From Magnetic Nanoparticles to Magnetoresistive Biosensors

a b c b b b b b d e d e f b b, * a b c d e f - - x

Transcript of From Magnetic Nanoparticles to Magnetoresistive Biosensors

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Vol. 121 (2012) ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A No. 2

XLVIth Zakopane School of Physics, International Symposium Breaking Frontiers, Zakopane, Poland, May 16�21, 2011

From Magnetic Nanoparticles to Magnetoresistive BiosensorsI. Ennena, C. Albonb, A. Weddemannc, A. Augeb, P. Hedwigb, F. Wittbrachtb,

A. Regtmeierb, D. Akemeierb, A. Dreyerd, M. Petere, P. Jutzid, J. Mattaye,

N. Mitzelf , N. Millb and A. Hüttenb,∗aInstitute of Solid State Physics, Vienna University of Technology, A-1040 Vienna, Austria

bDepartment of Physics, Thin Films and Physics of Nanostructures, Bielefeld University, 33615 Bielefeld, GermanycMassachusetts Institute of Technology, RLE, LEES, 77 Massachusetts Ave, 02139 Cambridge, MA, USA

dDepartment of Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry, Bielefeld University, 33615 Bielefeld, GermanyeDepartment of Chemistry, Organic Chemistry I, Bielefeld University, 33615 Bielefeld, Germany

fDepartment of Chemistry, Inorganic and Structural Chemistry, Bielefeld University, 33615 Bielefeld, Germany

This paper highlights recent advances in synthesis and magnetotransport properties of magnetic Co nanopar-ticles. It is shown that magnetic Co nanoparticles self-assembled in nanoparticular monolayers revealing giantmagnetoresistance similar to granular systems but with additional features resulting from dipolar interactionsbetween small domains of nanoparticles. A spin-valve with one magnetic Co nanoparticular electrode is employedas a model to demonstrate that individual magnetic moments of Co nanoparticles can be coupled to a magneticCo layer which in turn o�ers tailoring of the resulting giant magnetoresistance characteristics. In addition, itis demonstrated that combining a magnetic on-o� ratchet with magnetic tunneling junctions integrated in theratchet introduces a new biosensor concept enabling: (1) simultaneous transporting and separating biomolecules,(2) dynamical biomolecule detection when passing magnetic tunneling junctions in a 1D arrangement. It isprojected that this biosensor concept could be applied for viruses as well as for bacteria.

PACS: 85.70.−w, 85.75.−d, 75.75.Fk, 64.75.Yz,

1. Introduction

The simultaneous discovery of the giant magnetoresis-tance (GMR) by Grünberg et al. [1] and Fert et al. [2] in1988 was already based on two di�erent GMR systems.While Grünberg was investigating Fe/Cr/Fe spin-valves,Fert was looking into the characteristics of {Fe/Cr}Nmultilayers so as to explore the origin of the GMR e�ect.Within in a very short time span thereafter both sys-tems were driving the development of a new generationof read-heads (GMR spin-valves) and a new generationof sensors for automotive applications (GMR multilay-ers) [3]. Only about ten years after this discovery thepotential of GMR sensors for the detection of magneticbeads was realized [4] and led to another technologicalavenue, the development of biosensors for life science ap-plications.Currently, magnetoresistive biosensors [5] use a new

detection method for molecular recognition reactionsbased on a combination of magnetic markers and XMRsensors (where X = A, G, C, T). Besides GMR-sensorsalso tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) sensors are ofgreat interest. Replacing the spacer layer in GMR spin--valves by a thin insulator such as AlOx or MgO will leadto a TMR sensor. If this insulating layer is thin enough,e.g. about 2 nm, electrons can tunnel from one ferromag-

∗ corresponding author; e-mail:

[email protected]

netic layer into the other � again a strictly quantummechanical phenomenon. The tunneling probability isassociated with the relative orientation of the magneti-zations of the two adjacent ferromagnetic layers.

A parallel orientation yields a high tunnel current or anelectrical state of low resistance whereas an antiparallelorientation is characterized by a low tunnel current ora state of high resistance. Like for GMR devices theTMR sensor can be switched between these two statesof electrical resistance employing an external magnetic�eld.

As is shown in Fig. 1, the new detection method con-sists of superparamagnetic nanoparticles or beads whichare speci�cally attached to a target molecule. The su-perparamagnetic nature of the nanoparticles or beadsenables to switch on their magnetic stray �elds by us-ing an external magnetic �eld. Hence, the localizationof the magnetic stray �eld by an embedded XMR sen-sor allows identifying the target molecule on or in closevicinity to the XMR sensor indicated by a drop in theelectrical resistance.

The challenges of the development of such a combinedtool for single molecule detection is fourfold: (1) the mag-netic core of magnetic nanoparticles has to be stabilizedby organic ligands so as to de�ne their size distributionand simultaneously to preserve their magnetic propertyby preventing them from oxidation, (2) to functionalizethe tail groups of the ligands such that biomolecules caneasily be marked by these magnetic nanoparticles, (3) todesign and realize XMR sensors which are capable of de-


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Fig. 1. Schematic presentation of a biosensor conceptfor single molecule detection.

tecting the magnetic stray �eld of magnetic nanoparti-cles enabling to count the number of magnetically labeledbiomolecules covering the sensors surface and (4) to in-corporate the sensors into a �uidic environment so asto ensure that all magnetically labeled biomolecules willpass by in low heights so as to ensure their binding ontothe sensors surfaces in a static mode resulting in an inter-action between their magnetic stray �elds and the XMRsensors or allowing an interaction between the magneticstray �elds and the XMR sensors while passing by in adynamic mode of analysis.Within this framework our paper is focusing on GMR

properties of magnetic Co-nanoparticles and on elaborat-ing a new sensor concept consisting of magnetic tunnelingjunctions (MTJs) integrated in a magnetic on-o� ratchet.

2. Synthesis of magnetic Co-nanoparticles

Thermolysis of magnetic nanoparticles was originallyintroduced by Puntes et al. [6, 7]. Tensides such as oleicacid, oleylamine or TOPO (tri-n-octylphosphine oxide)dissolved under inert conditions in an organic solventand subsequently heated to re�ux. The solvent tempera-ture is adjusted to the decomposition temperature of anappropriate metalorganic precursors such as Co2(CO)8which starts to decompose when injected to the hot sol-vent and initiates the formation of nucleation seeds.After formation, seeds absorb free metal atoms and

continue to grow as is sketched in Fig. 2. The tensidesact as stabilizers for the particles by forming a ligandshell around the metallic core. The particle growth dy-namics can be explained in the frame of the LaMer andDinegar model [8] which describes the growth process intwo separate steps, see Fig. 2: above a critical concen-tration of free metal atoms, nucleation seeds are formed.Once the concentration drops below a critical threshold,the number of seeds remains constant and the existingseeds continue to grow.The particle size can be controlled by a so-called suc-

cessive particle synthesis [9] depicted in Fig. 3. Dur-ing the growth process, repeated injection of precursorconcentration below the nucleation threshold results ina continuous growth without producing any new seeds.The interaction between a tenside and the particle sur-face can occur in many ways and are mainly based on

Fig. 2. Schematic illustration of LaMer's [8] nucleationand growth process so as to synthesis magnetic nanopar-ticles.

Fig. 3. The diameter of magnetic Co nanoparticles canbe increased by successive addition of precursor solutionemploying, see upper sketch. The monomer concentra-tion may not exceed the nucleation threshold. Result-ing particle size distributions together with TEM bright�eld images are given below.

dipole�dipole, hydrogen bond- or Van der Waals interac-tions. They do usually not show covalent characteristics.The strength of the coupling between ligand and particlestrongly a�ects the growth behavior of the metal cluster.The absorption of free metal atoms to the seed surfaceand, therefore, the continuation of growth is only possibleat those areas where no complexes are present. A mea-sure for the detachment of ligands is given by the dis-sociation constant De. A small value of De correspondsto a hard to break bond between the metal surface andthe ligand and, consequently, in reduced particle growth.The size of the dissociation constant may strongly vary,depending on the above mentioned binding a�nities todi�erent crystal planes.Crystals with a simple cubic symmetry result in an

isotropic value which entails spherical particles, seeFig. 4. However, if non-cubic crystal lattices are present,the dissociation constants may depend on the crys-tal plane and growth in speci�c directions is promoted[6, 10�12].

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Fig. 4. TEM bright �eld images of magnetic Co--nanoparticles with di�erent morphologies: discs,spheres and cubes, from left to right, below. Upperscheme sketches anisotropic nanoparticle growth due toligand binding to speci�c crystal planes of nuclei.

3. Nanoparticular GMR e�ect

Due to this broad range of options in synthesis mag-netic nanoparticles have been thoroughly studied dur-ing the last decades due to their many promising ap-plications in chemical, physical and medical �elds [13].A common example is their employment in micro�uidicdevices. Due to their permanent magnetic moment, theycan be controlled via external, inhomogeneous magnetic�elds [14] and also be detected by magnetoresistive sen-sors [15] which allows for magnetobased monitoring ofmagnetically labeled biomolecules.In this section we elaborate the potential of magnetic

nanoparticle to serve as GMR sensors themselves. Di-luted in a solvent after preparation these nanoparticlescan be employed as magnetic India ink so as to beprinted in form of monolayers onto di�erent substrate.Using magnetic beads as a model system it has beendemonstrated [16] that dipolar interaction between mag-netic beads introduced by external magnetic rotational�eld will allow con�guring these beads into chains be-low a critical rotation frequency. Overcoming the crit-ical frequency will destroy these chains as a result ofviscose sheer forces. The chain will break apart intotwo-dimensional small patches of beads which will ag-glomerate together in order to form highly ordered two--dimensional several 100 µm large bead monolayers.Meanwhile, we have transferred this method to mag-

netic Co-nanoparticles so as to prepare fairly large about1 µm × 1 µm nanoparticular array of hexagonal nextneighbor coordination. Within such assemblies, mag-netic nanoparticles themselves may act as magnetoresis-tive sensor devices. Surrounded by a non-magnetic ma-trix, various spin-dependent transport phenomena havebeen observed [17�21].Contrary to formerly used metallurgic preparation

techniques, nanoparticle fabrication by bottom-up chem-ical syntheses o�er signi�cant advantages. The system-atic adjustment of the self-organization process by, e.g.,the employment of ligands with di�erent alkyl chainlengths, allows for the independent variation of the

particle-matrix volume fraction and the inter-particle dis-tances between the magnetic granules and, therefore, en-ables a systematic study of granular resistive e�ects.

The preparation sequence starting from a monolayerof magnetic Co-nanoparticle to reach a granular GMRstructure is sketched in Fig. 5. One requirement is toremove the ligand shell and subsequently to electricallycontact adjacent Co-nanoparticles by a thin metal, e.g.Cu- or Ru-overcoat of about 5 nm thickness so as to min-imize electrical shunting. This procedure can be donein a UHV furnace by heating the nanoparticular mono-layer at 400 ◦C for 5 h in a 95% N2 + 5% H2 gas atmo-sphere. Without breaking the vacuum, a thin Cu-�lm isdeposited to ensure electrically contact in between thesenanoparticles.

Fig. 5. GMR response of a monolayer consisting of8 nm Co particles covered by a thin Cu �lm. Measure-ments were taken at room temperature with a samplecurrent of 1 mA and an in-plane external magnetic �eld.In comparison to the prediction for non-interacting par-ticles in blue, the experiments show additional featuresat �eld values symmetric to zero �eld as indicated by ar-rows. The blue line represents the calculated granularGMR e�ect.

A magnetotransport measurement using four-pointprobe geometry is given in Fig. 5 and was determinedimmediately after deposition of the overcoat in the samefurnace without breaking the vacuum or immediately atambient conditions so as to minimize oxidation. In com-parison to the prediction of the GMR characteristic ofnon-interacting particles additional features showed upas sharp peaks at �eld values symmetric to zero �eldwhile sweeping the �eld from one direction to its oppo-site. Nevertheless, the resulting negative slope of themagnetoresistance curve for the current density and theexternal magnetic �eld in parallel when increasing the�eld clearly indicates a GMR behavior of the nanopar-ticular Co-monolayer. Finite element methods [22] havebeen applied in order to explore the origin of these addi-tional peaks in the GMR-characteristic.

Preliminary results are summarized in Fig. 6. For a10 × 10 Co nanoparticle array with a hexagonal nextneighbor coordination peaks symmetric to zero �eld areresulting when assuming a distribution of small magne-

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Fig. 6. Calculated magnetic moment distribution (leftside) and GMR response (right side) of a monolayerconsisting of 10 × 10 Co particles assuming a hexago-nal next neighbor coordination and a distribution of asmall magnetocrystalline anisotropies, 0 kJ/m3 < K1 <20 kJ/m3. The resulting e�ective GMR characteristicin black shows similar features as being measured, com-pare with Fig. 5.

tocrystalline anisotropies in the range of 0 kJ/m3 <K1 <20 kJ/m3. The peaks are probably due to the rotation ofsmall nanoparticular domains towards the �eld direction.In equilibrium these domains are already present and areassociated with purely dipolar interactions between thenanoparticles.

Fig. 7. Proof of concept of the idea (left side) that Conanoparticles can be coupled to a Co layer via a Ruspacer layer coupling. For reference, the GMR char-acteristic (black curve, on right side) of three layers,Co3nm/Ru0.8nm/Co4nm, measured at room temperature.The resulting nanoparticular GMR curve at room tem-perature (red curve) clearly indicates spin-valve charac-ter of Co3nm/Ru0.8nm/CoNP⟨12nm⟩.

With these �ndings the question arises whether a spin--valve can be realized by replacing one of the magneticelectrode layers by a nanoparticular monolayer as is pic-tured in Fig. 7. As a reference the layered spin-valvestructure Co3nm/Ru0.8nm/Co4nm has been prepared andmeasured. The 0.8 nm Ru spacer layer is associatedwith a �rst antiferromagnetic coupling maximum [23].GMR e�ect amplitude of 0.36% at room temperaturewas achieved. It should be pointed out that no e�orthas been spent so as to optimize this value althoughit is clear that much larger e�ects can be realized inspin-valves [24]. The corresponding spin-valve structurewith one nanoparticular Co-monolayer shows a similarGMR characteristic with an e�ect-amplitude of 0.28%

at room temperature and clearly demonstrates the spin--valve character of Co3nm/Ru0.8nm/CoNP⟨12nm⟩. Thisstrongly indicates that magnetic Co nanoparticles canbe coupled to a magnetic Co layer utilizing the spacerlayer coupling. From an application point of view thisallows to tailor the GMR characteristics of nanoparticu-lar GMR sensors which by the way show incredibly largesensitivities when used as biosensors as is shown in [25].

4. Magnetic on-o� ratchet:

a new biosensor concept

The �uidic environment which ensures an enhancedprobability of binding labeled biomolecules onto XMRsensor surfaces is addressed here. One approach thatcan be used to transport biomolecules attached to mag-netic beads is the on-o� ratchet [26]. The combinationof non-directional Brownian motion and the action of anasymmetric potential, which is periodically switched onand o� may entail a directed transport without applyingexternal forces.

Fig. 8. Schematic illustration of the principle of a mag-netic on-o� ratchet on the left side. The magnetic po-tential acting in the o�-state is pictured as an undu-lating landscape. In comparison, the experimental real-ization of the magnetic on-o� ratchet on the right sideis showing the corresponding bead movement. Clearlyvisible is the net �ux of beads imaged as trace pattern.It arises from the asymmetric geometry of the magneticpotential visualized on the left hand side.

The on-o� ratchet mechanism is illustrated in Fig. 8.The �rst state is the on-state, where beads move to theirpotential minimum. The second state is the o�-state,where beads di�use freely. Due to the asymmetry ofthe potential, which can experimentally be realized bya superposition of an assembly of spatially periodic con-ducting lines with a homogeneous magnetic �eld perpen-dicular to the conduction lines [27], the distance to thepotential barrier on the steeper slope side is shorter thanthat on the gently inclined side. Thus the probability forbeads to pass the potential barrier during the o�-state onthe steeper side is larger than that on the gently inclinedside and hence a net �ux of beads arises as is shown inFig. 8 as well. Thus, this mechanism allows to intrin-sically separating larger from smaller objects within theratchet due to the reduced di�usivity of larger objects.

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Fig. 9. Transport rates determined in the magnetic on--o� ratchet for magnetic Chemagen M-PVA 1 beads(blue curve, marked with blue arrow in the inset). Incomparison the resulting transport rate of magneticChemagen M-PVA 1 beads carrying Lawsonia bacteria(black curve, marked with a black arrow in the inset).The transport rate for the pure Chemagen M-PVA 1beads is higher, as expected.

A proof of concept is given in Fig. 9 where the trans-port rate of Lawsonia bacteria bound to magnetic mark-ers is compared to that of �naked� markers. Indeed, thelatter are characterized by a larger transport rate. Thisresult might trigger a new concept for biosensor whichrelays on the competition between increasing Brownianmotion for decreasing object size and increasing inertiafor increasing object size.

Fig. 10. Calculated macroscopic bead velocity forbeads transported in the magnetic on-o� ratchet as afunction of their diameter.

An estimate of this potential is summarized in Fig. 10where the macroscopic velocity is given as a functionof this object diameter. The branch right of the max-imum of this dependence could be associated with theseparation of �naked� beads from those carrying bacteriawhereas the branch left from the maximum could be re-served for the separation of smaller �naked� objects fromthose carrying viruses but is still experimentally to beproven.

5. Dynamic bead detection employing

MTJ arrays

The complete innovation of the magnetic on-o� ratchetbecomes immediately visible when recognizing that ob-

jects are highly localized about minimum positions of themagnetic potential during its on-state. Integrating highlysensitive magnetoresistive sensors right at these positionsinto the magnetic on-o� ratchet will enable a dynamicdetection process of magnetically labeled biomolecules.Possible candidates for those sensors are MTJs reveal-ing large TMR-e�ect amplitudes at room temperature[28, 29]. The stacking of such a MTJ is given in Fig. 11.The resulting TMR-e�ect amplitude is 117% at roomtemperature. Eight of this MTJs 2 × 5 µm2 in size hasbeen patterned to a 1D array to demonstrate dynamicalbead detection.

Fig. 11. MTJ layer stacking sequence (left side) witha room temperature TMR e�ect amplitude of 117%.Eight of these MTJs have been patterned in a 1D arrayso as to demonstrate dynamical bead detection (SEMimage on lower right side).

Employing external magnetic �elds of 50 mT perpen-dicular to the MTJs when magnetic beads are passingby in a micro�uidic droplet of solvent is attracting thebeads towards the sensor surface and initiates changes inthe MTJ signal of about 10% for one bead only as is seenin Fig. 12.

Fig. 12. Proof of concept of dynamical bead detectionemploying the MTJs of Fig. 11. A 9.6% MTJ-signalchange was measured while only one bead was passingone MTJ sensor.

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It is quite obvious to have a new biosensor conceptat hand when combining a magnetic on-o� ratchet withMTJ integrated in the ratchet. Hence this concept wouldprovide: (1) simultaneous transporting and separatingbiomolecules, (2) dynamical biomolecule detection whenpassing MTJs. Moreover, it allows to completely transferthe molecular recognition to the bead surface and wouldenable molecular recognition in parallel when the beadssize is matched to the size of individual biomolecules.

6. Conclusions

We have demonstrated that dipolar interaction be-tween individual nanoparticles well separated will alsolead to GMR. Introducing spacer layer coupling as an ad-ditional interaction in monolayers of Co nanoparticles en-ables nanoparticular spin-valve devices which could sim-ply be printed in ASICs for future magnetotransport ap-plication. Furthermore, the potential of magnetic on--o� ratchet in combination with MTJ integrated in theratchet has been derived as a new concept for biosensors.


The authors a�liated with Bielefeld University wouldlike to thank the SFB613 and the FOR 945 for �nan-cial support in the framework of the project K3 and 3,respectively, and the BMBF project MagRat (grant No.16SV5048). Furthermore, Alexander Weddemann grate-fully acknowledges his Feodor Lynen Fellowship from TheAlexander von Humboldt foundation.


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