“FROM GANGSTERISM AND DRUG ABUSE TO BEING · PDF fileUnderstand that the masks we are...


Transcript of “FROM GANGSTERISM AND DRUG ABUSE TO BEING · PDF fileUnderstand that the masks we are...

Page 1: “FROM GANGSTERISM AND DRUG ABUSE TO BEING · PDF fileUnderstand that the masks we are wearing will prevent us from experi- ... This road of gangsterism and crimes will only lead



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CONTENTS03 A thought from the editor

04 Ekklesia defined



07 A new beginging

09 Year of Faith

11 I love the word of God

12 Why Christians don�t celebrate New Years

13 The joy of being young.

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A thoughtI have been living in Johannesburg for the past four months, and there is

not a day that goes by where my hair is not questioned or stared at. For

those who are brave enough to ask, “Is this a wig, what products do you

use” I merely endure the questions.

The admiration is not about my hair, the admiration is about me having

the bravery to be authentic. Authenticity is the honesty of internal and

external flaws a person might have, it is the rejection of pretence and

hypocrisy. Being authentic is telling the truth about all areas in life your,

us, believers we can at best be ourselves because we serve a God who

never lies.

Being authentic is the battle cry of this generation, we crave a place

where we can be our true selves and truly be loved by people. However,

the quest for authenticity does not come without its challenges.

We live in a society where putting on a mask to cover our flaws and in-

securities is expected. Aged ideals have made us hide the truth about

ourselves in an attempt to blend in. We have starved our hearts, leav-

ing us empty. The longer we wear our masks, the more comfortable it

becomes. Eventually, we suppress our true thoughts and feelings and

project an image we hope will prove our own worth to others.

Understand that the masks we are wearing will prevent us from experi-

encing the fullness of God. We cannot afford to loose out on any intima-

cy with God. How else will He show us the secrets of His word when we

come pretentious before His thrown? How else will we stand out above

the rest? You were created in His image, you are the apple of His eye,

you are a chosen generation and knowing this gives me the bravery to

be who God has created me to be.

Being authentic means that God and His word defines what is real, my

challenge to you is to trade-in the lies for the truth about yourself, accept

the truth and live in the truth.

In this issue, we cover the testimonies of Ezra and Mitchell, why Christians

don’t celebrate new years, the truth about the joys of being young and

much more.

Don’t forget to like and share our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and You-

Tube channels.

Till next time, Crissy

Editor: Cristal CollinsDesign & DTP: Kay Monareng

Editorial Enquires: 450 Ontdekkers Road, Florida, Gauteng, 1709Tel: 011 472 9233, Fax: 011 472 5660www.ekklesia.co.zawww.kofifipublishing.co.zaKofifi Publishing is a Kofifi Medai Group CompanyAll Rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or parts is prohibited without prior permission from the publication owner. The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of Ekklesia Magazine or Kofifi Media Group. Ekklesia


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Many years ago a verse was given to me, and af-ter constant confirmations, I was convinced that verse came to me as a blessing and an instru-ment to use in my life. “And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut, and he shall shut, and none shall open.” Isaiah 22:22

The verse has since become an instrument of change not just in my life, but in the lives of those around me. Recently I have sensed the Lord ask-ing me to wield Isaiah 22:22 through Ekklesia.

The Keys of The Ekklesia

A key, symbolising the authority of government can be read about in the book Isaiah within a passage concerning Jesus our Messiah. The second time these keys signify spiritual authority. “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heav-en: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”(Mat-thew 16:18-19)

The Ekklesia (church) paradigm was different from contemporary notions in the disciples day. During those days an Ekklesia was an assembly of peo-ple chosen to govern the affairs of a city, state or nation, primarily a congress or parliament. To the Roman Empire, it was an assembly of people to govern a conquered area as part of a hearts and minds operation. These groups would infiltrate government, schooling and other social struc-tures until it became Rome. When Jesus said he would build his church or Ekklesia, he was speak-ing about an assembly of people to govern and influence here on Earth.


Ekklesia defined...

Kingdom Governance

We should live this calling through prayer, and remember by voting, and also serving in our po-sitions as government. Frequent statements from academic leaders, political leaders and public leaders saying that religious beliefs should be kept private is an unbiblical notion! The purpose behind this satanically inspired idea is to keep the church from being the church.

We should embody this influence over govern-ment and other public spheres. We should realise that we are the governing force, and the instru-ment of change, we are all personally account-able as a spiritual authority. “Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this” (Isaiah 9:7).

We have been given keys of authority, through Isaiah 22:22 we will close doors and open doors to the light, as God’s governing force here on Earth we need to realise that we are the authority. The Lord is releasing the keys, heaven’s governmental authority is ours for the taking. As we hold these keys, our intercession and obedience will bind us into a partnership with God, expanding our realms of influence. God is not finished with South-Africa, he needs each and every one of us as he aug-ments this nation. Wield Isaiah 22:22 as a weapon, a spearhead for the Lord’s influence.

By Azziz Kara

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Most of the time we hear about gang members and drug dealers who lost their lives after killing many others, is this lifestyle worth it and can you move away once you have had enough of it?

We had the privilege of sitting down to hear the scariest life changing stories of three former gang members and drug dealers and how they managed to change their lives and in the pro-cess, impact the lives of many people.

We spoke to Mitchell and Ezra originally from Cape Town. The two former gang members, now residing in Pretoria at the Rehab Centre known as Teen Challenge, also volunteer their services to help change young people’s lives. The aim is to help young people make the right choices.

Question: What led you to a life of crime? Ezra: I was a guy who loved money, who loved the smell of gun powder on my fingertips and I could get young women and men to do things for me. The gang came to me because they saw how I used people, how I influenced people and they knew it would benefit them. I could get any woman I wanted and organise girls for anyone.

Mitchell: I was deceived by the good looks of money, cars and nice times. I wanted it all! I de-cided to get involved smuggling in abalone.

From gangsterism and

drug abuse to being

change agents...

From left to right: Mitchell Plaatjies Ezra James

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trial for one year and six months and the judge sentenced me to twelve years only. After thirty minutes the judge decided to decrease it to sev-en years, another thirty minutes passed and the final ruling was one year only. When the sentence was announced, I was in complete awe of God. I decided to change my life and approached my gang and said enough is enough I do not want to be part of this any longer.

Question: Any opportunities you missed as a result of a life in crime? Mitchell: I wanted to be a Boilermaker, but be-cause of my criminal past I can’t realise that dream. I was recently barred from travelling to the USA because of my criminal record. If only I knew then what I know now, I would have made different choices. Question: Any Regrets? Mitchell: I felt very bad returning to my com-munity after being involved in a major criminal activity, for the very first time, many people were disappointed in me, not only my family but the entire community because they expected better things from me. Almost my entire family served God.

Question: Do you think it was part of your desti-ny to go through this?

Ezra: God used me knowing that I would be strong enough to handle this. He knew what the end result would be. Question: Any last words of encouragement?

Mitchell: Prison is no heaven. I have seen how young people get raped, murdered and abused. It’s only by the grace of God that I am still stand-ing. Young people need to understand that what they do today, will catch up with them in future. I learnt the hard way, but you can make a different choice today.

Ezra: I want to encourage the youth to learn from my mistakes. This road of gangsterism and crimes will only lead to your death. Make the de-cision today to change your life for the good.

Question: What was your state of mind when you joined the gang?

Ezra: The gang members came to me and said they heard and saw the way I operated and loved it. I used people to get what I wanted. Get drugs and firearms from point A to point B. I thought to myself; I’m already so far in, I might as well go all the way. At the time, I thought this was going to benefit me I took this too far, I was very close to death. Question: What crimes have you committed? Mitchell: I was a leader in the 28 Gangs. I was involved in eleven attempted murder cases and a case of possession of two firearms. I spent al-most ten years of my life in and out of prison.

Ezra: I belonged to the gang called the 28’s. I sold drugs and used all kinds of drugs you can think of. Whatever new drug entered the market I would find it and find out how to use it. I was also involved in human trafficking.

Question: Can a gangster cancel their mem-bership as a gangster if they ever get tired of living/leading that lifestyle? Ezra: I think of the day I joined the 28 Gangs as the day in signed my life away. Once you know too much about the gang, you are better off dead than alive to them. There will be a target on your head from 50-100k because you know too much.

Question: What was the turning point for you? Ezra: I saw the tears of my family, the pain I caused them and I got tired of living a life of crime. There were many nights I prayed and asked God to give me another chance. God heard me cry and gave me another chance. I was sentenced to prison and I prayed to God “ If You come through for me this time I will change my life. “

Mitchell: After twelve years of being on drugs, in and out of prison and accused of various crimes, the judge wanted to give me a double life sen-tence. I prayed a lot during this time and asked God for a second chance. The lawyer came to me and said he is working towards one life sentence, but that was not God’s plan for my life. I stood

From gangsterism and

drug abuse to being

change agents...


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A new beginging

“God’s idea is for us to build a new life that flows from Him.”When Jesus came to the earth, He came to fulfil the law and establish a new way of life that is built on love. He made it easy for us to obey God, without having to be confined to a set of rules. The Bible says not to put new wine into old wineskins, and that is exactly what we do, not knowing that it can’t be done.

Through Matthew 9:14 – 17 we understand that the new testament is the fulfilment of the law, and the law is revealed (hidden) in the new tes-tament. Just doing the basics, will not necessarily give us access to heaven, it’s falling in love with Jesus holistically that will take us over the line. A new beginning is like when Paul said, “I am no longer a slave, but a bondservant of the highest” (1 Corinthians 7:22) A new beginning is really when the created makes a decision to pursue the creator instead of the other way around.

New Beginnings bring about new choices that we will have to make to enhance our lives and relationship with our creator, such as fasting and praying. Praying and fasting is for those that God has placed around us (Isaiah 58:6 – 11). Praying and fasting also give us the platform to hear God better, and so He can reveal Himself to us in a way that we have not experienced before. “For we are

A new beginging

His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10). God speaks to us in Matthew 9:35 -38, about healing, restoration and how demonic spirits are be dealt with through this kind of intimate relationship with him. We are His hands and feet through which His new beginning can flow here on earth.

1. We serve God out of relationship, not legalism2. God sent Jesus so the law through Him could be fulfilled.3. Jesus tells us not to live like children that are without hope (1 Thessalonians 4:3)4. The basis for new beginnings is for us to be outward bound, looking at the needs of others instead of our own.5. Obedience is better than sacrifice (1 Samuel 15:22)6. We cannot serve God out of fear because love is the opposite of fear (2 Timothy 1:7)7. Your calling is what’s important to God, so through your close relationship with Him, make sure you know what that calling is (2 Peter 1:10 – 19)8. God has already planned a life of good for us (Jeremiah 29:11)

To make an impact in our generation and the generation to come, our attitude needs to be about being a blessing to those around us in need (Acts 20:35).

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Every year, especially this time of the year, I med-itate, contemplate, incubate and exhume a lot of things in my life. I don’t do the Christmas thing because I had certain revelations early in my Faith walk regarding the birth, death and resurrection of Christ. Yes, I’m the terrible mother who told her children from the word go – There is no father Christmas, no Easter bunny, no tooth fairy and no St Valentine (well the St Valentine’s thing they ignore because it works for them).

I don’t want 2017 to Happen to me. I want God and me, to have full control over it. When, where, what, who… He is usually the one who determines everything but in the past, I always missed the memo. 2016 was a hectic year for me because what God laid out for me was not and I repeat NOT what I ever had in mind for myself. Firstly, I had to move back to Pretoria for various reasons, amongst them being to be with my Mum who lives among gangsters and drug dealers in Eersterust. Leaving behind everything including that which made life easy for me was torture. I had to live in my Mother’s house, like hundreds of years ago, (lol…that’s how it felt) something I nev-er thought I would do because I’m a big indepen-dent girl now.

I had to do community development programmes and work with children and youth, something I felt I had outgrown a long time ago. I had to be a Sunday School teacher again, something I told myself I didn’t have to do anymore because I’ve moved on with life (whatever that means). All this is good and well, the downside, however, was that I had no source of income (talk about the deep end).

By Fatima Abdool

The Year of Faith

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I meditated on these scriptures, only because I needed to understand exactly what it meant. My prayers changed… ” Lord please open my spiritu-al heart so that I can understand your word “ or “ Lord teach me how to ask, seek and knock”.

Instead of me feeling empty inside, the word of God started filling my hungry, needy spirit and my purpose for being back in my hometown became clear. I am here to bring change and hope in a dying community, I realised that the dramatic arts is my tool. Being amongst the needy, fatherless, lost yet creative and talented children, revived what God has given me right in the beginning of my walk with Him and that is to LOVE uncondition-ally and to LIVE out the Great Commission. I learned to ask in obedience according to His word. I learned to seek in the places that He leads me to seek and trust in His provision. I learned to knock at the doors that were already unlocked and ready for me to enter because whatever is opened in heaven is opened on earth. My pride and self-sustaining reputation fell because God wanted me to rely on Him com-pletely and blindly like a child (something very difficult for a control freak like me).

Yes, I was stripped from the Self and ushered into the Rest and Peace that surpasses all understand-ing. I learned that as an ambassador of the King-dom of Heaven, it does not matter where I am planted, as long as I represent the Kingdom. Can you imagine Jesus moaning and groaning when He was sent to earth to die for something He didn’t even do? That was the question I was con-fronted with after the revelation of the scripture. My prayers changed… “ Lord I thank you for choosing me to do what I’m doing now” and “Lord, I trust you as my Supplier, I will do what you want me to do”. As my walk of faith intensified, my focus was on “Seeking first His Kingdom”, He showed Himself off by opening doors and showing me His favour. I usually give the previous year a title and 2016 I titled….”Year of Faith.” As we enter 2017, all we should know is, the God who carried us through 2016 is the same God who carried us through all the other years before and He is the same God who carries us through years to follow. I don’t know the title of this year yet, but I rest in the fact that He is in control.

So, here I was, broke, debt piling up, debt collec-tors breathing down my neck, living from hand to mouth because I had no income. I found myself isolated from everyone, closed off from any form of adult relationships, the only person I could com-municate with was God, but even He felt like a distant thought. My prayers from January to March was: “Lord please provide for me financially” or “Lord I need money asap please”. Of course, God came through for me each time, He provided just enough to last us the next few days, yet all my accounts were paid on time and we could live.

I was completely unprepared for 2016 and what it held for me, I hated it. I’m a control freak and control gives me stability and the fact that I didn’t know what was happening threw me into “big time” depression. I only found out I was de-pressed when I read up on, “why people isolate themselves”, the word depression came up and I investigated it further. I felt offended and disap-pointed because, depression was never a word to describe me, Fatima Abdool. Yes, it sounds very pompous, and it’s exactly what it was. What makes me so special to not be weak at some point in my life? So, after my self-diagnosis, I started treating the symptoms, with the assistance of the Holy Spirit of course. Reading the word, reading good spiritual books, meditating, exercising and giving back to the needy became the order of my days.

Then I had a turning point – An old man from the USA met me at OR Tambo and started speaking words of wisdom over my life. The two scriptures he repeated over and over again was: “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these other things shall be added unto you” (Matt 6:33) and “Ask, and it shall be given you, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you” (Matt 7:7). I know these scriptures, all “good Christians” be-come acquainted with, scriptures from right in the beginning of the salvation walk but never before has it been so clear to me.

ContinuedThe Year of Faith

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Proverbs 3.5 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”

Leaning on my own understanding never worked out for me, and as a result of this, I found that I was constantly miserable. There came a time in my teenage years where I just stopped singing in church, so I asked myself why am I here? Who is God and why must I worship Him?

I would rush through one verse, close my Bible and affirm to myself, “Yes I read my Bible,” not realising that by reading the word of God, the everyday world would be better in my life. I was fooling myself with this self-taught peace because this peace would only last for a short while. I call it “worldly taught peace”. For exam-ple; watching hours of DVD’s, TV, drinking alco-hol, doing drugs and taking advice from broken worldly people.

My life changed when I broke down as I be-came so upset and frustrated with the war of wanting peace in my mind and home. I turned to the word of God one day and began reading it literally for hours. I forced myself to continue reading, asking the Holy Spirit to teach and help me to understand the word of God. I asked the Holy Spirit to help me apply the word of God in my life. I asked people from church questions about the word of God.

I took further steps by giving up TV; I stopped spending long hours producing beats, shying away from family and friends,

I love the word of God

not using my cell phone in my free time. I only read the Holy Bible and fully committed myself to seeking the face and righteousness of God.

After three months of spending time in the word of God, I began to believe in the peace that God gives. I finally started winning battles in my mind whenever I faced trials and tribulations. The trials and tribulations didn’t change immediate-ly, though. It took days, months and some even years to change. I praise God for helping me overcome the many obstacles in my life.

Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

This peace surpasses all understanding when you are filled with the word of God. Your mindset will begin to change when you are Holy Spirit led and being filled with the word of God. When you rest in the word of God by practising the com-mands and living a life like Jesus fully dependent on the Holy Spirit, you are blessed with hope.

It is imperative to ask the Holy Spirit to teach, guide and lead your walk of salvation. Romans 12.2 “Do not be conformed to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and ap-prove what God’s will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Stay blessed and believe it!

by Ralton

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they will not be envious of the celebrations going on. They will conduct themselves as if New Years is just another ordinary day. Because they are true-Christians, they hold on to the truths, teach-ings and traditions taught to the apostles by Jesus Christ. The same teaching passed on to the new Testament Chruch (Matt. 28:18-20).

Sadly the majority of Christians today do not see the truth behind the celebration of New Years. The history of new years is riddled with false-idol wor-ship; true Christians should carry the knowledge these events brought into our time. The Babylo-nians marked this religious occasion with a festival called Akitu, meaning “barley” in ancient Sumeri-an. During the 11 day festival, statues of the Babylonian gods were displayed throughout the city. “Atiku celebrated the mythical victory of the Babylonian sky god Marduk over the evil sea goddess Tiamat and served an important political purpose: It was during this time that a new king was crowned or that the current ruler’s divine mandate was symbolically renewed.” (History.com Staff, 2010).

What’s wrong with celebrating New Years? What’s wrong with “out with the old and in with the new”? Real Christians are, after all, commanded to “walk in newness of life” (Rom. 6:4). This theme is the core of New Year’s celebrations.

The UGLY TRUTH may surprise you!

January 1st, at the stroke of midnight: Mary and Johnathan party relentlessly, on a beach sur-rounded by inebriated vacationers. Kyle, indifferent to the danger he poses others, weaves through busy traffic while driving under the influence of alcohol. Teddy and Tanya, com-plete strangers; exchange kisses on a dance floor in a busy night club. Werner runs outside, firing rounds into the air with a pistol, in a celebratory act. Martha whispers the same prayer over and over on a cold church bench. Samantha, at home watching television, envies the masses cele-brating in the city centre.

There are others around the world who will not be celebrating New Year’s Eve. They will not be out engaged in dangerous or promiscuous behaviour;



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Through these rituals, the Babylonians believed the world was symbolically cleansed and recreated by the gods in preparation for the new year and the return of spring (Holiway, A., 2013). Other an-cient peoples performed rituals to rid themselves of their past, symbolising a form of purification, “...for example, some people put out fires they were using and started new ones” (World Book, 2001). Celtic peoples celebrated their New Year on the first of November, symbolising the end of the sum-mer and the start of the dark winter (Hope of Israel Ministries).

In early times, gifts of branches from sacred trees were exchanged between Romans, in later years Romans also exchanged coins with the image of Janus the god of doors and gates imprinted on them, (World Book, 2011).

When the Julian calendar was permanently in-stalled in 46B.C, New Year’s day was declared on the first of January. Some suggest that the change came in 1562 when Pope Gregory announced the new calendar for Christians. Consequently, the celebrations mentioned above were con-demned by the Catholic Church as paganism, but the growth of Christianity saw a concurrence with celebrations of pagan rituals and New Year’s day was not any different. The pagan connection with New Year’s celebration is evident, God’s view of pagan practices is also very clear. “Learn not the way of the heathen...for the customs of the people are vain.” (Jeremiah 10:2-3)

When God rescued the tribes of Israel from Egypt He commanded them; “After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein you dwelt, you shall not do: and after the doings of the land of Canaan, where I bring you, shall you not do: neither shall you walk in their ordi-nances” (Lev. 18:3).

God instructed the Israelites not to defile them-selves with these customs, it’s evident even further; “Therefore shall you keep My ordinance, that you commit not any one of these abominable customs, which were committed before you, and that you defile not yourselves therein: I am the LORD your God” (vs. 30).

The Israelites defied God by worshipping a calf they made in Horeb. The Israelites had forgot-ten that God had freed them, they forgot their saviour. The Israelites further lusted after pagan customs and rituals, so God decided to wake them up, through the Assyrians who invaded, conquered and relocated the northern kingdom of Israel (II Kings 17). God made his message clear, and the kingdom of Israel disappeared into history where they forgot their real national identity. Until today, the “lost” tribes do not understand who they are. It is evident that the one true God does not take pagan practices lightly.

A Christian understands that only one truth exists for man, there is only one truth humankind can live by; God’s Holy Scriptures. Let us not praise the Lord with our mouths but follow the ideas of men with our hearts. “Every plant which My heavenly Father did not plant shall be uprooted. Let them alone; they are blind guides of the blind. And if a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” (Matt 15:13-14)




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“Young people enjoy your youth. Be happy while you are still young. Do what you want to do, and follow your heart’s desire but remem-ber God is going to judge you for whatever you do.”[Ecclesiastes 11:9].

This portion of scripture was written by Solo-mon, a man who had asked God for nothing else but wisdom and God was pleased with Sol-omon’s request and told Solomon he would not only give him wisdom, but great wealth, honour, and a long life.

It is an ultimate truth that we as human beings do not remain in one phase forever; hence every stage in our lives should be lived to the maxi-mum.

Being young comes with a whole load of chal-lenges, it is said to be the most interesting stage and time in a human beings life. While you are young, you have the freedom to dream, to explore, to make mistakes and learn from them. When you are young, you have the opportunity to search and find the true you.

While being young, you have the strength and zeal to take on almost everything in life. There is a whole world of possibilities and opportunities. There are many things you can do with your life, many places you can go. The older you get, the more responsibilities you have and the less you can do. The older you get, the less you want to go places and do things.

The Joys of Being Young

The older you get, the harder it is on the body to go and do the things that are available to enjoy in life. Solomon teaches us to do things in life while you are young because those opportu-nities will not be available later in life. But as you go into this world never forget that for all that you do, you will be brought into judgement by God. Too often the young go and enjoy life but forget that their actions are going to be held accountable to the Lord.

Start with God early in life. Get close to God while you are young. God’s wisdom will keep you away from foolish mistakes. God’s wisdom will help you through life’s difficulties. A relation-ship with God will keep you from being com-pletely demoralised and depressed when prob-lems in life arise.

Looking back at our opening scripture, it clearly informs you to enjoy your youth. Things happen in life that cannot be controlled. Things happen in life that does not have rhyme or reason. So do not be consumed by the troubles of life that happen to you or to others. These things are simply the nature of life. Do everything that you can do while you are young, do not be troubled to the point where you give up on yourself and your goals. Believe in yourself, and you will be halfway towards living your dreams. Do the work and look at your mistakes as lessons.

Lastly, always remember that all things are pos-sible through Christ Jesus...

Elias Lobakeng

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