From the Pastor's Desk - Sherman Avenue United … ·...

Sherman Avenue United Methodist Church September 2017 From the Pastor's Desk "When you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions, having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross." - Colossians 2:13-14 Think about the incredible gift we were given when Jesus Christ died for our sins. It's an amazing thought, but difficult to conceptualize. So, picture this: It’s as though all of our sins were listed on a writing board. And then Christ came along with a cloth and erased them forever. It’s as though they were never even there. On that board, somebody puts a receipt that says, “PAID IN FULL.” That’s what the nails of the cross did; paid the penalty for our sin in full. Christ has done it all. Our sins have been nailed to the cross; they’ve been taken care of. Nothing more is needed for forgiveness other than our accepting this amazing gift. Have we done that? Have you claimed the liberating forgiveness of knowing that Christ has paid the full debt of your sins? If not, why not let Christ give you a clean slate? After all, He’s already “paid in full.” Our choice is simply to accept His gift in faith. SAUMC Open House “Dog Days of Summer” Saturday, 9/9/17 @ 1-2:30 PM Invite a friend or family members to join us as we’ll have WAGS demonstrating Graduate Service Dogs and an Ice Cream Social in Fellowship Hall. If you have questions feel free to contact Cyndy H. @ 608-513-2280 or [email protected]. Go to to learn about opportunities to volunteer with WAGS Sports Sunday September 10th All are encouraged to dress to show support for team of choice. There will be related treats for Fellowship Time.

Transcript of From the Pastor's Desk - Sherman Avenue United … ·...

Sherman Avenue United Methodist Church September


From the Pastor's Desk

"When you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together

with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions, having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of

decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross." -

Colossians 2:13-14

Think about the incredible gift we were given when Jesus Christ died for our sins. It's an amazing thought, but

difficult to conceptualize.

So, picture this: It’s as though all of our sins were listed on a writing board. And then Christ came along with a

cloth and erased them forever. It’s as though they were never even there. On that board, somebody puts a

receipt that says, “PAID IN FULL.” That’s what the nails of the cross did; paid the penalty for our sin in full.

Christ has done it all. Our sins have been nailed to the cross; they’ve been taken care of. Nothing more is

needed for forgiveness other than our accepting this amazing gift.

Have we done that? Have you claimed the liberating forgiveness of knowing that Christ has paid the full debt of

your sins? If not, why not let Christ give you a clean slate? After all, He’s already “paid in full.” Our choice is

simply to accept His gift in faith.

SAUMC Open House

“Dog Days of Summer”

Saturday, 9/9/17 @ 1-2:30 PM

Invite a friend or family members to join us

as we’ll have WAGS demonstrating Graduate

Service Dogs and an Ice Cream Social in

Fellowship Hall. If you have questions feel

free to contact Cyndy H. @ 608-513-2280

or [email protected].

Go to to learn about

opportunities to volunteer with WAGS

Sports Sunday

September 10th

All are encouraged to dress to show

support for team of choice. There will be

related treats for Fellowship Time.

Magnify Your Peace by Veronica Berry

“Those who desire life and desire to see good days… let them turn away from evil and do good; let them seek peace and pursue it.” 1 Peter 3:10, 11

On Saturday, Aug. 12, a 32 year old woman was killed and 19 were hurt when a speeding car slammed into a throng of counter-

protesters in Charlottesville, where a "Unite the Right" rally of white nationalist and other right-wing groups had been scheduled to

take place.

Two Virginia State Patrol troopers were killed in a helicopter crash while "assisting public safety resources with the ongoing situation

in Charlottesville," the agency said in a news release. The pilot, Lt. H. Jay Cullen, 48, and Trooper Berke M.M. Bates, who would

have turned 41 on Sunday, died in the crash.

In addition to the one death and 19 injuries in the car-ramming incident, the city said there were at least 15 other injuries associated

with the scheduled rally.

Fistfights and screaming matches had erupted Saturday, barely 12 hours after a scuffle Friday night at the nearby University of

Virginia between torch-bearing demonstrators and counter-protesters.

Saturday's rally was the latest event drawing white nationalists and right-wing activists from across the country to this Democratic-

voting town -- a development precipitated by the city's decision to remove symbols of its Confederate past.

I read this story and watched the events on the news with a saddened heart and a tortured soul. A mother’s child had been taken from

her through an insane act of violence and hatred. How was I supposed to react? Angered – Disgusted? I will never understand why

someone has to be martyred before we wake up and say enough is enough. Saddened and hopeless? I prayed for the families of those

who were killed and asked God to help them get through the anguish and pain that they must feel. Afraid – Fed up? I am afraid that

as humans we still fear each other because we don’t look the same, believe in the same principals, and don’t speak the same language.

I’m afraid that sometimes when people fear that they are losing control they try to regain their power through acts of violence. But

more than being afraid, I am fed up with hatred trying to overshadow love.

Susan Bro, the mother of murdered anti-fascist protestor Heather Heyer, spoke some emotional words at her daughter’s memorial

service. She said “They tried to kill my child to shut her up, but guess what? You just magnified her.”

I read those words and asked God to help me magnify peace. I truly believe that we have been created to carry on Jesus Christ’s

message of peace. We have to put fear aside, stand up and dare to look into each other eyes and see the soul that surpasses gender,

color of skin, financial status, and differences.

Even if faces of fear, hatred, and anger are being revealed, we don’t have to wait for the conditions of the world to shift in order to

magnify our peace. We can magnify peace through genuine acts of kindness and love. We can feed the hungry, take that extra

blanket to the homeless person on the street, inspire children, believe in our youth, let a single parent know they’re doing a good job

raising their children, be a reference for someone who needs employment, love yourself, and be willing to look beyond our own

beliefs to understand someone who thinks differently. We can also remember that we have the ability to totally disagree with

everything a person believes and still wish them a peaceful journey. We don’t have to hang out with them, we just need to peacefully


It’s time to take a stand and walk hand in hand, soul to soul, for peace through acts of peace. As we shroud ourselves with God’s

cloak of faith, let us ask him to fill our hearts with his love so all our acts will magnify his peace. Let us be open to allow his infinite

peace influence the tone of our voices, our facial expressions, choice of words, and every encounter with others so we can exude a

calming presence and create harmony in difficult situations.

Our country will be great as long we have a sense of humanity for all its inhabitants, accept and celebrate diversity where we are free

to follow our cultural practices and be our authentic selves, and promote a culture of kindness and unlimited possibilities.

The path to peace in the world begins with unblocking the flow of peace within ourselves. As we release the feelings of anger and

connect with God’s love we can magnify our peace and radiate our prayers to all those around us and all those in the world.

“Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace-in peace because they trust in you.” Isaiah 26:3

Stephen Recognition in the Spirit of the Book of Acts

"Therefore, friends, select from among yourselves seven men full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we may appoint to this task, while

we, for our part will devote ourselves to prayer and to serving the word." Act 6: 3-4

Sherman Avenue United Methodist Church Certificate of Appreciation Presented to

Linda J.

In recognition of your volunteer service to our church for many years assisting with Sunday School, washing &

drying dishes at our annual Ham Dinner, serving at the Homeless Shelter and being a woman who always was ready

to assist whenever asked and for many other tasks of which few people are aware. We hope this certificate will serve

as a lasting memento of our appreciation for your continued and dedicated service.

In the name of God, Thank You!

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, how wonderful it is to know that I am Your child and part of the body of Christ. What a glorious truth to realize that I am a new creation in Christ and have the Holy Spirit of God living in my heart. Help me to live in complete dependence on You and in godly unity with my brothers and sisters in Christ. Keep me from contentions and strife and help me to consider the needs of others before my own. And Lord I pray that the mind that was in Christ Jesus may dwell in me richly so that I may act justly; love mercy and to walk humbly before You all the days of my life – this I ask in Jesus name, AMEN

Speak Up

A New Group

The first meeting of Speak Up will be Monday, September 11, at 6:30, in the Parsonage

The purpose of this meeting is to set a meeting time and date, and to determine the meeting agenda.

The purpose of this group is to have fun and improve our speaking abilities. Here are some of the ideas to be

thinking about. Nothing has been decided. My hope is that we can make the decisions at this first meeting.

Every meeting could have a couple of 5 minute speeches.

Every meeting could have 2 minute impromptu speeches by everybody present.

The emcee could be changed each meeting.

We could have somebody select a scripture or devotion to share.

There could be a timer, a grammarian, an “ah” counter, and a person to select the impromptu

subjects. These too could be rotated so everybody gets a chance.

We could have everybody bring a sack dinner and something to drink.

We could have a long list of ideas. Please bring yours.

Ed McDonald will be facilitating this first meeting. The above are some of his ideas, but he wants each of

you to come with some ideas for the group.

CONNECTIONS by Craig Myrbo

Around five in the afternoon he went and found others standing around, and he said to them, ‘Why are you just

standing around here doing nothing all day long?' 'Because nobody has hired us,’ they replied. Matthew 20:6-7

In the parable, the job seekers are then offered a job. Sometimes that does not happen.

The ICWJ is researching setting up a program or facilitating others in acting to help get job seekers to the point

that the laborers are at in this parable

Why has no one hired us.,,?! The ICWJ project will look at barriers to employment and try to address them.

Girl Scout Update

Meet Wisconsin's Tip Top Cookie Seller, Molly Lenius!

Molly, from Madison Troop 1163, was one determined 4th grader going into the 2017 cookie season. She set ambitious goals to be Badgerland's top seller, as well as the number one cookie seller in all of Wisconsin. With a lot of hard work and persistence, she sold a stunning 6,004 boxes of cookies and achieved her twin goals. How'd she do it? She chunked it out. Molly set small, daily selling goals. On average, she sold about 200 boxes every day during the 5-week Cookie Program. And, thanks to the math skills she's learned as a cookie boss, Molly is super good at figuring out her goals and making change with customers. Molly earned a trip to the Grand Canyon this

summer through her audacious achievement. Congrats Molly!

Sheila Lenius is also the leader of Cadet Girl Scout Troop 2082. Their troop had been volunteering at the Hootenanny at Madison's Hawthorne branch library for years. The girls earned their Community Service Bar by making a difference in the community and practicing the values of the Girl Scout Law. It is a way for girls to get involved with a cause they care about and requires 20 hours of service to one organization.

We are grateful to Sheila Lenius for her leadership and fun adventures for girls. If you are interested in leading a troop, volunteering or starting your daughter in Girl Scouts, contact the Badgerland Council at 276-8500.


UMW is meeting Tuesday, September 5 at 6 PM at Oakwood

Village East for some fellowship, fun and good conversation

with the ladies of our church who live there. We would love to

have you join us and if you need a ride please let Carol H.

know and we will make arrangements.


1 2

3 8:30 Adult Sunday School 9:30 Worship

11:30 Worship 12:30 Hmong Men

4 Labor Day

5 6:00 United Methodist Women at Oakwood Village East

6 3:00 ELL 4:30 Bible Study 6:00 Band Practice 6:00 Prayer Group 6:00 Meditation TC 6:30 Book Club


8 6:00 Hmong Ministry & Youth Bible Study


1:00 Dog Days of Summer 5:00 Men's Group

10 Sports Sunday 8:30 Adult Sunday School 9:30 Worship 10:30 Blood Pressure Clinic 10:45 Sunday School 11:30 Worship 12:30 Hmong Women

11 6:00 Cub Scouts 6:15 Junior Girls Scouts 6:30 Speak Up!

12 6:30 Trustees 6:45 Communications

13 3:00 ELL 4:30 Bible Study 6:00 Band Practice 6:00 Prayer Group 6:00 Meditation TC

14 6:30 Choir



1:00 Prayer Walk

17 8:30 Adult Sunday School 9:30 Worship 10:45 Sunday School 11:30 Worship

18 6:00 Cub Scouts 6:30 Discipleship Meeting

19 6:30 Admin Council

20 3:00 ELL 4:30 Bible Study 6:00 Band Practice 6:00 Prayer Group 6:00 Meditation TC 6:00 Craft Night

21 6:30 Choir


6:00 Hmong Ministry & Youth Bible Study


24 8:30 Adult Sunday School 9:30 Worship 10:45 Sunday School 11:30 Worship

25 5:00 Newsletter

Deadline 6:00 Cub Scouts 6:15 Junior Girls Scouts

26 6:30 Outreach & Missions

27 3:00 ELL 4:30 Bible Study 6:00 Band Practice 6:00 Prayer Group 6:00 Meditation TC 6:30 Dinner With Rev David Bible Study

28 9:00 Copy & Fold 6:30 Choir

29 30 3:00 Scout Overnight Camping

Please take a moment to remember

our homebound members

Linda J. (B-day 7/11) c/o Avalon Assisted Living

2875 Fish Hatchery Rd, Rm 11 Fitchburg, WI 53713-3177


Justin K. (B-day 12/13) 1601Wheeler Rd #208

Madison, WI 53704-7056 608-416-5343

Marvel M (B-day 2/28)

718 Jupiter Dr #202 Madison, WI 53718-2950


Carol R. (B-day 2/1) 1524 Wheeler Rd #B

Madison, WI 53704-1443 608-249-2638

Ginny S. (B-day 9/24)

1601 Wheeler Rd #209 Madison, WI 53704-7056



Birthdays &


BIRTHDAYS Jennifer N. . 9/12 Dawn N. 9/12 Lisa B. 9/16 Ginny S. 9/24 Sandra L. 9/24 Jerry T. 9/29

ANNIVERSARIES Judy & Gary K. 9/1

These are the dates that are in the

database. If you find that your name is not included with the

Birthdays or Anniversaries, please call Matt Treadaway.

Christian Education


Anyone interested in learning about

God’s love is invited to join any of

these classes at any time.

Early Adult Sunday School meets on Sundays at 8:30

Sunday School for All at 10:45 Classes will resume on September 10th.

Wednesday Bible Study begins at 4:30. This is an ongoing study of the Old and New Testament.

The Youth Group meets Wednesday and Friday. Please check the Bellringer and Bulletin for activities, topics and times.

Dinner with Rev. David will continue on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 6:30 in the Parsonage.

Please continue to pray for those whose lives have been impacted by hurricane/tropical storm Harvey. Please also pray for the Early Response Teams, disaster coordinators, and volunteers.