Front cover analysis

Masthead/Logo-the colour red stands out to the audience, even though it is covered by the main image, this shows that the magazine is very well known – they don’t need the full logo appearing to be big (XXL) and recognised. Quote from Waka Flocka Flame showing how popular he is recently, this reinforces why he is on the front cover as he is very well-known, this makes the audience who recognises him want to read more to find out the whole story on him. The names of all the other artists who are similar to Waka, which appeal to the same audience as the ones who would enjoy reading about him, this entices them more to pick up the magazine and buy it. Question posed to the readers about how hip- hop has changed and lost its message, this question could be in the readers' minds and makes them want to read more as they want to see a broader discussion on the topic. The main stories and logo (the most important parts) are in colour which draws attention to them. These are the first things people will notice first The main image is of Waka Flocka Flame, which is the featured article in this magazine. He is also pointing at the quote of his interview to

Transcript of Front cover analysis

Page 1: Front cover analysis

Masthead/Logo-the colour red stands out to the audience, even though it is covered by the main image, this shows that the magazine is very well known – they don’t need the full logo appearing to be big (XXL) and recognised.

Quote from Waka Flocka Flame showing how popular he is recently, this reinforces why he is on the front cover as he is very well-known, this makes the audience who recognises him want to read more to find out the whole story on him.

The names of all the other artists who are similar to Waka, which appeal to the same audience as the ones who would enjoy reading about him, this entices them more to pick up the magazine and buy it.

Question posed to the readers about how hip-hop has changed and lost its message, this question could be in the readers' minds and makes them want to read more as they want to see a broader discussion on the topic.

The main stories and logo (the most important parts) are in colour which draws attention to them. These are the first things people will notice first which is why they are in colour.

The main image is of Waka Flocka Flame, which is the featured article in this magazine. He is also pointing at the quote of his interview to divert attention to it when he is one of the first things readers see.

Page 2: Front cover analysis

Masthead is well known, enough that it can be covered up by the main image of Wiz Khalifa and still be recognised by readers.

Typography in red stands out against white background attract reader’s attention to the main stories, this links to the masthead of the magazine which is a similar colour.

List of other artists, stories and people featuring in the magazine so that if the audience recognise these people along with Wiz Khalifa, they are more likely to purchase the magazine to read about them too.

Main story linking to the main image of Wiz Khalifa, any fans of him will be persuaded to buy the magazine in order to find out what is written about him and what he speaks about within the magazine.

Layout of front cover: all copy and sub-headings are on the right side of the cover as this is, statistically, the first side that people look at when looking at something, making the reader comfortable at first site of the magazine.

‘Special’ edition magazine used as a persuasive technique to make more people want to buy it .

Mellow colours of Wiz’s appearance (brown coat, gold chain, blonde highlight, tattoos) make the image easy on the audience’s eyes. He relies on his facial expression to draw people in.Simplicity of the front cover design (few red words that stick out) doesn’t reveal everything at first glance and relies on its prior popularity to gain readers of the magazine.

Page 3: Front cover analysis

Masthead in bright red and at the top of the front cover. Readers immediately see “The Source”. Even though the main image is slightly covering it, it is seen as well-known as people will still recognise it, regardless.Tagline to give an idea of what style of music the magazine is for.

Main story linking with the main image, people who know Travis Barker will be enticed to read the magazine to find out what is inside about him.Main image is in focus while background is blurred, this draws attention to Travis Barker while making the whole picture compliment itself as the blurred green object in the background outlines his head.

Pictures to show who else is in the magazine, they are in the same order as the names on top of the magazine.

Names to go with the pictures at the bottom of who else is featuring in the magazine so that fans of these artists will want to read about them along with the main story.

Even more extras, stories and features throughout the magazine, alternating colours separate the stories and make them stand out as they are the same colour as the masthead.

Use of a double edition cover “2 of 2” so reader’s will want to read the other one as well to gather all the information that they missed out on in this one.

Layout of the magazine : not too crowded, small pieces of information and sneak peeks of the inside are on the right side and the top of the page while the main story is on the left to stand out, this doesn’t give too much away and makes the reader want to find out more.

Page 4: Front cover analysis

The masthead of magazine is big, bright and simple. The yellow colour amongst the dark background stands out and has been repeated numerous times around the front cover. The magazine is recognised enough that even though it has been covered, people still realise what magazine it is.

Other artists who are mentioned in the magazine at the top of the cover, following the colour scheme and using the yellow to stand out.The main image is of the three people that the main story is about, they block the masthead and take up the most space on the page to grab attention.

The name of what the main story’s article is coloured in white and yellow to stand out over the dark background with the artists in the main image’s names underneath in black against a yellow background; similar to how the main image is in front of the yellow masthead. ‘Black and yellow’ is also the name of a Wiz Khalifa song; fans of him will make the connection and will want to buy it.

Secondary stories are shown using sneak-peek titles that are ‘short and sweet’ as to not give too much information away e.g. reader’s will want to find out what “the big butt theory” is and will purchase the magazine to read it.

Barcode which readers can scan with their smartphones increases the size of the target audience that the magazine is appealing to.

Page 5: Front cover analysis

The masthead is yellow with faded green which stands out, even against the background which is a light colour as well, the blue, green and yellow create an electric feel and excites the reader further after seeing who the magazine is about.

The quote “the band who changed my life” will attract audience’s attention as it is bright coloured, on the top of the cover and is also a grand statement, enticing them to read on to find out who changed this person’s life.

The main image covers up the masthead, however, it is a well recognised magazine and will be recognised even though it is slightly obstructed. This has the effect of drawing more attention to Blink 182 who the main story of the magazine is about.

The main story and band name “Blink-182” is being held in a band member’s hand, this reflects how famous the band are and provides a link between the editing and the photography.

The cracks in the cover have been used to add a further feel of excitement to the readers and connotes the band “breaking out” of the page.

Side stories are positioned out of the way of the main image in order for it to occupy as much space and attention on the page as possible.

Other artists in the magazine are shown so that if readers like the bands, they can read about them too.

Quote from what Blink-182 have said is on the front to give readers a sneak peek of what is inside, some key words have been highlighted in yellow to stand out as this is the same colour as the masthead.