Friday, September 8, 2017

Friday, September 8, 2017 Fri., Sep. 8, 2017 Inside this issue: Council Corner Welcome Back Sunday 2 Knox Connection Community Events 3 Kindred Spirits More Voices Food Bank 4 Ragtime Concert 5 Service Schedule Volunteer Schedule 6 This Week at Knox 7 Scripture Reflections Prayers for The Week 8 Knox United Church Student Minister: Gail Fricker Church office Tel: 519-632-7461 Email: [email protected] Webpage: FROM OUR STUDENT MINISTER Jigsaw Puzzles Welcome Back! I know that many of you have been away for the summer, and this Sunday (September 10 th ) we are celebrating Welcome Back Sunday. Perhaps, like me, when you are away you get the chance to do things that you dont usually do during the busy routine of the year – like jigsaw puzzles! James Taylor, in Everyday Parables: Learning from Life reminds us how jig- saw puzzles can be a bit like studying the bible. When you first dump a jigsaw puzzle out onto a table, it looks like a hopeless mess. At first glance, nothing matches. Nothing fits together. And the bigger the puzzle, the more hopeless the task seems. Likewise, the Bible has an infinite number of pieces. It has 66 books, as- sembled by an unknown number of writers and editors. Each book can be read in many different translations. And there are hundreds of messages. And, like a jigsaw puzzle, at first the books dont seem to fit together – they dont match with the other bits and pieces of scripture. Initially, you might try to make sense out of a verse here and a verse there – like trying to find a corner or an edge in a jigsaw puzzle. But once you start putting the pieces together, it begins to start to make more sense. At Atlantic School of Theology this summer, I studied Hebrew Testament and Christian Doctrine. In the upcoming fall, I will continue in my Hebrew Studies as I take Old Testament Foundations. It has been an revela- tion for me to see how the Old Testament fits so neatly with the New. The sto- ry of Moses and the journey of Israelites, teaches us so much about God and prepares us for the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. It s like the jigsaw puz- zle begins to fit together! In the upcoming weeks I will be preaching from the book of Exodus and looking at what the story of the Israelites teaches us about the nature of God, and how that is relevant for us today. How is God Praiseworthy? Trustwor- thy? Loving? and Dependable? I am hoping that we will begin to see how the pieces fit together, and we will be able to see the bigger picture of our faith story as Christians. Lets journey and do the jigsaw together! Peace, Gail. Office Hours: Tuesdays to Fridays 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Transcript of Friday, September 8, 2017

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Friday, September 8, 2017

Fri., Sep. 8, 2017

Inside this issue:

Council Corner

Welcome Back Sunday 2

Knox Connection

Community Events 3

Kindred Spirits

More Voices

Food Bank


Ragtime Concert 5

Service Schedule

Volunteer Schedule 6

This Week at Knox 7

Scripture Reflections

Prayers for The Week 8

Knox United Church Student Minister: Gail Fricker Church office Tel: 519-632-7461

Email: [email protected]



Jigsaw Puzzles

Welcome Back! I know that many of you have been away for the summer, and this Sunday (September 10th) we are celebrating Welcome Back Sunday. Perhaps, like me, when you are away you get the chance to do things that you don’t usually do during the busy routine of the year – like jigsaw puzzles! James Taylor, in Everyday Parables: Learning from Life reminds us how jig-saw puzzles can be a bit like studying the bible. When you first dump a jigsaw puzzle out onto a table, it looks like a hopeless mess. At first glance, nothing matches. Nothing fits together. And the bigger the puzzle, the more hopeless the task seems.

Likewise, the Bible has an infinite number of pieces. It has 66 books, as-sembled by an unknown number of writers and editors. Each book can be read in many different translations. And there are hundreds of messages. And, like a jigsaw puzzle, at first the books don’t seem to fit together – they don’t match with the other bits and pieces of scripture. Initially, you might try to make sense out of a verse here and a verse there – like trying to find a corner or an edge in a jigsaw puzzle.

But once you start putting the pieces together, it begins to start to make more sense. At Atlantic School of Theology this summer, I studied Hebrew Testament and Christian Doctrine. In the upcoming fall, I will continue in my Hebrew Studies as I take Old Testament Foundations. It has been an revela-tion for me to see how the Old Testament fits so neatly with the New. The sto-ry of Moses and the journey of Israelites, teaches us so much about God and prepares us for the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. It’s like the jigsaw puz-zle begins to fit together!

In the upcoming weeks I will be preaching from the book of Exodus and looking at what the story of the Israelites teaches us about the nature of God, and how that is relevant for us today. How is God Praiseworthy? Trustwor-thy? Loving? and Dependable? I am hoping that we will begin to see how the pieces fit together, and we will be able to see the bigger picture of our faith story as Christians.

Let’s journey and do the jigsaw together!


Gail. Office Hours:

Tuesdays to Fridays 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

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On Saturday, September 16th, it will be my pleasure to help host Doors Open Waterloo Region for

Knox United Church from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Doors Open has been operating for 15 years

in Waterloo Region and there are an amazing 50 sites on the agenda. Some sites are chosen for

their heritage and architecture and others for their innovation and unique nature. When hosts met

together on Thursday night, Ayr was considered very special due to having two heritage sites for

viewing - our church built in 1884 and also Ayr Public School built in 1890. In contrast, the 4 year

old Dunfield Theatre in Cambridge is also open for the public. It was chosen for its innovation.

Props, scenes, wardrobe, dressing rooms and rehearsal halls as well as accommodation for the

roving actresses and actors (for the duration of their performances) are uniquely housed in this

single building. There are 13 other sites in Cambridge and even the Ontario Christian Gleaners

on Morrison Road is open for tours. It has been operating for 9 years and unique in that Waterloo

Region volunteers help produce over 6 million servings of food each year for less fortunate coun-

tries. (Our Kindred Spirits group has been among the volunteers.) Please see me if you would

like a copy of a Doors Open map and guide. It is my hope that many visitors will enjoy viewing

Knox United Church on Saturday and appreciate, as we do, the grandeur of our sanctuary, the

ornate trim and the beautiful stained glass windows, all skilfully crafted so long ago.

Next Sunday, don't forget to wear your blue Knox t-shirt when running in the Terry Fox run and get

your registration and pledges on line!

This Sunday, I will look forward to seeing you at worship and in the Fellowship Hall for potluck!

Yours in Christ,

Betty Butcher

Chair of Council

Join us September 10th, after the Worship Service, for a special "Welcome Back" lunch.

We are planning to have a POTLUCK lunch, so bring a dish or two of your choice. We will supply drinks and dishes.

We hope to see all our regular attenders, and we are encourag-ing old and new friends to join us for this special celebration lunch!!

‘WELCOME BACK’ SUNDAY September 10, 2017

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Knox United, Ayr has participated in the ‘Doors Open Waterloo Region’ in the past and is participating this year.

If you have any questions, direct them to Betty Butcher, Chair of Council.

For more information on ‘Doors Open Waterloo Region’ and to see what other sites are participating, visit the website at

Doors Open Waterloo Region

The 15th annual Doors Open Waterloo Region

September 16, 2017

10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at most sites

Admission is free


The Annual Terry Fox run is on Sunday, September 17th this year.

Last year Knox had the largest community team, all wearing a specially made Knox T-

shirt. This year we will not have a formal team. If you would like to run this year, please sign

up on-line by visiting the Terry Fox website at and follow the steps to regis-

ter. All the Run information is on the website.

Wear your Knox T-shirt to show Knox in the community.

Don't forget to bring your sponsor sheet to church next Sunday to get pledges!


Wednesday, September 13th at 1:00 p.m.

in the Library Lounge

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Items should be placed in the boxes provided under the coat rack outside of the Fellowship Hall. Items are weighed by Laura Johnson before they are put in the cupboard.

Suggestions for


Canned Soups & Stews

More Voices

Supplement to Voices United

We have received donations / raised funds to purchase 18 song books so far.

We are well on our way to our goal of purchasing 40 copies.

Each book costs $20. Donations of $20 can be made to purchase a copy for the church in memory of or in honour of someone special or from yourself.

An inscription will be placed inside the front cover of the book.

Donations should be placed in an envelope, marked “for More Voices” and sub-mitted to the Church office.

Please include the name(s) of ‘who the book is being donated in memory of or in honour of and ‘from who’.

See the insert in this Sunday’s bulletin.


Tuesday, September 19, 2017 @ 7:00 p.m.

Line Dancing Fellowship Hall

All Ladies invited - No charge

Hosted by: Janet & Glenyce

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Service Schedule

September 10th “Delight in God!” ‘Welcome Back’ Sunday with Praise Team

September 17th “Trust in God”

September 24th “Share God’s Love”

October 1st “God is Dependable” Intergenerational Service with Praise Team and Communion

October 8th “Give Thanks to God”

October 15th “Talking to God” (Praise Team)

October 22nd “What Lies Ahead?”

October 29th ‘Sunday School’ Sunday

Date September 10 September 17 September 24 October 1

Sanctuary / Church Decor

Glenyce Maus

Mary Weidner

Glenyce Maus

Mary Weidner

Glenyce Maus

Mary Weidner

Pauline Kocher

Susanne Gillow

Audio / Visual System

Glenyce Maus

Bob Maus Diane Bartle

Musicians Mike & Merry Schmidt Mike & Merry Schmidt Mike & Merry Schmidt

Scripture Reader Joyce Hambly Linda Davidson Rob Wittke Kathi / Daniel Taylor

Minute for Mission Reader

Sunday School Teachers

Linda Davidson

Tiffany Jull

Diane Bartle

Heather Raby

Heather Smith

Sandra Dance

Counters Sandra Dance

Anne Lovett-Hutchinson

Marg McNeil

Wayne/Karen Ehnes

Rob Wittke

Harry Humphrey

Jeremy Wright

Anne Lovett-Hutchinson

Coffee Time Rally Sunday

Pot luck Betty Butcher Karen Ehnes Munchies for Mission

Sunday Volunteer Schedule

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This Week at KNOX

Praise Team Practice9:30 AM Choir Practice Choir Room

  10:30 AM Worship Service Sanctuary        

(Praise Team)11:30 AM Pot-luck Lunch Fel lowship Hal l


12:00 PMNorth Dumfries


Fel l Hal l /


11:30 AM CSC Community Dining Fel l Hal l /

Ki tchen

7:00 PM Messy Church Planning Library Lounge 6:45 PM Cubs Fel l Hal l

9:30 AM -

12:30 PMOFFICE OPEN 9:30 AM -

12:00 PMNorth Dumfries


Fel l Hal l /


  7:00 PM Church in Action Library Lounge    

9:30 AM -

12:30 PMOFFICE OPEN 9:30 AM -

12:00 PMNorth Dumfries


Fel l Hal l /


1:00 PM Knox Connection


Library Lounge 3:30 PM The Art of Music


Choir Room / MP


6:45 PM Scouts Fel l Hal l

  9:30 AM -

12:30 PMOFFICE OPEN   9:30 AM -

12:00 PMNorth Dumfries


Fel l Hal l /


4:00 PM The Art of Music MP Room

    6:45 PM Beavers Fel l Hal l  

9:30 AM -

12:30 PMOFFICE OPEN 9:30 AM -

12:00 PMNorth Dumfries


Fel l Hal l /


    12:00 PM FCC "Young at Heart"

Seniors Lunch

Fel l Hal l /

Ki tchen 

  10:00 AM Doors Open Waterloo Sanctuary          

9:30 AM Choir Practice Choir Room

  10:30 AM Worship Service Sanctuary     Terry Fox Run    11:30 AM Coffee Time Fel lowship Hal l 1:00 PM Scout Fall Clean up Fel l Hal l













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As a church we are called to pray for each other and for our mission in the world. Throughout the week of

September 10, 2017

† We pray for the churches and their pastors in Ayr Ministerial:

Glen Morris United (Student Minister, Meghan Gilholm)

† We pray for the churches in the Hamilton Conference:

Arkell United Church, (Waterloo Presbytery)

† As we participate in the Monthly Prayer Cycle: (September)

Children & Youth Network

† Pray for Our Church:

Conference of Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario

† Prayers for our members:

John Gillespie

September 10th



Exodus 12:1-14

Ezekiel 33:7-11

Romans 13:8-14

Matthew 18:15-20

September 17th



Exodus 14:19-31

Genesis 50:15-21

Romans 14:1-12

Matthew 18:21-35