From Naha-Te to Goju-Ryu

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  • 8/4/2019 From Naha-Te to Goju-Ryu


    From Naha-te to Goju-ryu

    Okinawa Goju-ryu is a cultural heritage which has come to us from time immemorial.

    Today this style is really the international fighting art practised all over the world. It is

    possible to tell, that the history modern goju-ryu has begun since then as okinawan master

    Kanryo Higaonna has visited the Chinese province Fujan located in the south of China. There

    it in current of 15 years was trained at great master Ryu-Ryuko. Having returned home,

    Higaonna has started to teach karate in the city of Naha, and in a consequence this style has

    received the name Naha-te (" the Hand of the city of Naha ").

    After returning from China, sensei Higaonna spent a lot of time for studying and working

    off Sanchin kata. It gave this power exercise so much to energy and forces, that sometimes

    forgot about meal. About this time its personal pupil became the young guy who

    subsequently has become by the keeper of traditions and the successor of the master. A

    name of this person Chojun Miyagi.

    In the dojo sensei Higaonna Kanryo first six months trained the pupils only unsoku ho (the

    basic complexes of movement of legs), repeating them again and again. Then working off

    Sanchin kata - the exercise including the control of breath, energy and strengthening of

    muscles followed. On studying Sanchin kata left from 3 till 4th years. Training Sanchin was

    so is severe, that on shoulders of pupils blood acted, sight grew dim, and legs were on the

    verge of wreck. After training in urine of some of pupils there was a blood. Trained it was not

    authorized to begin practice new kata while they did not seize correct steps, correct breath

    and did not develop a high degree of endurance. Sensei Higaonna was known in China and

    on Okinawa as an outstanding master of the fighting arts, therefore very much many came

    to it in dojo, trying to adopt its skill. But training was so rigid, that only the some people

    have remained with it up to the end. Ghojun Miyagi was one of the few who has passed a

    rate of its trainings and has remained with sensei Higaonna till last minutes its lives.

    Sensei Chojun Miyagi was born on April, 25th, 1888 in the city of Naha in

    rich nobiliary family. In the age of 11 years he has started to train under

    direction of the master in karate Aragaki Ryuko. In dojo Miyagi basically was

    engaged with chishi, nigiri-game (adaptations for development of special

    fighting force) and with makiwara (a column for impacts) after some time,

    owing to persistent work and diligent employment, Miyagi has been

    presented to sensei Kanryo Higaonna who was the close friend and the

    colleague of his first teacher. However, despite of good recommendations,

    Higaonna long looked narrowly at the new pupil, forcing to perform the

    most difficult and unpleasant work on the house. And only having convinced

    of huge desire, patience and moral qualities of Chojun Miyagi, sensei Higaonna has started

    the present training. From the earliest childhood Chojun Miyagi has been fanatically betraid

    to okinawan fighting art, but trainings at Higaonna were so exhausting, what even it not

    time thought of throwing employment.

    For sensei Miyagi trainings were not limited to employment in

    dojo. Every day he ran in school and back, developing force and

    endurance of legs. Then he sent to harbour where, having adhered

    the big log to a neck, fulfilled movings from a rack in a rack, and

    also by means of inclinations developed force of muscles of a back,

    a neck and legs. After that sensei Miyagi passed to lifting of stones,

    some of which weighed more than 100 kg. If the stone was too

    heavy, he came back to it again and again from day in day while natural weight of a stonedid not concede to patience and strength of mind of the master. Despite of additional

    physical preparation, he still considered trainings with Higaonna rigid and extremely heavy.

    During performance Sanchin kata the pressure of muscles demanded by sensei Higaonna,

    was so strong, that sometimes led to loss of consciousness. After evening trainings sensei

    Miyagi has been so exhausted, that hardly reached the house. Immensely tired, he climb up

    on steps in the room, should lift legs by means of hands. However and on it forces not

    always sufficed and the sensei fell asleep in vestibule till the morning. Higaonna trained the

    pupil seriously and carefully, transferring it all the knowledge which has been saved up by

    many generations of masters.

  • 8/4/2019 From Naha-Te to Goju-Ryu


    Sensei Higaonna has lead all life in persistent lasting many hours trainings, becoming one

    of few rather great masters. But the everyday overstrain has not passed gift, and in October,

    1916 in the age of 63 years sensei Kanryo Higaonna has died.

    After death of master Miyagi has continued employment, having addressed to the nature,

    as to the oldest and wise teacher. Often his trainings passed on seacoast where sensei

    Miyagi fulfilled "ki-ai" (outpouring of energy). His fighting shouts were so powerful and

    strong, that considerably blocked a roar of waves. In the same place there passed special

    training of eyes: translating a sight from nearby subjects on horizon and return

    simultaneously concentrating on the certain power centers, it developed so-called " the

    poisoned sight ". Remembering precepts of ancient masters to be engaged in severe

    wearisome conditions, sensei Miyagi practised kta under a torrential rain and in midday

    heat; turned out technics, having come on a throat in water. Using every minute a daily life,

    the sensei incessantly trained. So, every time, passing by a stone fence, he striked on its

    blows by a shoulder, a back or a breast. Developing skill to fall, Miyagi, walking along the

    street suddenly rushed on a stone roadway and quickly being rolled rose on legs. Perceiving

    karate as complete fighting system, he never sat a back to a door or a window. Everyone

    goes to sleep, closely counted position of hands, legs and all body. Taking a morning shower,

    strolling on a room, approaching to a door, the sensei carefully thought over ways and ways

    of the possible attack, always ready to reflection of attack. Sometimes in the mornings

    iyagi asked the wife to open a curtain at a window to check up, whether he the first will

    feel a sound of an opening window or light going from a window before a sound. Once it hasasked to open and close a curtain some times, and the wife has thought, that it goes mad.

    To sensei Miyagi for his life there were many cases testifying to a high level of the master.

    In this clause we shall tell about one of them.

    Being in the age of 25 or 26 years, Chojun Miyagi together with friend Mimi Unchu has

    gone to look cockfights which were very popular at that time on Okinawa, in mari (one of

    areas Nahas). In that area of veins known enough master in karate Motobu Choki by

    nickname (monkey). iyagi and Motobu never met before, but each of them was well

    known about reputation of another. When they have met, iyagi has noticed that at Motobu

    on the person a long cut to which medical grasses are enclosed. Later it has learned, that the

    cut is put as a result of vindictive fight in which opponent has cut Motobu with a stone.

    Having seen this wound, iyagi has thought about itself, that at Motobu bad times have

    come. But Mimi Unchu has softened spirit Motobu, having noticed: " About, you have again

    fought ". Motobu nothing having told, has turned conversation on a theme of cockfights.

    Then Motobu has turned to imi Unchu and has told, that it has studied new technics. imi

    Unchu has answered: " Can you will show us? " Motobu has risen, has looked on iyagi and

    has told: " achu, rise and approach here ". Spirit of Motobu under influence drunk sake was

    clear and has been caused by the fight which has offended it.

    Reputation Cojun Miyagi as the fine expert of fighting arts it was widely known only in

    Naha, but also across all Okinawa. Motobu undoubtedly wished to learn the truth about this

    person and fighting art Naha-te. It intended to show the force and to enter into confusion

    Miyagi. Having risen opposite iyagi, Motobu has asked: " chu who will win when you

    have grasped the opponent or the opponent has grasped you? "

    " So all depends on the person ", - has answered iyagi. Without prevention Motobu has

    unexpectedly seized iyagi by a top. A room in which they were was very small and the

    atmosphere became menacing. imi Unchu was frightened and has rushed on street,

    whence continued to look through a window. Holding iyagi for a top, Motobu has planned

    powerful impact by a hand. Then iyagi, about improbable which force of capture legends

    went, has quickly intercepted hand Motobu, and has braided it so strongly, that has

    compelled it is obedient to fall to a floor. Larger Motobu which intended to win iyagi, felt

    helpless and shouted from a pain.

    Sensei Miyagi for long years of trainings has achieved in development in karate of amazing

    results. Any technical reception, whether it be knocking down, sabaki (system of

    withdrawals), the block or impact, possessed extraordinary speed and force. The

    eyewitnesses seen the sensei in operation, spoke, that in the future there will be nobody who

    will possess such huge destroying energy as sensei Miyagi.

  • 8/4/2019 From Naha-Te to Goju-Ryu


    Renaming Naha-te in Goju-ryu

    In 1930 the senior pupil of sensei Miyagi Ginan Shinzato has shown Sepai kata (18

    hands) on All Japanese Championship of Fighting arts spent in honour of crowning of PrinceKhirokhito. After performance to Shinzato master Kobudo has addressed with a question. It

    has asked, to what school in karate concerns Shizato. Sensei Shinzato could not answer this

    question as at that time there was no necessity to have the name to each style. Having

    returned to Okinawa, Shinzato has told to sensei Miyagi about this meeting. Having thought

    some time, iyagi has decided to name the art on new, named it goju-ryu. This name has

    been chosen not casually. During development of all history shaolin fighting arts, concept of

    rigidity (GO) and softness (JU) always were under steadfast attention of masters of hand-to-

    hand fight. Ancient masters approved, that the present fighter should not be unduly rigid or

    soft. For hoping too strong impact not in a condition correctly to estimate a situation, and

    the softest and passive leaving cannot amaze the opponent. Only the intangible side

    simultaneously uniting rigid and soft, conducts in original fighting skill.

    To this day sensei Morio Higaonna who is the keeper of tradition of Okinawa goju-ryu, has

    an ancient Chinese treatise "Bubishi". In it " Eight precepts " style of the White Crane, veryprecisely reflecting an essence of the modern name of school Goju-ryu (" School of a

    combination rigid and soft ") are resulted.

    Mind is a single whole with heavens and the ground.

    1. The circular rhythm of a body is similar to a cycle of the sun and the moon.2. The way of inhalation and exhalation is a rigidity and softness.3. Act according to time and changes.4. The technics comes when there is no realized idea.5. Legs should come and recede, be divided and meet.6. The sight does not miss even the slightest change.7. The hearing is well directed in all directions.

    Now at school Goju-ryu exists 13 kata. Nine of them the following: Chinese Sanchin, Saifa

    (" Danger with a side "), Seiyunchin (" Pulling death "), Shisochin (" To blow up four "),Sanseru (" 36 hands "), Sepai (" 18 hands "), ururunfa (" the Flying wave "), Seisan (" 13

    hands "), Suparinpei ("108"). These kata have been brought by Kanryo Higaonna from China

    and kept in a protogenic kind. And, since XVI century (time of approximate creation of style

    of the White Crane) and till now any, even the most insignificant movement has not been

    changed. The others kata have been created by sensei Chojun Miyagi: Geki sai dai ichi and

    Gekisai dai ni (" Destroying attack-1 " and " Destroying tack-2 "); Sanchin-Goju-Ryu,

    created on the basis of Chinese; ensho (" a Rotating brush ").

    Long time secrets of style have been reliably hidden from uninitiated. And only sensei Morio

    Higaonna has started to propagandize this art widely. At present I.O.G.K.F. (" International

    Okinawa Goju-ryu Karate-do Federation") has branches more than in the sixty countries of

    the world.

    Victor Panasiuc,

    Chief-instructor IOGKF in Republic of Moldova