From the Pastor October 9, 20052015.docx  · Web viewMost people know what a Bible is, even if...

From the Pastor July 12, 2015 15 th Sunday in Ordinary Time - B In week 5 of my summer sacred study series on the 4 Eucharistic Prayers for Various Needs [EPFVN], which is one EP with 4 themes, we reflect on the Preface for EPFVN- II: ‘God Guides His Church Along the Way of Salvation.’ This variation of the EPFVN is suggested when Mass is offered: For the Church, For Vocations to Holy Orders, For the Laity, For the Family, For Religious, For Vocations to Religious Life, For Charity, For Relatives and Friends, and For Giving Thanks to God. This Preface beautifully recaps God’s powerful ‘hand and arm’ as seen above in Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel famous fresco, giving a share in divine life to Adam. However, it is God’s UNSEEN hand and arm - as they were ’seen in the powerful deeds of old, like the Passover of Moses’ days - and in Christ’s Passover as He endured His Passion and Death and rose victorious over sin and evil in His Resurrection. That is what we celebrate in this Preface: Preface for EPFVN-II: God Guides His Church Along the Way of Salvation It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, always and everywhere to give you thanks, Lord, holy Father, creator of the world and source of all life. For you never forsake the works of your wisdom, but by your providence are even now at work in our midst. With mighty hand and outstretched arm you led your people Israel through the desert. Now, as your Church makes her pilgrim journey in the world, you always accompany her by the power of the Holy Spirit and lead her along the paths of time to the eternal joy of your Kingdom, through Christ our Lord. And so, with the Angels and Saints, we, too, sing the hymn of your glory, as without end we acclaim: ”With Mighty Hand and Outstretched Arm .” As mentioned above, God - on occasion - ‘shows His hand [and arm]’ - as in the awesome deeds by which He redeemed His People. As a Priest I am awed and honored to so often BE the outstretched hand and arm through which God acts today. For in many Sacraments and other rites, the rubrics direct the ordained minister to stretch out his right hand, both hands and/or both arms over things and people. For instance: I extend my hand over those to be Baptized as I say the Prayer of Exorcism, which asks God to protect them from the sinful inclinations of the Evil One. In Confirmation and in the RCIA Rites by which adults become Catholic I extend my hands over the Candidates to bless and prepare them and to give them the Gift of the Holy Spirit. In Confession I extend my hand over penitents as I say the Prayer of Absolution. At a wedding I extend my hands over the Bride and Groom to impose the beautiful Nuptial Blessing on them, just as I extend hands over the People to impart a single or triple Solemn Blessing. In the Anointing of the Sick I actually lay hands on the head of those to be strengthened by this healing Sacrament. In Holy Orders, after the Bishop lays hands on the head of the man being ordained a Priest, all Priests lay hands on his head to welcome them into the brotherhood of the Presbyterate and to show they now share in our priestly powers. At the Ordination of a Bishop, only his

Transcript of From the Pastor October 9, 20052015.docx  · Web viewMost people know what a Bible is, even if...

Page 1: From the Pastor October 9, 20052015.docx  · Web viewMost people know what a Bible is, even if they have never read a word of it. If you ask them what it contains, they probably

From the Pastor July 12, 201515th Sunday in

Ordinary Time - B

In week 5 of my summer sacred study series on the 4 Eucharistic

Prayers for Various Needs [EPFVN], which is one EP with 4 themes, we reflect on the Preface for EPFVN-II: ‘God Guides His Church Along the Way of Salvation.’ This variation of the EPFVN is suggested when Mass is offered: For the Church, For Vocations to Holy Orders, For the Laity, For the Family, For Religious, For Vocations to Religious Life, For Charity, For Relatives and Friends, and For Giving Thanks to God. This Preface beautifully recaps God’s powerful ‘hand and arm’ as seen above in Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel famous fresco, giving a share in divine life to Adam. However, it is God’s UNSEEN hand and arm - as they were ’seen’ in the powerful deeds of old, like the Passover of Moses’ days - and in Christ’s Passover as He endured His Passion and Death and rose victorious over sin and evil in His Resurrection. That is what we celebrate in this Preface:

Preface for EPFVN-II: God Guides His Church Along the Way of Salvation

It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation,

always and everywhere to give you thanks, Lord, holy Father, creator of the world

and source of all life.For you never forsake the works of your

wisdom, but by your providence are even now at work in our midst.

With mighty hand and outstretched armyou led your people Israel through the desert.

Now, as your Church makes her pilgrim journey in the world, you always accompany her

by the power of the Holy Spiritand lead her along the paths of timeto the eternal joy of your Kingdom,

through Christ our Lord.And so, with the Angels and Saints, we, too, sing

the hymn of your glory, as without end we acclaim:

”With Mighty Hand and Outstretched Arm.” As mentioned above, God - on occasion - ‘shows His hand [and arm]’ - as in the awesome deeds by which He redeemed

His People. As a Priest I am awed and honored to so often BE the outstretched hand and arm through which God acts today. For in many Sacraments and other rites, the rubrics direct the ordained minister to stretch out his right hand, both hands and/or both arms over things and people. For instance: I extend my hand over those to be Baptized as I say the Prayer of Exorcism, which asks God to protect them from the sinful inclinations of the Evil One. In Confirmation and in the RCIA Rites by which adults become Catholic I extend my hands over the Candidates to bless and prepare them and to give them the Gift of the Holy Spirit. In Confession I extend my hand over penitents as I say the Prayer of Absolution. At a wedding I extend my hands over the Bride and Groom to impose the beautiful Nuptial Blessing on them, just as I extend hands over the People to impart a single or triple Solemn Blessing. In the Anointing of the Sick I actually lay hands on the head of those to be strengthened by this healing Sacrament. In Holy Orders, after the Bishop lays hands on the head of the man being ordained a Priest, all Priests lay hands on his head to welcome them into the brotherhood of the Presbyterate and to show they now share in our priestly powers. At the Ordination of a Bishop, only his brother Bishops lay hands on his head. For Deacons, only the Bishop lays hands on his head; all other Deacons simply offer them the Kiss of Peace to show their unity.But above all, my greatest honor is at holy Mass, when, during the Eucharistic Prayer, I extend my hands over the bread and wine to infuse them with the Holy Spirit. The technical term for this is the Epiclesis, a Greek word that means an ‘Invocation’ or ‘calling down from on high.’ How humbling to realize that through my sinful, imperfect hands, God the Father sends God the Holy Spirit upon the offerings that are about to become God the Son! Some say this is all just ‘Catholic aerobics’ - cute choreography - or like the magician’s ‘hocus pocus.’ If you recall from a previous article, the term ‘hocus pocus’ was a derogatory insult, an anti-Catholic parody of the words of Institution, ’Hoc est corpus

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meum’ - ‘This is my Body!’ But it is through sacramental signs and symbols that God Guides His Church Along the Way of Salvation! How awesome is our Catholic understanding of the Most Holy Eucharist!

In His holy Name,

Rev. Thomas J. SerafinMass or Communion Prayer Service

IntentionsSaturday Vigil: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

5:00 pmJohn Baturar/o: Eleanor Batura

Sunday 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time8:00 amJulia Stackowski

r/o: Anita & Larry Wuest9:30 amDuke Hauck

r/o: Maureen & John Lybarger11:30 am Lenore Proetto

r/o: Joe & Susan Mania & familyMonday

9:00 amAnita Faith Rowellr/o: Michael & Teresa Tomcho

9:45 amMichael Tomcho, Sr.r/o: Gloria Tomcho

Tuesday Saint Kateri Tekakwitha9:00 amPatricia Fairbanks

r/o: Susan Apisa9:45 amDr. Tumillo, Sr.

r/o: Ted DeptulskiWednesday Saint Bonaventure

9:00 amPietro Dalla Canever/o: Elaine Kling

9:45 amElizabeth Woodinr/o: Connolly family

Thursday9:00 amChip Higgins

r/o: Ronnie, John, Katie, Tim AlthamerFriday

9:00 amPrayer Service with Holy CommunionSaturday Vigil: 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

5:00 pmVictoria Melitskyr/o: James Melitski family

Sunday 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time8:00 amMary DeRose

r/o: Anita & Larry Wuest

9:30 amDaniel & Emma Caetanor/o: Dolores Gomez

11:30 am Duke Hauckr/o: Joan Drake

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this weekin celebration of the 40th Wedding

Anniversary ofTom & Valerie Kikolski

2nd Collection - July 11 & 122015 Mission Cooperation Plan

This year’s Mission Cooperation Plan speaker is unable to be here as he had to go back to Pakistan unexpectedly. As a native of Pakistan, our PCL, Mariam Nawab, will speak at all Masses about the persecutions and difficulties Catholics still face in Pakistan. Your generous support to this year’s Mission Cooperation Plan is most appreciated.

Our Parish Prayers“For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven…”a time to be born…a time to heal… We pray for all the sick of our Parish and especially for:

Jack BolandCarol ClericoDan CummingsJocelyn EckardtBill GallagherJames HegadornMary Hotaling

Kathy IbbetsonJosephine KnoblochDave KreutzerJulianne MazurChris SantellaChristopher Viscuso

Names will remain on our sick list for three months after which time they will be removed, unless we are notified to keep them on the list.a time to die… Jeffrey Ferrante

Ministers of the LiturgyWe acknowledge with appreciation the following

Liturgical Ministers who will serve at next weekend’s Masses: July 18 & 19

5:00 PM MassSacristan: Ruth Pryor; EMs: Denise Verdicchio, Marion Bergen, Rita Koch, Edward Koch, Patricia Snyder, Cindy Campbell, Floyd Campbell, Linda Augustine; Readers: Joe Mania, Georgann Scibilia; Altar Servers: Erin Devine, Curtis Quintos, Colleen McLoughlin, Bridget McLoughlin

8:00 AM MassSacristan: Anita & Larry Wuest; EMs: Kathleen Urban, Walter Urban, Fran McAfee, Gertrude Neis, Norma Santella, Wendy VanDine,

Page 3: From the Pastor October 9, 20052015.docx  · Web viewMost people know what a Bible is, even if they have never read a word of it. If you ask them what it contains, they probably

Pat Sheeto, Ann Letchford; Readers: Elizabeth Leonard, Louis Ambio; Altar Servers: Sarah Wooby, Julia Wooby, Lukas VanDine, Lily VanDine

9:30 AM MassSacristan: Dot Scarpa; EMs: Sharon Boehmer, Barbara Hartom, Christine Kukel, Maureen Lybarger, Dorothy Scarpa, Fran Wasitowski, Marian Wasitowski, Kate Zaleski; Readers: Molly Weber, Bill Weber; Altar Servers: Kyle Robison, Danielle Ferrari, Katelyn Richardson, Jack Robison

11:30 AM MassSacristan: Debbie Mehl; EMs: Mike Schuler, Helen Schuler, Terry Walten, Maureen Sammis, Christine Walker, Karen Geddis, Monica Haldeman, Patrick Norris; Readers: Fred Gentzel, Robert Lucchesi; Altar Servers: Jenna Kotlar, Julia Clark, Emma Hojnoski, Lauren Kenny

Thank you Knights of Columbus!

All the televisions have been disposed of. Thank you to our Knights for their help.

Parish Ministry ContactsTo join a ministry, please contact the ministry head. A complete list of ministries can be found in the narthex or on our website: www.parishesonline/seasthreebridges.Adult Choir/Cantors...Brett Walzer ~ 782-1475 x20Adult Faith Formation.....Diane Luceri ~ 782-1475 x14Baptismal Prep.....Anne & Brian Moore ~ 534-2136Cancer Support Group.Andrew Casella ~ 782-1475Employment Group.........Deacon Mike ~ 400-3036EM of Holy Communion/Homebound/Hospital

Larry Dawkins ~ 284-1617Fatima Rosary...................Shirley Frey ~ 806-4889Knights of Columbus....Floyd Campbell ~ 732-598-5905Lazarus Ministry................Anne Hayes ~ 751-5660Linens Ministry.................Parish Office ~ 782-1475Liturgical Environment Norma Santella ~ 782-1475Men’s Club................Deacon Paul ~ 782-1475 x13Military Outreach.Chris McPherson ~908-246-5114Prayer Shawls...............Judy Herdman ~ 782-7973

Pat Rivero ~ 806-7890Readers.................Ann McCrystal ~ 908-797-4070

Georgann Scibilia ~ 908-782-6625Respect for Life.............Helen Schuler ~ 369-6618R.C.I.A.......................Diane Luceri ~ 782-1475 x14Sacristans....Maureen & John Lybarger ~ 369-5331Usher/Minister of Hospitality.......Bob Caron ~ 236-6492Wedding Coordinator.....Geri Kaczorek ~ 369-3712Women’s Spirituality.......Loraine Richmond ~ 725-2502

Youth MinistriesAltar Servers..............Suzanne Wooby ~ 369-6390Children’s Choir...............Coleen Cucci ~ 346-0367Children’s Liturgy (CLOW)......Kelly Robison ~ 284-2234Religious Formation Main Line.................284-2929

P.C.L...................Mariam Nawab ~ 284-2929 x23Confirmation.............Jenni Clark ~ 284-2929 x24RF Secretary....................Gina Perez ~ 284-2929Safe Environment Background Coordinator

Helen Schuler ~ 369-6618Summer RF......................Gina Perez ~ 284-2929

Karen Baron ~ 806-4384WINGS Teen Ministry. . .Jenni Clark ~ 284-2929 x24

Last Weekend’s CollectionJune 28 $12,949.00July 5 $10,394.65

Thank you!Renegotiated Mortgage Information

New Mortgage (5/1/2015) $ 1,865,560.60Principal Paid to Date $ 5,820.42Interest Paid to Date $ 6,586.47Current Balance (6/1/2015) $ 1,859,740.16Monthly Payment $ 12,406.89

Brief Eucharistic Adoration at the end of Masses

July 26, August 2, August 9, August 16The 16th, 17th, 18th & 19th Sundays in Ordinary

Time - B

In the 3-year cycle of Sunday readings, Year ‘A’ highlights Matthew’s Gospel; the current Year ‘B’ is Mark and Year ‘C’ is Luke. Mark’s Gospel, the shortest, does not cover the year, so for 5 weeks we read from Chapter 6 of John’s Gospel: the ‘Bread of Life Discourse’ in which Jesus declares, “I am the Bread of Life!” For 4 weeks we will end Mass with a brief taste of an ancient ritual: Eucharistic Adoration. [The theme of the 5th week is less Eucharistic, so we will not have Adoration.]

Jesus often said we need to be in His Presence: “Come to me, all who labor … and I will give you rest.” [Matthew 11:28] “I am with you always until the end of time.” [28:20] “Can you not watch one hour with me?” [Mark 14:37] “Remain in me as I remain in you.” [John 15:4] How blessed are they who ‘make a

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visit’ to the Blessed Sacrament … just to be in Christ’s Real Presence! Each weekend’s Mass will end similarly: after Communion has been distributed, the Blessed Sacrament will remain on the Altar as all remain kneeling. Then all stand for the Prayer after Communion, [announcements are made earlier] and then kneel again to sing a hymn of various traditions that adores or extols Christ’s Real Presence. After the Sacrament is reposed in the Tabernacle, all stand for the Blessing, Dismissal and an instrumental Recessional. On July 26 and August 2 the Hosts will be left in its usual ciborium for Adoration; no incense is used; on August 9 and 16 we will ‘expose’ the Sacrament in a monstrance, which requires at least 4 candles and incense. On August 9 Mass will end as above; on the 16th the Priest, donning a humeral veil, will impart the Eucharistic Blessing. May this taste of this venerable rite help us better appreciate Christ’s Real Presence in the Eucharist, and encourage more people to frequently ‘visit’ the Tabernacle during the week to ‘watch one hour’ [Mark 14:37] with our Eucharistic Lord.Note: since Christ is equally present when the Host is ‘exposed’ in a monstrance, in a ciborium or in the Tabernacle, a SINGLE knee genuflection is the proper the sign of reverence; the ‘double knee’ genuflection during adoration, taught to many of us, has been suppressed. [C.f.: Order for the Solemn Exposition of the Holy Eucharist, #9, from the document Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist Outside of Mass, #84.]

Catechetical SundaySeptember 13, 2015This Year’s Theme:

Safeguarding the Dignity of Every Human Person. A Year of

Mercy . All Parish Faith Formation Ministry Leaders (Catechists/Aides/Building Coordinators/Hall Monitors/CLOW Leaders/Baptismal Prep Leaders/VBS/SRF/Wedding Coordinators/Altar Server Leaders/Children’s Choir Leaders/Teen Ministry Leaders/Adult Faith Formation Leaders and RCIA Leaders are invited to take part in the special blessing

Mass at 9:30 followed by a reception.Upcoming RF Meetings

Aug. 9, 2015 - Grade Coord. Mtg-10:30 ACRAug. 23, 2015 - Bldg Coord/Hall Mon. Mtg 10:30Aug. 30, 2015 - Catechist/Aide Mtg 10:30-HFR+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Mandatory Training for all New Catechists

Echoes of Faith - The Methodology SetMethodology Part 1: New Catechist TrainingSunday, August 9 - 10:30AM-12PM ORTuesday, August 25 - 7:00-8:30 PMMethodology Part 2: Catechism of the Catholic ChurchSunday, September 13 - 10:30AM-12:30PM+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + + +Additional Training for Full Catechist

Certification - Echoes of Faith The Catechetical Set: Sundays-10:30-12:30pm Getting Started as a Catechist: October 4, 2015Role of the Catechist: October 11, 2015The Person of the Catechist: October 18, 2015The Theology Set: Scripture: Summer Series July 13, 14, 15

9:30-11:00 am OR 7:00-8:30 pmOR Unlocking the Mysteries of the Bible

Weds. - Jan. 6th-March 29:30-11:00am OR 7:30-9:00pm

OR Symbolon Sessions during all RF times

or Tuesday AM-Jan. 4, Jan. 25, Feb. 29Prayer: Sunday, Aug. 16, 10:30-12:30 pmThe following are from 7:00-9:00pm:The Creed: September 1, 2015 - Part 1 of 2

September 8, 2015 - Part 2 of 2Liturgy & Sacraments:

January 5, 2016 - Part 1 of 2January 12, 2016 - Part 2 of 2

Catholic Morality: January 19, 2016 - Part 1 of 2January 26, 2016 - Part 2 of 2

Religious Formation News

Page 5: From the Pastor October 9, 20052015.docx  · Web viewMost people know what a Bible is, even if they have never read a word of it. If you ask them what it contains, they probably



We are now offering Religious Formation Classes for Children



Beginning in September 2015Tuesday Afternoons 4:45-6:00pmAttention Parents of Upcoming 2 nd

GradersMark Your Calendars!

There will be a meeting for parents of upcoming 2nd graders on September 21, 2015 at 12:30pm OR 7:30pm in the Holy Family Room.

Attention Parents of Upcoming 5 th -8 th

GradersMark Your Calendars!

There will be a meeting for parents of upcoming 5th-8th graders on the first day of Religious Formation Sessions immediately after the Prayer Service. This meeting will focus on the Family Life Program followed by refreshments in the Parish Hall.

2015-2016 Fall Religious FormationWe Need Your Help for the Following:

Catechists NeededMon Afternoon (4:45-6:00): 6th GradeMon Evening (7:00-8:30): 8th GradeKindergarten Class

Childcare AdultWednesday Afternoon: 4:45-6:00pm+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + + +Upcoming SRF Events

July 11, 12, 2015: 5:00pm & 11:30am Special

Blessing MassesJuly 13, 2015: Gr. 5 Mass 9:45July 14, 2015: Gr. 6 Mass 9:45July 15, 2015: Gr. 1&7 Mass 9:45+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + + +

2015-2016 Fall Religious FormationAttention Fall Religious Formation Parents:Registration is currently in progress. Please return the Grade Form, Fee Form and the White Time & Talent Form when you submit your registration forms.

Adult Faith Formation

All Catholics are encouraged to learn about your faith and to deepen your relationship with Christ. See below for specific ways you can do so right here at SEAS! If you have questions or would like to register for any of our AFF programs, please contact Diane Luceri: 782-1475 X 14 or [email protected]

Summer Faith Formation!Summer Scripture Series

July 13, 14, 15, 9:30-11:00 am OR 7:00-8:30 pm

Join us THIS WEEK for this NEW Scripture Series! This is a great time to learn about the Bible, especially as there are many challenges today about the Bible and the authenticity of what it reveals. Take this time to be informed! Each session stands alone, and there is no cost or materials required for these sessions. All are welcome! We will be meeting in the Holy Family Room at SEAS. Topics:

Divine Revelation (Monday, 7/13)Today many people feel they can decide for themselves what is true, and what is morally right and wrong, and ultimately decide what God wants for their lives. In this session we will see that God loves us too much to leave us to our own devices! Instead, he lovingly revealed himself and showed us the truth and his plan for our lives by sending his Son, Jesus Christ, as the fullness of his divine disclosure. See how this Divine Revelation has been passed down through the centuries in this session!

The Bible (Tuesday, 7/14) Most people know what a Bible is, even if they have never read a word of it. If you ask them what it contains, they probably will say

Page 6: From the Pastor October 9, 20052015.docx  · Web viewMost people know what a Bible is, even if they have never read a word of it. If you ask them what it contains, they probably

it is full of a lot of rules and moral teachings, and some stories they learned as a child. But the Bible is much more than that - it is God’s love letter to humanity! Come see how in this session!

The Story of Salvation (Wednesday, 7/15)The story of salvation is the “greatest story ever told!” This story assures us that there is a purpose to life and a reason for our own lives. This is the story of God’s amazing love for us - one that is not complete without each one of us! How important it is that we know this story!

Lighthouse Catholic Media CDs and Books **Located on kiosks in hallway outside narthex and in foyer outside parish hallAs you venture on those long car rides to your vacation or while relaxing at the beach, why not take along a few of the Catholic CDs and books? We have several new titles for you to choose from at amazing prices - only $3 a CD, $4 for a book. Many of the new offerings are related to the upcoming World Meeting of Families and the Papal visit that will be happening in September. In addition, there is a new DVD - What Every Catholic Needs to Know About the Pope ($5 each)FALL PROGRAMS

The Prophets Bible StudyWednesdays: 9:30-11:15 am or 7:30-9:15 pm

September 30th - December 9th, 2015The importance of the prophetic books is incalculable as it is nearly impossible to understand the work and message of Jesus without them. Who were the prophets? What was their role in their own day? How should we read and understand their prophetic messages?Come find the answers to these questions and much more! Materials required: Study binder ($35), New American Bible, Catechism of the Catholic Church. Can’t make it to all the sessions? Can’t come to any sessions at all but would love to do this study? We will have a new option for this program to access this study “virtually.” Stay tuned for more information!

Beloved: Program for Married Couples

Tuesday evenings, 7:30-9:00 PMSept. 15, 29, Oct. 6, 20, Nov. 3, 17

So you may be married a few years or many years. Have you ever thought that your marriage may be more than you think it is? What if God has woven into the very fabric of your humanity a purposeful need and desire that can only be fulfilled in your marriage? Join with other couples in the parish for fellowship and for a chance to explore the mystery and the meaning of the sacrament of marriage. There is no cost or materials required for this program. We will meet every other week, but each session stands on its own. Please register by contacting Diane Luceri.

Symbolon Sessions on the basics of the Catholic Faith will be offered throughout the year, the same time as RF classes on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, as well as on Tuesday morning, beginning the week of October 12th. Schedule and more details to follow.

RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

+ Have you been considering the possibility of becoming a member of the Catholic Church?

+ Is there someone in your life - a spouse, fiancé, child - with whom you’d like to share their Catholic Faith?

+ Have you been coming to Mass for years and feel now is the time for you to become a member of the parish community?

Whatever your reasons might be for choosing to become Catholic, beneath that choice is God who is calling you to “Come and see!”The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the way in which adults become

Page 7: From the Pastor October 9, 20052015.docx  · Web viewMost people know what a Bible is, even if they have never read a word of it. If you ask them what it contains, they probably

fully active, participating members of the Catholic Church.The RCIA is intended for: adults who are not baptized, adults who have been baptized into a

non-Catholic denomination, Catholics who have been baptized but

have never received Eucharist or Confirmation.

We extend an invitation now to “Come and see” - see how Jesus may be calling you, see what the RCIA process entails and how it can make a difference in your life! Note that now is the time to ask questions, to listen and to be open to the Spirit of God. Commitment to the process may follow in the weeks and months ahead. For more information, please contact Diane Luceri at 782-1475 X 14 or [email protected]. Adult Catholics needing Confirmation should also contact Diane.+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + +


Seton Men’s Club - Upcoming MeetingThe next meeting sponsored by the Men’s Club will be on Thursday, August 13 at 7:30 PM in the Holy Family Room.+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + +Gardening Ministry

A small group of people is starting to come together to take care of the flower beds in front of the church and parish office to keep them looking their best this summer. If you would like to be part of the Gardening Ministry, please call the Parish Office - 908-782-1475 x10.+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + +Prayer Shawl MinistryThe next meeting of the Prayer Shawl Ministry will be on

Thursday, August 13, 10 AM-12 Noon and also 7-8:30 PM. ALL are welcome! Come whenever it fits your schedule!If you know someone who could use one of our shawls, or for more information, please call Judy Herdman at 908-782-7973.+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + +Women’s Spirituality Group

A sneak peak for this fall!- We look forward to our first meeting of

next year on Thursday, October 1 at 7:30 PM. Judy Ashcraft has agreed lead our first meeting of the next year with her presentation on the Shroud of Turin.

- Sister Mary Cleary has informed us that the title for her presentation at the WSG Day of Reflection on Saturday, October 10 will be "Untying the Knots of Our Lives with God's Mercy".

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Cleaning your home?When you're doing your Spring - or Summer - Cleaning please help Catholic Charities continue its mission by donating Clothing, Shoes, and Household items in our donation bin located in the parking lot. Your continued generosity is appreciated. If you have large pick up, need a receipt, or have a question, please call the toll free number 877-343-3651.

Summer EnvelopesWe sincerely thank our parishioners who mail or deliver your weekly envelopes to the parish office while you are out-of-town on vacations this summer. As many of you understand, our parish expenses and obligations do not take a vacation when you do, so it is very helpful to be able to rely on your continued support even when you cannot personally attend Mass here.+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + +Current News from a Catholic Point of

ViewFor current news from a Catholic point of view, always check out the United States

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Conference of Catholic Bishops ‘USCCB’ website [ ] and the Vatican Website [ ] . Mark them both among your favorites and check often - if not daily!The USCCB also has many opportunities to pray for various items daily. You can even get reminders sent to you by email! Stay informed from a Catholic point of view - it is your duty.+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + +This Weekend’s Readings

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary TimeFirst Reading: Amos 7:12-15Amaziah (priest of Bethel) ordered Amos to leave Bethel and never prophesy there again. Amos replied that he had not been a prophet, but was a shepherd until he was called by God.Second Reading: Ephesians 1:3-14 or 1:3-10Paul exults God’s immeasurable generosity as he recounts all the blessings that have been bestowed upon all God’s people. We all became adopted children of God when we heard the message of truth Christ brought to us, and because of it, believed in him.Gospel: Mark 6:7-13Jesus gave the twelve disciples authority over unclean spirits and sent them out to preach and heal the sick. He advised them to bring nothing with them and to shake the dust from their feet of any town where they had not been welcomed. Jesus wanted them to understand what they would need to do in his place after his death.

© 1999 Bon Venture Services, Inc.+ + + + + + + + + +

Next Weekend’s ReadingsSixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Jeremiah 23:1-6Second Reading: Ephesians 2:13-18Gospel: Mark 6:30-34

Summer SeriesTop Ten Reasons People Give

For Not Going To ChurchWe all try to find ways to justify our lack of Mass attendance and believe (momentarily) that our justification will convince ourselves and others of their correctness. Over the course of this summer, we are going to take

a look at some of the most popular excuses with a humorous and realistic response.#1: I Work 24 Hours A Day, 7 Days A WeekPretty sure that’s illegal - there are labor laws. Need a lawyer? Americans are super busy. We fill our time with all sorts of things. It does feel like we’re working all the time. Work takes us out week days, evenings and even some Sundays. Plus, with email, text and Facebook on our phones, we are frequently doing “business” in our free time, too. That’s not good. We all need to take a break. But, God should be part of that break, not what we’re taking a break from. Worshipping with a community - receiving Christ - these things rejuvenate, not deplete. Take time for yourself that is going to fill you up.#2: I Have Small ChildrenOh, they are noisy little things. You know, the first thing they do when they exit the womb is scream? And it doesn’t stop there. It seems when you bring them to Church they choose the quietest time of Mass to scream like you’re murdering them - the homily, the Consecration - they do know how to pick it! Many parents get ready for Mass and wonder what they are in for that week. Why put yourselves through it? Because after those hard times, the kids come more cheerfully - not perfectly - but cheerfully enough. Church is what we do on Sunday. It’s the main event and the rest of that day and the rest of that week is better for it.Stay tuned next week for the next installment!+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + +This Week’s Daily Mass Readings

MondayExodus 1:8-14, 22; Matthew 10:34 -


Exodus 2:1-15a; Matthew 11:20-24Wednesday

Exodus 3:1-6, 9-12; Matthew 11:25-27Thursday

Exodus 3:13-20; Matthew 11:28-30Friday

Exodus 11:10 - 12:14; Matthew 12:1-8Saturday

Exodus 12:37-42; Matthew 12:14-21

Page 9: From the Pastor October 9, 20052015.docx  · Web viewMost people know what a Bible is, even if they have never read a word of it. If you ask them what it contains, they probably

Around the Diocese

Immaculate Conception School - ClintonImmaculate Conception School has a limited number of seats still available in select grades for the

2015-16 school year. Tours are available through the summer and may be scheduled by calling the school office at 908-735-6334. Please visit the school website at

+ + + + + + + + + +**Save The Date**

Thursday, October 8, 2015, 7:00 PM4th Annual ICC High School Information

NightThis event will be held at Immaculate Conception School. Representatives from area public, private, and Catholic high schools will be in attendance to provide information and answer questions. All 5th-8th

graders and families welcome to attend.+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


Conducted byRev. Vinko Mamic, O.C.D.July 13th, 14th, and 15th


Wednesday, July 16th

Solemn Celebration of the EucharistAt 7:15 AM

All are Welcome to Attend!The Carmelite Monastery26 Harmony School Road

Flemington, NJ 08822(There are No evening services on July 16th)+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + +Natural Family Planning Awareness

WeekJuly 19-25, 2015

This year’s National NFP Awareness Week is July19-25. The theme proposed by our Bishops’ Conference is: “All Natural! Natural Family Planning: Good for the body. Great for the Soul!”Where can I learn how to use NFP? Call the Family Life Office/Diocese of Metuchen 732-562-1990 Ext. 1705 or e-mail

[email protected] for more information or to register for classes at a location nearest your home.

'Faith In Action' NewsletterThe latest edition of the diocese’s 'Faith In Action' newsletter has been posted online and is available to view or download at The Catholic Social Teaching highlighted in this edition is ‘Call to Family, Community and Participation.’ Here’s a peek inside this issue, with a focus on family:* As Catholics prepare for the World Meeting

of Families, which will be held in Philadelphia in September, we examine ways participation in family life and society go hand-in-hand.

* The Deferred Action for Parental Accountability, or DAPA, was announced by President Obama in late-November that would benefit many immigrant families by keeping children together with their immigrant parents. As we wait in joyful hope of DAPA’s eventual implementation, we look at what it would mean for immigrants who qualify.

* Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen strives to keep families who are experiencing difficulties and hardships safe and intact through the provision of its programs and social services designed to strengthen families. CCDOM Behavioral Health and Leadership team members share how the organization offers a unique approach to family services, blending faith with best practices in social work.

There’s much more! We invite you to read the entire newsletter at + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + +Why not take the opportunity this summer to enrich your marriage?

A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend gives you the time and tools to revitalize romance, deepen communication, and nourish the spirituality in your marriage.The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend will be held July 17-19.Early registration is advisable as space is limited. Phone 732-904-9636 for registration

Page 10: From the Pastor October 9, 20052015.docx  · Web viewMost people know what a Bible is, even if they have never read a word of it. If you ask them what it contains, they probably

and information. Visit us at: for more information.+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + +

2 Job Opportunities - Diocese of Metuchen

Day Maintenance Mechanic - Office of Property and Facilities ManagementEvening Maintenance Mechanic - Office of Property and Facilities ManagementPresently, the Office of Property and Facilities Management seeks one day and one evening Maintenance Mechanic to:Perform routine tasks such as painting, plumbing, electrical wiring and other related activities. Maintain facilities, grounds and equipment in a clean, safe and orderly condition. Cut lawns using a power mower; trim and edge around walks, flower beds and walls. Assist in snow removal by shoveling walkways and driveways. Assist with other projects as needed.The ideal candidate must be able to regularly lift and/or move up to 50 pounds, work outdoors, and be able to work an occasional weekend schedule.Interested candidates should forward their resume to [email protected]. When applying please indicate Day Maintenance Mechanic or Evening Maintenance Mechanic.** Please note that due to the anticipated high volume of responses, only those candidates who we are interested in interviewing will be contacted. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + +

All Are InvitedThe Diocesan Office for Persons with Disabilities is sponsoring the Celebration of Holy Mass with the opportunity for participants to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick at St. Helena's Church, 950 Grove Ave, Edison, NJ on Saturday, September 12 at 11 AM followed by fellowship and light refreshments.The Disabled, their caregivers and all wishing to participate in this special event are asked to RSVP by Friday, September 4 by calling 732-234-6432 or email us [email protected].+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + +Upcoming Pilgrimages

Alpine Europe including Switzerland and Germany, November 9-19, 2015; $3,079The Best of Ireland, March 1-11, 2016; $2,399Italian Jubilee of Mercy in Italy, includes Lourdes, Avignon, Nice, Florence, Assisi and Rome with Papal Audience. October 31-November 10, 2016; $2,989All trips include airfare from Newark, most meals, superior hotels, tour and city escort and guides, Daily Mass. Hosted by Fr. David Kosmoski, St. Andrew Church, 244 Avenel Street, Avenel NJ 07001 - 732-634-4355, or

Page 11: From the Pastor October 9, 20052015.docx  · Web viewMost people know what a Bible is, even if they have never read a word of it. If you ask them what it contains, they probably

732-895-6607 for brochure. Or visit + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + +Open Your Heart and Home to a Foster

ChildCatholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen is seeking loving families to foster children of all ages, who have been abused, neglected or have had multiple out of home placements, through its Treatment Family Homes Program, contracted by New Jersey’s Department of Children and Families.The goal for the children in this program is to leave foster care and achieve permanency through reunification with their families, adoption, or independent living. Catholic Charities provides these resilient children with individual and family therapy, assistance with educational and medical needs, and independent living skills to help them reach their full potential.For more information about the program, please visit or contact Miguelina Nunez at 866-247-HOME (4663) or at [email protected].