from Nedward to Nedward in eight quarters



Transcript of from Nedward to Nedward in eight quarters

Page 1: from Nedward to Nedward in eight quarters


Page 2: from Nedward to Nedward in eight quarters

My name is Nedward the ninth, formerly ruler of the Kingdom of Something Completely Different.

I was found unfit to rule because I wanted my reign to be based on nothing but Love, Laughter and Music. I was exiled to Lebanon, where people were obsessed by the two things I hate the most; politics and religion.

I noticed that here, politics (and religious institutions) are linked to colors. Colors should never be associated with alienation. Together we can bring this to an end.

Discovered that Ryan was a deejay at a pub in Beirut.Prepared a special edition Stencil to thank him for spreading the word by Tagging it on the pub's wall. He Later became one of Nedward's most faithful knights.

Proudest nedward moment; first shared tag I spotted on facebook.

Started by tagging the streets of Beirut, hoping that someone would relate to my message and want to share it online.

In an effort to get more attention, I had to think big. The banner stayed on for five hours on a very congested monday morning.

Nedward's facebook page included the Word, photo albums, and a link to mixtapes.

The soundcloud page started off with five mixtapes, each mixtape had a mood and color.

People were also invited to upload their own mixtapes and spread the music online or by using the"spread the ned word" kits; a pack of sticker tags delivered to their doorstep.





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Mugs and stickers where the Starbucks logo changes shades of green depending on how hot the coffee is.

On top of saving a few tongues the green heat indicators let you know when ur coffee’s flavor is at it’s peak.

Create interaction between the new

Starbucks fourty years anniversary logo and their clients.

Mentored byTERESA JUNG

Creative director Heimat, Berlin.

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Create a promotional item for the brand of

your choice.

Mentored byLISA KIRCHNERCreative Director

All that yay, Berlin.

A monthly mag issued by AIAIAI. Six artists are introduced every month, they will record sets for AIAIAI, that will be stored in the detachable mp3 player.


The cards (aka artist files) are pushed up by sliders similar to the ones found on sound boards and synthesizers.

The pattern is made of tiled As or Is. Inserted in their respective slots, one can read: AIAIAI

A QR code links to the artist’s spotify or itunes page.

Turn the dial clockwise to switch sets.

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Driving a Vespa transports you to another world. A soothing place where you become one with your surroundings. This campaign portrays "that feeling".

The app, powered by stereomood generates playlists depending on how you are feeling, the weather, driving speed, location and traffic.

The microsite allows you to track your rides by date and time, enabling you to check tunes you might have liked on the go, and share them with friends.

Cover vespas in the city with promotional covers a few weeks before spring.

Create an integrated campaign for Vespa.

Created withANNE WALDE

Art Director

Mentored byFEDJA KEHL

Creative DirectorServiceplan, Berlin.

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Share your worst car problems with DriveNow through it‘s social network. The top rated stories will be over exaggerated & tested online on our laboratory car.

Owning your own car comes with unpleasant "side effects".By using DriveNow you will not need to deal with them

Exaggerated car problems will be recreated & placed in the city. with signs;

Created withANNE WALDE

Art Director

Create an integrated campaign for DriveNow.

Mentored byFEDJA KEHL

Creative DirectorServiceplan, Berlin.

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Ear plugs handed out on the street and in shopping malls with a note;

Using our very own middleman meme, quote and share on social platforms your own middleman experiences.

Web based app. works full screen.Compatible with touch devices.

Stickers and stencil street art campaign. Linked to Instagram.

Teufel offers it’s clients top sound quality. Their prices stay affordable and they improve their products based on their customers feedback. All this is possible because they sell their products directly to the customer through their online store exclusively.


Art Director

Create an integrated campaign for Teufel.

Mentored byFEDJA KEHL

Creative DirectorServiceplan, Berlin.

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Headlines & Taglines.


Creative DirectorServiceplan, Berlin.

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Five tiny euros send an indian child to school for a whole month, but for a smoker it only represents the cost of a single pack of cigarettes. A pack of education is a cigarette vending machine turned into a donation box.

Next to the brands displayed on cigarette vending machines, we will add a "pack of education" label, allowing customers to easily donate their money for a pupil's education.

YouTube keywords: "pack of education"

Help Teach for India send more children to school.





LIEBENSTEINLovestone film, Berlin

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Help German newspaper; Zeitung collect donations to help countries with no proper access to water.

Created withANNE WALDE

Art Director


Creative DirectorServiceplan, Berlin.

Sure! Just keep going straight down this road, it will lead you out of the village. Turn left on the first thick bush you see and go through a pile of piney bushes for about a mile. Careful! Snakes are known to nest there, just mind where you step. On a second thought, you might just want to run for the next mile. When you notice that the floor went from piney to sandy you're basically safe, snake wise. Once you're done with the bushes, it’s time to face what the locals call: "The quick sand inferno". The trick with quick sand is to cross your fingers and keep moving. If you manage that, you should be able to see a hilly part, located around the north west(ish) . Finding the north might be tricky but if the night is clear, look for the stars! Once you reach the hill, it's time for some rock climbing. It can be tricky though, those rocks spend full days exposed to the sun, if you wear climbing gloves, you’ll be fine! Oh silly me you don’t even have shoes. Well! Just wrap a couple of leaves around your feet and hands! I guess it’ll sting a bit but am sure you’ll be fine. It’s only an hour climb. When you've reached the plateau take a deep breath and pull yourself together. Now head down towards the east and keep walking till you find a herd of buffaloes, it’s a good sign! It means that water is not that far away anymore! Just make sure you don’t get too close, they are known to be very protective over their young ones but don’t wander too far either. You know how it goes, where there’s prey there are hunters. Wild animals are waiting patiently for the right moment to hunt the young or old ones, basicaly slow helpless targets. In this case that's you. Bottom line, move fast, silently and whatever you do don’t look back! Do that for the next couple of kilometer or so. All going well, you should reach the water just after. Now don’t just fill your gallon randomly. Pick your spot carefully! Go where the water is shallow and clear, I can’t stress enough! You see water comes with it’s inhabitants and in this case it’s restless crocodiles waiting for innocent drinkers they can quickly break in half and have you for a late night snack. Fill your tank and carry it back home using the exact same way! Except this time around you’ll have to be extra careful and look out for what we call "drinking water pirates". Basically lazy bad asses that would rather meet you half way and steal your water. Good luck with that, you are so gonna need it.

Excuse me,Can you point me to the next source of drinking water?

Help us make it shorter. Buy a

In some parts of the world, access to drinking water still means a long, life threatening walk.

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Inspired by Space and nature

Packed in Hemp travel shoe bags.

Made out of hemp string.

Create your own Nebula space badge.Chose icons, control their size.Enter Date of birth for stellar inspiration.Share your creation.

Pick a Nebula hoodie.We’ll flyknit your badge on it.

We flyknit hemp for a stronger, lighter and greener future.Hemp is a young speck of dust in our universe.But stars start out as dust. Nebula is the future.

Create, design and communicate an organic

shoe brand for Nike.


Global Branding DirectorGeometry Global, Hamburg.

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Reimagine Nedward.






Colors are for everyone.Colors are light's way of telling us it exists. It should only be associated to happiness and unity.

Goodie bags at music festivals and concerts include; water, gummy bears, free drinks tickets, lighters and Asprin for the morning after.

The app packs an extra feature; the ned lens allows you to mix colors that are in "conflict" and use them as filters.Share directly to instagram, facebook or twitter with automatic hashtags.

The website includes; the word that you can share, a platform where you can stream mixtapes, share them or upload your own set, a live feed of all relevant hashtags, a listing of events close to the king's heart and a feed of only positive Lebanese news.

My name is Nedward the ninth. Formerly ruler of the Kingdom of Something Completely Different.

I was found unfit to rule because I did not believe in politics nor religion and wanted my reign to be based on nothing but love, laughter and music. I was exiled to a country where people were obsessed by the two things I hate the most. The very religious republic of Lebanon.

Live grafiti partyUberhaus - Beirut

cmaramouni22 @RyanK rocked last night! #kingnedward #colorparty #lovelaughtermusic#blueforparty #redforhot

Kids make giant rainbow cake to help cancer patients.Four hundred kids in Tyre donned plastic gloves and hairnets Sunday to help make a 220-meter-long (...)


#add yours.

Our vital little indulgences.What’s greater than Lebanon? It’s all the little indulgences we do that shapes our identity, the Ministry of tourism (...)

Lebanon civil marriage raises hope for change.Ratification of country's first non-religious nuptial seen as step towards more secular society despite criticism. (...)

Gay rights: The good, the bad and the ugly.While walking the streets of the upscale downtown district of Beirut, or sipping cocktails in one of El-Hamra’s bustling bars (...)

Environmental activists give seabed a deep clean. Scuba divers from all over the country will come together to clean up the seabed as part of a worldwide initiative (...)

Hind Hobeika Created the Google Glass of Swimming One part wanting the money, one part looking for cheap and efficient marketing, entrepreneur Hind Hobeika turned (...)

Food leftovers to be distributed to poor familiesLeftover goods and foodstuff will be no longer be left to go to waste in various Bekaa restaurants (...)

Colors are for everyone.

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