Fs 1 part 3 ( classroom management )

JMJ Marist Brothers Notre Dame of Dadiangas University Marist Avenue, General Santos City Classroom Management and Learning Submitted to: Submitted by:



Transcript of Fs 1 part 3 ( classroom management )

Page 1: Fs 1 part 3 ( classroom management )

JMJMarist Brothers

Notre Dame of Dadiangas UniversityMarist Avenue, General Santos City

Classroom Management and Learning

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Classroom Management Checklist

Page 2: Fs 1 part 3 ( classroom management )

Observer: Date:


Classroom/ Teacher:


The management in the classroom was properly

executed and there nothing to worry. The rules and

regulations should be posted in the classroom witch

is visible to everyone and clearly stated.

Page 3: Fs 1 part 3 ( classroom management )

A. Physical Setting -The physical classroom setting is organized in a manner that promotes learning and independence, as evidence by:

Yes No Unclear

A1.Are the walls, floors, and furniture

clean and in good repair? √

A2.Is the furniture adjusted to the proper size for the students? √

A3.Are rules, routines, and

procedures posted in a manner that is easy to see?


Are rules, routines, and procedures posted in a manner that all could read or understand


A5.Are unnecessary and distracting

items removed from view and reach?

A6.Are all materials organized and

easily accessible? √

A7.Do students have secure and adequate spaces for personal


A8.Has furniture been placed to

decrease traffic flow challenges? √

A9.Do instructional areas of the classroom have clear, visual

boundaries for students?√

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B. Scheduling-The scheduling of instruction occurs in a manner that optimizes student learning, as evidenced by:

Yes No Unclear

B1.Is the daily schedule of activities posted and reviewed regularly? √

B2.Are transitions and non-instructional activities posted and regularly reviewed?

B3.Is there a method for posting changes to the schedule? √


Does the daily schedule provide each student with regular time periods for independent work, one-to-one instruction, small and large group activities, socialization, and free time?


Does each student spend most of his/her time engaged in active learning activities, with little or no unstructured downtime?

B6.Are students given opportunities to demonstrate or learn new choice making skills?

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C. INSTRUCTIONAL PLANNING AND DELIVERY-Teaching activities are planned and implemented in ways that optimize student learning, as evidenced by:

Yes No Unclear

C1.Are lesson objectives developed based on students’ functioning levels? √

C2.Are assignments relevant and meaningful to students? √


Are materials that students will be expected to use independently selected based on the students’ academic achievement levels (reading and math)?

C4. Are timelines adequate for the tasks planned? √

C5. Are task directions clear and brief? √C6.

Are oral directions paired with pictures, icons, or written words that students can read? √

C7.Is the pace of the instruction appropriate for the needs of all students? √

C8.Are non-punitive provisions made for students who need more time? √

C9.Are student checks for understanding conducted frequently? √

C10.Is specific academic praise provided during guided practice? √

C11.Is corrective feedback provided promptly and positively during guided practice? √

C12.Is specific academic praise provided during independent practice? √

C13.Is the goal of social acceptance by peers emphasized? √

C14.Is there an emphasis on the development of the autonomy, individual responsibility and interdependence of all students?

C15.Are there mechanics for regular (at least weekly) communication between the teacher and family?

C16.Are skills taught in the settings and situations in which they are naturally needed? √

C17.Are friendships between students with and without disabilities promoted? √


Are classroom assistants actively involved with students in a manner that promotes their independence, learning and interaction with peers?

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D.CLASSROOM DISCIPLINE PLAN-Plan demonstrates responsiveness to problem behaviors, as evidenced by:

Yes No Unclear

D1. Are classroom rules positively stated? √

D2.Is the number of rules limited to no more than 5? √

D3.Are the rules worded in observable and measurable terms? √

D4.Are the rules posted on a chart that is large enough for all to see? √

D5.Are the rules written in words that all can read and /or illustrated with graphics or icons?

D6.What are the criteria used for earning rein forcers? √

D7.Is specific behavioral praise provided at a rate of 4 positives to every 1 corrective statement?

D8.Are rein forcers (verbal, nonverbal, items, activities) available to all that earn them?

D9.Are rein forcers varied and individualized? √

D10.Is data on student performance

displayed prominently? √

D11.Are reinforcement opportunities

posted? √

D12.Are the consequences for rule violation

sequential? √

D13.Are the consequences preplanned and

posted? √

D14.Are the consequences for rule violation

explained and reviewed regularly? √

D15.Are the consequences delivered in a

calm, matter-of-fact manner? √

D16.Are the students reminded of their choices in a calm, positive manner

prior to escalation in behavior?√

D17.Are consequences delivered

consistently and in a timely manner? √

Page 7: Fs 1 part 3 ( classroom management )

List of Activities

Class Opening Prayer

Before the class starts it started with a prayer. All are expected to participate in the prayer.


The children are all singing the schools hymn “The NDDU Hymn”

Morning Exercise

In the morning the children’s are having their exercise inside the classroom. They dance and sing together with the music being played by the teacher.

Singing Activity

The children enjoy singing before the class starts because this was the time that the child has more energy of the day.

Checking of Nails

The children are one-by-one inspected their finger nails by the teacher in order to keep them clean most specially during meal time.

Singing for Exercise

And again they sing again, they have a lot of songs singing in every meeting or class.

English Subject

Tracing letters Coloring objects

Math Subject

Familiarizing shapes Coloring the shapes Tracing the shapes

Filipino Subject

Singing Filipino songs Identifying shapes inFilipino Language Identifying colors in Filipino Language

Recess Time

Prayer for the food Washing hands Preparing their food Assisting the child to eat their foods Pupils are cleaning there area (throwing their garbage’s) Closing prayer for the food

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Classroom Management Affects Learning

When the class is going on some of the pupils are not listening to the teacher because of the noise. The teacher tries to get back the attention of the students and later on she conduct an activity which is shaking hands and hands forwarding so that the students would no fall asleep. The attention goes back to the teacher.

Almost one hour passed and one student starts distracting his classmates by hitting them anything he carries. And most of his classmates are no more paying attention to the teacher so the teacher gives consequence to that boy by sitting beside the teacher for the entire subject. So the boy was quiet and shy of his classmates.

After a few minutes writing activity started one girl started to talk and talk with her classmates and later on the whole of their row was so noisy and forgot their task to write their task given by the teacher. Later on the teacher found out that they are already in one table gathered and something like having a forum or meeting. So they were called by the teacher and they scattered and go back to their chairs and still laughing. The teacher did was she check the books and those girls are late finish their work.

During the math subject one boy keeps on roaming around and getting his classmates attention by hitting them and getting them hurt. The teacher was angry and she called the attention of that boy and she give command to the boy to ask forgiveness by saying sorry.

If there is no classroom management in the class there is no learning will happen anymore. The students were all distracted to their environment especially their peers and friend, and classmates. Classroom management is really important and has a big contribution on child’s learning progress. Classroom management serves as the main tool in educating the and motivating the students in the classroom.

The students are easily to motivate and guide. Students could easily get the instructions and well disciplined. A student who knows to follow the rules is the one who learns a lot. Without classroom management is very difficult to educate the students and have their sympathy in the class and respect to the teacher.

As a teacher it it’s very difficult to manage your students especially when they are not prepared for school activities. Especially those 4 years old and below they are too young to be at school. Even though there is some children at early age can adjust the new environment but they are only few. Some students who are being told by teacher to stop doing bad things or to avoid but still they would repeat it. Maybe it is because they did not understand why it is bad. I just can’t imagine how our teacher survived from this repeated situations. Even it is difficult to manage students but still they could get an idea or the lessons being discuss by the teacher. One of the students in this school and level named Ringo he was lazy boy in terms on any activity in the class but I was so shock when her mother shared that he is very jolly at home singing those songs that he doesn’t like to sing at school. This means that even though the child is not very active in class he could still learned and by his own understanding and the way he absorbs the lessons. And even though the teacher sometimes could not manage in an appropriate time, the student will also learn something, but it depends on the child if he is easily to be distracted.

The learning’s of the child is very affected when there is really no classroom management. Some students want to learn something new from the teacher but they can’t because there is a distraction from those students who doesn’t want to learn and just want to play.

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Guide Questions:

I. What are the components of your check list for classroom management? Are these components evident in the observed class?

Classroom rules and regulations Consequences Proper manner

This is evident in class I’ve observed. In the class the students are well disciplined by their teacher. All students are memorize their rules and the consequences if they a bad things. If he/she committed a bad things to their classmates, he/she immediately apologies and say sorry wholeheartedly. Also, all students are well mannered each one of them has a respect to each other. Students who can see their teachers, classmates, friends and even us their young teachers they say and greet “Hello, Hi, Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Goodbye” even these simple words when it comes from these children you would say that they are well educated and “successful”.

II. Are there components which are not evident or needs improvement? What are these? What are your suggestions on improving these?

Rules, routines, and procedures are not posted in a manner that all could read or understand. The daily schedule of activities is not posted. The rules not written in words that all can read and /or illustrated with graphics or icons

It is very important to post the rules, routines, and procedures so that the parents should know and be inform. The teacher should provide and post the Rules and regulations in the classroom. Also the daily schedule of activities should be posted. All of this should be post in the classroom bulletin board clearly and easy to understand with the terms that is easy to understand.

III. What are the resources necessary in creating an atmosphere conductive for learning? How do these resources affect learner’s performance?

The classroom, School supplies, Man power (Teacher), Students, and Building for classroom which is quiet and peaceful.

With the complete resources for educating the students education is not optional. The children could easily learn because of these resources. Ball pen and pencil for writing, colors for coloring, books for reading, classroom for a comfortable and less distractive environment, and Teacher who will guide the students for a better future.

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IV. How do teachers demonstrated the following components of classroom management:

Setting up rules Devising consequences when rules are violated Appreciating students when they are being good Being consistent in disciplining students/ in their approaches

Setting up rules, the teacher recited the rules as the students follow after the teacher. Every day they recited the rules so that the students would familiarize and memorize.

Devising consequences when rules are violated, the teacher immediately corrects the mistakes of her students. On every child has mistaken the teacher repeats recite the rules and regulation in order to remind everybody.

Appreciating students when they are being good, the teacher shows her appreciation to the students being good in the class through giving a reward with giving them a “star”. Stamping the students hand with stars as their good performance in the class.

Being consistent in disciplining students/ in their approaches, the teacher shows the manner of being patient and calm. The teacher approaches her students in a nice way no matter how big is the mistake being committed by her student. So that the students would not be harass and disappointed to their teacher and especially they would still give trust to their teacher.

V. What are significant learning have you achieved from this activity? How will this insight be to help to you in the future?

I’ve learn a lot from this activity most specially is that how to be a good teacher and parent to my students. That being a teacher is not only to educate your students but you need to sacrifice and love them as your own sons and daughters. We as a teacher have a big contribution on their future. “If the student’sfield’s to learn, it’s not their failure, it is our failure as their educator”. Teaching is not all about job but it’s all about love, love to your students that would mark them that learning is happy living and not serious studying.

This is very helpful for me as a future teacher to know all of my responsibilities as a teacher. This helped me to prepare myself for my future life as a teacher. In order for me to experience in advance the environment that I would be in the future. It helps me to adjust as early so that I won’t be too hard for me to adopt the future environment. As an experience on how to handle my own class in the future. To know how to handle the kinds of child with special needs.




