Frugal living


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Page 1: Frugal living

Natural Remedies for Nosebleeds: Cayenne Pepper isn’t Just for Spicy Cooking

Believe it or not, cayenne pepper is a pain-free way to treat nosebleeds and it has been used throughout history as a way to help blood clot. What’s great about these natural remedies for nose bleeds is that they’re totally conducive to frugal living; I bet you’ve got some cayenne pepper in your pantry right now!

The next time you or a loved one gets a nosebleed, simply pinch the nostrils together for 3 to 5 minutes while keeping the head upright. Then, moisten a Q-tip and sprinkle on some cayenne. Use the Q-tip to dab the cayenne pepper inside the nose, applying it directly to the source of the bleeding or as close to it as possible.

Remember cayenne’s natural blod-clotting abilities not just when there’s a nosebleed but whenever you need to stop bleeding from any source.

Unless you have a finished basement that you use on a daily basis, you can often forget to implement some of the important steps that will allow you to save power.

For instance, throughout the winter months, when you’re furnace is working to heat the house, remember to close the air supply registers in the basement unless it’s a space that you’re using regularly. If you are only in the basement periodically, leave the registers closed most of the time and open them when you need the extra heat.

Some believe that because warm air rises, leaving the registers open in the basement will only mean that the warm air will move up through the rest of the house. The problem is that basements aren’t always that well insulated and more of your warm air will seep out rather than move up throughout the rest of the house.

If you’re serious about frugal living, you will want to save any amount of heat and power that you can.