Fresh Pack Photo

3 Type of photographs -Photographs of products Media products photographs are used in 1)Advertisements - Magazines -Websites -Billboards -Posters -Tv (Packshot) 2)Articles -Menus -Cookbooks -Cooking Magazines -Catalogues I like this photo because of how the camera has focused on the front of the product then goes blurry



Transcript of Fresh Pack Photo

Type of photographs

-Photographs of products

Media products photographs are used in


- Magazines




-Tv (Packshot)




-Cooking Magazines


I like this photo because of how the camera has focused on the front of the product then goes blurry towards the back of the product. It also captures the light reflecting off the belt buckle.

I think this photo is good because of the way the bottles have been placed to

show the full name of the brand. It also focuses on the front two bottles and fades out the rest.

I think the way the photographer has captured not only the product but it’s also its reflection gives it that added edge of professionalism.

I like this photo because of how the product placement sells the bracelets. I also like how the colours have been captured in the image.

I like this image because it is an action shot; Capturing the exact moment the bottle has

smashed. By doing this it also shows the radiance in the nail varnish colours used by the brand.