Front cover analysis 1+2

Joey Essex features in the top left corner so is the first thing the audience will see. By featuring a reality star like Joey Essex in the corner shows how pop magazines are mainly gossip rather than music based. This is a common feature of pop magazines. The sell-line refers to his ‘big problem’. This makes the The STRAPLINE is, ‘Gossip. Fashion. Boys. Uncensored!’ this gives the TA an insight into what the magazine will feature – it is, quite basically, all their key interests. It will make them want to buy it as everything they want will definitely feature. The use of the word ‘uncensored’ will draw in In the usual ‘We Love Pop’ style, the main image which dominates the frame is positioned more to the right. This allows the image to fill the frame but makes the sell-lines easier to read. It prevents the masthead from covering the artist’s handsome/pretty face. With four members of Union J featured and crouching down, it really helps to make the frame seem jam-packed and as though this issue is loaded with content. Each of the artists is making direct address with the camera and they are The use of the puff ‘Pop Wars’ would entice the audience to buy the magazine and find out the latest gossip on the 1D vs. The Wanted rivalry. This is appropriate as the readership is The puff is in a bright yellow colour which will grab the audience’s attention. They would see that their favourite artists are The main sell line is presented in the signature ‘We Love Pop’ font, with the ‘O’ filled in. This cements the mag’s brand identity. The use of the word ‘OK’ at the end of the sell-line is an example of pop mode of address. This would appeal to the TA as it is a phrase they would use. ‘Rule OK’ is a well known colloquialism that helps to keep the mood casual and friendly. This main sell-line follows the By featuring fashion tips on the cover will grab the audience’s attention. This is because the TA would be interested in fashion tips and the ‘hot buys’ they want to be on trend. The fashion items themselves are presented visually as feature article photographs, which will draw the audience in even more as they will spot items they like. The appeal is likely to be a fan of wither B f T

Transcript of Front cover analysis 1+2

Page 1: Front cover analysis 1+2

Joey Essex features in the top left corner so is the first thing the audience will see. By featuring a reality star like Joey Essex in the corner shows how pop magazines are mainly gossip rather than music based. This is a common feature of pop magazines. The sell-line refers to his ‘big problem’. This makes the audience intrigued to find out what the problem is and and they will read on.

The STRAPLINE is, ‘Gossip. Fashion. Boys. Uncensored!’ this gives the TA an insight into what the magazine will feature – it is, quite basically, all their key interests. It will make them want to buy it as everything they want will definitely feature. The use of the word ‘uncensored’ will draw in the audience as it sounds exciting so will make them want to buy the magazine. It also suggests that nothing will be

In the usual ‘We Love Pop’ style, the main image which dominates the frame is positioned more to the right. This allows the image to fill the frame but makes the sell-lines easier to read. It prevents the masthead from covering the artist’s handsome/pretty face. With four members of Union J featured and crouching down, it really helps to make the frame seem jam-packed and as though this issue is loaded with content. Each of the artists is making direct address with the camera and they are all smiling. This is a common feature of pop magazines as it represents the fun, happy and upbeat feel of pop. The boys costume is very up to date with the fashion trends; wearing dark blue colours and lots of denim. This will draw

The use of the puff ‘Pop Wars’ would entice the audience to buy the magazine and find out the latest gossip on the 1D vs. The Wanted rivalry. This is appropriate as the readership is likely to be a fan of wither or both of these bands. They

The puff is in a bright yellow colour which will grab the audience’s attention. They would see that their favourite artists are featuring and instantly want to buy the mag.

The main sell line is presented in the signature ‘We Love Pop’ font, with the ‘O’ filled in. This cements the mag’s brand identity. The use of the word ‘OK’ at the end of the sell-line is an example of pop mode of address. This would appeal to the TA as it is a phrase they would use. ‘Rule OK’ is a well known colloquialism that helps to keep the mood casual and friendly. This main sell-line follows the conventions of music magazines, as it features the name of the artist featured in the main image. All main sell-lines do this.

By featuring fashion tips on the cover will grab the audience’s attention. This is because the TA would be interested in fashion tips and th ‘hot buys’ they want to be on trend. The fashion items themselves are presented visually as feature article photographs, which will draw the audience in even more as they will spot items they like. The appeal is added to even more by the fact that they are presented as summer items and with a great use of mode of address that will make the audience see the items as fun and that will

may have even had ‘wars’ with their friends




Page 2: Front cover analysis 1+2

Feature article photographs are used to advertise artists in the mag. In ‘We Love Pop’ they feature in the same place usually in groups of 3. This, again, helps maintain the brand identity. This would also attract the audience as they would appeal more to visuals and see their favourite artists and want to buy the magazine. The images advertising the posters will draw in the audience, as they would want them to stick up on their bedroom wall. Overall, the use of feature article photographs makes the front cover appear more youthful and fun. It is interesting that almost all the images feature male artists, which

The masthead is in the same place in each issue. It looks the same, except the colour varies from issue to issue. For example in this issue it is pink, which is the main colour of this issue whereas in The Saturdays issue the main colour is peach. By keeping the masthead the same each issue, it maintains brand identity and makes it instantly recognisable to the TA. The masthead is designed to look like a speech bubble, creating a fun, youthful feel. It also indicates that the magazine is passing on gossip, as one person would to another in conversation. At the same time, the speech bubble looks like the ones that you would find in a text message on a modern smart phone. This links to the way in which the audience uses

The main strapline is ‘Don’t Bore us, Get To the Chorus.’ This will draw in the target audience as it informs the audience that no ‘boring’ content will feature in the magazine. By making the strapline that rhymes, it makes it more effective and more memorable to the target audience. It maintains the brand identity and symbiotic link between each issue as it constantly features. It instantly tells the audience that the magazine is fun and bubbly

This particular issue of We Love Pop uses a Pink, White and Black Colour scheme. The main colour scheme varies from issue to issue to make each issue unique, but usually uses one of We Love Pop’s signature colours; pink and blue. By using black and white font on a pink background colour makes the sell-lines stand out and catch the audiences eye as these three colours contrast each other. This makes the overall look of the magazine more visually appealing and eye catching. It also makes the sell-lines bold, clear

This front cover features We Love Pop’s signature font multiple times throughout the issue. This allows the audience to instantly recognise it as We Love Pop magazine. It also helps to emphasise the magazines Brand Identity. The font is unique, fun and easy to read which makes the mag visually appealing

Page 3: Front cover analysis 1+2

The use of a puff advertising a 1D ‘pull out’ would catch the audience’s attention. The idea of a full 12-pages on 1D will really appeal to the audience who is likely to be a fan. By putting 1D in a larger font would make the audience instantly see it and would recognise that it is One Direction who features. The turquoise colour grabs attention against the peach colour of the masthead, while the position in the top left corner of the frame will ensure that it grabs the audience’s attention; this is where the Western eye goes first. Effective use of mode of address with Informal slang (‘spesh’) adds to the appeal making

The masthead is in the same place in each issue. It looks the same, except the colour varies from issue to issue. This maintains brand identity. The font used in the masthead is unique and easy to read. This allows the masthead to be instantly recognisable to the TA.Feature article photographs are used to advertise artists in the mag. This would attract the audience as they would see their favourite artists and want to buy the magazine. These photographs usually consist of an artist pulling a funny face. This emphasises the idea of the magazine being fun and bubbly. For example, in the image of Justin Bieber, he is pulling a stupid face. This will attract the TA as they see they see Justin pulling a funny face and will make them laugh. It also informs them that the article won’t be serious The puff is in a bright peach colour to grab attention.

The shape of the puff also makes it stand out, as it is fun and funky, just like the magazine. It provides information that would entice the readership, as they would want to make sure they know the hot trends. The puff holds actual images of the fun, colourful trainers referred to, making the front cover more visual and bright and helping to draw the audience in and make them want to see more. The words ‘Go On! Treat Your Feet’ are effective, as they are catchy, but also persuausive. The audience is gently encouraged to have want and get these trainers, making her more likely to buy this magazine to find out about ‘top’ ones

The use of the word ‘uncensored’ on the masthead in a different colour makes it stand out to the audience. This would entice the audience to buy the magazine as they want to see uncensored images of their celeb crush. Again the word is so effective, as it makes the TA feel that this magazine will hold nothing back, but reveal everything. This could help them choose this magazine over all other pop ones as it insinuates that the magazine has the freshest and most up-to-date

The colours used are bright and bold, with turquoise and peach featuring as the key colours, which reflects the fun brand identity of the magazine, the light and bubbly persona of pop and the lively, animated personality of the TA. It also reflects the gender of the Target Audience. It is clear that the magazine is aimed at females. The colours used also compliment the costume worn by the Saturdays

Page 4: Front cover analysis 1+2

The main image dominates the frame. It is positioned more to the right which is a common feature of ‘We Love Pop’ Front covers. This allows the sell-lines to be clear and easy to read. The chaotic feel of the image relates to the main-feature article, which is about the dramas of The Saturdays American Tour. By featuring The Saturdays with make-up over their faced all smudged, presents the message to the audience that nobody is perfect. It also fits in with the main sell-line of a’soap opera’ and ‘meltdowns.’ This would appeal to the target audience as they would’ve never seen The Saturdays not looking perfect so would be drawn in by the image and want to know what the dramas were. Their poses and facial expressions also emphasise this idea of chaos as they all look surprised and

Barcode and price are hidden away. The TA has to search for the price so would be the last thing they look at. They will be lured in by everything on the front cover and persuaded to buy before they can find the price and potentially be put off. Barcode and price are presented in a pug, following the conventions of music

The final puff advertises posters. This would draw in the audience as they would see the images of their favourite artists and want to buy the magazine. The TA would be likely to want to pull out a poster of their favourite artists and put it on their bedroom wall. The audience are told that they are ‘girl power’ posters and they see artists like Taylor Swift and Rita Ora embracing in the shot. Not only are these artists they admire, but there are ‘two for the price of one!’ They will see the artists sharing the kind of friendship they have with their friends, which will appeal to the audience, as they will feel they have something in common with the artists.

The main sell line uses the signature ‘We Love Pop’ font. This allows the magazine to maintain brand identity. The design of this font helps to cement the brand identity as fun, full of life and youthful, whilst its boldness will ensure that the target audience do not fail to notice and pay

The main strapline is ‘Don’t Bore us, Get To the Chorus.’ This will draw in the target audience as it informs the audience that no ‘boring’ content will feature in the magazine. By making the strapline that rhymes, it makes it more effective and more memorable to the target audience. It maintains the brand identity and symbiotic link between each issue as it constantly features. It instantly tells the audience that the magazine is fun and bubbly before they even open the

The layout of the front cover is very chaotic, yet effective. This links in with the main theme of ‘chaos’ of this issue. It also emphasises the idea of magazine being fun, upbeat and not too serious.