Fruits “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away”. Think and respond: Why do you think they say...

Fruits “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away”

Transcript of Fruits “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away”. Think and respond: Why do you think they say...


“An apple a day, keeps the doctor away”

Think and respond:

Why do you think they say that, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”?

Groups of fruits:

Pomes - Smooth skin and an enlarged fleshy area that surrounds the core.

Name 2.

Apples and pears.

Drupes - Contain a single seed, stone or pit, surrounded by juicy flesh.

Name 2.

peach, cherry, plum, nectarines, apricot

Berries - Fragile cell structure; pulpy and juicy; tiny seeds embedded in flesh.

Name 2.

blackberries, cranberries, strawberries, grapes

Melons – Large fruits with thick rinds. Hard outer surface that is smooth or netted; many seeds and juicy flesh.

Name 2.

cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon, casaba, crenshaw, muskmelon

Citrus Fruits - Grow in warm regions; firm rind and pulpy flesh.

Name 2.

oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, lemons, limes, kumquats, citrons, tangelos, and ugli fruit

Tropical Fruits - grow in very warm climates; differ in skin composition and seed characteristics.

Name 2.

bananas, pineapple, avocados, dates, kiwis, figs, mangos, pomegranates, and papayas

Forms of fruit:

Fresh fruit Canned fruit Frozen fruit Dried fruit

Guidelines for selecting fruit:

Buy fruits that are. . . Firm to the touch The right color Well shaped Heavy for their size Aromatic In good condition

Avoid fruits that are. . . Too soft Too hard Green or under ripe Damaged Bruised Decayed Mildewed Discolored

Nutrient Contributions:

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - found in citrus fruits. Prevents scurvy.

bones become fragile and break easily if body is lacking.

collagen, the cement like material that holds cells together. gums become soft and can bleed easily. walls of blood vessels and muscle cells become

weak, less elastic, and frequently rupture, causing small pinpoint hemorrhages.

wounds and broken bones do not heal properly.

vitamin A - found in fruits that are yellow to red in color Contains carotene. Prevents night blindness.

Found in melons, pineapples, apricots, peaches.

vitamin B - not as abundant as in other foods

Teens need 1 1/2 c. – 2 ½ c. of fruit per day. They are high in vitamins and low in fat.


iron - for red blood. found in oranges, strawberries, and



Sugar and cellulose are carbohydrates found in fruits.

They supply the body with energy. The skin and pulp contains cellulose which

the body cannot digest which serves as a natural laxative to help maintain body regularity.

Protein and Fat:

Fruits contain very little protein and fat.

Buying Fruits: in season - cost less, available, flavor better Buy fruits in season – They cost less, they

are readily available and have better flavor.