From Pastor Keith - Clover...

1 The Bridge December 2013 Christ the Lord Lutheran Church 847-741-8141 FAX: 847-741-8165 Email: [email protected] Website: January Bridge deadline – December 15, 2013 Send items to Karin K at [email protected] or leave in mailbox on the top of the mail slots outside the church office. CTL Office Hours Monday: Office closed Tuesday through Friday: 9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. These are the regularly scheduled hours for Linda. Pr. Keith and Dss. Andrea available beyond these hours— please just call! Worship Schedule Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Education Hour We are centered in Christ and reach out to care. We proclaim Jesus as Lord and Savior. We equip and teach for spiritual growth. We worship passionately. We minister to the physical and spiritual needs of others. We discern and use the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We invite and involve others with a welcoming heart.

Transcript of From Pastor Keith - Clover...


The Bridge December 2013

Christ the Lord Lutheran Church

847-741-8141 FAX: 847-741-8165

Email: [email protected] Website:

January Bridge deadline – December 15, 2013

Send items to Karin K at [email protected] or leave in mailbox on the top of the mail slots outside the church office.

CTL Office Hours Monday: Office closed

Tuesday through Friday: 9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. These are the regularly scheduled hours for Linda.

Pr. Keith and Dss. Andrea available beyond these hours—please just call!

Worship Schedule

Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Education Hour

We are centered in Christ and reach out to care.

We proclaim Jesus as Lord and Savior. We equip and teach for spiritual growth.

We worship passionately. We minister to the physical and spiritual needs of others.

We discern and use the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We invite and involve others with a welcoming heart.



Contents December 2013 .................................................................................................... 1

Contents ........................................................................................................... 2 *COME ONE; COME ALL* ............................................................................. 4

Save the Dates .................................................................................................. 4 *FROM OUR LEADERSHIP* .......................................................................... 5

From Pastor ..................................................................................................... 5 From Our Deaconess ....................................................................................... 7

*WORSHIP NEWS* ........................................................................................ 10 Sunday Morning Schedule ............................................................................. 10 Scripture Lessons for December .................................................................... 10

*GET INVOLVED* ........................................................................................... 11 Advent Midweek Evening Prayer ................................................................... 12 Craft Show Thank You ................................................................................... 12 Adult Retreat! ................................................................................................. 13 G.I.F.T. Advent 2013...................................................................................... 13 Gathering For Women ................................................................................... 14 50th Anniversary Weekend.. .......................................................................... 15 Social Ministry Events ................................................................................... 15 Scrip Fundraising .......................................................................................... 16 Crafters - Ornaments and Cookie Exchange ................................................. 16 Bound and Ungagged (A book club) .............................................................. 17 Hooks and Needles ......................................................................................... 17 Bridge Group Dinner Schedule ...................................................................... 17

*LEARNING* ................................................................................................... 18 Adult Study Groups ........................................................................................ 18

*SPECIAL DATES TO REMEMBER*.......................................................... 20 *THANK-YOUs* .............................................................................................. 21



Save the Dates For future events, be sure the church office receives date

and time information so calendars and space needs are all correct! Please click on hyperlinks for more information. Sun., Dec. 1 Advent Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m.

Wed., Dec. 4 Mid-week Advent Worship 7:00 p.m.

Sat., Dec. 7 50th Anniversary Celebration Dinner at Holiday Inn

Sun., Dec. 8 Celebration Worship Service

9:30 a.m.

Wed., Dec. 11 Mid-week Advent Worship 7:00 p.m.

Wed., Dec. 18 Mid-week Advent Worship 7:00 p.m.

Sun., Dec. 22 Children and Youth Christmas Pageant

9:30 a.m.

Sat., Jan. 25 Gathering for Women 9:00 a.m.

Fri., Feb. 7 & Sat., Feb. 8

Adult Retreat at LOMC TBA



From Pastor Dear friends in Christ,

Grace and peace to you!

What an exciting month this will be! On Sunday, Dec. 8,

we will be coming together in worship to celebrate something pretty amazing: the 50th anniversary of the signing of the charter that established Christ the Lord Lutheran Church as a congregation. That is truly a milestone to be rejoiced over! In less than one year, a group of faithful people had come together, had formed a worshiping community, and they were ready to commit to the future as a full-fledged official congregation…from 0 to 179 baptized members in only a matter of months.

Think about it. That took a lot of faith and hope, and a lot of invitations to neighbors and friends to come join in. There were folks who had come from Lutheran backgrounds, but also folks who had come from very different traditions. There were families, of course, since it was the end of the Baby Boom era, but there were also a number of single adults. There was no building to which to invite them — only a school auditorium. There was no organ for the first few years, and no choir at the beginning, so the music wasn’t terribly majestic or polished. For the first several months, they weren’t allowed by the larger church to celebrate Holy Communion — the charter Sunday was the first time that could happen. Sunday School had to be started from scratch. Everything had to be unpacked and packed up, week after week. Meetings had to be held in homes. It took a lot of innovation and creative problem solving. Finances were tight. Still, people truly believed that God was calling them together to help create something new and life-changing…and God did just that.

Across these 50 years, CTL has faithfully gone about doing what God has called us to do. Think of the number of times we’ve gathered for worship…the number of people we’ve served


through the work of our hands and the generosity of our hearts…the number of lives that have been affected by the preaching and teaching and supportive ministry of the leaders and members of this congregation… the number of children and adults baptized into the Family of God…the number of kids who’ve been confirmed in the faith and sent out into the world…the number of marriages established…the number of saints of God who’ve been laid to rest…the number of hungry fed…the number of sick visited…the list goes on and on. All of this is part of what God has been creating here through us. Thank you to all of you who have had a part in that, and thanks be to God!

The creation of something new hasn’t stopped. God still has so much in store for us as the assembly of God’s people here! Sometimes we’re tempted to think that we’ve done our bit; that we’re tired and ready to sit by the roadside; that God is done with us. Sometimes we think that everything is as it is, and that nothing should — or can — change. We look at attendance that is not what it used to be, finances that aren’t what they once were, dearly loved people who are no longer present with us, and we stop looking toward God’s future. We stop believing that God can and will create something new. It becomes difficult sometimes to muster the enthusiasm and hopefulness that fueled the creation of this congregation 50 years ago. We love CTL, but we’re not sure where things go next.

You know, one term for a 50th anniversary is “Golden Jubilee.” The Jubilee is a concept that comes out of the book of Leviticus, where the people of Israel are commanded to celebrate a special anniversary year every 50 years. The fields are to lie fallow for one whole year, giving them needed resting time. Any Israelites who are slaves or bondservants are to be set free. All real estate that has been purchased in the past 50 years is to be returned to its previous owner so the economic system can be stirred back up and so that the wealth isn’t all concentrated in the hands of a few. All of this is to remind people that everything they have comes from God, and that they shouldn’t hold on to anything as being more important than God. It is also a reminder that God liberates us, and that we’re to set others free, as well. Most of all, it is something like a “reset button.” Jubilee wipes the slate clean,


starts things over, gives people hope that things can change, and allows for something new to begin. It wasn’t a time to be feared…it was a time for rejoicing that something new was about to begin.

What if we were to think of this 50th Anniversary celebration at CTL as a Jubilee? What if we looked back across these 50 years, gave thanks, and asked God to “push the reset button” for us, to start things afresh, to give us the enthusiasm and excitement of creating something new? Can you imagine what might happen if we were to get out and invite others with the passion that the first members of CTL had? Can you imagine us approaching our challenges with the creativity of those early years, finding ways to work around hurdles? Can you see us opening up our homes to one another so freely again, forming new and caring relationships among ourselves outside of the walls of a church building? Can you picture us having that flexibility which allows us to roll with new realities and find creative ways to do the things that matter, rolling up our sleeves as necessary to do what we’re being called to do?

Come join in the celebration on Dec. 8th; come expecting a Jubilee, as God “presses the reset button” and begins creating something new. Thanks be to God!


Pr. Keith From Our Deaconess

During this Advent and Christmas season, there are two new opportunities for worship and personal devotions. Since they might be new to some of us, below is a short explanation of each. The first is the Jesse Tree, which is a way to count the days of Advent. You and your household are encouraged to do this at home daily. The second is the Christingle Service, which will be our worship service at the early service on Christmas Eve!


The Jesse Tree

Isaiah 11:1-2: A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots. The spirit of the Lord shall rest on him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.

The symbols of the Jesse Tree come from the above passage in the Book of Isaiah. Each branch - each leaf on the tree -is a story rooted deep in Scripture that tells of the relationship between God and God’s people. The symbols on the Jesse Tree represent a Biblical “family tree,” and Christ is grafted onto the family tree of Jesse, the father of the great King David. There are two devotional books available for this Advent season.

The Jesse Tree: Advent Devotions for Families, includes stickers, a tree to place the stickers as Advent continues, and poems to read daily as a household.

The Jesse Tree: Advent Devotions for Personal Growth. This booklet contains a Scripture passage, a short devotional writing, a picture of the symbol of the day, and a prayer. Each day you will be reminded how we are all a part of this tree and of the powerful love of Christ for this -our- family tree.

Each book is available in the entry area. Each child may take a tree, so he or she can experience the “growth” of the tree. The Christingle Service

The Christingle Service is a service of light and ceremony, of song and symbol. Christingle means "Christ light," and the service focuses the assembly’s attention on the hope and joy that light brings to a dark world. In the dark of winter, the coming of Christ, the light of the world, is a powerful message of hope.


A Christingle is made from an orange, which represents the world that God made, and a candle, which represents Jesus, the light of the world. The sticks are put into four corners of the top side of the orange. These represent the four seasons of the year. Onto each stick is threaded dried fruit or candy. This represents all the goodness that God has provided on the earth. A red ribbon wrapped around the orange and fixed in place represents the blood of Jesus who died for the salvation of the whole world.

The first candle lit in the service is referred to as the “Christ light.” During the service all the Christingles are lit from the first Christ light as a reminder that we can only shine as lights in the world because Jesus is our light. Come experience this new worship service on Christmas Eve at 4:00 p.m. Come 15 minutes beforehand to assemble your Christingle! May you have a blessed Advent season,

Deaconess Andrea



Sunday Morning Schedule 9:30 a.m. Worship 11:00 a.m. Education Hour

Scripture Lessons for December Sunday December 1 – First Sunday of Advent Isaiah 2:1-5 Psalm 122 (1) Romans 13:11-14 Matthew 24:36-44 Color: Blue Sunday December 8 – Second Sunday of Advent Isaiah 11:1-10 Psalm 72:1-7, 18-19 (7) Romans 15:4-13 Matthew 3:1-12 Color: Blue Sunday December 15 – Third Sunday of Advent Isaiah 35:1-10 Psalm 146:5-10 (8) or Luke 1:46b-55 (47) James 5:7-10 Matthew 11:2-11 Color: Blue

Sunday December 22 – Fourth Sunday of Advent Isaiah 7:10-16 Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19 (7) Romans 1:1-7 Matthew 1:18-25 Color: Blue Tuesday December 24 – Nativity of Our Lord Isaiah 9:2-7 Psalm 96 (11) Titus 2:11-14 Luke 2:1-14 (15-20) Color: White Sunday December 29 – First Sunday of Christmas Isaiah 63:7-9 Psalm 148 (13) Hebrews 2:10-18 Matthew 2:13-23 Color: White



Commitment Sunday Over the past few weeks, we’ve been focusing on the

theme “Faithful, Thankful, Hopeful.” We’ve talked about God’s faithfulness to us and made commitments to spiritual practices that will grow our faith and trust in God, and leave a legacy of faith for others. We’ve looked at what we have to be thankful for, and committed to practicing acts of thankfulness and gratitude toward God and toward others. We’ve looked at the hope that we have in Christ Jesus, and committed ourselves to acts of hopefulness for God’s future and for the future of CTL.

On Sunday, Dec. 8th, as part of our 50th Anniversary celebration worship, we will make another commitment. As faithful, thankful, hopeful followers of Jesus, we’ll offer up commitments of our time, our talents, and our financial resources. In worship that day, you will each be given a card on which you can write down those commitments, and then you will be invited to step forward and to place those cards before the altar as a sign of your promise to God.

In the first week of December, you will receive a letter that will show you what your financial gifts this past year have been, and some information that will help you prayerfully consider what you will commit to giving in 2014. We ask that you spend time this week asking God to help you respond with generosity and joy.

There is so much to do here at CTL to carry out the mission that God has planned for us and we can only do that mission through your generous giving, both of yourself and of the financial resources that God has entrusted to you. We’re not a large congregation, but we do so many things together! There’s a good deal of faithfulness here among us, and we need to continue to help one another grow in faith through our worship and the programs of the congregation. God has given each of us gifts, and we give thanks for all that we have, recognizing that God has given these gifts so that we can serve one another and the world. We respond in confident hope that God will take our faith, our gratitude, and our vision, and will use it for God’s work of love and redemption in the world.


Please join us in worship on Dec. 8! If you are unable to come and make a commitment that day, you will be given another opportunity to make your commitment in another way. In Christ’s love, The Stewardship Task Force

Advent Midweek Evening Prayer As we did last year, we will be gathering on Wednesday

evenings at 7:00 P.M. for a service of Evening Prayer for the season of Advent. The dates will be Dec. 4, Dec. 11, and Dec. 18. The service lasts about a half hour. It is a beautiful and simple meditative service, held by candlelight, with lots of opportunity for silence and prayer. What better way to center and refresh yourself during this hectic season? Those who came last year found it to be a beautiful experience. We hope you’ll join us!

Craft Show Thank You Our annual Habitat for Humanity Craft Show was again a

big success. With the proceeds from the craft show and matching funds from Thrivent, we expect to send about $4500 to our Habitat partnership! A big THANK YOU to all the crafters, everyone who helped advertise and shopped, and Lexi A, Corrine A, Linda B, Diane B, Bill & Carol B, Barb & Warren B, Craig B, John, Carol, Sarah, Rachel, & JJ C, Cub Scouts, Karen C, Mark, Andrea, Caitlin, Kristin, and Lizzie D, Carol & Rick E, Jan E, Eric & Sharon L, Pastor Keith F, Dorothy G, Julie G, Patty & Jim H, Carol H, Wild Ones, Sharon H, Ann K, Karin & Dave K, Luann L, Andrea L, Taylor L, Cheri Lee L, Cathy and Zach M, Debbie McG, David M, Dena M, John M, Henrietta N, Karl & Nicklas N, Mary & Dale N, Mary S, Sue T, Linda W, Marcy W, Rita Y, and Zach Z who planned, helped set up and clean up, worked the day of the show, and donated baked goods and pop. We could not have done it without the continued support of this congregation! - Craft Show Committee


Adult Retreat! "Come As You Are" Fri., Feb. 7 – Sat., Feb. 8 Cost: $80.00 LOMC - Oregon, IL. See Deaconess Andrea to reserve your spot today! (Back to Save the Date)

G.I.F.T. Advent 2013 Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

2 When John heard in prison what the Messiah was doing, he sent word by his disciples 3 and said to Him, “Are you the one who is to come, or are we to wait for another?” 4 Jesus answered them, “Go and tell John what you hear and see: 5 the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor have good news brought to them. 6 And blessed is anyone who takes no offense at me.” 7 As they went away, Jesus began to speak to the crowds about John: “What did you go out into the wilderness to look at? A reed shaken by the wind? 8 What then did you go out to see? Someone dressed in soft robes? Look, those who wear soft robes are in royal palaces. 9 What then did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet. 10 This is the one about whom it is written, ‘See, I am sending My messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you.’ 11 Truly I tell you, among those born of women no one has arisen greater than John the Baptist; yet the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he”. Matthew 11:2-11


Address: 1072 National Parkway Schaumburg, IL 60173 Phone: 847.519.9614 Note: Parking lot entrance located on Remington Road


12/1/2013 GATHER SUNDAY 11:00 a.m. Weeks of 12/8 & 12 &15

Community Groups

12/15/2013 CREATE SUNDAY 11:00 a.m. 12/25/2013 NO All Church Potluck – Merry Christmas! 1/4/2014 SERVICE Feed

My Starving Children*

SATURDAY 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

*Schaumburg, IL Location

Meet at FMSC at 11:15 a.m. or carpool from CTL - leave at 10:45 a.m.

Must be at least 5 years old. Participants can register at:

Please click here to register. Gathering For Women

Please join us for a Gathering for Women on Sat., Jan. 25 from 9-10:30 a.m. at Karin K’s. Session 5: Abigail, a calm strategist.

Theme verses: “Then Abigail hurried and took two hundred loaves, two skins of wine, five sheep ready dressed, five measures of parched grain, one hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs. She loaded them on donkeys and said to her young men, ‘Go on ahead of me; I am coming after you.’ But she did not tell her husband Nabal.” 1 Samuel 25:18-19.

Coffee and treats will be served. Come and enjoy Bible study, prayer, friendship, and treats. For a copy of the study, contact Jan G at 847-888-9501 or [email protected] We welcome new members! (Back to Save the Date)


50th Anniversary Weekend.. 50th Anniversary Weekend... Invitations are in the mail! If you did not receive one, please contact the church office.

Celebration Dinner, Sat., Dec. 7- Celebrate The Life - Grateful for Yesterday by renewing old friendships, and sharing the stories of the past 50 years of our church. Festivities include dinner at the Holiday Inn: gathering at 6pm & buffet at 7pm. Cost is $35 per person, in advance - required.

Celebration Worship Service, Sun., Dec. 8- Celebrate The Life - Hopeful for Tomorrow! Festival Eucharist Service at 9:30 a.m. with Bishop Wayne Miller, presiding! A reception and fellowship will follow the service.

Our committee is looking for benefactors to help fund our 50th Anniversary celebration. If you can help, please make a check payable to Christ the Lord and mark it as 50th Anniversary donation. Your gift would be greatly appreciated.

Social Ministry Events As the weather turns colder and the holidays are just

around the corner, it's time to think of those in need. Social Ministry has some opportunities for you to help. A Mitten Tree will be set up in the Narthex to collect mittens, scarves, and hats for all ages. These will be distributed to schools, PADS, and other agencies.

White Gifts provides Christmas gifts for U-46 children from needy families. The children are selected by the social workers in their schools. This drive began Nov. 27 and ends Dec. 15. The gifts are brought to CTL wrapped in white paper, hence the name. In so giving, we are showing the community that CTL cares.


Scrip Fundraising Simply return an order form with your check to the church

on Sunday. You will receive a new order form each week. You may pick up your order the following Sunday at the church. We encourage you to take advantage of the wonderful benefits offered by this on-going fundraiser. If you have questions, please talk to Mary N 847-828-0027 or Dorothy G 847-888-4484. (Back to Save the Date)

Crafters - Ornaments and Cookie Exchange At our December meeting, we will be making a nativity

ornament out of clothespins and wood pieces, to be given to participants in the annual Christmas pageant. No special skills required and all supplies will be provided. We will meet at church on Sat., Dec. 14 at 1:00 P.M.

As is our tradition at this meeting, we will also be having a Christmas cookie exchange. If you would like to participate in our annual Christmas cookie exchange, please bring about 4-5 dozen cookies (all the same variety). We will share some and divide the rest, so you’ll go home with a variety of cookies. It's a great way to get into the festive spirit. For more information, contact Carol E at 847-695-0833 or Karin K at 847-373-0545.


Bound and Ungagged (A book club) Bound and Ungagged is reading Cross Roads by William

Paul Young for Sat., Dec. 7. For this month only, we are meeting at Carol Hs’ home at 9:00 a.m. If you are not a formal member of the book club, but are interested in this book, please RSVP to Carol H at [email protected] to confirm that you are coming so that she can give you directions to her home. Normally the book club meets at Colonial Cafe' on McLean Blvd. at 8:00 a.m. If you have any questions or would like to suggest a book that you have read and think the book club would enjoy, please contact Carol H.

Hooks and Needles (Prayer Shawl and Baptismal Blanket Ministry)

As you select yarn for a new prayer shawl, consider that we are in need of colors that are bright, lively, and cheerful —colors that will help dispel the gloom! We are getting very low on shawls, so please keep crocheting, and knitting!

For crafters interested in making a prayer shawl, there are now "unkits" available next to the Dress-A-Girl kits in the CTL entry area. These kits include instructions, a card, and everything else you will need (except for the knitting needles/crochet hook) to complete a prayer shawl. Thanks to some wonderful angels, we are able to provide kits with yarn.

Bridge Group Dinner Schedule The Bridge Group is for people who would like a chance to

meet with other single adults at various area restaurants. A Sunday afternoon dinner is a time for conversation, laughter, and support. All singles are invited to join us on the first and third Sundays at 4:00

December 1 Colonial on McLean December 15 Biaggi’s Algonquin



Adult Study Groups B.& B.: Bible and Brew

Bible and Brew is meeting on Tuesdays. This terrific group meets every Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. at the Village Squire Restaurant - West Dundee. We gather in the back room and spend an hour enjoying one another’s company and discussing how God is active in our world, and how the Bible can help us understand that. Some folks order dinner (it’s half-price burger night!) and others just have (free popcorn!). Come join us! In December, it will meet on the 3rd and 10th, possibly on the 17th , and then recess until January. (Back to Save the Date) Wednesday Morning Bible Study 10:30 a.m. Watch for startup information.



Please pray for those CTL members who struggle with illness and other concerns, especially: Frank A, Bob & Diane B, Norma B, Jan E, Pastor Keith F, Ursula H, Pat H, Nancy K, Sue K, Barb L, Cyndi L, Pete L, Bud L, Larry & Joyce M, Henrietta N, Dennis P, Bob P, Roger R, Maureen S, Jeremy T, Pam W

Please pray for those in care facilities or at home, especially: Heritage: - Audrey R Rosewood: - Norma B

Rosewood – Bud L Sycamore Facility – Ursula H

Please pray for our family and friends, especially: Carolyn B Daughter of Kathy O Carri Daughter of Jim & Nancy D Bryan B Son of Diane B Jackie B Grandmother to Larry B Mary B Mother of Sharon Fisher L Blake (1 year old) Friend of the Bolda family Chris Son of Ann K Dena D Daughter-in-law of Grace D Dorothy & Harry E Mother & stepfather of Carol H Bruce & Sandy G Friends of Barb L Bob H Friend of Earl & Luann L Tim H Son of Diane B Dan K Son of Nancy K John L Brother of Dick L Edna M Mother of Sue T Aaron M Brother of Dss. Andrea D Mert & Ione M Uncle & aunt of Jeanne T Carissa P Friend of Sharon H Michelle Z Friend of Carri N

Please pray for those in military service, especially: James G, Corbin J, Brandt J, Manessa L, John Y

Please pray for those who mourn, especially family and friends of these persons: Ruth C Mother of Eileen S Ana L Niece of Cheri Lee L


Buono “Buzz” O Father of Ann O Pam W William “Bill” B

Friend of Carol H Husband of Carol & a CTL member

*SPECIAL DATES TO REMEMBER* If you have a December event and it does not appear on the lists, please let us know so we can update our records. [email protected] December Birthdays 1 - Dale N 2 - Mark D 3 - Javier P 3 - Erich S 5 - Laura E 7 - Barb D 8 - Carri N 10 - Nancy H 13 - Kathie L 13 - Henrietta N 14 - Will L 16 - Lowell B 16 - Dolores G 17 - Kayla H 17 - Earl L

18 - Judy L 18 - Nicole R 18 - Jadan T 19 - Heather W 19 - David Y 21 - Audrey R 22 - Tom R 23 - Phillip D 23 - Rene L 25 - Bill F 26 - Molly W 29 - Caitlin D 29 - E.J. G 30 - Emilie S

December Baptismal Anniversaries 1 - Jana M 4 - Andrea B 4 - Carol B 6 - Sadie V 10 - Paul T

13 - Chip H 22 - Sara T 23 - Madison M 25 - Andrew B


December Wedding Anniversaries 3 – Paul & Mary T 22 – David & Marsha C

*THANK-YOUs* “The world is hugged by the faithful arms of volunteers.” Many thanks to: Linda W, Henrietta N, Pr. Keith, John M for Holy Holes. Debbie McG; John M; Sue K; Jim & Patty H for altar flowers. Barb B for bulletin assembly. John M for lawn mowing and apple harvesting. Patty H for flower gardens and maintenance. Andrew B for computer work. Carol E for Church Sign Birth Rose For Jaxon M, son of Jeff & Katie M, grandson of Sandy M



STAFF Rev. Keith F Pastor Deaconess Andrea D Director of Ministries Open Position Director of Music Linda G Office Assistant


Pam W Anneliese J, Youth

CTL FINANCIAL TEAM Beth U Treasurer Carol C Financial Secretary

COUNCIL OFFICERS Carol B President Eric L Vice President Justin R Recording & Corresponding Secretaries Karin K Archivist

Christ the Lord Lutheran Church 12N462 Tina Trail + Elgin, IL 60124-4876 + Phone: 847-741-8141

Office Hours

Mondays: Office closed Tuesday through Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Friday: 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

Rev. Keith F – Pastor [email protected] Dss. Andrea D – Director of Ministries [email protected] Director of Music [email protected] Linda G– Office Assistant [email protected] Karin K—The Bridge Editor [email protected]