. 75-67; s. 124, ch. 86-220; s. 5, ch. 87-95; s. 6, ch. 88-176;s. 14, ch. 91-45; s. 5, ch. 92-138; s. 3, ch. 93-208; s. 335, ch. 95-147; s. 15, ch.95-222; s. 7, ch. 97-170; s. 40, ch. 98-397; s. 5, ch. 99-375; s. 1, ch. 2001-91; ss. 10,11, ch. 2001-158; s. 3, ch. 2002-173; s. 73, ch. 2003-402; s. 1, ch. 2004-47; s. 50,ch. 2004-265; s. 4, ch. 2004-334; ss. 5, 6, 7, 8, ch. 2005-39; s. 3, ch. 2005-82; s. 1,ch. 2005-168; s. 11, ch. 2008-61; s. 1, ch. 2008-92; s. 28, ch. 2008-111; s. 16, ch.2010-187.

Note.—Former s. 65.15.

61.16 Attorney’s fees, suit money, and costs.(1) The court may from time to time, after consider-

ing the financial resources of both parties, order a partyto pay a reasonable amount for attorney’s fees, suitmoney, and the cost to the other party of maintaining ordefending any proceeding under this chapter, includingenforcement and modification proceedings and ap-peals. In those cases in which an action is brought forenforcement and the court finds that the noncompliantparty is without justification in the refusal to follow acourt order, the court may not award attorney’s fees,suit money, and costs to the noncompliant party. Anapplication for attorney’s fees, suit money, or costs,whether temporary or otherwise, shall not requirecorroborating expert testimony in order to support an

award under this chapter. The trial court shall havecontinuing jurisdiction to make temporary attorney’sfees and costs awards reasonably necessary to prose-cute or defend an appeal on the same basis and criteriaas though the matter were pending before it at the triallevel. In all cases, the court may order that the amountbe paid directly to the attorney, who may enforce theorder in that attorney’s name. In determining whether tomake attorney’s fees and costs awards at the appellatelevel, the court shall primarily consider the relativefinancial resources of the parties, unless an appellateparty’s cause is deemed to be frivolous. In Title IV-Dcases, attorney’s fees, suit money, and costs, includingfiling fees, recording fees, mediation costs, service ofprocess fees, and other expenses incurred by the clerkof the circuit court, shall be assessed only against thenonprevailing obligor after the court makes a determi-nation of the nonprevailing obligor’s ability to pay suchcosts and fees. The Department of Revenue shall not beconsidered a party for purposes of this section; how-ever, fees may be assessed against the departmentpursuant to s. 57.105(1).(2) In an action brought pursuant to Rule 3.840,

Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure, whether denomi-nated direct or indirect criminal contempt, the court shallhave authority to:(a) Appoint an attorney to prosecute said contempt.(b) Assess attorney’s fees and costs against the

contemptor after the court makes a determination of thecontemptor’s ability to pay such costs and fees.(c) Order that the amount be paid directly to the

attorney, who may enforce the order in his or her name.History.—s. 1, ch. 22676, 1945; s. 16, ch. 67-254; s. 17, ch. 71-241; s. 6, ch.

92-138; s. 6, ch. 93-188; s. 4, ch. 93-208; s. 9, ch. 94-124; s. 1, ch. 94-169; s. 1365,ch. 95-147; s. 6, ch. 96-183.

Note.—Former s. 65.17.

61.17 Alimony and child support; additionalmethod for enforcing orders and judgments;costs, expenses.—(1) An order or judgment for the payment of alimony

or child support or either entered by any court of thisstate may be enforced by another chancery court in thisstate in the following manner:(a) The person to whom such alimony or child

support is payable or for whose benefit it is payablemay procure a certified copy of the order or judgmentand file it with a complaint for enforcement in the circuitcourt for the county in which the person resides or in thecounty where the person charged with the payment ofthe alimony or child support resides or is found.(b) If the pleadings seek a change in the amount of

the alimony or child support money, the court hasjurisdiction to adjudicate the application and change theorder or judgment. In such event the clerk of the circuitcourt in which the order is entered changing the originalorder or judgment shall transmit a certified copy thereofto the court of original jurisdiction, and the new ordershall be recorded and filed in the original action andbecome a part thereof. If the pleadings ask for amodification of the order or judgment, the court maydetermine that the action should be tried by the courtentering the original order or judgment and shall then




transfer the action to that court for determination as apart of the original action.(c) Enforcement of a case certified under Title IV-D

of the Social Security Act under this section shall grantto the registering court jurisdiction to address only thoseissues allowed and reimbursable under Title IV-D of theSocial Security Act.(2) The court in which such an action is brought has

jurisdiction to award costs and expenses as areequitable, including the cost of certifying and recordingthe judgment entered in the action in the court of originaljurisdiction and reasonable attorney’s fees.(3) The entry of a judgment for arrearages for child

support, alimony, or attorney’s fees and costs does notpreclude a subsequent contempt proceeding or certifi-cation of a IV-D case for intercept, by the United StatesInternal Revenue Service, for failure of an obligor to paythe child support, alimony, attorney’s fees, or costs forwhich the judgment was entered.

History.—ss. 1, 2, ch. 28187, 1953; s. 16, ch. 67-254; s. 18, ch. 71-241; s. 125,ch. 86-220; s. 7, ch. 92-138.

Note.—Former s. 65.18.

61.18 Alimony and child support; default inundertaking of bond posted to ensure payment.—(1) When there is a breach of the condition of any

bond posted to ensure the payment of alimony or childsupport, either temporary or permanent, for a party orminor children of the parties, the court in which the orderwas issued may order payment to the party entitledthereto of the principal of the bond or the part thereofnecessary to cure the existing default without furthernotice from time to time where the amount is liquidated.(2) The sureties on the bond, or the sheriff or clerk

holding a cash bond, shall be ordered to pay into theregistry of court, or to any party the court may direct, thesum necessary to cure the default.(3) If the principal or sureties or sheriff or clerk fails

to pay within the time and as required by the order, thecourt may enforce the payment by contempt against theprincipal or sureties on the bond or sheriff or clerkwithout further notice, or may issue an executionagainst the principal, sureties, sheriff, or clerk for theamount unpaid under any prior order or orders, but nosureties on the bond are liable for more than the penaltyof the bond.

History.—ss. 1-3, ch. 28288, 1953; s. 16, ch. 67-254; s. 19, ch. 71-241.Note.—Former s. 65.19.

61.181 Depository for alimony transactions,support, maintenance, and support payments; fees.(1)(a) The office of the clerk of the court shall operate

a depository unless the depository is otherwise createdby special act of the Legislature or unless, prior to June1, 1985, a different entity was established to performsuch functions. The department shall, no later than July1, 1998, extend participation in the federal child supportcost reimbursement program to the central depository ineach county, to the maximum extent possible underexisting federal law. The depository shall receivereimbursement for services provided under a coopera-tive agreement with the department pursuant to s.61.1826. Each depository shall participate in the StateDisbursement Unit and shall implement all statutory and

contractual duties imposed on the State DisbursementUnit. Each depository shall receive from and transmit tothe State Disbursement Unit required data through theClerk of Court Child Support Enforcement CollectionSystem. Payments on non-Title IV-D cases withoutincome deduction orders shall not be sent to the StateDisbursement Unit.(b) Upon request by the department, the depository

created pursuant to paragraph (a) shall establish anaccount for the receipt and disbursement of supportpayments for Title IV-D interstate cases. The depart-ment shall provide a copy of the other state’s order withthe request, and the depository shall advise thedepartment of the account number in writing within 4business days after receipt of the request.(2)(a) For payments not required to be processed

through the State Disbursement Unit, the depositoryshall impose and collect a fee on each payment madefor receiving, recording, reporting, disbursing, monitor-ing, or handling alimony or child support payments asrequired under this section. For non-Title IV-D casesrequired to be processed by the State DisbursementUnit pursuant to this chapter, the State DisbursementUnit shall, on each payment received, collect a fee, andshall transmit to the depository in which the case islocated 40 percent of such service charge for thedepository’s administration, management, and mainte-nance of such case. If a payment is made to the StateDisbursement Unit which is not accompanied by therequired fee, the State Disbursement Unit shall notdeduct any moneys from the support payment forpayment of the fee. The fee shall be a flat fee based,to the extent practicable, upon estimated reasonablecosts of operation. The fee shall be reduced in any casein which the fixed fee results in a charge to any party ofan amount greater than 3 percent of the amount of anysupport payment made in satisfaction of the amountwhich the party is obligated to pay, except that no feeshall be less than $1 nor more than $5 per paymentmade. The fee shall be considered by the court indetermining the amount of support that the obligor is, ormay be, required to pay.(b)1. The fee imposed in paragraph (a) shall be

increased to 4 percent of the support payments whichthe party is obligated to pay, except that no fee shall bemore than $5.25. The fee shall be considered by thecourt in determining the amount of support that theobligor is, or may be, required to pay. Notwithstandingthe provisions of s. 145.022, 75 percent of the additionalrevenues generated by this paragraph shall be remittedmonthly to the Clerk of the Court Child SupportEnforcement Collection System Trust Fund adminis-tered by the department as provided in subparagraph 2.These funds shall be used exclusively for the develop-ment, implementation, and operation of the Clerk of theCourt Child Support Enforcement Collection System tobe operated by the depositories, including the automa-tion of civil case information necessary for the StateCase Registry. The department shall contract with theFlorida Association of Court Clerks and the depositoriesto design, establish, operate, upgrade, and maintain theautomation of the depositories to include, but not belimited to, the provision of online electronic transfer of




information to the IV-D agency as otherwise required bythis chapter. The department’s obligation to fund theautomation of the depositories is limited to the stateshare of funds available in the Clerk of the Court ChildSupport Enforcement Collection System Trust Fund.Each depository created under this section shall fullyparticipate in the Clerk of the Court Child SupportEnforcement Collection System and transmit data in areadable format as required by the contract between theFlorida Association of Court Clerks and the department.2. Moneys to be remitted to the department by the

depository shall be done daily by electronic fundstransfer and calculated as follows:a. For each support payment of less than $33,

18.75 cents.b. For each support payment between $33 and

$140, an amount equal to 18.75 percent of the feecharged.c. For each support payment in excess of $140,

18.75 cents.3. The fees established by this section shall be set

forth and included in every order of support entered by acourt of this state which requires payment to be madeinto the depository.(3)(a) For payments not required to be processed

through the State Disbursement Unit, the depositoryshall collect and distribute all support payments paidinto the depository to the appropriate party. On or afterJuly 1, 1998, if a payment is made on a Title IV-D casewhich is not accompanied by the required transactionfee, the depository shall not deduct any moneys fromthe support payment for payment of the fee. Nonpay-ment of the required fee shall be considered adelinquency, and when the total of fees and costswhich are due but not paid exceeds $50, the judgmentby operation of law process set forth in s. 61.14(6)(a)shall become applicable and operational. As part of itscollection and distribution functions, the depository shallmaintain records listing:1. The obligor’s name, address, social security

number, place of employment, and any other sourcesof income.2. The obligee’s name, address, and social secur-

ity number.3. The amount of support due as provided in the

court order.4. The schedule of payment as provided in the

court order.5. The actual amount of each support payment

received, the date of receipt, the amount disbursed, andthe recipient of the disbursement.6. The unpaid balance of any arrearage due as

provided in the court order.7. Other records as necessary to comply with

federal reporting requirements.(b) The depository may require a payor or obligor to

complete an information form, which shall request thefollowing about the payor or obligor who providespayment by check:1. Full name, address, and home phone number.2. Driver license number.3. Social security number.

4. Name, address, and business phone number ofobligor’s employer.5. Date of birth.6. Weight and height.7. Such other information as may be required by

the State Attorney if prosecution for an insufficientcheck becomes necessary.

If the depository requests such information, and a payoror obligor does not comply, the depository may refuse toaccept personal checks from the payor or obligor.(c) Parties using the depository for support pay-

ments shall inform the depository of changes in theirnames or addresses. An obligor shall, additionally,notify the depository of all changes in employment orsources of income, including the payor’s name andaddress, and changes in the amounts of incomereceived. Notification of all changes shall be made inwriting to the depository within 7 days of a change.(d) When time-sharing of a child is relinquished by a

parent who is entitled to receive child support moneysfrom the depository to the custody of a licensed orregistered long-term care child agency, that agencymay request from the court an order directing childsupport payments that would otherwise be distributed tothe parent be distributed to the agency for the period oftime that the child is with the agency. Thereafter,payments shall be distributed to the agency as if theagency were the parent until further order of the court.(4) The depository shall provide to the IV-D agency,

at least once a month, a listing of IV-D accounts whichidentifies all delinquent accounts, the period of delin-quency, and total amount of delinquency. The list shallbe in alphabetical order by name of obligor, shall includethe obligee’s name and case number, and shall beprovided at no cost to the IV-D agency.(5) The depository shall accept a support payment

tendered in the form of a check drawn on the account ofa payor or obligor, unless the payor or obligor haspreviously remitted a check which was returned to thedepository due to lack of sufficient funds in the account.If the payor or obligor has had a check returned for thisreason, the depository shall accept payment by cash,cashier’s check, or money order, or may accept a checkupon deposit by the payor or obligor of an amount equalto 1 month’s payment. Upon payment by cash, cashier’scheck, or money order, the depository shall disburse theproceeds to the obligee within 2 working days. Pay-ments drawn by check on the account of a payor orobligor shall be disbursed within 4 working days.Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 28.243, the admin-istrator of the depository shall not be personally liable ifthe check tendered by the payor or obligor is not paid bythe bank.(6) Certified copies of payment records maintained

by a depository shall without further proof be admittedinto evidence in any legal proceeding in this state.(7) The depository shall provide to the Title IV-D

agency the date provided by a payor, as required in s.61.1301, for each payment received and forwarded tothe agency. If no date is provided by the payor, thedepository shall provide the date of receipt by thedepository and shall report to the Title IV-D agency




those payors who fail to provide the date the deductionwas made.(8) On or before July 1, 1994, the depository shall

provide information required by this chapter to betransmitted to the Title IV-D agency by online electronictransmission pursuant to rules promulgated by the TitleIV-D agency.(9) If the increase in fees as provided by paragraph

(2)(b) expires or is otherwise terminated, the depositoryshall not be required to provide the Title IV-D agency thedate provided by a payor as required by s. 61.1301.(10) Compliance with the requirements of this section

shall be included as part of the annual county auditrequired pursuant to s. 218.39.

History.—s. 1, ch. 73-112; s. 1, ch. 75-148; s. 4, ch. 84-110; s. 5, ch. 85-178; s.126, ch. 86-220; s. 1, ch. 87-358; s. 24, ch. 88-176; s. 3, ch. 89-183; s. 9, ch. 92-138;s. 14, ch. 93-208; s. 2, ch. 96-190; s. 5, ch. 96-305; s. 8, ch. 97-170; ss. 10, 42, ch.98-397; s. 1, ch. 99-5; s. 6, ch. 99-375; s. 9, ch. 2000-158; s. 12, ch. 2001-158; s. 4,ch. 2002-173; s. 74, ch. 2003-402; s. 51, ch. 2004-265; s. 4, ch. 2004-305; s. 5, ch.2004-334; s. 12, ch. 2008-61.

61.1811 Clerk of the Court Child Support En-forcement Collection System Trust Fund.—There ishereby created the Clerk of the Court Child SupportEnforcement Collection System Trust Fund to be usedto deposit the department’s share of the fees generatedin s. 61.181(2)(b).

History.—s. 8, ch. 92-138.

61.1812 Child Support Incentive Trust Fund.—(1) The Child Support Incentive Trust Fund is

hereby created, to be administered by the Departmentof Revenue. All child support enforcement incentiveearnings and that portion of the state share of Title IV-Apublic assistance collections recovered in fiscal year1996-1997 by the Title IV-D program of the departmentwhich is in excess of the amount estimated by theFebruary 1997 Social Services Estimating Conferenceto be recovered in fiscal year 1996-1997 shall becredited to the trust fund, and no other receipts, exceptinterest earnings, shall be credited thereto. For fiscalyears beginning with 1997-1998, in addition to incentiveearnings and interest earnings, that portion of the stateshare of Title IV-A public assistance collections recov-ered in each fiscal year by the Title IV-D program of thedepartment which is in excess of the amount estimatedby the February 1997 Social Services EstimatingConference to be recovered in fiscal year 1997-1998shall be credited to the trust fund. The purpose of thetrust fund is to account for federal incentive payments tothe state for child support enforcement and to supportthe activities of the child support enforcement programunder Title IV-D of the Social Security Act. Thedepartment shall invest the money in the trust fundpursuant to s. 17.61 and retain all interest earnings inthe trust fund. The department shall separately accountfor receipts credited to the trust fund. When all generalrevenue appropriations for the child support enforce-ment program have been shifted to the trust fund, thenannually thereafter, on June 30, if revenues depositedinto the trust fund, including federal child supportincentive earnings, have exceeded state expendituresfor the child support enforcement program administeredby the department for the prior 12-month period, the

revenues in excess of cash flow needs are transferredto the General Revenue Fund.(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 216.301,

and pursuant to s. 216.351, any balance in the trust fundat the end of any fiscal year shall remain in the trust fundand shall be available for carrying out the purposes ofthe trust fund.

History.—s. 1, ch. 95-111; s. 9, ch. 97-170; s. 4, ch. 97-259; ss. 2, 38, ch. 98-46;s. 3, ch. 2000-157; s. 10, ch. 2000-158; s. 4, ch. 2005-82.

61.1814 Child Support Enforcement Applicationand Program Revenue Trust Fund.—(1) The Child Support Enforcement Application and

Program Revenue Trust Fund is hereby created, to beadministered by the Department of Revenue. Thepurpose of the trust fund is to account for Title IV-Dprogram income and to support the activities of the childsupport enforcement program under Title IV-D of theSocial Security Act. The department shall invest themoney in the trust fund pursuant to s. 17.61 and retainall interest earnings in the trust fund. Notwithstandingthe provisions of s. 216.301, and pursuant to s. 216.351,any balance in the trust fund at the end of any fiscal yearshall remain in the trust fund and shall be available forcarrying out the purposes of the trust fund. In accor-dance with federal requirements, the federal share ofprogram income shall be credited to the FederalGovernment.(2) With the exception of fees required to be

deposited in the Clerk of the Court Child SupportEnforcement Collection System Trust Fund under s.61.181(2)(b) and collections determined to be undis-tributable or unidentifiable under s. 409.2558, the fundshall be used for the deposit of Title IV-D programincome received by the department. Each type ofprogram income received shall be accounted forseparately. Program income received by the depart-ment includes, but is not limited to:(a) Application fees of nonpublic assistance appli-

cants for child support enforcement services;(b) Court-ordered costs recovered from child sup-

port obligors;(c) Interest on child support collections;(d) The balance of fees received under s.

61.181(2)(a) on non-Title IV-D cases required to beprocessed through the State Disbursement Unit afterthe clerk’s share is paid;(e) Fines imposed under ss. 409.256(7)(b),

409.2564(7), and 409.2578; and(f) The annual fee required under s. 409.2567.History.—s. 46, ch. 96-418; s. 10, ch. 97-170; s. 6, ch. 2004-334; s. 9, ch.

2005-39; s. 2, ch. 2007-85.

61.1816 Child Support Clearing Trust Fund.—(1) The Child Support Clearing Trust Fund is hereby

created, to be administered by the Department ofRevenue. Funds shall be credited to the trust fundfrom child support payments. The purpose of the trustfund is to account for child support collections pendingdistribution to custodial parents and other state trustfunds.(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 216.301 and

pursuant to s. 216.351, any balance in the trust fund atthe end of any fiscal year shall remain in the trust fund




and shall be available for carrying out the purposes ofthe trust fund.

History.—s. 1, ch. 95-371; s. 48, ch. 96-418.Note.—Former s. 409.2582.

61.1824 State Disbursement Unit.—(1) The State Disbursement Unit is hereby created

and shall be operated by the Department of Revenue orby a contractor responsible directly to the department.The State Disbursement Unit shall be responsible forthe collection and disbursement of payments for:(a) All support cases enforced by the department

pursuant to Title IV-D of the Social Security Act; and(b) All child support cases not being enforced by the

department pursuant to Title IV-D of the Social SecurityAct in which the initial support order was issued in thisstate on or after January 1, 1994, and in which theobligor’s child support obligation is being paid throughincome deduction.(2) The State Disbursement Unit must be operated

in coordination with the department’s child supportenforcement automated system in Title IV-D cases.(3) The State Disbursement Unit shall perform the

following functions:(a) Disburse all receipts from intercepts, including,

but not limited to, United States Internal RevenueService, reemployment assistance or unemploymentcompensation, lottery, and administrative offset inter-cepts.(b) Provide employers and payors with one address

to which all income deduction collections are sent.(c) When there is more than one income deduction

order being enforced against the same obligor by thepayor, allocate the amounts available for incomededuction in the manner set forth in s. 61.1301.(d) To the extent feasible, use automated proce-

dures for the collection and disbursement of supportpayments, including, but not limited to, having proce-dures for:1. Receipt of payments from obligors, employers,

other states and jurisdictions, and other entities.2. Timely disbursement of payments to obligees,

the department, and other state Title IV-D agencies.3. Accurate identification of payment source and

amount.4. Furnishing any parent, upon request, timely

information on the current status of support paymentsunder an order requiring payments to be made by or tothe parent, except that in cases described in paragraph(1)(b), prior to the date the State Disbursement Unitbecomes fully operational, the State Disbursement Unitshall not be required to convert and maintain inautomated form records of payments kept pursuant tos. 61.181.5. Electronic disbursement of support payments to

obligees. The State Disbursement Unit shall notifyobligees of electronic disbursement options. Any pay-ments made to the State Disbursement Unit that areowed to the obligee shall be disbursed electronically.The obligee may designate a personal account fordeposit of payments. If the obligee does not designate apersonal account, the State Disbursement Unit shalldeposit any payments into a stored value account thatcan be accessed by the obligee.

(e) Information regarding disbursement must betransmitted in the following manner:1. In Title IV-D cases, the State Disbursement Unit

shall transmit, in an electronic format as prescribed bythe department, all required information to the depart-ment on the same business day the information isreceived from the employer or other source of periodicincome, if sufficient information identifying the payee isprovided. The department shall determine distributionallocation of a collection and shall electronically transmitthat information to the State Disbursement Unit, where-upon the State Disbursement Unit shall disburse thecollection. The State Disbursement Unit may delay thedisbursement of payments toward arrearages until theresolution of any timely appeal with respect to sucharrearages. The State Disbursement Unit may delay thedisbursement of Title IV-D collections until authorizationby the Title IV-D agency has been received.2. In non-Title IV-D cases, payment information is

not transmitted to the department. The State Disburse-ment Unit may delay the disbursement of paymentstoward arrearages until the resolution of any timelyappeal with respect to such arrearages.(f) Reconcile all cash receipts and all disburse-

ments daily and provide the department with a dailyreconciliation report in a format as prescribed by thedepartment.(g) Disburse support payments to foreign countries

as may be required.(h) Receive and convert support payments made in

foreign currency.(i) Remit to the department payments for costs due

the department.(j) Handle insufficient funds payments, claims of

lost or stolen checks, and stop payment orders.(k) Issue billing notices and statements of account,

in accordance with federal requirements, in a format andfrequency prescribed by the department to persons whopay and receive child support in Title IV-D cases.(l) Provide the department with a weekly report that

summarizes and totals all financial transaction activity.(m) Provide toll-free access to customer assistance

representatives and an automated voice responsesystem that will enable the parties to a support caseto obtain payment information.(4) For cases in which the obligor or payor fails to

submit payment directly to the central address providedby the State Disbursement Unit, the depositories shallhave procedures for accepting a support paymenttendered in the form of cash or a check drawn on theaccount of a payor or obligor, unless the payor or obligorhas previously remitted a check which was returned tothe depository due to lack of sufficient funds in theaccount. If the payor or obligor has had a check returnedfor this reason, the depository shall accept payment bycash, cashier’s check, or money order, or may accept acheck upon deposit by the payor or obligor of an amountequal to 1 month’s payment. Upon payment by cash,cashier’s check, or money order, the depository shallremit the payment to the State Disbursement Unit within1 business day after receipt.(5) Obligees receiving payments through the State

Disbursement Unit shall inform the State Disbursement




Unit of changes in their names and addresses. Notifica-tion of all changes must be made directly to the StateDisbursement Unit within 7 business days after achange. In Title IV-D cases, the State DisbursementUnit shall transmit the information to the department, inan electronic format prescribed by the department,within 1 business day after receipt.(6) All support payments for cases to which the

requirements of this section apply shall be madepayable to and delivered to the State DisbursementUnit.(a) An employer that is required to remit tax pay-

ments electronically to the department under s. 213.755or s. 443.163 shall remit support payments deductedpursuant to an income deduction order or incomededuction notice and provide associated case data tothe State Disbursement Unit by electronic meansapproved by the department. The department maywaive the requirement to remit payments electronicallyfor an employer that is unable to comply despite goodfaith efforts or due to circumstances beyond theemployer’s reasonable control. Grounds for approvinga waiver include, but are not limited to, circumstances inwhich:1. The employer does not have a computer that

meets the minimum standards necessary for electronicremittance.2. Additional time is needed to program the em-

ployer’s computer.3. The employer does not currently file data

electronically with any business or government agency.4. Compliance conflicts with the employer’s busi-

ness procedures.5. Compliance would cause a financial hardship.(b) The department shall adopt by rule standards for

electronic remittance, data transfer, and waivers that, tothe extent feasible, are consistent with the department’srules for electronic filing and remittance of taxes underss. 213.755 and 443.163. A waiver granted by thedepartment from the requirement to file and remitelectronically under s. 213.755 or s. 443.163 constitutesa waiver from the requirement under this subsection.(7) Notwithstanding any other statutory provision to

the contrary, funds received by the State DisbursementUnit shall be held, administered, and disbursed by theState Disbursement Unit pursuant to the provisions ofthis chapter.

History.—s. 43, ch. 98-397; s. 7, ch. 99-375; s. 13, ch. 2001-158; s. 10, ch.2005-39; s. 3, ch. 2007-85; s. 2, ch. 2008-92; ss. 21, 22, 54, ch. 2008-153; s. 37, ch.2012-30.

61.1825 State Case Registry.—(1) The Department of Revenue or its agent shall

operate and maintain a State Case Registry as providedby 42 U.S.C. s. 654A. The State Case Registry mustcontain records for:(a) Each case in which services are being provided

by the department as the state’s Title IV-D agency; and(b) By October 1, 1998, each support order estab-

lished or modified in the state on or after October 1,1998, in which services are not being provided by theTitle IV-D agency.

The department shall maintain that part of the StateCase Registry that includes support order informationfor Title IV-D cases on the department’s child supportenforcement automated system.(2) By October 1, 1998, for each support order

established or modified by a court of this state on or afterOctober 1, 1998, the depository for the court that entersthe support order in a non-Title IV-D case shall provide,in an electronic format prescribed by the department,the following information to that component of the StateCase Registry that receives, maintains, and transmitssupport order information for non-Title IV-D cases:(a) The names of the obligor, obligee, and child or

children;(b) The social security numbers of the obligor,

obligee, and child or children;(c) The dates of birth of the obligor, obligee, and

child or children;(d) Whether a family violence indicator is present;(e) The date the support order was established or

modified;(f) The case identification number, which is the two-

digit numeric county code followed by the civil circuitcase number;(g) The federal information processing system nu-

meric designation for the county and state where thesupport order was established or modified; and(h) Any other data as may be required by the United

States Secretary of Health and Human Services.(3)(a) For the purpose of this section, a family

violence indicator must be placed on a record when:1. A party executes a sworn statement requesting

that a family violence indicator be placed on that party’srecord which states that the party has reason to believethat release of information to the Federal Case Registrymay result in physical or emotional harm to the party orthe child; or2. A temporary or final injunction for protection

against domestic violence has been granted pursuant tos. 741.30(6), an injunction for protection against do-mestic violence has been issued by a court of a foreignstate pursuant to s. 741.315, or a temporary or finalinjunction for protection against repeat violence hasbeen granted pursuant to s. 784.046; or3. The department has received information on a

Title IV-D case from the Domestic, Dating, Sexual, andRepeat Violence Injunction Statewide Verification Sys-tem, established pursuant to s. 784.046(8)(b), that acourt has granted a party a domestic violence or repeatviolence injunction.(b) Before the family violence indicator can be

removed from a record, the protected person must beafforded notice and an opportunity to appear before thecourt on the issue of whether the disclosure will result inharm.(4) The depository, using standardized data ele-

ments, shall provide the support order informationrequired by subsection (2) to the entity that maintainsthe non-Title IV-D support order information for theState Case Registry at a frequency and in a formatprescribed by the department.(5) The entity that maintains State Case Registry

information for non-Title IV-D cases shall make the




information available to the department in a readableand searchable electronic format that is compatible withthe department’s automated child support enforcementsystem.(6) State Case Registry information must be trans-

mitted electronically to the Federal Case Registry ofChild Support Orders by the department in a mannerand frequency prescribed by the United States Secre-tary of Health and Human Services.

History.—s. 44, ch. 98-397; s. 8, ch. 99-375; s. 14, ch. 2001-158; s. 39, ch.2008-61; s. 8, ch. 2013-15.

61.1826 Procurement of services for State Dis-bursement Unit and the non-Title IV-D componentof the State Case Registry; contracts and coopera-tive agreements; penalties; withholding payment.(1) LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS.—The Legislature

finds that the clerks of court play a vital role, as essentialparticipants in the establishment, modification, collec-tion, and enforcement of child support, in securing thehealth, safety, and welfare of the children of this state.The Legislature further finds and declares that:(a) It is in the state’s best interest to preserve the

essential role of the clerks of court in disbursing childsupport payments and maintaining official records ofchild support orders entered by the courts of this state.(b) As official recordkeeper for matters relating to

court-ordered child support, the clerks of court arenecessary parties to obtaining, safeguarding, andproviding child support payment and support orderinformation.(c) As provided by the federal Personal Responsi-

bility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996,the state must establish and operate a State CaseRegistry in full compliance with federal law by October1, 1998, and a State Disbursement Unit by October 1,1999.(d) Noncompliance with federal law could result in a

substantial loss of federal funds for the state’s childsupport enforcement program and the temporary assis-tance for needy families welfare block grant.(e) The potential loss of substantial federal funds

poses a direct and immediate threat to the health,safety, and welfare of the children and citizens of thestate and constitutes an emergency for purposes of s.287.057(3)(a).(f) The clerks of court maintain the official payment

record of the court for amounts received, paymentscredited, arrearages owed, liens attached, and currentmailing addresses of all parties, payor, obligor, andpayee.(g) The clerks of court have established a statewide

Clerk of Court Child Support Enforcement CollectionSystem for the automation of all payment processingusing state and local government funds as providedunder s. 61.181(2)(b)1.(h) The Legislature acknowledges the improve-

ments made by and the crucial role of the Clerk of theCourt Child Support Enforcement Collection System inspeeding payments to the children of Florida.(i) There is no viable alternative to continuing the

role of the clerks of court in collecting, safeguarding, andproviding essential child support payment information.

For these reasons, the Legislature hereby directs theDepartment of Revenue, subject to the provisions ofsubsection (5), to contract with the Florida Associationof Court Clerks and each depository to perform dutieswith respect to the operation and maintenance of aState Disbursement Unit and the non-Title IV-D com-ponent of the State Case Registry as further provided bythis section.(2) COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS.—Each de-

pository shall enter into a standard cooperative agree-ment with the department for participation in the StateDisbursement Unit and the non-Title IV-D component ofthe State Case Registry through the Clerk of Court ChildSupport Enforcement Collection System within 60 daysafter the effective date of this section. The cooperativeagreement shall be a uniform document, mutuallydeveloped by the department and the Florida Associa-tion of Court Clerks, that applies to all depositories andcomplies with all state and federal requirements. Eachdepository shall also enter into a written agreement withthe Florida Association of Court Clerks and the depart-ment within 60 days after the effective date of thissection that requires each depository to participate fullyin the State Disbursement Unit and the non-Title IV-Dcomponent of the State Case Registry.(3) CONTRACT.—The Florida Association of Court

Clerks shall enter into a written contract with thedepartment that fully complies with all federal andstate laws within 60 days after the effective date ofthis section. The contract shall be mutually developedby the department and the Florida Association of CourtClerks. As required by s. 287.057 and 45 C.F.R. s.74.43, any subcontracts entered into by the FloridaAssociation of Court Clerks, except for a contractbetween the Florida Association of Court Clerks andits totally owned subsidiary corporation, must beprocured through competitive bidding.(4) COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AND CON-

TRACT TERMS.—The contract between the FloridaAssociation of Court Clerks and the department, andcooperative agreements entered into by the deposi-tories and the department, must contain, but are notlimited to, the following terms:(a) The initial term of the contract and cooperative

agreements is for 5 years. The subsequent term of thecontract and cooperative agreements is for 3 years, withthe option of two 1-year renewal periods, at the solediscretion of the department.(b) The duties and responsibilities of the Florida

Association of Court Clerks, the depositories, and thedepartment.(c) Under s. 287.058(1)(a), all providers and sub-

contractors shall submit to the department directly, orthrough the Florida Association of Court Clerks, a reportof monthly expenditures in a format prescribed by thedepartment and in sufficient detail for a proper preauditand postaudit thereof.(d) All providers and subcontractors shall submit to

the department directly, or through the Florida Associa-tion of Court Clerks, management reports in a formatprescribed by the department.(e) All subcontractors shall comply with chapter

280, as may be required.




(f) Federal financial participation for eligible Title IV-D expenditures incurred by the Florida Association ofCourt Clerks and the depositories shall be at themaximum level permitted by federal law for expendi-tures incurred for the provision of services in support ofchild support enforcement in accordance with 45 C.F.R.part 74 and Federal Office of Management and BudgetCirculars A-87 and A-122 and based on an annual costallocation study of each depository. The depositoriesshall submit directly, or through the Florida Associationof Court Clerks, claims for Title IV-D expendituresmonthly to the department in a standardized formatas prescribed by the department. The Florida Associa-tion of Court Clerks shall contract with a certified publicaccounting firm, selected by the Florida Association ofCourt Clerks and the department, to audit and certifyquarterly to the department all claims for expendituressubmitted by the depositories for Title IV-D reimburse-ment.(g) Upon termination of the contracts between the

department and the Florida Association of Court Clerksor the depositories, the Florida Association of CourtClerks, its agents, and the depositories shall assist thedepartment in making an orderly transition to a privatevendor.(h) Interest on late payment by the department shall

be in accordance with s. 215.422.

If either the department or the Florida Association ofCourt Clerks objects to a term of the standard coopera-tive agreement or contract specified in subsections (2)and (3), the disputed term or terms shall be presentedjointly by the parties to the Attorney General or theAttorney General’s designee, who shall act as specialmagistrate. The special magistrate shall resolve thedispute in writing within 10 days. The resolution of adispute by the special magistrate is binding on thedepartment and the Florida Association of Court Clerks.(5) CONTRACT TERMINATION.—If any of the

following events occur, the department may discontinueits plans to contract, or terminate its contract, with theFlorida Association of Court Clerks and the depositoriesupon 30 days’ written notice by the department andmay, through competitive bidding, procure servicesfrom a private vendor to perform functions necessaryfor the department to operate the State DisbursementUnit and the non-Title IV-D component of the StateCase Registry with a minimum amount of disruption inservice to the children and citizens of the state:(a) Receipt by the department of final notice by the

United States Secretary of Health and Human Servicesor the secretary’s designee that the contractual ar-rangement between the department, the Florida Asso-ciation of Court Clerks, and the depositories does notsatisfy federal requirements for a State DisbursementUnit or a State Case Registry and that the state’s TitleIV-D State Plan will not be approved, or that federal TitleIV-D funding is not made available to fund the non-TitleIV-D component of the State Case Registry or the StateDisbursement Unit;(b) The Florida Association of Court Clerks, a

depository, or any subcontractor fails to comply with

any material contractual term or state or federalrequirement;(c) The non-Title IV-D component of the State Case

Registry is not established and operational, consistentwith the terms of the contract, by October 1, 1998; or(d) The State Disbursement Unit is not established

and operational, consistent with the terms of thecontract, by October 1, 1999.

If either event specified in paragraph (a) occurs, thedepositories are relieved of all responsibilities andduties under this chapter relating to Title IV-D paymentprocessing and data transmission to the department.(6) PARTICIPATION BY DEPOSITORIES.—(a) Each depository shall participate in the non-Title

IV-D component of the State Case Registry by using anautomated system compatible with the department’sautomated child support enforcement system.(b) For participation in the State Disbursement Unit,

each depository shall:1. Use the CLERC System;2. Receive electronically and record payment in-

formation from the State Disbursement Unit for eachsupport order entered by the court.(7) TITLE IV-D PROGRAM INCOME.—Pursuant to

45 C.F.R. s. 304.50, all transaction fees and interestincome realized by the State Disbursement Unit con-stitute and must be reported as program income underfederal law and must be transmitted to the Title IV-Dagency for deposit in the Child Support EnforcementApplication and Program Revenue Trust Fund.(8) PENALTIES.—All depositories must participate

in the State Disbursement Unit and the non-Title IV-Dcomponent of the State Case Registry as provided inthis chapter. If, after notice and an opportunity to cure anotherwise curable default, a depository fails to complywith the material terms of the cooperative agreement,the failure to comply subjects the county officer orofficers responsible for the depository to the sanctionsprovided in Art. IV of the State Constitution. However,no county officer or officers shall be subject to sanctionsunder Art. IV of the State Constitution for any noncur-able default resulting from circumstances or conditionsoutside the control of the depository.(9) WITHHOLDING PAYMENT UNDER CON-

TRACTS.—If the Florida Association of Court Clerks,its agent, a subcontractor, or a depository does notcomply with any material contractual term or state orfederal requirement, the department may withhold fundsotherwise due under the individual contract with theFlorida Association of Court Clerks or the individualcooperative agreement with the depository, or both, atthe department’s election, to enforce compliance. Thedepartment shall provide written notice of noncompli-ance before withholding funds. Within 10 business daysafter receipt of written notification of noncompliance, thedepartment must be provided with a written proposedcorrective action plan. Within 10 business days afterreceipt of a corrective action plan, the department shallaccept the plan or allow 5 business days within which arevised plan may be submitted. Upon the department’sacceptance of a corrective action plan, the agreed-uponplan must be fully completed within 30 business days




unless a longer period is permitted by the department. Ifa proposed corrective action plan is not submitted, is notaccepted, or is not fully completed, any funds withheldby the department for noncompliance are forfeited to thedepartment. Withholding or forfeiture of funds may becontested by filing a petition or request for a hearingunder the applicable provisions of chapter 120. For thepurposes of this section, no party to a dispute involvingless than $5,000 in withheld or forfeited funds is deemedto be substantially affected by the dispute or to have asubstantial interest in the decision resolving the dispute.

History.—s. 45, ch. 98-397; s. 9, ch. 99-375; s. 10, ch. 2001-278; ss. 5, 6, ch.2002-173; s. 1, ch. 2002-207; s. 54, ch. 2004-11; s. 5, ch. 2010-151.

61.1827 Identifying information concerning ap-plicants for and recipients of child support ser-vices.—(1) Any information that reveals the identity of

applicants for or recipients of child support services,including the name, address, and telephone number ofsuch persons, held by a non-Title IV-D county childsupport enforcement agency is confidential and exemptfrom s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a) of Art. I of the StateConstitution. The use or disclosure of such informationby the non-Title IV-D county child support enforcementagency is limited to the purposes directly connectedwith:(a) Any investigation, prosecution, or criminal or civil

proceeding connected with the administration of anynon-Title IV-D county child support enforcement pro-gram;(b) Mandatory disclosure of identifying and location

information as provided in s. 61.13(7) by the non-TitleIV-D county child support enforcement agency whenproviding non-Title IV-D services;(c) Mandatory disclosure of information as required

by ss. 409.2577, 61.181, 61.1825, and 61.1826 andTitle IV-D of the Social Security Act; or(d) Disclosure to an authorized person, as defined

in 45 C.F.R. s. 303.15, for purposes of enforcing anystate or federal law with respect to the unlawful taking orrestraint of a child or making or enforcing a parentingplan. As used in this paragraph, the term “authorizedperson” includes a parent with whom the child does notcurrently reside, unless a court has entered an orderunder s. 741.30, s. 741.31, or s. 784.046.(2) The non-Title IV-D county child support enforce-

ment agency shall not disclose information that identi-fies by name and address an applicant for or recipient ofchild support services or the whereabouts of such partyor child to another person against whom a protectiveorder with respect to the former party or the child hasbeen entered if the county agency has reason to believethat the release of information to such person couldresult in physical or emotional harm to the party or thechild.(3) As used in this section, “non-Title IV-D county

child support enforcement agency” means a depart-ment, division, or other agency of a county governmentwhich is operated by the county, excluding localdepositories pursuant to s. 61.181 operated by the

clerk of the court, to provide child support enforcementand depository services to county residents.

History.—s. 1, ch. 2001-131; s. 10, ch. 2005-239; s. 1, ch. 2006-156; s. 13, ch.2008-61.

61.183 Mediation of certain contested issues.(1) In any proceeding in which the issues of parental

responsibility, primary residence, access to, visitationwith, or support of a child are contested, the court mayrefer the parties to mediation in accordance with rulespromulgated by the Supreme Court. In Title IV-D cases,any costs, including filing fees, recording fees, media-tion costs, service of process fees, and other expensesincurred by the clerk of the circuit court, shall beassessed only against the nonprevailing obligor afterthe court makes a determination of the nonprevailingobligor’s ability to pay such costs and fees.(2) If an agreement is reached by the parties on the

contested issues, a consent order incorporating theagreement shall be prepared by the mediator andsubmitted to the parties and their attorneys for review.Upon approval by the parties, the consent order shall bereviewed by the court and, if approved, entered.Thereafter, the consent order may be enforced in thesame manner as any other court order.(3) Any information from the files, reports, case

summaries, mediator’s notes, or other communicationsor materials relating to a mediation proceeding pursuantto this section obtained by any person performingmediation duties is exempt from the provisions of s.119.07(1).

History.—s. 128, ch. 86-220; s. 4, ch. 89-183; s. 17, ch. 90-360; s. 10, ch.92-138; s. 20, ch. 96-406; s. 5, ch. 2004-291; s. 5, ch. 2009-180.

61.19 Entry of judgment of dissolution of mar-riage, delay period.—No final judgment of dissolutionof marriage may be entered until at least 20 days haveelapsed from the date of filing the original petition fordissolution of marriage; but the court, on a showing thatinjustice would result from this delay, may enter a finaljudgment of dissolution of marriage at an earlier date.

History.—s. 1, ch. 57-258; s. 1, ch. 59-64; s. 1, ch. 61-123; s. 16, ch. 67-254; s.20, ch. 71-241.

Note.—Former s. 65.20.

61.191 Application.—(1) This act applies to all proceedings commenced

on or after July 1, 1971. However, pending actions fordivorce are deemed to have been commenced on thebases provided in s. 61.052, and evidence as to suchbases for dissolution of marriage after July 1, 1971, shallbe in compliance with this act.(2) This act applies to all proceedings commenced

after July 1, 1971, for the modification of a judgment ororder entered prior to July 1, 1971.(3) In any action or proceeding in which an appeal

was pending or a new trial was ordered prior to July 1,1971, the law in effect at the time of the order sustainingthe appeal or the new trial governs the appeal, the newtrial, and any subsequent trial or appeal.

History.—s. 21, ch. 71-241; s. 19, ch. 79-164.

61.20 Social investigation and recommenda-tions regarding a parenting plan.—




(1) In any action where the parenting plan is at issuebecause the parents are unable to agree, the court mayorder a social investigation and study concerning allpertinent details relating to the child and each parentwhen such an investigation has not been done and thestudy therefrom provided to the court by the parties orwhen the court determines that the investigation andstudy that have been done are insufficient. The agency,staff, or person conducting the investigation and studyordered by the court pursuant to this section shallfurnish the court and all parties of record in theproceeding a written study containing recommenda-tions, including a written statement of facts found in thesocial investigation on which the recommendations arebased. The court may consider the information con-tained in the study in making a decision on the parentingplan, and the technical rules of evidence do not excludethe study from consideration.(2) A social investigation and study, when ordered

by the court, shall be conducted by qualified staff of thecourt; a child-placing agency licensed pursuant to s.409.175; a psychologist licensed pursuant to chapter490; or a clinical social worker, marriage and familytherapist, or mental health counselor licensed pursuantto chapter 491. If a certification of indigence based onan affidavit filed with the court pursuant to s. 57.081 isprovided by an adult party to the proceeding and thecourt does not have qualified staff to perform theinvestigation and study, the court may request thatthe Department of Children and Families conduct theinvestigation and study.(3) Except as to persons who obtain certification of

indigence as specified in subsection (2), for whom nocosts are incurred, the parents involved in a proceedingto determine a parenting plan where the court hasordered the performance of a social investigation andstudy are responsible for paying the costs of theinvestigation and study. Upon submitting the study tothe court, the agency, staff, or person performing thestudy shall include a bill for services, which shall betaxed and ordered paid as costs in the proceeding.

History.—s. 1, ch. 59-186; s. 16, ch. 67-254; ss. 19, 35, ch. 69-106; s. 12, ch.77-147; s. 27, ch. 77-433; s. 1, ch. 86-101; s. 1, ch. 89-38; s. 4, ch. 99-8; s. 14, ch.2008-61; s. 6, ch. 2009-180; s. 23, ch. 2014-19.

Note.—Former s. 65.21.

61.21 Parenting course authorized; fees; re-quired attendance authorized; contempt.—(1) LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS; PURPOSE.—It is

the finding of the Legislature that:(a) A large number of children experience the

separation or divorce of their parents each year.Parental conflict related to divorce is a societal concernbecause children suffer potential short-term and long-term detrimental economic, emotional, and educationaleffects during this difficult period of family transition.This is particularly true when parents engage in lengthylegal conflict.(b) Parents are more likely to consider the best

interests of their children when determining parentalarrangements if courts provide families with informationregarding the process by which courts make decisionson issues affecting their children and suggestions as to

how parents may ease the coming adjustments in familystructure for their children.(c) It has been found to be beneficial to parents who

are separating or divorcing to have available aneducational program that will provide general informa-tion regarding:1. The issues and legal procedures for resolving

time-sharing and child support disputes.2. The emotional experiences and problems of

divorcing adults.3. The family problems and the emotional concerns

and needs of the children.4. The availability of community services and

resources.(d) Parents who are separating or divorcing are

more likely to receive maximum benefit from a programif they attend such program at the earliest stages of theirdispute, before extensive litigation occurs and adver-sarial positions are assumed or intensified.(2) The Department of Children and Families shall

approve a parenting course which shall be a course of aminimum of 4 hours designed to educate, train, andassist divorcing parents in regard to the consequencesof divorce on parents and children.(a) The parenting course referred to in this section

shall be named the Parent Education and FamilyStabilization Course and may include, but need notbe limited to, the following topics as they relate to courtactions between parents involving custody, care, time-sharing, and support of a child or children:1. Legal aspects of deciding child-related issues

between parents.2. Emotional aspects of separation and divorce on

adults.3. Emotional aspects of separation and divorce on

children.4. Family relationships and family dynamics.5. Financial responsibilities to a child or children.6. Issues regarding spousal or child abuse and

neglect.7. Skill-based relationship education that may be

generalized to parenting, workplace, school, neighbor-hood, and civic relationships.(b) Information regarding spousal and child abuse

and neglect shall be included in every parent educationand family stabilization course. A list of local agenciesthat provide assistance with such issues shall also beprovided.(c) The parent education and family stabilization

course shall be educational in nature and shall not bedesigned to provide individual mental health therapy forparents or children, or individual legal advice to parentsor children.(d) Course providers shall not solicit participants

from the sessions they conduct to become privateclients or patients.(e) Course providers shall not give individual legal

advice or mental health therapy.(3) Each course provider offering a parenting

course pursuant to this section must be approved bythe Department of Children and Families.(a) The Department of Children and Families shall

provide each judicial circuit with a list of approved




course providers and sites at which the parent educa-tion and family stabilization course may be completed.Each judicial circuit must make information regarding allcourse providers approved for their circuit available toall parents.(b) The Department of Children and Families shall

include on the list of approved course providers andsites for each circuit at least one site in that circuit wherethe parent education and family stabilization coursemay be completed on a sliding fee scale, if available.(c) The Department of Children and Families shall

include on the list of approved course providers, withoutlimitation as to the area of the state for which the courseis approved, a minimum of one statewide approvedcourse to be provided through the Internet and onestatewide approved course to be provided throughcorrespondence. The purpose of the Internet andcorrespondence courses is to ensure that the parenteducation and stabilization course is available in thehome county of each state resident and to those out-of-state persons subject to this section.(d) The Department of Children and Families may

remove a provider who violates this section, or itsimplementing rules, from the list of approved courtproviders.(e) The Department of Children and Families shall

adopt rules to administer subsection (2) and thissubsection.(4) All parties to a dissolution of marriage proceed-

ing with minor children or a paternity action that involvesissues of parental responsibility shall be required tocomplete the Parent Education and Family StabilizationCourse prior to the entry by the court of a final judgment.The court may excuse a party from attending theparenting course, or from completing the course withinthe required time, for good cause.(5) All parties required to complete a parenting

course under this section shall begin the course asexpeditiously as possible. For dissolution of marriageactions, unless excused by the court pursuant tosubsection (4), the petitioner must complete the coursewithin 45 days after the filing of the petition, and all otherparties must complete the course within 45 days afterservice of the petition. For paternity actions, unlessexcused by the court pursuant to subsection (4), thepetitioner must complete the course within 45 days afterfiling the petition, and any other party must complete thecourse within 45 days after an acknowledgment ofpaternity by that party, an adjudication of paternity ofthat party, or an order granting time-sharing to orsupport from that party. Each party to a dissolution orpaternity action shall file proof of compliance with thissubsection with the court prior to the entry of the finaljudgment.(6) All parties to a modification of a final judgment

involving a parenting plan or a time-sharing schedulemay be required to complete a court-approved parent-ing course prior to the entry of an order modifying thefinal judgment.(7) A reasonable fee may be charged to each parent

attending the course.(8) Information obtained or statements made by the

parties at any educational session required under this

statute shall not be considered in the adjudication of apending or subsequent action, nor shall any reportresulting from such educational session become part ofthe record of the case unless the parties have stipulatedin writing to the contrary.(9) The court may hold any parent who fails to

attend a required parenting course in contempt, or thatparent may be denied shared parental responsibility ortime-sharing or otherwise sanctioned as the courtdeems appropriate.(10) Nothing in this section shall be construed to

require the parties to a dissolution of marriage to attenda court-approved parenting course together.(11) The court may, without motion of either party,

prohibit the parenting course from being taken together,if there is a history of domestic violence between theparties.

History.—s. 1, ch. 94-185; s. 13, ch. 98-403; s. 75, ch. 2003-402; s. 8, ch.2005-239; s. 15, ch. 2008-61; s. 7, ch. 2009-180; s. 24, ch. 2014-19.

61.29 Child support guidelines; principles.—The following principles establish the public policy ofthe State of Florida in the creation of the child supportguidelines:(1) Each parent has a fundamental obligation to

support his or her minor or legally dependent child.(2) The guidelines schedule is based on the par-

ent’s combined net income estimated to have beenallocated to the child as if the parents and children wereliving in an intact household.(3) The guidelines encourage fair and efficient

settlement of support issues between parents andminimizes the need for litigation.

History.—s. 4, ch. 2010-199.

61.30 Child support guidelines; retroactivechild support.—(1)(a) The child support guideline amount as deter-

mined by this section presumptively establishes theamount the trier of fact shall order as child support in aninitial proceeding for such support or in a proceeding formodification of an existing order for such support,whether the proceeding arises under this or anotherchapter. The trier of fact may order payment of childsupport which varies, plus or minus 5 percent, from theguideline amount, after considering all relevant factors,including the needs of the child or children, age, stationin life, standard of living, and the financial status andability of each parent. The trier of fact may orderpayment of child support in an amount which variesmore than 5 percent from such guideline amount onlyupon a written finding explaining why ordering paymentof such guideline amount would be unjust or inappropri-ate. Notwithstanding the variance limitations of thissection, the trier of fact shall order payment of childsupport which varies from the guideline amount asprovided in paragraph (11)(b) whenever any of thechildren are required by court order or mediationagreement to spend a substantial amount of time witheither parent. This requirement applies to any livingarrangement, whether temporary or permanent.(b) The guidelines may provide the basis for proving

a substantial change in circumstances upon which amodification of an existing order may be granted.




However, the difference between the existing monthlyobligation and the amount provided for under theguidelines shall be at least 15 percent or $50, whicheveramount is greater, before the court may find that theguidelines provide a substantial change in circum-stances.(c) For each support order reviewed by the depart-

ment as required by s. 409.2564(11), if the amount ofthe child support award under the order differs by atleast 10 percent but not less than $25 from the amountthat would be awarded under this section, the depart-ment shall seek to have the order modified and anymodification shall be made without a requirement forproof or showing of a change in circumstances.(2) Income shall be determined on a monthly basis

for each parent as follows:(a) Gross income shall include, but is not limited to,

the following:1. Salary or wages.2. Bonuses, commissions, allowances, overtime,

tips, and other similar payments.3. Business income from sources such as self-

employment, partnership, close corporations, and in-dependent contracts. “Business income” means grossreceipts minus ordinary and necessary expenses re-quired to produce income.4. Disability benefits.5. All workers’ compensation benefits and settle-

ments.6. Reemployment assistance or unemployment

compensation.7. Pension, retirement, or annuity payments.8. Social security benefits.9. Spousal support received from a previous mar-

riage or court ordered in the marriage before the court.10. Interest and dividends.11. Rental income, which is gross receipts minus

ordinary and necessary expenses required to producethe income.12. Income from royalties, trusts, or estates.13. Reimbursed expenses or in kind payments to

the extent that they reduce living expenses.14. Gains derived from dealings in property, unless

the gain is nonrecurring.(b) Monthly income shall be imputed to an unem-

ployed or underemployed parent if such unemploymentor underemployment is found by the court to bevoluntary on that parent’s part, absent a finding of factby the court of physical or mental incapacity or othercircumstances over which the parent has no control. Inthe event of such voluntary unemployment or under-employment, the employment potential and probableearnings level of the parent shall be determined basedupon his or her recent work history, occupationalqualifications, and prevailing earnings level in thecommunity if such information is available. If theinformation concerning a parent’s income is unavail-able, a parent fails to participate in a child supportproceeding, or a parent fails to supply adequatefinancial information in a child support proceeding,income shall be automatically imputed to the parentand there is a rebuttable presumption that the parenthas income equivalent to the median income of year-

round full-time workers as derived from current popula-tion reports or replacement reports published by theUnited States Bureau of the Census. However, the courtmay refuse to impute income to a parent if the courtfinds it necessary for that parent to stay home with thechild who is the subject of a child support calculation oras set forth below:1. In order for the court to impute income at an

amount other than themedian income of year-round full-time workers as derived from current population reportsor replacement reports published by the United StatesBureau of the Census, the court must make specificfindings of fact consistent with the requirements of thisparagraph. The party seeking to impute income has theburden to present competent, substantial evidence that:a. The unemployment or underemployment is

voluntary; andb. Identifies the amount and source of the imputed

income, through evidence of income from availableemployment for which the party is suitably qualified byeducation, experience, current licensure, or geographiclocation, with due consideration being given to theparties’ time-sharing schedule and their historical ex-ercise of the time-sharing provided in the parenting planor relevant order.2. Except as set forth in subparagraph 1., income

may not be imputed based upon:a. Income records that are more than 5 years old at

the time of the hearing or trial at which imputation issought; orb. Income at a level that a party has never earned

in the past, unless recently degreed, licensed, certified,relicensed, or recertified and thus qualified for, subjectto geographic location, with due consideration of theparties’ existing time-sharing schedule and their histor-ical exercise of the time-sharing provided in theparenting plan or relevant order.(c) Public assistance as defined in s. 409.2554 shall

be excluded from gross income.(3) Net income is obtained by subtracting allowable

deductions from gross income. Allowable deductionsshall include:(a) Federal, state, and local income tax deductions,

adjusted for actual filing status and allowable depen-dents and income tax liabilities.(b) Federal insurance contributions or self-employ-

ment tax.(c) Mandatory union dues.(d) Mandatory retirement payments.(e) Health insurance payments, excluding pay-

ments for coverage of the minor child.(f) Court-ordered support for other children which is

actually paid.(g) Spousal support paid pursuant to a court order

from a previous marriage or the marriage before thecourt.(4) Net income for each parent shall be computed

by subtracting allowable deductions from gross income.(5) Net income for each parent shall be added

together for a combined net income.(6) The following guidelines schedule shall be

applied to the combined net income to determine theminimum child support need:






Child or Children

Income One Two Three Four Five Six

800.00 190 211 213 216 218 220

850.00 202 257 259 262 265 268

900.00 213 302 305 309 312 315

950.00 224 347 351 355 359 363

1000.00 235 365 397 402 406 410

1050.00 246 382 443 448 453 458

1100.00 258 400 489 495 500 505

1150.00 269 417 522 541 547 553

1200.00 280 435 544 588 594 600

1250.00 290 451 565 634 641 648

1300.00 300 467 584 659 688 695

1350.00 310 482 603 681 735 743

1400.00 320 498 623 702 765 790

1450.00 330 513 642 724 789 838

1500.00 340 529 662 746 813 869

1550.00 350 544 681 768 836 895

1600.00 360 560 701 790 860 920

1650.00 370 575 720 812 884 945

1700.00 380 591 740 833 907 971

1750.00 390 606 759 855 931 996

1800.00 400 622 779 877 955 1022

1850.00 410 638 798 900 979 1048

1900.00 421 654 818 923 1004 1074

1950.00 431 670 839 946 1029 1101

2000.00 442 686 859 968 1054 1128

2050.00 452 702 879 991 1079 1154

2100.00 463 718 899 1014 1104 1181

2150.00 473 734 919 1037 1129 1207

2200.00 484 751 940 1060 1154 1234

2250.00 494 767 960 1082 1179 1261

2300.00 505 783 980 1105 1204 1287

2350.00 515 799 1000 1128 1229 1314

2400.00 526 815 1020 1151 1254 1340

2450.00 536 831 1041 1174 1279 1367

2500.00 547 847 1061 1196 1304 1394

2550.00 557 864 1081 1219 1329 1420

2600.00 568 880 1101 1242 1354 1447

2650.00 578 896 1121 1265 1379 1473

2700.00 588 912 1141 1287 1403 1500

2750.00 597 927 1160 1308 1426 1524

2800.00 607 941 1178 1328 1448 1549

2850.00 616 956 1197 1349 1471 1573

2900.00 626 971 1215 1370 1494 1598

2950.00 635 986 1234 1391 1517 1622

3000.00 644 1001 1252 1412 1540 1647

3050.00 654 1016 1271 1433 1563 1671

3100.00 663 1031 1289 1453 1586 1695

3150.00 673 1045 1308 1474 1608 1720



Child or Children

Income One Two Three Four Five Six

3200.00 682 1060 1327 1495 1631 1744

3250.00 691 1075 1345 1516 1654 1769

3300.00 701 1090 1364 1537 1677 1793

3350.00 710 1105 1382 1558 1700 1818

3400.00 720 1120 1401 1579 1723 1842

3450.00 729 1135 1419 1599 1745 1867

3500.00 738 1149 1438 1620 1768 1891

3550.00 748 1164 1456 1641 1791 1915

3600.00 757 1179 1475 1662 1814 1940

3650.00 767 1194 1493 1683 1837 1964

3700.00 776 1208 1503 1702 1857 1987

3750.00 784 1221 1520 1721 1878 2009

3800.00 793 1234 1536 1740 1899 2031

3850.00 802 1248 1553 1759 1920 2053

3900.00 811 1261 1570 1778 1940 2075

3950.00 819 1275 1587 1797 1961 2097

4000.00 828 1288 1603 1816 1982 2119

4050.00 837 1302 1620 1835 2002 2141

4100.00 846 1315 1637 1854 2023 2163

4150.00 854 1329 1654 1873 2044 2185

4200.00 863 1342 1670 1892 2064 2207

4250.00 872 1355 1687 1911 2085 2229

4300.00 881 1369 1704 1930 2106 2251

4350.00 889 1382 1721 1949 2127 2273

4400.00 898 1396 1737 1968 2147 2295

4450.00 907 1409 1754 1987 2168 2317

4500.00 916 1423 1771 2006 2189 2339

4550.00 924 1436 1788 2024 2209 2361

4600.00 933 1450 1804 2043 2230 2384

4650.00 942 1463 1821 2062 2251 2406

4700.00 951 1477 1838 2081 2271 2428

4750.00 959 1490 1855 2100 2292 2450

4800.00 968 1503 1871 2119 2313 2472

4850.00 977 1517 1888 2138 2334 2494

4900.00 986 1530 1905 2157 2354 2516

4950.00 993 1542 1927 2174 2372 2535

5000.00 1000 1551 1939 2188 2387 2551

5050.00 1006 1561 1952 2202 2402 2567

5100.00 1013 1571 1964 2215 2417 2583

5150.00 1019 1580 1976 2229 2432 2599

5200.00 1025 1590 1988 2243 2447 2615

5250.00 1032 1599 2000 2256 2462 2631

5300.00 1038 1609 2012 2270 2477 2647

5350.00 1045 1619 2024 2283 2492 2663

5400.00 1051 1628 2037 2297 2507 2679

5450.00 1057 1638 2049 2311 2522 2695

5500.00 1064 1647 2061 2324 2537 2711

5550.00 1070 1657 2073 2338 2552 2727






Child or Children

Income One Two Three Four Five Six

5600.00 1077 1667 2085 2352 2567 2743

5650.00 1083 1676 2097 2365 2582 2759

5700.00 1089 1686 2109 2379 2597 2775

5750.00 1096 1695 2122 2393 2612 2791

5800.00 1102 1705 2134 2406 2627 2807

5850.00 1107 1713 2144 2418 2639 2820

5900.00 1111 1721 2155 2429 2651 2833

5950.00 1116 1729 2165 2440 2663 2847

6000.00 1121 1737 2175 2451 2676 2860

6050.00 1126 1746 2185 2462 2688 2874

6100.00 1131 1754 2196 2473 2700 2887

6150.00 1136 1762 2206 2484 2712 2900

6200.00 1141 1770 2216 2495 2724 2914

6250.00 1145 1778 2227 2506 2737 2927

6300.00 1150 1786 2237 2517 2749 2941

6350.00 1155 1795 2247 2529 2761 2954

6400.00 1160 1803 2258 2540 2773 2967

6450.00 1165 1811 2268 2551 2785 2981

6500.00 1170 1819 2278 2562 2798 2994

6550.00 1175 1827 2288 2573 2810 3008

6600.00 1179 1835 2299 2584 2822 3021

6650.00 1184 1843 2309 2595 2834 3034

6700.00 1189 1850 2317 2604 2845 3045

6750.00 1193 1856 2325 2613 2854 3055

6800.00 1196 1862 2332 2621 2863 3064

6850.00 1200 1868 2340 2630 2872 3074

6900.00 1204 1873 2347 2639 2882 3084

6950.00 1208 1879 2355 2647 2891 3094

7000.00 1212 1885 2362 2656 2900 3103

7050.00 1216 1891 2370 2664 2909 3113

7100.00 1220 1897 2378 2673 2919 3123

7150.00 1224 1903 2385 2681 2928 3133

7200.00 1228 1909 2393 2690 2937 3142

7250.00 1232 1915 2400 2698 2946 3152

7300.00 1235 1921 2408 2707 2956 3162

7350.00 1239 1927 2415 2716 2965 3172

7400.00 1243 1933 2423 2724 2974 3181

7450.00 1247 1939 2430 2733 2983 3191

7500.00 1251 1945 2438 2741 2993 3201

7550.00 1255 1951 2446 2750 3002 3211

7600.00 1259 1957 2453 2758 3011 3220

7650.00 1263 1963 2461 2767 3020 3230

7700.00 1267 1969 2468 2775 3030 3240

7750.00 1271 1975 2476 2784 3039 3250

7800.00 1274 1981 2483 2792 3048 3259

7850.00 1278 1987 2491 2801 3057 3269

7900.00 1282 1992 2498 2810 3067 3279

7950.00 1286 1998 2506 2818 3076 3289



Child or Children

Income One Two Three Four Five Six

8000.00 1290 2004 2513 2827 3085 3298

8050.00 1294 2010 2521 2835 3094 3308

8100.00 1298 2016 2529 2844 3104 3318

8150.00 1302 2022 2536 2852 3113 3328

8200.00 1306 2028 2544 2861 3122 3337

8250.00 1310 2034 2551 2869 3131 3347

8300.00 1313 2040 2559 2878 3141 3357

8350.00 1317 2046 2566 2887 3150 3367

8400.00 1321 2052 2574 2895 3159 3376

8450.00 1325 2058 2581 2904 3168 3386

8500.00 1329 2064 2589 2912 3178 3396

8550.00 1333 2070 2597 2921 3187 3406

8600.00 1337 2076 2604 2929 3196 3415

8650.00 1341 2082 2612 2938 3205 3425

8700.00 1345 2088 2619 2946 3215 3435

8750.00 1349 2094 2627 2955 3224 3445

8800.00 1352 2100 2634 2963 3233 3454

8850.00 1356 2106 2642 2972 3242 3464

8900.00 1360 2111 2649 2981 3252 3474

8950.00 1364 2117 2657 2989 3261 3484

9000.00 1368 2123 2664 2998 3270 3493

9050.00 1372 2129 2672 3006 3279 3503

9100.00 1376 2135 2680 3015 3289 3513

9150.00 1380 2141 2687 3023 3298 3523

9200.00 1384 2147 2695 3032 3307 3532

9250.00 1388 2153 2702 3040 3316 3542

9300.00 1391 2159 2710 3049 3326 3552

9350.00 1395 2165 2717 3058 3335 3562

9400.00 1399 2171 2725 3066 3344 3571

9450.00 1403 2177 2732 3075 3353 3581

9500.00 1407 2183 2740 3083 3363 3591

9550.00 1411 2189 2748 3092 3372 3601

9600.00 1415 2195 2755 3100 3381 3610

9650.00 1419 2201 2763 3109 3390 3620

9700.00 1422 2206 2767 3115 3396 3628

9750.00 1425 2210 2772 3121 3402 3634

9800.00 1427 2213 2776 3126 3408 3641

9850.00 1430 2217 2781 3132 3414 3647

9900.00 1432 2221 2786 3137 3420 3653

9950.00 1435 2225 2791 3143 3426 3659

10000.00 1437 2228 2795 3148 3432 3666

(a) If the obligor parent’s net income is less than theamount in the guidelines schedule:

1. The parent should be ordered to pay a childsupport amount, determined on a case-by-case basis,to establish the principle of payment and lay the basisfor increased support orders should the parent’s incomeincrease.




2. The obligor parent’s child support payment shallbe the lesser of the obligor parent’s actual dollar shareof the total minimum child support amount, as deter-mined in subparagraph 1., and 90 percent of thedifference between the obligor parent’s monthly netincome and the current poverty guidelines as periodi-cally updated in the Federal Register by the UnitedStates Department of Health and Human Servicespursuant to 42 U.S.C. s. 9902(2) for a single individualliving alone.(b) For combined monthly net income greater than

the amount in the guidelines schedule, the obligation isthe minimum amount of support provided by theguidelines schedule plus the following percentagesmultiplied by the amount of income over $10,000:

Child or Children

One Two Three Four Five Six

5.0% 7.5% 9.5% 11.0% 12.0% 12.5%

(7) Child care costs incurred due to employment,job search, or education calculated to result in employ-ment or to enhance income of current employment ofeither parent shall be added to the basic obligation. Afterthe child care costs are added, any moneys prepaid by aparent for child care costs for the child or children of thisaction shall be deducted from that parent’s child supportobligation for that child or those children. Child carecosts may not exceed the level required to providequality care from a licensed source.(8) Health insurance costs resulting from coverage

ordered pursuant to s. 61.13(1)(b), and any noncoveredmedical, dental, and prescription medication expensesof the child, shall be added to the basic obligation unlessthese expenses have been ordered to be separatelypaid on a percentage basis. After the health insurancecosts are added to the basic obligation, any moneysprepaid by a parent for health-related costs for the childor children of this action shall be deducted from thatparent’s child support obligation for that child or thosechildren.(9) Each parent’s percentage share of the child

support need shall be determined by dividing eachparent’s net monthly income by the combined netmonthly income.(10) Each parent’s actual dollar share of the total

minimum child support need shall be determined bymultiplying the minimum child support need by eachparent’s percentage share of the combined monthly netincome.(11)(a) The court may adjust the total minimum child

support award, or either or both parents’ share of thetotal minimum child support award, based upon thefollowing deviation factors:1. Extraordinary medical, psychological, educa-

tional, or dental expenses.2. Independent income of the child, not to include

moneys received by a child from supplemental securityincome.

3. The payment of support for a parent which hasbeen regularly paid and for which there is a demon-strated need.4. Seasonal variations in one or both parents’

incomes or expenses.5. The age of the child, taking into account the

greater needs of older children.6. Special needs, such as costs that may be

associated with the disability of a child, that havetraditionally been met within the family budget eventhough fulfilling those needs will cause the support toexceed the presumptive amount established by theguidelines.7. Total available assets of the obligee, obligor,

and the child.8. The impact of the Internal Revenue Service

Child & Dependent Care Tax Credit, Earned IncomeTax Credit, and dependency exemption and waiver ofthat exemption. The court may order a parent to executea waiver of the Internal Revenue Service dependencyexemption if the paying parent is current in supportpayments.9. An application of the child support guidelines

schedule that requires a person to pay another personmore than 55 percent of his or her gross income for achild support obligation for current support resultingfrom a single support order.10. The particular parenting plan, a court-ordered

time-sharing schedule, or a time-sharing arrangementexercised by agreement of the parties, such as wherethe child spends a significant amount of time, but lessthan 20 percent of the overnights, with one parent,thereby reducing the financial expenditures incurred bythe other parent; or the refusal of a parent to becomeinvolved in the activities of the child.11. Any other adjustment that is needed to achieve

an equitable result which may include, but not be limitedto, a reasonable and necessary existing expense ordebt. Such expense or debt may include, but is notlimited to, a reasonable and necessary expense or debtthat the parties jointly incurred during the marriage.(b) Whenever a particular parenting plan, a court-

ordered time-sharing schedule, or a time-sharing ar-rangement exercised by agreement of the partiesprovides that each child spend a substantial amountof time with each parent, the court shall adjust anyaward of child support, as follows:1. In accordance with subsections (9) and (10),

calculate the amount of support obligation apportionedto each parent without including day care and healthinsurance costs in the calculation and multiply theamount by 1.5.2. Calculate the percentage of overnight stays the

child spends with each parent.3. Multiply each parent’s support obligation as

calculated in subparagraph 1. by the percentage ofthe other parent’s overnight stays with the child ascalculated in subparagraph 2.4. The difference between the amounts calculated

in subparagraph 3. shall be the monetary transfernecessary between the parents for the care of thechild, subject to an adjustment for day care and healthinsurance expenses.




5. Pursuant to subsections (7) and (8), calculatethe net amounts owed by each parent for the expensesincurred for day care and health insurance coverage forthe child.6. Adjust the support obligation owed by each

parent pursuant to subparagraph 4. by crediting ordebiting the amount calculated in subparagraph 5. Thisamount represents the child support which must beexchanged between the parents.7. The court may deviate from the child support

amount calculated pursuant to subparagraph 6. basedupon the deviation factors in paragraph (a), as well asthe obligee parent’s low income and ability to maintainthe basic necessities of the home for the child, thelikelihood that either parent will actually exercise thetime-sharing schedule set forth in the parenting plan, acourt-ordered time-sharing schedule, or a time-sharingarrangement exercised by agreement of the parties,and whether all of the children are exercising the sametime-sharing schedule.8. For purposes of adjusting any award of child

support under this paragraph, “substantial amount oftime” means that a parent exercises time-sharing atleast 20 percent of the overnights of the year.(c) A parent’s failure to regularly exercise the time-

sharing schedule set forth in the parenting plan, a court-ordered time-sharing schedule, or a time-sharing ar-rangement exercised by agreement of the parties notcaused by the other parent which resulted in theadjustment of the amount of child support pursuant tosubparagraph (a)10. or paragraph (b) shall be deemeda substantial change of circumstances for purposes ofmodifying the child support award. A modificationpursuant to this paragraph is retroactive to the datethe noncustodial parent first failed to regularly exercisethe court-ordered or agreed time-sharing schedule.(12)(a) A parent with a support obligation may have

other children living with him or her who were born oradopted after the support obligation arose. If suchsubsequent children exist, the court, when consideringan upward modification of an existing award, maydisregard the income from secondary employmentobtained in addition to the parent’s primary employmentif the court determines that the employment wasobtained primarily to support the subsequent children.(b) Except as provided in paragraph (a), the ex-

istence of such subsequent children should not as ageneral rule be considered by the court as a basis fordisregarding the amount provided in the guidelinesschedule. The parent with a support obligation forsubsequent children may raise the existence of suchsubsequent children as a justification for deviation fromthe guidelines schedule. However, if the existence ofsuch subsequent children is raised, the income of theother parent of the subsequent children shall beconsidered by the court in determining whether or notthere is a basis for deviation from the guideline amount.(c) The issue of subsequent children under para-

graph (a) or paragraph (b) may only be raised in aproceeding for an upward modification of an existingaward and may not be applied to justify a decrease in anexisting award.

(13) If the recurring income is not sufficient to meetthe needs of the child, the court may order child supportto be paid from nonrecurring income or assets.(14) Every petition for child support or for modifica-

tion of child support shall be accompanied by anaffidavit which shows the party’s income, allowabledeductions, and net income computed in accordancewith this section. The affidavit shall be served at thesame time that the petition is served. The respondent,whether or not a stipulation is entered, shall make anaffidavit which shows the party’s income, allowabledeductions, and net income computed in accordancewith this section. The respondent shall include his or heraffidavit with the answer to the petition or as soonthereafter as is practicable, but in any case at least 72hours prior to any hearing on the finances of eitherparty.(15) For purposes of establishing an obligation for

support in accordance with this section, if a person whois receiving public assistance is found to be noncoo-perative as defined in s. 409.2572, the department maysubmit to the court an affidavit or written declarationsigned under penalty of perjury as specified in s.92.525(2) attesting to the income of that parent basedupon information available to the department.(16) The Legislature shall review the guidelines

schedule established in this section at least every 4years beginning in 1997.(17) In an initial determination of child support,

whether in a paternity action, dissolution of marriageaction, or petition for support during the marriage, thecourt has discretion to award child support retroactive tothe date when the parents did not reside together in thesame household with the child, not to exceed a period of24 months preceding the filing of the petition, regardlessof whether that date precedes the filing of the petition. Indetermining the retroactive award in such cases, thecourt shall consider the following:(a) The court shall apply the guidelines schedule in

effect at the time of the hearing subject to the obligor’sdemonstration of his or her actual income, as defined bysubsection (2), during the retroactive period. Failure ofthe obligor to so demonstrate shall result in the courtusing the obligor’s income at the time of the hearing incomputing child support for the retroactive period.(b) All actual payments made by a parent to the

other parent or the child or third parties for the benefit ofthe child throughout the proposed retroactive period.(c) The court should consider an installment pay-

ment plan for the payment of retroactive child support.History.—s. 3, ch. 87-95; s. 5, ch. 89-183; s. 5, ch. 91-246; s. 11, ch. 92-138; s.

5, ch. 93-208; s. 2, ch. 94-204; s. 2, ch. 94-318; s. 1366, ch. 95-147; s. 53, ch.96-175; s. 3, ch. 96-305; s. 11, ch. 97-170; s. 11, ch. 98-397; s. 1, ch. 99-359; s. 2,ch. 2001-91; ss. 15, 16, ch. 2001-158; s. 7, ch. 2002-173; s. 11, ch. 2005-39; s. 16,ch. 2008-61; ss. 2, 17, ch. 2010-187; s. 5, ch. 2010-199; s. 3, ch. 2011-4; s. 38, ch.2012-30; s. 1, ch. 2014-35.

61.401 Appointment of guardian ad litem.—In anaction for dissolution of marriage or for the creation,approval, or modification of a parenting plan, if the courtfinds it is in the best interest of the child, the court mayappoint a guardian ad litem to act as next friend of thechild, investigator or evaluator, not as attorney oradvocate. The court in its discretion may also appointlegal counsel for a child to act as attorney or advocate;




however, the guardian and the legal counsel shall not bethe same person. In such actions which involve anallegation of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect asdefined in s. 39.01, which allegation is verified anddetermined by the court to be well-founded, the courtshall appoint a guardian ad litem for the child. Theguardian ad litem shall be a party to any judicialproceeding from the date of the appointment until thedate of discharge.

History.—s. 1, ch. 90-226; s. 3, ch. 94-204; s. 123, ch. 98-403; s. 17, ch.2008-61.

61.402 Qualifications of guardians ad litem.—(1) A person appointed as a guardian ad litem

pursuant to s. 61.401 must be:(a) Certified by the Guardian Ad Litem Program

pursuant to s. 39.821;(b) Certified by a not-for-profit legal aid organization

as defined in s. 68.096; or(c) An attorney who is a member in good standing of

The Florida Bar.(2)(a) Prior to certifying a guardian ad litem pursuant

to paragraph (1)(b), the not-for-profit legal aid organiza-tion must:1. Conduct a security background investigation as

described in s. 39.821 for which the not-for-profit legalaid organization has the sole discretion in determiningwhether to certify a person based on his or her securitybackground investigation; and2. Provide training using the uniform objective

statewide training program for guardians ad litemdeveloped by The Florida Bar.(b) The security background investigation and the

training program requirements as provided in thissubsection must be paid for by the not-for-profit legalaid organization or the person seeking certification as aguardian ad litem through the not-for-profit legal aidorganization.(3) Only a guardian ad litem who qualifies under

paragraph (1)(a) or paragraph (1)(c) may be appointedto a case in which the court has determined that thereare well-founded allegations of child abuse, abandon-ment, or neglect as defined in s. 39.01.(4) Nothing in this section requires the Guardian Ad

Litem Program or a not-for-profit legal aid organizationto train or certify guardians ad litem appointed under thischapter.(5) It is a misdemeanor of the first degree, punish-

able as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083, for anyperson to willfully, knowingly, or intentionally fail, byfalse statement, misrepresentation, impersonation, orother fraudulent means, to disclose in an application fora guardian ad litem any material fact used in making adetermination as to the applicant’s qualifications forsuch position.

History.—s. 2, ch. 90-226; s. 1, ch. 93-203; s. 4, ch. 94-204; s. 1367, ch. 95-147;s. 3, ch. 96-109; s. 21, ch. 96-406; s. 124, ch. 98-403; s. 1, ch. 2009-114.

61.403 Guardians ad litem; powers and author-ity.—A guardian ad litem when appointed shall act asnext friend of the child, investigator or evaluator, not asattorney or advocate but shall act in the child’s bestinterest. A guardian ad litem shall have the powers,privileges, and responsibilities to the extent necessary

to advance the best interest of the child, including, butnot limited to, the following:(1) The guardian ad litem may investigate the

allegations of the pleadings affecting the child, and,after proper notice to interested parties to the litigationand subject to conditions set by the court, may interviewthe child, witnesses, or any other person havinginformation concerning the welfare of the child.(2) The guardian ad litem, through counsel, may

petition the court for an order directed to a specifiedperson, agency, or organization, including, but notlimited to, hospitals, medical doctors, dentists, psychol-ogists, and psychiatrists, which order directs that theguardian ad litem be allowed to inspect and copy anyrecords and documents which relate to the minor childor to the child’s parents or other custodial persons orhousehold members with whom the child resides. Suchorder shall be obtained only after notice to all parties andhearing thereon.(3) The guardian ad litem, through counsel, may

request the court to order expert examinations of thechild, the child’s parents, or other interested parties inthe action, by medical doctors, dentists, and otherproviders of health care including psychiatrists, psy-chologists, or other mental health professionals.(4) The guardian ad litem may assist the court in

obtaining impartial expert examinations.(5) The guardian ad litem may address the court

and make written or oral recommendations to the court.The guardian ad litem shall file a written report whichmay include recommendations and a statement of thewishes of the child. The report must be filed and servedon all parties at least 20 days prior to the hearing atwhich it will be presented unless the court waives suchtime limit. The guardian ad litem must be provided withcopies of all pleadings, notices, and other documentsfiled in the action and is entitled to reasonable noticebefore any action affecting the child is taken by either ofthe parties, their counsel, or the court.(6) A guardian ad litem, acting through counsel,

may file such pleadings, motions, or petitions for reliefas the guardian ad litem deems appropriate or neces-sary in furtherance of the guardian’s function. Theguardian ad litem, through counsel, is entitled to bepresent and to participate in all depositions, hearings,and other proceedings in the action, and, throughcounsel, may compel the attendance of witnesses.(7) The duties and rights of nonattorney guardians

do not include the right to practice law.(8) The guardian ad litem shall submit his or her

recommendations to the court regarding any stipulationor agreement, whether incidental, temporary, or perma-nent, which affects the interest or welfare of the minorchild, within 10 days after the date such stipulation oragreement is served upon the guardian ad litem.

History.—s. 3, ch. 90-226; s. 5, ch. 94-204; s. 1368, ch. 95-147.

61.404 Guardians ad litem; confidentiality.—Theguardian ad litem shall maintain as confidential allinformation and documents received from any sourcedescribed in s. 61.403(2) and may not disclose suchinformation or documents except, in the guardian adlitem’s discretion, in a report to the court, served upon




both parties to the action and their counsel or asdirected by the court.

History.—s. 4, ch. 90-226.

61.405 Guardians ad litem; immunity.—Any per-son participating in a judicial proceeding as a guardianad litem shall be presumed prima facie to be acting ingood faith and in so doing shall be immune from anyliability, civil or criminal, that otherwise might be incurredor imposed.

History.—s. 1, ch. 95-163.

61.45 Court-ordered parenting plan; risk of vio-lation; bond.—(1) In any proceeding in which the court enters a

parenting plan, including a time-sharing schedule,including in a modification proceeding, upon the pre-sentation of competent substantial evidence that thereis a risk that one party may violate the court’s parentingplan by removing a child from this state or country or byconcealing the whereabouts of a child, upon stipulationof the parties, upon the motion of another individual orentity having a right under the law of this state, or if thecourt finds evidence that establishes credible risk ofremoval of the child, the court may:(a) Order that a parent may not remove the child

from this state without the notarized written permissionof both parents or further court order;(b) Order that a parent may not remove the child

from this country without the notarized written permis-sion of both parents or further court order;(c) Order that a parent may not take the child to a

country that has not ratified or acceded to the HagueConvention on the Civil Aspects of International ChildAbduction unless the other parent agrees in writing thatthe child may be taken to the country;(d) Require a parent to surrender the passport of the

child or require that:1. The petitioner place the child’s name in the

Children’s Passport Issuance Alert Program of theUnited States Department of State;2. The respondent surrender to the court or the

petitioner’s attorney any United States or foreign pass-port issued in the child’s name, including a passportissued in the name of both the parent and the child; and3. The respondent not apply on behalf of the child

for a new or replacement passport or visa; or(e) Require that a party post bond or other security

in an amount sufficient to serve as a financial deterrentto abduction, the proceeds of which may be used to paythe reasonable expenses of recovery of the child,including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs, if thechild is abducted.(2) If the court enters a parenting plan, including a

time-sharing schedule, including in a modificationproceeding, that includes a provision entered underparagraph (1)(b) or paragraph (1)(c), a certified copy ofthe order should be sent by the parent who requestedthe restriction to the Passport Services Office of theUnited States Department of State requesting that theynot issue a passport to the child without their signatureor further court order.

(3) If the court enters an order under paragraph(1)(a) or paragraph (1)(b) to prevent the removal of thechild from this state or country, the order may includeone or more of the following:(a) An imposition of travel restrictions that require

that a party traveling with the child outside a designatedgeographic area provide the other party with thefollowing:1. The travel itinerary of the child.2. A list of physical addresses and telephone

numbers at which the child can be reached at specifiedtimes.3. Copies of all travel documents.(b) A prohibition of the respondent directly or

indirectly:1. Removing the child from this state or country or

another specified geographic area without permission ofthe court or the petitioner’s written consent;2. Removing or retaining the child in violation of a

child custody determination;3. Removing the child from school or a child care or

similar facility; or4. Approaching the child at any location other than

a site designated for supervised visitation.(c) A requirement that a party register the order in

another state as a prerequisite to allowing the child totravel to that state.(d) As a prerequisite to exercising custody or

visitation, a requirement that the respondent providethe following:1. An authenticated copy of the order detailing

passport and travel restrictions for the child to the Officeof Children’s Issues within the Bureau of ConsularAffairs of the United States Department of State and therelevant foreign consulate or embassy.2. Proof to the court that the respondent has

provided the information in subparagraph 1.3. An acknowledgment to the court in a record from

the relevant foreign consulate or embassy that nopassport application has been made, or passportissued, on behalf of the child.4. Proof to the petitioner and court of registration

with the United States embassy or other United Statesdiplomatic presence in the destination country and withthe destination country’s central authority for the HagueConvention on the Civil Aspects of International ChildAbduction, if that convention is in effect between thiscountry and the destination country, unless one of theparties objects.5. A written waiver under the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C.

s. 552a, as amended, with respect to any document,application, or other information pertaining to the child orthe respondent authorizing its disclosure to the court.6. A written waiver with respect to any document,

application, or other information pertaining to the child orthe respondent in records held by the United StatesBureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services author-izing its disclosure to the court.7. Upon the court’s request, a requirement that the

respondent obtain an order from the relevant foreigncountry containing terms identical to the child custodydetermination issued in this country.




8. Upon the court’s request, a requirement that therespondent be entered in the Prevent Departure Pro-gram of the United States Department of State or asimilar federal program designed to prevent unauthor-ized departures to foreign countries.(e) The court may impose conditions on the ex-

ercise of custody or visitation that limit visitation orrequire that visitation with the child by the respondent besupervised until the court finds that supervision is nolonger necessary and orders the respondent to pay thecosts of supervision.(4) In assessing the need for a bond or other

security, the court may consider any reasonable factorbearing upon the risk that a party may violate aparenting plan by removing a child from this state orcountry or by concealing the whereabouts of a child,including but not limited to whether:(a) A court has previously found that a party

previously removed a child from Florida or anotherstate in violation of a parenting plan, or whether a courthad found that a party has threatened to take a child outof Florida or another state in violation of a parentingplan;(b) The party has strong family and community ties

to Florida or to other states or countries, includingwhether the party or child is a citizen of another country;(c) The party has strong financial reasons to remain

in Florida or to relocate to another state or country;(d) The party has engaged in activities that suggest

plans to leave Florida, such as quitting employment;sale of a residence or termination of a lease on aresidence, without efforts to acquire an alternativeresidence in the state; closing bank accounts orotherwise liquidating assets; applying for a passportor visa; or obtaining travel documents for the respon-dent or the child;(e) Either party has had a history of domestic

violence as either a victim or perpetrator, child abuseor child neglect evidenced by criminal history, includingbut not limited to, arrest, an injunction for protectionagainst domestic violence issued after notice andhearing under s. 741.30, medical records, affidavits,or any other relevant information;(f) The party has a criminal record;(g) The party is likely to take the child to a country

that:1. Is not a party to the Hague Convention on the

Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction and doesnot provide for the extradition of an abducting parent orfor the return of an abducted child;2. Is a party to the Hague Convention on the Civil

Aspects of International Child Abduction, but:a. The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of

International Child Abduction is not in force between thiscountry and that country;b. Is noncompliant or demonstrating patterns of

noncompliance according to the most recent compli-ance report issued by the United States Department ofState; orc. Lacks legal mechanisms for immediately and

effectively enforcing a return order under the HagueConvention on the Civil Aspects of International ChildAbduction;

3. Poses a risk that the child’s physical or emo-tional health or safety would be endangered in thecountry because of specific circumstances relating tothe child or because of human rights violations com-mitted against children;4. Has laws or practices that would:a. Enable the respondent, without due cause, to

prevent the petitioner from contacting the child;b. Restrict the petitioner from freely traveling to or

exiting from the country because of the petitioner’sgender, nationality, marital status, or religion; orc. Restrict the child’s ability to legally leave the

country after the child reaches the age of majoritybecause of a child’s gender, nationality, or religion;5. Is included by the United States Department of

State on a current list of state sponsors of terrorism;6. Does not have an official United States diplo-

matic presence in the country; or7. Is engaged in active military action or war,

including a civil war, to which the child may be exposed;(h) The party is undergoing a change in immigration

or citizenship status that would adversely affect therespondent’s ability to remain in this country legally;(i) The party has had an application for United

States citizenship denied;(j) The party has forged or presented misleading or

false evidence on government forms or supportingdocuments to obtain or attempt to obtain a passport,a visa, travel documents, a social security card, a driverlicense, or other government-issued identification cardor has made a misrepresentation to the United Statesgovernment;(k) The party has used multiple names to attempt to

mislead or defraud;(l) The party has been diagnosed with a mental

health disorder that the court considers relevant to therisk of abduction; or(m) The party has engaged in any other conduct that

the court considers relevant to the risk of abduction.(5) The court must consider the party’s financial

resources prior to setting the bond amount under thissection. Under no circumstances may the court set abond that is unreasonable.(6) Any deficiency of bond or security does not

absolve the violating party of responsibility to pay the fullamount of damages determined by the court.(7)(a) Upon a material violation of any parenting plan

by removing a child from this state or country or byconcealing the whereabouts of a child, the court mayorder the bond or other security forfeited in whole or inpart.(b) This section, including the requirement to post a

bond or other security, does not apply to a parent who,in a proceeding to order or modify a parenting plan ortime-sharing schedule, is determined by the court to bea victim of an act of domestic violence or provides thecourt with reasonable cause to believe that he or she isabout to become the victim of an act of domesticviolence, as defined in s. 741.28. An injunction forprotection against domestic violence issued pursuant tos. 741.30 for a parent as the petitioner which is in effectat the time of the court proceeding shall be one meansof demonstrating sufficient evidence that the parent is a




victim of domestic violence or is about to become thevictim of an act of domestic violence, as defined in s.741.28, and shall exempt the parent from this section,including the requirement to post a bond or othersecurity. A parent who is determined by the court tobe exempt from the requirements of this section mustmeet the requirements of s. 787.03(6) if an offense ofinterference with the parenting plan or time-sharingschedule is committed.(8)(a) Upon an order of forfeiture, the proceeds of

any bond or other security posted pursuant to thissubsection may only be used to:1. Reimburse the nonviolating party for actual

costs or damages incurred in upholding the court’sparenting plan.2. Locate and return the child to the residence as

set forth in the parenting plan.3. Reimburse reasonable fees and costs as deter-

mined by the court.(b) Any remaining proceeds shall be held as further

security if deemed necessary by the court, and if furthersecurity is not found to be necessary; applied to anychild support arrears owed by the parent against whomthe bond was required, and if no arrears exists; allremaining proceeds will be allocated by the court in thebest interest of the child.(9) At any time after the forfeiture of the bond or

other security, the party who posted the bond or othersecurity, or the court on its own motion may request thatthe party provide documentation substantiating that theproceeds received as a result of the forfeiture have beenused solely in accordance with this subsection. Anyparty using such proceeds for purposes not in accor-dance with this section may be found in contempt ofcourt.(10) A violation of this section may subject the party

committing the violation to civil or criminal penalties or afederal or state warrant under federal or state laws,including the International Parental Kidnapping CrimeAct, and may subject the violating parent to apprehen-sion by a law enforcement officer.

History.—s. 4, ch. 2002-65; s. 2, ch. 2006-114; s. 18, ch. 2008-61; s. 2, ch.2010-59.



61.501 Short title.61.502 Purposes of part; construction of provisions.61.503 Definitions.61.504 Proceedings governed by other law.61.505 Application to Indian tribes.61.506 International application of part.61.507 Effect of child custody determination.61.508 Priority.61.509 Notice to persons outside the state.61.510 Appearance and limited immunity.61.511 Communication between courts.61.512 Taking testimony in another state.61.513 Cooperation between courts; preservation of

records.61.514 Initial child custody jurisdiction.

61.515 Exclusive, continuing jurisdiction.61.516 Jurisdiction to modify a determination.61.517 Temporary emergency jurisdiction.61.518 Notice; opportunity to be heard; joinder.61.519 Simultaneous proceedings.61.520 Inconvenient forum.61.521 Jurisdiction declined by reason of conduct.61.522 Information to be submitted to the court.61.523 Appearance of parties and child.61.524 Definitions.61.525 Enforcement under the Hague Convention.61.526 Duty to enforce.61.527 Temporary visitation.61.528 Registration of child custody determination.61.529 Enforcement of registered determination.61.530 Simultaneous proceedings.61.531 Expedited enforcement of child custody de-

termination.61.532 Service of petition and order.61.533 Hearing and order.61.534 Warrant to take physical custody of child.61.535 Costs, fees, and expenses.61.536 Recognition and enforcement.61.537 Appeals.61.538 Role of state attorney.61.539 Role of law enforcement officers.61.540 Costs and expenses.61.541 Application and construction.61.542 Transitional provision.

61.501 Short title.—This part may be cited as the“Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and EnforcementAct.”

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.502 Purposes of part; construction of provi-sions.—The general purposes of this part are to:(1) Avoid jurisdictional competition and conflict with

courts of other states in matters of child custody whichhave in the past resulted in the shifting of children fromstate to state with harmful effects on their well-being.(2) Promote cooperation with the courts of other

states to the end that a custody decree is rendered inthe state that can best decide the case in the interest ofthe child.(3) Discourage the use of the interstate system for

continuing controversies over child custody.(4) Deter abductions.(5) Avoid relitigating the custody decisions of other

states in this state.(6) Facilitate the enforcement of custody decrees of

other states.(7) Promote and expand the exchange of informa-

tion and other forms of mutual assistance between thecourts of this state and those of other states concernedwith the same child.(8) Make uniform the law with respect to the subject

of this part among the states enacting it.History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.503 Definitions.—As used in this part, the term:(1) “Abandoned” means left without provision for

reasonable and necessary care or supervision.




(2) “Child” means an individual who has not attained18 years of age.(3) “Child custody determination” means a judg-

ment, decree, or other order of a court providing for thelegal custody, physical custody, residential care, orvisitation with respect to a child. The term includes apermanent, temporary, initial, and modification order.The term does not include an order relating to childsupport or other monetary obligation of an individual.(4) “Child custody proceeding” means a proceeding

in which legal custody, physical custody, residentialcare, or visitation with respect to a child is an issue. Theterm includes a proceeding for divorce, separation,neglect, abuse, dependency, guardianship, paternity,termination of parental rights, and protection fromdomestic violence, in which the issue may appear.The term does not include a proceeding involvingjuvenile delinquency, contractual emancipation, or en-forcement under ss. 61.524-61.540.(5) “Commencement” means the filing of the first

pleading in a proceeding.(6) “Court” means an entity authorized under the

laws of a state to establish, enforce, or modify a childcustody determination.(7) “Home state” means the state in which a child

lived with a parent or a person acting as a parent for atleast 6 consecutive months immediately before thecommencement of a child custody proceeding. In thecase of a child younger than 6 months of age, the termmeans the state in which the child lived from birth withany of the persons mentioned. A period of temporaryabsence of any of the mentioned persons is part of theperiod.(8) “Initial determination” means the first child

custody determination concerning a particular child.(9) “Issuing court” means the court that makes a

child custody determination for which enforcement issought under this part.(10) “Issuing state” means the state in which a child

custody determination is made.(11) “Modification” means a child custody determina-

tion that changes, replaces, supersedes, or is otherwisemade after a previous determination concerning thesame child, regardless of whether it is made by the courtthat made the previous determination.(12) “Person” means an individual, corporation, busi-

ness trust, estate, trust, partnership, limited liabilitycompany, association, joint venture, or government;governmental subdivision, agency, instrumentality, orpublic corporation; or any other legal or commercialentity.(13) “Person acting as a parent” means a person,

other than a parent, who:(a) Has physical custody of the child or has had

physical custody for a period of 6 consecutive months,including any temporary absence, within 1 year im-mediately before the commencement of a child custodyproceeding; and(b) Has been awarded a child-custody determina-

tion by a court or claims a right to a child-custodydetermination under the laws of this state.(14) “Physical custody” means the physical care and

supervision of a child.

(15) “State” means a state of the United States, theDistrict of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the United StatesVirgin Islands, or any territory or insular possessionsubject to the jurisdiction of the United States.(16) “Tribe” means an Indian tribe, or band, or

Alaskan Native village that is recognized by federallaw or formally acknowledged by a state.(17) “Warrant” means an order issued by a court

authorizing law enforcement officers to take physicalcustody of a child.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.504 Proceedings governed by other law.—This part does not govern a proceeding pertaining to theauthorization of emergency medical care for a child.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.505 Application to Indian tribes.—(1) A child custody proceeding that pertains to an

Indian child, as defined in the Indian Child Welfare Act,25 U.S.C. ss. 1901 et seq., is not subject to this part tothe extent that it is governed by the Indian Child WelfareAct.(2) A court of this state shall treat a tribe as if it were

a state of the United States for purposes of applying ss.61.501-61.523.(3) A child custody determination made by a tribe

under factual circumstances in substantial conformitywith the jurisdictional standards of this part must berecognized and enforced under ss. 61.524-61.540.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.506 International application of part.—(1) A court of this state shall treat a foreign country

as if it were a state of the United States for purposes ofapplying ss. 61.501-61.523.(2) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3),

a child custody determination made in a foreign countryunder factual circumstances in substantial conformitywith the jurisdictional standards of this part must berecognized and enforced under ss. 61.524-61.540.(3) A court of this state need not apply this part if the

child custody law of a foreign country violates funda-mental principles of human rights.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.507 Effect of child custody determination.—A child custody determination made by a court of thisstate which had jurisdiction under this part binds allpersons who have been served in accordance with thelaws of this state or notified in accordance with s. 61.509or who have submitted to the jurisdiction of the court,and who have been given an opportunity to be heard. Asto those persons, the determination is conclusive as toall decided issues of law and fact except to the extentthe determination is modified.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.508 Priority.—If a question of existence orexercise of jurisdiction under this part is raised in achild custody proceeding, the question, upon request ofa party, must be given priority on the calendar andhandled expeditiously.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.




61.509 Notice to persons outside the state.—(1) Notice required for the exercise of jurisdiction

when a person is outside this state may be given in amanner prescribed by the laws of the state in which theservice is made. Notice must be given in a mannerreasonably calculated to give actual notice, but may bemade by publication if other means are not effective.(2) Proof of service may be made in the manner

prescribed by the laws of the state in which the service ismade.(3) Notice is not required for the exercise of

jurisdiction with respect to a person who submits tothe jurisdiction of the court.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.510 Appearance and limited immunity.—(1) A party to a child custody proceeding, including a

modification proceeding, or a petitioner or respondent ina proceeding to enforce or register a child custodydetermination, is not subject to personal jurisdiction inthis state for another proceeding or purpose solely byreason of having participated, or of having beenphysically present for the purpose of participating, inthe proceeding.(2) A person who is subject to personal jurisdiction

in this state on a basis other than physical presence isnot immune from service of process in this state. A partypresent in this state who is subject to the jurisdiction ofanother state is not immune from service of processallowable under the laws of that state.(3) The immunity granted by subsection (1) does

not extend to civil litigation based on an act unrelated tothe participation in a proceeding under this part whichwas committed by an individual while present in thisstate.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.511 Communication between courts.—(1) A court of this state may communicate with a

court in another state concerning a proceeding arisingunder this part.(2) The court shall allow the parties to participate in

the communication. If the parties elect to participate inthe communication, they must be given the opportunityto present facts and legal arguments before a decisionon jurisdiction is made.(3) Communication between courts on schedules,

calendars, court records, and similar matters may occurwithout informing the parties. A record need not bemade of the communication.(4) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3),

a record must be made of a communication under thissection. The parties must be informed promptly of thecommunication and granted access to the record.(5) For purposes of this section, the term “record”

means a form of information, including, but not limitedto, an electronic recording or transcription by a courtreporter which creates a verbatim memorialization ofany communication between two or more individuals orentities.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.512 Taking testimony in another state.—(1) In addition to other procedures available to a

party, a party to a child custody proceeding may offertestimony of witnesses who are located in another state,including testimony of the parties and the child, bydeposition or other means available in this state fortestimony taken in another state. The court on its ownmotion may order that the testimony of a person betaken in another state and may prescribe the manner inwhich and the terms upon which the testimony is taken.(2) Upon agreement of the parties, a court of this

state may permit an individual residing in another stateto be deposed or to testify by telephone, audiovisualmeans, or other electronic means before a designatedcourt or at another location in that state. A court of thisstate shall cooperate with courts of other states indesignating an appropriate location for the deposition ortestimony.(3) Documentary evidence transmitted from another

state to a court of this state by technological means thatdo not produce an original writing may not be excludedfrom evidence on an objection based on the means oftransmission.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.513 Cooperation between courts; preserva-tion of records.—(1) A court of this state may request the appropriate

court of another state to:(a) Hold an evidentiary hearing;(b) Order a person to produce or give evidence

pursuant to the laws of that state;(c) Order that an evaluation be made with respect to

the custody of a child involved in a pending proceedingpursuant to the laws of the state where the proceeding ispending;(d) Forward to the court of this state a certified copy

of the transcript of the record of the hearing, theevidence otherwise presented, and any evaluationprepared in compliance with the request; or(e) Order a party to a child custody proceeding or

any person having physical custody of the child toappear in the proceeding with or without the child.(2) Upon request of a court of another state, a court

of this state may hold a hearing or enter an orderdescribed in subsection (1).(3) Travel and other necessary and reasonable

expenses incurred under subsections (1) and (2) maybe assessed against the parties according to the laws ofthis state if the court has personal jurisdiction over theparty against whom these expenses are being as-sessed.(4) A court of this state shall preserve the pleadings,

orders, decrees, records of hearings, evaluations, andother pertinent records with respect to a child custodyproceeding until the child attains 18 years of age. Uponappropriate request by a court or law enforcementofficial of another state, the court shall forward acertified copy of these records.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.




61.514 Initial child custody jurisdiction.—(1) Except as otherwise provided in s. 61.517, a

court of this state has jurisdiction to make an initial childcustody determination only if:(a) This state is the home state of the child on the

date of the commencement of the proceeding, or wasthe home state of the child within 6 months before thecommencement of the proceeding and the child isabsent from this state but a parent or person actingas a parent continues to live in this state;(b) A court of another state does not have jurisdic-

tion under paragraph (a), or a court of the home state ofthe child has declined to exercise jurisdiction on thegrounds that this state is the more appropriate forumunder s. 61.520 or s. 61.521, and:1. The child and the child’s parents, or the child and

at least one parent or a person acting as a parent, havea significant connection with this state other than merephysical presence; and2. Substantial evidence is available in this state

concerning the child’s care, protection, training, andpersonal relationships;(c) All courts having jurisdiction under paragraph (a)

or paragraph (b) have declined to exercise jurisdictionon the grounds that a court of this state is the moreappropriate forum to determine the custody of the childunder s. 61.520 or s. 61.521; or(d) No court of any other state would have jurisdic-

tion under the criteria specified in paragraph (a),paragraph (b), or paragraph (c).(2) Subsection (1) is the exclusive jurisdictional

basis for making a child custody determination by acourt of this state.(3) Physical presence of, or personal jurisdiction

over, a party or a child is not necessary or sufficient tomake a child custody determination.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.515 Exclusive, continuing jurisdiction.—(1) Except as otherwise provided in s. 61.517, a

court of this state which has made a child custodydetermination consistent with s. 61.514 or s. 61.516 hasexclusive, continuing jurisdiction over the determinationuntil:(a) A court of this state determines that the child, the

child’s parents, and any person acting as a parent do nothave a significant connection with this state and thatsubstantial evidence is no longer available in this stateconcerning the child’s care, protection, training, andpersonal relationships; or(b) A court of this state or a court of another state

determines that the child, the child’s parent, and anyperson acting as a parent do not presently reside in thisstate.(2) A court of this state which has made a child

custody determination and does not have exclusive,continuing jurisdiction under this section may modifythat determination only if it has jurisdiction to make aninitial determination under s. 61.514.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.516 Jurisdiction to modify a determination.Except as otherwise provided in s. 61.517, a court of this

state may not modify a child custody determinationmade by a court of another state unless a court of thisstate has jurisdiction to make an initial determinationunder s. 61.514(1)(a) or (b) and:(1) The court of the other state determines it no

longer has exclusive, continuing jurisdiction under s.61.515 or that a court of this state would be a moreconvenient forum under s. 61.520; or(2) A court of this state or a court of the other state

determines that the child, the child’s parents, and anyperson acting as a parent do not presently reside in theother state.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.517 Temporary emergency jurisdiction.—(1) A court of this state has temporary emergency

jurisdiction if the child is present in this state and thechild has been abandoned or it is necessary in anemergency to protect the child because the child, or asibling or parent of the child, is subjected to orthreatened with mistreatment or abuse.(2) If there is no previous child custody determina-

tion that is entitled to be enforced under this part, and achild custody proceeding has not been commenced in acourt of a state having jurisdiction under ss. 61.514-61.516, a child custody determination made under thissection remains in effect until an order is obtained froma court of a state having jurisdiction under ss. 61.514-61.516. If a child custody proceeding has not been or isnot commenced in a court of a state having jurisdictionunder ss. 61.514-61.516, a child custody determinationmade under this section becomes a final determinationif it so provides and this state becomes the home stateof the child.(3) If there is a previous child custody determination

that is entitled to be enforced under this part, or a childcustody proceeding has been commenced in a court ofa state having jurisdiction under ss. 61.514-61.516, anyorder issued by a court of this state under this sectionmust specify in the order a period that the courtconsiders adequate to allow the person seeking anorder to obtain an order from the state having jurisdic-tion under ss. 61.514-61.516. The order issued in thisstate remains in effect until an order is obtained from theother state within the period specified or the periodexpires.(4) A court of this state which has been asked to

make a child custody determination under this section,upon being informed that a child custody proceedinghas been commenced in, or a child custody determina-tion has been made by, a court of a state havingjurisdiction under ss. 61.514-61.516, shall immediatelycommunicate with the other court. A court of this statewhich is exercising jurisdiction under ss. 61.514-61.516,upon being informed that a child custody proceedinghas been commenced in, or a child custody determina-tion has been made by, a court of another state under astatute similar to this section shall immediately com-municate with the court of that state to resolve theemergency, protect the safety of the parties and thechild, and determine a period for the duration of thetemporary order.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65; s. 7, ch. 2003-1.




61.518 Notice; opportunity to be heard; joinder.(1) Before a child custody determination is made

under this part, notice and an opportunity to be heard inaccordance with the standards of s. 61.509 must begiven to all persons entitled to notice under the laws ofthis state as in child custody proceedings betweenresidents of this state, any parent whose parental rightshave not been previously terminated, and any personacting as a parent.(2) This part does not govern the enforceability of a

child custody determination made without notice or anopportunity to be heard.(3) The obligation to join a party and the right to

intervene as a party in a child custody proceeding underthis part are governed by the laws of this state as in childcustody proceedings between residents of this state.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.519 Simultaneous proceedings.—(1) Except as otherwise provided in s. 61.517, a

court of this state may not exercise its jurisdiction underss. 61.514-61.524 if, at the time of the commencementof the proceeding, a proceeding concerning the custodyof the child had been commenced in a court of anotherstate having jurisdiction substantially in conformity withthis part, unless the proceeding has been terminated oris stayed by the court of the other state because a courtof this state is a more convenient forum under s. 61.520.(2) Except as otherwise provided in s. 61.517, a

court of this state, before hearing a child custodyproceeding, shall examine the court documents andother information supplied by the parties pursuant to s.61.522. If the court determines that a child custodyproceeding was previously commenced in a court inanother state having jurisdiction substantially in accor-dance with this part, the court of this state shall stay itsproceeding and communicate with the court of the otherstate. If the court of the state having jurisdictionsubstantially in accordance with this part does notdetermine that the court of this state is a moreappropriate forum, the court of this state shall dismissthe proceeding.(3) In a proceeding to modify a child custody

determination, a court of this state shall determinewhether a proceeding to enforce the determination hasbeen commenced in another state. If a proceeding toenforce a child custody determination has been com-menced in another state, the court may:(a) Stay the proceeding for modification pending the

entry of an order of a court of the other state enforcing,staying, denying, or dismissing the proceeding forenforcement;(b) Enjoin the parties from continuing with the

proceeding for enforcement; or(c) Proceed with the modification under conditions it

considers appropriate.History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.520 Inconvenient forum.—(1) A court of this state which has jurisdiction under

this part to make a child custody determination maydecline to exercise its jurisdiction at any time if itdetermines that it is an inconvenient forum under the

circumstances and that a court of another state is amore appropriate forum. The issue of inconvenientforum may be raised upon motion of a party, the court’sown motion, or request of another court.(2) Before determining whether it is an inconvenient

forum, a court of this state shall consider whether it isappropriate for a court of another state to exercisejurisdiction. For this purpose, the court shall allow theparties to submit information and shall consider allrelevant factors, including:(a) Whether domestic violence has occurred and is

likely to continue in the future and which state could bestprotect the parties and the child;(b) The length of time the child has resided outside

this state;(c) The distance between the court in this state and

the court in the state that would assume jurisdiction;(d) The relative financial circumstances of the

parties;(e) Any agreement of the parties as to which state

should assume jurisdiction;(f) The nature and location of the evidence required

to resolve the pending litigation, including testimony ofthe child;(g) The ability of the court of each state to decide the

issue expeditiously and the procedures necessary topresent the evidence; and(h) The familiarity of the court of each state with the

facts and issues in the pending litigation.(3) If a court of this state determines that it is an

inconvenient forum and that a court of another state is amore appropriate forum, it shall stay the proceedingsupon condition that a child custody proceeding bepromptly commenced in another designated state andmay impose any other condition the court considers justand proper.(4) A court of this state may decline to exercise its

jurisdiction under this part if a child custody determina-tion is incidental to an action for divorce or anotherproceeding while still retaining jurisdiction over thedivorce or other proceeding.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.521 Jurisdiction declined by reason of con-duct.—(1) Except as otherwise provided in s. 61.517 or by

other law of this state, if a court of this state hasjurisdiction under this part because a person seeking toinvoke its jurisdiction has engaged in unjustifiableconduct, the court shall decline to exercise its jurisdic-tion unless:(a) The parents and all persons acting as parents

have acquiesced in the exercise of jurisdiction;(b) A court of the state otherwise having jurisdiction

under ss. 61.514-61.516 determines that this state is amore appropriate forum under s. 61.520; or(c) No court of any other state would have jurisdic-

tion under the criteria specified in ss. 61.514-61.516.(2) If a court of this state declines to exercise its

jurisdiction under subsection (1), it may fashion anappropriate remedy to ensure the safety of the child andprevent a repetition of the unjustifiable conduct, includ-ing staying the proceeding until a child custody




proceeding is commenced in a court having jurisdictionunder ss. 61.514-61.516.(3) If a court dismisses a petition or stays a

proceeding because it declines to exercise its jurisdic-tion under subsection (1), it shall assess against theparty seeking to invoke its jurisdiction necessary andreasonable expenses, including costs, communicationexpenses, attorney’s fees, investigative fees, expensesfor witnesses, travel expenses, and expenses for childcare during the course of the proceedings, unless theparty from whom fees are sought establishes that theassessment would be clearly inappropriate. The courtmay not assess fees, costs, or expenses against thisstate unless authorized by law other than this part.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.522 Information to be submitted to the court.(1) Subject to Florida law providing for the con-

fidentiality of procedures, addresses, and other identify-ing information in a child custody proceeding, eachparty, in its first pleading or in an attached affidavit, shallgive information, if reasonably ascertainable, underoath as to the child’s present address or whereabouts,the places where the child has lived during the last 5years, and the names and present addresses of thepersons with whom the child has lived during thatperiod. The pleading or affidavit must state whether theparty:(a) Has participated, as a party or witness or in any

other capacity, in any other proceeding concerning thecustody of or visitation with the child and, if so, identifythe court, the case number, and the date of the childcustody determination, if any;(b) Knows of any proceeding that could affect the

current proceeding, including proceedings for enforce-ment and proceedings relating to domestic violence,protective orders, termination of parental rights, andadoptions and, if so, identify the court, the case number,and the nature of the proceeding; and(c) Knows the names and addresses of any person

not a party to the proceeding who has physical custodyof the child or claims rights of legal custody or physicalcustody of, or visitation with, the child and, if so, thenames and addresses of those persons.(2) If the information required by subsection (1) is

not furnished, the court, upon motion of a party or itsown motion, may stay the proceeding until the informa-tion is furnished.(3) If the declaration as to any of the items described

in paragraphs (1)(a)-(c) is in the affirmative, thedeclarant shall give additional information under oathas required by the court. The court may examine theparties under oath as to details of the informationfurnished and other matters pertinent to the court’sjurisdiction and the disposition of the case.(4) Each party has a continuing duty to inform the

court of any proceeding in this or any other state whichcould affect the current proceeding.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.523 Appearance of parties and child.—(1) In a child custody proceeding in this state, the

court may order a party to the proceeding who is in this

state to appear before the court in person with or withoutthe child. The court may order any person who is in thisstate and who has physical custody or control of thechild to appear in person with the child.(2) If a party to a child custody proceeding whose

presence is desired by the court is outside this state, thecourt may order that a notice given pursuant to s. 61.509include a statement directing the party to appear inperson with or without the child and informing the partythat failure to appear may result in a decision adverse tothe party.(3) The court may enter any orders necessary to

ensure the safety of the child and of any person orderedto appear under this section.(4) If a party to a child custody proceeding who is

outside this state is directed to appear under subsection(2) or desires to appear in person before the court withor without the child, the court may require another partyto pay reasonable and necessary travel and otherexpenses of the party so appearing and of the child.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.524 Definitions.—As used in ss. 61.524-61.540, the term:(1) “Petitioner” means a person who seeks enforce-

ment of an order for return of a child under the HagueConvention on the Civil Aspects of International ChildAbduction or enforcement of a child custody determina-tion.(2) “Respondent” means a person against whom a

proceeding has been commenced for enforcement of anorder for return of a child under the Hague Conventionon the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction orenforcement of a child custody determination.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.525 Enforcement under the Hague Conven-tion.—Under this part, a court of this state may enforcean order for the return of a child made under the HagueConvention on the Civil Aspects of International ChildAbduction as if it were a child custody determination.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.526 Duty to enforce.—(1) A court of this state shall recognize and enforce

a child custody determination of a court of another stateif the latter court exercised jurisdiction in substantialconformity with this part or the determination was madeunder factual circumstances meeting the jurisdictionalstandards of this part and the determination has notbeen modified in accordance with this part.(2) A court of this state may use any remedy

available under other laws of this state to enforce achild custody determination made by a court of anotherstate. The remedies provided by ss. 61.524-61.540 arecumulative and do not affect the availability of otherremedies to enforce a child custody determination.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.527 Temporary visitation.—(1) A court of this state which does not have

jurisdiction to modify a child custody determinationmay issue a temporary order enforcing:




(a) A visitation schedule made by a court of anotherstate; or(b) The visitation provisions of a child custody

determination of another state which does not providefor a specific visitation schedule.(2) If a court of this state makes an order under

paragraph (1)(b), it shall specify in the order a periodthat it considers adequate to allow the petitioner toobtain an order from a court having jurisdiction underthe criteria specified in ss. 61.514-61.523. The orderremains in effect until an order is obtained from the othercourt or the period expires.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.528 Registration of child custody determina-tion.—(1) A child custody determination issued by a court

of another state may be registered in this state, with orwithout a simultaneous request for enforcement, bysending to the circuit court of the county where thepetitioner or respondent resides or where a simulta-neous request for enforcement is sought:(a) A letter or other document requesting registra-

tion;(b) Two copies, including one certified copy, of the

determination sought to be registered and a statementunder penalty of perjury that, to the best of the knowl-edge and belief of the person seeking registration, theorder has not been modified; and(c) Except as otherwise provided in s. 61.522, the

name and address of the person seeking registrationand any parent or person acting as a parent who hasbeen awarded custody or visitation in the child custodydetermination sought to be registered.(2) On receipt of the documents required by sub-

section (1), the registering court shall:(a) Cause the determination to be filed as a foreign

judgment, together with one copy of any accompanyingdocuments and information, regardless of their form;and(b) Serve notice upon the persons named pursuant

to paragraph (1)(c) and provide them with an opportu-nity to contest the registration in accordance with thissection.(3) The notice required by paragraph (2)(b) must

state that:(a) A registered determination is enforceable as of

the date of the registration in the same manner as adetermination issued by a court of this state;(b) A hearing to contest the validity of the registered

determination must be requested within 20 days afterservice of notice; and(c) Failure to contest the registration will result in

confirmation of the child custody determination andpreclude further contest of that determination withrespect to any matter that could have been asserted.(4) A person seeking to contest the validity of a

registered order must request a hearing within 20 daysafter service of the notice. At that hearing, the court shallconfirm the registered order unless the person contest-ing registration establishes that:(a) The issuing court did not have jurisdiction under

ss. 61.514-61.523;

(b) The child custody determination sought to beregistered has been vacated, stayed, or modified by acourt having jurisdiction to do so under ss. 61.514-61.523; or(c) The person contesting registration was entitled

to notice, but notice was not given in accordance withthe standards of s. 61.509 in the proceedings before thecourt that issued the order for which registration issought.(5) If a timely request for a hearing to contest the

validity of the registration is not made, the registration isconfirmed as a matter of law and the person requestingregistration and all persons served must be notified ofthe confirmation.(6) Confirmation of a registered order, whether by

operation of law or after notice and hearing, precludesfurther contest of the order with respect to any matterthat could have been asserted at the time of registration.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.529 Enforcement of registered determina-tion.—(1) A court of this state may grant any relief normally

available under the laws of this state to enforce aregistered child custody determination made by a courtof another state.(2) A court of this state shall recognize and enforce

but may not modify, except in accordance with ss.61.514-61.523, a registered child custody determinationof another state.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.530 Simultaneous proceedings.—If a pro-ceeding for enforcement under ss. 61.524-61.540 iscommenced in a court of this state and the courtdetermines that a proceeding to modify the determina-tion is pending in a court of another state havingjurisdiction to modify the determination under ss.61.514-61.523, the enforcing court shall immediatelycommunicate with the modifying court. The proceedingfor enforcement continues unless the enforcing court,after consultation with the modifying court, stays ordismisses the proceeding.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.531 Expedited enforcement of child custodydetermination.—(1) A petition under ss. 61.524-61.540 must be

verified. Certified copies of all orders sought to beenforced and of any order confirming registration mustbe attached to the petition. A copy of a certified copy ofan order may be attached instead of the original.(2) A petition for enforcement of a child custody

determination must state:(a) Whether the court that issued the determination

identified the jurisdictional basis it relied upon inexercising jurisdiction and, if so, specify the basis;(b) Whether the determination for which enforce-

ment is sought has been vacated, stayed, or modified bya court whose decision must be enforced under this partand, if so, identify the court, the case number, and thenature of the proceeding;(c) Whether any proceeding has been commenced

that could affect the current proceeding, including




proceedings relating to domestic violence, protectiveorders, termination of parental rights, and adoptionsand, if so, identify the court, the case number, and thenature of the proceeding;(d) The present physical address of the child and

the respondent, if known;(e) Whether relief in addition to the immediate

physical custody of the child and attorney’s fees issought, including a request for assistance from lawenforcement officers and, if so, the relief sought; and(f) If the child custody determination has been

registered and confirmed under s. 61.528, the dateand place of registration.(3) Upon the filing of a petition, the court shall issue

an order directing the respondent to appear in personwith or without the child at a hearing and may enter anyorder necessary to ensure the safety of the parties andthe child. The hearing must be held on the next judicialday after service of the order unless that date isimpossible. In that event, the court shall hold the hearingon the first judicial day possible. The court may extendthe date of the hearing at the request of the petitioner.(4) An order issued under subsection (3) must state

the time and place of the hearing and advise therespondent that at the hearing the court will order thatthe petitioner may take immediate physical custody ofthe child and the payment of fees, costs, and expensesunder s. 61.535 and may schedule a hearing todetermine whether further relief is appropriate, unlessthe respondent appears and establishes that:(a) The child custody determination has not been

registered and confirmed under s. 61.528 and that:1. The issuing court did not have jurisdiction under

ss. 61.514-61.523;2. The child custody determination for which en-

forcement is sought has been vacated, stayed, ormodified by a court of a state having jurisdiction to doso under ss. 61.514-61.523; or3. The respondent was entitled to notice, but notice

was not given in accordance with the standards of s.61.509 in the proceedings before the court that issuedthe order for which enforcement is sought; or(b) The child custody determination for which en-

forcement is sought was registered and confirmedunder s. 61.528, but has been vacated, stayed, ormodified by a court of a state having jurisdiction to do sounder ss. 61.514-61.523.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.532 Service of petition and order.—Except asotherwise provided in s. 61.534, the petition and ordermust be served by any method authorized by the laws ofthis state upon the respondent and any person who hasphysical custody of the child.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.533 Hearing and order.—(1) Unless the court enters a temporary emergency

order under s. 61.517, upon a finding that a petitioner isentitled to immediate physical custody of the child, thecourt shall order that the petitioner may take immediatephysical custody of the child unless the respondentestablishes that:

(a) The child custody determination has not beenregistered and confirmed under s. 61.528 and that:1. The issuing court did not have jurisdiction under

ss. 61.514-61.523;2. The child custody determination for which en-

forcement is sought has been vacated, stayed, ormodified by a court of a state having jurisdiction to doso under ss. 61.514-61.523; or3. The respondent was entitled to notice, but notice

was not given in accordance with the standards of s.61.509 in the proceedings before the court that issuedthe order for which enforcement is sought; or(b) The child custody determination for which en-

forcement is sought was registered and confirmedunder s. 61.528, but has been vacated, stayed, ormodified by a court of a state having jurisdiction to do sounder ss. 61.514-61.523.(2) The court shall award the fees, costs, and

expenses authorized under s. 61.535 and may grantadditional relief, including a request for the assistance oflaw enforcement officers, and set a further hearing todetermine whether additional relief is appropriate.(3) If a party called to testify refuses to answer on

the ground that the testimony may be self-incriminating,the court may draw an adverse inference from therefusal.(4) A privilege against disclosure of communica-

tions between spouses and a defense of immunitybased on the relationship of husband and wife or parentand child may not be invoked in a proceeding under ss.61.524-61.540.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.534 Warrant to take physical custody ofchild.—(1) Upon the filing of a petition seeking enforcement

of a child custody determination, the petitioner may file averified application for the issuance of a warrant to takephysical custody of the child if the child is likely toimminently suffer serious physical harm or removal fromthis state.(2) If the court, upon the testimony of the petitioner

or other witness, finds that the child is likely toimminently suffer serious physical harm or removalfrom this state, it may issue a warrant to take physicalcustody of the child. The petition must be heard on thenext judicial day after the warrant is executed unlessthat date is impossible. In that event, the court shall holdthe hearing on the first judicial day possible. Theapplication for the warrant must include the statementsrequired by s. 61.531(2).(3) A warrant to take physical custody of a child

must:(a) Recite the facts upon which a conclusion of

imminent serious physical harm or removal from thejurisdiction is based;(b) Direct law enforcement officers to take physical

custody of the child immediately; and(c) Provide for the placement of the child pending

final relief.(4) The respondent must be served with the petition,

warrant, and order immediately after the child is takeninto physical custody.




(5) A warrant to take physical custody of a child isenforceable throughout this state. If the court finds onthe basis of the testimony of the petitioner or otherwitness that a less intrusive remedy is not effective, itmay authorize law enforcement officers to enter privateproperty to take physical custody of the child. If requiredby exigent circumstances of the case, the court mayauthorize law enforcement officers to make a forcibleentry at any hour.(6) The court may impose conditions upon place-

ment of a child to ensure the appearance of the childand the child’s custodian.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.535 Costs, fees, and expenses.—(1) So long as the court has personal jurisdiction

over the party against whom the expenses are beingassessed, the court shall award the prevailing party,including a state, necessary and reasonable expensesincurred by or on behalf of the party, including costs,communication expenses, attorney’s fees, investigativefees, expenses for witnesses, travel expenses, andexpenses for child care during the course of theproceedings, unless the party from whom fees orexpenses are sought establishes that the awardwould be clearly inappropriate.(2) The court may not assess fees, costs, or

expenses against a state unless authorized by lawother than this part.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.536 Recognition and enforcement.—A courtof this state shall accord full faith and credit to an orderissued by another state and consistent with this partwhich enforces a child custody determination by a courtof another state unless the order has been vacated,stayed, or modified by a court having jurisdiction to doso under ss. 61.514-61.523.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.537 Appeals.—An appeal may be taken from afinal order in a proceeding under ss. 61.524-61.540 inaccordance with expedited appellate procedures inother civil cases. Unless the court enters a temporaryemergency order under s. 61.517, the enforcing courtmay not stay an order enforcing a child custodydetermination pending appeal.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.538 Role of state attorney.—(1) In a case arising under this part or involving the

Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of InternationalChild Abduction, the state attorney may take any lawfulaction, including resort to a proceeding under ss.61.524-61.540 or any other available civil proceeding,to locate a child, obtain the return of a child, or enforce achild custody determination, if there is:(a) An existing child custody determination;(b) A request to do so from a court in a pending child

custody proceeding;(c) A reasonable belief that a criminal statute has

been violated; or(d) A reasonable belief that the child has been

wrongfully removed or retained in violation of the HagueConvention on the Civil Aspects of International ChildAbduction.(2) A state attorney acting under this section acts on

behalf of the court and may not represent any party.History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.539 Role of law enforcement officers.—At therequest of a state attorney acting under s. 61.538, a lawenforcement officer may take any lawful action reason-ably necessary to locate a child or a party and assist astate attorney with responsibilities under s. 61.538.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.540 Costs and expenses.—The court mayassess against the nonprevailing party all direct ex-penses and costs incurred by the state attorney and lawenforcement officers under s. 61.538 or s. 61.539 solong as the court has personal jurisdiction over thenonprevailing party.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.541 Application and construction.—In apply-ing and construing this part, consideration must begiven to the need to promote uniformity of the law withrespect to its subject matter among states that enact it.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.

61.542 Transitional provision.—A motion or otherrequest for relief made in a child custody proceeding orto enforce a child custody determination that wascommenced before the effective date of this part isgoverned by the law in effect at the time the motion orother request was made.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2002-65.